NGO Directory of Voluntary Organizations -2008 Name of NGO Aahung Abdul Sattar Edhi Foundation ActionAid Pakistan (AAPk) Aga Khan Education Service, Pakistan (AKESP Contact Mission Thematic Area Focal Person: Shazia Aahung is a NonSexual Health Zuberi profit Organization. Address: Town House No. We advocate for an G-28 / 29, Embassy Villa enable environment 10, Ch. Khaliq-u-Zaman where every Road, Block 8 Clifton, individual’s sexual Karachi rights are Tele: 021-5870244 & 021- respected, protected 5821654 ane fullfilled as an E:mail. inalienable Human Rights. Web Site: Focal Person: Anwar Kazmi To server the Social Welfare Address: Edhi Head Office, humanity Rangilla Street, City: Karachi Telephone: 021-2421920; Fax: 021- 2418753 Focal Person: Shahab To work with poor Challenges Power Imbalances Qureshi, Manager HR/OD and marginalized Address: House # 10, people to eradicate Street 17, F-8/3, City: poverty by Islamabad overcoming the Telephone: 051 - 2264689, injustice and 2282954; Fax: 051 inequality that 2260678 cause it. Email: Website: Focal Person: Rahim To help students Education Somani Chief Executive acquire both Officer knowledge and Address: House No 384, F- essential spiritual 17/B, Block VII, wisdom needed to KDA Scheme 5, Clifton, balance this City: Karachi knowledge and Telephone: 021-5863281- enable their lives to 5; Fax: 021- 5870736 attain the highest Email: fulfillment & Website: Aga Khan Focal Person: Dr. Rozina Provide high quality Health Health Mistry Manger effect we affordable Service, Address: 516, Gold Street health care in those Pakistan off Baritto Road, areas of Pakistan (AKHSP) City: Karachi 74550 where these can be Telephone: 021-7214133, done most 7219435; Fax: 021effectively and to 7221005 adjust population Email: & and to other defined Website: communities. Agency for Focal Person: Ms Sonia Jedidi, Supporting populations To intervene in times of Technical Country Director affected by crises; crises (emergency Cooperation Address: House # 24, Sumbal Contributing to projects), either & Road, F 10/2 - Islamabad eradication of poverty immediately after Development Telephone: 051 229 80 11 by supporting (rehabilitation projects), (ACTED) E-mail: vulnerable civil or in the short and long population in situation term (development Website: of distress and/or during projects) upheavals. All Pakistan Focal Person: Yasmin Dastur The fundamental aim of Community Women Secretary General the association is the Development, Girl Child, Association Address: APWA National furtherance of the Globalization, Health, (APWA) Headquarter, 67/B, Garden moral, social and Human Rights, Road, City: Karachi economic welfare of the International Relations, Telephone: 021-7212991; Fax: women and children of Legal Aid, Media, 021- 7221965 Pakistan. Reproductive Health, Email: Women Website: Al-Zohra Focal Person: Nishat Masood The Al-Zohra Welfare Poverty Alleviation Welfare Address: Quarter # 114, St. 6 Association is a non Association Punjab, Delhi Colony Nishter profit organization for (AZWA) Road, City: Karachi the benefit of the Email: women and girls of Karachi. The mission of Website: the Association is to break the cycle of poverty and illiteracy amongst the female population by promoting education and community development, and providing assistance and welfare. The Association welcomes all women, regardless of religion, colour or geography AMAL Focal Person: Azam Khan Empowering individuals, Children, Education, Human Projects Manager communities and Emergency Relief, Development Address: House No 7, Street 62, organizations through Gender, Health, Network G-6/4, City: Islamabad provision of information Reproductive Health, (AMAL) Telephone: 051and skills promoting Sexuality, Women, 2824930,2827774 ; Fax: 051gender/rights based Youth 2272491 approach to the social Email: & sectors throughout Website: Pakistan Anjuman Focal Person: Shad Begam Struggle for enabling Women and Children Behbood-e- Address: Ziarat Talash Dir Lower women in order to development Khawateen Telephone: 0945 - 871313, equally participate in Talash (ABKT) 870021; Fax: 0945 - 871323 the process of Email: development despite of the gender discrimination through awareness raising regarding the women and children rights and also its application Association Focal Person: Farhat Rahman To promote Disabled/ Special for the Director, CBR Programme rehabilitation services People Rehabilitation Address: Ummedabad 2, Swati for people with of the Gate, City: Peshawar disabilities, mainly in Physically Telephone: 091-5260258 & Fax: rural areas, small towns Disabled 091- 277663 and suburbs, through (ARPD) Email: community orientation, Website: advocacy, network, to integrate them in society. Aurat Focal Person: Malik Akbar To empower rural Disadvantaged Group, Association Address: Ghazi Kot Township, women socially and especially women (AA) Aurat Publication and Information Service Foundation (AF Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) Awaz Foundation Pakistan Center for Development Services (Awaz CDS) Baanhn Beli Main Road, Mansehra Telephone: 0987-303010: Fax: 0987-303010 Email: Focal Person: Misbah Tahir Resident Director Address: 8-B, L-D-A Garden View Apartments, Lawrence Road, City: Lahore Telephone: 042-6306534, 6314382; Fax: 042- 6278817 Email: Focal Person: Ms Noreen Hasan, Programme Officer Address: Australian High Commission, Diplomatic Enclave 1 Sector G-5/4, Islamabad PO Box 1046, Islamabad Telephone: (051) 2824345, Fax: (051) 2820418 E-mail: Web: Focal Person: Sultan Mahmood Programme Manager Address: House No 2440/N-8 A Block- D, New Sahmsabad Colony, City: Multan Telephone: 061-584909 & Fax: 061-584909 Email: Focal Person: Younus Bandhani Director Address: 13 -A/ II, Sunset Street, DHA Phase II Extension, Karachi Telephone: 021-5382580, 5892055 Email: economically. Women's empowerment in society through participation in governance at all levels. Women The objectives of Australia’s overseas aid is “to assist developing countries to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development”. National To facilitate community development and empowerment through capacity building and policy research and advocacy with community participation Urban & Rural Development To help establish new or strengthen existing community-based organizations which enable equitable participation by all members or the community in activities Community Development Website: Babaza Foundation Trust (BFT) Badin Rural Development Society (BRDS) Basic Education & Employable Training (BEST) that promote better health, education, access to basic services and other such relevant processes with the aim of enhancing knowledge, capacity and productivity. Focal Person: Irtiza Huassain To create awareness Children Community Address: 32-C, Sayan Arcade, and uplift in Education Development Economy 1st Street Badar Commerical and Health Care in low Education Gender Girl Area, Phase V, DHA, Karachi income Communities. Child Health City: Karachi To provide uplift in low Reproductive Health Telephone: 5347194; Fax: income communities Sustainable 5841690, 5345069 through Welfare and Development Email: Health Care facilities. Urbanization Women Youth Focal Person: Dr. Akash Ansari BRDS aims to facilitate, N/A Address: Opposite to Al-Huda support, and strengthen Public School, CBOs through Kdhan Road, Badin consultation, Telephone: 0297 – 862046; Fax: identification and 0297 - 62046 diagnosis of ground Email: realities and their collective dispensations, so that these groups may develop into viable and sustainable development institutions. Focal Person: Fazal Saeed (M&E To contribute to poverty Primary education , Offocer) alleviation through Vocational Training and Address: 31-D Kangra House , provision of basic small business creation Circular lane, University Town , education, employable & development , Peshawar skill training, and Community services , Email: micro/small business Human development , Website: enterprise development Institutional http:/ leading to income development & generation and Strengthening , employment opportunities in a sustainable manner. Balochistan Focal Person: Syed Qurban To alleviate poverty by Water supply and Environmental Gharshin encouraging sustainable sanitation and Address: 48-D, Samangli use of natural resources Educational Housing Scheme and improve learning Journey City: Quetta conditions of (BEEJ) Telephone: 081 – 2827740; Fax: disadvantaged 081 - 2827740 communities, it also Email: works in education Website: Balochistan Focal Person: M. Muhammad Working towards the Poverty Alleviation Rural Support Irfan Kasi improvement of the Programme Address: Balochistan Rural quality of life of the (BRSP) Support Programme, disadvantaged rural 5-A, Sariab Road population, especially City: Quetta women in Balochistan Telephone: 081 - 440297, 446807; Fax: 081 - 442153 Email: Behbood Focal Person: Dr. Shahida Khan To help the indigent in Health, Primary Association of Address: NE-2D/1, Tipu Road, their medical, Education, Lieracy, Pakistan Rawalpindi education, and Vocational Training and Telephone:051-5962143vocational needs. Income Generation 5962103 To advise and assist the activities. E-mail: unemployed men and & women in securing Website: gainful employment. To design and implement development projects at the principal office and assist the Branch offices if and when required. Behbood-eFocal Person: Shazia Ghulam To increase women's Deprived Community Niswan Nabi awareness, their Network Address: H # 449/P, St # 1. resources, and (BNN) Mohalla Islamnagar, Faisalabad opportunities for Telephone: 041-749412, Cell # effective participation in 0333-6505025 the economic, political Fax: N/A and social life of the Email: society. Bright Focal Person: Abdul Waheed Education Educational Khan President Society (BES) Address: St. 1111/1115 Islamia colony, U C 9 site room Dis Karachi Telephone: 021-6658999 or 0300-9251836; Fax: 0216658999 Email: Bunyad Focal Person: Prof. SaeedEmpowerment of Education Literacy ur-Rehman CEO underprivileged, Community Address: E- 105/A-9, marginalized groups Council Gulesht Colony, particularly rural women (BLCC) Near Rasheed Hospital, and children through Defence Cantt, Lahore Literacy, Education and Telephone: 042-6670887; Community Development Fax: 042- 6661817 Email: Website: Canada Fund Focal Person: Ms Attiya The purpose of Canada's : National for Local Hidayat, Coordinator Canada Overseas Development Initiatives Fund Assistance (ODA) is to Canadian Address:House # 18, Bazar support sustainable International Road, G–6/4 development in Development PO Box 2934, Islamabad developing countries in Agency (CFLI Telephone: (051) 2279138- order to reduce poverty - CIDA) 41, Fax: (051) 2279137 and to contribute to a Website: more secure, equitable and prosperous world. CARE Focal Person: Daw CARE International in Humanitarian relief and International Mohammad, Assistant Pakistan will empower rehabilitation, Education, in Pakistan Country Director the poor and socally Psychosocial support, Address: House#52,Main excluded by addressing Health care, Economic Marghalla Road, F-8/2, power imbalances at the empowerment of women, Islamabad household, community Livelihood, WATSAN & Telephone: 051-52254739, and institution leves. We Infrastructure/Housing. 