Med.E.Mail Weekly Information from the Dean’s Offices Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto March 22, 2004 Volume 12, Number 26 IN THIS ISSUE: FAST FACULTY FACT ONTARIO MEDICAL ASSOCIATION/MEDICAL STAFF ASSOCIATION SURVEY OF CLINICAL FACULTY COLIN R. WOOLF CONTINUING EDUCATION AWARDS HONOURS AND AWARDS APPOINTMENTS BROWN BAG ETHICS DISCUSSION - CAMH EVENTS AND LINKS TO EVENT WEBSITES LINKS TO OTHER NEWSLETTERS/WEBSITES FAST FACULTY FACT A major strength of the Faculty is the strong support of the educational mission from our hospital partners. Cohesion, cooperation and harmonization of purpose are facilitated by two key multi-institutional committees – TAHSC and HUEC. TAHSC: Created in 1992, the Toronto Academic Health Science Council (TAHSC) membership includes the CEOs of each fully affiliated teaching hospital, the Dean of Medicine/Vice-Provost, Relations with Health Care Institutions, the Chair of the Council of Health Science and Social Work Deans (currently the Dean of Pharmacy), and the President of the University. TAHSC has been an important vehicle for dealing with issues of mutual interest. HUEC: In 2001 the Faculty created the Hospital University Education Committee (HUEC). Advisory to the Dean and chaired by the Associate Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education, HUEC’s membership consists of key educational leaders from the campus and the hospitals – hospital Vice-Presidents Education, all Associate Deans, and selected clinical chairs. HUEC played a key role during the SARS outbreak last spring. It has produced an influential report on the distribution of the costs of undergraduate and postgraduate medical education within the Faculty of Medicine and its teaching hospitals, implemented an educational ethics policy, and developed a Faculty teaching award program. ONTARIO MEDICAL ASSOCIATION/MEDICAL STAFF ASSOCIATION SURVEY OF CLINICAL FACULTY (Message from Dr Paul Dorian) Virtually all academic physicians in Toronto will by now have received a letter from Dr David Pattenden, CEO of the OMA, regarding a 5-question web-based survey about their views on the relationship between clinical faculty and the university. The OMA initiated this survey at the request of the medical staff associations [MSAs] at the nine teaching hospitals fully-affiliated with the University of Toronto. Last year, the Provost's Task Force on Clinical Faculty tabled proposals to clarify our status and formalize our role in policy formulation. The Task Force recommendations were endorsed by the executives of hospital MSAs and Medical Advisory Committees. However, the University of Toronto Faculty Association [UTFA] has not agreed that clinical faculty should deal directly with the University outside of UTFA's general Memorandum of Agreement with the University. This is clearly undemocratic because, as the OMA has noted, UTFA does not allow clinical faculty to become full voting members and has no record of engaging or representing clinical faculty collectively. MSAs strongly favour the new policies as providing an important first step towards direct representation for clinical faculty in dealing with the Administration. The MSAs accordingly urge all clinical faculty to complete this 5-minute survey. Paul Dorian, President, St Michael's Hospital MSA and Chair, Clinical Teachers Association of Toronto NOTE: The survey form and links to background information on the issue are located at: You will need your OMA membership number to access the survey. In the User Name box, type in your seven digit OMA Membership Identification Number without hyphens or spaces (If you are unaware of this number, please contact OMA Membership Services at 416-340-2987 or 1-800-268-7215 ext. 2987). In the Password box, type in your date of birth as a six-digit number (year, month, day). For example, if you were born on March 8, 1941, type in 410308. The OMA has assured us that individual response will be held in strict confidence, and that all responses will be grouped together in the analyses and reporting of results. COLIN R. WOOLF CONTINUING EDUCATION AWARDS The 2002-2003 Faculty of Medicine Colin R. Woolf Continuing Education Awards have been awarded. The Awards will be presented at the Faculty of Medicine Education Day on Monday, May 3. The following faculty have received Woolf Awards: Ian Witterick (Department of Otolaryngology) - the Woolf Award for Long Term Contribution to Continuing Education Wendy Roberts (Department of Paediatrics) - the Woolf Award for Teaching Excellence Jay Keystone (Department of Medicine) - the Woolf award for Course Coordination HONOURS AND AWARDS Brendan Dickson (Postgraduate Medical Trainee, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology) received the Peter Cruse Award of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons and Associated Medical Services for Best Presentation in the History of Medicine arising from work done as an undergraduate MD student. Dr Dickson's paper was entitled, "Venous thrombosis: On the history of Virchow's triad". Charles Tator (Department of Surgery) was