SIM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LOGIC CIRCUIT DESIGN FOR VENDING MACHINE STUDENT : CHEN JUNHAO (E0706681) SUPERVISOR : DR TANG KAH MENG PROJECT CODE : JUL2009/ENG/018 A project report submitted to SIM University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Electronics Engineering MAY 2010 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Abstract Vending machines have been in existence as early as 1880s, the first commercial coinoperated vending machines were introduced in London, England selling post cards. The main advantages of the vending machines over conventional purchasing method/mechanism are its better accessibility and practicality. Vending machine can be seen everywhere in our daily life fulfilling our daily needs, especially in big city where product demands are high. The objective of this project is to study, design and develop an FPGA based vending machine prototype using VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language) design. The modular approach method will be employed for this project, using simulation to test out the functionality of each individual module. Thereafter all the individual modules are integrated to form the vending machine system. The design is compiled and simulated using Xilinx ISE Design Suite 11.1 and Xilinx Isim(HDL simulator) . This paper concludes on the summary, recommendations for future work and development for the project. i Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Acknowledgement The author would like to express his gratitude to his project supervisor, Dr Tang Kah Meng for his patience, guidance and encouragement throughout the project. He has always been approachable at all times when he needs to seek for valuable comments and suggestions. He is very grateful to Dr Tang for understanding the difficulties faced as a part-time student. He would like to sincerely thank his employer, Hewlett Packard (Singapore) Pte Ltd and his supervisor Mr Wong Kim Soon for his understanding and support throughout the author’s studies. Secondly, he would like to thank his friends, colleagues and family for their excellent support and care. Lastly, he would like to thank those who have contributed their valuable advice and comments for this project. Thank you. ii Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Table of Contents ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................... I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................................................... II TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................... III LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................................................V LIST OF TABLES .....................................................................................................................................VII 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION ..................................................................................... 1 OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................................. 2 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT ........................................................................................................ 2 THESIS ORGANISATION......................................................................................................... 2 2. REVIEW OF THEORY AND PREVIOUS WORK.............................................................................. 3 2.1 OVERVIEW OF VENDING MACHINE .................................................................................... 3 2.1.1 HISTORY OF VENDING MACHINE .................................................................................. 3 2.1.2 OPERATION OF A TYPICAL VENDING MACHINE ....................................................... 3 2.2 OVERVIEW OF FPGA ............................................................................................................... 4 2.2.1 HISTORY OF FPGA[16] ....................................................................................................... 4 2.2.2 ARCHITECTURE OF FPGA................................................................................................. 5 2.3 REVIEW OF FPGA SOFTWARE .............................................................................................. 7 2.3.1 REVIEW OF VHDL AND VERILOG .................................................................................. 7 3. PROJECT PLANNING ........................................................................................................................... 8 4. DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION HARDWARE AND ENVIRONMENT ..........................................10 4.1 4.2 4.3 XILINX FPGA – SPARTAN 3A STARTER KIT ......................................................................10 XILINX FOUNDATION ISE 11 SOFTWARE ..........................................................................11 HARDWARE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT ......................................................................11 5. DESIGN APPROACH FOR VENDING MACHINE ..........................................................................14 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.3 5.4 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................14 BLOCK DIAGRAM FOR VENDING MACHINE ....................................................................14 SPECIFICATIONS OF VENDING MACHINE ........................................................................15 FLOWCHART OF VENDING MACHINE ...............................................................................16 SOLUTION APPROACH FOR VENDING MACHINE ...........................................................17 6. DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION FOR VENDING MACHINE ...........................................................22 6.1 MODULE DESIGN ...................................................................................................................22 6.1.1 MODULE 1: COIN COUNTER............................................................................................22 6.1.2 MODULE 2: ITEM PROCESSOR ........................................................................................24 6.1.3 MODULE 3: CHANGE RETURN ........................................................................................29 6.1.4 MODULE 4: ITEM TRACKER ............................................................................................32 6.1.5 MODULE 5: REVENUE COUNTER ...................................................................................34 6.1.6 MODULE 6: CLOCK DIVIDER ..........................................................................................36 6.1.7 MODULE 7: LCD CONTROLLER ......................................................................................38 6.1.8 MODULE 8: VENDINGMACH MODULE .........................................................................43 7. SIMULATION RESULTS ......................................................................................................................45 7.1 SIMULATION RESULT: COIN COUNTER .....................................................................................45 7.2 SIMULATION RESULT: ITEM PROCESSOR .................................................................................47 7.3 SIMULATION RESULT: CHANGE RETURN ................................................................................49 7.4 SIMULATION RESULT: ITEM TRACKER .....................................................................................49 iii Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 7.5 SIMULATION RESULT: REVENUE COUNTER ............................................................................50 7.6 SIMULATION RESULT: CLOCK DIVIDER ...................................................................................50 7.7 SIMULATION RESULT: VENDINGMACH ....................................................................................51 8. HARDWARE REALIZATION..............................................................................................................54 8.1 DOWNLOAD OF PROGRAM TO FPGA..........................................................................................54 8.2 EXPANSION THROUGH 6-PIN ACCESSORY HEADER ..............................................................57 8.3 LED CIRCUIT TO ACCESSORY HEADER .....................................................................................58 8.4 MAPPING OF USER INPUTS AND OUTPUTS ...............................................................................60 8.5 PREPARING AN SPI PROM FILE ....................................................................................................62 8.6 CONFIGURING SPI FLASH PROM .................................................................................................66 9 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMEDATION .........................................................................................68 9.1 CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................................68 9.2 RECOMMEDATION FOR FUTURE STUDY ..................................................................................68 10 REFLECTION ........................................................................................................................................69 APPENDICE ................................................................................................................................................71 SOURCE CODE ..........................................................................................................................................71 REFERENCE ............................................................................................................................................109 iv Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 List of Figures Figure 2.1: FPGA Structure[4] ........................................................................................... 5 Figure 2.2: A typical logic block[5] .................................................................................... 6 Figure 2.3: Top down view of a simple generic FPGA architecture[5].............................. 6 Figure 3.1: Gantt Chart For Project .................................................................................. 10 Figure 4.1: Programmable logic design process[9] .......................................................... 12 Figure 5.1: Block Diagram Of Vending Machine ............................................................ 14 Figure 5.2: Flowchart Of The Vending Machine.............................................................. 16 Figure 5.3: Coin Counting ................................................................................................ 17 Figure 5.4: Money Return ................................................................................................. 18 Figure 5.5: Excess money ................................................................................................. 18 Figure 5.6: Item processor ................................................................................................ 19 Figure 5.7: Change calculate............................................................................................. 19 Figure 5.8: Change Return ................................................................................................ 20 Figure 5.9: Item Tracker ................................................................................................... 20 Figure 5.10: Total Revenue............................................................................................... 21 Figure 6.1: Flowchart of Coin Counter At State 0 ............................................................ 22 Figure 6.2: Flowchart of Coin Counter At State 10 .......................................................... 23 Figure 6.3: Coin Counter Module ..................................................................................... 23 Figure 6.4: Flow Chart Of Item Processor ........................................................................ 25 Figure 6.5: Item Processor Module ................................................................................... 27 Figure 6.6: Flow Chart Of Change Return........................................................................ 29 Figure 6.7: Change Return Module .................................................................................. 30 Figure 6.8: Flow Chart Of Item Tracker ........................................................................... 32 Figure 6.9: Item Tracker Module ...................................................................................... 33 Figure 6.10: Flow Chart Of Total Revenue Counter ........................................................ 34 Figure 6.11: Revenue Counter Module ............................................................................. 35 Figure 6.12: Flow Chart Of Clock Divider ....................................................................... 36 Figure 6.13: Clock Divider Module .................................................................................. 36 Figure 6.14: Character LCD interface[11] ........................................................................ 38 Figure 6.15: Initialization by Instruction ( 8 bit-interface)[12] ........................................ 39 Figure 6.16: LCD Character Display Command Set Part 1 [11] ...................................... 39 Figure 6.17: LCD Character Display Command Set Part 2 [11] ...................................... 40 Figure 6.18: LCD Character Set [11] ................................................................................ 40 Figure 6.19: LCD Character Display Address [11] .......................................................... 41 Figure 6.20: LCD Controller Module ............................................................................... 41 Figure 6.21: VendingMach Module .................................................................................. 43 Figure 7.1: Coin Counter Simulation 1 ............................................................................. 45 Figure 7.2: Coin Counter Simulation 2 ............................................................................. 46 Figure 7.3: Coin Counter Simulation 3 ............................................................................. 46 Figure 7.4: Item Processor Simulation 1........................................................................... 47 Figure 7.5: Item Processor Simulation 2........................................................................... 47 v Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Figure 7.6: Item Processor Simulation 3........................................................................... 48 Figure 7.7: Change Return Simulation 1 .......................................................................... 49 Figure 7.8: Change Return Simulation 2 .......................................................................... 49 Figure 7.8: Item Tracker Simulation 1 .............................................................................. 49 Figure 7.9: Revenue Counter Simulation 1....................................................................... 50 Figure 7.10: Clock Divider Simulation 1.......................................................................... 50 Figure 7.11: VendingMach Simulation 1.......................................................................... 51 Figure 7.12: VendingMach Simulation 2.......................................................................... 52 Figure 7.13: VendingMach Simulation 3.......................................................................... 52 Figure 7.14: VendingMach Simulation 4.......................................................................... 53 Figure 8.1: Processes Window .......................................................................................... 54 Figure 8.2: ISE IMPACT Window1 ................................................................................. 55 Figure 8.3: ISE IMPACT Window 2 ................................................................................ 55 Figure 8.4: ISE IMPACT Window 3 ................................................................................ 