FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013-2014 Family Violence Prevention Strategy 2011-2015 Endorsed by Council on 10 April 2013 Council has an important role to play in the prevention of family violence. Working in partnership with the Moreland community, we can create a municipality that is gender equitable, respectful and inclusive. Moreland Family Violence Prevention Strategy 2011-2015 D13/15118 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013 - 2014 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction The Family Violence Prevention Action Plan 2013-2014 continues to implement the policy position and objectives of Council’s Family Violence Prevention Strategy 2011-2015 across the five key settings identified for action: Setting 1: Local government, health and community services – Actions 1.1 to 1.12 2 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013 - 2014 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Setting 2: Workplace – Actions 2.1 to 2.3 Setting 3: Sport and recreation – Actions 3.1 to 3.4 3 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013 - 2014 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Setting 4: Education and young people – Actions 4.1 to 4.2 4 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013 - 2014 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Setting 5: Media and Arts – Actions 5.1 to 5.4 The proposed actions are based on best-practice examples identified in VicHealth’s research and Preventing violence against women: a framework for action as well as other evidence. Actions to be undertaken within each setting may relate to: research and evaluation, raising community awareness and social marketing, community strengthening, organisational and workforce development, advocacy and policy. Engaging young people, people with a disability, multi-cultural communities, seniors and Aboriginal communities in actions to promote gender equitable relationships and prevent violence against women have been identified as continued priority. Partnerships with internal and external stakeholders are a key component of the action plan, involving business units across Council, service providers, local businesses and schools, Victoria Police, community groups, regional bodies, other local governments and other tiers of government. The actions proposed in the Draft Plan 2013-2014 will complement Council’s other community safety initiatives. A Moreland community forum in late 2012 provided an opportunity for residents, businesses and services to discuss safety concerns and identify opportunities to work in partnership to enhance safety and perceptions of safety. 5 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013 - 2014 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Consultation Log Stakeholders Council - Aged & Disability Council - Community Development & Social Policy Council - Human Resources Abbreviations/ Acronyms MAV Municipal Association of Victoria MFVN Moreland Family Violence Network Council - Maternal & Child Health Council - Recreation Council - Research Council – Youth Council - Disability Advisory Committee Moreland Family Violence Network Merri Community Health Service, Health Promotion Municipal Association of Victoria SPECTRUM Migrant Resource Centre Victoria Police Women’s Health in the North PVAW VicHealth VLGA WHIN WRAT MOVE Improving maternal and child health care for vulnerable mothers, Latrobe University Research project Preventing Violence Against Women Victorian Health Promotion Foundation Victorian Local Governance Association Women’s Health in the North White Ribbon Action Team 6 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013 - 2014 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013 - 2014 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Family Violence Prevention Strategy Framework 2011- 2015: 8 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013 - 2014 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SETTING 1: LOCAL GOVERNMENT, HEALTH AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Objective: In partnership with the community, Council will build capacity within the community to prevent and respond to family violence, undertake research and advocate to government for those actions that are beyond its direct control. No ACTION GUIDING PRINCIPLES EVIDENCE/ BEST PRACTICE Engagement, Partnership and Advocacy; Gender Equity and Respect VicHealth 2007 Engagement, Partnership and Advocacy; Gender Equity and Respect VicHealth 2007 TIMELINE RESPONSIBILITY POTENTIAL PARTNERS REQUIRED BUDGET PERFORMANCE MEASURES Community Development and Social Policy Unit Women’s Health in the North, Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), other local governments Within existing budget 80% attendance at network meetings. Women’s Health in the North (WHIN) Within existing budget Networks 1.1 1.2 Continued involvement in regional and State networks1 Council supports Building A Respectful Community Preventing Violence Against Women Regional Strategy 20112016 Ongoing Ongoing Community Development and Social Policy Unit Council endorsement of the MAV Prevention of Violence against Women Leadership Statement. Council endorsement of 2 actions proposed for consideration by WHIN (TRIM D12/186952) Networks include: Women’s Health in the North (WHIN) Lcal Network Convenors, Northern Integrated Family Violence Services (NIFVS) Strategic Network and Building a Respectful Community PVAW Strategy Implementation Advisory Group; VicHealth Preventing Violence Against Women Practitioners’ Forum; Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) Preventing Violence Against Women Network and Network Executive; Local Government Gender Equity Working Group. 1 9 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013 - 2014 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ No ACTION GUIDING PRINCIPLES EVIDENCE/ BEST PRACTICE 1.3 Council continues to convene the Moreland Family Violence Network Engagement, Partnership and Advocacy; Primary Prevention VicHealth 2007 1.4 Week Without Violence/ Clothesline Campaign implemented by the Moreland Family Violence Network (MFVN) with Council support, incorporating t-shirt painting workshops and other local and regional activities. Primary Prevention VicHealth 2007 Advocacy to the State Government on issues related to family violence prevention and gender equity as well as resources to engage multicultural communities. Engagement, Partnership and Advocacy 1.5 Successful Clothesline Campaigns ran since the 1990s TIMELINE RESPONSIBILITY POTENTIAL PARTNERS REQUIRED BUDGET PERFORMANCE MEASURES Ongoing Community Development and Social Policy Unit Local and regional service providers, Victoria Police, Department of Human Services (formerly Centrelink) Within existing budget Each of the bimonthly meetings attended by at least 10 members. October 2013 Moreland Family Violence Network Northern Region Convenors Group hosted by Women’s Health in the North (WHIN) Within existing budget At least 3 t-shirt painting workshops held in Moreland. At least 2 public displays of painted t-shirts in Moreland. Participation in WHIN’s regional activity. VicHealth 2007 WHIN 2011 June 2014 Community Development & Social Policy Unit, Moreland Family Violence Network WHIN, MAV, VLGA, SPECTRUM, InTouch Multicultural Centre Against Within existing budget Advocacy appropriate and timely. 10 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013 - 2014 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ No ACTION GUIDING PRINCIPLES EVIDENCE/ BEST PRACTICE TIMELINE RESPONSIBILITY POTENTIAL PARTNERS REQUIRED BUDGET PERFORMANCE MEASURES Family Violence, Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health 1.6 Council to support Community Reclaim the Night activities in Moreland Engagement, Partnership and Advocacy; Gender Equity and Respect VicHealth 2007 November 2013 Community Development & Social Policy Unit Moreland Family Violence Network, Women’s Health in the North Within existing budget Council support for Community Reclaim the Night activities. Gender Equity and Respect VicHealth 2007 June 2014 Maternal & Child Health Service, Community Development & Social Policy Unit Merri Community Health Service, other local governments, MAV Within existing budget (scoping only) Service response scoped and recommendations for implementation actioned. Evidence based Actions and Strategies External evaluation of MOVE project by La Trobe University To be confirmed (2013) Maternal & Child Health Service, Children’s Services Unit (future roll-out) La Trobe University Within existing budget (review only) External evaluation report considered to inform potential future roll-out. Family services 1.7 Engaging fathers in the early years: Support the internal working group to scope service response to engage fathers through Maternal and Child Health Centres in Moreland. 1.8 Review outcomes of the MOVE project (Improving maternal and child health care for vulnerable mothers) and consider future roll-out of training to Success of the Baby Makes 3 Program, Whitehorse CC 11 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013 - 2014 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ No ACTION GUIDING PRINCIPLES EVIDENCE/ BEST PRACTICE TIMELINE RESPONSIBILITY POTENTIAL PARTNERS REQUIRED BUDGET PERFORMANCE MEASURES Settings based Approach Rights. Respect. Trust. 