Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise ATNA/Basic Security Connectathon Test Cases Revision 2007-2 11-January-2007 Copyright © 2006: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA ATNA/Basic Security Connectathon Test Cases ______________________________________________________________________________ Contents 1 2 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 2 Tests ......................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 ATNA_Authentication_DICOM ...................................................................................... 2 2.2 ATNA_Authentication_HL7_V2 ..................................................................................... 3 2.3 ATNA_Authentication_HTTP ......................................................................................... 4 2.4 ATNA_Inquisition ............................................................................................................ 5 2.5 ATNA_Logging ............................................................................................................... 6 3 Retired Tests ............................................................................................................................ 8 3.1 ATNA_Authentication (Retired) ...................................................................................... 8 3.2 ATNA_Schema_Transport (Retired) ............................................................................... 9 3.3 ATNASecureWorkflow (Retired) .................................................................................. 10 3.4 ATNA_Employee_Tracking (Retired) ........................................................................... 10 3.5 ATNA_VIP_Patient_Tracking (Retired) ........................................................................ 12 3.6 ATNA_Fully_Secured_Node (Retired).......................................................................... 14 3.7 ATNAMultipleEvents (Retired) ..................................................................................... 15 __________________________________________________________________________ 1 Rev. 2007-2 11-Jan-2007 Copyright © 2006: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA ATNA/Basic Security Connectathon Test Cases ______________________________________________________________________________ 1 Introduction This document describes the IHE Connectathon tests for the ATNA and Basic Security Integration Profiles. This data will eventually be loaded into the Kudu web tool. 2 Tests 2.1 ATNA_Authentication_DICOM 2.1.1 Special Instructions Your ATNA Secure Node may not support the DICOM protocol. In that case, skip this test. 2.1.2 Description The purpose of the ATNA_Authentication_DICOM test is for Secure Nodes (ATNA or Basic Security) to exchange certificates and then perform DICOM communication over the established connection. Evaluation will require the both applications to show log files or other evidence that certificates were successfully exchanged and an IHE transaction occurred. The transaction is allowed to cover a subset of an Integration Profile. As a Secure Node at the Connectathon, you need to examine the list of other Secure Nodes and find a system that you recognize as a test partner for other tests. Once you have found a suitable test partner that uses the DICOM protocol over TLS, you can run this test. 2.1.3 Actors Secure Node 2.1.4 Steps Rad-32: Secure Node (“client”) initiates TLS connection with Secure Node (“server”). ITI-19: Secure Node (“client”) initiates TLS connection with Secure Node (“server”). Trans 0: Secure Node (“client”) completes unspecified IHE transaction with Secure Node (“server”) using DICOM communication. __________________________________________________________________________ 2 Rev. 2007-2 11-Jan-2007 Copyright © 2006: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA ATNA/Basic Security Connectathon Test Cases ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.1.5 Evaluation Connectathon monitor will examine log files of both applications for evidence of certificate exchange. Systems should also be able to demonstrate that some transaction was completed (MWL worklist query, DICOM C-Store, etc.). Systems must support defined cyphersuites. These are found in the IHE ITI Technical Framework and should also be documented here. The systems under test need to demonstrate only one type of transaction is operational using the TLS communication. 