56 Figure 8.5: ISE IMPACT Window 4 ................................................................................ 56 Figure 8.6: Expansion Port[11] ......................................................................................... 57 Figure 8.7: FPGA Connections To J18 Accessory Header............................................... 57 Figure 8.8: LED Circuit Diagram [13] ............................................................................. 58 Figure 8.9: Circuit Implementation on Bread Board. ....................................................... 59 Figure 8.10: Locations Of Push Buttons ........................................................................... 60 Figure 8.11: Locations Of Slide Switches ........................................................................ 60 Figure 8.12: Locations Of LEDs For Individual Return Out ............................................ 61 Figure 8.13: Locations Of LEDs ....................................................................................... 61 Figure 8.14: Information Display On LCD....................................................................... 62 Figure 8.15: Process Panel ................................................................................................ 62 Figure 8.16: iMPACT Flows Panel .................................................................................. 63 Figure 8.17: PROM File Formatter Window .................................................................... 64 Figure 8.18: Add Device Window 1 ................................................................................. 64 Figure 8.19: Add Device Window 2 ................................................................................. 65 Figure 8.20: iMPACT Processes Window ........................................................................ 65 Figure 8.16: Generate Succeeded ..................................................................................... 65 Figure 8.21: SPI Jumper J1 Setting................................................................................... 66 Figure 8.22: SPI Jumper J26 Settings ............................................................................... 67 Figure 8.23: SPI Jumpers J23, J25 and J16 Settings ........................................................ 67 vi Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 List of tables Table 2.1: VHDL VS Verilog ........................................................................................... 7 Table 3.1: Task List .......................................................................................................... 9 Table 6.1: Description Of I/O on Coin Counter ........................................................... 24 Table 6.2: Items Price List Table................................................................................... 24 Table 6.3: Description Of I/O on Item Processor......................................................... 28 Table 6.3: Description Of I/O on Change Return ........................................................ 31 Table 6.4: Description Of I/O on Item Tracker ........................................................... 33 Table 6.5: Description Of I/O on Revenue Counter .................................................... 35 Table 6.6: Description Of I/O on Clock Divider .......................................................... 37 Table 6.7: Description Of I/O on LCD Controller ....................................................... 42 Table 6.8: Description Of I/O on VendingMach .......................................................... 44 Table 8.1: Components List For LED Circuit.............................................................. 58 Table 8.2: Connections Pin Out From LED Circuit To FPGA .................................. 59 vii Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION Vending machines have been in existence as early as 1880s, the first commercial coinoperated vending machines were introduced in London, England selling post cards. The first vending machine in the U.S. was built in 1888 by the Thomas Adams Gum Company, selling gum on train platforms. [1] In our present days, vending machines can be found everywhere in our everyday life. For example, vending machine can be found at the train stations selling train tickets. In the schools and offices vending can drinks and snacks. The mode of trading also changes from the coins and notes system to cashless transaction with the introduction of cash card or credit cards. One of the greatest selling point of a vending machine is its availability to the customers at all time of the day. The advantage of the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) is that the chip is completely programmable and can be re-programmed. In this way it becomes a large logic circuit that can be configured according to a design, but if changes are required it can be re-programmed with an update. Thus if circuit card or board is manufactured and contains an FPGA as part of the circuit, this is programmed during the manufacturing process, but can later be re-programmed to reflect any changes. [2] FPGA implementation is chosen because of its shorter time to market, ability to reprogram in the field to fix bugs, and lower non-recurring engineering costs. The purpose of this project is to design and implement a prototype vending machine with a FPGA design. 1 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine 1.2 Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT The overall objective of this project is to study the system design of the vending machine and incorporate the learning of digital logic and programming along with user inputs. The academic goal of this project is to develop the research, design, programming, testing and evaluation skills of the student. The student also has the opportunity to learn on report writing, project management, presentation skills and communication skills. 1.3 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT The scope of the project is to design a prototype of Vending Machine using FPGA. The main tasks of the project include: Background study and Literature review on vending Machine and FPGA. Research and study on the operation of a vending machine. Research and implement the architecture of vending machine using VHDL and FPGA as the platform. Learn and familiarize with the evaluation kit (Spartan 3A) and programming language (VHDL). Testing and simulation to verify the vending machine prototype design using simulation tool. 1.4 Writing of technical report. THESIS ORGANISATION Chapter 2 describes about the overview of the vending machine and FPGA. Chapter 3 describes on project planning according to critical task. Chapter 4 describes on the design implementation platform and environment of the vending machine. Chapter 5 describes on the design approach of the vending machine. 2 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Chapter 6 describes the design implementation using VHDL. Chapter 7 describes on the simulation. Chapter 8 describes on the hardware realization of the project. Chapter 9 and 10 provides the conclusion, recommendations and reflection on the project. Appendix A contains the source code of the project. 2. REVIEW OF THEORY AND PREVIOUS WORK 2.1 OVERVIEW OF VENDING MACHINE 2.1.1 HISTORY OF VENDING MACHINE The history of vending machine can go back the first century. The vending machine found in the work of Hero of Alexandria, a first-century engineer and mathematician. His machine accepted a coin and then dispensed a fixed amount of holy water.[3] The first modern coin-operated vending machine came about in the early 1880s vending postcards in London, England. The first vending machine in US was built in 1888 by the Thomas Adams Gum Company ,selling gum on train platforms. The growth of the vending business took off from there. Vending machines can be seen almost anywhere in big cities, vending drinks and snacks. Daily neccessities like train tickets and stamps, are also vended through these machines. 2.1.2 OPERATION OF A TYPICAL VENDING MACHINE The basic operation of a Vending Machine is as followed: When the user put in money, the coin mechanism tells the computer the amount of money that is inserted. When the user presses the button to purchase the item that the user wants, the computer turns on the motor and dispenses the product. 3 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine 2.2 Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 The machine will return the user the change if there is any. OVERVIEW OF FPGA 2.2.1 HISTORY OF FPGA[16] It was around the beginning of the 1980s, many have realise that there was a gap in the digital IC. The programmable devices like SPLDs and CPLDs are highly configurable and had fast design and modification times. But as the design gets more complex, the current devices were unable to cope with it. While the ASICs were able to support the large and complex design, it came with a price. As the design cost was very expensive and also the time to design is quite lengthy. On top of that, once the design had been implemented, it is effectively “frozen” in silicon. This means that future expansions and design changes will require a re-design of the whole system. Xilinx was the first to develop the field programmable gate array (FPGA) and release to the market in 1985, the XC2064 by Xilinx Co-Founders, Ross Freeman and Bernard Vonderschmitt. Xilinx continued unchallenged and quickly growing from 1985 to the mid-1990s, when competitors sprouted up, eroding significant market-share. By 1993, Actel was serving about 18 percent of the market. The 1990s were an explosive period of time for FPGAs, both in sophistication and the volume of production. In the early 1990s, FPGAs were primarily used in telecommunications and networking. By the end of the decade, FPGAs found their way into consumer, automotive, and industrial applications. FPGAs got a glimpse of fame in 1997, when Adrian Thompson merged genetic algorithm technology and FPGAs to create a sound recognition device. Thomson’s algorithm allowed an array of 64 x 64 cells in a Xilinx FPGA chip to decide the configuration needed to accomplish a sound recognition task. 4 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 2.2.2 ARCHITECTURE OF FPGA The most common FPGA architecture consists of an array of configurable logic blocks (CLBs), I/O pads, and routing channels. Generally, all the routing channels have the same width (number of wires). Multiple I/O pads may fit into the height of one row or the width of one column in the array The picture below shows a typical FPGA structure. Figure 2.1: FPGA Structure[4] The FPGA logic block consists of a 3-input look-up table (LUT), a multiplexer and a flipflop, as shown below. The multiplexer feeding the flip-flop can be configured to accept the output from the LUT or a separate input to the logic block. The LUT can be configured to represent any 3-input logical function. 5 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Figure 2.2: A typical logic block[5] The complete FPGA consists of a large number of programmable logic blocks “islands” surrounded by a “sea” of programmable interconnects shown below. The logic blocks can be programmed to duplicate the functionality of basic logic gates such as AND, OR, XOR, NOT or more complex combinational functions such as decoders or simple mathematical functions. In most FPGAs, these programmable logic blocks also include memory elements, which may be simple flip-flops or more complete blocks of memories. The individual blocks are interconnected by a matrix of wires and programmable switches. The switches and wires allow the logic blocks of an FPGA to be interconnected as needed by the system designer. These logic blocks and interconnects can be programmed after the manufacturing process by the customer/designer to implement any logical function.[7] Figure 2.3: Top down view of a simple generic FPGA architecture[5] 6 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine 2.3 Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 REVIEW OF FPGA SOFTWARE 2.3.1 REVIEW OF VHDL AND VERILOG The decision on the selection of programming language to use on the FPGA, are not based solely on the capability. There are three factors that the user can consider: 1) Personal preferences, 2) EDA tool availability, 3) Commercial, business and marketing issues. [6] Below is a table showing the main differences between the two. Aspect Level Construct Simulation Speed Easiest to Learn Design reusability Procedures and tasks Standards VHDL Weaker in low level design, but superior in higher and system level design. Verilog Has very good acceptance in ASIC, particularly lower level designs. Simulation is slower. Very flexible, more difficult to learn without knowledge. Simulation is faster. Relatively simple, easier to grasp and understand. Procedures and functions may be placed in a package. Allows concurrent procedure calls. No concept of packages in Verilog. Does not allow concurrent task calls. IEEE standard 1076 IEEE standard 1364 Table 2.1: VHDL VS Verilog The choice of the programming language will be determine in the later chapters. 7 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 3. PROJECT PLANNING This chapter will explain how the project plan is constructed. Gantt project is used as the tools to draw out the planned Gantt chart. Basically, the project tasks are divided into six sections: 1) Project Planning and Management 2) Initial work & Literature Review 3) Learning Programming language, structure and tools 4) Design Implementation 5) Simulation, Verification and Debugging 6) Thesis, Poster and Presentation No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Task Logic Circuit Design For Vending Machine using FPGA Project Planning and Management Literature review and research Preparation for TMA 01 Initial work & Literature Review Research of hardware kit and programming Design Specification Design Flowchart Derive Logic Equations From Flowchart Interim report Learning Programming language, structure and tools Learn FPGA and VHDL documents Design Implementation Program circuits Coding of Modules Simulation, Verification and Debugging Design and write testbench Run simulation, verification and debugging Thesis, Poster and Presentation Report writing Poster Preparation Oral presentation Preparation 8 Start End 8/3/09 8/3/09 8/31/09 8/17/09 8/31/09 8/17/09 8/19/09 8/31/09 9/7/09 9/19/09 8/29/09 9/19/09 9/19/09 9/19/09 8/19/09 8/22/09 9/26/09 9/26/09 10/5/09 10/5/09 1/4/10 1/4/10 2/15/10 3/15/10 3/15/10 3/29/10 3/1/10 3/1/10 4/26/10 5/5/10 10/5/09 10/5/09 3/13/10 2/13/10 3/13/10 5/1/10 3/27/10 5/1/10 5/14/10 5/14/10 5/14/10 5/14/10 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Table 3.1: Task List 9 Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Figure 3.1: Gantt Chart For Project 4. DESIGN ENVIRONMENT IMPLEMENTATION HARDWARE AND 4.1 XILINX FPGA – SPARTAN 3A STARTER KIT The Xilinx Spartan 3A starter kit is the platform selected for the implementation of the project. It is chosen for its competitive pricing and the specifications of the board. Also the Xilinx Starter Kit comes with the development board, power supply, Xilinx ISE® WebPACK™ or ISE Foundation™ evaluation software and a programming cable. The project will require some user inputs from the user/customer, in the form of switches or push button .Apart from that, some outputs to indicate to the user/customer on the status of the purchase or the amount of coins inserted, which can be displayed with the LEDs on board or by message display on the LCD panel. Below are some of the key features of the FPGA development board [8]: Key Features Xilinx Devices Spartan-3A (XC3S700A-FG484) Platform Flash (XCF04S-VOG20C) Clocks 50 Hz crystal oscillator on-board Open slot for optional user-installed clock Memory Mbit Platform Flash PROM 32M x 16 DDR2 SDRAM 32 Mbit parallel Flash 2-16 Mbit SPI Flash devices Analog Interface Devices 4-channel D/A converter 2-channel A/D converter 10 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Signal amplifier Connectors and Interfaces Ethernet 10/100 PHY JTAG USB download port Two 9-pin RS-232 serial port PS/2-style mouse/keyboard port 15-pin VGA connector capable of 4,096 colors One FX2 100-pin and two 6-pin expansion connectors 20 user I/O available on standard header pins Stereo mini-jack for PWM audio Rotary/push button function switch Eight individual LED outputs Four slider switches Four push-button switches Display 16 character, 2-Line LCD 4.2 XILINX FOUNDATION ISE 11 SOFTWARE The Xilinx ISE 11 software will be use to implement the project. The development board is supported by this version of software. The Xilinx ISE is an integrated development environment for Xilinx FPGAs and CPLDs. This software is designed for FPGA and CPLD design offering HDL synthesis and simulation, implementation, device fitting, and JTAG programming. 