2009 March 2014 Aged and Disability Services Victorian Office of Senior Victorians Within existing budget Recently endorsed Protocol included in new Community Care Common Standards, for external auditing. Settings based Approach Rights. Respect. Trust. 2009 June 2014 Aged and Disability Services Victorian Office of Senior Victorians Within existing training budget At least 2 inhouse training sessions held for staff. Gender Equity and Respect VicHealth 2007 June 2014 Community Development & Social Policy Unit, Within existing budget Social rating tool includes gender and safety considerations. other departments if successful Aged and disability services 1.9 Elder abuse response protocol: Be guided by the MAV and Department of Health on resources and activities to assist councils with promoting elder abuse prevention, where required. 1.10 Training sessions for staff on elder abuse prevention: In-house using State Government resources. Community infrastructure 1.11 Community Infrastructure Framework: Input into the development of a social rating tool for all Council-owned buildings, which includes gender and safety features Maribyrnong Facility Ass’mt Tool Recreation Services, City Infrastructure 12 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013 - 2014 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ No ACTION GUIDING PRINCIPLES EVIDENCE/ BEST PRACTICE TIMELINE RESPONSIBILITY Settingsbased Approach VicHealth 2007 November 2013 Moreland Family Violence Network, Maternal & Child Health Service, Youth Services, Aged and Disability Services POTENTIAL PARTNERS REQUIRED BUDGET PERFORMANCE MEASURES Within existing budget Key messages conveyed in an appropriate manner to audiences at events/ activities. Priority populations 1.12 Engage diverse audiences in preventative actions, including people with a disability, multicultural communities, Aboriginal communities, young people and seniors. Week without Violence/ Clothesline White Ribbon Day Merri Community Health, Multicultural & Settlement Network, SPECTRUM, Victorian Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention Legal Service, FReeZA, Women’s Health in the North 13 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013 - 2014 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SETTING 2: WORKPLACE Objective: To model, promote and facilitate equal, respectful and non-violent gender relations across the Moreland City Council organisation. No ACTION GUIDING PRINCIPLES EVIDENCE TIMELINE RESPONSIBILITY POTENTIAL PARTNERS REQUIRED BUDGET PERFORMANCE MEASURES 2.1 Continue to actively engage whole-of-Council in White Ribbon Day: Settingsbased Approach; Primary Prevention Success at Darebin and Maribyrnong CCs November 2013 WRAT, supported by White Ribbon Foundation Local businesses, local media, schools, sports clubs Within existing budget WRAT meets bimonthly and prepares an action plan for implementation in November. Submit evidence required for accreditation under the White Ribbon Workplace Accreditation Pilot Project. Evidence based Actions and Strategies White Ribbon December 2013 Community Development & Social Policy Unit White Ribbon Foundation Within existing budget Required documents submitted in a timely manner. Enhance the capacity of Council business units to apply gender analysis using sex-disaggregated data to inform policy development, service planning and delivery. Gender Equity and Respect White Ribbon Action Team (WRAT) members contribute to the annual Action Plan. 2.2 2.3 Maribyrnong Respect and Equity project Evaluation survey achieves 30% response rate. Health & Wellbeing Plan; Allocation of Sporting Grounds and Pavilions Policy July 2014 Community Development & Social Policy Unit supporting respective business unit/s Women’s Health in the North Within existing budget Develop a training module to apply gender audits. 14 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013 - 2014 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SETTING 3: SPORT AND RECREATION Objective: To create sports and recreation environments in Moreland that value gender equity and respectful relationships between men and women, and also improve community connections. No ACTION GUIDING PRINCIPLES EVIDENCE TIMELINE RESPONSIBILITY POTENTIAL PARTNERS REQUIRED BUDGET PERFORMANCE MEASURES 3.1 Continued implementation of the Active Women and Girls in Moreland Strategy (AWGMS). Settingsbased Approach Research base for the AWGMS July 2014 Recreation Services Sports clubs/ facilities, community groups Within existing budget 3% annual increase in Moreland sports clubs’ female membership (Active Moreland evaluation target). 