2.2 ATNA_Authentication_HL7_V2 2.2.1 Special Instructions Your ATNA Secure Node may not support the HL7 V2 protocol. In that case, skip this test. 2.2.2 Description The purpose of the ATNA_Authentication_HL7_V2 test is for Secure Nodes (ATNA or Basic Security) to exchange certificates and then perform HL7 V2 communication over the established connection. Evaluation will require the both applications to show log files or other evidence that certificates were successfully exchanged and an IHE transaction occurred. The transaction is allowed to cover a subset of an Integration Profile. As a Secure Node at the Connectathon, you need to examine the list of other Secure Nodes and find a system that you recognize as a test partner for other tests. Once you have found a suitable test partner that uses HL7 V2 messaging over TLS, you can run this test. 2.2.3 Actors Secure Node 2.2.4 Steps Rad-32: Secure Node (“client”) initiates TLS connection with Secure Node (“server”). ITI-19: Secure Node (“client”) initiates TLS connection with Secure Node (“server”). Trans 0: Secure Node (“client”) completes unspecified IHE transaction with Secure Node (“server”) using HL7 V2 communication. __________________________________________________________________________ 3 Rev. 2007-2 11-Jan-2007 Copyright © 2006: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA ATNA/Basic Security Connectathon Test Cases ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.2.5 Evaluation Connectathon monitor will examine log files of both applications for evidence of certificate exchange. Systems should also be able to demonstrate that some transaction was completed (ADT, ORM.). Systems must support defined cyphersuites. These are found in the IHE ITI Technical Framework and should also be documented here. The systems under test need to demonstrate only one type of transaction is operational using the TLS communication. 2.3 ATNA_Authentication_HTTP 2.3.1 Special Instructions Your ATNA Secure Node may not support the HTTP protocol. In that case, skip this test. 2.3.2 Description The purpose of the ATNA_Authentication_HTTP test is for Secure Nodes (ATNA or Basic Security) that communicate using HTTP to use HTTPS and exchange the proper certificates. Evaluation will require the both applications to show log files or other evidence that certificates were successfully exchanged and an IHE transaction occurred. The transaction is allowed to cover a subset of an Integration Profile. As a Secure Node at the Connectathon, you need to examine the list of other Secure Nodes and find a system that you recognize as a test partner for other tests. Once you have found a suitable test partner that uses HTTPS with mutual authentication, you can run this test. 2.3.3 Actors Secure Node 2.3.4 Steps Rad-32: Secure Node (“client”) initiates TLS connection with Secure Node (“server”). ITI-19: Secure Node (“client”) initiates TLS connection with Secure Node (“server”). Trans 0: Secure Node (“client”) completes unspecified IHE transaction with Secure Node (“server”) using HL7 V2 communication. __________________________________________________________________________ 4 Rev. 2007-2 11-Jan-2007 Copyright © 2006: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA ATNA/Basic Security Connectathon Test Cases ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.3.5 Evaluation Connectathon monitor will examine log files of both applications for evidence of certificate exchange. Systems should also be able to demonstrate that some transaction was completed (RID Query, XDS Submit Document, XDS Register Document, XDS Parameterized Query). Systems must support defined cyphersuites. These are found in the IHE ITI Technical Framework and should also be documented here. The systems under test need to demonstrate only one type of transaction is operational using the TLS communication. 2.4 ATNA_Inquisition 2.4.1 Description The ATNA profile has specific requirements for secure communication (TLS) and logging. There are other requirement that describe how you protect and monitor your system. These other requirements are best addressed with an interview process. You will run one version of this test. A Connectathon Monitor will visit your system and questions that are listed in a form. The questions are published along with the test plan. The goal of the interview/inquisition is for the Connectathon Monitor to determine if you have met the ATNA requirements for securing your system. The Connectathon monitor will examine your system, listen to your responses and record an opinion as to whether your system qualifies as: ATNA Secure Node ATNA Secure Application If you do not qualify for either of these, you fail the ATNA profile. As part of this test, the Connectathon Monitor will ask you to send Audit Messages to one or more Audit Record Repository sytems. You should test your audit messages with the Audit Record Repository systems before the arrival of the Connectathon Monitor. Those tests will not be recorded in Kudu. The audit messages generated during this test will form the basis of the audit record tests for both the client systems (Secure Node actors) and the Audit Record Repository actors. The form to be filled out is called the ATNA Secure Node Form. It is available at the same time this document is published. You are encouraged to read the form, fill in as much information as possible