inducted into the Terry Fox Hall of Fame in November. Dr. Tator was recognized for his accomplishments over the years that include the establishment of Think First Canada and for his contributions to the field of prevention of spinal cord injuries. APPOINTMENTS Abdallah Daar (Department of Public Health Sciences) was appointed as the McLaughlin Centre for Molecular Medicine’s Director of Ethics and Policy, effective January 1, 2004 for a five-year term, renewable on review. Dr. Daar is also Director of the Program in Applied Ethics and Biotechnology at the UofT Joint Centre for Bioethics. The McLaughlin Centre seeks to become an international leader in the application of molecular medicine to clinical practice and the Ethics and Policy Program will play an integral role in this endeavour. Colin MacArthur (Department of Paediatrics) has been appointed Vice-President, Research at the Bloorview MacMillan Children’s Centre, effective April 5, 2004. In addition to this position, he will lead Bloorview MacMillan Children’s Centre Research Institute as Director, as well as strengthen Bloorview MacMillan’s affiliation with the UofT and its role as an academic health sciences centre. Dr. MacArthur is currently Director of the Paediatric Outcomes Research Team in the Department of Paediatics at the Hospital for Sick Children and Senior Scientist in the Population Health Sciences Program in the Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute. Philip Marsden (Department of Medicine) has been reappointed as Keenan Chair in Medical Research at St. Michael's Hospital for a further five-year term, February 1, 2004 to January 31, 2009. BROWN BAG ETHICS DISCUSSION - CAMH On Thursday, March 25, the Brown Bag Ethics Discussion at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) will feature Bernard Dickens (Faculty of Law) presenting on the topic, "An update on the Health Canada Research Ethics Board". The discussion will be held from noon to 1:00 p.m. in room 801 at CAMH - Clarke site (250 College Street). Bring your own lunch - coffee will be served. The Brown Bag Ethics discussions, sponsored by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, are open to all members of the research community. EVENTS AND LINKS TO EVENT WEBSITES Faculty of Medicine Educational Achievement Event - annual forum celebrating excellence in teaching - all faculty invited - keynote address (Good to Great Medical Education) by Gary Donnington (Southern Illinois University, Illinois), poster presentations from Dean’s Excellence Fund projects - Monday, May 3, 2004, 3:00 to 7:00 p.m., 89 Chestnut Street (formerly the Colony Hotel): Allison Hardisty 416-946-8067 or Faculty Development Grand Rounds - Centre for Faculty Development, Faculty of Medicine, UofT at Saint Michael’s Hospital – Teaching as a Social Practice: Implications for Faculty Development – Marcel D’Eon (University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) – Tuesday, April 6, 2004, noon to 1:00 p.m.: or Faculty Development Workshop - Centre for Faculty Development, Faculty of Medicine, UofT at Saint Michael’s Hospital – Teaching and Learning Technical Skills – Stan Hamstra (Department of Surgery) and Richard Pittini (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology) – Tuesday, March 23, 2004, 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., Surgical Skills Centre, Mt. Sinai Hospital: or Faculty Development Workshop - Centre for Faculty Development, Faculty of Medicine, UofT at Saint Michael’s Hospital – Small Group Teaching – Denyse Richardson (Department of Medicine) and Danny Panisko (Department of Medicine) – Thursday, April 29, 2004, 8:00 a.m. to noon: or Faculty Development Workshop - Centre for Faculty Development, Faculty of Medicine, UofT at Saint Michael’s Hospital – Divergent Case Based Teaching Method – Helene Polatajko (Department of Occupational Therapy) – Tuesday, June 8, 2004, 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. and Thursday, June 10, 2004, 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.: or Donalda J. McGeachy Memorial Lecture Series – Faculty of Medicine Graduate Department of Speech-Language Pathology – “An Evidence-Based Approach to Clinical Practice in Communication Disorders” – Christine Dollaghan (University of Pittsburgh) - Friday, May 28, 2004, 8:30 a.m. to noon, Mount Sinai Hospital (18th Floor – Ben Sadowski Auditorium), 600 University Avenue, no cost to participants: 11th Biennial Canadian Neurooncology Meeting - Multi-disciplinary meeting of basic and clinician scientists plus affiliated health care workers in neurooncology - Invited speakers plus oral and poster presentations - May 28 to 30, 2004, Toronto: or 29th Edna W. Park Lecture - UofT Household Science and Nutritional Sciences Alumni Association - Feeding for the Future - the major impact of early nutrition on long-term health - Alan Lucas (MRC Childhood Nutrition Research Centre Institute of Child Health, London, U.K.) - March 25, 2004, Sanford Fleming Building, room 1105, 5:30 p.m. – further info at 416-813-7844 (Debbie O'Connor): Changing Dynamics of Stroke