DATA CLEANING ON INCOME AND ASSET COMPONENTS When economic variables are checked, we strongly recommend of taking the distribution of each income and asset component (excluding DK and RF) and then checking the consistency and reliability of all amounts above the 95% percentile and below the 5% percentile of this distribution. DATA CLEANING: FLOWCHART FOR CASES WHERE A 0 AMOUNT IS GIVEN GENERAL REMARK: This document takes into account the pension payments. However, the problem described below can be present with the same features in any other income or asset component (e.g. bank account). If so, please use the same described procedure. THE PROBLEM: Respondent indicates to have a pension (e.g. first old age pension) but the reported amount is 0. The ownership of the pension is given by EP071_question (public pension) and/or EP324_ question (occupational pension). The amount of all of these pensions are given by EP078_ question. When respondent entries in the unfolding bracket sequence (UBs), the final interval (or DK/RF) is reported in the EP215_ variable. Please generate: ep071_xx_original = ep071_xx ep071_xx_flag = 0 ep324_xx_original = ep324_xx ep324_xx_flag = 0 ep078_xx_original = ep078_xx ep078_xx_flag = 0 ep215_xx_original = ep215_xx ep215_xx_flag = 0 Flags for “ownership” Please define the label for ep071_xx_flag and ep324_xx_flag variables: 0 “No change” 1 “Zero amount changed: NO ownership” Flags for “amounts” Please define the label for ep078_xx_flag variable: 0 “No change” 1 “No change: 0 is a true value” 2 “Zero changed: NO ownership” 3 “Zero not changed: total of all pensions in another pension category” 4 “Zero changed: amount belongs to the first bracket interval” 5 “Zero changed: UB info present” 6 “Zero changed to DK” Flags for “Unfolding Brackets” Please define the label for ep215_xx_flag variable: 0 “No change” 1 “Zero amount changed: it belongs to the first bracket interval” 2 “Zero amount changed to DK in UBs” Please note that: - for the amount in ep078_1, ep078_2, …, ep078_9 question, the bracket value of the first threshold is given by ep9781v1, ep9782v1, …, ep9789v1; - for the amount in ep078_10, ep078_11, …, ep078_15 question, the bracket value of the first threshold is given by ep978av1, ep978bv1, …, ep978fv1; - for the amount in ep078_16 question, the bracket value of the first threshold is given by ep97810v. Henceforth, ep978xx_v means the value of the first threshold according to the scheme above. How to proceed: 1) The ownership is assumed as correct. Only if you have other information (e.g. a remark) which clearly indicates that respondent has not that pension, change ep071_xx (or ep324_xx) to missing, ep078_xx to missing, ep071_xx_flag (or ep324_xx_flag) to 1 and ep078_xx_flag to 2. If unsure: keep as it is ! If previous point does not apply: 2) The respondent has more than 1 pension. If you have other information (e.g. a remark) which clearly indicates that respondent gives in another pension the total amount of all received pensions, change only ep078_xx_flag to 3. If previous points do not apply: 3) If you have other information (e.g. a remark) which clearly indicates that respondent has an amount so small that is close to “zero”, change ep078_xx to DK (9.00e+20), ep215_xx to ep978xx_v minus 1, ep078_xx_flag to 4 and ep215_xx_flag to 1. If previous points do not apply: 4) Check whether any unfolding bracket information is nevertheless present (even if it should not be). If so, change ep078_xx to DK (9.00e+20) and ep078_xx_flag to 5. If none of the previous points apply and you are clearly sure that the amount has to be positive: 5) Change ep078_xx to DK (9.00e+20), ep215_xx to DK (9.00e+20), ep078_xx_flag to 6 and ep215_xx_flag to 2. If you are clearly sure that the amount can be zero: 6) Change ep078_xx_flag to 1. If you have any doubt regarding EP or HH section, please contact: Lisa Callegaro: Omar Paccagnella: If you have any doubt regarding AS section, please contact: Dimitris Christelis: