HEALTHWATCH HAMPSHIRE STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN 2015 - 2016 1 Version 3 26/6/2015 ABOUT US The purpose of Healthwatch Hampshire is to give citizens and communities a stronger voice to influence and challenge health and social care services in their locality. This will mean that commissioners and providers design services which meet the needs of people who use health and social care services. Healthwatch Hampshire is an independent legal entity, a Community Interest Company. This is a type of company that doesn’t make money for its shareholders, but benefits the community (in our case, the people of Hampshire). WHAT WE STAND FOR Healthwatch Hampshire is: Transparent about what we are doing, and easy to talk to Inclusive – working with and for all in the people of Hampshire Accountable to you for what we do Evidential – our recommendations are based on strong evidence. HOW WE ARE GOVERNED Our Board provides oversight, strategic direction and assurance for our aims and objectives as a Community Interest Company. There are seven seats on the Board. It manages performance, setting priorities and monitoring how well we are achieving them. Our four Non-Executive Directors are appointed by an independent panel to ensure the company operates in the interest of the people of Hampshire as well as providing specific expertise and skill to help us to run effectively and efficiently. 2 Version 3 26/6/2015 Christine Holloway Non-Executive Chair to the board Ian Glenday Non-Executive Director for Finance and Performance Improvement Mark Deal Non-Executive Director for Diversity and Inclusion VACANCY Non-Executive Director for Governance and Compliance As well as four Non-Executive Directors we have three Member Directors. These represent the three organisations which created Healthwatch Hampshire. Claire Foreman Executive Director (Help and Care) Colin Brown Executive Director (Action Hampshire) 3 Version 3 26/6/2015 Kate Hebden Executive Director (Citizens Advice Hampshire) The combination of publicly appointed Non-Executive Directors and Member Directors means that we draw on the best local expertise and knowledge and remain firmly committed to working on behalf of local people. You can find out more about all the Directors at the website WHAT WE DO Healthwatch has three main areas of activity: 1. Our information and signposting service helps people make choices, access health and social care services and seek independent support to make a complaint about health and social care. 2. We reach out and engage with the people of Hampshire to hear what they have to say about health and social care services, about what is good and what needs improvement. 3. We analyse all the information we gather and use it to make your voices heard to the people and organisations who make decisions about health and social care. The law sets out the legal requirements of any Healthwatch. Hampshire County Council, which is required by law to that ensure the people of Hampshire have a Healthwatch organisation, contracts with us to do this. As well as carrying out our legal duties, our priorities are guided by what is most important to the people of Hampshire. You can see more about how we do this below in the section “Prioritising and Impact”. Healthwatch has legal powers that help us to make sure local people are heard, because their views and experiences are important for planning and delivering health and social care. This includes sitting on the Hampshire Health and Wellbeing Board and having the power to observe services as they are being provided. 4 Version 3 26/6/2015 We contract two effective and respected local organisations to deliver the Healthwatch Hampshire services and activities – Citizens Advice Hampshire and Help and Care. Service Level Agreements with both of our delivery partners set out clearly what we expect of them, and how success is measured. This ensures we deliver high quality services in the interests of local people. Help and Care sub-contracts a proportion of their work to Action Hampshire. The Healthwatch Hampshire Board ensures that our partners are delivering a good service by monitoring their performance. Regular reviews with Hampshire County Council ensure that we are meeting the terms of their contract and delivering a high quality, effective and efficient Healthwatch for the people of Hampshire. HOW WE DELIVER HEALTHWATCH IN HAMPSHIRE Access People can get in touch with Healthwatch Hampshire in different ways: a dedicated telephone line into our call centre; by writing to us; a letter or e-mail; walking into any Citizens Advice Hampshire access point; Facebook and Twitter We also actively seek out the views of all communities in Hampshire and work to hear the voice of minorities. Volunteers Healthwatch Hampshire recruits volunteers to support and promote the work of Healthwatch Hampshire. These Healthwatch champions are recruited from the diverse communities of Hampshire. Customer relationship management system 5 Version 3 26/6/2015 Healthwatch Hampshire records all information received by Healthwatch Hampshire using a computer system called “Customer Relationship Management”. This helps us to identify key issues and trends within Hampshire and is used to focus investigations and subsequent reports. Research, decision making and prioritisation Healthwatch Hampshire’s records guide us to areas which require further investigation. We then decide on the priorities. Journey of evidence We influence health and care commissioners and providers by reporting on issues. We always show that our recommendations are based on evidence from the experiences of people who use their services. Marketing We use local networks led by our partners to inform communities about our work. New media such as Twitter and Facebook help us reach a wider audience. We also get advice from a professional agency about how to tell people about what we do. 6 Version 3 26/6/2015 OUR STRUCTURE The Board of Directors of Healthwatch Community Interest Company The board has contracts with each partner for the delivery of the Healthwatch services CITIZENS ADVICE HAMPSHIRE - NHS Complaints Advocacy Service - Bureau Drop-in for information, advice and signposting 7 Version 3 26/6/2015 Help and Care - Influence - Board support - Engagement and