and email to the Project Manager 5 business days in advance of the Connectathon. That will speed the interview process. __________________________________________________________________________ 5 Rev. 2007-2 11-Jan-2007 Copyright © 2006: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA ATNA/Basic Security Connectathon Test Cases ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.5 2.5.1 ATNA_Logging Special Instructions ATNA logging is a supplement to the Inquisition test. Secure nodes need to run this test as well as it will give you experience with more than one Audit Record Repository. The Reliable Syslog protocol has been placed on hold by the ITI Technical Committee; only the Berkley UDP protocol shall be used. ATNA allows the Secure Node to select from two different schemas. However, the Secure Node should not mix schemas; it should implement one schema for the system. Audit Record Repository actors are required to support both schemas. 2.5.2 Description The purpose of the ATNA_Logging test is for Secure Node (ATNA or Basic Security) to send one or more audit messages to an Audit Record Repository. The type of audit message depends on the nature of the Secure Node. The top priority for testing would be an event that involves access to PHI that would result in an audit message that includes a Patient ID. We have a well known patient to use, and want the Secure Nodes to generate an event for that patient if possible. If the Secure Node does not generate an audit message that includes a patient ID, we will accept a different audit message. Assuming a PHI event, the Secure Node should generate an audit record with the patient ID that corresposponds to the well know patient FARNSWORTH^STEVE. This global ID is fixed by the Connectathon test plan: 101^^^HIMSS2005&^PI. If your system generates an audit record using a local ID for FARNSWORTH, make sure you inform the Connectathon monitor. The test steps list both audit message schemas; run the test with a single schema. That means you will omit one test step. 2.5.3 Evaluation For a PHI related log message, the Connectathon Monitor will ask the Audit Record Repository for a list of PHI related events for the FARNSWORTH patient from the Secure Node that participated in the test. If the Secure Node does not generate an event with the FARNSWORTH patient ID, the Connectathon Monitor will ask the Audit Record Repository to show the last one or two log messages from the Secure Node. __________________________________________________________________________ 6 Rev. 2007-2 11-Jan-2007 Copyright © 2006: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA ATNA/Basic Security Connectathon Test Cases ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.5.4 Actors Secure Node Audit Record Repository 2.5.5 Steps Trans-0: Secure Node engages in some action (maybe with help from others) that triggers an audit message. In the best scenario, this includes the patient ID for the patient FARNSWORTH. ITI-20: Secure Node sends audit message using IHE YR4 Interim Schema ITI-20: Secure Node sends audit message using IETF Audit Message Schema. __________________________________________________________________________ 7 Rev. 2007-2 11-Jan-2007 Copyright © 2006: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA ATNA/Basic Security Connectathon Test Cases ______________________________________________________________________________ 3 Retired Tests These tests are still listed but are retired. They may be brought back for future events. 3.1 ATNA_Authentication (Retired) 3.1.1 Special Instructions This test will not be run during the 2007 Connectathon in Chicago. 3.1.2 Description The purpose of the ATNAAuthentication test is for Secure Nodes (ATNA or Basic Security) to exchange certificates and then perform communication over the established connection. This implies DICOM, HL7 or other communication over the established connection. Evaluation will require the both applications to show log files or other evidence that certificates were successfully exchanged and an IHE transaction occurred. The transaction will be a subset of an Integration Profile. 3.1.3 Actors Secure Node 3.1.4 Steps Rad-32: Secure Node (“client”) initiates TLS connection with Secure Node (“server”). ITI-19: Secure Node (“client”) initiates TLS connection with Secure Node (“server”). Trans 0: Secure Node (“client”) completes unspecified IHE transaction with Secure Node (“server”). 3.1.5 Evaluation Connectathon monitor will examine log files of both applications for evidence of certificate exchange. Systems should also be able to demonstrate that some transaction was completed (Patient ADT, MWL worklist query). The systems under test need to demonstrate only one type of transaction is operational using the TLS communication. __________________________________________________________________________ 8 Rev. 2007-2 11-Jan-2007 Copyright © 2006: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA ATNA/Basic Security Connectathon Test Cases ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.2 ATNA_Schema_Transport (Retired) 3.2.1 Special Instructions This test is included only as setup/instruction. You can run this test with a partner, but do NOT enter the test in Kudu. You have a different test that will require examination of log messages by a Connectathon monitor. 