051-2855924 & 051-5254738 will do this by engaging E-mail: with partners and civil society to influence public Website: opinion and practice by bringing together wisdom based on sound analysis Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and field practices. Capacity/ Institution Building Focal Person: Fozia Malik Programme Officer Address: House # 4, Street 35, F - 8/1, Islamabad Telephone: 051- 2254336, 2261706; Fax: 051- 2262507 Email: Website: Cavish Focal Person: Samina Naz Advocacy, Capacity/ Development Programme Coordinator Institution Building, Foundation Address: House No 193 - A, Training (CDF) Street No 36 City: Islamabad Telephone: 051-2212434 Email: Child Care Focal Person: Nasim Ahmed To undertake community Foundation CEO development (CCF) Address: 63-B, Jehangir programmes at the grass Road, root level in education, St. Jhons Park, Cantt. health and vocational Lahore, City: Lahore training for the alleviation Telephone: 042-9220682; of poverty and phased Fax: 042- 6681774 elimination and Email: & rehabilitation of all forms Website: of child labour. Child Focal Person: Sadia Atta To induce favourable Development Mehmood environment for the Organization Address: Ward # 5, Kachho protection, well being and (CDO) Road Johi prosperity of children in P.O Johi, and District Dadu, collaboration with Sindh communities. Telephone: 025 – 4740027; Fax: 025 - 4740027 Email:, Children’s Focal Person: Seema Zia To improve the quality of Community Development. Education Education Children Non-profit education Resources Address:House No 66, Street education at the pre institution International, 89, O-613 Islamabad primary public school Pakistan Pakistan. level with the Telephone: (9251) Government 28779412, (9221) 4386967 Website: E-mail: Church World Focal Person: Ms Shama Mall, A community that is just, Pakistan & Afghanistan Service – Programme Manager fair, rational, peaceful, Pakistan/ Address: 74 Garden Road, equal and independent. Afghanistan Saddar CWS – P/A Karachi Telephone: (021) 7215604, Fax: (021) 7226055 E-mail: Citizen Focal Person: Dr. Abdul Bari CEDF believes in Education Education Awan providing functional Development Address: 88 Kh. Behria Phase literacy for the forgotten Foundation V, D.H.A children in the Katchi (CEDF) City: Karachi Abadies around Karachi Telephone: 021-5845023 through our system of Email: Home and Mobile Schools Civil Society Focal Person: M. Ajmal Malik To become most trusted Civil Society Human and Address: House No. 2, Street HID Centre in Pakistan Institutional 35, F-8/1 recognized for its valueDevelopment City: Islamabad led professional services Programme Telephone: 111920920, 051 in support of civil society (CHIP) – 2280151; Fax: 051 organization 2280081 Email: Website: Community Focal Person: Abdul Hameed Arain Education & Literacy, Education Development Address: Husain Abad Sakrand District Women Foundation Nawabshah Sindh Development and (CDF) City: Nawabshah Environmental Telephone: 0244 - 322826 Awareness Email: Community Focal Person: Naveed Ahmad Shinwari To promote effective Sustainable Motivation & Deputy Chief Executive partnership among Development Development Organization (CMDO) Address: House No 54, Street 2-A, organizations and Shami Road individuals across the City: Peshawar, NWFP globe through Telephone: 091-5261088, 277617; Fax: dialogue, exchange of 091- 271081 views, resources & Email: experiences sharing and efforts to build common perspective and to promote and coordinate activities to eradicate the human sufferings. Community Focal Person: Muhammad Asif Noor The mission of CSP is Support Address: House No. 28 St, No-76, G- to empower the outProgramme 9/3 ,Islamabad. reach workers Telephone: 92(51)2857442-2508822 & through heir capacity Fax: 92(51)2857442 building in order to E-mail: csp vastly expand quality, education, Website: environmental responsiveness, reproductive health choices and services, promotion of volunteerism and human rights in the focus areas of Pakistan. Placing of priority on good governance, health, gender equality and educational professional targeting disadvantaged segments of the society including youth, women and minorities, we protect gender inequalities by strengthening the skills of the female and youth to develop Advocacy, Awareness Campaign, Trainings, Workshops, Conventions, Forums. them as the leaders of tomorrow. Community Focal Person: Iftikhar ur Rahman CUP will strive to help Poverty Alleviation Uplift Address: 12-A, Street 28, F-8/1, disadvantaged and Program Islamabad marginalized Pakistan Telephone: 051 - 2256043, 2856292, communities (CUPP) 2854803; Fax: 051 - 2856293 particularly women Email: & Website: and children in reducing their poverty levels through quality social mobilization and capacity building of community/village based organizations, with a view to empowering them to: acquire their basic social needs in health, education, community infrastructure, early childhood care and development, natural resource management at the grassroot level. Concern for Focal Person: Uzma Mirza Administrator To focus on child Children Children Address: B 63, Estate Avenue, SITE health and welfare Trust (CFC) City: Karachi issues, specifically Telephone: 021-2574716 ; Fax: 021preventive health, 2564797 education, and Email: cfct@pk.netsolir.comf recreation by providing technical, financial & infrastructure support to communities and NGOs. Concern Focal Person: Mr. Phillip Miller, Country To enable the most Disaster Pakistan Director vulnerable and poor Management, (CP) Address: House # 54, Street 3, E–7, people of Pakistan to Emergency Relief, Islamabad take initiative to bring Health, Telephone: (051) 2827169, Fax: (051) positive sustainable Humanitarian 2820723 change in their lives Relief, Nutrition, E-mail: by reducing the Poverty Alleviation, & Website: contributing factors to Rural Development vulnerability and & Water Supply and poverty. Sanitation. Consumer Focal Person: Mazhar Siraj Research To articulate and Consumer and Rights Fellow promote the interests Market Commission Address: P. O. Box 1379, Islamabad and rights of citizens of Pakistan Telephone: 051-2855402-3; Fax: 051- and consumes at all (CRCP) 2241327 socio-economic levels Email: & Website: with a particular emphasis on the unarticulated and disadvantaged groups and facilitate the emergence of an organized movement in Pakistan, so that citizens could have rights. Council for Focal Person: Muhammad Arif Nawaz Awareness raising. Advocacy Training Insani Khan Introducing the Institution Building Behbood Address: House # 2260/12, concept of Mobilization (CIB) St. # 6 O/S Loharigate Muhallah participatory mutual Muhammadi, City: Multan development. Telephone: 061 - 519728 Sustainable projects Email: for health, education, employment. Capacity building of masses at grass root level. we wish every person should be treated equally at humanitarian basis. Accessibility of common people to involve in decision making Citizens Focal Person: Faraah Parvaiz Saleh Advocacy, Capacity / Good Governance Commission Address: 42-Tipu Block-New Garden Institution Building, For Human Town, Lahore Research, Training Development Telephone: 042-5889666/5885136; (CCHD) Fax: 042-5889444 Email: & Website: Customs Focal Person: Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah To act as a model Health Health Care Address: 449-Jehanzaib Block, Allama medical facility in Humanitarian Relief Society Iqbal Town order to alleviate the Indigenous people (CHCS) City: Lahore sufferings of poor and Reproductive health Telephone: 042 -7831665, 7833421; non affording patients Fax: 042-9230273 and provide them Email: quality medical care. Website: To create awareness Head Of Organization: Dr. Asif among the general Mahmood Jah public for improvement of their health through Health Education. To help the deserving and talented students and financially support the widows and poor families Damaan Focal Person: Wasim Wagha To support the Human Rights Development Address: Village Paritevala, Nutkani marginalized group in Organization Road, their struggle for (DAMAAN) P.O. Tibbi Qaisrani, Tehsil Taunsa, livelihood and culture District Dera Ghazi Khan rights. Telephone: 051-2101591 / 2292284 Email:, Danish Focal Person: Muhammad Jalil Butt To equip 5000 Human Righst (N/A) Address: 252 - Gulshan-e-Iqbal Housing dedicated community Colony, activists during 5 Arifwala District, City: Pakpattan years for Human Telephone: 0457 – 834666; Fax: 0457 - Resource through 834666 social development Email: programme Dost Welfare Focal Person: Muhammad Ayub Chief To establish Drug Abuse Foundation Planning, Monitoring & Research Therapeutic (Dost) Address: House No 8, Sector B-2, communities for the Hayatabad, City: Peshawar most marginalized Telephone: 091-812218, 814181; Fax: and disadvantaged 091- 81418 groups in society, to Email: empower and heal Website: them in body, mind Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan Memorial Trust (DAHKMT) and sprit and enable them to lead productive and fulfilling lives. To dispose off the waste Sanitation Programme water and provide the save drinking water Focal Person: Sumaira Gul Address: ZA-256, St. 27, Mazharabad City: Rawalpindi Telephone: 051-5466444; Fax: 051-5466444 Email Dar-ul-Khidmat Focal Person: Mark Joseph When and where ever we Welfare Address: House # B/175 go, we put a help of Association 3/8 Mehmoodabad, Karachi-1 