4.3 HARDWARE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT The process of creating digital logic is similar to the embedded software development process. A description of the hardware's structure and behavior is written in a high-level hardware description language (usually VHDL or Verilog) and that code is then compiled and downloaded prior to execution. Although schematic capture can be used for design entry, but due to more complex designs and the improvement of the language-based tools it has become less popular. 11 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 The overall process of hardware development for programmable logic is shown in Figure 4.1 and described in the paragraphs that follow. The most distinct difference between hardware and software design is the way a developer must think about the problem. Software developers tend to think sequentially, even when they are tasked to program a multithreaded application. Most of the time , the source code are always executed in that order. At the design entry phase, hardware designers must think and program in parallel. All of the input signals are processed in parallel, inside each one is a series of macrocells and interconnections routed toward their destination output signals. Therefore, the statements of a hardware description language create structures, all of which are process at the very same time. (Normally the link between each macrocell to another macrocell is usually synchronized to some other signal, like a common clock.) Figure 4.1: Programmable logic design process[9] In a typical design, after each design entry is completed the next step is to perform periods of functional simulation. This is where a simulator comes in place. It is use to execute the design and confirm that the correct/required outputs are produced for a given set of test inputs. This step is to ensure the designer that his/her logic is functionally correct before going on to the next stage of development. This is a good practice as compared to simulating an 12 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 integrated full scale design entry. As the design entry gets more complex, the troubleshooting process will be much more difficult and time consuming. Once the correct representation of the hardware exists, compilation can be done. This hardware compilation comprises of two parts. This first part is called synthesis and the result is a representation called a netlist. The netlist generated is device independent, so its contents do not depend on the particulars of the FPGA or CPLD. Normally it is stored in a standard format called the Electronic Design Interchange Format (EDIF). The second part in the translation process is called place & route. This step involves mapping the logical structures described in the netlist onto actual macrocells, interconnections, and input and output pins. This process is similar to the equivalent step in the development of a printed circuit board, and it may likewise allow for either automatic or manual layout optimizations. The output result of the place & route process is a bitstream. This name is used generically, despite the fact that each CPLD or FPGA (or family) has its own, usually proprietary, bitstream format. The bitstream is the binary data that must be loaded into the FPGA chip to execute a particular hardware design. [9] 13 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 5. DESIGN APPROACH FOR VENDING MACHINE 5.1 INTRODUCTION This project focuses on the design of the software for a vending machine. A vending machine can be described using modular design. Using this concept, the designer will program the machine in the selected application platform and then implement it on an FPGA. 5.2 BLOCK DIAGRAM FOR VENDING MACHINE Figure 5.1: Block Diagram Of Vending Machine The picture above shows the block diagram of the vending machine. The vending machine comprises of 7 different modules interconnecting to each another. The input 14 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 device for the prototype comes in the form of switches and push buttons. For the output devices, the onboard LEDs and LCD display is used to display the output of the system. 5.2 SPECIFICATIONS OF VENDING MACHINE The vending machine will simulate an actual real life vending machine and below are the features: Takes in coins of denominator : 10 cents, 20 cents,50 cents, 1 dollar coins Vends the item selected if money inserted is more than or equal to the item’s price. Ask the user to insert more money if the price of the item selected exceeds the amount inserted. Calculates and return the change if there is excess change. The machine will take in a maximum of 1 dollar coins in total and return the excess money inserted. The machine will be able to vend four products. (Item A, item B, item C and item D.) The machine will keep track of the quantity for each of the products sold. When the product is sold out, the machine will signal a sold out indication when that particular product is selected. The machine will keep track of the total revenue made. 15 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine 5.3 Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 FLOWCHART OF VENDING MACHINE Start N Coins Added FLOW CHART FOR VENDING MACHINE Y Coin Counter Y Dispense Change <40p N Y Y >=40p & <50p 1 Product Avail. Coins Added N N Y N P1 Selected Y N Reset Dispense P1 Change Required? N Complete Y Dispense Change Y N Y >=50p & <80p Y 2 Products Avail. Coins Added N N P2 Selected Reset Y Dispense P2 Change Required? N Complete Y N Dispense Change Y >=80p & <100p Y 3 Products Avail. Coins Added N N N Y P3 Selected Reset Dispense P3 Change Required? N Complete N Dispense Change Y Y >=100p 4 Products Avail. N >100p Y Coins Added N Y N Reset P4 Selected Y Dispense P4 N Change Required? Complete Y Return Excess Change Figure 5.2: Flowchart Of The Vending Machine The figure above shows the flowchart of the vending machine. It describes how the vending machine operates in sequence. The normal flow of the vending machine is described below: 1) The user inserts coins into the vending machine. 2) The vending machine will count the coins inserted. 3) When the amount inserted is sufficient for purchase, the products will be available for selection. 4) The user will then choose the item which he/she wants. 5) The machine will dispense the product selected. 6) Change will be return if the amount inserted is more than the product’s cost. 16 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 7) After change is dispensed, the process is completed. Another possible flow of the vending machine is as followed: 1) The user inserts coins into the vending machine. 2) The vending machine will count the coins inserted. 3) When the amount inserted is sufficient for purchase, the products will be available for selection. 4) The user decides that he/she do not want to make a purchase and pressed the coin return button. 5) The machine will return the amount inserted to the user. 6) After the coins are returned, the process is completed, goes back to the initial state. 5.4 SOLUTION APPROACH FOR VENDING MACHINE With the design requirements for the vending machine, the next step is to analyse the various functions related to the vending machine. In this section, the main functions will be discussed. 1. Coin counting: The function “coin counter” of the vending machine is shown in Figure 5.2. TenCent TwentyCent count_out FiftyCent Coin Counting Dollar Figure 5.3: Coin Counting 17 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 2. Money Return: The vending machine will return change if the button, “return change” is selected. (Refer to Figure 5.3). Return_money Return_money_out Money Return Figure 5.4: Money Return 3. Excess money: The vending machine will return excess money if the amount exceeds one dollar or 100 cents. (Refer to Figure 5.4). count_out > 10 excess_money Excess money Figure 5.5: Excess money 4. Item selection: The item will be delivered when the customer selects an item and the amount deposited into the vending machine is equal to or greater than the price of the item selected. It also check whether the items are sold out, which is monitored by another function Item Tracker. (Refer to Figure 5.5). 18 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Item_select Item_out Item_processor totalamount Figure 5.6: Item processor 5. Change calculation: If the customer inserted in more money than the price of the item selected, the vending machine needs to calculate the change. The change is equal to the total amount inserted to the vending machine minus away the price of the selected item. (Refer to Figure 5.6). Item_select change Change Calculate totalamount Figure 5.7: Change calculate 6. Change return: After the vending machine has calculated the amount of change, this function will determine the number of coins of different coin denominator to return. (Refer to Figure 5.7). 19 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 TenCent_out TwentyCent_out change Change Return FiftyCent_out Dollar_out Figure 5.8: Change Return 7. Item Tracker: This function will update the quantities of the product left in the vending machine. Updating will be done after the item is sold. (Refer to Figure 5.8). Item_out Update item count Item Tracker Figure 5.9: Item Tracker 8. Total Revenue: This function keep tracks of the total revenue of the vending machine. Update is done after the item is sold. (Refer to Figure 5.9). 20 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Item_out Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Update total revenue Total Revenue Figure 5.10: Total Revenue 9. Lcd Display: This function controls the text and the values needed to be displayed to the user/customer. 21 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 6. DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION FOR VENDING MACHINE 6.1 MODULE DESIGN In this section, the design will be split into 7 different modules covering the functions mentioned in the previous chapter. VHDL logic will be used to describe the behaviour of each individual module. 6.1.1 MODULE 1: COIN COUNTER The main function of this module is to count the total amount of coins that are inserted into the vending machine. Prior to this, the coin counter will also return excess money more than a dollar or 100 cents. In order to accomplished this objective, finite state machine is used to model this function. The figure below illustrates how the state machine determines the next state and output the total amount and excess coin when required. 0 S0 Total Amount = 0 Ten Cent 0 Twenty Cent 0 Fifty Cent 0 Dollar 1 1 1 1 S1 Total Amount = 10 S2 Total Amount = 20 S5 Total Amount = 50 S10 Total Amount =100 Excess Coin = 0 Excess Coin = 0 Excess Coin = 0 Excess Coin = 0 Figure 6.1: Flowchart of Coin Counter At State 0 At state 0, if any of the inputs (Ten cent, Twenty cent, Fifty cent or Dollar) is valid, it will go to the respective next state as shown in Figure 6.1 and output the excess coin. Basically the flow for the other states will be similar to the one shown above. 22 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 0 S10 Total Amount = 100 Ten Cent 0 Twenty Cent 0 Fifty Cent 0 Dollar 1 1 1 1 S10 Total Amount = 100 S10 Total Amount = 100 S10 Total Amount = 100 S10 Total Amount =100 Excess Coin = 0001 Excess Coin = 0010 Excess Coin = 0101 Excess Coin = 1010 Figure 6.2: Flowchart of Coin Counter At State 10 At state 10, if any of the inputs (Ten cent, Twenty cent, Fifty cent or Dollar) is valid, it will update the next state value. As mentioned in the specification of the project, the maximum amount which the vending machine will allow is 1 dollar or 100 cents. The excess value inserted to the machine will be returned to the customer through the excess coin. This can be seen in the figure above, after the machine updates the next state, it outputs the excess coin amount. Inputs Outputs clk reset count_out(3:0) tencent twentycent Coincounter fiftycent dollar excess_money(3:0) clearcount changedone Figure 6.3: Coin Counter Module 23 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 There are a total of 8 inputs and 2 outputs in this module. Name of input/output Description Of Signal clk System clock reset Reset bit for sequence reset tencent A bit to indicate ten cent coin is inserted twentycent A bit to indicate twenty cent coin is inserted fiftycent A bit to indicate fifty cent coin is inserted dollar A bit to indicate dollar cent coin is inserted clearcount A bit to clear the value of count_out. changedone A bit to indicate that change is done. count_out(3:0) The total amount inserted into the machine. excess_money(3:0) The amount of excess money. Table 6.1: Description Of I/O on Coin Counter 6.1.2 MODULE 2: ITEM PROCESSOR The item processor accepts purchase request and determines if the money inserted is enough to purchase an item. In addition to that it will also check for the stock of each item, before it processes the transaction. Upon successful transaction, it will send a request for an update on quantity of the items to another module and calculate the change amount to return to the customer. If the user/customer presses the reset button, the total amount will be assigned to the change. This change signal is directed to another module (change return) to return all the coins inserted to the customer. The prices of the items are listed below. Item Price(Cents) A 40 B 50 C 60 D 70 Table 6.2: Items Price List Table 24 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Productsel Flag = ‘0’ T Write enable = '0'; item_out = '0'; F Item Select Valid T Total amount > itemprice And item_count >0 T item_out = '1'; waddr = itemaddress; tmp_data = item_count - 1; Write enable = '1'; Change = Total amount – itemprice Productsel flag = ‘1’ Total amount = itemprice clearcount = '1'; F Total amount > itemprice And item_count = 0 T item_soldout = '1'; T requirecoins = '1'; F F Total amount < itemprice item_out = '0' item_soldout = '0' waddr <= "1000" tmp_data = ‘0’ Write enable= ‘0’ Productsel_flag = '0' change = "0000" clearcount = '0' requirecoins <= '0' Figure 6.4: Flow Chart Of Item Processor 25 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 The figure above shows how the item processor module functions. The sequence of the process is as follow: Firstly, it checks for valid item selected ( itemA is represented by “0001” ,itemB is “0010”, itemC is “0100” and itemD is “1000” ). If none of the items is selected or valid, it will clear all the outputs as stated in the flowchart. Then if item selected is valid, it move to the next check. At this stage it checks for the total amount inserted is greater than the item’s price and also item count is greater than zero to ensure that the product is not sold out. If the conditions are not fulfilled, it will proceed to the next level of check. If the total amount inserted is more than or equal to item’s price and item count is zero, it will then set output the item_soldout signal to ‘1’. This is to indicate to the customer or user that the item is soldout. If the total amount inserted is less than to item’s price, the requirecoins signal is set to ‘1’ to indicate more coins are needed for the purchase. If the conditions are fulfilled, there are 3 concurrent process executed. Firstly, the change amount will be updated and the product select flag signal will be set to ‘1’. The next process, it checks whether the product select flag signal is equal to ‘0’, this check is important as this determines whether the machine will update the item count quantity. If valid, the machine will output the selected product and updates the item count quantity for that selected item. The last process is to check whether the total amount is equal to the item’s price. If it satisfies the condition, the clearcount signal will be set to ‘1’. This signal is fed back to the coin counter module to reset the total amount. 