Oracle Commands: Index Sql> select count(*) from PROJECT_SKILL; Sql> create index ind_prj_skl on PROJECT_SKILL(p_id); Sql> drop index ind_prj_skl; Sql> Select index_name from user_indexes; Sql> Select index_name from user_indexes where table_name = ‘employee’; Check the account name. Sql> select user from dual; Set header off Sql> set head off -- select subset of tables: Sql> select tname from tab where tname like 'E%'; --Replace contents in a table Sql> update np set word = replace (word,'_',' '); -- select part of a table Sql> select * from np where word > 'C%' and word < 'D%'; -- change a column type Sql> alter table np modify (word varchar2(70)); Look at Sequence names SQL> select sequence_name from user_sequences; SEQUENCE_NAME -----------------------------INV_ID_SEQUENCE INV_ID_SQUENCE ORDER_ID_SEQUEMCE ORDER_ID_SEQUENCE PROJECT_ID_SEQUEMCE PROJECT_ID_SEQUENCE 6 rows selected. Add Column Example The following statement adds a column named THRIFTPLAN of datatype NUMBER with a maximum of seven digits and two decimal places and a column named LOANCODE of datatype CHAR with a size of one and a NOT NULL integrity constraint: Sql> ALTER TABLE emp ADD (thriftplan NUMBER(7,2), loancode CHAR(1) NOT NULL); Modify Column Examples The following statement increases the size of the THRIFTPLAN column to nine digits: Sql> ALTER TABLE emp MODIFY (thriftplan NUMBER(9,2)); Drop Constraint Examples The following statement drops the primary key of the DEPT table: Sql> ALTER TABLE dept DROP PRIMARY KEY CASCADE; If you know that the name of the PRIMARY KEY constraint is PK_DEPT, you could also drop it with the following statement: Sql> ALTER TABLE dept DROP CONSTRAINT pk_dept CASCADE; The CASCADE clause drops any foreign keys that reference the primary key. The following statement drops the unique key on the DNAME column of the DEPT table: Sql> ALTER TABLE dept DROP UNIQUE (dname); Rename a table: Sql> ALTER TABLE emp RENAME TO employee; Rename a column Sql> ALTER TABLE table_name Rename column old_name to new_name; Look at sequence names SQL> select sequence_name from user_sequences; SEQUENCE_NAME -----------------------------INV_ID_SEQUENCE INV_ID_SQUENCE ORDER_ID_SEQUEMCE ORDER_ID_SEQUENCE PROJECT_ID_SEQUEMCE PROJECT_ID_SEQUENCE 6 rows selected. Oracle8i Administrator's Guide 23 Managing Users and Resources (Oracle Documentation) To see the current number of named users defined in the database SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dba_users; The following query lists users and their associated information as defined in the database: SELECT username, profile, account_status from dba_users; SELECT username from dba_users where username not like ‘M%’; SELECT username, account_status from dba_users Where account_status = ‘OPEN’ Order by username; REUTERS21578 REUTERS_D1 REUTERS_D2 SCONLON SCOTT SUMALI OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN The following statement expires the password: ALTER USER userscott PASSWORD EXPIRE; Oracle8i Administrator's Guide SQL*Loader Database Administrator Utilities Export and Import 4 SQL*Loader Case Studies *** put Orcle 8 cd in drive D’ The Case Studies This chapter contains the following case studies: Case 1: Loading Variable-Length Data Loads stream format records in which the fields are delimited by commas and may be enclosed by quotation marks. The data is found at the end of the control file. Case 2: Loading Fixed-Format Fields: Loads a datafile with fixed-length fields, stream-format records, all records the same length. Case 3: Loading a Delimited, Free-Format File Loads data from stream format records with delimited fields and sequence numbers. The data is found at the end of the control file. Case 4: Loading Combined Physical Records Combines multiple physical records into one logical record corresponding to one database row Case 5: Loading Data into Multiple Tables Loads data into multiple tables in one run Case 6: Loading Using the Direct Path Load Method Loads data using the direct path load method Case 7: Extracting Data from a Formatted Report Extracts data from a formatted report Case 8: Loading Partitioned Tables Loads partitioned tables. Case 9: Loading LOBFILEs (CLOBs) Adds a CLOB column called RESUME to the table emp, uses a FILLER field (RES_FILE), and loads multiple LOBFILEs into the emp table.