special children and needy (DKWA) City: Karachi people Telephone: 0333-3223423 Email: Development Focal Person: Mrs. Humerah Mission of the DRIP is to Research Tahir President promote sustainable Institute of Address: House # 8, 1st development process in Pakistan (DRIP) Floor, Ginza Center, socially and economically City: Islamabad marginalized group with Telephone: 051-2875565, specific focus on women 2274183; Fax: 051-2875565, through multi-sect oral 2274183 program Email: Development of Focal Person: Yousuf Riaz Institutes and Existing Address: 57-A, Lane 3 Zakria communities realized their Resources Road, Westridge II full potential for selfTrust (DOER) City: Rawalpindi empowerment and Telephone: 051- 5470574, sustainable development 5472765; Fax: 051 5470573 Email: Website: DeLaas Gul Focal Person: Wareed Khan To bring positive changes Welfare Admin Officer in the field of socioProgramme Address: 2 Jhandagai, economic and politics at N/A Sustainable Development Capacity Building Children (DLG) Opposite Usmania Restaurant grass-root level in City: Peshawar community through its Telephone: 091-843951 development projects. Email: Development Focal Person: Raza Khan Work for progressive Empowerment Address: Kalpani, Bajoro ,healthy and educated Women Road , Ziarat Talash, Tehsil community ; improve the Association Timergara District, City: Dir status of women and (DEWA) Lower NWFP,Pakistan children by targeting Telephone: 0945-871280 them for special attention Email: in culturallyaccepted manner where they could harnessed for changing their existing standard of life by providing themselves better enviornment with enriched natural resources Developments Focal Person: Jalila Tariq Education of Children in Literacy Program Coordinator mainaly Girls, mostly in (DIL) Address: House No 2, Street areas where they have no No 16, Sector F-6/3 access to make City: Islamabad a positive Telephone: 051-2823448; Fax: 051- 2276840 Email: Website: Development of Focal Person: Mohammad The main mission of the Education in Ibrahim organization is to struggle Youth Ages Address: Head office DEYA for the betterment of (DEYA) Sukmaiden, Skardi, Baltistan. education by using P.O.Box 634 indiginous and foreign City: Skardu resources Telephone: 05831 - 52412 Email: Department for Focal Person: Mr Malick The elimination of poverty International Zulfiqar Ahmad, Programme in poorer countries Development Officer (DFID) Development Section, British Community Development Education Education National High Commission Diplomatic Enclave, Islamabad Telephone: (051) 2206071, Fax: (051) 2823017 E-mail: Website: Developments Focal Person: Ms Jalila Tariq Education of children, Children, in Kamal, Programme mainly girls, mostly in Communications/Media, Literacy (DIL) Coordinator areas where they have no Disadvantaged Groups, Address: House # 2-B, access to schools. Health, Education Parbat Road, F –7/3 (Primary & non formal) Islamabad & Girl Child. Telephone: (051) 2277189, Fax: (051) 2276840 E-mail: Website: EcoFocal Person: Mohammad ECI believes in human Sustainable Conservation Azhar Qureshi resource development at development Initiatives (ECI) the grass root level as an entry point in the new mellenium Education Focal Person: Khalid Empowerment of working Education Foundation Mahmood Secretary class of Pakistan to (EF) Address: First Floor, Sufi protect their social, Mansion, 7-Edgerton Road, economic and political City: Lahore rights by providing them Telephone: 042-6303808; education, awareness, Fax: 042- 6301685 advocacy and training. Email: Website: Environment Focal Person: Muhammad Caring the mother planet. Poverty Alleviation Foundation Ahmed Gondal Director Balochistan General (EFB) Address: 2nd Floor Ferdusi Building City: Quetta Telephone: 081-836415; Fax: 081- 836349 Email: Website: Family Planning Focal Person: Dr. Attiya FPAP is committed to Reproductive Health Association of Inayatullah promoting sexual Pakistan Address: 3-A, Temple Road, reproductive health and (RAHNUMA) City: Lahore family planning as a basic Telephone: 042-111-22-33- human right, providing 66; Fax: 042- 6368692 quality sexual Email: reproductive health Website: services especially to women and youth in partnership with Govt., NGOs, & Civil society & improving the quality of life of marginalized communities through sustainable & demonstrable approaches. Family Welfare Focal Person: Khalida Empowerment of women Promotion of Education, Co-operative Khatoon Malik by providing education, relief of illness, care of Society Address: Neeli Bar Mor, health, social & population the helpless & socio Islampura Lahore welfare , micro-credit economic development Telephone: 7238406services, vocational & of women. 7353629-7310149 community work training E-mail: through its various Website: projects functioning in different under-developed urban & rural communities of Lahore District. Faran Focal Person: Nesar Ahmed Make changes to achieve Education Educational Programme Manager a culture of total Society (FES) Address: St - 4, Sector 14, participation and Orangi Town democracy in Pakistan City: Karachi Civil Society through Telephone: 021-6690459, Education and 4555729; Fax: 021- 4555279 Development together Email:, inculcating basic human values and quality of life. Fatima Focal Person: Maha Rehman Chief Quality service Community Memorial Coordinator without Development, Hospital (FMH) Address: Fatima Memorial Hospital Shadman City: Lahore Telephone: 042-111-555-600; Fax: 042- 7570586 Email: Website: discrimination to patients from all walks of life Education, Health, Legal Aid, Poverty Alleviation, Reproductive Health, Rural Development, Sustainable Development, Vocational Training, Women Fatmid Focal Person: Rumi Dossal To maintain and Health Foundation Address: 393, Britto Road, Garden East, project Fatimid (FF) City: Karachi Foundation on the Telephone: 2253323, 2225284, world map. To 2258656; Fax: 227356 provide first calss Email: quality blood Website: banking and haematological services safely and competitively to mustahiq patients and the community at large. To be the no.1 Blood bank and haematological unit in Pakistan in the Non-profit organization sector. Fazaldad Focal Person: Muhammad Ali Tariq To eliminate Human Rights Human Rights Programme Manager human rights Institute Address: House No 15A, Street # 21 F- abuse intolerance (FHRI) 7/2 and extremisim. City: Islamabad To promote Telephone: 051-2826616-2822910; human rights Fax: 051- 2279908 through Email: educational institutions and Website: the media. To promote democracy and peace. Flowers Focal Person: Fazal Mehmood To provide to the To strive for the Address: 84/E, Rehman Baba Road, poorest, homeless, rehabilitation of University Town abandoned or homeless, City: Peshawar highly mobile abandoned or highly Telephone: 091-5702379; Fax: 091- children seperated mobile children 5701462 from their families seperated from their Email:, - working or living families - working or on the streets and living on the streets, who otherwise and who otherwise remain at risk of remain at risk of exploitation, exploitation, violence or abuse violence or abuse. - a range of personal services designed to rehabilitate them and improve their quality of life. These services are education, health, psychosocial support, recreation and skills training. Focus Focal Person: Ghulam Punjwni, Reduce the loss of Disaster Humanitarian Executive Officer life, property and Management, Assistance Address: House#563 street #19 G-10/2 to protect target Prevention Mitigation Pakistan Islamabad communities from Preparedness (PMP) Telephone: +92-(51)2294024 natural & manMission and 2294051 made hazards, Objectives E-mail: through a comprehensive Website: disaster management strategy of mitigation, preparedness, relief, and recovery.” Foundation for Focal Person: Gen. Mirza Aslam Beg The Foundation Agriculture/ Food, Research on Chairman has a commitment Civil Society, International Environment National Development and Security (FRIENDS) Address: House No 88 Race Course Scheme Race Course Road, St. No.3 City: Rawalpindi Cantt Telephone: 5563309/5510761; Fax: 5564244 Email: & Website: to undertake Communications/ researches on Media, Community global, regional as Development, well as national Conflict Resolution, issues which Democracy, promote the cause Economy, Education, of peace, Enabling harmony, progress Environment, and overall Energy, betterment of Environment/Natural mankind. In order Resource to maintain the Management. requisite objectivity, it functions as an independent, nongovernmental, apolitical and nonprofit organization. FriedrichFocal Person: Mr Abdul Qadir, Improve citizens National Ebert-Stiftung Programme Coordinator democratic (FES) Address: House No.1, Street No.14, participation in the Sector F-7/2, Islamabad / Pakistan public affairs Telephone: Tel: (+9251) 2608811 – 14, through civic Fax: (+9251) 2608810 education, E-mail: influence policy Website: decisions for the benefit of common citizens, establishing network among civil society organizations. Friedrich Focal Person: Mr Arno Keller, Resident Ideas on liberty National Naumann Representative and Training in Stiftung (FNSt) Address: House # 40, Street 27, F – Freedom. 6/2, Islamabad Telephone: (051) 2278896, Fax: (051) 2279915 E-mail: or Website: Friends Focal Person: Haseeb-ur-Rehman To target the Health services and Foundation Address: House 974,st.27, sector.I-10/4 poorest of the HIV/AIDS& Hepatitis Islamabad poor and the screening Telephone:051-4444394 -95 & 5871980 marginalized Education: formal & E-mail: especially women informal, capacity Website: and children and Building, Disaster provide all the Management, basic necessities Hygene & Safe for better living Drinking water Frontier Focal Person: Dr. Emel Khan Improvement of Community Primary Health Address: Nisatta Road, Bijli Ghar,City: health and living Development Care (FPHC) Mardan status of families Telephone: 0931-63837; Fax: 0931- especially women 61403 and children Email: through primary health care, educational and micro-credit programmes Frontier Focal Person: R N Sadiq Establishment of Poverty alleviation Reconstruction, Address: 13/D Kotka Usman Ghani harmonious, Welfare Mirbaz Barakzai Road mutual Agency City: Bannu understood, (FARCA) Telephone: 0928 - 615010, 0300 cooperative and 5765675 tolerated society Email:, where no discrimination on Website: the basis of race, region, gender, social status and religion exist Fundamental Focal Person: M. Hassan Mashori To work for the Education Human Rights Address: Ward # 4, Mashori House empowerment of and Rural Taluka Golarchi District the communities Development City: Badin through the Association Telephone: 0297 – 853395; Fax: 0297 addressing of (FHRRDA) 853553 human development problems in dist. Badin through the provisions of primary health care services, economic development and the universal primary education German Focal Person: Dr. Gabriele Boehringer, To improve the Technical Country Director living conditions Cooperation Address: House 63 A, Street 5, F– 8/3, and perspectives (GTZ) Islamabad of people in Telephone: (051) 2260131-2, 2250187, developing and Fax: (051) 2264159 transition E-mail: countries. Web: Ghazali Focal Person: Faisal Thakur Deputy Social mobilization Education Education Director to achieve the Trust (GET) Address: 66 - F Block Model Town maximum literacy City: Lahore rate in rural Telephone: 042-5882939; Fax: 042sector. 