3.2 Ongoing permanent position for Active Participation (AP) Officer – Women and Girls to implement the Active Women and Girls in Moreland Strategy. Settingsbased Approach Success of AP Officer in secondment position 2010/11 July 2014 Recreation Services Currently funded through Operational Grant. Business Case will be submitted in 2013/14 to transfer to Base Budget in 2014/15. Position is funded through Base budget as a permanent position in 2014/15 budget. 3.3 Complete the female friendly Facility Assessment – Audit and priority capital works listing Gender Equity and Respect Success of Maribyrnong CC’s facility assessment tool and Respect and Equity July 2014 Recreation Services Audit within existing budget. Identified priorities have been included in Capital Works budget bids for 2014/15. VicHealth 2007 Sports clubs / facilities Priority improvements may require capital works 15 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013 - 2014 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ No ACTION GUIDING PRINCIPLES EVIDENCE TIMELINE RESPONSIBILITY POTENTIAL PARTNERS program 3.4 Allocation and Use of Sporting Facilities, Grounds and Pavilions Policy – continue to work with sports clubs assisting them to be more inclusive and welcoming to women. Settingsbased Approach A State first – to be evaluated as part of AWGMS REQUIRED BUDGET PERFORMANCE MEASURES funding. Ongoing Recreation Services Sports clubs/ facilities Within existing budget 100% of clubs in Moreland meet the requirements of the Policy by October 2013. 16 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013 - 2014 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SETTING 4: EDUCATION AND YOUNG PEOPLE Objective: To provide education programs and accessible information to young people in Moreland which address violence-supportive attitudes, violent behaviour and promote respectful gender relations. No ACTION GUIDING PRINCIPLES EVIDENCE TIMELINE RESPONSIBILITY POTENTIAL PARTNERS REQUIRED BUDGET PERFORMANCE MEASURES 4.1 Support the establishment of a Youth Health Clinic co-located with Council’s Youth Facility. Community safety, health and wellbeing Merri Community Health Service Youth Health Survey Ongoing Youth Services, Merri Community Health Service Youth Projects Inc., Women’s Health in the North Funding opportunities for an expansion of the Youth Facility (stages 2 & 3) are being explored to accommodate youth health and other co-located services. Funding for an expansion of the Youth Facility has been secured and co-located services have been confirmed. November 2013 Community Development & Social Policy Unit, Moreland Family Violence Network, Youth Services Women’s Health in the North, White Ribbon Foundation, FReeZA, schools, Youth Network, sports clubs Within existing budget Key messages conveyed in an appropriate manner to audiences at events/ activities. Youth Projects Inc. 4.2 Promote young people’s participation in education and awareness raising activities to promote respectful relationships and prevent violence against women. Settingsbased Approach Week without Violence/ Clothesline White Ribbon Day 17 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACTION PLAN 2013 - 2014 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SETTING 5: MEDIA AND ARTS Objective: To promote positive social attitudes and disseminate information about gender equity, respect and family violence prevention. No ACTION GUIDING PRINCIPLES EVIDENCE TIMELINE RESPONSIBILITY POTENTIAL PARTNERS REQUIRED BUDGET PERFORMANCE MEASURES 5.1 References to family violence campaigns within Moreland in Council publications and local media. Gender Equity and Respect VicHealth 2007 June 2014 Community Development & Social Policy Unit, Communications Unit Local media, WHIN, MFVN, MAV Within existing budget Media monitored and report made of findings to the Moreland Family Violence Network and White Ribbon Action Team for potential follow up. 5.2 Promote the benefits of ‘Healing through Arts’ T-Shirt painting workshops as part of Week Without Violence/ Clothesline. Primary Prevention VicHealth 2007 October 2013 Moreland Family Violence Network Northern Region Convenors Group hosted by Women’s Health in the North Within existing budget At least 3 T-shirt painting workshops held in Moreland. Promote Preventing Violence against Women through an event as part of Council’s Read More Program. Primary Prevention November 2013 Community Development & Social Policy Unit, Library Services Women’s Health in the North, White Ribbon Within existing budget Event held and well attended. 5.3 Successful Clothesline Campaigns ran since the 1990s VicHealth 2007 Week without Violence/ Clothesline White Ribbon Day 18