ICT Tips of the Week ICT Tip of the Week

ICT Tips of the Week
ICT Tip of the Week - Shortcut to selecting the whole of a file
To select all of a Word document – press Ctrl+A on the keyboard or if you prefer using the mouse,
triple-click in the left margin of the document. Ctrl+A also works in other Windows applications e.g.
when selecting the whole of an Excel spreadsheet, all files in a folder, everything on a PowerPoint
slide etc. Try it! (w/c 9/11/10)
ICT Tip of the Week – Office 2007 Quick Access Toolbar
Customise the Quick Access Toolbar in Office 2007 (this toolbar is next to the Office button at the
top left of the screen in the Office 2007 applications) & you can quickly access some frequently used
features – New, Open, Email, Quickprint, Print Preview etc. To customise it, click on the drop-down
arrow at the end of the toolbar & select each of the buttons you require. Any other buttons you
need can be found by selecting More Commands at the bottom of the list or by right-clicking any
button on the ribbon & selecting Add to Quick Access Toolbar. (w/c 16/11/10)
ICT Tip of the Week – Change Line Spacing in Word
To quickly change the line spacing for a Word document you can use shortcut keys. Select the text to
be changed (if necessary) then use either Ctrl+1 (Single), Ctrl+2 (double) or Ctrl+5 (1.5) (w/c
ICT Tip of the Week – Organising Emails in Outlook
Get organised with your Outlook emails – use flags/reminders to mark emails you need to respond
to at a later date. Right-click the email item in your Inbox & select Follow up. Either select from the
available flags or select Add Reminder to specify an exact date/time for the reminder. (w/c
ICT Tip of the Week - Undo
A keyboard shortcut to use the Undo feature in all MS Office applications is Ctrl+Z. You can Undo up
to 100 of your last actions in all MS Office 2007/2010 applications. (w/c 6/12/10)
ICT Tip of the Week – USB Pen drives
Mislaid USB Pen Drives can be returned to their rightful owner if a ‘Contact Me’ file is stored on it –
simply create a Word document with your contact details & save it on the pen drive. (w/c
ICT Tip of the Week – Pin documents to the Recent documents list
When using Word, Excel & PowerPoint in Office 2007/2010, you can ‘pin’ frequently used files to the
Recent Files list by clicking the pin character to the right of the file name. These documents will then
remain on the list at all times for you to access them quickly. To Unpin the file, just click the pin
character again. (w/c 4/1/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Convert text case
To convert text quickly from uppercase to lowercase, & vice versa, in all versions of Word– select the
required text, and use the keyboard shortcut Shift+F3 keys (together). Keep pressing these keys until
the correct capitalisation is displayed (options available are: lowercase, uppercase, title case/
paragraph case). (w/c 10/1/11)
ICT Tip of the Week - Help reduce unnecessary emails
Set an email ‘Expiry Date’ when you send out an email that has a deadline. This helps prevents
anyone sending/receiving unnecessary replies after the deadline has passed. The Expiry date can be
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set by selecting the Options button in Outlook 2003, or the Options tab in Outlook 2007 followed by
Message Options (click the arrow in the corner of the Message Options group). Set the expiry
date/time in the Expires After box. Any message still in anyone’s Inbox after this date, will display
with a strikethrough line & a flag to say ‘this message expired on [date/time]’. (w/c 17/1/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Automatically Spellchecking Emails
Avoid any spelling/typing errors being sent out in your emails by switching on the automatic
spellchecker. In Outlook 2003/2007, select the Tools menu, then Options, then the Spelling tab. If
the Always check spelling before sending box is empty, click it to switch this feature on, then click
OK. When using Webmail, select the Options button at the bottom left of the screen, navigate to the
Spelling section & again, check the Always check spelling before sending box. Click on the Save &
Close button at the top. (w/c 26/1/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Set your default Font
Do you change the font every time you create a new Word document? Set the default font in Word
2007 by clicking on the arrow in the corner of the Font group of buttons on the Home ribbon. For
Word 2003, select the Format menu, then Font. Select your preferred font/point size and then click
on the Default button at the bottom of the dialogue box. Confirm this when prompted to do so.