5850966 Email: Website: Goth Sudhar Focal Person: Mohammad Aslam Lakhiar GSSA is a non Community Sangat Address: Buriro House Theba Road profit and non development Aghamani Mehar, governmental (GSSA) P.O & Town Mehar, District Dadu, organization Sindh established in April Telephone: 0229 – 730530; Fax: 0229 - 1985 by young 730530 and educated Email: group of district Dadu Goth Seengar Focal Person: Nazeer Ahmed ujjan CEO To struggle Agriculture/ Food, Foundation Address: Khanjur office Ali Raza through Bio-diversity, (GSF) City: Khairpur Mivs strengthen Democracy, Telephone: 0792-621115; Fax: 0792participation, as 621115 the development Email: of human being and betterment of natural environment may possible. Gujranwala Community Development Organization (GCDO) Focal Person: Aziz ur Rehman Address: Jinnah Road near Tariq mills City: Gujranwala Telephone: 055 - 4225193 Email: HAASHAR Association (HAASHAR) Focal Person: Siddique Akbar Siddique Address: Dangri Road Mansehra NWFP, Pakistan Telephone: 0997-303836 Email: Website: Hashoo Foundation (HF) Focal Person: Dr. Shabbir Hussain, Director Programs Address: House # 7-A, St# 65, F-8/3 Islamabad – Pakistan Telephone: +92.51.2855907 Fax *92.51.2857096 E-mail: Website: Hassan Abad Focal Person: Ghulam Mohammad Welfare Address: Hussain Chowk, Main Bazaar Association City: Skardu (HAWA) Telephone: 05831 – 55201; Fax: 05831 - 55201 Email: To raise the Children Civil Society quality of like of Community deprived, Development Human neglected groups rights Infrastructure of low income Development community. To catalyze and Natural Resource enable Management, communities for Biodiversity and including conservation sustained socio economic change and lasting improvements in their lives. Hashoo Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to creating an enabling environment for marginalized communities through advocacy, research, trainings, special education and enhanced access to quality education, skills development, income generation and health care. To Socio-economic Community devleopment Development through strengthening communities through partnership promoting equality and self reliance Health And Focal Person: Prof. A. G. Billoo Provision of basic Nutrition Chairman health, education Development Address: 225/1/B Block-2, PECHS and income Society City: Karachi generation (HANDS) Telephone: 021-4532804; Fax: 021opportunities for 4527698 underprivileged Email: communities Website: through capacity building to make them independent. This would be achieved by Institutionalization Health Focal Person: Farkhanda Tabassum To help improve Education & Executive Director the quality of life Literacy Trust Address: 53 - K, Gulberg 3 of the people of (HEAL Trust) City: Lahore Pakistan, Telephone: 042-5714977; Fax: 042especially the 5895453 most vulnerable Email: or irrespective of creed, colour, race or gender Health Focal Person: Hina Zia Dar Please refer Education Address: 158-E(upper portion) Ghazni annex-1 Literacy (Heal) Lane New Super Town Trust Lahore Cantt near Defence Chowk. Telephone 0426663144,0428587948,03334237672 E-mail, Health Focal Person: Mohammad Ashraf Re-enforce Environment Address: Zaib Plaza, Tehkal Payan sustainable and Women University Road, development Development P.O. Box-1352, Peshawar process in urban (HEWAD) City: Peshawar and rural areas of Telephone: 091-840702 NWFP. Email: Health Focal Person: Dr. Mubina Agboatwala To Develop a Oriented Address: 5, Amir Khusro Road, Block 7 Society in which Health Community Development Health Health Preventive Education (HOPE) & 8, City: Karachi Telephone: 021-4539393, 5069450 Email: Website: undividuals, Women and Children are aware of their basic rights and are porvideed equal opportunities to access Health and Education Heifer Focal Person: Umm-e-Zia, To work with International Consultant/Representative communities to (Heifer) Address: Nain Sukh, P.O Nilor Factory, end hunger and Islamabad poverty and to Telephone: (0300) 5216605, care for the earth. E-mail: Website: Help in Need Focal Person: Nisar Ahmed Alleviating the Address: House#285 Street #3 G-8/2, sufferings of Islamabad vulnerable and Telephone: +92-(51)2250139 marginalized E-mail: & population through Website: assisting them in rehabilitation, Education , Social Development and Capacity building. Human Focal Person: Dr Khalid Riaz Chairman To facilitate a nonCivil Society Development Address: House No 537, Gulrez Scheme political movement Foundation II, Rawalpindi for positive social (HDF) Telephone: 051-5502268, 5509259; change and Fax: 051- 5509701 community Email: empowerment Website: through mass literacy, enhanced quality of education, universal primary health care and grassroots economic development. Human Focal Person: Abdul Qadir Khilji Poverty Children Community Development Society (HDS Address: Flat No. 17, commercial area, Alleviation, Health, development Chaman Housing Scheme, City: Quetta Education Disaster Telephone: 0300 9381680 management Drug Email: abuse Education Emergency relief Enabling environment Resource management Human rights Legal aid Minorities Rural development Sustainable development Vocational training Water supply and sanitation Youth Human Focal Person: Azhar Saeed Executive Human Resource Improve HR Resource Director Development Systems, Policies Development Address: House 41, Street-56, F-6/4, and Practices to Network Islamabad, Pakistan Accelerate (HRDN) City: Islamabad Development Telephone: 051-2828259, 2821767, 2277880; Fax: 051-2826540 Email: Website: Human Focal Person: Bushra Gohar HRMDCs Vision is to Human Resources Resources Director evolve People Centred Development Management Address: 18-F Khushaal Khan Development in the and Khattak Road, North West Frontier Development University Town, City: Peshwar Province (NWFP) of Centre Telephone: 091-842850; Fax: Pakistan. The (HRMDC) 091-850920 organization's core aim is Email: to contribute to the Website: development of human resources in the province through training, dissemination of information, community development, networking and research. Human Focal Person: I. A Rehman / To work for the Human Rights Rights Kamila Hayat Director ratification, Commission Address: House No 107, Tipu implementation in of Pakistan Block New Garden Town, City: Pakistan of the universal (HRCP) Lahore declaration of human Telephone: 042-5865969; Fax: rights (UDHR) + other 042- 5883582 related norms. Email: & Website: Human Focal Person: Rumana Hussain To contribute towards Rights Head Activism and Outreach the development of a Education Address: 9-C/1, 8th East socially just and stable Programme Street, Phase 1, society by providing (HREP) Defence Housing Authority, children a socially City: Karachi relevant education. Telephone: 021-5800245; Fax: 021-5800245 Email: Website: Human Focal Person: Amanulla Paracha To provide food, shelter, Rights President medical treatment, Foundation Address: 208- Japan Plaza, M.A education, human rights, of Pakistan Jinah Road, Karachi blood, legal facilities. Telephone: 021-7735635; Fax: 021- 7721332 Email: Humanitarian Focal Person: Amjad Ali Welfare and Movements Address: Humanitarian development of International Movements International, humanity and serve the (HMI) Qazi Street, Dera Ismail Khan, suffcring to minimize NWFP. City: Dera Ismail Khan social problem without Telephone: 0966-711244; Fax: any basic toward color 0966-711244 ethnicity and Sect. Email: Idara-eFocal Person: Mr. Saeed ul To actively pursue Taleem-oHassan standard setting in Aagahi (ITA) Address: 49A, Ghous-ul-Azam education as a Street, Jail Road, Lahore, comprehensive Pakistan multidimensional Telephone: +92-42-7535270 & learning experience, by 7535271 creating contemporary Education Agriculture/ Food, Children, Civil Society, Communications/ Media, Community Development, Consumer Rights, Democracy Agriculture/ Food Business Community Drug Abuse Gender Health Human Rights Religion Reproductive Health Women. Formal education, Nonformal/ literacy/skills dev Ideal Education Social Welfare Society (IESWS) Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad (IPS) Institute of Behavioral Psychology (IBP) Institute for E-mail: education systems for & optimum equity without Website: discrimination on the basis of gender, class, religion, color and ethnicity; Endeavouring to address educational bottlenecks through timely resource mobilization and influencing of public policy.” Focal Person: Malik Tariq IESWS has resolved to Education Address: Farooqia Road, Ahata, bring about attitudinal Taxila Distt, Rawalpindi chage and take practical City: Rawalpindi measures to facilitate the Telephone: 051-4560216; Fax: promotion of sustainable 051-4560216 development and socioEmail: economic justice Focal Person: Khalid Rahman Development of skills for Pakistan and the Muslim Executive Director research on world issues World Address: Nasr Chambers Block in general, and Pakistan 19- F-7 Markaz, Islamabad and Muslim world in Telephone: 051-2650971-3; particular, with a view to Fax: 051-2650704 contribute to the process Email: of policy-making by Website: sharing and interacting with the people and institutions involved in it. Focal Person: Shama Jivanjee To make special Education Administrator individuals