3.2.2 Description The ATNA Integration Profile supports two transports: BSD Syslog and Reliable Syslog. It also supports two schema definitions: IHE Provisional (Radiology Year 4) and the schema found in RFC 3881 Security Audit and Access Accountability Message XML Data Definitions for Healthcare Applications. The Radiology Basic Security profile supports only BSD Syslog and the IHE Provisional schema. The purpose of this test is to have a Secure Node actor generate one event and communicate that event to the Audit Repository. There are multiple steps to the test to differentiate those choices. You only need to complete the step or steps that apply to you. You do need to complete at least the first step (generate an event) and one of the following steps (send the message using a combination of transport and schema definitions). This test is preparation for later tests. Perform this test with each repository to make sure the transport is working. Do NOT submit this test in the Kudu web tool; DO NOT ask a Connectathon monitor for evaluation. 3.2.3 Actors Secure Node Audit Record Repository 3.2.4 Steps Trans 0: In the steps below, you will see repetition based on the profile (ATNA/SEC), the type of transport chosen and the message format. Choose the lines that are appropriate. Mark the others as not done. This is not a failure. Trans 0: Secure Node implements an action that produces an auditable event. The simplest case is user login. Rad-34: Secure Node sends audit record to Audit Repository using BSD Syslog / IHE Provisional schema. ITI-20: Secure Node sends audit record to Audit Repository using BSD Syslog / IHE Provisional schema. __________________________________________________________________________ 9 Rev. 2007-2 11-Jan-2007 Copyright © 2006: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA ATNA/Basic Security Connectathon Test Cases ______________________________________________________________________________ ITI-20: Secure Node sends audit record to Audit Repository using BSD Syslog / RFC 3881 ITI-20: Secure Node sends audit record to Audit Repository using Reliable Syslog / IHE Provisional schema. ITI-20: Secure Node sends audit record to Audit Repository using Reliable Syslog / RFC 3881 3.2.5 Evaluation There is no evaluation for this. This will be evaluated in later, workflow tests. 3.3 3.3.1 ATNASecureWorkflow (Retired) Special Instructions This test will not be used at the January 2007 Connectathon. 3.3.2 Description In the ATNASecureWorkflow test, two or more Secure Nodes communicate using secure transactions as defined in the ATNA profile. Specifically, the Secure Nodes exchange certificates using TLS and then continue communicating use the same socket connection. 3.3.3 Actors Secure Node 3.3.4 Steps 3.3.5 Evaluation 3.4 3.4.1 ATNA_Employee_Tracking (Retired) Special Instructions This test will not be used at the January 2007 Connectathon. This test is based on a use case involving events that take place during the connectathon. You will need to finish the first part of the test by Tuesday 15:00, and the second part of the test on Wednesday. That puts pressure on the testers to be ready at the start of the Connectathon. __________________________________________________________________________ 10 Rev. 2007-2 11-Jan-2007 Copyright © 2006: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA ATNA/Basic Security Connectathon Test Cases ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.4.2 Description Harpo and Groucho Marx are brothers working at the Large Hospital System (LHS). They have login IDs of marxh and marxg. Groucho’s last day of work is Tuesday, and he will have all of his accounts turned off Tuesday afternoon. Each Secure Node should create and activate accounts for marxg and marxh for operation on Monday morning. On Monday and Tuesday morning, Groucho logs on to various secure systems. Each Secure Node system should generate at least two audit events: login and some other event such as a patient access event or data export. Groucho fills out his retirement papers on Tuesday, and all Secure Nodes should deactivate the marxg account on Tuesday at 15:00. Groucho’s retirement party is at noon today, and all of his accounts on all systems have been disabled. On Wednesday, Groucho returns to LHS to visit his brother Zeppo who is in the hospital. Groucho cannot get a straight answer from the physicians, and wants to examine Zeppo’s records for himself. Groucho visits each secure system in LHS and tries to login with his old