26 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Inputs Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Outputs itemA_out clk itemB_out reset itemC_out item_select(3:0) itemD_out change(3:0) itemA_count(7:0) Item Processor clearcount itemB_count(7:0) item_soldout itemC_count(7:0) requirecoins we itemD_count(7:0) data_count(7:0) total_amount(3:0) waddr(3:0) Figure 6.5: Item Processor Module Name of Input/Output Description Of Signal clk System clock reset Reset bit for sequence reset item_select(3:0) An array of bits representing the product selected itemA_count(7:0) An array of bits representing the quantity of itemA itemB_count(7:0) An array of bits representing the quantity of itemB itemC_count(7:0) An array of bits representing the quantity of itemC itemD_count(7:0) An array of bits representing the quantity of itemD total_amount(3:0) The total amount inserted into the machine itemA_out A bit to represent itemA dispensed. itemB_out A bit to represent itemB dispensed. itemC_out A bit to represent itemC dispensed. itemD_out A bit to represent itemD dispensed. change(3:0) An array of bits to represent the change required to return. clearcount A bit to clear the value of count_out. 27 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 item_soldout A bit to indicate that the item is sold out. requirecoins A bit to indicate that coins is insufficient for purchase. we A bit to represent write enable. data_count(7:0) An array of bits to represent the item’s quantity waddr(3:0) An array of bits to represent the write address. Table 6.3: Description Of I/O on Item Processor 28 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 6.1.3 MODULE 3: CHANGE RETURN This module provides the change to the customer. Returned change is in coin denominators of 10 cent, 20 cent, 50 cents and 1 dollar. Reset State 1110 Change is not zero T State = Change F T State = “0000” T State 0000 changeret = "0000" dollar_out = ‘0' fifty_out = '0' twenty_out = '0' ten_out = '0' donestatus := '0' State 0001 changeret = "0001" dollar_out = ‘0' fifty_out = '0'; twenty_out = '0' ten_out = '1' donestatus := '0' State 0010 changeret = "0010" dollar_out = ‘0' fifty_out = '0' twenty_out = '1' ten_out = '0' donestatus := '0' State 0011 changeret = "0011" dollar_out = ‘0' fifty_out = '0' twenty_out = '1' ten_out = '1' donestatus := '0' State 0100 changeret = "0100" dollar_out = ‘0' fifty_out = '0' twenty_out = '1' ten_out = '0' donestatus := '0' State 0101 changeret = "0101" dollar_out = ‘0' fifty_out = '1' twenty_out = '0' ten_out = '0' donestatus := '0' State = “1111” T State 1111 changeret = "0000" dollar_out = ‘0' fifty_out = '0'; twenty_out = '0'; ten_out = '0'; donestatus := '1'; State 1010 changeret = "1010" dollar_out = ‘1' fifty_out = '0' twenty_out = '0' ten_out = '0' donestatus := '0' State 1001 changeret = "1001" dollar_out = ‘0' fifty_out = '1' twenty_out = '1' ten_out = '0' donestatus := '0' State 1000 changeret = "1000" dollar_out = ‘0' fifty_out = '1' twenty_out = '1' ten_out = '1' donestatus := '0' State 0111 changeret = "0111" dollar_out = ‘0' fifty_out = '1' twenty_out = '1' ten_out = '0' donestatus := '0' State 0110 changeret = "0110" dollar_out = ‘0' fifty_out = '1' twenty_out = '0' ten_out = '1' donestatus := '0' F State = “0001” T F State = “1011” T F State = “0010” T F State = “1001” F State = “0011” F T State = “1000” F State = “0100” T F T State = “0111” F State = “0101” T T F T State = “0110” T F Figure 6.6: Flow Chart Of Change Return 29 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 The change is determined by the current register state. Every state has its own output values for the different coin denominators. The initial state begins at state “1110”. At this state, it will check whether the change is greater than zero. If the condition do not satisfies, it will loop back to state “1110” again. If the condition satisfies, the next state will be equal to the change. Upon the next clock cycle, it will move to the next state. For example, if the change is “0011”, it will move to state 0011, it will output the twenty_out and ten_out with a ‘1’. The machine returns 30 cents change to the customer. Upon that the machine move to the next state which is “1111” (end state), at this state, it will set the donestatus to ‘1’. This is to indicate that all change has been returned. After this it goes back to the initial state “1110” to restart a new cycle. Inputs Outputs ten_centout twenty_centout clk fifty_centout reset Change Return change(3:0) dollar_out changeret(3:0) changedone Figure 6.7: Change Return Module 30 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Name of Input/Output Description Of Signal clk System clock reset Reset bit for sequence reset change(3:0) An array of bits to represent the change required to return. ten_centout A bit to indicate ten cent coin is returned twenty_centout A bit to indicate twenty cent coin is returned fifty_centout A bit to indicate fifty cent coin is returned dollar A bit to indicate dollar cent coin is returned changeret(3:0) An array of bits to represent the state. changedone A bit to indicate that change is done. Table 6.3: Description Of I/O on Change Return 31 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 6.1.4 MODULE 4: ITEM TRACKER The purpose of this module is to read data from various addresses and update the data to the address when required. Basically this module serves as a multiple read ports (4 read ports) and single write ports RAM. Inside the RAM, initial values have been pre-defined. These values indicate the number of items available in the vending machine. In the figure below, shows the flowchart of the item tracker. Item Tracker If (Clock’event and clk =’1') T If (WriteEnable =’1') T RAM(conv_integer (writeaddress)) = datain dout1 = RAM(conv_integer (read address1)) dout2 = RAM(conv_integer (read address2)) dout3 = RAM(conv_integer (read address3)) dout4 = RAM(conv_integer (read address4)) Figure 6.8: Flow Chart Of Item Tracker The data will be read from the respective addresses of the item to the dout signals (dout1, dout2, dout3 and dout4). The data is retrieved from the RAM array, as the read address is defined in binary; a binary to integer conversion is needed. If the clock’event and clk =’1’ and when WriteEnable (we) = ‘1’, the item tracker will write the data (datain) to the assigned write address (wa). All the three signals are output from the item processor module. 32 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 For a more detail on multiple read ports and single write port RAM and other type of RAM configurations, reader can refer to the Xilinx XST manual.[10] Inputs Outputs clk d_out1(7:0) ra1(3:0) d_out2(7:0) ra2(3:0) d_out3(7:0) ra3(3:0) ra4(3:0) Item Tracker d_out4(7:0) we waddr(3:0) datain(7:0) Name of Input/Output Figure 6.9: Item Tracker Module Description Of Signal clk System clock ra1(3:0) An array of bits to represent the read address1. ra2(3:0) An array of bits to represent the read address2. ra3(3:0) An array of bits to represent the read address3. ra4(3:0) An array of bits to represent the read address4. we A bit to represent write enable. waddr (3:0) An array of bits to represent the write address. datain(7:0) An array of bits to represent the item’s quantity. d_out1(7:0) An array of bits to represent the data (item’s quantity). d_out2(7:0) An array of bits to represent the data (item’s quantity). d_out3(7:0) An array of bits to represent the data (item’s quantity). d_out4(7:0) An array of bits to represent the data (item’s quantity). Table 6.4: Description Of I/O on Item Tracker 33 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 6.1.5 MODULE 5: REVENUE COUNTER This module is to keep track of the total revenue of the vending machine. For every product sold, the price will be updated to this counter. The flowchart of the revenue counter is as shown below. Revenue Counter Clock’ Event and Clock = ‘1’ itemA_out T totalrevenue = totalrevenue + itemA_price T totalrevenue = totalrevenue + itemB_price T totalrevenue = totalrevenue + itemC_price T totalrevenue = totalrevenue + itemD_price F itemB_out F itemC_out F itemD_out F others totalrevenue = totalrevenue Figure 6.10: Flow Chart Of Total Revenue Counter When clock’event and clock = ‘1’, it checks whether any of the item_out bit(itemA, itemB, itemC and itemD) is turned on. If condition is true, it will add the item’s price to the totalrevenue signal. If none of the item_out bit is selected, there will be no changes to the totalrevenue. 34 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Inputs Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Outputs clk totalrev(7:0) itemA_out itemB_out itemC_out itemD_out Revenue Counter Figure 6.11: Revenue Counter Module Name of Input/Output Description Of Signal clk System clock itemA_out A bit to represent itemA dispensed. itemB_out A bit to represent itemB dispensed. itemC_out A bit to represent itemC dispensed.. itemD_out A bit to represent itemD dispensed. totalrev(7:0) An array of bits to represent the total revenue. Table 6.5: Description Of I/O on Revenue Counter 35 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 6.1.6 MODULE 6: CLOCK DIVIDER This module is a clock divider. The onboard system clock is 50MHz, the clock period work out to be around 20ns. We need to generate a clock with clock period of 1 second, which works out to be 1 Hz. Clk @ 50Mhz Divide By 25 Clk @ 1MHz Divide By 5 Clk @ 200KHz Divide By 10 Clk @ 1KHz Divide By 10 Clk @ 1Hz Divide by 10 Clk @ 20KHz Divide By 2 Clk @ 10KHz Divide By 10 Clk @ 100 Hz Divide By 10 Clk @ 10Hz Figure 6.12: Flow Chart Of Clock Divider Inputs Outputs Clk_25MHz Clk_100KHz clk_50MHz Clk_10KHz Clk_2KHz Clk_1KHz Clock Divider Clk_200Hz Clk_100Hz Clk_10Hz Clk_1Hz Figure 6.13: Clock Divider Module 36 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name of Input/Output Description Of Signal Clk_50MHz System clock @ 50MHz Clk_25MHz Clock @ 25MHz Clk_100KHz Clock @ 100KHz Clk_10KHz Clock @ 10KHz Clk_2KHz Clock @ 2KHz Clk_1KHz Clock @ 1KHz Clk_200Hz Clock @ 200Hz Clk_100Hz Clock @ 100Hz Clk_10Hz Clock @ 10Hz Clk_1Hz Clock @ 1Hz Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Table 6.6: Description Of I/O on Clock Divider 37 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 6.1.7 MODULE 7: LCD CONTROLLER This module will process the data and sent the characters to the LED display panel. Figure 6.14: Character LCD interface[11] Above shown is the character LCD interface, it shows how the pins of the FPGA are connected to the Character LCD Display. In order to use the LCD display, it must be first initialise. Below shows the procedure of initialising the LCD, eight bit data interface will be used in this project. After the power-on initialization is completed, the four-bit interface is established. The next part of the sequence configures the display: 1. Issue a Function Set command, 0x28, to configure the display for operation on the Spartan-3A/3AN Starter Kit board. 2. Issue an Entry Mode Set command, 0x06, to set the display to automatically increment the address pointer. 3. Issue a Display On/Off command, 0x0C to turn the display on and disable the cursor and blinking. 38 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 4. Finally, issue a Clear Display command. Allow at least 1.64 ms (82,000 clock cycles) after issuing this command. Figure 6.15: Initialization by Instruction ( 8 bit-interface)[12] Figure 6.16: LCD Character Display Command Set Part 1 [11] 39 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Figure 6.17: LCD Character Display Command Set Part 2 [11] Figure 6.18: LCD Character Set [11] 40 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Figure 6.19: LCD Character Display Address [11] Above shows the Character display address for the LCD. In the non-shifting mode, a total of 32 characters can be displayed. (16 characters on each row). The user can choose the address where he/she wants write the character to by using the set DD RAM address function. The address starts from Hex “00” to “0F” for row 1. The address starts from Hex “40” to “4F” for row 2. Next the user will specify the data bits DB7 to DB0 corresponding to the character that the user wants to display. The LCD_RS set to 1 and LCD_RW set to 0 using the Write data to DD RAM function from LCD character display command set shown in figure 6.11. Inputs Outputs clk rst sf_d(7:0) coin_in(3:0) control(2:0) change(3:0) productselect(3:0) LCD CONTROLLER Figure 6.20: LCD Controller Module 41 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Name of Input/Output Description Of Signal Clk System clock rst A bit for reset. coin_in(3:0) An array of bits to represent the total coin inserted. Change(3:0) An array of bits to represent the change required. Productselect(3:0) An array of bits to represent the product selected. Sf_d(7:0) An array of bits to represent the data to the LCD controller Control(2:0) An array of bits to represent the control bits to LCD controller. Table 6.7: Description Of I/O on LCD Controller 42 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 6.1.8 MODULE 8: VENDINGMACH MODULE This module interlinks all the 7 different modules to operation as a complete vending machine. Basically it maps the inputs and outputs to the respective modules. Below is the model of the vending machine. This block is retrieved from the “View RTL schematics”. Figure 6.21: VendingMach Module 43 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Name of Input/Output Description Of Signal clk System clock Item_select(3:0) An array of bits representing the product selected. tencent A bit representing ten cent coin inserted. twentycent A bit representing twenty cent coin inserted. fiftycent A bit representing fifty cent coin inserted. dollar A bit representing dollar coin inserted. reset A bit representing reset. control(2:0) An array of bits representing the control bits to LCD. sf_d(7:0) An array of bits representing the data bits to LCD. totalrev(7:0) An array of bits representing the total revenue. ten_centout A bit representing ten cent coin returned. twenty_centout A bit representing twenty cent coin returned. fifty_centout A bit representing fifty cent coin returned. dollar_out A bit representing dollar coin returned. change(3:0) An array of bits representing the total change returned. changeret(3:0) An array of bits representing the state of change. count_out(3:0) An array of bits representing the total amount inserted. excess_money(3:0) An array of bits representing the excess money. changedone A bit representing the change return is done. clearcount A bit indicating to clear the total amount. itemA_out A bit representing itemA is dispensed. itemB_out A bit representing itemB is dispensed. itemC_out A bit representing itemC is dispensed. itemD_out A bit representing itemD is dispensed. item_soldout A bit representing item has been sold out. requirecoins A bit representing more coins is required for purchase. Table 6.8: Description Of I/O on VendingMach 44 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 7. SIMULATION RESULTS In order to test out the modules’ functionalities, simulations have to be done to observe the way each individual module behaves. The program used for simulation is ISim which comes along with the Xilinx ISE 11 software. In order to simulate the module, testbench have to be written to model the inputs in actual operating. Example like forcing an input for a period of time and observe the change for output. Below are the simulation results for the modules. 7.1 SIMULATION RESULT: COIN COUNTER Test One: Simulate the insertion of 5 ten cent coins. Figure 7.1: Coin Counter Simulation 1 The output signal count_out indicates a value of “0101” in binary with is 5 in decimal. It has been shown that the counting is correct. Test Two: Simulate insertion of 1 ten cent coin, 1 twenty cent coins and 1 fifty cent coins. 45 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Figure 7.2: Coin Counter Simulation 2 The figure shows the insertion of 1 ten cent, 1 twenty cent, 1 fifty cent. The output count_out shows a value of “1000” in binary which represent 8 in decimal. Test Three: Simulate the insertion of 1 dollar coin, followed by a 1 fifty cent coin, 1 twenty cent, 1 ten cent. Figure 7.3: Coin Counter Simulation 3 The result shows that when the count_out value exceed one dollar, the excess money will be return. The values are shown in the excess_money output signal. First it returns the 50 cents (“0101”), follow by 20 cents (“0010”) and lastly 10 cents (“0001”). 