Click OK. The font will now be set for all new Word documents. This will also prevent the font from
reverting back to the original setting in your documents. (w/c 31/1/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – MS Word Long Documents
To view a long Word document in its entirety so that you can spot blank pages or stray lines on the
top/bottom of pages etc. hold down the Ctrl key & scroll the wheel of your mouse backwards until
you see the number of pages you need. You can now edit the document if required, or zoom into a
particular page that needs attention by clicking on the page & scrolling the wheel of the mouse in
the opposite direction with the Ctrl key held down again. (w/c 7/2/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Attaching Word/Excel or PowerPoint files to Emails
Did you know that you can send Word/Excel or PowerPoint files directly from their applications
without going into Outlook first? When the file is open in Word/Excel or PowerPoint – for v2003
select Send To from the File menu, then Mail Recipient as attachment. For v2007 - from the Office
button select Send, then Email. A new email will then open automatically with the document
already attached to it. Simply address the email as usual, add a subject/message and press Send.
(w/c 14/2/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Using the BCC field when sending an Email
Use the BCC (blind courtesy copy) option when sending an email to a list of people where you don’t
want the recipients to see the other names/email addresses. The BCC feature can be found on the
Options tab in Outlook 2007 or on View, Show BCC field on Outlook 2003. (w/c 21/2/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Shortcut keys
Here are some of the many shortcut keys available that work across all applications:
Ctrl + X = cut
Ctrl + C = copy
Ctrl + V = paste
Ctrl + O = open
Ctrl + P = print
Ctrl + S = save
Ctrl + F = find
Ctrl + H = replace
(w/c 3/3/11)
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ICT Tip of the Week – Text wrapping in Excel
When you’re typing into an Excel cell, press Alt+Enter together when you want a line break between
words (w/c 10/3/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Check Names in Outlook /Webmail
When addressing an email to someone internally for the first time & to avoid scrolling through the
global address list/contacts to find them, type their surname in the To: box of the new email & then
click the Check Names button. Names matching that surname will then be displayed for you to select
the correct addressee. (w/c 14/3/11)
ICT Tip of the Week - Outlook templates
You can create templates in Outlook for those ‘standard emails’ where the content is similar each
time. This saves time in keying it in each time or trying to find a previous email to reuse. To do this,
create the email in the usual way (without any addressees). When complete, using Outlook 2003:
select Save As from the File menu, for Outlook 2007: select Save As on the Office button. Name the
template, then in the Save as Type box – select Outlook template, click Save. Close the template
when complete, without saving.
To use the template, in Outlook 2003 & 2007 – select the drop-down arrow on the New button,
followed by Choose Form…, then select User Templates in File System from the Look In box. Select
the required template & address as usual. (NB: A Choose Form.. button can be added to the Quick
Access toolbar in Outlook 2007 to speed this bit up – see Tip of the Week Archive on how to do this)
(w/c 21/3/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Redirect Outlook email replies
You can direct an email reply to a different email address by using the Direct Replies To feature on
the Options tab in Outlook 2007. In Outlook 2003, use the Options button in a new email to find the
same feature. (w/c 28/3/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Excel formulas
When composing Excel formulas that require absolute references ($), you can press the F4 function
key on the keyboard to set a cell address as being absolute. By repeatedly pressing the F4 key during
this process, you can choose between a full absolute reference ($A$1) or partial absolute reference
($A1 or A$1) (w/c 4/4/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – More Keyboard shortcuts
To move quickly to the beginning of Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint
presentations, Outlook emails, file lists, email lists etc. – use the Ctrl+Home shortcut key. To move
the end, use Ctrl+End. (w/c 11/4/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Text Selecting Shortcuts in MS Word
To select:
A word - Double-click on it
A sentence – Ctrl+click on it
A paragraph - Triple-click on it
Whole document – Ctrl+click in left margin
(w/c 2/5/11)
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ICT Tip of the Week – Customise your MS Office Status Bars
Status bars in MS Office applications can be customised when using v2007/v2010. Right-clicking on
the status bar will display a list of available features for you to select/deselect to suit your own
preferences e.g. if you use Track Changes or Section breaks in Word, these features will not be
visible unless you select them. Contact Jane Robinson (ICT Training Officer) if you have any queries
on the ICT Tip of the Week or would like to submit your own suggestion.
(w/c 9/5/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Copying an Excel formula
Most Excel users know that they can copy a formula by dragging the Fill Handle (the black + symbol
on the bottom corner of the cell) but did you know that by double-clicking that Fill Handle your
formula can be copied quickly to the end of the data in that column?
(w/c 16/5/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Internet Explorer Favourites
Try using the shortcut key Ctrl+D to add a web page to your Favourites
(w/c 23/5/11)
ICT Tip of the Week –Autofill in Excel
If you want a list of months, days, dates or times in Excel – you can use the Autofill to do most of the
work for you. Just type in the first month (Sep or September) , day (Mon or Monday) or date and use
the Autofill on the bottom right corner of that cell (the mouse pointer looks like a + symbol) and
drag down the column or across the row to fill the cells with the continuation of your list. Saves a lot
of typing….
(w/c 6/6/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Word 2007
To easily add a watermark to a Word document, select the Watermark button on the Page Layout
ribbon. Choose from one of the text watermarks displayed or, if preferred, select Custom
Watermark. You can enter your own text or select a picture watermark.
(w/c 13/6/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Microsoft Office Specialist certification is coming soon
ICT Services is delighted to announce the imminent arrival of the MOS certification for staff. If you
want to become recognised as an expert in Microsoft applications, keep an eye out for the launch of
the new GMetrix training & testing tools to help you get ready for your Microsoft exam.
(w/c 24/6/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Outlook Personal Folders
Are your Personal folders backed up in a safe place? Do you know where they are stored? If they are
stored on the hard drive of your PC (drive C:\), it is your responsibility to ensure they are copied to a
safe location so that you could recover them in the event of a hard drive failure. To find out where
they are stored, right click the Personal Folder & select Properties. Then click on the Advanced
button. The location of the Personal Folder will be displayed in the Filename box. If you are unsure
how to back up this file, contact the ICT Training Officer or the ICT Helpdesk.
(w/c 4/7/11)
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ICT Tip of the Week
Have you signed up for the GMetrix e-learning software yet? You can use the system at work & at
home if you have a Windows PC with MS Office 2007/2010 installed. Gmetrix software tests your MS
Office skills then you can use the training to fill any gaps in your knowledge. Log a call with the ICT
Helpdesk, including your PC Inventory ID, to get the software deployed to your PC, then contact the
ICT Training Office for your access code. (w/c 18/7/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Customise your MS Office status bar
Did you know that Office 2007 applications have customisable status bars? If you right-click on the
status bar at the bottom of the application screen, you will see a list of all the available functions.
You can customise what will display by selecting/de-selecting the required items. (w/c 8/8/11)
ICT Tip of the Week - Undo
Did you know you can Undo up to 100 items in MS Office applications? To quickly undo several
items, click on the arrow alongside the Undo button and select the range of items you wish to undo.
Unfortunately you can’t undo random items from this list.
(w/c 15/8/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Distribution Lists in Outlook
Save time when addressing emails to a group of people by making a distribution list (or group) to
store their details. From the New button in Outlook, select Distribution List. Give the list a name,
then click the Select Members button. Select the individuals from the Global Address list ,from your
Contacts or click the Add New button to enter in an email address manually. Click on Save & Close
when complete. To use the Distribution List on an email, type in the name of the list in the To: box,
or select it from your Contacts. Outlook will distribute the email to everyone on the list.
(w/c 29/8/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Sending emails from other accounts in Outlook
If you have ‘send’ access from other email accounts other than your own, you can display the ‘From’
button on new emails & then select the account that the email should be sent from. Using Outlook
2007/2010 – select the Options tab on a New email, then click on the From button. Select the
required account name from the drop down list available.
(w/c 19/9/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – using the F4 key in Microsoft Word
When repeating formatting in a Word document (e.g. applying bold, changing a font or point size)
try using the F4 function to repeat your last action to save time & effort.
(w/c 26/9/11)
ICT Tip of the Week - Viewing Outlook Mail/Calendar
If you want to have your Inbox and Calendar open simultaneously in Outlook, open your Inbox then
right-click the Calendar feature on the left and select Open in New Window. You can then move
between the Inbox & the Calendar via the Taskbar with ease without losing one whilst you open the
(w/c 10/10/11)
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ICT Tip of the Week – Copy/Paste Options in Word
When pasting text into a Word document from elsewhere, use the Paste Options button displayed
below the pasted text to control the formatting of the text to avoid font changes etc. Options
available are: Keep source formatting, Keep Destination Formatting, Keep Text Only
(w/c 17/10/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Updateable Header & Footer Information
Instead of typing document information into a Header/Footer – you use updatable fields for items
such as filename & path, author name, last modified date etc. In Word 2007/2010, use the Quick
Parts button on the Insert ribbon, then select the Field option. In the Field list, select the required
field name from the many available (e.g. Filename, Author, SaveDate etc.) Select any additional
options as required. These items will update automatically as filenames change or the file is saved.