self-reliant Address: A - L /4 , 14th Lane, and useful members of Phase -VII, Defence Housing the society. Authority City: Karachi Telephone: 021-5841713-4, 5841102; Fax: 021- 5841703 Email: mail@ibpinternational .com Website: Focal Person: Lal Jan Baloch To create and develop Development Courses Development External Relations Manager Human Resources that Studies and Address: C-32 Railway Housing will change the power Practices Society structure by (IDSP-Pakis) City: Quetta demystifying the Telephone: 081development process 445192,449775; Fax: 081- and establish partnership 441110 with communities. Email: Website: Institute of Focal Person: Shireen Advocacy Research Children Social Rehmatullah Service Delivery Research & Address: House No D-134 Development Blook v Kehkashan Clifton (ISRD) City: Karachi Telephone: 021-5862354; Fax: 021- 5832268 Email: Interactive Focal Person: Amer Karim • Awareness and Agriculture/ Food, Resource Manager Finance & mobilization of the Democracy, Education, Centre (IRC) Administration marginalized community Gender, Girl Child, Address: 48 - N, Model Town on wider national issues; Human Rights, Extension, Lahore • Strengthening the Minorities, Peace and Telephone: 042-5162874, performing art/ War, Political Education, 5173759; Fax: 042 - 5173765 multimedia as an Rape and Violence, Email: important training and Sexuality, Women capacity building tool; and forming new community based theater groups in Pakistan. Insan Focal Person: Farah Malik Struggle to establish a Children Foundation Program Manager society based on justice Pakistan Address: 160, A-3, Johar Town, and equiltable resources (IFP) Lahore available to all with Telephone: 042-5174076, priority to youth and 5175275; Fax: 042-5179885 children. Email: Website: Islamabad Focal Person: Aamir Shahzad Preparing people to Drug Abuse Christians Address: ICAN, H # 01, Raja make safe health and life Against Akhtar Road, Korang Valley, decisions Narcotics Phulgram, Bhara Kahu, City: (ICAN) Isra Islamic Foundation (IIF) Islamic Relief (IR) Islamic Relief Agency Pakistan (ISRA – Pak) Jahandad Society For Community Development (JSCD) Islamabad Telephone:051– 2230463; Fax:051 - 2231185 Email: Focal Person: Provide social welfare Education Ghulam Qadir Kazi CEO sevices expecially quality Address: Isra University, Hala health and education at Road, PO Box 313, Hyderabad affordable price to Telephone: 0221-620188 & deprived or under Fax: 0221- 620185 priveleged sectors of Email: society through Website: development of human resources and establishment of viable and self sustaining. Focal Person: Abdul Mannan Bhatti Director Address: H-6-A,Park Road ,F8/2, Islamabad Telephone: 051-111-237-237; Fax: 051- 2260938 Email: Website: Focal Person: Mushtaq Ahmed To provide relief to Humanitarian Relief Officer Manager human being in the field Address: 11 Chinar Road of social welfare, health University Town and education. City: Peshawar Telephone: 091-844143 Focal Person: Prof. Dr. Yasmin Treatment, welfare and Community development Raashid Aid of pateints, medical Address: 125-N, Behind camps and distribute Neelum Hospital Samanabad free medicines, family City: Lahore planning, better Telephone: 042 - 7564407, provision of family 7532302; Fax: 042 - 7573911 planning servies, Email: antenatal care and Website: emergency obsteric services, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts, research, collection and dissemination of Data, promote and facilitate studies, education and training, job placement etc. Japan Focal Person: Mr Yajiro Ishii, International Deputy Resident Cooperation Representative Agency Address: 3rd Floor, Comsats (JICA) Building, Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat, Islamabad Telephone: (051) 2829473-8, Fax: (051) 2829471 E-mail: Jauhar Focal Person: Prof. Dr. Medical & Munawar Hussain Naqvi Educational Address: Jauhar House, 695/B, Trust (JMET) Model Town Khan Pur District City: Rahim Yar Khan Telephone: 068 - 5573942, 5573932, 5572761; Fax: 068 5572966 Email: Website: Jinnah Focal Person: Qazi Shoaib Welfare Babar Society Address: 11, Jinnah Road, Link (JWS) DC Road, Gujranwala. City: Gujranwala Telephone: 055-3255527/8; Fax: 055 3255528 Email: Karachi Focal Person: Dr. Shamim Health and Zaiuddin Khan Social Address: Plot No ST 4, Sector Development 5/A, Association Mangopir Road, Orangi Town; The mission of JMET is to spread education and health facilities in the remote areas of Pakistan Education To mobilize people for working participatory way and make efforts for uplifting them politically, socially and economically. Primary Health Care Civil Society Health Hygine Prevention of Reproductive Health Diseases Mother & Child Sexuality Women Youth Care, Immunization TBAS. Family Planning Training (KHASDA) City: Karachi & Supplies upgreating of Telephone: 021-6699354; Fax: Existing Awareness of 021- 6699347 hygiene, sanitation, Email: or prevention of diseases, disease control, birth Website: control, nutrition, mother and child care, reproductive health, health education, training, and improvement in public health sector. Karachi Focal Person: Inam-urVocational training and • Make individual as Vocational Rehaman President Rehabilitation of independent as possible Training Address: P-10,Commercial mentally retarded at home in society; Center Avenue Phase IV, DHA people. • Assist disable person (KVTC) City: Karachi to obtain permanent Telephone: 021employment in non5882920,5801170 segregated competitive Email: work setting and provide Website: follow up services; • To train and educate parents/ family members and create public awareness to the utmost level as a source of normalization and rehabilitation; and reduce artificial barriers and stigmas attached to mental handicap. KARWAN Focal Person: Mir Wali Shah To save the cultural & GHAR 0302-5065600 heritage of country and (PAKISTAN) Address: E-6 Fourth Giziri Rehabilitation of street, DHA 4 Karachi earthquake effected Telephon: 92-333-2245440 & Area. 92-21-5834215 Email: Website: Khair Focal Person: Engr. Aurang To improve the quality of Community Khegara Tanzeem (KKT) Zaib afridi Chief Coordinator life of common people, Address: House No SG Plaza especially in FATA Flat No.115, community. Jamrud Road karkhano Market City: Peshawar Telephone: 091-811983/03339117668 Email: Khwendo Kor Focal Person: Aneela Qamar Empowered women and Women & Director Programme children, strong families, Children Address: Street No 3, Behind progressive society. Development Jabir Flates, Programme New Arbab Colony, Arbab (KK) Road, University Town, City: Peshawar Telephone: 091-852750, 853276; Fax: 091- 853765 Email: Khubaib Focal Person: Nadeem Ahmed To work for the Foundation Khan rehabilitation of the most (KF) Address: Street # 44m House ignored and vulnerable # 4, F-8/1, Islamabad part of society Telephone: 051-2262724, 2852936; Fax: 051-2651949 Email: Website: Khyber Focal Person: Saeed Ilyas Welfare of the women in Welfare Address: National Bank the field of education. Association Colony, Health and provide them (KWA) Kasimabad # 1, Wazir Bagh vocational training Road City: Peshawar Telephone: 091 – 2569044; Fax: 091 - 2573138 Email: Website: Koshish Focal Person: Kashif Yaqub Birdging the knowledge Foundation Address: Suite # 45, Glass divide (KF) Tower Main Clifton Road City: Karachi Development Women and Children Prisoners Women Education Kuchlak Welfare Society ( K.W.S) Laurel Institute for Modern Education (LIME) Leadership for Telephone: 021-5660557; Fax: 021-5660558 Email: Website: Focal Person: Shahnaz Dar. To promote education, Address: C/O Little Master’s sustainable Health, Drug School, Main Samungli Road, eradication, Cantt, Punjfuty, Quetta Environmental Telephone: 0092-81-400degradation, Advocacy, 1931,812-832-363, 301-371Women and Chile 1600 Empowerment projects E-mail: Malikrashidfor the deprived and downtrodden poor Website: communities in the Http// underprivileged area. Focal Person: Naseer Ahmad LIME aims to spread Chadhar literacy through Address: 474-G III, Johar educating children and Town conducting teachers' City: Lahore training programmes for Telephone: 042 - 515654 better standard of Email: education. We work towards equality irrespective of cast, creed, belief and sociopolitcal affiliation bringing benefit to our community and country Focal Person: Asif Saeed LEAD's mission is to Program Assistant create, strengthen and The Foundation is mainly involved in providing quality education to the children of District Quetta. For this purpose the organization established one High School at kuchlak one Middle School in Quetta city and one at Kharoat Abad. Society is endeavoring to provide Vocational Training by the Co-operation of Pakistan Bait ul Maal, a Vocational Training Centre (VTC) was established in Quetta. Kuchlak Health Centre is also established at Kuchlak for the female, which is functioning right now Education EMS, Education, Corporate Social Environment Address: Plote No 15, LEAD and House, F-7 Markaz Development, City: Islamabad Pakistan Telephone: 051-2651511; (LEAD) Fax: 051- 2651512 Email: Website: Light Home Foundation (LHF) Light of Awareness for fair Advancement of Mankind (LAFAM) Literate Pakistan (LP) support network of Responsibility and people and institutions Goverance promoting change towards sustainable development development that is economically sound, envrionmentally responsible and socially equitable. Focal Person: Muhammad To undertake sustainable Community Development Mukarram Shah development program Address: Street No.13 Majeed (Health, Education, Skill Abad Bijli Ghar, Mardan Training and Forestation Telephone: 0931-65161etc.) and help and 72555; Fax: 0921-72555 support the socially and Email: economically poor and disadvantaged people. To empower women raising their social, economical and political status and decrease the gender discrimination. Focal Person: Dawood Khan Building partnership Education & Health Programme Coordinator among government, Address: LAFAM Office, development agencies Hazara Mohalah and community in all City: Lorali social sector to respond Telephone: 0821-410525; development as multiFax: 0821- 410525 dimensional and holistic Email: in Balochistan. Website: Focal Person: Muhammad Promoting literacy Education Zafar Salim Finance Manager Address: A-12, Block 13, Ghulshane Iqbal City: Karachi Telephone: 