46 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 7.2 SIMULATION RESULT: ITEM PROCESSOR Test One: Setting the total amount to zero. Set the item_select by sequence starting from item1 to item4. Figure 7.4: Item Processor Simulation 1 The result from the simulation shows that when the item_select is set, the requirecoins output signals a ‘1’. Test Two: Setting the total amount to 1 dollar (“1010”) and set the itemA_count to ‘0’. Set the item_select to itemA (“0001”). Figure 7.5: Item Processor Simulation 2 Based on the result of the simulation, the item_soldout signal is set to ‘1’ after the item_select signal is set to “0001” (selection of itemA). This result adheres to the expected outcome of the test. 47 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Test Three: Setting the total amount to 1 dollar (“1010”) and set the itemA_count to 3. Set the item_select to itemA (“0001”). Figure 7.6: Item Processor Simulation 3 The result shows that the module sets the itema_out signal to ‘1’ after itemA(“0001”) is selected. Change is also updated, with totalamount of one dollar minus off the itemA’s price of 40 cents, the resultant change is 60 cents (“0110”). Once the itema_ out signal is turn on, the write enable (we) signal, the write address(waddr) and input data (data_count) is updated. 48 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 7.3 SIMULATION RESULT: CHANGE RETURN Test One: Setting the change to 80 cents. Figure 7.7: Change Return Simulation 1 The module set the ten_centout , twenty_centout and fifty_centout to ‘1’ for a clock cycle. The return amount adds up to the total change amount of 80 cents. Test Two: Setting the change to 40 cents. Figure 7.8: Change Return Simulation 2 From the result of the simulation, the twenty_centout signal is on for 2 clock cycles, which totals up to 40 cents of change return. 7.4 SIMULATION RESULT: ITEM TRACKER Test One: Setting the read address 1(ra1) to “0000”, the read address 2(ra2) to “0001”, the read address 3(ra3) to “0010”, the read address 4(ra4) to “0011”, write enable (we) signal to ‘1’ and write address (wa) to “0001”, and input data (datain) to “00000010”. Figure 7.8: Item Tracker Simulation 1 49 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 As expected, the dout2 is updated once the write enable(we) signal is turn on. Storing the value from input data (datain) to the respective write address (wa) as specified. 7.5 SIMULATION RESULT: REVENUE COUNTER Test One: In this test, all the item_out (itemA_out to itemD_out) signals are set to ‘1’ for one clock cycle sequentially. The expected outcome of the total revenue is the sum of itemA’ price, itemB’price, itemC’price and itemD’price. The total revenue should add up to a value of 10 (“1010”), this value (totalrev) is the same as shown in the figure below. Figure 7.9: Revenue Counter Simulation 1 With the result shown above, this module is functioning properly as per designed. 7.6 SIMULATION RESULT: CLOCK DIVIDER Test One: In this test, the clock in is set to 50Mhz , 20 ns clock cycle. Figure 7.10: Clock Divider Simulation 1 50 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 The delta between the first rising edge to the next rising edge is 1,000,000,000,000 ps, which equals to 1 sec. With the reading shown, the clock divider module had proven that it can generate the 1 Hz clock cycle with high accuracy. 7.7 SIMULATION RESULT: VENDINGMACH This simulation test checks on the functionality of the vendingmach module. This module is the top module for the rest of the seven modules. Test One: Simulate the user inserting one fiftycent coin and select itemA. The expected result: itemA_out will be on, change of 10 cent to be returned and update the itemA_count, the total revenue is also updated. Figure 7.11: VendingMach Simulation 1 The results from the simulation matches the expected results stated above. Test Two: Simulate the user inserting one fiftycent coin and select itemC. The expected result: No transaction will be processed, the requirecoins signal will be on for one clock cycle. 51 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Figure 7.12: VendingMach Simulation 2 The results from the simulation matches the expected results stated above and pass this test. Test Three: Simulate the user inserting one fiftycent coin and select itemA, but itemA count is zero. The expected result: No transaction will be processed, the item_soldout signal will be on for one clock cycle. Figure 7.13: VendingMach Simulation 3 This simulated result and the expected result matches. 52 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Test Four: Simulate the user inserting one dollar coin. Pressing of the reset button. The expected result: No transaction will be processed, the amount inserted one dollar will be returned. Figure 7.14: VendingMach Simulation 4 On the simulation waveform, once the reset signal is turn on, the total amount inserted is returned. One dollarout signal is turn on and clear the count_out value. 53 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 8. Hardware Realization 8.1 DOWNLOAD OF PROGRAM TO FPGA. Below listed are the steps to be followed in order to download the program into the FPGA. Figure 8.1: Processes Window 1) Double-click on the Synthesize-XST. Once done the orange question mark will turn into a green indicator. 2) Double-click on the Implement Design. Wait for the process to finish. 3) Double-click on the Generate Programming File. When done proceed to next step. 4) Double-click on the Configure Target Device. The ISE IMPACT window will pop up shown below. 54 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Figure 8.2: ISE IMPACT Window1 1) Click on the icon button as shown. Figure 8.3: ISE IMPACT Window 2 1) Click on the first radio button. 2) Click OK button. 55 Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Figure 8.4: ISE IMPACT Window 3 1)Right click on the XC3A700A and select the assign new configuration. Figure 8.5: ISE IMPACT Window 4 A new window will appear. Select the bit file to be loaded into the FPGA as shown. Then press on the Open button as shown in Figure 8.4. 56 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 After this the program will be loaded into the FPGA. 8.2 EXPANSION THROUGH 6-PIN ACCESSORY HEADER Figure 8.6: Expansion Port[11] Although the Spartan 3A Starter Kit has 8 discrete LEDs on board, it is insufficient to output the required signals. Therefore additional LEDs are added through the 6 pin accessory header to fulfill the requirement. Figure 8.7: FPGA Connections To J18 Accessory Header 57 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 8.3 LED CIRCUIT TO ACCESSORY HEADER Figure 8.8: LED Circuit Diagram [13] This circuit is implemented on a bread board. The table below shows the list of components used to construct the circuit. In table 8.2 shows the pin connections from the circuit to FPGA. Components Reference: Green LEDs LD0,LD1,LD2,LD3 100 Ohms Resistor R1,R2,R3,R4 2.2K Ohms Resistor R5,R6,R7,R8 NPN Transistor (2N3904) Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 Table 8.1: Components List For LED Circuit The value of R1 is obtained using Ohm’s Law. The supply voltage (Vcc) is 3.3V. The voltage drop of the LED(Vf) is 1.8V, the operating current(Ic) for the LED is 15mA.[14] R1 = (Vcc – Vf)/Ic = (3.3 – 1.8)/ 15mA = 100 Ohms. 58 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Figure 8.9: Circuit Implementation on Bread Board. Connections From Circuit To FPGA Pin LD0 AA21 LD1 AB21 LD2 AA19 LD3 AB19 GND GND VCC VCC Table 8.2: Connections Pin Out From LED Circuit To FPGA 59 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 8.4 MAPPING OF USER INPUTS AND OUTPUTS Below stated is the mapping of user input and output used VendingMach design: Figure 8.10: Locations Of Push Buttons The button that simulates the insertion of 10 cent is “T16”(BTN_SOUTH). The button that simulates the insertion of 20 cent is “T14”.(BTN_NORTH). The button that simulates the insertion of 50 cent is “T15”.(BTN_EAST) The button that simulates the insertion of 1 dollar is “U15”.(BTN_WEST) The button that simulates the coin return is “R13”.(ROT_CENTER) Figure 8.11: Locations Of Slide Switches The slide switch that simulates the selection of itemA is SW3(T9) The slide switch that simulates the selection of itemB is SW2(U8) The slide switch that simulates the selection of itemC is SW1(U10) 60 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 The slide switch that simulates the selection of itemD is SW0(V8) Figure 8.12: Locations Of LEDs For Individual Return Out The LED that indicates the signal ten_centout is AA21. The LED that indicates the signal twenty_centout is AB21. The LED that indicates the signal fifty_centout is AA19. The LED that indicates the signal one_dollarout is AB19. Figure 8.13: Locations Of LEDs The LED that indicates the signal requirecoins is LED7(W21). The LED that indicates the signal item_soldout is LED6(Y22). The LED that indicates the signal excess_money (bit 3) is LED3(U19). The LED that indicates the signal excess_money (bit 2) is LED2(U20). 61 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 The LED that indicates the signal excess_money (bit 1) is LED1(T19). The LED that indicates the signal excess_money (bit 0) is LED0(R20). Figure 8.14: Information Display On LCD The picture above shows the information display on the LCD. At the top, it displays the total amount inserted, on the second line of the LCD it displays the total change return, the product selected and the total revenue of the machine. Refer to the pins mapping as discussed in the previous chapters. 8.5 PREPARING AN SPI PROM FILE The following steps graphically describe how to create an SPI-formatted PROM file using IMPACT from within the ISE Project Navigator. 1. From within the ISE Project Navigator, double-click Generate PROM, ACE, or JTAG File from within the Process pane, as shown below. Figure 8.15: Process Panel 62 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine 2. Double click on the Create PROM File(PROM File Format.) . Figure 8.16: iMPACT Flows Panel 3. Click on the Configure Single FPGA under the SPI Flash. 4. Click on the next arrow. 5. Select “16M” from the drop list menu. 6. Click on the next arrow. 7. Input a file name at the textbox beside “Output File Name”. 8. Click Ok button. 63 Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Figure 8.17: PROM File Formatter Window 9. Click Ok button on the Add Device window. Figure 8.18: Add Device Window 1 10. Browse to the directory and select the .bit file to download and click on the Open button. 64 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Figure 8.19: Add Device Window 2 11. Double click on the Generate File in the iMPACT Processes window. Figure 8.20: iMPACT Processes Window 12. The screen will show a Generate Succeeded. Figure 8.16: Generate Succeeded 65 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 8.6 CONFIGURING SPI FLASH PROM Direct Programming Method [15] The iMPACT software supports direct programming of select SPI serial Flash. The Spartan-3A/3AN Starter Kit board primarily supports direct programming using the embedded USB JTAG programmer included on the board. Using Embedded USB JTAG Programmer [15] Follow these steps to prepare the board for direct SPI Flash programming using the embedded USB JTAG programmer included on the board. 1. Disconnect power to the board. 2. Connect either a USB cable between the board and the PC. 3. Locate the J1, J23, and J25 jumpers in the upper right corner of the board. The J1 jumper block defines which SPI Flash PROM is connected to the FPGA for Master SPI mode configuration. Figure 8.21: SPI Jumper J1 Setting Set the J1 Jumper Block to the pointed setting, the STMicro M25P16 will be used. 66 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Figure 8.22: SPI Jumper J26 Settings Set the Jumper J26 as shown above, to set it to Master SPI mode.\ 4. Insert a jumper in jumper block J1. The figure shows the setting to program the STMicro M25P16 PROM. 5. Insert four jumpers between jumper blocks J25 and J23. These jumpers connect the embedded USB JTAG programmer on the J25 jumper pins to the SPI PROM via the J23 jumper pins. Figure 8.23: SPI Jumpers J23, J25 and J16 Settings 6. Set the FPGA mode select pins for Master SPI mode using jumper J26. 7. Disable the Platform Flash PROM by removing jumper J46. 8. For direct programming, the FPGA’s PROG_B pin must be held Low. Insert a jumper in jumper J16.This holds all the FPGA’s I/O in three-state to allow the JTAG programmer full access to the SPI PROM pins. 9. Re-apply power to the board. 67 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 9 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMEDATION 9.1 CONCLUSION The objectives of the project set during the initial phase of the project are met. The developed prototype vending machine fulfills all the specifications stated in the earlier chapter. This vending machine kept tally of its four items and total revenue. It vended the item requested and returned change. To indicate special cases such as ‘soldout’ and ‘require more money’. The hardware implementation of the vending machine had a LCD display enabling the user to note the money inserted, change returned and total revenue. The amount of change is indicated by LEDs on the board. 9.2 RECOMMEDATION FOR FUTURE STUDY The developed prototype vending machine stills have rooms for improvement. As the values of the register is implemented on volatile memory, once it is power off, the data is lost. For future development, one should look into storing the important data into non-volatile memory,(FLASH Memory) which is available on the Spartan 3A board. The change amount is designed in a predefined method. They can look into ways to keep track of the change left inside the machine and dispense accordingly while ensuring there is enough coins for the change. Another area of modification is to find a way to communicate to a PC through the Ethernet port to send and receive data. The data might be the quantities of goods left in the vending or sending a request to replenish the vending machine. Another suggestion is to interface it with card reader or RFID reader. As cashless transaction is the “in thing” nowadays because it is fast and hassle free. 68 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 10 REFLECTION Building a vending machine prototype with FPGA is a new and challenging project for me. The first step is always the hardest, the project starts with literature research. This is also one of the most important tasks of the project. I have started with no knowledge on FPGA and VHDL through the World Wide Web, the main source of information and books from the library. I have picked up adequate knowledge through the literature research and also improve my skills on picking out useful information. After this, I prepared my project initial report which includes project objectives, investigation of project background, project management, proposed approaches and methods to be employed as well as skills review. As initial planning is important in order to complete the objectives, proposed approaches were systematically analyzed and selected. These works improve my project management skills and provide a roadmap on the project implementation. During the project development, I encountered numerous problems and difficulties. When problem arises, frustration is bound to present. Problem solving skills is one of the critical skills that is essential to develop in order to keep the project constantly moving. At times I have to resolve the problems independently which in some scenario, I had to seek for the right resources and supports. I have learned to be more resourceful and to work more independently as well. Another challenge for me is to manage time effectively. Besides doing this project, I have to cope with my other modules and heavy work load at work. The initial development phase for the project is lagging against the projected timeline. Knowing that I must improve on this drawback, I tried to finish the scheduled task before the projected timeline. It has also taught me a lesson that good time management plays an important role in planning and ensuring all tasks are running as smoothly as scheduled. 