(w/c 24/10/11)
ICT Tip of the Week – Grow/Shrink Font Size in Word documents
To quickly increase or decrease font size in Word 2007/2010, select the text and use the Grow Font
or Shrink Font buttons in the Font group, on the Home ribbon tab.
w/c 31/10/11
ICT Tip of the Week – Accessing Other Calendars/Mailbox via Webmail
Did you know that you can also view other mailboxes & calendars when using Webmail? After
logging in, simply add the username followed by /inbox or/calendar to the url in the address bar (see
example below). Of course, this is dependent on you having permission from the mailbox/calendar
w/c 7/11/11
ICT Tip of the Week – Freeze Panes in Excel 2007/2010
When working on large Excel worksheets, locking the top row or the first column helps when
viewing the data. To do this, select the View ribbon tab, followed by Freeze Panes. Then select
Freeze Top Row or Freeze First Column
w/c 14/11/11
ICT Tip of the Week – Send a copy of your Calendar via Email
When you can’t use the Outlook scheduler to arrange appointments/events – why not send a copy
of your Outlook calendar via email to show your availability? No details are given – just
Free/Busy/Out of Office entries. When creating the email, select the Insert ribbon tab and choose
Calendar. Select the required Calendar (if you have access to more than one), enter the required
date range, set any other options. The Calendar will then be displayed within the email body.
Additional message text can be included above or below the calendar detail.
w/c 21/11/11
ICT Tip of the Week – Quickly select an entire column/row of data in MS Excel
To select just the data in an Excel column or row – select the first cell, hold down the Shift key &
then double-click the bottom border of the selected cell to select the column of data or double-click
the right border of the cell to select the entire row.
w/c 28/11/11
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ICT Tip of the Week – Mail box over limit messages
Empty your Deleted items folder regularly (right click Deleted items, and select Empty folder) &
archive items from your mail folders including Sent Items to avoid exceeding your mail box quota.
w/c 5/12/11
ICT Tip of the Week – Attach documents to Calendar appointments/events
Did you know you can also attach documents to calendar events (& tasks) as well as emails? For
example Minutes of meetings, agendas etc. can all be included with the details of the meeting in
your calendar to save time going back through old emails looking for those documents. You can
either use the Attach File button within the appointment window or copy & paste documents from
your Inbox/files into your calendar event.
w/c 12/12/11
2012 - Get your IT Skills up to ‘Olympic’ standard with Microsoft Office Specialist Certification
83% of employers feel their Microsoft Certified employees are more productive. All UOG staff have
access to free Microsoft Office Specialist exams, a widely recognised certification scheme. Choose
from any of the following : Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint or Access 2007 or 2010 certification.
Gmetrix training/testing software is also available which can be deployed to your work PC (and can
possibly be installed by you on your home PC). This software will prepare you for the Microsoft
exams & can be used in conjunction with the tutor-led training already available. If you’re interested
in improving your Microsoft Office skills & getting a certificate to prove it, contact the ICT Training
Officer for further details.
w/c 9/1/12
ICT Tip of the Week – Used your Sky Drive yet?
All UOG Students have access to 25Gb of online storage via the Sky Drive. If you haven’t been
making use of this useful resource, next time you log onto your Connect account – look out for the
Sky Drive button & start uploading files. You can access your Skydrive anywhere online and you get
to keep your Sky Drive (& your Connect account) even after you leave Uni – so keep copies of your
assignments, upload your photos and even share files with your friends/colleagues!
w/c 17/1/12
ICT Tip of the Week – Convert a pdf file back to Word format
If you have (or know someone who has) Adobe Acrobat installed on your PC you can convert a pdf
document back into Word format as follows:
 Open the pdf file in Adobe Acrobat
 Select File, Save As
 Select Microsoft Word
 Select the required MS Word format
 Enter/Edit file name if required
 Click Save
w/c 17/1/12
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ICT Tip of the Week – Recalling an Outlook Email
An unread email can be recalled and/or replaced with an amended version as follows:
 Open the Sent Items folder, locate & open (double click) the message to be recalled.
 Locate the Other Actions button (Outlook 2010 – Actions button) & select Recall This Message.
 Select from either Delete Unread Copies Of This Message or Delete Unread Copies And Replace
With New Message.
 Check/uncheck the Tell me if recall succeeds or fails for each recipient
 If you chose to replace with a new message, you can then enter the new email details.
 Click OK
If the email has already been opened/read, the recall will be unsuccessful but the user will see your
recall message attempt.
w/c 23/1/12
ICT Tip of the Week – Saving MS Office 2007/2010 files for use with incompatible software
New versions of MS Office documents cause problems if some users try to open them using
incompatible software – so by using Save As & selecting the 97-2003 format from the Save as Type
box, most users will then be able to open the file.
w/c 30/1/12
ICT Tip of the Week – Minimise the MS Office Ribbon
If the Ribbon tab is taking up too much of your screen space, double-clicking any of the ribbon tabs
in MS Office applications will hide. To reveal it temporarily, click once on any of the tabs. To reveal it
permanently, double-click any of the ribbon tabs again.
w/c 6/2/12
ICT Tip of the Week – Joining two cells in an Excel worksheet
You can write a formula which will join two cells together to avoid rekeying the data e.g. first name
and last name to make a new cell containing the full name, as follows:
 Create a new column
 In the first blank cell, type: =[first cell address]&” “&[second cell address]
 Press Enter (the &” “& represents a space between the first and second cell contents)
e.g. a1&” “&b1
 If required, copy this formula to the bottom of the column
w/c 13/2/12
ICT Tip of the Week – Locked yourself out of your Staff Uni account? Can you Reset your Own
Have you registered to be able to reset your own staff password? You can register for this selfservice system from the Staff website by selecting Log into e-learning at the top of the screen &
selecting Password Self Service. Once you’ve registered you can avoid having to log a call with the
ICT Helpdesk when you lock yourself out of your account by resetting your own password.
w/c 20/2/12
ICT Tip of the Week – Microsoft Office 2010 Certification
ICT Services are now able to offer Microsoft Office 2010 Specialist exams as well as those for Office
2007 applications. Contact the ICT Training Officer for further details.
w/c 27/2/12
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ICT Tip of the Week – Annoying Email Alerts?
Do those ‘new email’ pop ups interrupt your train of thought? You can turn them off as follows.
Outlook 2003/7
Select Tools, then Options, followed by Email Options (under Preferences), then click on the
Advanced Email Options button. Look for the ‘When new items arrive in my Inbox’ section and
customise the settings to suit including switching off the Desktop Alert.
Outlook 2010, from the File menu, select Options. Select the Mail category in the left column. In this
screen – under the Message Arrival section – customise the settings as above.
w/c 12/3/12
ICT Tip of the Week – Adding an updateable filename/path to a header/footer in a Word
Instead of manually typing the filename/path into a Word document, add it as a field so that it will
update automatically if the document should be renamed or moved. You can then see exactly where
the file is stored by looking at the header/footer text.
Using Word 2007/2010 – Insert a header or footer (or edit an existing one)
 Open the header/footer area (double-click it) if necessary
 Click or tab to where the filename/path is required within the header/footer box
 Select the QuickParts button on the Header/Footer tab
 Select the Field option from the list
 Select the Filename field from the field list
 Select from the format options available (lower case/title case etc.)
 Click the Add Path To Filename box (if required)
 Click OK
w/c 19/3/12
ICT Tip of the Week – Microsoft PowerPoint
During a PowerPoint slide show, pressing the B or W keys on the keyboard will pause the slides and
show either a black or white screen – useful if you want to write/draw on the whiteboard or simply
stop the slideshow temporarily & clear the screen.
w/c 26/3/12
ICT Tip of the Week – Customising the Windows 7 Taskbar
Did you know that you can pin your frequently used applications to your Windows 7 Taskbar? To do
this, click on the Start button, locate the name of the program e.g. MS Outlook/Word/Excel/SITS etc.
– right click its name and select Pin to Taskbar. To open the program you then only need one click
on the icon on the Taskbar to open it. In addition, you can right-click the icon & access your most
recently used files. Frequently used files can be pinned to this list by clicking on the pin symbol
alongside the file name. Unpinned files will disappear from this list eventually.
w/c 2/4/12
ICT Tip of the Week – Using Outlook Quicksteps buttons
Outlook 2010 has a new group of buttons called Quicksteps. These can be customised to make
sending/organising emails simpler & quicker. Quicksteps can be used for a variety of repetitive
processes e.g. to address a team email, forward an email, move emails to folders etc. By clicking on
the Manage Quicksteps button on the Home tab in Outlook you can edit the properties of the
existing buttons, add new ones or remove any that are not required. Full instructions are available
in the Windows 7/Office 2010 What’s New course notes.
w/c 16/4/12
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ICT Tip of the Week – Configure Excel default cell movement
When you press the Enter key in Excel, the default movement is to go down to the cell below. To
change this so that the cursor stays in the same cell or moves in a different direction– see below:
 In Excel 2010 - Select Options from the File menu
 In Excel 2007 – Select Excel Options from the Office button
 Select the Advanced tab
 Under Editing Options either clear the ‘After Pressing Enter, move selection’ checkbox
 Change the direction the Enter key moves by selecting from the drop down list available
w/c 23/4/12
ICT Tip of the Week – Adding a row to the end of a Word table
Run out of rows at the end of your Word table? Press the Tab key in the last cell of a Word table will
automatically add a row.
w/c 30/4/12
ICT Tip of the Week – Are you backing up your Outlook Personal Folders (pst files)?
If you’re storing your Email archive on the C:\ drive of your PC, you are responsible for ensuring that
it is backed up & secured in the event of a hardware failure. ICT Services only backup the Network
drives. If you’re unsure where to locate the file/s, right-click the archive whilst in Outlook, select
Properties and then click on the Advanced button. Look in the filename box for the path to the pst
file. When you locate the pst file (via My Computer or Windows Explorer), ensure that Outlook is
closed. it can then be copied to a memory stick on a regular basis to ensure you have a backup copy
available if required.
w/c 7/5/12
ICT Tip of the Week – Automatically Add Bank Holidays to your Outlook Calendar
National Holiday dates can be automatically inserted into your Outlook calendar as follows:
Outlook 2003/7: On the Tools menu, select Options, select the Calendar Options button,
and then click on the Add Holidays button. Ensure the United Kingdom box is checked (and
any others you may require), then click OK
Outlook 2010: On the File menu, select Options, select Calendar (top left), under Calendar
Options, select Add Holidays. Ensure the United Kingdom box is checked (and any others
you may require), then click OK
NB: the additional Jubilee Bank Holiday on June 5th will not be included in this holiday update
w/c 14/5/12
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ICT Tip of the Week – Formatting dates in Excel to display the day of the week
Excel can display dates in a variety of ways but none of them display the day of the week that the
date occurs/occurred on. You can build a custom format as follows:
 Select the cell/cells that the dates are stored in
 Right-click & select Format cells
 Select the Custom category from the Format cells dialogue box (Number tab)
 If necessary, locate the dd/mm/yyyy format on the list
 In the Type box: modify this as follows:
 ddd dd/mm/yyyy
 dddd dd/mm/yyyy for a full day
 Click OK
w/c 21/5/12
ICT Tip of the Week – Setting up access to your Inbox/Calendar
If you’re going on leave & need others to access your emails or calendar, you should not give them
your login password as this is a breach of security. Instead, grant permission for those individuals to
open your emails and/or Calendar as follows:
 Right-click your Inbox (or Calendar) in the Navigation pane on the left of your Outlook screen
 Select Properties
 Select Permissions.
 You can Add the individual/s & set the relevant level of access (e.g. read only, editor etc.)
 Repeat for any other Outlook folders. Granting access to your Inbox does not give access to any
other areas of Outlook
w/c 28/5/12
ICT Tip of the Week – Lock your computer with a shortcut
Leaving your computer temporarily? Pressing the Windows key+L will lock your computer screen so
that no-one else can access it in your absence. (The Windows key is on the bottom left of your
keyboard, in between the Ctrl & Alt keys). You then need to enter your password in order to resume
working on your return.
w/c 18/6/12
ICT Tip of the Week – Press the Scroll wheel?
We all use the wheel on the mouse for scrolling up & down pages but did you know you can press it
too? When you press the scroll wheel as the mouse is over a link on a website, the website opens in
a new web tab automatically therefore keeping your original web page open.
w/c 9/7/12
ICT Tip of the Week - Always display the current Date/Time in an Excel worksheet
Entering =today() in a cell will display the current updateable date
Entering =now() in a cell will display the current updateable date & time
This cell will always display the correct date/time but could also then be used in any formula where
the current date/time is required for a calculation
w/c 16/7/12
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08/03/2016 03:49:00
ICT Services
08/03/2016 03:49:00
Study collections