021-4994621; Fax: 021- 4960145 Email: Lower Sindh Rural Development Association (LSRDA) Lyari Community Development Project (LCDP) Madni Women Development Organization (MINDO) Mahbubul Haq Human Development Centre (MHDC) Majlis Samjee Karkunane Website: Focal Person: Suria Fazal Mobilizing Communities President for holistic Address: PO Box No 75, City: Empowerment. Mirpurkhas Telephone: 0231-61121; F ax: 02311- 61130 Email: Focal Person: Abdul Rahim Community Development Moosvi President Address: Near Moulvi Usman Park, Chakiwara No 2, Lyari City: Karachi Telephone: 021-7521687; Fax: 021- 7549576 Email: Focal Person: Rani Waheeda Women Development Rasheed Malik Health. Voctional Centre, Address: G.T., Road (Kashi Women IT Program Auto Market) Kot Adu (M. Garh), Punjab. City: Kot Adu Telephone: 066-2243910 Email: Focal Person: Malia Asim Analyze the process of Office Manager human development Address:42 Embassy Road, G within the South Asia 6/3, Islamabad region and comparing Telephone: 051-2271228; with the rest of the Fax: 051- 2822794 world. Email: Objectives: Website: Awareness rising regarding the issues and policies in the region. Focal Person: Khalid Pervaiz To Make every person a Address: 26-B, Shah Taj useful and Civilized Community Development Self reliance through self help. Children Health Human Rights Women Women IT Training Human Development Community Development Pakistan (MSKP) Colony, Walton Road, Lahore City: Lahore Telephone: 042-6662151; Fax: 042-6682126 Malakand Focal Person: Siraj Ahmad Rural Support Program Director Tahreek of Address: Village Haibat Gram Humanity p/o Thana (MRSTAH) City: Malakand Telephone: 09328-440482 Email: Makran Focal Person: Roeena Baloch Educational Address: Absor Turbat, City: and Makran Development Telephone: 0861 - 412574, Organization 412954 (MEDO) Email: Marghoob Focal Person: Ch. Saood Citizen. To established a strong Rural Development civil society in the rural through HID/HRD, area of Malakand to Human Right, NFE, enhance local skills, Infrastructure and NRM. strengthen human and their institutions and to enable the local communities to identify their basic problems on self-help and effective participatory bases for the elaboration of their own community action plan. MEDO focuses its efforts Women to create awareness among women of Pakistan's most marginalized area. MEDO envisage the skill development and capacity building to be the chief instrument to empowerment of women. It wants the women of the Turbat and Absor to take the lead in the struggle of survival of the people of this drough hit district who, since last many yeas virtually live in the state of emergency. MEDO believes in participatory approach, democratic culture and sustainable development Lierate and awarded Education Educational Society (MES) Mukhtar generation Address: 3/W Housing Scheme, City: Burewala Telephone: 067 - 3359050 Marie Stopes Focal Person: Sonia Sham To improve the Reproductive Health Society Dupte Donor Relations reproductive health of the (MSS) Manager people of Pakistan. Address: 21-C, Commercial Area, Old Sunset Boulevard City: Karachi Telephone: 021-5389125-8, 5389151-3; Fax: 0215803262, 5886471 Email: Website: Marvi Focal Person: Suresh To create opportunities Women and Community Development Sadhwani and enabling development Organization Address: Mohalla Imam environment for socio(MDO) Bargah, political and economic P.O. Nabsiar Road, Umerkot change through 62900 promoting health, Telephone: 0238 - 575261 education, likelihood Email: facilities and gender and & human equality by the proper utilization of locally available resources with the informed and active participation of communities and other civil society organizations Mashaal Focal Person: Syed Mudassar Mashaal Educational Education Natural Educational Hussain Zaidi Society is to see every Resource Managment Society Address: Suite No. 21, Islamic single person of the Health Sukkur Center, Minara Road backward areas of Sindh (MES) City: Sukkur must be educated. Telephone: 071 - 25909 Besides, to over come Email: basic issue of poverty through the proper education and provide financial support them as they may trun a new leaf Maternity and Focal Person: Attia Hanif To reduce birth rate etc. Child Welfare Executive Director to improve health status Association of Address: MCH House 29/30 - of mothers and children Pakistan F, Gulberg II through comprehensive (MCWAP) City: Lahore MCH services. Telephone: 042-5752505, 5756959; Fax: 042- 5710839 Email: Millat Social Focal Person: Ashfaque Ali MSWA is working on Welfare Talpur Education, Health, Association Address: Badin Bus Stop, P.O. Environment and (MSWA) Talhar, Agriculture etc in the Taluka Talhar, Distt: Badin rural areas of District Telephone: 0297-830137 Badin E-Mail: Mohmand Focal Person: Abdul Jabbar To work with poor and Community Executive Director marginalized Organization Address: MCOC P/O: Mian communities to eradicate Council Mandi Tehsil poverty, enhance peace, (MCOC) City: Ghallanai Mohmand equality and social Agency justice. Telephone: 0920-213345; Fax: 0920- 21345 National Focal Person: Prof. Dr. To emphasize the Society For Khalida Tehreen Secretary principal of ADL ( Mentally & General Adjustment to daily Emotionally Address: 43-A Civic Centre, Living), to promote Handicapped M.A Johar Town, Lahore & satisfactory care for Children P.O Box 621 GPO Lahore handicapped children, to Telephone: 92-42-5173735 & collect and disseminate 5172665; 7057125 information concerning E-mail: treatment, prevention, Website: recent scientific advances, facilities available and other relevant knowledge regarding special needs of handicapped children. To develop and encourage diagnostic Children, Health, Reproductive Health, Women Education HRD Nai Zindagi (NZ) treatment, education and rehabilitation programmes for special children, To keep regular and direct communication with pertains. HIV prevention, drug demand and harmreduction among people who use drugs and are marginalized Focal Person: Saghar Hussain Shah Office Manager Address: House No 37/38 First Floor Beverly City: Islamabad Telephone: 051-28741201; Fax: 051-2275895 Email: Website: National Focal Person: Lubna Javaid Eradication of poverty Rural Support Programme Officer and improvement in Programme Address: 46-Aga Khan quality of life of rural (NRSP) Road, F-6/4 poor. City: Islamabad Telephone: 051-2822319, 2822324; Fax: 0512822779 Email: Website: National Focal Person: Mr Nawazish To provide technical and Trust for Ali Khan Aslam, Programme financial assistance to Population Officer NGOs/CBOs operating in Welfare Address: House # 18, the field of Family (NATPOW) Street 30, Sector F –8/1, Planning, Reproductive Islamabad Health, and Mother and Telephone: (051) 9260922- Child Health throughout 3, Fax: (051) 9261769 the country by way of E-mail: natpow@excelestablishing centers of excellence and to serve Website: as forum for making grants to its beneficiaries. Drugs Abuses Poverty Alleviation NGO Resource Centre (NGORC) Nirali Kitaben (NK) Noor Pakistan (NOOR) Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) Orangi Charitable Trust (OCT) Focal Person: Qadeer Baig To enhance organizations Capacity Development Deputy Director and systems that Address: D - 114, Block 5, promote gender Clifton, City: Karachi sensitive, participatory Telephone: 021-5865501approaches to 2; Fax: 021- 5865503 sustainable social and Email: economic development. Website: Focal Person: David Dewan To produce low cost Children, Community Masih General Manager literature on adult Development, Address: 285-A Venus literacy, health education, Housing Scheme, social issues and religion. City: Lahore-54760 Telephone: 042-5824536; Fax: 042-5800191 Email: Website: Focal Person: Syed Naeem Sustainable Economic Globalization Bukhari Executive Director Development of Pakistan. Address: 837-E Johar Town City: Lahore Telephone: 042-5176284; Fax: 042-5176283 Email: Website: Focal Person: Embassy To contribute towards Address: Royal Norwegian lasting improvements in Embassy, P.O Box 1336, the economic, social and Islamabad political conditions of the Telephone: (051) 2279720- population of developing 4, Fax: (051) 2279726-29 counties, with particular E-mail: emphasis on ensuring & that aid benefits the Web: poorest people. Focal Person: M. Anwar To advance loan for N/A Rashid general benefits. The Address: Plot No. ST-4, trust shall work purely Sector 5/A, non-commercial basis. Qasba Township, Manghpir and to strengthen Road City: Karachi Telephone: 6665696, 8294316; Fax: 6699347 Email: Website: Organization Focal Person: Sehar Habib for CEO Community Address: House No 285, Development Block 4, L 4, Satellite Town (OCD) City: Quetta Telephone: 081-443493; Fax: q081- 443493 Email: NGOs/CBOs working in microfinance sector To improve the circumstances and prospects of disadvantaged and poor population of Balochistan who are unable to realize their potentials and achieve their full rights in the society, especially those of women and children. Organization Focal Person: Mehr Promote the poor Pan Muhammad Islam community through Environment Address: 30 Feet Bazaar, vocational education, skill (OPE) St. 7, C Block, development and Climaxabad, Shaheenabad, employment giving City: N/A permanent importance Telephone: 0431 - 732270 for the elimination of Email: poverty illiteracy. OXFAM Great Focal Person: Naghma Qazi, for Pakistan : An Britain (OGB) Admin and Logistics Officer equitable society where Address: House # 201, the rights, particularly of Street 10, E–7, Islamabad poor and marginalized Telephone: (051) 2653341 women are realized. & Fax: (051) 2653491 E-mail: Website: Pakistan Focal Person: Mr. Kamal Alleviate poverty by Poverty Hayat, Chief Executive enabling the poor to gain Alleviation Officer access to resources & Fund (PPAF) Address: House # 6 A, Park services. Road, F -8/2, Islamabad Children, Civil Society, Community Development, Democracy Micro Credit Telephone: (051) 2253225, 2253178, Fax: (051) 2251726 E-mail: Web: Panah Focal Person: Aneela Ansari Shelter Home Shelter Manager (Panah Trust) Address: Plot No JM-80 Ida(PT) Rieu Premises Near Old Exhibition Nizami Road, Karachi Telephone: 021-7790330; Fax: 021- 7790331 Email: Website: Participatory Focal Person: Dominic Village Stephen Development Address: P.O Box 83, Programme Mirpurkhas, Sindh, Pakistan (PVDP) Telephone: 0231-61379 Email: Website: Pak Public Focal Person: Habibullah Development Bangulzai Society Address: 2nd Floor, Rustam (PPDS) Press Building, Near Children Hospital, Patel Bagh City: Quetta Telephone: 081-823093; Fax: 081-823093 Email: Panah seeks to provide a safe and peaceful heaven for distressed women where they can regain their mental peace and develop self-confidence. Legal Aid, Rape and Violence, Women To work with target communities to create a healthy, literate and socio-economically self reliant civil society. Sustainable Community To promote the solution Community Development of eth basic needs of the masses of Balochistan and to be the part of satisfaction and happiness Pakistan Aids Focal Person: Hasssan Controlling HIV in Prevention Advocacy for Control Mehmood Pakistan, Empowering the HIV/AIDS Federation Address: H# 441, St.57, 1- marginalized advocating 8/3 Islamabad for HIV+AIDS Telephone: 0514432094,4100935 Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP) Pakistan Community Development Programme (Pak-CDP) Pakistan Council For Social Welfare & Human Rights (PCSW&HR) E-mail: Website: Focal Person: Tanvir Malik We seek to enhance the Knowledge Management & volume and effectiveness Communication Specialist of indigenous Address: 28, Street 56, F- philanthropy in Pakistan 6/4, City: Islamabad by facilitating Telephone: 051-2829448, collaboration between the 2820127; Fax: 051various stakeholders. 