69 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 In conclusion, this is a very fruitful practical hands-on experience to equip me with better understanding and knowledge. Most importantly, the skill sets (technical and management) learned during this project can be applied to future work. 70 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 APPENDICE Source Code -- Module Name: vendingmach - Behavioral ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity vendingmach is port ( clk : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; tencent : in std_logic; twentycent : in std_logic; fiftycent : in std_logic; dollar : in std_logic; count_out : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); excess_money : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); changeret : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); item_select : in STD_LOGIC_vector(3 downto 0); itemA_out : inout STD_LOGIC; itemB_out : inout STD_LOGIC; itemC_out : inout STD_LOGIC; itemD_out : inout STD_LOGIC; change : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ; clearcount: inout STD_LOGIC; ten_centout : out STD_LOGIC; twenty_centout : out STD_LOGIC; fifty_centout : out STD_LOGIC; one_dollarout : out STD_LOGIC; changedone : inout STD_LOGIC; requirecoins: inout STD_LOGIC; item_soldout: inout STD_LOGIC; totalrev : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); control : out std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); -- LCD_RS, LCD_RW, LCD_E sf_d: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0) ); end vendingmach; 71 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 architecture Behavioral of vendingmach is component clkdivider is port ( clk : in std_logic; slow_clk : out std_logic); end component; component revenuecounter is Port( clk : IN std_logic; itemA_out : IN std_logic; itemB_out : IN std_logic; itemC_out : IN std_logic; itemD_out : IN std_logic; totalrev : OUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); end component; component ram is Port( clk : in std_logic; we : in std_logic; wa : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); ra1 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); ra2 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); ra3 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); ra4 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); datain : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); dout1 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); dout2 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); dout3 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); dout4 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); end component; component lcd_control is Port ( rst : in STD_LOGIC; clk : in STD_LOGIC; coinin : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); change : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); productselect : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); totalrev: in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); control : out std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); -- LCD_RS, LCD_RW, LCD_E sf_d: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0)); --LCD data bus end component; component counter is 72 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Port( clk : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; tencent : in std_logic; twentycent : in std_logic; fiftycent : in std_logic; dollar : in std_logic; count_out : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); excess_money : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); changedone : in STD_LOGIC; clearcount: in STD_LOGIC); end component; component itemprocessor is Port( clk : in STD_LOGIC; reset : in STD_LOGIC; item_select : in STD_LOGIC_vector(3 downto 0); total_amount : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); itemA_count: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); itemB_count: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); itemC_count: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); itemD_count: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); itemA_out : out STD_LOGIC; itemB_out : out STD_LOGIC; itemC_out : out STD_LOGIC; itemD_out : out STD_LOGIC; clearcount: out STD_LOGIC; item_soldout: out STD_LOGIC; requirecoins: out STD_LOGIC; we: out std_logic; waddr : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); data_count: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); change : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end component; component changereturn is Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC; reset : in STD_LOGIC; change : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); changeret : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); ten_centout : out STD_LOGIC; twenty_centout : out STD_LOGIC; fifty_centout : out STD_LOGIC; one_dollarout : out STD_LOGIC; changedone : out STD_LOGIC); end component; 73 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 signal we :std_logic; signal wa :std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal ra1 :std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):="0000"; signal ra2 :std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):="0001"; signal ra3 :std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):="0010"; signal ra4 :std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):="0011"; signal clk_slow : std_logic; signal datain,cout1,cout2,cout3,cout4 :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin slowclk : clkdivider Port map ( clk => clk, slow_clk => clk_slow); coincounter: counter Port map ( clk => clk_slow, --clk => clk, reset => reset, tencent => tencent, twentycent => twentycent, fiftycent => fiftycent, dollar => dollar, count_out => count_out, excess_money => excess_money, changedone => changedone, clearcount => clearcount); itemsselect:itemprocessor Port map ( clk => clk_slow, --clk => clk, reset => reset, item_select =>item_select, total_amount => count_out, itemA_count => cout1, itemB_count => cout2, itemC_count => cout3, itemD_count => cout4, itemA_out => itemA_out, itemB_out => itemB_out, itemC_out => itemC_out, itemD_out => itemD_out, clearcount => clearcount, requirecoins => requirecoins, 74 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 item_soldout => item_soldout, we => we, waddr => wa, data_count => datain, change => change); change_generate:changereturn Port map ( clk => clk_slow, --clk => clk, reset => reset, change => change, ten_centout => ten_centout, twenty_centout => twenty_centout, fifty_centout => fifty_centout, one_dollarout => one_dollarout, changeret => changeret, changedone => changedone); lcd_display:lcd_control Port map( rst => reset, --clk => clk_slow, clk => clk, coinin => count_out, change => change, productselect => item_select, totalrev => totalrev, control => control, -- LCD_RS, LCD_RW, LCD_E sf_d => sf_d); --LCD data bus itemtracker:ram Port map( clk => clk_slow, --clk => clk, we => we, wa => wa, ra1 => ra1, ra2 => ra2, ra3 => ra3, ra4 => ra4, datain => datain, dout1 => cout1, dout2 => cout2, dout3 => cout3, dout4 => cout4); 75 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine totalrevenue:revenuecounter Port map( clk => clk_slow, --clk => clk, itemA_out => itemA_out, itemB_out => itemB_out, itemC_out => itemC_out, itemD_out => itemD_out, totalrev => totalrev); end Behavioral; -- Module Name: clkdivider - Behavioral library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity clkdivider is port ( clk : in std_logic; slow_clk : out std_logic); end clkdivider; architecture Behavioral of clkdivider is signal clk_divider : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) := x"000000"; begin -- Process that makes slow clock go high only when MSB of -- clk_divider goes high. clk_division : process (clk, clk_divider) begin if (clk = '1' and clk'event) then clk_divider <= clk_divider + 1; end if; slow_clk <= clk_divider(23); end process; end Behavioral; 76 Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity counter is port ( clk : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; tencent : in std_logic; twentycent : in std_logic; fiftycent : in std_logic; dollar : in std_logic; count_out : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); excess_money : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); changedone : in STD_LOGIC; clearcount: in STD_LOGIC:= '0'); end counter; architecture Behavioral of counter is signal temp_count : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := x"0"; signal slow_clk : std_logic; signal state_reg,next_state: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):= X"0"; shared variable totalamount : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal tmpexcess_coins : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); end process; process (clk , reset ) begin if (reset = '1') then elsif ( clk'event and clk = '1') then if (changedone = '1') or (clearcount = '1') then state_reg <= "0000"; totalamount := "0000"; else state_reg <= next_state; excess_money <= tmpexcess_coins; end if; end if ; end process; process ( state_reg,tencent,twentycent,fiftycent,dollar) begin 77 Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 case state_reg is when "0000" => count_out <= "0000"; if tencent = '1' then next_state <= "0001";-- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif twentycent = '1' then next_state <= "0010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif fiftycent = '1' then next_state <= "0101"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif dollar = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; else next_state <= "0000"; tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; end if; --10 cents when "0001" => count_out <= "0001"; if tencent = '1' then next_state <= "0010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif twentycent = '1' then next_state <= "0011"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif fiftycent = '1' then next_state <= "0110"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif dollar = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0001";-- Return excess coins else next_state <= "0001"; tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; end if; --20 cents when "0010" => count_out <= "0010"; if tencent = '1' then next_state <= "0011"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif twentycent = '1' then next_state <= "0100"; -- Counter increase 78 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif fiftycent = '1' then next_state <= "0111"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif dollar = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0010";-- Return excess coins else next_state <= "0010"; end if; --30 cents when "0011" => count_out <= "0011"; if tencent = '1' then next_state <= "0100"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif twentycent = '1' then next_state <= "0101"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif fiftycent = '1' then next_state <= "1000"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif dollar = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0011";-- Return excess coins else next_state <= "0011"; tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; end if; --40 cents when "0100" => count_out <= "0100"; if tencent = '1' then next_state <= "0101"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif twentycent = '1' then next_state <= "0110"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif fiftycent = '1' then next_state <= "1001"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif dollar = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0100";-- Return excess coins else next_state <= "0100"; 79 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; end if; --50 cents when "0101" => count_out <= "0101"; if tencent = '1' then next_state <= "0110"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif twentycent = '1' then next_state <= "0111"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif fiftycent = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif dollar = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0101";-- Return excess coins else next_state <= "0101"; tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; end if; --60 cents when "0110" => count_out <= "0110"; if tencent = '1' then next_state <= "0111"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif twentycent = '1' then next_state <= "1000"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif fiftycent = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0001";-- Return excess coins elsif dollar = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0110";-- Return excess coins else next_state <= "0110"; tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; end if; --70 cents when "0111" => count_out <= "0111"; if tencent = '1' then next_state <= "1000"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; 80 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 elsif twentycent = '1' then next_state <= "1001"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif fiftycent = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0010";-- Return excess coins elsif dollar = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0111";-- Return excess coins else next_state <= "0111"; tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; end if; --80 cents when "1000" => count_out <= "1000"; if tencent = '1' then next_state <= "1001"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif twentycent = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif fiftycent = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0011";-- Return excess coins elsif dollar = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "1000";-- Return excess coins else next_state <= "1000"; tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; end if; --90 cents when "1001" => count_out <= "1001"; if tencent = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; elsif twentycent = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0001";-- Return excess coins elsif fiftycent = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0100";-- Return excess coins elsif dollar = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase 81 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 tmpexcess_coins <= "1001";-- Return excess coins else next_state <= "1001"; tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; end if; --100 cents when "1010" => count_out <= "1010"; if tencent = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0001"; elsif twentycent = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0010";-- Return excess coins elsif fiftycent = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "0101";-- Return excess coins elsif dollar = '1' then next_state <= "1010"; -- Counter increase tmpexcess_coins <= "1010";-- Return excess coins else next_state <= "1010"; tmpexcess_coins <= "0000"; end if; when others => end case; -- Output end process; end Behavioral; -- End module. 