Prevention and Management- for neurologists, family physicians, internists and residents - fully interactive session on secondary stroke prevention - Friday March 26, 2004, 7:30 to 10:00 a.m. Le Royal Meridien King Edward Hotel, 37 King St. East, Windsor Ballroom-Lower Level - to register contact Hollie Mullins, or 416864-6060 x. 2815 UofT Knowledge Media Design Institute International Conference - Open Source and Free Software: Concepts, Controversies and Solutions – including a session on Open Source Systems in Health Care Computing with David Ryan (Department of Physical Therapy) - May 9 to 11, 2004: Continuing Medical Education Congress 2004 – Toronto, May 15 to 18, 2004 - Final Program now on website: Mini-Med School –Faculty of Medicine Continuing Education Office - spring session: February 19 to April 8, 2004: XIIIth International Vascular Biology Meeting - June 1 to 5, 2004, Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, Toronto: Faculty of Medicine Continuing Education - Saturday at the University 2003/2004 - For general practitioners, family physicians, general internists, and nurse practitioners - March 27, 2004: or Faculty of Medicine Continuing Education courses: Med.E.Mail lists event websites with URL addresses. If you have an event that you would like hyperlinked to Med.E.Mail, send the details to Leslie Bush at LINKS TO OTHER NEWSLETTERS/WEBSITES Edward Bronfman Family Foundation Research Clinic in Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (EBFFRC): Faculty of Nursing Research Office: Centre for Faculty Development, Faculty of Medicine, UofT at St. Michael’s Hospital: CHSRF/CIHR Health Services Chair: Health Care Settings and Canadians Faculty of Medicine Magazine - UToronto Medicine: Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre Colposcopy website: Canadian Interventional Radiology Association: Health Care, Technology and Place (hct&p) CIHR Strategic Research and Training Initiative: Department of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation - bi-monthly newsletter - NewsBytes: From Medicare to Home and Community (M-THAC) Research Unit: CCBR website: Canadian Cardiovascular Outcomes Research Team (a CIHR-IHRT research team headquartered at ICES/SWCHSC): UofT Faculty of Medicine Clinician Investigator Program: Sunnybrook and Women's Clinical Epidemiology Unit and Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (CEU/ICES) - Conjoint Evaluative Sciences Rounds: UofT Surgical Skills Centre at Mount Sinai Hospital: Wasser Pain Management Centre at Mount Sinai Hospital: Toronto Rehabilitation Institute and newsletter: Institute for Work and Health: - Newsletter At Work: Faculty of Medicine Research Office: / Funding Opportunities: Hospital for Sick Children / HSC Research Institute: Bloorview MacMillan Children's Centre: Ontario Rehabilitation Technology Consortium: / Graduate Department of Rehabilitation Science: Department of Otolaryngology newsletter: Division of Neurosurgery semi-annual newsletter - The Neurotransmitter: + Office of International Surgery: Knowledge Translation Program (Continuing Education) newsletter Knowledge to Practice: Ontario HIV Epidemiologic Monitoring Unit - Department of Public Health Sciences: Wilson Centre for Research in Education: Banting and Best Diabetes Centre: UofT Department of Anaesthesia newsletter: Heart and Stroke / Richard Lewar Centre of Excellence: Department of Physical Therapy - News - PT Weekly: Baycrest websites Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care: Baycrest Nursing Centre of Excellence: Baycrest Collaborative Research Baycrest Rotman Research Institute: Rapid Response Radiotherapy Program (at Toronto Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Centre) newsletter - HOT SPOT: Mount Sinai Hospital, Department of Family Medicine Research newsletter: UofT Centre for the Study of Pain: Centre for International Health: Program in Proteomics and Bioinformatics: Department of Psychiatry Education Program Newsletter - bi-monthly: Centre for Research in Women's Health: Department of Public Health Sciences – weekly newsletter – PHS Update: Joint Centre for Bioethics: Institute of Medical Science News and Views: Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology newsletter: Program in Neuroscience Newsletter: Gerstein Science Information Centre newsletters - Gerstein homepage under "keeping current": UofT Maternal, Infant and Reproductive Health Research Unit: Department of Family and Community Medicine - monthly bulletin: Med.E.Mail lists department/centre newsletters/bulletins/websites with URL addresses. If you have a newsletter/bulletin/website that you would like hyperlinked to Med.E.Mail, send the details to Leslie Bush at Med.E.Mail Med.E.Mail is published weekly from September to June and distributed by e-mail every Monday to any member of the Faculty of Medicine requesting to be on the subscription Med.E.Mail list. To receive Med.E.Mail, send your name and e-mail address to Leslie Bush (voice 416-978-7762, fax 416-978-1774, If you have a news item for Med.E.Mail, please send it to Leslie Bush.