2826371 Email: Website: Focal Person: Shafique Community development Durrani Director through drinking water Address: 4 - A/ C Park supply, sanitation and Avenue, University Town, health hygiene education. Peshawar Telephone: 091-844216; Fax: 091-844215 Email: Focal Person: Muhammad Pakistan Council for Ijaz Noori Soical Welfare and Address: Sakhi Ittbar Human Rights is Sialkot Pakistan Voluntary coordinating Telephone: 52-3563809; organ among the Fax: 52-3563809 National and Email: International Human Website: Rights and Social Welfare Organization for the Welfare of Humanity. This Council practically works for the promotion for inter-religious relations, Social Welfare, Child Rights, Women Rights, Literacy Development, Social Justice, Sustainable Peace, equality through Philanthropy Agriculture/ Food, Children, Communications/ Media, Community Development, Education Children Civil Society Democracy Educaiton Girl Child Health Human Rights Political Educaiton Women Youth Pakistan Education Forum (PEF) Pakistan Federation of Business & Professional Women Org (PFBPWO) community participation at grass roots level Focal Person: G.H. Anjum Promotion and Education Khokhar Development of Address: NW-33, Street-2, Education, Human Rights, Near Government Women Empowerment Postgraduate College, and Democratic Values Asghar Mall, RawalpindiPakistan Telephone: 92-51-4417385, 4840179; Fax: 051-441789 Email:, Focal Person: Dr. Salima R. Social Welfare work Arts / Culture, Education, Ahmad President Emergency Relief Address: House No Dr. S.R.A Women's Complex Street No. 2, Block -9 Clifton, City: Karachi Telephone: 0215873717/537806; Fax: 021- 5378064 Email: Website: Pakistan Girl Focal Person: Mrs. Tahira To provide opportunities Guides Ahmed, National Secretary for the development of Association Address: National girls and young women Headquarters & Training so that they become Centre, confident, patriotic and Plot No.12, Street No. 7, law abiding citizens, Sector H/9-4, Islamabad capable of performing Telephone: 051-4442531 their duties in the home E-mail: as well as community and the country Pakistan Focal Person: Afzal Environmental The mission of the Institute for Engineer organization is to Environment Address: Office No 3, 1st Floor, 64identify, test and Development East, Masco Plaza, demonstrate Environment / Natural Resource Management Action Research (PIEDAR) Blue Area, City: Islamabad Telephone: 051-2820359-69; Fax: 051- 2820379 Email: Website: practices and intervention for sustainable development. Professionals with experience in anticipatory and participatory planning seek to accomplish this mission along with social organizers skilled in community mobilization and self-motivated activists with a desire to work for others. The action research is undertaken in partnership with grass roots communities. Pakistan Focal Person: Khalid Mehmood Deputy To create a social Institute of Manager Admin order in which the Labour Address: PILER Centre, ST - 001, real potential of the Education & Sector – X, Karachi working people is Research Telephone: 021-6351145-7; Fax: 021- fully realized and (PILER) 6350354 their efforts Email: rewarded judiciously, they need to be informed, motivated and mobilized through intellectual and social action. PILER was to work with the working people of Pakistan to help them achieve that goal. Pakistan Focal Person: Zakia Rubab Khwaja To enhance the Labour Rights and Social Justice Business, Micro Finance Network Coordinator Network Address: 2nd Floor, Block - 14, Civic (PMN) Centre City: Islamabad Telephone: 051-2279015, 2824788; Fax: 051- 2824945 Email: Website: Pakistan Red Crescent Society Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) Pakistan Rural Workers quality, scale, sustainability and diversity of retail MFI's. Disadvantaged Groups, Enabling Environment, Gender, Micro Credit, Poverty Alleviation, Promote Financial Transparency, ustainable Development, Women humanterrian Services Focal Person: Dawar Adnan Toeleviate ShamsAddress: NHQ Sector H-8, thesuffering of Islamabad – 44000 Pakistan vulnerable people by Telephone: 051-9250404 mobilizing the power Email: & Website: of humaniaty. Focused Areas of activities: Disaster Pre[aredness, disaster response Health and care, blood transfusion services, dissemination of fundamental principles and humanterrain values. Geographical location : Focal Person: Owais Aslam Ali To improve the Communication/Media Address: Press Centre Shahrah Kamal standards of Attaturak journalism and to City: Karachi defend and promote Telephone: 021-263-3215; Fax: 021freedom of 263-7754 expression Email: Website: Focal Person: Sabir Farhat To improve the Rural Development Address: P.O.Box No. 2 (31 Gulistan standard of life of Colony, near STN tower) the poverty stricken Social City: Bahawalpur Welfare Telephone: 062 – 2282442; Fax: 062 Organization 2282442 (PRWSWO) Email:, rural communities through a variety of socio economic services by adopting multi-dimensional approaches Pakistan Focal Person: Mrs. Shaista Amjad, Treatment and Treatment, education Society for Director Education and rehabilitation of the Address: 111-Ferozepur Road, Lahore. physically disabled. Rehabilitation Telephone: 7578253- 7565580 Eof Disabled mail: Website: Pakistan Focal Person: Dr Saleem Azam That, human Drug Abuse Society for Address: C-15, Block 12, Federal B resources are the the Welfare Area, City: Karachi most valuable assets of Youth & Telephone: 021-6344644, 6804708; of any community Patients (PS) Fax: 021- 6343810 and that the Email: increasing wider spread multiple abuse of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances threats not only the health development of the youth but also the social fabric, the stability and national security of our country. Pakistan Focal Person: Asad Ali Qureshi Senior To promote building Civil Society, Village Programme Manager of a just civil society Community Development Address: 88A, Street 10-11, by harnessing the Development, Program Defense Officers Colony Khyber Road, creative energies of Education, Gender, (PVDP) City: Peshawar poor and under Micro Credit, Poverty Telephone: 091-284677; Fax: 091privileged. Alleviation, 5262006 Reproductive Health, Email: Rural Development, Sustainable Development, Vocational Training, Water Supply and Pakistan Voluntary Health & Nutrition Association (PAVHNA) Focal Person: Mrs. Rehana Rashdi Project Director Address: 9-C, 18th Commercial Street, City: Karachi-75500 Telephone: 021-5801401-03; Fax: 021- 5887859 Email:, Website: To achieve excellence as Reproductive health training service delivery and umbrella organization, PAVHNA is committed to promote quality gender sensitive health services and information through innovative approaches. Pakistan Focal Person: Arjumand Rabbani Reaching out to Women Project Director women addressing Lawyers Address: 710, 7th Floor, Kashif their legal and Association Centre, Karachi economic issues, (PAWLA) Telephone: 021-5213533, 5673286; PAWLA is delivering Fax: 021- 5673286 professional legal Email: services and Website: economic counseling to Pakistani women, networking with NGOs concerned institutions and the government, PAWLA strives for women's right, equality and equity. Pakistan Focal Person: Sana Ullah Rathore Healthy lifestlye for Youth Address: Mian Afzal Hospital Aroop Youth, Women & Organization Morr Sialkot Road Children and striving (PYO) City: Gujranwala towards a Drug free Telephone: 055 – 3203626; Fax: 055 Pakistan 3203626 Email: Participatory Focal Person: Baber Shah Khan A Healthey, Integrated Address: House No 11-A Chaman Educated and Development Housing Seheme, Quetta Prosperous Society Sanitation Reproductive Health Legal Aid Drug Abuse Water Supply and Sustainable Society (PIDS) Telephone: 021-831224; Fax: 021in Balochistan. 