82 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine -- Module Name: Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 itemprocessor - Behavioral library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity itemprocessor is Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC; reset : in STD_LOGIC; item_select : in STD_LOGIC_vector(3 downto 0); total_amount : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); itemA_count: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); itemB_count: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); itemC_count: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); itemD_count: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); itemA_out : out STD_LOGIC; itemB_out : out STD_LOGIC; itemC_out : out STD_LOGIC; itemD_out : out STD_LOGIC; clearcount: out STD_LOGIC; requirecoins: out STD_LOGIC; item_soldout: out STD_LOGIC; we: out std_logic; waddr : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); data_count: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); change : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end itemprocessor; architecture Behavioral of itemprocessor is signal tmpcountA : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal tmpcountB : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal tmpcountC : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal tmpcountD : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal productsel_flag : std_logic ; process(clk,item_select,total_amount,itemA_count) constant itemA : integer := 4; constant itemB : integer := 5; constant itemC : integer := 6; constant itemD : integer := 7; variable temp :std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):= "0000"; variable tmp_waddr :std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):= "0000"; 83 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 variable tmp_data :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):= "00000000"; variable tmp_we: std_logic; begin if (reset = '1') then temp := total_amount; elsif(clk'event and clk ='1') then case item_select is when "0001" => if(total_amount >= 4) and (itemA_count > 0) then temp := total_amount - itemA; productsel_flag <= '1'; if productsel_flag <= '0' then --update count in ram memory itemA_out <= '1'; waddr <= "0000"; tmp_data := itemA_count - 1; we <= '1'; else we <= '0'; itemA_out <= '0'; end if; --if no change required if total_amount = itemA then clearcount <= '1'; end if; else if (itemA_count = 0) and (total_amount >= 4)then item_soldout <= '1'; elsif (total_amount < itemA) then requirecoins <= '1'; end if; itemA_out <= '0'; temp := "0000"; end if; --elsif (item_select = "0010") then when "0010" => if(total_amount >= 5) and (itemB_count > 0) then temp := total_amount - itemB; --update count in ram memory if productsel_flag <= '0' then itemB_out <= '1'; 84 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 waddr <= "0001"; tmp_data := itemB_count - 1; we <= '1'; productsel_flag <= '1'; else we <= '0'; itemB_out <= '0'; end if; --if no change required if total_amount = itemB then clearcount <= '1'; end if; else if (itemB_count = 0) and (total_amount >= 5) then item_soldout <= '1'; else requirecoins <= '1'; end if; itemB_out <= '0'; temp := "0000"; end if; --elsif (item_select = "0100") then when "0100" => if(total_amount >= 6) and (itemC_count > 0) then temp := total_amount - itemC; if productsel_flag <= '0' then itemC_out <= '1'; waddr <= "0010"; tmp_data := itemC_count - 1; we <= '1'; productsel_flag <= '1'; else we <= '0'; itemC_out <= '0'; end if; --if no change required if total_amount = itemC then clearcount <= '1'; end if; else if (itemC_count = 0) and (total_amount >= 6) then item_soldout <= '1'; else requirecoins <= '1'; end if; 85 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 itemC_out <= '0'; temp := "0000"; end if; --elsif (item_select = "1000") then when "1000" => if(total_amount >= 7) and (itemD_count > 0) then temp := total_amount - itemD; if productsel_flag <= '0' then itemD_out <= '1'; waddr <= "0011"; tmp_data := itemD_count - 1; we <= '1'; productsel_flag <= '1'; else we <= '0'; itemD_out <= '0'; end if; --if no change required if total_amount = itemD then clearcount <= '1'; end if; else if (itemD_count = 0) and (total_amount >= 7)then item_soldout <= '1'; else requirecoins <= '1'; end if; itemD_out <= '0'; temp := "0000"; end if; --else when others => itemA_out <= '0'; itemB_out <= '0'; itemC_out <= '0'; itemD_out <= '0'; item_soldout <= '0'; --turn off write enable ram memory waddr <= "1000"; data_count <= X"00"; we <= '0'; productsel_flag <= '0'; temp := "0000"; clearcount <= '0'; 86 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 requirecoins <= '0'; --end if; end case; end if; change <= temp; data_count <= tmp_data; end process; end Behavioral; -- Module Name: changereturn - Behavioral library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity changereturn is Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC; reset : in STD_LOGIC; change : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); changeret : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); ten_centout : out STD_LOGIC:='0'; twenty_centout : out STD_LOGIC:='0'; fifty_centout : out STD_LOGIC:='0'; one_dollarout : out STD_LOGIC:='0'; changedone : out STD_LOGIC); end changereturn; architecture Behavioral of changereturn is signal state_reg : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):= "1110"; signal state_next: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):= x"0"; shared variable ten_out,twenty_out,fifty_out,dollar_out,count: std_logic; shared variable tempchange : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); shared variable donestatus : std_logic; signal slow_clk : std_logic; begin 87 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine process ( clk , reset ) begin if (reset = '1') then state_reg <= change; changedone <= donestatus; elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then if state_reg = "0000" or state_reg = "1110" then state_reg <= change; changedone <= donestatus; else state_reg <= state_next; one_dollarout <= dollar_out; fifty_centout <= fifty_out; twenty_centout <= twenty_out; ten_centout <= ten_out; changedone <= donestatus; end if; end if ; end process; process ( state_reg,change ) begin case state_reg is -- when change is 0 when "0000" => changeret <= "0000"; dollar_out := '0'; fifty_out := '0'; twenty_out := '0'; ten_out := '0'; state_next <= "1101"; donestatus := '0'; -- when change is 1 when "0001" => changeret <= "0001"; dollar_out := '0'; fifty_out := '0'; 88 Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 twenty_out := '0'; ten_out := '1'; state_next <= "1111"; donestatus := '0'; --when change is 2 when "0010" => changeret <= "0010"; dollar_out := '0'; fifty_out := '0'; twenty_out := '1'; ten_out := '0'; state_next <= "1111"; donestatus := '0'; --when change is 3 when "0011" => changeret <= "0011"; dollar_out := '0'; fifty_out := '0'; twenty_out := '1'; ten_out := '1'; state_next <= "1111"; donestatus := '0'; --when change is 4 when "0100" => changeret <= "0100"; dollar_out := '0'; fifty_out := '0'; twenty_out := '1';-- return 20 cents ten_out := '0'; state_next <= "0010"; -- go to state2 to return another 20 cents donestatus := '0'; --when change is 5 when "0101" => changeret <= "0101"; dollar_out := '0'; fifty_out := '1'; twenty_out := '0'; ten_out := '0'; state_next <= "1111"; donestatus := '0'; --when change is 6 when "0110" => changeret <= "0110"; dollar_out := '0'; fifty_out := '1'; twenty_out := '0'; 89 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine ten_out := '1'; state_next <= "1111"; donestatus := '0'; --when change is 7 when "0111" => changeret <= "0111"; dollar_out := '0'; fifty_out := '1'; twenty_out := '1'; ten_out := '0'; state_next <= "1111"; donestatus := '0'; --when change is 8 when "1000" => changeret <= "1000"; dollar_out := '0'; fifty_out := '1'; twenty_out := '1'; ten_out := '1'; state_next <= "1111"; donestatus := '0'; --when change is 9 when "1001" => changeret <= "1001"; dollar_out := '0'; fifty_out := '1'; twenty_out := '1'; ten_out := '0'; --return 70 cents state_next <= "0010";-- jump to state 2 to return 20 cents donestatus := '0'; --when change is 10 when "1010" => changeret <= "1010"; dollar_out := '1'; fifty_out := '0'; twenty_out := '0'; ten_out := '0'; state_next <= "1111"; donestatus := '0'; when "1110" => changeret <= "1110"; dollar_out := '0'; 90 Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 fifty_out := '0'; twenty_out := '0'; ten_out := '0'; donestatus := '0'; if not(change = 0) then state_next <= change; end if; when "1111" => changeret <= "0000"; dollar_out := '0'; fifty_out := '0'; twenty_out := '0'; ten_out := '0'; donestatus := '1'; state_next <= "1110"; when others => end case; end process; end Behavioral; =============================================================== --- Multiple-Port RAM Descriptions -library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity ram is port (clk : in std_logic; we : in std_logic; wa : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); ra1 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); ra2 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); ra3 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); ra4 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); datain : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); dout1 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); dout2 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); dout3 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); dout4 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); end ram; architecture syn of ram is 91 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 type ram_type is array (0 to 15) of std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); signal RAM : ram_type:= ( X"05",X"05",X"05",X"05", X"00",X"00",X"00",X"00", X"00",X"00",X"00",X"00", X"00",X"00",X"00",X"00" ); begin process (clk) begin if (clk'event and clk = '1') then if (we = '1') then RAM(conv_integer(wa)) <= datain; end if; end if; end process; dout1 <= RAM(conv_integer(ra1)); dout2 <= RAM(conv_integer(ra2)); dout3 <= RAM(conv_integer(ra3)); dout4 <= RAM(conv_integer(ra4)); end syn; -- Module Name: revenuecounter - Behavioral library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity revenuecounter is Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC; itemA_out : in STD_LOGIC; itemB_out : in STD_LOGIC; itemC_out : in STD_LOGIC; itemD_out : in STD_LOGIC; totalrev : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0) ); end revenuecounter; architecture Behavioral of revenuecounter is signal temp: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):= x"00"; signal dectemp: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):= x"00"; 92 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine begin process(clk,itemA_out,itemB_out,itemC_out,itemD_out) constant itemA : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"01"; constant itemB : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"02"; constant itemC : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"03"; constant itemD : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"04"; begin if(clk'event and clk ='1') then if itemA_out = '1' then temp <= temp + itemA; elsif itemB_out = '1' then temp <= temp + itemB; elsif itemC_out = '1' then temp <= temp + itemC; elsif itemD_out = '1' then temp <= temp + itemD; else temp <= temp + "00000000"; end if; end if; if temp = "00000000" then -- 0 dectemp <= "00000000"; elsif temp = "00000001" then --1 dectemp <= "00000001"; elsif temp = "00000010" then --2 dectemp <= "00000010"; elsif temp = "00000011" then --3 dectemp <= "00000011"; elsif temp = "00000100" then --4 dectemp <= "00000100"; elsif temp = "00000101" then --5 dectemp <= "00000101"; elsif temp = "00000110" then --6 dectemp <= "00000110"; elsif temp = "00000111" then --7 dectemp <= "00000111"; elsif temp = "00001000" then --8 dectemp <= "00001000"; elsif temp = "00001001" then --9 93 Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 dectemp <= "00001001"; elsif temp = "00001010" then --10 dectemp <= "00010000"; elsif temp = "00001011" then --11 dectemp <= "00010001"; elsif temp = "00001100" then --12 dectemp <= "00010010"; elsif temp = "00001101" then --13 dectemp <= "00010011"; elsif temp = "00001110" then --14 dectemp <= "00010100"; elsif temp = "00001111" then --15 dectemp <= "00010101"; elsif temp = "00010000" then --16 dectemp <= "00010110"; elsif temp = "00010001" then --17 dectemp <= "00010111"; elsif temp = "00010010" then --18 dectemp <= "00011000"; elsif temp = "00010011" then --19 dectemp <= "00011001"; elsif temp = "00010100" then --20 dectemp <= "00100000"; end if; totalrev <= dectemp; end process; end Behavioral; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity lcd_control is port ( rst : in STD_LOGIC; clk : in STD_LOGIC; coinin : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); change : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); productselect: in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); totalrev : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); control : out std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); -- LCD_RS, LCD_RW, LCD_E sf_d: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0)); --LCD data bus end lcd_control; 94 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 architecture lcd_control_arch of lcd_control is type state_type is (waiting, init1,init2,init3,init4,init5,init6,init7, word1,word2,word3,word4,word5, word6,word7, word8,word9, wordb1,wordb2,wordb3, wordb4,wordb5,wordb6, wordb7,wordb8, wordc,wordc0, wordc1,wordc2,wordc3, wordc4, word_display11,word_display12, word_display14, word_display15,word_display16, word_display17,word_display18, word_display19, word_display20,word_display21, word_display22,word_display23, donestate); signal state,next_state : state_type; signal mode_state,next_mode_state : std_logic := '1'; signal sf_d_temp : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := "00000000"; signal count, count_temp : integer := 0; signal state_flag : std_logic := '0'; signal tmprequirecoins : std_logic := '0'; signal tmpcount : integer:= 0; constant TIME1 : integer := 750000; constant TIME2 : integer := 1; constant TIME3 : integer := 210000; constant TIME4 : integer := 420000; constant TIME5 : integer := 999999; begin run : process (clk,state,count, coinin,change ) is begin case state is -- Initialization Starts -------------------------------when waiting => sf_d_temp <= "00000000"; control <= "000"; -- RS, RW, E if (count >= TIME1) then 95 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 next_state <= init1; state_flag <= '1'; next_state <= waiting; state_flag <= '0'; else end if; when init1 => sf_d_temp <= "00111100"; --Function set DL = 8bit, NL = 2, Font = 5x11 if (count = TIME4) then next_state <= init2; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME4) then next_state <= init1; control <= "000"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= init1; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when init2 => sf_d_temp <= "00111100"; --Function set DL = 8bit, NL = 2, Font = 5x11 if (count = TIME4) then next_state <= init3; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME4) then next_state <= init2; control <= "000"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= init2; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when init3 => sf_d_temp <= "00111100"; --Function set DL = 8bit, NL = 2, Font = 5x11 if (count = TIME4) then next_state <= init4; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME4) then next_state <= init3; control <= "000"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= init3; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when init4 => sf_d_temp <= "00111100"; --Function set DL = 8bit, NL = 2, Font = 5x11 if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= init5; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= init4; control <= "000"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= init4; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '0'; 96 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 end if; when init5 => sf_d_temp <= "00001100"; --Set Display Display=on, Cursor=off, cursor_position=off if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= init6; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= init5; control <= "000"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= init5; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when init6 => sf_d_temp <= "00000001"; --Clear Display --set_timer_flag <= '0'; set_clock_flag <= '0'; --reset display flags if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= init7; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= init6; control <= "000"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= init6; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when init7 => sf_d_temp <= "00000110"; --Entry Mode set ID=1, S=0 if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word1; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= init7; control <= "000"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= init7; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; -- Initialization Ends ----------------------------------- -------------------------Write out 'COINS IN:'----------------------when wordc => sf_d_temp <= "00000001"; --Clear Display --set_timer_flag <= '0'; set_clock_flag <= '0'; --reset display flags if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= wordc0; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then 97 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 next_state <= wordc; control <= "000"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= wordc; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when wordc0 => sf_d_temp <= "00000110"; --Entry Mode set ID=1, S=0 if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= wordc1; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= wordc0; control <= "000"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= wordc0; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when wordc1 => sf_d_temp <= "01001111"; -- C if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= wordc2; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= wordc1; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= wordc1; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when wordc2 => sf_d_temp <= "01001111"; -- O if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= wordc3; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= wordc2; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= wordc2; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when wordc3 => sf_d_temp <= "01001111"; -- I if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= wordc4; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= wordc3; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= wordc3; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when wordc4 => sf_d_temp <= "01001110"; -- N 98 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine if Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 (count = TIME3) then next_state <= donestate; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; tmpcount <= tmpcount + 1; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= wordc4; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= wordc4; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; -------------------------Write out 'COINS IN:'----------------------when word1 => sf_d_temp <= "01000011"; -- C if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word2; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word1; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word1; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when word2 => sf_d_temp <= "01001111"; -- O if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word3; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word2; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word2; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when word3 => sf_d_temp <= "01001001"; -- I if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word4; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word3; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word3; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when word4 => sf_d_temp <= "01001110"; -- N if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word5; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then 99 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 next_state <= word4; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word4; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when word5 => sf_d_temp <= "01010011"; -- S if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word6; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word5; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word5; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when word6 => sf_d_temp <= "10100000"; -- space if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word7; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word6; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word6; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when word7 => sf_d_temp <= "01001001"; -- I if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word8; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word7; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word7; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when word8 => sf_d_temp <= "01001110"; -- N if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word9; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word8; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word8; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; 100 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 when word9 => sf_d_temp <= "00111010"; -- : if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= wordb1; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word9; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word9; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; -------------------------Write out 'CHANGE:'----------------------when wordb1 => sf_d_temp <= "11000000"; -- Set Address hx40 if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= wordb2; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= wordb1; control <= "000"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= wordb1; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when wordb2 => sf_d_temp <= "01000011"; -- C if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= wordb3; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= wordb2; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= wordb2; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when wordb3 => sf_d_temp <= "01001000"; -- H if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= wordb4; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= wordb3; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= wordb3; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when wordb4 => sf_d_temp <= "01000001"; -- A if (count = TIME3) then 101 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 next_state <= wordb5; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= wordb4; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= wordb4; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when wordb5 => sf_d_temp <= "01001110"; -- N if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= wordb6; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= wordb5; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= wordb5; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when wordb6 => sf_d_temp <= "01000111"; -- G if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= wordb7; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= wordb6; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= wordb6; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when wordb7 => sf_d_temp <= "01000101"; -- E if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= wordb8; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= wordb7; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= wordb7; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when wordb8 => sf_d_temp <= "00111010"; -- : if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word_display11; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= wordb8; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= wordb8; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; 102 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 end if; --------------------------- write out when word_display11 => sf_d_temp <= "10001001"; -- Set Address hx0B if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word_display12; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word_display11; control <= "000"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word_display11; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when word_display12 => -- Display dollar of count_out case coinin is when "0000" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when "0001" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when "0010" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when "0011" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when "0100" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when "0101" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when "0110" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when "0111" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when "1000" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when "1001" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when "1010" => sf_d_temp <= "00110001"; --1 when others => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 end case; if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word_display14; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word_display12; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word_display12; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when word_display14 => -- Display tenth of count_out case coinin is when "0000" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when "0001" => sf_d_temp <= "00110001"; --1 when "0010" => sf_d_temp <= "00110010"; --2 when "0011" => sf_d_temp <= "00110011"; --3 when "0100" => sf_d_temp <= "00110100"; --4 when "0101" => sf_d_temp <= "00110101"; --5 103 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 when "0110" => sf_d_temp <= "00110110"; --6 when "0111" => sf_d_temp <= "00110111"; --7 when "1000" => sf_d_temp <= "00111000"; --8 when "1001" => sf_d_temp <= "00111001"; --9 when "1010" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when others => sf_d_temp <= "00101101"; --[-] end case; if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word_display15; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word_display14; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word_display14; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when word_display15 => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; -- 0 -- last digit of count_out if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word_display16; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word_display15; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word_display15; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when word_display16 => sf_d_temp <= "11000111"; -- Set Address hx47 if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word_display17; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word_display16; control <= "000"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word_display16; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when word_display17 => -- Display hundredths of second digit case change is when "0000" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when "0001" => sf_d_temp <= "00110001"; --1 when "0010" => sf_d_temp <= "00110010"; --2 when "0011" => sf_d_temp <= "00110011"; --3 when "0100" => sf_d_temp <= "00110100"; --4 when "0101" => sf_d_temp <= "00110101"; --5 104 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 when "0110" => sf_d_temp <= "00110110"; --6 when "0111" => sf_d_temp <= "00110111"; --7 when "1000" => sf_d_temp <= "00111000"; --8 when "1001" => sf_d_temp <= "00111001"; --9 when "1010" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when others => sf_d_temp <= "00101101"; --[-] end case; if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word_display18; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word_display17; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word_display17; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when word_display18 => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; -- 0 if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word_display19; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word_display18; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word_display18; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when word_display19 => sf_d_temp <= "11001010"; -- Set Address hx47 if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word_display20; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word_display19; control <= "000"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word_display19; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; 105 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 when word_display20 => sf_d_temp <= "01010000"; -- P if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word_display21; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word_display20; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word_display20; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when word_display21 => -- Display product selected case productselect is when "0001" => sf_d_temp <= "00110001"; --1 when "0010" => sf_d_temp <= "00110010"; --2 when "0100" => sf_d_temp <= "00110011"; --3 when "1000" => sf_d_temp <= "00110100"; --4 when others => sf_d_temp <= "00101101"; --[-] end case; if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word_display22; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word_display21; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word_display21; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when word_display22 => -- Display dollar of totalrev case totalrev(7 downto 4) is when "0000" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when "0001" => sf_d_temp <= "00110001"; --1 when "0010" => sf_d_temp <= "00110010"; --2 when "0011" => sf_d_temp <= "00110011"; --3 when "0100" => sf_d_temp <= "00110100"; --4 when "0101" => sf_d_temp <= "00110101"; --5 when "0110" => sf_d_temp <= "00110110"; --6 when "0111" => sf_d_temp <= "00110111"; --7 when "1000" => sf_d_temp <= "00111000"; --8 when "1001" => sf_d_temp <= "00111001"; --9 when "1010" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when others => sf_d_temp <= "00101101"; --[-] 106 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 end case; if (count = TIME3) then --if requirecoins = '1' then -next_state <= init6; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '1'; --else next_state <= word_display23; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; --end if; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word_display22; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word_display22; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when word_display23 => -- Display tens of totalrev case totalrev(3 downto 0) is when "0000" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when "0001" => sf_d_temp <= "00110001"; --1 when "0010" => sf_d_temp <= "00110010"; --2 when "0011" => sf_d_temp <= "00110011"; --3 when "0100" => sf_d_temp <= "00110100"; --4 when "0101" => sf_d_temp <= "00110101"; --5 when "0110" => sf_d_temp <= "00110110"; --6 when "0111" => sf_d_temp <= "00110111"; --7 when "1000" => sf_d_temp <= "00111000"; --8 when "1001" => sf_d_temp <= "00111001"; --9 when "1010" => sf_d_temp <= "00110000"; --0 when others => sf_d_temp <= "00101101"; --[-] end case; if (count = TIME3) then next_state <= word_display11; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '1'; elsif (count > TIME2 AND count <= TIME3) then next_state <= word_display23; control <= "100"; state_flag <= '0'; else next_state <= word_display23; control <= "101"; state_flag <= '0'; end if; when donestate => control <= "100"; sf_d_temp <= "00000000"; if (count = TIME3) then 107 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 if tmpcount = 5 then next_state <= init6; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '1'; tmpcount <= 0; else next_state <= wordc1; control <= "001"; state_flag <= '1'; else end if; tmpcount <= tmpcount + 1; end if; next_state <= donestate; state_flag <= '0'; end case; end process run; timing : process (rst, clk, count) is begin if (rising_edge(clk)) then sf_d <= sf_d_temp; count <= count_temp; if (rst = '1') then state <= waiting; count_temp <= 0; elsif (state_flag = '1') then state <= next_state; count_temp <= 0; else state <= next_state; count_temp <= count_temp + 1; end if; end if; end process timing; end lcd_control_arch; =============================================================== 108 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 REFERENCE [1] Inventors, “History of Vending Machine” [2] radio-electronics, “FPGA tutorial” [3] Smithsonian, “Old World, High Tech” [4] Diagram of FPGA structure [5] Clive Maxfield, "The Design Warrior's Guide to FPGAs” 2004 [6] Comparision Between VHDL and Verilog [7] Stephan Brown and Jonathan Rose, Architecture of FPGAs and CPLDs : A Tutorial, University of Toronto, P7. [8] Specifications Of Xilinx Spartan 3A Starter Kit, [9] Michael Barr , “How Programmable Logic Works”, [10] XST User Manual, RAMs and ROMs HDL Coding Techniques [11] Spartan 3A/3AN FPGA Starter Kit Board User Guide, LCD Display [12] Sitronix ST7066U LCD Display Data sheet/User Manual [13] Digilent Inc, PmodLED schematic,,401,511&Prod=PMODLED [14] John J. Smith, LEDs For Dummies, 109 Logic Circuit Design For A Vending Machine Name :Chen Junhao Stud ID:E0706681 [15] Spartan-3 Generation Configuration User Guide , UG332 (v1.6) October 26, 2009 [16] Wikipedia, Field-programmable gate array 110