outreach - Helpdesk - Research Action Hampshire - Voluntary sector and diverse communities engagement The board has three Member Directors from each partner organisation, and four NonExecutive Directors. (Find out more on our website). BUSINESS REVENUE AND DEVELOPMENT Over the coming years, we will develop and mature as an organisation. We will become a centre of excellence - for listening to and learning about what matters most to local people; and for influencing people and organisations that make decisions about health and social care of people. We will look for new opportunities to help local people have a say in how their services are planned and delivered. We focus on health and social care, but we may also look at other services that affect people who use health and social care services, such as housing, education or leisure. As a Community Interest Company, we will use all our income for the benefit of the people of Hampshire. HOW WE COMMUNICATE TO THE PEOPLE OF HAMPSHIRE For Healthwatch Hampshire to be a success, people need to know it exists, understand what it is and what it does. Our Communications Strategy helps us communicate in the right way and with the right people. We will regularly review the strategy, as well as monitoring that we are doing what it tells us, and measuring our progress against our aims. WHAT WE RECEIVE AND HOW IT GETS SPENT We receive £682,000 from Hampshire County Council. £475,374 is provided for Healthwatch Hampshire to provide statutory Healthwatch services, while £206,626 is provided to deliver the Independent Complaints Advocacy Service. Finance Our contract with Hampshire County Council gave us funding 8 Version 3 26/6/2015 PRIORITISING AND IMPACT It is essential that we focus our time and resources on the things that matter most. To help us put the interests of the people of Hampshire first whenever we look at any issue, we consider these questions: 1. How much evidence is available about this issue? 2. Is the issue going to impact on lots of people? 3. What is the impact on people and communities who suffer high inequalities in health and who are seldom heard or easily ignored? 4. Does the issue help us to make an investment in future health and care for the people of Hampshire? 5. Does the issue align to the joint health and wellbeing strategy? 6. Is the issue already being dealt with effectively by someone else? 7. If not, can we make an impact in the light of other people’s or organisations’ timetables? 8. Can we add value to the current situation? PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT Hampshire County Council has identified six key ways to measure our performance: 1. Providing a joined up organisation – linked across the community, providing a central team and a single point of contact for all agencies and partners as well as communities. 9 Version 3 26/6/2015 2. Being proactive in our inclusion of people and communities, with clear evidence of systems and processes that do not exclude people by creating barriers to their involvement or engagement in it. 3. Developing a model of Board level decision making that supports unbiased and evidenced based prioritisation of issues. 4. Influencing change and decision making in the health and social care sector including Clinical Commissioning Groups, Health and Wellbeing Boards and health and social care providers. 5. Ensuring an independent and sustainable organisation. 6. Delivering services that are provided using the principles of value for money. THE LAW AND COMPLIANCE It is essential that we are legal in the way we do things. Our Board has special responsibility to ensure we comply with the law in all aspects. Examples are Data Protection, Health and Safety, and employment legislation. We need to write policies and procedures, and we need to make sure they are kept up-to-date. So we will set dates to review our policies and procedures, and the Board will receive an annual report that shows that the reviews have been done as planned, and stating any revisions. We must also spot risks we face as a company or to our services, and take action to reduce their likelihood or potential impact whenever we can. The Board reviews the risk log and scores to identify emerging risks and to agree mitigating actions. EVALUATION AND IMPROVEMENT We will monitor our performance against the performance outcomes in this plan and feedback how we are doing to our stakeholders, particularly Hampshire County Council and the people of Hampshire. The best way to evaluate how we are doing is to find out what local people and local organisations think of us. We will do this through an annual stakeholder survey and by asking service users their opinions. 10 Version 3 26/6/2015 Appendix 1 Healthwatch Performance Targets (accumulated totals) No. of new walk-in enquiries* No. of new web enquiries* No. of new telephone enquires* No. of Champions recruited No. of meetings/forums to gather feedback and promote HWH Formal Presentations Given Workshops / Consultations engaged in Other engagement events e.g. coffee morning No. of HW led events held Outreach activities No of enter and view visits No of visits to care settings (non-enter and view PLACE visits Referrals to CQC/HWE/HCC NCAS Performance Targets No. of new enquiries (referrals) No. of new cases opened No. hours worked on cases No. contacts made No. of cases resolved 11 Version 3 26/6/2015 2013/14 Q3 396 100 306 53 2013/14 Q4 678 11 404 42 2014/15 Q1 856 36 287 11 2014/15 Q2 917 42 412 41 2014/15 Q3 2014/15 Q4 2015/16 Q1 807* 1146 28 430 6 978 12 374 33 352 3 25 46 24 24 41 16 4 34 13 13 10 10 8 18 10 4 3 9 9 0 5 5 10 0 9 8 4 0 11 7 9 0 6 9 10 0 14 9 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 7 1 0 3 2 0 9 1 2 2 2 1 3 28 20 30 18 275 20 11 35 29 381 1340 20 45 29 387 1249 33 35 34 830 950 17 41 30 544 1563 22 30 23 473 1579 18 96 31 17 13 9 No of Ombudsman referrals No. of cases ongoing (carried over) Website & Social media Website page hits Facebook Impressions Twitter Impressions 53 1,346 3 57 5 66 5 63 2 77 0 91 4 96 4,428 6,776 163,741 4,523 5,655 201,819 8,221 10,100 242, 351 2,296 9,769 22,836 89,900* 11,239 38,351 61,100 8,135 202,637 To make our twitter measurement more accurate and as a result of a change in twitter policy we are now measuring impressions 12 Version 3 26/6/2015