Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank) – Informal Continuum in Arabic: Discourse Analysis Syamsudin Lecturer of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim MALANG Mahfuza Al Ana Graduate of STIBA MALANG Abstract: Language is very important for human life as a means of communication to express something about feeling or getting information from one to another person. Arabic is one of languages that have the higher position in the world after English that is the international language. Arabic is principally divided into two kinds namely Fushah and Amiyah. There were two problems investigated in this study namely 1) What are the characteristics of the written – formal language in Arabic? 2) What are the characteristics of the casual (slank) – informal language in Arabic? In answering the problems, the writer did library study and field study by asking some informants in Islamic boarding school of Zainul Hasan Genggong. From the analysis of the data, there are a lot of characteristics of written – formal and casual – informal language in Arabic. The characteristic of written – formal language in Arabic is analized in terms of Isim, Fiil and Harf. While casual – informal language in Arabic is analized in terms of Egyptian Style, Arabian Style and Students of Model Islamic Boarding School of Zainul Hasan Genggong Style. Both written – formal and casual – informal language in Arabic have different characteristics depending on the usage and the style in the sentence / sentences. In written – formal Arabic, Isim have several characteristics that found in the sentence, and it will be 1 2 difference with the characteristics of Fiil and Huruf / Harf. For examples: Isim can be signed by harakat tanwin ( ً ً ً ً ً) in the last of word = ً فَا ِطْي َمة, can be signed by al (ال ) in front of the word = الر ُج ًُ ل َّ . And fiil can be prefixed by one of harfu ziyadah in front of the word such as: ً ا,ً ن,ً ي, ت. Not only in written – formal Arabic have difference characteristics with others but also in casual – informal Arabic. Egytian style have some characteristics and different with the Arabian and the students of Model Islamic Boarding school of Zainul Hasan Genggong. For examples: Egyptian pronounce leter ث =ً )ثالثة( = تtalatah, pronounce harokat fathah ( ً ًَ ) ً e = ( =ً ) ايهeeh. And Arabian pronounce leter ق ً ء, )وقف( = ا wa-if, pronounce leter ج g = ( ً )جنب ganba. The writer realizes that this thesis still lacks of perfection, therefore, she needs criticism to make it better. She also hopes this thesis will be continued by other / future researchers. Key Words: formal-written and casual – informal language INTRODUCTION Language is very important for human life as a means of communication to express something about feeling or getting information from one to other persons. Without language people difficult to communicate with the others. There will be no interaction among the members of society if there is no means of communication called language. According to Lyons (1984:5) that language and society are so intertwined that there is no human being who does not depend upon language, and language is purely human and noninstinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desire by means of voluntary produced symbol. From this statement the writer concludes that language is so Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 3 important to human being / society to make them understand each other in communication. In this era there are lot of number of languages in the word such as: Indonesian language, English, Mandarin, Japan, French, and Arabic and so on. The Writer thinks that Arabic is an important language, because it is the second International language after English, and officially, Arabic is used as the formal language for 20 countries in Asia and Africa, the formal language in United Nations, the formal language in Islamic organizations such as Mu’tamar Al-Islamiyah; Rabitah Allam Islami; and The International Islamic Organizations located in Jakarta: Organisasi Islam International (OII), the formal language in Islamic International Conferences in which Indonesia is the Member, and as International communicative language in religion; economics, culture and political factors. Besides, it is also the prime language for Moslems because it is a Holy Quran language. Now day Arabic is often used in competitions of speech at several organizations for examples: LDNU, Fatayat, in Islamic Boarding School etc. So that Moslems have to learn more about Arabic in order to add their knowledge and open minded of Arabic. On the other hand, anybody needs to understand this language in order not to be late instead other people that clever in Arabic. Besides, the writer thinks that Arabic should also be learned In Indonesia because the religion of Indonesian approximately 90% is Islam. Therefore, it is will be better if Arabic also to be learned in Indonesia. Besides the types, Language also has styles namely are formal and informal languages style. Formal speech / style occur in social context such as formal, 4 serious, often official in some sense such us: a formal job interview, meeting an important dignitary, and standing before a court of law. In Arabic formal speech is called “Fushah”. While informal speech / style occur in casual, relaxed social setting in which speech is spontaneous, rapid, and uncensored by the speaker. For examples: chatting with close friends and interacting in an intimate or family environment or in similar relaxed setting. In Arabic informal speech is called “Amiyah”. Not all people in Arab and also others people who stay in other countries know and understand about oralwritten in Arabic, formal and informal style in Arabic. Sometimes people only understand the oral but do not understand the written, understand the casual but do not understand the formal, and on the contrary, know the written not in oral, know the formal not in casual. These reasons make writer think that it is the interesting to discuss because it gives many advantages especially for Moslems in order to understand about these oral-written and casual-formal language in Arabic. It is also necessary to note here that Arab-Indonesia relationship is setting better so it is important for Indonesians to develop better communication especially in Arabic. PROBLEMS AND OBJECTIVES From the background above, the problem statements of this study, dealing with comparing of oralwritten continuum and Casual (Slank)-Formal Continuum in Arabic as mentions above are formulated in form of questions as follows: (1) What are the typical characteristics of the written – formal language in Arabic? (2) What are the typical characteristics of the casual – Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 5 informal language in Arabic?. Based on the problems, then, the objectives are: (1) to describe the typical characteristics of the written – formal language in Arabic and (2) to describe the typical characteristics of the casual – informal language in Arabic SIGNIFICANCE The writer hopes that the result of this research will give benefit to: 1. General people This study can be used for people who want to know more or deeper their own Arabic, especially oral-written continuum and casual (slank)-formal continuum in this language (Arabic). They can read it to remember about this. 2. The students. The research of this study can be used by the student who study Arabic to enrich their knowledge about this language, so they can get more knowledge and its will be better than before so that they can use both this language well. 3. The teachers or lecturers The teachers or lectures who teaches Arabic to add knowledge about this language and to make easier in learning or teaching method and also memories about the lesson that have been gotten when they studied at school and so on. Besides, it also for developing studies on 6 discourse analysis across different languages and culture. REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE Theoretical Review 1. Language There are several perceptions dealing with language based on their own opinion, therefore, sometime definition is different from one person and other person. According to Sapir (1921:8); “language is a purely human an non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols. While in Oxford advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English” that language is human and non-instinctive method of communicative ideas, feeling and desires by means of system of sounds and sounds symbols. (1987:473 Lyon, in his book “Language and Linguistics an Introduction” quotes some definitions of language as follows: “ One of the most important fact about language is that there is in general, no connection between words and the situations in which they are used such that occurrence of particular words is predictable, as habitual behaviour is predictable, from the situations themselves.” (Professor of linguistics, University of Sussex 1984). “A language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which a social group co- Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 7 operates.” (In their outline of linguistic analysis Bloch & trager wrote, 19424: 5) In his (Essay on language), Hall (1968:158), tell us that language is “the institution whereby humans communicate and interact with each other by means of habitually used oral-auditory arbitary symbols.” In other hand, Robins (1979:19-14) states that languages are “symbol system … almost wholly based on pure or arbitary convention” Furthermore, Chomsky in Syntactic Structure (1957: 13) states “from now on I will consider a language to be a set (finite or infinite) of sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a finite set of element. From several definition above, the writer conclude that language is a system of communication that used by society (social member) to express something, feeling, ideas and desire by means of voluntary of symbol. a. Types of Language (oral >< written Language) There are two types of language that are used by human being / the society as means of communication those are spoken / oral and written languages. Spoken / oral language is utterances in the form of sound (speech, telling, story etc). While the written language is utterance in the written form (novel, short story, etc). According to Lyon (1984:13-14) he states that “the structures of written sentences upon identifiable distinction of shape; the structure of spoken sentences upon identifiable distinction of sounds”. He also says that “The spoken language is used for a wider range of 8 purposes that the written and writing serves as a functional substitute for speech only in situations which make vocal-auditory communication impossible, unreliable or inefficient”. Tannen (1982) states that the idea that writing is in some way ‘freestanding’, whereas speech is more closely tied to its context, has come under attack as an oversimplification by discourse analysis In other hand, McCARTY, in his book “Discourse Analysis for Language Teacher”. (1994:149) writes: “…Spoken ‘language in action’ where language is used to accompany actions being performed by the speakers, is also typically heavily context – dependent and many show a high frequency of occurrence of deictic words such as this one, over there, near you and bring that here, which can only be decoded in relation to where the speakers are at the time of speaking.” “…written text such as essays, reports, instructions and letters do tend to be more freestanding and to contain fewer deictic expression, written texts may still encode a high degree of shared knowledge between reader and writer and be just as opaque as conversational transcripts…” b. Language styles (Formal >< informal language) Beside types, language also has styles, language styles such us: formal and informal language. Formal language also called standard language while informal language called non-standard language. “The clearest case of formal speech occurs in social context that are formal, serious, often official in some sense, in which you the speaker must watch your Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 9 language and in which the manner of saying something is regarded as socially important. These contexts would include a formal job interview, meeting an important dignitary, and standing before a court of law. Informal speech in our use of that term occurs in casual, relaxed social setting in which speech is spontaneous, rapid, and uncensored by the speaker. Social settings for this style of speech would include chatting with close friends and interacting in an intimate or family environment or in similar relaxed settings. (Akmajian, Demers and Harnish, 1979:183) Furthermore, Shiddiqi, August 6, 2010. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Article http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anis_Siddiqi Source: Following is a list of some of the main differences between informal and formal writing: Informal: May use colloquial words/expressions (kids, guy, awesome, a lot, etc.) Formal: Avoid using colloquial words/expressions (substitute with children, man/boy, wonderful, many, etc.) Informal: May use contractions (can't, won't, shouldn't, etc.). Formal: Avoid contractions (Write out full words cannot, will not, should not, etc.). 10 Informal: May use first, second, or third person. Formal: Write in third person (except in business letters where first person may be used). Informal: May use clichés (loads of, conspicuous by absence, etc.) Formal: Avoid clichés (use many, was absent, etc.) Informal: May address readers using second person pronouns (you, your, etc) Formal: Avoid addressing readers using second person pronouns (use one, one's, the reader, the reader's, etc.) Informal: May use abbreviated words (photo, TV, etc) Formal: Avoid using abbreviated words (use full versions - like photograph, television, etc.) Informal: May use imperative voice (e.g. Remember....) Formal: Avoid imperative voice (use Please refer to.....) Informal: May use active voice (e.g. we have notice that.....) Formal: Use passive voice (e.g. It has been noticed that....) Informal: May use short and simple sentences. Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 11 Formal: Longer and more complex sentences are preferred (short simple sentences reflects poorly on the writer) Informal: Difficulty of subject may be acknowledged and empathy shown to the reader. Formal: State your points confidently and offer your argument firm support. 2. Arabic Arabic is one of language that has the higher position in the world after English that is the International language. Besides, Arabic also used in several important Things such as: organizations and Conferences. Ansori, in his Thesis, “Pembudayaan Bahasa Arab di Pondok Pesantren “Nurul Haromain” Desa Ngroto Kecamatan Pujon Kabupaten Malang: Telaah Penumbuhan Biah Arabiyyah (Lingkungan Kearaban)”, (1995: 2) says: “Bahasa Arab telah resmi digunakan sebagai “bahasa penghubung” antar bangsa, karena bahasa Arab merupakan: (1) Bahasa resmi bagi 20 negara di Benua Asia dan Afrika, (2) bahasa resmi di lingkungan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, (3) bahasa resmi dalam organisasi- organisasi Islam internasional, seperti Muktamar Al- Islamiyah, Rabitah allam Islami, dan Organisasi Islam Internasional (OII) yang berpusat di Jakarta, (4) bahasa resmi dalam konferensi-konferensi Islam 12 Internasional yang Indonesia menjadi anggotanya, (5) Sebagai bahasa penghubung antar negara Indonesia dan negara-negara Arab, karena pada zaman yang dewasa ini hubungan antar bangsa Indonesia dan bangsa-bangsa Arab semakin meningkat dan luas baik di bidang agama, ekonomi, pendidikan, kebudayaan dan politik (Ansori, 1995:2).” Officially Arabic is used as International communicative language because: 1) It is the formal language for 20 countries in Asia and Africa, 2) It is the formal language in United Nations, 3) It is the formal language in Islamic organizations such as Mu’tamar AlIslamiyah; Rabitah Allam Islami; and The International Islamic Organizations located in Jakarta: Organisasi Islam International (OII), 4) the formal language in Islamic International Conferences in which Indonesia is the Member, 5) and as International communicative language in religion; economics, culture and political factors. Beside the International language, Arabic also has the function like others language. In this case, Raqib (2004:4) writes “… bahasa Arab memiliki fungsi sebagai alat komunikasi, transfer, dan menyatakan seseorang baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. Sesuatu yang ditransfer biasa berupa pemikiran, pengertian, perilaku dan kesenangan atau secara global yang ditransfer adalah pemikiran (Roqib, 2004:4).” “Arabic has the functions as communication devise, transfer, and gives statement either Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 13 oral/spoken or written. Usually transfers about thinking, understanding, behavior and happiness or globally transferred is thinking. (Roqib, 2004:4)” Many people especially the students know that Arabic is divided into two kinds those are Fushah and Amiyah. Fiddaroini, in his thesis Pengembangan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab states: “… bahasa Arab ada dua macam, yaitu bahasa Arab Fusha dan 'Amiyah.” Arabic is divided into two kinds, those are Fusha and ‘Amiyah. Furthermore, beside the kinds of Arabic, It is also has steps or stages. The Arabic stages such as: the classic Arabic, the formal Arabic and the casual/informal Arabic. Fakhrurrazi says: 1. Bahasa Arab Klasik atau Bahasa Arab Al Qur-an lebih mengacu secara spesifik pada grammar dan penggunaan Al Qur-an hingga sampai pada masa kekhalifahan 2. Bahasa Arab Formal Kontemporer lebih mengacu secara spesifik pada grammar bahasa Arab dan penggunaannya pada abad ke-20. 3. Bahasa Arab ‘Amiyyah atau Spoken Arabic mengacu pada bentuk bahasa Arab yang digunakan 14 dalam percakapan sehari-hari. 1. The classic Arabic or Al quran Arabic is specifically referring to the grammar and he usage of Al quran into the Khalifah period. 2. The contemporary formal Arabic is specifically referring to the Arabic grammar and the usage during the 20th centuries 3. The spoken Arabic / casual Arabic is referring to the Arabic form which is used in daily habit. a. Arabic Alphabet From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia defines that The Arabic alphabet ( Arabic: ’أجبديةً عربيةabjadiyyah ‘arabiyyah) or Arabic abjad is the script used for writing several languages of Asia and Africa, such as Arabic and Urdu. 1) Consonants Collation There are two main collating sequences for the Arabic alphabet: a. The original abjadī order ()أجبدي, used for numbering, derives from the order of the Phoenecian alphabet, and is therefore similar to the order of other Phoenician-derived alphabets, such as the Hebrew alphabet Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 15 b. The hijāʼī ( )هجائيor alphabaʼi order shown in the table below, used where lists of names and words are sorted, as in phonebooks, classroom lists, and dictionaries, groups letters by similarity of shape. Primary letter The Arabic alphabet has 28 basic letters. Contextual forms Phonemic Isolate Nam Translit Value Middl Beginnin e d . End (IPA) e g ا ـا ـا ا ʾalif ʾ/ā various, including /aː/ ب ـب ـبـ بـ bāʾ b /b/, also /p/ in some loanwords ت ـت ـتـ تـ tāʾ t /t/ ث ـث ـثـ ثـ ṯāʾ ṯ /θ/ ج ـج ـجـ جـ ǧīm ǧ (also [ dʒ~ʒ~ɡ j) ] 16 ح ـح ـحـ حـ ḥāʾ ḥ /ħ/ خ ـخ ـخـ خـ ḫāʾ ḫ (also kh, x) [ x~χ ] د ـد ـد د dāl d /d/ ذ ـذ ـذ ذ ḏāl ḏ (also dh, ð) /ð/ ر ـر ـر ر rāʾ r /r/ ز ـز ـز ز zāy z /z/ س ـس ـسـ سـ sīn s /s/ ش ـش ـشـ شـ šīn š (also sh) /ʃ/ ـصـ صـ ṣād ṣ /sˁ/ ـضـ ضـ ḍād ḍ /dˁ/ ص ض ـ ص ـ Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 17 ض ط ـط ـطـ طـ ṭāʾ ṭ /tˁ/ ظ ـظ ـظـ ظـ ẓāʾ ẓ [ ðˁ~zˁ ] ع ـع ـعـ عـ ʿayn ʿ /ʕ/ غـ /ɣ/ (/ɡ/ in many loanwords ġ (also ghain , < >جis gh) normally used in Egypt) غ ـغ ـغـ ف ـف ـفـ فـ fāʾ f /f/, also /v/ in some loanwords ق ـق ـقـ قـ qāf q /q/ ك ـك ـكـ كـ kāf k /k/ 18 ل ـل ـلـ لـ lām l /l/, (/lˁ/ in Allah only) م ـم ـمـ مـ mīm m /m/ ن ـن ـنـ نـ nūn n /n/ ه ـه ـهـ هـ hāʾ h /h/ و ي ـو ـي ـو ـيـ Modified letter و /w/ / /uː/ / /au/, sometime w/ū/ wāw s /u/, /o/ aw and /oː/ in loanwords يـ /j/ / /iː/ / /ai/, sometime y/ī/ s /i/, /e/ ay and /eː/ in loanwords yāʾ Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 19 The following are not individual letters, but rather different contextual variants of some of the Arabic letters. Conditional forms Phonemic Name Translit. Value Isolated Final Medial Initial (IPA) ـآ آ ʾalif madda آ ـآ ة