account (marxg). That fails, and the secure system sends a log message to the Audit Record Repository. Groucho then pulls Harpo’s password out of his pocket (after all, what are brothers for?) and logs in (marxh). The secure system sends a log message to the Audit Record Repository. Groucho then views Zeppo’s record or performs some other action that will trigger an audit record (use your imagination here; we do not know what each system does), and then logs out. The LHS Security Manager gets a report of Groucho walking around the LHS and logging in to various systems. He consults with the Audit Record Repository and asks for the following reports: 1. Show me the log of all activity for Harpo in the last 7 days. 2. Show me the list of all login failures in the last 7 days. 3. Show me the log of all activity for Groucho in the last 7 days. Secure nodes pass this test if they appear in the reports generated by the Audit Record Repository. This test is different than the usual Connectathon tests. A Connectathon monitor will play the role of Groucho during the week and visit the Secure Nodes. The Secure Nodes should perform the operations listed in the description. The monitor does not examine the log files of the Audit Record Repository for individual records. Starting on Tuesday, each Audit Record Repository is expected to produce the requested reports. If the reports are not available, the ARR fails the test. __________________________________________________________________________ 11 Rev. 2007-2 11-Jan-2007 Copyright © 2006: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA ATNA/Basic Security Connectathon Test Cases ______________________________________________________________________________ If the report does not show the expected events from an individual Secure Node, that Secure Node fails the test. Thus, we evaluate each Secure Node by examining a generated report at the Audit Record Repository. 3.4.3 Actors Secure Node 3.4.4 Steps 3.4.5 Evaluation Connectathon monitor will evaluate the reports generated by the Audit Record Repository answering the questions listed above. Audit Record Repository should generate reports on this schedule: Tuesday afternoon (after 15:00) should show normal behavior by Groucho Wednesday at 12:00 should show abnormal behavior by Groucho on those Secure Nodes who complete the test. Wednesday 17:00 Thursday 12:00 Thursday 17:00 3.5 3.5.1 ATNA_VIP_Patient_Tracking (Retired) Special Instructions This test will not be used at the January 2007 Connectathon. This test is based on a use case involving events that take place during the connectathon. One Connectathon monitor will use the RIS Mall to generate a single Patient ID for our subject. This Patient ID will be used by all systems to simplify reporting. 3.5.2 Description It is Monday afternoon, and Harry Potter has just fallen off his broomstick while competing in the final Quidditch match of the school year. Foul play is suspected, but a blinding light was cast just at the instant Harry fell from the sky. Harry has been taken to the infirmary under the watchful eye of Professor McGonagall. After a full battery of tests, Harry is referred to St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. There he will see a specialist to determine if he is the victim of a spell. All of the information systems at the Hogwarts School allow access to all patient records and use auditing to detect undesirable behavior. Your Secure Node is one such information system. __________________________________________________________________________ 12 Rev. 2007-2 11-Jan-2007 Copyright © 2006: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA ATNA/Basic Security Connectathon Test Cases ______________________________________________________________________________ Determine some action that will trigger an audit record indicating someone on your system is viewing a medical record for Harry Potter. Create a character on your system, login with that character name and trigger the auditing event. This should send the event to an Audit Record Repository. Perform this step by Wednesday, 17:00. Professor Dumbledore suspects Hogwarts staff members are improperly trying to view Harry’s records. He consults with the Audit Record Repository and asks for the following report: 1. Show me the log of all accesses to Harry Potter’s medical records in the last 7 days. Secure nodes pass this test if they appear in the reports generated by the Audit Record Repository. Starting on Tuesday, each Audit Record Repository is expected to produce the requested reports. If the reports are not available, the ARR fails the test. If the report does not show the expected events from an individual Secure Node, that Secure Node fails the test. Thus, we evaluate each Secure Node by examining a generated report at the Audit Record Repository. 3.5.3 Actors Secure Node Audit Record Repository 3.5.4 Steps Trans 0: Create an account on your system for someone who will access the Harry Potter records. ITI-20: Login, generating a login audit message sent to the ARR ITI-20: Access Harry Potter PHI, generating an audit message to the ARR 3.5.5 Evaluation Connectathon monitor will evaluate the reports generated by the Audit Record Repository answering the questions listed above. Audit Record Repository should generate reports on this schedule: Tuesday 15:00 Wednesday 15:00 Thursday 10:00 Thursday 15:00 __________________________________________________________________________ 13 Rev. 2007-2 11-Jan-2007 Copyright © 2006: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA ATNA/Basic Security Connectathon Test Cases ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.6 ATNA_Fully_Secured_Node (Retired) 3.6.1 Special Instructions This test will not be used at the January 2007 Connectathon. ATNA or Basic Security Secure Nodes are required to protect all transactions with TLS communication and generate audit messages for each actor where appropriate. For systems that are combinations of several actors in several profiles, each actor in each profile must be secure for this system to qualify as a secure node. 3.6.2 Description This test is performed in the presence of a Connectathon monitor. You need to determine in advance how you are going to demonstrate these actions. 1. Demonstrate TLS communication for each type of transaction for each actor/profile pair in your system. For example, for a combined Image Manager (SWF) / XDS Repository (XDS), you will have to demonstrate TLS communication for the Scheduled Workflow transactions (Rad-4, Rad-6, Rad-8, Rad-14, Rad-16) and the XDS transactions (…). 2. For each actor/profile combination in your system, generate at least one audit record that is appropriate. Send that audit record to a centralized Audit Record Repository designated by the Connectathon monitor. This is a separate repository that is used only for this test and not during the other tests. When you are ready to run this test, the Connectathon monitor will clear the Audit Record Repository so only your events are logged. As you run the test, you should indicate which audit records should be recorded in the ARR. As the test progresses (or at the end), the Connectathon monitor will review the records on the ARR and compare to your list. 3.6.3 Actors Secure Node Centralized Audit Record Repository 3.6.4 Steps Trans 0: Initiate and demonstrate TLS communication for each transaction ITI-20: Generate audit message for each actor/profile combination. __________________________________________________________________________ 14 Rev. 2007-2 11-Jan-2007 Copyright © 2006: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA ATNA/Basic Security Connectathon Test Cases ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.6.5 Evaluation Connectathon monitor will evaluate in real time with you during this test. You need to demonstrate the appropriate TLS communication and logging to the central ARR. 3.7 ATNAMultipleEvents (Retired) This test is now deprecated in favor of ATNAEmployeeTracking and ATNAFullySecuredNode. 3.7.1 Description ATNAMultipleEvents tracks one user through a system performing multiple actions. These are a login failure, successful login and access to a patient record of some kind. At least 3 audit records should be generated and sent to the Audit Repository. For the failure event, the user should try to login using a name that is easily identifiable with your company/product. For example, himssxx would indicate the wrong login name for HIMSS. For the successful login, select a user name that is alos easily identifiable with your company/product (e.g., himss). For the access event, you will need to select an action that causes your system to send an audit record. These events could include access to a record, export of data, etc. For evaluation, the Project Manager will examine the logs of the Audit Repository. One example request: Show me a log of all of the login failures. 3.7.2 Actors Secure Node Audit Repository 3.7.3 Steps Trans 0: Purposely fail with system login. Trans ITI-20: Secure Node sends audit record to Audit Repository. Trans 0: Correctly login to your system. Trans ITI-20: Secure Node sends audit record to Audit Repository. Trans 0: Perform some action that will generate an audit event. Trans ITI-20: Secure Node sends audit record to Audit Repository. __________________________________________________________________________ 15 Rev. 2007-2 11-Jan-2007 Copyright © 2006: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA ATNA/Basic Security Connectathon Test Cases ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.7.4 Evaluation Project Manager will examine log files of Audit Repository to check for evidence of the requested events. __________________________________________________________________________ 16 Rev. 2007-2 11-Jan-2007 Copyright © 2006: ACC/HIMSS/RSNA