Hampshire Dance Diversity Action Plan

Hampshire Dance
Diversity Action Plan 2008-10
What is Diversity?
Diversity is about difference – Hampshire Dance engages with a wide range of people
throughout its work and strives to treat them as individuals. For the purposes of this plan
we are focussing particularly in the areas of race and ethnicity, disability, social inclusion and
gender. We also recognise that people can be discriminated against on the basis of other
factors such as age, religion and sexual orientation and will ensure that our policies and
practices are fully inclusive.
Why do we need a plan?
Hampshire Dance wants to ensure that diversity is a central value in its work, running
through all its programmes and relationships. Our work is founded on a strong sense of
community, with an enthusiasm to engage with the diverse individuals that make up the
communities we work with.
We recognise that there is much to celebrate in our past work, but there will always be
areas for improvement and new challenges to embrace. By striving to sharpen our policies
and practices and by positively seeking to build new relationships our work will become
richer and more interesting.
The development, adoption and communication of our plan will also respond to the
requirements of our funding partners in implementing their Equality Schemes. The plan sits
alongside the current Hampshire Dance Business Plan 2006-09, shaping and contextualising
some of its objectives. Longer term aspirations will strongly influence the writing of the next
2009 – 2012 Business Plan.
What are our main achievements?
 Regularly commissioned Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) choreographers to create
new dance pieces for our two youth dance companies
 Recently recruited a South Asian dance artist as a board member
 Commissioned a significant consultancy on South Asian dance in the south east with a
view to future project work
 Programmed INSET training for teachers in non-European dance styles led by BME
dance artists
 Initiated and delivered four times Dance Caper-Bility, a nationally significant dance and
disability training course with a mix of disabled and non-disabled and some BME
 Supported local Dance Caper-Bility participants with mentoring in initiating new dance
activity for disabled people
 Recruited the Director of StopGAP, an integrated dance company, as a board member
 Ensured that the Hampshire Dance website meets W3C Priority 1 for accessibility and
that downloadable Pdfs are accessible
 Ensured that all venues used are accessible to people with mobility impairments
Hampshire Dance Diversity Action Plan 2008-10
Social Inclusion
 Provided bursaries to young people from families with a low income to participate in
youth dance activity
 Carried out a major project with accompanying research with hard to reach young
people in a Pupil Referral Unit
 Promoted four residencies by Ludus Dance Company with themes targeted at socially
excluded young people, including commissioning their latest production Trapped, that
deals with emotional literacy
 Made a significant investment in promoting dance to boys and young men through a
number of projects, leading directly to some of them training as dancers
 Regularly programmed INSET training courses for teachers on engaging boys in dance
 Used images of boys dancing in marketing materials
Areas for Development
1. Programme & Marketing
Current Situation
A broad range of diversity issues have been embraced within the programme through
specific projects, some of which are highlighted above. Some of the work has been nationally
or regionally significant. Our remit has grown to encompass the south east region and new
opportunities to initiate work are developing.
Some projects have engaged with specific ethnic communities and others have
been placed in settings such as schools where diverse participants can be accessed. Stronger
links could be built with BME organisations and our wider strategic role enables us to
influence other programmes, particularly in youth dance. Auditions for our two youth dance
companies are open to all, but the diversity of young people attending is variable from year
to year. We have been undertaking research for Arts Council England, South East on how
the engagement of young people with South Asian dance might be increased.
Through the Dance Caper-Bility course nearly 80 people have developed skills
in leading dance with disabled people. However, our perception is that the quality of dance
performances by disability dance groups is variable and the range of opportunities for
disabled people to take part in dance is still limited, particularly young disabled people.
Social Inclusion:
Access to dance is variable for socially excluded young people across
the region. Our strategic role enables us to influence other programmes. Gifted and talented
dancers from disadvantaged backgrounds such as families with low incomes have less
opportunity to progress.
Opportunities for boys in the female-dominated dance world have greatly
improved through our work. The need for positive role models continues.
Monitoring takes place of the diversity of people engaging with Hampshire Dance’s
programmes, but it is not consistent across the organisation. Often there is not an ‘audience’
as such.
Hampshire Dance Diversity Action Plan 2008-10
Publicity materials promote positive images of diversity as much as possible.
Communications through newsletters etc. have been limited so there have not been
opportunities to highlight work in the area of diversity.
To use that knowledge to develop our strategic role as a regional agency in order to
advocate for inclusive programmes and practices, particularly in youth dance and artist
To ensure that our own programmes are founded on a strong sense of community,
enthusiasm for diversity and respect for difference
To increase the opportunities for BME young people to participate in dance
To increase the opportunities for all young people to engage with diverse dance styles,
in particular South Asian dance
To increase the quality and range of opportunities for young disabled people to take
part in dance
To increase opportunities for socially excluded young people to engage with and
progress in dance
 Complete the consultancy on South Asian Dance Development and implement its
recommendations through project planning, fundraising and development of
partnerships (Feb 2008)
 Develop links with a range of partners with the view to identifying a key diversity
partner with a broader input into helping Hampshire Dance reflect on its practice (Dec
 Increase the proportion of BME artists on the regional Dance Artist Directory and
effectively promote the directory to potential employers such as schools, venues and
arts development professionals (Ongoing)
 Research and develop a sustainable strategy for the Dance Caper-Bility course (2008-09)
 Plan a major disability dance commission for 2009-10 with the aim of raising the quality
of choreography for disability dance groups (2008-09)
 Plan that the next Dance Caper-Bility course in 2009 ties in with the commission (200809)
Social Inclusion:
 Work with Hampshire County Council to develop a new dance bursaries scheme that
addresses inequalities in opportunities for talented dancers (starting Jan 2008)
Strategic / Cross Diversity:
 Within the current work plan for VitaliSE regional dance development programme
ensure strategies are in place for it to reach its ambitious targets for participation by
BME, disabled and socially excluded young people (April 2008)
 Advocate for inclusive participation in regional youth dance activity through the South
East Youth Dance Network, participation by diverse groups in regional platform events
and representation in regional strategic networks (Ongoing)
Hampshire Dance Diversity Action Plan 2008-10
 Develop a new marketing plan for youth dance company auditions that encourages
BME applicants (April 2008)
 Plan any commissioning of new images with diversity in mind (Ongoing)
 Use images in publicity material that reflect diversity community (Ongoing)
 Ensure potential media partners Studio Republic are aware of diversity requirements
(Feb 2008)
 Ensure website documents are available in Word format as well as PDF
 Monitor diversity of participants in own and partner activity
 Project evaluation reports
 Minutes of network meetings
2. Policy & Management
Current Situation
Hampshire Dance has an Equal Opportunities Policy that was adopted in 1999 which is
currently in need of revision. It does not refer to any legislation nor make any reference to
harassment. Staff and freelancers are made aware that there is such a policy, but there is no
formal training on implementation. The values of equal opportunities run through our work,
but as yet there is no formal evaluation of impact.
Some monitoring takes place of the diversity of people engaging with Hampshire Dance, but
the results do not consistently inform planning.
The Board of Trustees has a good awareness of diversity issues and includes a South Asian
dance artist and the director of an integrated dance company.
To put in place suitable policies and planning processes to ensure that diversity is a
central value in the work of Hampshire Dance, running through all its programmes and
 Revise Equal Opportunities Policy, including references to legislation on unlawful
discrimination (July 2008)
 Create a Dignity at Work Policy that covers harassment and bullying, with links to
grievance and disciplinary procedures (July 2008)
 Publicise the adoption of the EO and DW policies through newsletters and website
and include the commitment to equal opportunities in all recruitment material and
contracts (Ongoing)
 Set up systems to record the results of diversity monitoring (August 2008)
 Regularly reflect on whether diversity issues are being addressed through team
meetings, board meetings and staff appraisals (Ongoing)
 Formalise project planning and evaluation procedure (September 2008)
 Establish and maintain diversity monitoring records
 Minutes of meetings and appraisal documents
Hampshire Dance Diversity Action Plan 2008-10
3. Personnel
Current Situation
Recruitment is open and sound with rigorous selection criteria and thorough procedures.
Media advertising is targeted but limited by budget. Induction training does not currently
take account of equality issues. Staff training and development opportunities are provided to
all staff, but opportunities for freelance contractors are limited. Flexible working
arrangements have been made available. A good annual appraisal system is in place.
Open recruitment of Trustees has been tried with limited success; a targeted approach has
been more effective. As the organisation is developing and shifting the kind of work required
is also changing, and as a result the type of freelance contractors being engaged.
To ensure that recruitment and selection of is open and fair to all.
To ensure that all staff, artists, project workers, partners, volunteers and board
members are valued and have opportunities for development
 Ensure broad range of artists are aware of opportunity to join regional Dance Artist
 Formalise current recruitment procedures with a written policy (April 2008)
 Advertise freelance opportunities to ensure pool of potential contractors is not limited
to those we know already (Ongoing)
 Profile Dance Artist Directory at all relevant events and activities (Ongoing)
 Develop thorough induction procedures for staff and freelancers that include
reference to equal opportunities, diversity issues and Access to Work (April 2008)
 Ensure that training opportunities are open to freelancers as well as staff by having
adequate budget and informing them (Ongoing)
 Ensure training and board development budgets have capacity to meet individual’s
access requirements for training (Ongoing)
 Extend diversity monitoring to include Board of Trustees
 Record evaluation of each recruitment event, including success of advertising in
attracting diverse range of candidates
 Record training undertaken by freelancers
 Monitor size and make-up of freelance contractors
4. Premises & facilities
Current Situation
The Hampshire Dance office is fully accessible to people with mobility impairments, with
ramped access and adapted toilet facilities. Venues for meetings, courses and dance activity
are usually accessible for mobility impairments. Participants are asked about access
Ensure that barriers to engagement are identified and minimised
Hampshire Dance Diversity Action Plan 2008-10
 Ensure that rigorous risk and needs assessment procedures are implemented in venue
selection (September 2008)
 Ensure that all training events and meetings delivered by or on behalf of Hampshire
Dance are flexibly designed to meet the varied access needs of participants (Ongoing)
 Ensure adequate funds are made available in annual budget for access needs (Ongoing)
 Include question on access needs being met on all evaluation forms
Hampshire Dance Diversity Action Plan 2008-10