ـة ʾāt h or aṭūaram t / h / ẗ ى ـى ʾalif maqṣūra ʾā ā/ỳ /ʔaː/ /a/, /at/ /aː/ Gemination Gemination is doubling of a consonant. Instead of writing the letter twice, as in English, Arabic places a Wshaped sign called šadda, or shadda, above it. (The generic term for such diacritical signs is harakat). When a shadda is used on a consonant which also takes a kasra (a dash below the consonant indicating that it takes a short /i/ as its vowel), the kasra may be written between the consonant and the šadda rather than in its normal place. General Name Transliteration Unicode 0651 tّ ًّ šadda (consonant doubled) Nutation 20 Nunation (the Arabic term is تنوين, tanwīn) is the addition of a final -n to a noun or adjective. The vowel before it indicates grammatical case. In written Arabic nunation is indicated by doubling the vowel diacritic at the end of the word. There are three of these vowel diacritics, and the signs indicate, from left to right, the endings -un (nominative case), -an (accusative), and -in (genitive). The sign t ـe yet iy ysno mo ttss s اiy w sot ys m tc ʼalif ً (ـا ,) ً(ة tāʼ marbūṭa) ً اتءً مربوطةor stand-alone ً(ء hamzaمهزةt ). An alif should always be written unless the word ends in tāʼ marbūṭa, hamza or is a diptote, even though the -un, -an, or -in is not written. Nunation is used only in formal Arabic (including Modern Standard Arabic); it is absent in everyday spoken Arabic, and many Arabic textbooks introduce even standard Arabic without these endings. Symbol ًـً ـً ـ Transliteration -un -in -an 2. Vowel Short Vowel Short vowels can be included in cases where word ambiguity could not easily be resolved from context alone, or simply wherever they might be considered Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 21 aesthetically pleasing.Short vowels may be written with diacritics placed above or below the consonant that precedes them in the syllable, called harakat. All Arabic vowels, long and short, follow a consonant; in Arabic, words like "Ali" or "alif", for example, start with a consonant: ʻAliyy, ʼalif. Short vowels Name Trans. Value (fully vocalised text) 064E tّ◌ fatḥa a /a/ 064F tّ◌ ḍamma u /u/ 0650◌ Kasra i /i/ Long vowel A long a following a consonant other than a hamza is written with a short a sign on the consonant plus an ʾalif after it; long i is written as a sign for short i plus a yāʾ; and long u as a sign for short u plus a wāw. Briefly, aʾ = ā, iy = ī and uw = ū. Long a following a hamza may be represented by an ʾalif madda or by a free hamza followed by an ʾalif. Long vowels (fully vocalised Name Trans. Value text) 064E 0627 ◌ّا fatḥa ʾalif ()ـا ā /aː/ 22 064E 0649 ◌ّى fatḥa ʾalif maqṣūra ()ـى ā / aỳ /a/ 064F 0648 ◌ّو ḍamma wāw ū / uw ()ـو /uː/ 0650 064A ◌ّي kasra yāʾ ī / iy ( )ـي/iː/ In unvocalized text (one in which the short vowels are not marked), the long vowels are represented by the vowel in question: ʾalif, ʾalif maqṣūra (or yeh), wāw, or yāʾ. Long vowels written in the middle of a word of unvocalised text are treated like consonants with a sukūn (see below) in a text that has full diacritics. Here also, the table shows long vowel letters only in isolated form for clarity. Combinations واand ياare always pronounced wā and yā respectively, the exception is when t واis the verb ending, where ʾalif is silent, resulting in ū. Long vowels (unvocalised text) Name 0627 ا (implied fatḥa) ʾalif ā /aː/ 0649 (implied fatḥa) ʾalif ā / aỳ /a/ Trans. Value Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 23 ى maqṣūra 0648 و (implied ḍamma) wāw ū / uw /uː/ 064A ي (implied kasra) yāʾ ī / iy /iː/ Diphthongs The diphthongs [ai] and [au] are represented in vocalised text as follows: Diphthongs (fully vocalised text) Name 064E 064A ◌ّي fatḥa yāʾ 064E 0648 ◌ّو Trans. Value Ay /ai/ fatḥa wāw Aw /au/ Vowel omission An Arabic syllable can be open (ending with a vowel) or closed (ending with a consonant). open: CV [consonant-vowel] (long or short vowel) closed: CVC (short vowel only) 24 When the syllable is closed, we can indicate that the consonant that closes it does not carry a vowel by marking it with a diacritic called sukūn (tْt) to remove any ambiguity, especially when the text is not vocalized. A normal text is composed only of series of consonants; thus, the word qalb, "heart", is written qlb. The sukūn indicates where not to place a vowel: qlb could, in effect, be read qalab (meaning "he turned around"), but written with a sukūn over the l and the b (tْ ْقلبt ios ysno co s ,) tcs form qVlb. This is one step down from full vocalization, where the vowel a would also be indicated by a fatḥa: tْق ْلب. The Quran is traditionally written in full vocalization. Outside of the Qur’an, putting a sukūn above a yāʼ (representing [iː]), or above a wāw (representing [uː]) is extremely rare, to the point that yāʼ with sukūn will be unambiguously read as the diphthong [ai], and wāw with sukūn will be read [au]. For example, the letters m-w-s-y-q-ā ( موسيقىm tc os ʼalif maqṣūra at the end of the word) will be read most naturally as the word mūsīqā ("music"). If one were to write a sukūn above the wāw, the yāʼ and the ʼalif, one would get tْ موسيْق ى ْ mc ic myenc ws osoc oe ,*mawsaykāy (note however that the final ʼalif maqṣūra, because it is an ʼalif, never takes a sukūn). The word, entirely vocalized, would be written as موسيقىocs veoos i e snn se myenc co s sy . sukūn sign above the final ʼalif maqṣūra, but instead a miniature ʼalif above the preceding qaf consonant, which is a valid Unicode character but most Arabic computer fonts cannot in fact display this miniature ʼalif as of 2006. Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 25 No sukūn is placed on word-final consonants, even if no vowel is pronounced, because fully vocalised texts are always written as if the ʼiʻrāb vowels were in fact pronounced. For example, ʼAḥmad zawǧ šarr, meaning “Ahmed is a bad husband”, for the purposes of Arabic grammar and orthography, is treated as if still pronounced with full ʼiʻrāb, i.e. ʼAḥmadu zawǧun šarrun with the complete desinences. General Name Unicode Translit. Phonemic Value (IPA) Ø /aː/ 0652 tْ ◌ ّ Sukūn (no vowel with this consonant letter or diphthong with this long vowel letter) 0670 tّ◌ ʾalif above ā The sukūn is also used for transliterating words into the Arabic script. The Persian word (ماسکmâsk, from the English word "mask"), for example, might be written with a sukūn above the ﺱty e es to tcot tcsos e کsy ymsn eyesc wstmsss tcot nsttso osc tcs. 3. Numerals Arabic numerals are written from right to left, though the units are always right-most, and the highest value left-most, just as with Western "Arabic numerals". Telephone numbers are read from left to right. 26 Western Central Eastern/Indian (Maghreb, Europe) (Mideast) (Persian, Urdu) 0 ٠ ٠ 1 ١ ١ 2 ٢ ٢ 3 ٣ ٣ 4 ٤ ۴ 5 ٥ ۵ 6 ٦ ۶ 7 ٧ ٧ 8 ٨ ٨ 9 ٩ ٩ b. Arabic Grammar (Nahwu) Nahwu is the grammatical Arabic that used in the formal Arabic. Adnan, in his book “ Nahwu Praktis Ikhtisar Alfiyah Ibnu Malik” (2004:1) quotes some definitions of Nahwu as follows: According to Suyuti in his book “ Al-Bahjah AlMadliyah Fi Syarh al-alfiyah defines: ً ًاصحً ة ًِ فً ً بًِِ هً ذًَ ًَ واتً ـُ ًَ ه ًُ اخًَ رً ً اْل ًَ كً لِ ًِ مً ً اِ ًْ عً َرابً َوبِناَءً ً ًَ وًَ مايً ـًُْ عً َر ًِ ًفً ً بًِِ هً ً اًََ و ًُ مً اًَ يً ـُ ًْ عً َر ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ًالَل ً ِاعً ت ًْ ًَ و A knowledge to define changes and states of word (mu’rab and mabni), also to know whether a word is Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 27 included to verb with good or bad letter (shahih or mu’tal akhir). In contrast, others scientists of Nahwu says: ًاتً ً اْ ًَ لعً َرً بًِ يًَِّ ة ًِ اخ ًِ رً اً لْ ًَ كً لِ ًَ م ًِ الً ً اًََ و ًِ ثً ًَ ع ًْ نً ً اَ ًْ حًَ و ًُ ح ًَ ً فًَ ـ ًُ ه ًَ وً ًِ عًْ ل ًُ مً يً ـًُْ ب:ح ًُ و ًْ َّاعًْ ل ًُ مً الً ن ًِ ًَ وً اًََّ م ًً فًَ ـ ًَ ه ًَ ذا.ابً ًَ واً لًْ بِنً اًَِ ء ًِ ثً ً اْ ًِ ل ًْ عً َر ًُ اتً ًِ م ًْ نً ًَ حًْ ي ًِ ثً ًَ ع ًِ نً ً اْل ًَ كً لِ ًَ م ًُ ح ًَ ً اْ ً لعًِْ ل ًُ مً يً ـًُْ ب ِ ًِ فً ً ح ِ ىً بً ـ ًْ ع ًَ دً اِنْتِظَ ًِ ام َه ِِ ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً.اً فً اْ ً جُ ًْ مً لًَِ ة َ ًْ َالً تَـً ْرً كًْ يً بِ ًِ هاً ً ا َ ً ًً اْ ًَ لعً َرً بًِ يًَّ ة ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ًDefinition of Nahwu is a science of last status of word in point of view of change and state (mu’rab and mabni). This studies last of words after being combined in a sentence; nominal or verbal (ismiyah/ismiyah). c. Kinds of Arabic 1. Fusha According to Yaqub defines: “Bahasa Arab fusha adalah bahasa yang digunakan dalam al Qur-an, situasi-situasi resmi, penggubahan puisi, penulisan prosa dan juga ungkapan-ungkapan pemikiran (tulisan-tulisan ilmiah). Secara umum bahasa ini dapat diklasifikasikan dalam dua tingkatan, yaitu Bahasa Arab Klasik yang digunakan dalam bahasa al Qur-an dan Bahasa Arab Standar Modern yang digunakan dalam bahasa ilmiah.” “Fusha is Arabic that used in Alquran, formal situation, changing poetry, writing prose, and also the expression of thinking (scientific writing). In common, it is can be classified in the two stages those are classical Arabic 28 which is used in Alquran and modern standard Arabic that used in scientific language.” In the other hand, Ghazawi (Sabah Ghazzawi: 1992, 2).writes : “Bahasa Arab Fusha dikenal dengan bahasa Arab baku atau standar dan banyak yang menyebutnya sebagai bahasa Arab klasik (classical Arabic), bahkan ada yang menyebutnya sebagai Bahasa Arab Standar Modern.” “Fusha known familiar as standard Arabic and many people calls as (classical Arabic), moreover, it is also called Modern Standard Arabic.” From some definition above the writer concludes that Fusha is Arabic that used in the formal situation such as: Al quran, speech, writing and so on. 2. Amiyah According to Yaqub, he states: “Bahasa ‘amiyyah atau yang sering dikenal dengan alLahjah adalah bahasa yang digunakan dalam urusanurusan biasa (tidak resmi), dan yang diterapkan dalam keseharian (istilah familiarnya bahasa gaul; yarab,,). Bahasa ini tidak lain adalah bahasa yang digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari.” “Amiyyah (al-lahjah) is Arabic that used in the informal situation, and it is also used in daily habit (casual, slank in Arabic).” Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 29 Furhermore, Arsyad (2003:3) writes that: “Bahasa Arab 'Amiyah dikenal dengan bahasa Arab yaumiah (harian) bahkan suqiyah (pasaran), dan ada juga yang menyebutnya dengan bahasa Arab kolukwial atau dialek lisan setempat.” “Amiyah known as Arabic yaumiyah (casual) or suqiah (slank) and it is also called collogue Arabic or dialect in every country.” From some statements above the writer concludes that Amiyah is Arabic that used in the informal situation. B. Theoretical Conclusion From the theory above, the writer concludes that Arabic divided into 2 kinds those are fusha and amiyah. Fusha is Arabic that used in the formal situation such as: Al-Quran, Speech, poetryprose and so on. While Amiyah is Arabic that used in the informal situation such as conversation in daily activity, casual, slank and so on. Fusha is divided into 2 steps, first is classical Arabic which used in Al-quran. Abd second is modern standard Arabic that used in scientific Arabic. Amiyah is Arabic that not follows the structure of the grammatical Arabic, it is depend on dialect of people who live in their own countries, because each countries 30 has different dialect with other countries. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In this chapter, the about method of research method includes: type of collection, credibility and analysis. writer would like to discuss in this study. The research research, data sources, data dependability and also data A. Type of Research In this study, the writer applies the descriptive qualitative research method. It is the research method that intended to analyze the typical characteristics between oral >< written language and formal >< casual language in Arabic. She chooses this research method because it is describing the data obtained from the informants and library. B. Data Sources In composing this study, the writer takes the data from the several books that related with the problems statement as the data sources in this study. Besides, the writer also gathered data from some informants. She recorded the information from informants and she made transcription of them. She recorded the information from informants and she makes transcription of it. The data sources taken from the books/library research are as follows: 1. Nahwu Praktis ( Ikhtisar Alfiyah Ibnu Malik) by A. Yazid Adnan Quthny, S.HI, 2004. Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 31 2. Belajar Bahasa Amiyah: 27/7/2010/16 Sya’ban 1431 H/ Hits: 346 by Muhammad Syauqi Hafiz. 3. Perbedaan Bahasa Arab Fushah dengan Bahasa Arab Amiyah : http://fakhrurrazi.com: posted: 0406-2009 4. BAHASA ARAB_Bahasa Sasaran: Dari Amiyah ke Fusha: by Saidun Fiddaroini: posted 25-07-2010 The data Sources taken from the speakers/informants living in Islamic boarding school of Zainul Hasan Genggong are as follows: 1. Data collected from daily speakers of Arabic in Islamic boarding school of Zainul Hasan Gengong. 2. Data collected from native speakers from Egypt and Arab Saudi that visited in Islamic boarding school of Zainul Hasan Genggong. C. Data Gathering The data of the study were gathered in the following steps. First the writer tried to find books used as sources of data in the library, in Islamic boarding school and in her house and also browsing internet. The writer read the books and the result of browsing internet used as the sources of data again and again until understand the contain of the books also result of browsing internet, especially related to the problem of the study then she asked the informants about Fushah >< Amiyah, oral><written language in Arabic. The method of collecting data by the researcher such as observation and interview some informants that living in Islamic boarding 32 school. And the last she arranged the data in accordance and related with the problem of the study. D. Data Analysis After collecting the data, the researcher continues analyzing the data in following steps: 1. Reading the data or article got from internet and books 2. Choosing the data teach fushah >< amiyah, oral written language in Arabic 3. Rereading the data have been choosen 4. Analysing the typical characteristics of oral >< written language, formal >< casual language in Arabic 5. Drawing conclusion FINDING AND INTERPRETATION In this chapter, the writer would like to present the analysis of data: Written – formal language in Arabic and casual – informal language in Arabic. A. Written - Formal Language in Arabic 1. Isim a) Isim ‘Alam 1) ً ُمَ َّمد ُ ( َق َّ َامQoma Muhammadun) = Muhammad stood ُُمَ َّمدrefers to the name of person. Name of person is including isim ‘alam, it is read/wrote tanwin un ( ًّ )ttin the last of word. It for Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 33 mudzakkar ( ً ) مذكرbecause this word is name of male person (masculine) 2) ِ َ( جاتً ً فJa’at fatiimatun) = Fatimah came ًاطْي َمة ْ َ ِ َفt refers to the name of person. Name ًاطْي َمة of person is including isim ‘alam, it is ّ ً )ttin the last of word. It for muannats ()مؤنثtbecause this read/wrote tanwin un ( word is name of female person (feminine) 3) ( اَ ُك ُل ًُ رزًّاAkulut ruzzan) = I eat rice ُرزَّّاt refers to Isim ‘alam because it is the name of thing, name of thing is including isim ‘alam. It is read / written tanwin an ( ًّ ً) in the last of word. It for mudzakkar ()مذكرt because there is no ta’ marbutoh ( ) ةin the last of word. Usually the characteristics of muannats such as: is ta’ marbutoh ( ) ة, alif maqshuroh ( ) ىand alif mamdudah ( ) اء, in the last of word. 34 4) ًً َمَلَّة َ ُاَقْـَرا (Aqro’u majallatan) = I read magazine ً ََمَلَّةt refers to Isim ‘alam because it is the name of thing, name of thing is including isim ‘alam. It is read / written tanwin an ( ًّ the ً) in last of word. It for muannats (ً )مؤنث because there is ta’ marbutoh ( ة ) in the last of word. Usually the characteristics of muannats such as: is ta’ marbutoh ( ) ة, alif maqshuroh ( ) ىand alif mamdudah ( ً) اء, in the last of word. 5) ًبً بَِقلَم ُ ُ( اَ ْكتAktubu biqolamin) = I write with pen ً ً بَِقلَمrefers to Isim ‘alam because it is the name of thing, name of thing is including isim ‘alam. It is read / written tanwin in ( ًّ ً) in the last of word because there is harfu jar in front of of the word, therefore it must be harokat kasrah. It for mudzakkar ()مذكرtbecause there is no ta’ marbutoh ( ) ةin the last of word. Usually the Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 35 characteristics of muannats such as: is ta’ marbutoh ()ة, alif maqshuroh ( ًى ) and alif mamdudah ( ) اء, in the last of word. 6) ًً الر ُج ُل َّ َ( َجاءJa’a ar-rojulu) = a man came ل ً الر ُج َّ trefers to Isim ‘alam because it is the name ُ of thing, name of thing is including isim ‘alam. It is added by al ta’rif ( )الin front of the word because it as the specific word. However, the harokat of the last word is dhommah ( ًُّ ً). 7) ِ ( اَ ْذهAdzhabu ila al-madrrosati) = I go ًدر َس ِة َ ىلً الْ َم ُ َ َ بً ا to school س ًِ ة َ در َ ً الْ َمrefers to Isim ‘alam because it is the name of thing, name of thing is including isim 36 ‘alam. It is read / written kasrah ( ًِّ ً) in the last of word because there is harfu jar in front of of the word, therefore it must be harokat kasrah. It is not read / written tanwin because there is al ta’rif ()ال in front of the word because it as the specific word. It for muannats ()مؤنثtbecause there is ta’ marbutoh ( ) ةin the last of word. Usually the characteristics of muannats such as: is ta’ ) ة, alif maqshuroh ( ً ) ىand alif mamdudah ( ً) اء, in the last of word. marbutoh ( b) Isim Isyarah 1) ًاً كِتً اَب ً ( ًَ ه ًَ ذhadza kitabun) = this is a book ذا ًَ ًَ هrefers to isim isyarah because it indicates to assign the near. It is mudzakkar because it for the masculine word. ( ًَ ه ًَ ذاhadza) = this for mudzakkar (masculine), mufrad (singular) ً( َه َذ ِانhadzaani) = these for mudzakkar (masculine),mutsanna (dual) ًِ( َه ُؤلًَِ ءha’ulaa’i) = these for mudzakar (masculine), jamak (plural) Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 37 2) ( َه ِذًِ هً ََمَلًَّ ةhadzihi majallatun) = this is a book َه ِذًِ هrefers to isim isyarah because it indicates to assign the near. It is muannats because it for the femimine word. ً( َه ِذ ِهhadzihi) = this for muannats (feminine), mufrad (singular) ( هتانhataani) = these for muannats (feminine) mutsanna (dual) ( َه ُؤلَءha’ulaa’i) = these for muannats (feminine) jamak (plural) 3) ِ ًكً قَـلَم َ ( َذلdzalika qolamun) = that is a pen ك ًَ ِ َذلt refers to isim isyarah because it indicates to assign the far. It is mudzakkar because it for the masculine word. ِ ًك َ ( َذلdzalika) = that for mudzakkar (masculine), mufrad (singular) ( ذانكdzanika) = those for mudzakkar (masculine), mutsanna (dual) ًك َ ِ‘( أُولَئula’ika) = those for mudzakkar (masculine), jamak (plural) 4) ًً َمَلَّة َك َ ( تِْلtilka majallatun) = that is magazine 38 ك ًَ ً تِْلrefers to isim isyarah because it indicates to assign the far. It is muannats because it for the feminine word. ًك َ ( تِْلtilka) = that for muannats (feminine), mufrad (singular) tكtنt( تاtaanika) = those for muannats (feminine), mutsanna (dual) ًك َ ِ‘( أُولَئulaiaka) = those for muannats (feminine), jamak (plural) c) Isim Maushul ِ َّ جاءً الْمد ِر 1) َسً الْ ِف ْق ً ه ُ سً الذ ْيً يَ ْد ُر ُ َُ َ َ (Ja’al mudarrisu alladzii yadrusul fiqha) = the teacher (male) who teaches Fiqh is coming ي ًْ اً لَّ ِذrefers to isim maushul because it is collecting two sentences to be one sentence. This sentence is from two sentences: ِ اَلْمد ِرسً ي ْدرthese sentences ِ ًس ُ َجاءًَ الْ ُم َدرand سً الْف ْق ًَ ه ُ ُ َ ُ َُ are collected to be one sentence therefore these ِ sentences become يً يَ ْد ُرسً الْ ِف ْق ًَ ه ْ َجاءً الْ ُم َد ِرسً الَّذ ُ ُ َ It is mudzakkar because it indicates to the masculine word. It is mufrad because it indicates to the singular. ِ انً الَّ َذ ِانً ي ْدرس ِ جاءً الْم َد ِرس 2) انً الْ ِف ْق ًَ ه َُ َ َ ُ ََ Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 39 (ja’ati al-mudzarrisaani alladzaani yadrusaani alfiqha) = two teachers (male) who teach Fiqh are coming ان ًِ الَّ َذrefers to isim maushul because it is collecting two sentences to be one sentence. This sentence is from two sentences: ِ جاءً الْم َد ِرسand ان الْ ِف ْق ً ه ِ ًان ًِ اً لْ ُم َد ِر َسthese َ ً ان يَ ْد ُر َس َ ُ ََ sentences are collected to be one sentence therefore these sentences become ِ انً الَّ َذ ِانً ي ْدرس ِ الْم َد ِرس ًانً الْ ِف ْق َه َُ َ َ ُ ًًَ ً َجاء It is mudzakkar because it indicates to the masculine word. It is mutsanna because it indicates to the dual/double. 3) َجاءًَ الْ ُم َد ِر ُس ْو َنً الَّ ِذيْ َنً يَ ْد ُر ُس ْو َنً الْ ِف ْق ًَ ه (ja’a al-mudarrisuuna alladzina yadzrusuuna alfiqha) = the teachers (male) who teach Fiqh is coming ن ًَ ْ ً الَّ ِذيrefers to isim maushul because it is collecting two sentences to be one sentence. This sentence is from two sentences: جاءً الْم َد ِرسو ًَ نand الْ ِف ْقهtالف ْقهtْ يدْرس ْونt ْالمدرس ْونthese ُْ ُ َ َ sentences are collected to be one sentence therefore these sentences become ِ ِ س ْو َنً اً لْ ِف ْق ًَ ه َ ً َجاءت ُ ً جاءً الْ ُم َد ِر ُس ْو َنً الَّذً يْ َنً يَ ْد ُر َ َ 40 It is mudzakkar because it indicates to the masculine word. It is jamak because it indicates to the plural. ِ َّ ِ 4) سً الْ ِف ْق ًَ ه ُ َجاءَتً الْ ُم َدر َسةًُ ال ِ ِْتً تَ ْد ُر (ja’at al-mudarrisatu allaty tadrusu al-fiqha) = the teacher (female) who teaches Fiqh is coming ِت ً َِّ ً الrefers to isim maushul because it is ْ collecting two sentences to be one sentence. This senten is from two sentences: س ً َجاءتً الْ ُم َد ِرtand َ ُ ِ ِ سً الْف ْقه ُ سً ت ْد ُر ُ اَلْ ُم َدرcollected be one sentence therefore these sentences become ِ سةًُ الَِِّتً تَ ْد ُرسً الْ ِف ْق ًَ ه َ َجاءتً الْ ُم َد ِر ُ ْ َ It is muannats because it indicates to the feminine word. It is mufrad because it indicates to the singular. ِ ِ انً تَ ْدرس ِ ِ 5) انً الْ ِف ْق ًَ ه َ ُ ََجاءَتً الْ ُم َد ِر َستَانً الَّت (ja’at al-mudarrisaati allataani tadrusaani al-fiqha) = two teachers (female) who teach Fiqh are coming الَّتانt refers to isim maushul because it is collecting two sentences to be one sentence. This ِ جاء sentence is from two sentences: ان ًِ َتً الْ ُم َد ِر َست َ َ Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 41 ِ تَ ْدرس and انً الْ ِف ْق ًَ ه َُ ِ َ الْم َد ِرستcollected be one ًان َ ُ sentence therefore these sentences become ِ ِ انً تَ ْدرس ِ ِ ًانً الْ ِف ْق َه َ ُ ََجاءَتً الْ ُم َد ِر َستَانً الَّت It is muannats because it indicates to the feminine word. It is mutsanna because it indicates to the dual (double). ِ ِ ُ تً الْم َد ِر َس 6) ِتً يَ ْد ُر ْس َنً الْ ِف ْق ًَ ه ُ ََجاء ْ َّاتً الال (Ja’at al-mudarrisaatu allaaty yadrusna al-fiqha) = Two teachers (female) who teach Fiqh coming ِ ًِت ْ َّ ً الالrefers to isim maushul because it is collecting two sentences to be one sentence. This ْ جاءتt sentence is from two sentences: tالمدرساتt and ًَّ َات يَ ْد ُر ْس َنً الْ ِف ْقه ًُ الْ ُم َد ِر َسcollected be one sentence ِ جاء therefore these sentences become ًت ََ ِ ُ الْم َد ِر َس ّ ًَ ِتً يَ ْد ُر ْس َنً الْ ِف ْق َه ُ ْ َّاتً الال It is muannats because it indicates to the feminine word. It is jamak because it indicates to the plural. d) Isim Dhomir 1) ِ ِ ِ ُ ( أ َََنana muslimun, diini al ًِنً اْ ِإل ْسالَ ُم َ ًْ دي،ً م ْسلم Islam) = I am a Moslem, my religion is Islam 42 ََن ًَ أis dhomir rafa’ because it indicates to the subject. It for singular feminine masculine or ِن ً ِْ ِديindicates to isim dhomir nashab َ because it indicates to the object, and ي ًْ can not stand alone (dependent word) without any word connecting with this dhomir. 2) ِ ( ََننً مسلِمو َنnahnu muslimuuna, ًً ديْـنًُ ـنَاً اْ ِإل ْسالَ ُم، ُْ ْ ُ ُ ْ diinunaa al-Islam) = We are Moslems, our religion is Islam ن ًُ ََْنis dhomir rafa’ because it indicates to the subject. It for singular feminine masculine or ِديْـنُـنَاindicates to isim dhomir nashab because it indicates to the object, and t ناcan not stand alone (dependent) without any word connecting with this dhomir. 3) ِ ِ ( أَنْتanta muslimun, ًكً اْ ِإل ْسالَ ُم َ ًُ ديْـن،ً م ْسلم ُ َ diinunka al-Islam) = You are a Moslem, your religion is Islam (male) ت ًَ ْ أَنis dhomir rafa’ because it indicates to the subject. It for singular feminine masculine or Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 43 ك ًَ ُ ِديْـنindicates to isim dhomir nashab because it indicates to the object, and t كcan not stand alone (dependent) without any word connecting with this dhomir. 4) ِ ِ ً ت ِ ِ ًُ ديـن، ًكً اْ ِإل ْسالَ ُم ْ ً م ْسل َمة ُ ْ( أَنanti muslimatun, diinuki al- Islam) = You are a Moslem, your religion is Islam (female) ت ًِ ْ أَنis dhomir rafa’ because it indicates to the subject. It for singular feminine masculine or ك ًِ ُ ِديْـنindicates to isim dhomir nashab because it indicates to the object, and ك ًِ can not stand alone (dependent) without any word connecting with this dhomir. 5) ً اَهللًُ يـَ ْر ََحُ ُك َما،ان ًِ ( أَنْـتُ َماً ُم ْسلَ َمantumaa muslimaani, Allahu yarhamukumaa) =You are Moslems, your religion is Islam (male/female, dual) أَنْـتُ َماis dhomir rafa’ because it indicates to the subject. It for singular feminine masculine or ك َما ُ ُ يـَ ْر ََحindicates to isim dhomir nashab because it indicates to the object, and 44 َ ُكمً اcan not stand alone (dependent) without any word connecting with this dhomir. 6) ًَحُ ُك ْم ًَ ً اَهللًُ يـَ ْر،( أَنْـتُ ْمً ُم ْسلِ ُم ْو ًَ نantum muslimuuna, Allahu yarhamukum) =You are Moslems, your religion is Islam (male, plural) أَنْـتُ ًْ مis dhomir rafa’ because it indicates to the subject. It for singular feminine masculine or ك ًْ م ًَ يـَ ْرindicates to isim dhomir nashab ُ َُح because it indicates to the object, and ً ُك ْمcan not stand alone (dependent) without any word connecting with this dhomir. 7) ًَحُ ُك َّن ًَ ً اَهللًُ يـَ ْر، ًُتً ُم ْسلِ َمات َّ ُ ( أَنْـantunna muslimaatun, Allahu yarhamukunna) =You are Moslems, your religion is Islam (female, plural) ُت ًَّ ُ أَنْـis dhomir rafa’ because it indicates to the subject. It for singular feminine masculine or ن ًَّ َحُ ُك ًَ يـَ ْرindicates to isim dhomir nashab because it indicates to the object, and Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 45 ً ُك َّنcan not stand alone (dependent) without any word connecting with this dhomir. 8) ًَ ً اَهللًُ يـَ ْر، ً( ُه َوً ُم ْسلِمhuwa muslimun, Allahu َُحًُ ه yarhamuhu) = He is a Moslem, his religion is Islam (male, singular) ُه ً وt is dhomir rafa’ because it indicates to َ the subject. It for singular feminine masculine or َُحًُ ه ًَ يـَ ْرindicates to isim dhomir nashab because it indicates to the object, and ه ًُ can not stand alone (dependent) without any word connecting with this dhomir. 9) ِ ِ ًاً السالَ ُم َّ ً علَْيـ َه، َ ً( ه َيً ُم ْسل َمةhiya muslimatun, ‘alaiha as-salamu) = She is a Moslem, her religion is Islam (female, singular) ي ً ِهt is dhomir rafa’ because it indicates to َ the subject. It for singular feminine masculine or 46 َعلَْيـ َهاindicates to isim dhomir nashab because it indicates to the object, and ها can not stand alone (dependent) without any word connecting with this dhomir. 10) اً السالَ ًُ م ًِ ( ُمهَاً ُم ْسلِ َمhumaa muslimaani, َّ ً علَْي ِه َم، َ ان ‘alaihimaa as-salam) = They are Moslems, their religion is Islam (male/female, dual/double) ُمهَاt is dhomir rafa’ because it indicates to the subject. It for singular feminine masculine or because it indicates to the object, and َعلَْي ِه َماindicates to isim dhomir nashab ِمهَاcan not stand alone (dependent) without any word connecting with this dhomir. ِ 11) ً السالًَُ م َّ ً علَْي ِهم، َ ( ُه ْمً ُم ْسل ُم ْو ًَ نhum muslimuuna, ُ ‘alaihimu as-salam) = They are Moslems, their religion is Islam (male, plural) ُه ًْ مt is dhomir rafa’ because it indicates to the subject. It for singular feminine masculine or َعلَْي ِه ً مindicates to isim dhomir nashab ُ because it indicates to the object, and Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 47 ً ِه ُمcan not stand alone (dependent) without any word connecting with this dhomir. ِ 12) ً السالًَُ م ًَّ ً علَْي ِه َّن، َ ً( ُه َّنً ُم ْسل َماتhunna muslimaatun, ‘alaihinna as-salam) = They are Moslems, their religion is Islam (female, plural) ن ًَّ ً ُهis dhomir rafa’ because it indicates to the subject. It for singular feminine masculine or because it indicates to the object, and ن ًَّ َعلَْي ِهt indicates to isim dhomir nashab ِه ًَّ نcan not stand alone (dependent) without any word connecting with this dhomir. e) Isim Istifham 1) ً م ِريْضً ؟ َ َّْن َ ( َهلً أHal anta mariidun?) = are َت you sick? ْ ِ ً أ َََن ًِ ِف،َ( لlaa, ana fi shihhatin?) = no, I am ًً ص َّحة ْ fine ل tْ هtis isim istifham because it is an introgative word, so that the first sentence is the introgative sentence, while the second is the answering. 48 2) بً ؟ ُ ُ( َماذَاً تَكْتmadza tatubu?) = what do you write? ًبً ِر َسالَة ُ ُ( أَ ْكتaktubu risalatun) = I write the letter ً ً َماذَاintrogative sentence, while the second is the answering. is isim istifham because it is an introgative word, so that the first sentence is the in 3) ً ه َذاً ؟ َب َ َ(ً َم ْنً َكتman kataba hadza?) = who wrote this? بً َه َذا ًَ َََحَ ُدً َكت ْ ( أahmadu kataba hadza) = Ahmad wrore this ًّْ َم ْنis isim istifham because it is an introgative word, so that the first sentence is the introgative sentence, while the second is the answering. 4) ُِ َيً قَـلَم بً ؟ ُّ ( أayyu qolamin tuhibbu?) = which ُّ ً ُت pen do you like ًَس َوِد ُّ ( أ ُِحuhibbu qolamal ustadzi) = I ْ بً قَـلَ َمً اْأل like the techer’s pen َي ًُّ ً أis isim istifham because it is an introgative word, so that the first sentence is the introgative sentence, while the second is the answering. Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 49 5) بً ؟ ُ ( َم ََتً تَ ًْ ذ َهmata tadzhabu?) = when will you go? بً َغدا ُ ( أَ ْذ َهadzhabu ghodan) = I will go tomorrow َت ًَ ً َمis isim istifham because it is an introgative word, so that the first sentence is the introgative sentence, while the second is the answering. 6) ِ تً ؟ َّ اً َت َ ًَ( ل َماذlimadza ta’akhhorta) = why do َ َخ ْر you come late? ً م ْزَد َِحًَ ة ُ ( الطَّ ِريْ ُقattariqu muzdahimatun) = the road was traffic ً لِ َماذَاis isim istifham because it is an introgative word, so that the first sentence is the introgative sentence, while the second is the answering. 7) ِ ْ( ِِلً سأَلlima sa’alta dzalika?) = why do كً ؟ َ تً ذَل َ َ َ ask that? ً( َح ِقْيـ َقةً لًَ أَفْـ َه ُمhaqiotun, laa afham) = really, I do not understand tَ ً ًِ ِلis isim istifham because it is an introgative word, so that the first sentence is 50 the introgative sentence, while the second is the answering. 8) ِ ً ه َذاً الْ َقلَ ُمً ؟ َ ( ل َم ْنliman hadza al-qolam?) = Whose pen is this? ًََحَ ِد ْ ( َه َذاً قَـلَ ُمً أhadza qolamu ahmadi) = This is Ahmad’s pen ن ًْ ً لِ َمis isim istifham because it is an introgative word, so that the first sentence is the introgative sentence, while the second is the answering. 2. Fiil a) Fiil Madhy 1) ًص َل ْ ( َد َخ َلً اْل َفdakhola al-fashla) = he came in the class male, singular ل ً ً َد َخis fiil madhy because it indicates to َ the verb (past) using dhomir huwa ( ً)ه َو ُ , it is signed by all the leter in the word are wrote/read fathah ( ًَّ ً), and there is no one of harfu ziyadah that suffixes this word, therefore it is fiil madhy using dhomir huwa ( ً) ُه َو. Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 51 2) ًص َل ْ ( َد َخالًَ اْل َفdakholaa al-fashla) = they came in the class male, dual َال ً َد َخt is fiil madhy because it indicates to the verb (past) using dhomir huma for feminine ( َ) ُمهً ا, it is signed by all the leter in the word are wrote/read fathah, and there is one of harfu ziyadah that suffixes this word that is alif ( ً) ا, therefore it is fiil madhy using dhomir huma ( َ) ُمهً ا. 3) ل tص ْ اْلفt( دخل ْواdakholuu al-fashla) = they came in the class male, plural دخل ْواt is fiil madhy because it indicates to the verb (past) using dhomir hum (t) ه ْم, it is signed by the last are suffixed leter waw sukun and alif (tاt) ْو, therefore it is fiil madhy using dhomir hum (t) ه ْم. ْ ( دخلdakholat al-fashla) 4) ل tص ْ اْلفtت = she came in the class male, singular ت tْ دخلt is fiil madhy because it indicates to the verb (past) using dhomir hiya (t) هى, it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah that ْ ), suffixes this word that is ta’ sukun (tت therefore it is fiil madhy using dhomir hiya( ). 5) ل tص ْ اْلفt( دخلتاdakholtaa al-fashla) = they came in the class female, dual 52 tدخلتاt is fiil madhy because it indicates to the verb (past) using dhomir huma for feminine (t) هما, it is signed by there are harfu ziyadah that suffix this word that is ta’ fathah and alif (t) تا, therefore it is fiil madhy using dhomir huma for feminine (t) هما. 6) ل tص ْ اْلفt( دخ ْلنdakholna al-fashla) = they came in the class female, plural tدخ ْلنt is fiil madhy because it indicates to the verb (past) using dhomir hunna (t) ه َّن, it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah that suffixes this word that is nun fathah (t) ن, therefore it is fiil madhy using dhomir hunna (t) ه َّن. 7) ًص َل ْ تً اْل َف َ ( َد َخ ْلdakholta al-fashla) = you came in the class male, singular ت ًَ َد َخ ْلis fiil madhy because it indicates to the verb (past) using dhomir anta ( ًت َ ْ) اَن, it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah that suffixes this word that is ta fathah ( ًت َ ), therefore it is fiil madhy using dhomir anta ( ًت َ ْ) اَن. 8) ًص َل ْ ( َد َخ ْلتُماًَ اْل َفdakholtumaa al-fashla) = you came in the class male/female, dual Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 53 َخ ْلتُمً ا َ ً َدis fiil madhy because it indicates to the verb (past) using dhomir antuma ( َ) اَنْـتُمً ا, it is signed by there are harfu ziyadah that suffix this word tuma ( َ) ُُتً ا, therefore it is fiil madhy using dhomir antuma 9) ( ًَ) اَنْـتُما. ًص َل ْ ( َد َخ ْلتُ ْمً اْل َفdakholtum al-fashla) = you came in the class male, plural خ ْلتُ ًْ م َ َدt is fiil madhy because it indicates to the verb (past) using dhomir antum ( ً) اَنْـتُ ْم, it is signed by there are harfu ziyadah that suffix this word tum ( ً) ُْت, therefore it is fiil madhy using dhomir antum ( ً) اَنْـتُ ْم. ِ 10) ل ً ص ْ ( َد َخ ْلتً اْل َفdakholti al-fashla) َ = you came in the class female, singular لت ًِ ً َد َخis fiil madhy because it indicates to ِ ْ) اَن, it is the verb (past) using dhomir anti ( ًت signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah that ِ ), suffixes this word that is ta kasrah ( ًت therefore it is fiil madhy using dhomir anti ِ ْ) اَن. ( ًت 54 11) ل ً ص َّ ُ ( َد َخ ْلdakholtunna al-fashla) ْ ُتً اْل َف َ = you came in the class female, plural ُت ًَّ ُ ً َد َخ ْلis fiil madhy because it indicates to the verb (past) using dhomir antunna ( ًُت َّ ُ ) اَنْـ, it is signed by there are harfu ziyadah that suffix this word tunna ( ًن َّ ُ) ت, therefore it is fiil madhy using dhomir antunna ( ًُت َّ ُ ) اَنْـ. 12) ل ً ص ْ تً اْل َف ُ ( ًَ د َخ ْلdakholtu al-fashla) َ = I came in the class male / female, singular ت ًُ ً َد َخ ْلis fiil madhy because it indicates to the verb (past) using dhomir ana ( ً) اَ ََن, it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah that suffixes this word that is ta dhommah ( ًّ ُ therefore it is fiil madhy using dhomir ana ( ) اَ ًَ َن. 13) ل ً ص ْ ( َد َخ ْلناًَ اْل َفdakholnaa al-fashla) َ = we came in the class male / female, dual/plural ً), Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 55 َخ ْلنً ا َ َدis fiil madhy because it indicates to the verb (past) using dhomir nahnu ( ًن ُ ) ََْن, it is signed by there are harfu ziyadah that suffixt this word these are nun and alif fathah ( ًَ) َن, therefore it is fiil madhy using dhomir nahnu ( ً) ََْن ُن. b) Fiil Mudharik ِبً ُم َّمدً ً ا 1) ىلً اْمل ْد َر َس ًِ ة َُ ًُ يَ ْذ َه َ َ (Yadzhabu muhammadun ila al-madrosati) = Muhammad goes to school ب ً يَ ْذ َهis fiil mudharik because it indicates ُ to the verb (present) using dhomir huwa ( ُه ًَ و ), it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah prefixes this word that is ya fathah ( ي ًَ ) the second leter is read/written sukun ( ّ ًْ ) and the last later of word is read dhommah ( ّ ًُ ), therefore it is fiil mudharik using dhomir huwa ( ) ُه ً و. َ ُِم َّمدً وآدمً ي ْذهباَ ِنً ا 2) ىلً اْمل ْد َر َسة َ َ َ َ َُ َ َ 56 (Muhammadun wa Adamun yadzhabani ila almadrosati) = Muhammad and Adam go to school ن ًِ َ يَ ْذ َهباis fiil mudharik because it indicates to the verb (present) using dhomir huma for dual masculine ( َ) ُمهً ا, it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah prefixes this word that is ًي َ ), the second leter is read/written sukun ( ّ ًْ ) and the last later are ya fathah ( suffixed by alif and nun kasrah ( ان ًِ ) therefore it is fiil mudharik using dhomir huma ( َ ) ُمهً اfor masculine. ُِم َّمدً وآدمً ً وً إِد ِريسً ي ْذهبـونً ا 3) ىلً اْمل ْد َر َس ًِ ة َ ْ ُ َ َ ْ ْ َ َ َ َُ َ َ (Muhammadun wa Adamun wa Idrisun yadzhabuuna ila al-madrosati) = Muhammad, Adam and Idris go to school ن ًَ يَ ْذ َهبُـ ْوis fiil mudharik because it indicates to the verb (present) using dhomir hum for plural masculine ( ) ُه ًْ م, it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah prefixes this word that is ًي َ ), the second leter is read/written sukun ( ًّْ ) and the last later are ya fathah ( Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 57 suffixed by wau sukun and nun fathah ( ً) ْو َن therefore it is fiil mudharik using dhomir hum ( ) ُه ًْ مfor masculine. ِبً خ ِد ْْيةً ً ا 4) ىلً اْمل ْد َر َس ًِ ة َ َ ًُ تَ ْذ َه َ َ (Tadzhabu Khodijatun ila al-madrosati) = Khodijah goes to school ب ً تَ ْذ َهis fiil mudharik because it indicates ُ to the verb (present) using dhomir hiya ( ً) ِه َى, it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah prefixes this word that is ta’ fathah ( second leter is read/written sukun ًت َ ) the ( ّ ًْ ً) and the last later of word is read dhommah ( ً ّ ًُ ً ), therefore it is fiil mudharik using dhomir hiya ( ً) ِهى. َ ِخ ِد ْْيةً ً ً وً عائِشةً ت ْذهباَ ِنً ا 5) ىلً اْمل ْد َر َس ًِ ة َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ (Khodiijatun wa ‘Aaisyatun tadzhabani ila almadosati) = Khodijah and ‘Aisyah go to school ن ًِ َ تَ ْذ َهباis fiil mudharik because it indicates to the verb (present) using dhomir antumaa for dual masculine /feminine ( َ) اَنْـتُمً ا, it is signed 58 by there is one of harfu ziyadah prefixes this ًت َ ), the second leter is read/written sukun ( ّ ًْ ) and the last later are suffixed by alif and nun kasrah ( ان ًِ ) word that is ta’ fathah ( therefore it is fiil mudharik using dhomir antumaa ( ًاَنْـتُما ) for masculine. ِاطمةً ي ْذهْبً ا ِ ًَ خ ًِ د ْْيةً ً ً وً عائِ َشةً ً ً و ف 6) ىلً اْمل ْد َر َس ًِ ة ْ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ (Khodijatun wa ‘ Aisyatun wa Fatimatun tadzhabanaa ila al-madosati) = Khodijah, ‘Aisyah and Fatimah go to school ْب ًَ ْ ً يَ ْذ َهis fiil mudharik because it indicates to the verb (present) using dhomir hunna for plural feminine ( ً) ُه َّن, it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah prefixes this word that is (ي ًَ ), the second leter is read/written sukun ( ًّْ ) and the last later is suffixed by nun fathah and ( ً) َن, and before ya’ fathah the last read/written sukun, therefore it is fiil mudharik using dhomir hunna ( feminine. ِت ْذهبً ا 7) ىلً اْمل ْد َر َس ًِ ة ُ َ َ َ َ (Tadzhabu ila al-madrosati) ً ) ُه َّنfor Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 59 = you go to school (singular, masculine) ًتَ ْذ َهبt is fiil mudharik because it indicates ُ to the verb (present) using dhomir anta ( ًت َ ْاَن ), it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah prefixes this word that is ta’ fathah ( ت ًَ ) the second leter is read/written sukun ( ّ ًْ ) and the last later of word is read dhommah ( ّ ًُ ), therefore it is fiil mudharik using dhomir anta ( ًت َ ْ) اَن ِت ْذ ً هباَ ِنً ا 8) ىلً اْمل ْد َر َس ًِ ة َ َ َ َ (Tadzhabaani ila al-madrosati) = You go to school (dual, masculine or feminine) tّتذْهبانt is fiil mudharik because it indicates to the verb (present) using dhomir antuma for dual masculine /feminine ( ) اَنْـتُ َما, it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah prefixes this (ت ًَ ), the second leter is read/written sukun ( ّ ًْ ) and the last later are suffixed by alif and nun kasrah ( ان ًِ )t word that is ta’ fathah therefore it is fiil mudharik using dhomir antuma ( ) اَنْـتُ َماfor masculine/feminine. 60 ِت ْذهبـونً ا 9) ىلً اْمل ْد َر َس ًِ ة َ َ َُْ َ َ (Tadzhabuna ila al-madrosati) = You go school (plural, masculine or feminine) ن ًَ ً تَ ْذ َهبُـ ْوis fiil mudharik because it indicates to the verb (present) using dhomir antum for plural masculine/feminine ( ) اَنْـتُ ًْ م, it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah prefixes this ًت َ ), the second leter is read/written sukun ( ًّْ ) and the last later are suffixed by wau sukun and nun fathah ( ًْو َن )ttherefore it is fiil mudharik using dhomir antum ( ) اَنْـتُ ًْ مfor masculine/feminine. word that is ta’ fathah ( ِت ْذهبِْيً ا 10) ًىلً اْمل ْد َر َس ِة َْ َ َ َ َ (Tadzhabiina ila al-madrosati) = You go to school (singular, feminine) ْي ًَ ْ ِ تَ ْذ َهبis fiil mudharik because it indicates to the verb (present) using dhomir anti for ِ ْ) اَن, it is signed by there singular feminine ( ًت is one of harfu ziyadah prefixes this word that ًت َ ), the second leter is read/written sukun ( ًّْ ) and the last later is is ta’ fathah ( Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 61 suffixed by ya sukun and nun fathah ( t) يْن, therefore it is fiil mudharik using dhomir anti ِ ْ ) اَنfor feminine. ( ًت ِت ْذهباَ ِنً ا 11) ًىلً اْمل ْد َر َس ِة َ َ َ َ (Tadzhabaani ila al-madrosati) =You go to school (dual, masculine/feminine) ّ ًِ ً تَ ْذ َهباَ ِنis fiil mudharik because it indicates to the verb (present) using dhomir antuma for dual masculine /feminine ( َ) اَنْـتُمً ا, it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah ًت َ ), the second leter is read/written sukun ( ًّْ ) and prefixes this word that is ta’ fathah ( the last later are suffixed by alif and nun ً ) ِانtherefore it is fiil mudharik using dhomir antuma ( َ ) اَنْـتُمً اfor masculine or kasrah ( feminine. ًِ ت ْذهْبً ا ًىلً اْمل ْد َر َس ِة َْ َ َ َ َ (Tadzhabna ila al-madrosati) 12) = You go to school (plural, feminine) tتذْهبْنt is fiil mudharik because it indicates to the verb (present) using dhomir antunna for dual feminine ( ًُت َّ ُ ) اَنْـ, it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah prefixes this word that is 62 ًت َ ), the second leter is read/written sukun ( ًّْ ) and the last later is ta’ fathah ( suffixed by nun fathah ( ) ًَ ن, and before the last read/written sukunt ( ًّْ ), therefore it is fiil mudharik using dhomir antunna ( ُت ًَّ ُ ) اَنْـfor feminine. ِاَ ْذهبً ا 13) ىلً اْمل ْد َر َس ًِ ة ُ َ َ َ (Adzhabu ila al-madrosati) = I go to school (singular, masculine/feminine) ب ً ً اَ ْذ َهis fiil mudharik because it indicates ُ to the verb (present) using dhomir ana ( ََن ً َ) ا, it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah prefixes this word that is alif fathah ( َ ) ً اthe second leter is read/written sukun ( ًّْ ) and the last later of word is read dhommah ( ّ ًُ ), therefore it is fiil mudharik using dhomir ana ( َ) اَ ً َن ِن ْذهبً ا 14) ىلً اْمل ْد َر َس ًِ ة ُ َ َ َ َ (Nadzhabu ila al-madrosati) Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 63 = we go to school (dual or plural, masculine or feminine) ب ً ً نَ ْذ َهis fiil mudharik because it indicates ُ to the verb (present) using dhomir nahnu for dual or plural, masculine or feminine ( ً) ََْن ُن, it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah prefixes this word that is nun fathah ( ًَن ) the second leter is read/written sukun ( ً ًْ ) and the last later of word is read dhommah ( ًّ ُ ً), therefore it is fiil mudharik using dhomir nahnu ( ً) ََْن ُن. c) Fiil ‘Amr ِ اِ ْعمل 1) ك ًَ ًِ آل ِخَرت َْ (I’mal li akirotika) Work / do for your future life [akhirat]! (Singular, male) ل ً اِ ْع َمt is fiil ‘amr because it indicates to the ْ verb (future) using dhomir anta ( ًت َ ْ) اَن, it is signed by there is none of harfu ziyadah prefixes or suffixes this word, the second leter is read/written sukun ( ًّْ ً) and the last later 64 of word is also read sukun ( ًّْ is fiil ‘Amr ً), therefore it using dhomir anta ( ت ًَ ْ) اَن ِ اِ ْعمً لِي 2) ك ًِ ًِ آل ِخَرت ْ َ (I’maly li akhirotiki) Work / do for your future life [akhirat]! (Singular, female) ي ً ِ ً اِ ْع َملis fiil ‘amr because it indicates to the ْ verb (future) using dhomir anti ( ِ ْ) اَن, it is ًت signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah suffixes this word that ya sukun ( ًّْ ً), the second leter is read/written sukun ( ّ ًْ ً) and before the last later of word is also read kasrah ( ًِّ ً), therefore it is fiil ‘Amr ِ ْ) اَن anti ( ًت using dhomir ِ َاِ ْعمال 3) ً آل ِخَرتِ ُك َما َ (I’malaa li akhirotikumaa) Work / do for your future life [akhirat]! (Dual, male and female) Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 65 َال ً اِ ْع َمt is fiil ‘amr because it indicates to the verb (future) using dhomir antuma ( َ) اَنْـتُمً ا, it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah suffixes this word that alif ( ً) ا, the second leter is read/written sukun ( ًّْ ) and before the last later of word is also read fathah ( ًَّ ً), therefore it is fiil ‘Amr using dhomir antuma ( ًَ) اَنْـتُما ِ اِ ْعملُو 4) اً آل ِخَرتِ ُك ًْ م َْ (I’maluu li akhirotikum) Work / do for your future life [akhirat]! (Plural, male) ً اِ ْع َملُ ْواis fiil ‘amr because it indicates to the verb (future) using dhomir antum ( ً) اَنْـتُ ْم, it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah ْوا ), the second leter is read/written sukun ( ّ ًْ ) suffixes this word that wau sukun and alif ( and before the harfu ziyadah of word is also 66 ًُّ ), therefore it is fiil ‘Amr using dhomir antum ( ) اَنْـتُ ًْ م read dhammah ( ِ اِ ْعم ْلن 5) ً آل ِخَرتِ ُك ًَّ ن َ َ (I’malna li akhirotikunna) Work / do for your future life [akhirat]! (Plural, female) ن ًَ ً اِ ْع َم ْلis fiil ‘amr because it indicates to the verb (future) using dhomir antunna ( ًُت َّ ُ ) اَنْـ, it is signed by there is one of harfu ziyadah ً) َن, the second leter is read/written sukun ( ّ ًْ ً) and suffixes this word that nun fathah ( before the harfu ziyadah of word is also read sukun ( ًّْ ً), therefore it is fiil ‘Amr dhomir antunna ( ُت ًَّ ُ ) اَنْـ 3. Harf a) Harfu jar (جار َ 1) )حرف tّ ًِ ِّ ً الس َم ِاء َّ نـََزَلً اْملطَ ُار ًِ م َن َ (nazalal matoru minassama’i) = the rain fall from the sky using Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 67 ن tْ مt is harfu jar because it make the isim/word after it tobe harokat kasrah 2) بً اِ َىلً الْ َم ْد َر َس ًِ ة ُ اَ ْذ َه ( adzhabu ill madrosaty) = I go to school ىل ًَ ِاt is harfu jar because it make the isim/word after it tobe harokat kasrah 3) ْ عنtاْالسْتاذt( ي ْرجعyarji;ul tالمدْرسةt ustadzu ‘anil madrosati) = The teacher returns home from the school. tن ًِ َعt is harfu jar because it make the isim/word after it tobe harokat kasrah 4) ِ ًَ علَىً اْ ِلق ْرط ًاس َ ب ُ ُ( اَ ْكتaktubu ‘alal qirtosy) I write on the paper t َعلَىt is harfu jar because it make the isim/word after it tobe harokat kasrah 5) ِِ ًص ِل ْ ( ً الت ْلمْي ُد ًِ فً الْ َفat- tilmiidu fil fasly) = The student is in the class (male) t ف ً ِ ً is harfu jar because it make the isim/word after it tobe harokat kasrah 6) بً ِبلْ َقلَم ُ ُ( اَ ْكتaktubu bil qolami) 68 I write by pen ب ًِ is harfu jar because it make the isim/word after it tobe harokat kasrah ِ ِ ( اَ ْذهبً اِىلً الْمadzhabu ilal ًَّعلِْي ِم ْ در َسةً لتـ َ َ َ ُ َ 7) madrosati litta’liim) I go to school for study ل ًِ is harfu jar because it make the isim/word after it tobe harokat kasrah b) Harfu qosam (قسم ِ هللً –ً َات ِ وهللاًِ –ً ِب ًهلل َ )حرف = curse, oath (tallahi), (Billahi), wallahi و, ًَ ِ t تare harfu qosam because these are ًب, indicate to the curse or oath c) Huruf athof ()حرف العطف 1) tن ًَ ً حس َ ً م َح ُّّ ًَ مد ًَ و ُ ( َجاءjaa’a Muhammadun wa َ َ Hasanun) (Muhammad and Hasan are coming) tوt(=and) is huruf athof because it indicates to the conjunction. 2) tً حسنً كل ّْبً اَْوً قِطا َ (dhoroba Hasanun َ ضر َ ب َ kalban aw qiton) َ َ Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 69 (Hasan strikes the dog or the cat) وtْ اt(=or) is huruf athof because it indicates to the conjunction. 3) ِ ُ اً شاءً هللا ًت َ ً ُثًَّ شْئ ُ َ َ ( َمmasya Allah tsumma syi’ta) (From desire of gsod then desire of you) َُّث ًُ ً(=then) is huruf athof because it indicates to the conjunction. B. Casual – Informal Language in Arabic 1) Egyptian Style a) ايً بىنً قمً واقرأً كتابك Yabni um wa’ra’ kitâba (hai baby, stand up and read the book!) The structure of this sentence is following the standard Arabic. It is from the sentence ًِاي ًَ ًك ً ِْ( ً بya ibny qum waqro’ َ َىنً ً قُ ًْ مً ًَ واً قْرْأً ً ً ً كِتً اًَ ب kitaabaka) tPronounce ق ً ء, ًْ اin this sentence. b) سبحانً هللاً ايهً اللىً جابكً هنا Subhanallah. Eeh elle gabak hina (Oh my god, how he can come here) 70 The structure is not following the standard Arabic. Some the standart Arabic words are changed such as: ًف َ َكْيايه ً اللى ًُ يَ ْذ َه جابك ب The standard Arabic of this : ً هنا ُب ُ يَ ْذ َه ِ ً ًحا ًَ ن ًف ًَ ًُ سًْ ب َ هللاً ً َكًْ ي (subhanallahi, kaifa yadzhabu huna) - The harokat of the last words are read sukun; it can be found in the word : ِهللا, ً ايه, جابك - Pronounce harokat fathah ( tt( et ; it can be found in the word ( ايهayah) e (eeh) - Pronounce harokat kasrah ( ًِّ ) e ; itcan be found in yhe word ( اللىilly) (elle) - Pronounce leter جg, it is can be found in word ( جابكgabak) - Pronounce harakat dhammah kasrah ( ًّ ُ ), it can be found in word t(هناhuna) (hina) c) احناً اكثرً منً ثالثة Ihna aktar min talâtah (we are more than three persons) Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 71 The structure is not following the standard Arabic. The standart Arabic ً احنا word is changed: ن ًُ ََْن The standard Arabic sentence of this ًن ًْ ََْن ُنً اَ ْكثَـ ًْ رً ًِ م ttالًَ ثًَِ ة ً َ( ً ثnahnu aktsar min tsalatsati) Pronounce leter ث ta, it is can be found in word الًَ ثًَِ ة ً َ( ً ثtalatah) The last harokat of the word are read sukun; it can be found in the word اكثرand ثالثة d) ايً رئيسً اَنً جاىً اه, مشً َنئم Ya rayyis ana gay aho, misy nayim Hei mr, I am coming, I am not sleeping The structure is not following the standard Arabic. Several standard Arabic words are changed such as: ًس َ لَْيً مش اَنم.ً َنئم ً ايً استاذً ايً رئيس ً اجيعً جاىً اه The standard Arabic word of this: ُ( اُ ْستَا ً ذya ustad ‘ajii’u laysa ًس اََنَُم ًَ لَْي, ً ايًَ اَ ِجْي ًُ ع anaamu) 72 The last harokat of the word are read sukun; it can be found in the words: مش, .َنئم, ايً رئيس Pronounce leter hamzah ء(ً يy); pronounce ( رro)t ra It is found in the word ( ايً رئيسya ro’iis ya rayyis) Pronounce leter hamzah جg , it can be found in the word ً( ً جاىً اهjai ahu) gay aho. Pronounce harokat dhammah ( be found in the word جاىً اه e) ًُّ )t o it can احناً حً نصلً الظهرً سواءً وهللا (ihnah nusholl duhr sawa’ wallah) Suwer, we pray dhuhur together The structure is not following the standard Arabic. Several standard Arabic words is changed such as: ن ًُ ََْن ً احناً ح, ًاعة َ .ً سواء َ ََج The standard Arabic of this: ًظُّ ًْ ه ًِ ر ً ص ًِ لً ال ًَ ًُ ََْن ًُ نً ً ن,ِهللا ً ً ًَ و tt ًاعة َ َ( ََجwallahi nusholly ad-dhuhri jama’atan) The last harokat of word are read sukun; it can be found in the word Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 73 احناً ح, نصل, الظهر, سواء, وهللا Pronounce leter hamzah جg , it can be found in the word الظهر 2) Arab Saudi (Arabian) Style a) حال.……عايزكً دىً الوقت “Aizak dil wa-ti…. Haalan!” (I want to meet you now) The structure of this sentence is not following the standart Arabic. Some of standard Arabic words are changed such as: ًاُِرً يْ ُدً اَ ْنً اَنْظُرَك , اْلَ ًَ ن حال.……دىً الوقت َ عايزك The standard Arabic sentence of this ًاُِريْ ُدً اَ ْن ً( اَنْظَُرَكً اْلَ َنuriidu an anduroka al-ana) The last harokat of the word is read sukun; it can be found in the word عايزك Leter قis not read it can be found in the word دىً الوقت b) أَنً وقفً هناً جنبً احليطة “Ana wa-if hina ganbal heytoh” (I stand here, beside the wall) 74 The structure of this sentence is not following the standart Arabic. Several of standard Arabic words are changed such as: ً ً اَقُم ُ ً ً ً اْحلَائِط ً احليطة أَنً وقف The standart Arabic sentence of this ًَاَقُ ً مً ًُ هنً ا ُ ًبً اْحلَائِط ًَ ِ( ًَ جً نaqumu janiba al-ha’iti) The last harokat of the words are read sukun; it can be found in the word - Pronoun leter ق وقفand احليطة ء, ً اit can be found in the word وقف - Harokat dhommah is read kasrah, it can be found in the word ( ًُ هناhuna) hina - Pronoun leter ج g, harokat kasrah sukun ; it can be found in the word ِ ًب َ ًَ جً ن (janina) ganba - Pronoun harokat fathah e ; it can be found in the word ( احليطةal- haitotun) heytoh c) ازىً بتفهمً الدرسً وأنتً َنئم “Izzay bi tifhim eddars wenta nayyim?” Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 75 (How can you understand the lesson if you always sleep) The structure of this sentence is not following the standard Arabic. The are s ome of standard Arabic words are changed such as: ًف َ َكْي ازى َستَـ ْف َه ًُ م بتفهم ً تَناَ ُمً َنئم The standart Arabic sentence of this ًف َ َكْي ًسً اِ َذاً تَناَ ُم ًِ مَررا َ ( َستَـ ْف َه ُمً الد َّْرkaifa satafhamu ad-darsa idza tanamu miroron) The last harokat of the words are read sukun; it can be found in the word ازى, بتفهم, الدرسand َنئم - Pronoun ا e ; it can be found in the word ( وأنتwa anta) (wenta) - Pronoun ء y ; it can be found n the word ( َنئمna’im) (nayyim) d) هنروحً اجامعةً بكرةً الصبح “Haneruh el gam’ah bukroh” (we will go to campus early morning tomorrow) 76 The structure of this word is not following the standard Arabic. There are some of the standard Arabic words and sentences are changed such as: ِ َسنَ ْذ َهبهنروح ًً اىلً اْمل ْد َر َس ِة ً ً ُ َ َ ًصباحا َ الصبح بَ ِكْيـرا بكرة ً َمعا اجامعة The standard Arabic sentence of this ًصباحا َ ِ ( َسنَ ْذ َهبsanadzhabu ila ًً اىلً اْمل ْد َر َس ًِ ة َمعاً بَ ِكْيـراً َغدا ُ َ َ al-madrosati shobahan bakiron ghodan) - Word ً َغداis not written in the Arabian style. The last harokat of the words are read sukun; it can be found in the word هنروح, اجامعة, بكرةand الصبح Prounce leter جg, harokat fathah is read sukun; it can be found in the word ( اجامعةaljamaah) ‘el-gam’ah e) أَنً ماً عنديشً فلوس “Ana ma indis fulus” (I do not have money) Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 77 The structure of this sentence is not following the standard Arabic. There is of standard Arabic word is changed: عندي عنديش The standard Arabic sentence of this ًَنًَ ًَ ما ً ًَ أ ًيً فًُ ـً لُ ًْ وس ًْ ( ًِ عًْ ن ًِ دana ma ‘indi fulusun) The last harokat of words are read sukun, it can be found in the word ‘(عنديشindisy) and ( فلوسfulus) 3) Model Islamic Senior High School of Zainul Hasan Genggong a) ِ ًىل َّ ( اُنْظُْرً اundhur ilayya) = look at me! The structure of this sentence is following the standard Arabic depends on the Arabic grammar All the harokat are read completely. b) ِ ( اَ ْذهadzhabu ila al ًدر َس ِة َ ىلً الْ َم ُ َ َ بً ا madrosati) = I go to school The structure of this sentence is following the standard Arabic depends on the Arabic grammar The last harokat of the word are read sukun it can be found in the word: 78 ِ الْم ًب َ َ ُ ( اَ ْذ َهadzhabu) (adzhab), در َس ً ة (al-madrosati) (al-madrosah). c) ِ ( لًَ اَفْـهمً َكلَمla afhamu kalamaki) ًك َ َُ = I do not understand your speak The structure of this sentence is following the standard Arabic depends on the Arabic grammar The last harokat of the word is read sukun; it can be found in the word اَفْـ َه ً م ُ (afhamu) (afham) The harokat fathah before the last word is read dhommah; it can be found in the word ك ًِ ( َكلَ َمkalamaki) ِ ( َكلَمkalamaki) (kalamuki) ًك َ d) ً( اَ ْستَعِْيـ ُرً نـَ ْع َلasta’iru na’la) = borrow your sandal The structure of this sentence is following the standard Arabic depends on the Arabic grammar The last harokat of the word are read sukun; it can be found in the word ً( اَ ْستَعِْيـ ُرasta’iru) (asta’ir), ( نـَ ْع ًَ لna’la) (na’el) Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 79 e) ُ( جاَءًَ اْلُ ْستاًَ ذja’a al-ustadzu) = the teacher (male) came The structure of this sentence is following the standard Arabic depends on the Arabic grammar. Pronoun ذ د, and the harokat of the last word is read sukun it can be found in the word ُستاًَ ذ ْ ُ( اْلal-ustadzu) (al-ustad) f) ً( قُ ِمىً ايًَ اُ ْخ َِتqumy ya ukhty) = wake up please! (For female) The structure of this sentence is following the standard Arabic depends on the Arabic grammar. Pronoun ق كand it can be found in the word ( قُ ِمىqumy) (kumy) d) ًً عة َ ص ِلً الظُّ ِر َ ًَ َجا َ ُ( اusholly ad-dhuhri jama’atan) The structure of this sentence is following the standard Arabic depends on the Arabic grammar. 80 - Pronounce ص ًَ (sho)so ;it can be found in the word ل ًِ ص َ ُا (usholli) (usolli) - Pronounce ظ in the word ;ضit can be found ً( الظُّ ِرad-dhuhri) (ad- duhri) ع ; ءit can be found in the word ًً عة َ َ( ََجاjama’atan) - Pronounce (jama- atan) e) ( ثَالَثَةًَ اَايًَّ مtsalatsata ayyamin) = three days The structure of this sentence is following the standard Arabic depends on the Arabic grammar. - Pronounce ث ًَ (tsa)س ً (sa) ;it can be found in the wordt َ َ( ثَالَثًَ ةtsalatsata) (salasata) The last harokat of the word is read sukun; it can be found in the word ًاَايَّم (ayyamin) (ayyam) CONCLUSION Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 81 - Written – Formal in Arabic 1. Isim Some characteristics of Isim that found in the sentence such as: a) Isim Alam - Can be signed by harakat tanwin ( ً ً ً) in the last of word - Can be signed by al (ال ) in front of the word - Can be signed by harakat kasrah ( ً ًِ ) in the last of word Can be signed by the adding letter/harfu jer (leter that can make harakat kasrah) in the front of the word, therefore the isim is locatet after harfu jar. b) Isim Isyarah - Mabni (unchanging / unchanged), must be memorized. ًَ ه ًَ ذا ان ًِ َه َذ َه ُؤلًَِ ء = (for masculine) hadza hadzani ha-ula-i ً َه ِذ ِه هتان ( = َه ُؤلَءfor feminine) hadzihi hataani ha-ula-i 82 ِ ًك ًَ ِ( = أُولَئfor َ ذَل ذانك ك masculine) Dzalika dzanika u-la-ika ًك ًَ ِ ً اتًَ ن ك ًَ ِ( = أُولَئfor َ تِْل ك feminine) Tilka taanika u-la-ika c) Isim Maushul - Mabni (unchanging / unchanged), must be memorized. ً الَّ ِذ ْيان ًِ ً الَّ َذ ( = الَّ ِذيْ ًَ نfor masculine) Alladzi alladzaani alladiina ً الَِّ ِْت الَّتَان ِت ًْ َِّ( = الالfor feminine) Allaty allataani allaaty d) Isim Dhomir - Mabni (unchanging / unchanged), must be memorized. No Dhomir Rofa’ Dhomir Nashab 1 ( ً ه ً وhuwa) ( ً هhu) 2 3 4 َُ َ( ًُ مهً اhuma) ( ًُ ه ًْ مhum) ( ًِ ه ًَ ىhiya) ُ ( ًُ ك ًَ ماkuma) ( ًُ ه ًْ مhum/him) ( ًِ هhi) Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 83 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (ً ًُ مهَاhuma) ( ًُ ه ًَّ نhunna) ًَ ْ( ً اًَ نanta) ت ( ًُ ك ًَ ماkuma) ( ًِ ه ًَّ نhinna) ً( ً اَنًْ ـً تُ ْمantum) ًِ ْ( ً اًَ نanti) ت ً( ًُ ك ْمkum) ( ًِ كki) ( ً اَنًْ ـً تُ ًَ ماantuma) َ( ً اَنًْ ـً تُمً اantuma) ًَّ ُ ( ً اَنًْ ـantunna) ُت َ( ً اَ ً َنana) ( ًَْ َن ًُ نnahnu) ً( َكka) ( ًُ ك ًَ ماkuma) ( ًُ ك ًَ ماkuma) ً( ًُ ك َّنkunna) ًْ (…i) ي ً( ََنnaa) e) Isim istifham - Mabni (unchanging / unchanged), must be memorized. ًهل/ َ ًَ أ ماذَا/ا َ َم (a, hal): what (ma, madza): what م ْنً ذَا/ َ ( َم ًْ نman, mandza): who ًُّ ( أayyu, ayyah): which ُأَيًَّ ة/ َي ًَ ( َمmata): when َت ( أَيْ ًَ نaina): where 84 ًف َ ( َكْيkaifa): how ك ًْ م َ (kam): how لِ َماذَا/ ( لِ َماlima, limadza): why َ( ًِ ِلlima) : why ( لِ َم ًْ نliman): whose 2. Fiil The characteristics of Fiil which found in the sentence: a) Fiil Madhy - Can be suffixed by dhomir rofa’ mutaharrik - Can be suffixed by ta’ ta’nist sakinah (ت - ) leter ta’ ( ) تthat indicates to the doer (feminine) Can be connected by ya’ mukhotobah (ي ) leter ya’ () ي that indicates to the second person / listener (feminine) b) Fiil Mudhorik - Can be prefixed by one of harfu ziyadah ( )حرفً زايدةor the adding leter such as: ً ا,ً ن,ً ي,ت Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 85 - Can be suffixed by dhomir rafa’ mutaharrik c) Fiil Amr - Indicates to the imperative word - Can be suffixed by dhomir rafa’ mutaharrik 3. Harf - Harf is not has the specific characteristics except memorized. a) Harfu Jar ً ( ِم ْنmin )= from ًَ ِ ( اilaa) = to ىل ‘ (ً َع ًْ نan) = from ‘ ( َعلىalaa) = on ً ِ ( fii) = in ف ًِ (bi) = with ب ً( ِلli) = possession b) Harfu Qosam ً ( َوwa) ًِ (bi) ب ًَ (ta) ت c) Harfu Athof 86 ً( وand) ً( اوor) ً( ُثthen) - Casual – Informal Language in Arabic 1. Egyptian Style a) The structure is not following the standard Arabic b) Sometime, some the standard Arabic words are changed depend on their style. c) In pronounciation : Pronounce leter: ًج g ا ًe ثت ظض ذد Pronoun harakat: ( ً ًَ ) and ( ًِّ ) e 2. Arabian Style a) The structure is not following the standard Arabic b) Sometime, some the standard Arabic words are changed depend on their style. Syamsudin, Oral-Written Continuum and Casual (Slank ) 87 c) In pronounciation : Sometime in the last of word are read ًّْ ) Leter قare not read sukun ( 3. Student’s of Zainul Hasan Islamic Boarding School Style a) The structure is following the standard Arabic b) In pronounciation : - Sometime word by word in thw sentence are read completely. - Sometime in the last of words are read sukun ( ًّْ - ) Pronounce leter : ع ً اor ً ء قك ظً ض ذد 88