831284 Email: Website: www.pids-pak.compk Pattan Focal Person: Abdul Saboor National Pattan exists to Development Field Coordinator reduce the Organization Address: House # 5, street 58, F-10/3 vulnerability of (PDO) City: Islamabad communities in Telephone: 051-2299494;Fax: 051riverine areas to 2291547 periodic destructive Email: flooding, and to Website: enhance their capacity to sustain their livelihoods in riverine environment. Philanthrope Focal Person: Address: Yousaf Bringing about a Shah House No. 27, Shinwari Town, positive social Gulbahar No.3 change by City: Peshawar organizing and Telephone: 091 – 260545; Fax: 091 mobilizing 260545 marginalized and Email: underpriveleged communities leading towards economically, politically and socially secure society Plan Pakistan Focal Person: Address: Haider W. Plan strives to (PLAN) Yaqub Programme Support achieve lasting Manager House No 3, Street 33, F-8/1, improvements in the Islamabad quality of life of Telephone: 051-2255591; Fax: 051- deprived children in 2256064 developing countries Email: through a process Website: that unites people across culture and add meaning and value to their lives. Punjab Lok Focal Person: Shafiq Butt Project Bring change and Sujag Coordinator Address: Punjab Lok get people aware on Community Development, Democratization Community development Children Agriculture/ Food (SUJAG) Sujag, 100 Tipu Block, Lahore socio economic Telephone: 042-5830985; Fax: 041issues, advocacy 5830985 and execution of Email: sustainable model of Website: development that strengthens indigenous knowledge and skills. Punjab Lok Focal Person: Shafiq Butt Executive Rahs actively Rahs (RAHS) Member pursues the vision of Address: House No Punjab lok rahs, a society in which 100 Tipu block, there is gender Garden Town, City: Lahore equality, religious Telephone: 042-5830985; Fax: 042- tolerance, fulfillment 5830985 of linguistic rights, Email: expression of one Website: cultural identity, and equal economic opportunities for all. It promotes the development of such a society by organizing networks of groups and communities for meaningful cultural activities uses theatre, music, and literary activities for this purpose. Punjab Rural Focal Person: Ehtisham ul Hassan Alleviation of Support Programme Officer poverty, Programme enhancement of (PRSP) Address: 7th Floor, LDA, Plaza and income and Kashmir, Egerton Road improvement in the City: Lahore quality of life of Telephone: 042-6369042; Fax: 042100% rural 6369043 population living Email: below poverty line in Website: Punjab. Arts / Culture, Children, Civil Society, Communications/ Media, Consumer Rights, Democracy, Disadvantaged Groups, Drug Abuse, Education, Girl Child, Globalization, Human Rights, Indigenous People, Labour Issues, Minorities, Political Education, Poverty Alleviation, Rural Development, Women Arts / Culture Civil Society Education Environment/Natural Resource Management Gender Good Governance Health Infrastructure Development Micro Credit Poverty Alleviation, Rural Development Punjab TB Association Rehman Foundation Khushab Pakistan (RFKP) Focal Person: Chudhry Muhammad NawazAddress: House # 24, Sumbal Road, F 10/2 – Islamabad & Punjab Anti TB Association, Health Complex, 16-k, Gulberg -3 Lahore - Pakistan. Email: Website: Sustainable Development Vocational Training Livestock Management ï‚· The adoption i .charitable of every institution ii. Provide possible free Medical facilities means and to the poor TB methods for patients, iii. Health the eradiction Education. of TB from the province of Punjab. ï‚· Health Education of the people regarding the TB problem. ï‚· Undertaking research in the field of Tuberculosis. ï‚· The organization of branches in the province where they do not exist. ï‚· To co-ordinate with other TB Associations in the field of the Eradication of Tuberculosis. Focal Person: Mehnaz Atta Choudhry Development in the Advocate Address: Rehman Society Foundation Ali Pura, Khushab Punjab, Pakistan., City: Khushab Telephone: 0454-711476; Fax: 0454- Education 713576 Email: Rising Sun Focal Person: Dr. Abdul Tawwan Khan To establish a state Disabled/Special Educational & Chief Executive /General of the art people Welfare Address: House No 97/8-Nisar Colony, educational and Society (RSE Shami Road, training institution to & WS) City: Lahore Cantt act ASA centre of Telephone: 042-6686288/5734133; Excellence for the Fax: 042- 5899252 education & Email: rehabilitation of Website: special children, and recognize our respective stake holders and cater to their needs. Root Work Focal Person: Isharat Jabeen To work for the Children Community (RW) Address: 286-C, Samungli Housing development, development Scheme, empowerment of Disadvantaged Samungli Road, Quetta, City: Quetta marginalized group groups Education Telephone: 92 81 283 0723; Fax: 92 sof women, children Gender Girl child 81 283 2082 and youth Health Human Rights Email: Infrastructure development Legal aid Media Rape and violence Rural development Traffiking and migrants Women Youth Honour Killings. Rozan Focal Person: Maria Rashid Gender (Rozan) Address: House No 4-A, Street.34, F8/1 City: Islamabad-44000 Telephone: 51-2851886/7; Fax: 512856730 Email: Website: Rural Focal Person: : Irfan Khokhar To establish a Community Community Programme Manager democratic society, Development Development Address:Bholey Shah Bazar, Mandi formed on the Society Faizabad principals of (RCSD) City:Distt. Sheikhupura Telephone: 0498-882050; Fax: 0498882551 Email: Rural Focal Person: Qazi Hussain Ahmed Community Address:Jamia Colony Near Tehhsil Support Head Quarter Hospital Project City:Distt. Samar Bagh Dir Lower (RCSP) Telephone: 0945-850220,0945609866 Mobile: 0300-9010307 Email: equality, justice and tolerance. Work for progressive Community ,healthy and Development educated community ; improve the status of women and children by targeting them for special attention in culturallyaccepted manner where they could harnessed for changing their existing standard of life by providing themselves better enviornment with enriched natural resources Rural Focal Person: Afzaal Ahmed Dupty To impart qualityEducation Education Manager oriented, purposeful, and Address: 747, Street 10, G-9/3, City: and value-based Development Islamabad 44000 education to all Foundation Telephone: 051-2253256-7; Fax: 051children of rural (READF) 2253260 Pakistan, through a Email: or systematic and streamlined system Website: of education. Rural Focal Person: Shandana Khan To facilitate the Rural Support Support Executive Director RSPs in their Programme/ Social Programmes Address: House No 7, St # 49, F-6/4, objective of Mobilization Network City: Islamabad improving the (RSPN) Telephone: 051-2822476-2821736; sustainable Fax: 051- 2829115 livelihood of the Email: poor in Pakistan. Website: The network is therefore a capacity building organization. In partnership with the RSPs the network works towards the enhancement of their capacities to support communities in managing their own development and it disseminates key lessons and best practices form the RSP community to government and non-governmental organizations in Pakistan. Rural Focal Person: Muhammad Ahsan To bring quality in Community Development Address: Chak # 361/JB, Tehsil Gojra, lives of peoples Development Organization District Toba Singh, Punjab, Pakistan especially living in (RDO) Telephone: 046-3520069 Mobile # rural area of 0301-7087569; Fax: 046-3520069 Pakistan regarding Email: agriculture, Health, Website: Environment, education and by providing them opportunity for maximize their income. To create awareness and to make collective and organized efforts, especially invoving women, youth and disadvantage peoples in order to bring about a positive change in the economic and political structure. Safi Qureshey Focal Person: Arif Najmi Social Reform To produce television Foundation General Manager programming with the (SQF) Address: Room No 706, Park Avenue, PECHS, Main Shara-e-Faisal, City: Karachi Telephone: 021-4382694; Fax: 021- 4382695 Email: Website: SAHIL (Sahil ) Focal Person: Humera Hussain Programme Manager Coordinator Address: 13, First Floor, ALBabar Centre City: Islamabad Telephone: 0512260636/2856950; Fax: 0512254678 Email: Website: No one has to be the victim of child sexual abuse. Saibaan Focal Person: Sahibzada Jawad To make efforts for Development Address: near Classic better premisis for Organization Furnishers, Chilte Dehri Chowk, better education, health (SDO) Shahrah-e-Karakurum, City: and means generating Mansehra opportunities for the Telephone: 0997 – 302225; needy community Fax: 0997 - 305412 Email: Website: Saiban Focal Person: Tasneem Ahmed Siddiqui Address: GRE-319 (2-B), Britto Road, Garden East City: Karachi explicit goal of improving basic literacy, innumeracy and cognitive skills in young children; Instill in children a love of learning through entertaining creative and thoughtful educational programming; Develop media as a tool to improve teaching practices, especially in disadvantaged communities; Children Sexuality Agriculture/Food Business Economy Forestry Poverty Alleviation Vocational training Housing Micro Credit Telephone: 7219772; Fax: 7219049 Email: Saifullah Foundation for Sustainable Development (SFSD) Focal Person: Syed Muhammad Arif Programme Manager Address: 4th Floor , Kulsum Plaza, 42-Blue-Area,City: Islamabad Telephone: 051-2829368, Fax: 051 -2277843 Email: Samajee Focal Person: Shibli Khan Behbood Program Manager Rabita Address: Mal Lar Jehangira Council Road (SBRC) City: Swabi Telephone: 0938-221467; Fax: 0938-221467 Email: Sami Samaj Focal Person: Mumtaz Ali Sujag Sangat Kunbhar (SSSS) Address: Near Main Gate Umerkot, Fort Court Road, Umerkot, City: Umerkot Telephone: 238-571593 / 400059; Fax: 0238-570493 Email: Health and Education are the twin pillars on which we must build the well-being of individual, thus a more healthy equitable and peaceful tomorrow. Education & Health Support and Human and Institutional strengthening CBOs, Development taking initiatives to develop their respective areas through advocacy, networking and capacity building. To enable people by Advocacy & Environment raising socio-political awareness among all sects of the society to utilize their efficiencies for their social, culture and economic development through adopting participatory apporach. So that a developed society can be established. Sarhad Rural Focal Person: Sarmad Khan Harnessing people's Poverty Alleviation Support Programme Manager potential to help Programme Address: House No 129, Street themselves through (SRSP) No 8, establishing a network Defence Officers Colony, of grass roots Khyber Road, City: Peshawar institutions for poverty Telephone: 091-9211417, reduction, sustainable, 274540; Fax: 091- 285389 equitable and Email: Sarsabz Foundation (SB) SASI Foundation (SASI) Savera (Savera) Save the Children – UK (SC-UK) engendered development. Focal Person: Imran Niaz Development of the Admin Officer society through Address: P.O Box No 293, 201 participatory approach A, Peoples Colony # 1 to form a balanced civil City: Faislabad society. Telephone: 041-560751; Fax: 041- 560751 Email: Focal Person: Babar Bashir Disseminate Social Khan Manager Coordination Entrepreneurship Address: Sasi House, G/2, knowledge, informaiton, Block 9, Main Clifton Road, technology and Karachi experience to support Telephone: 021-5373106-7; understanding, to Fax: 021- 5870671 combine philanthropy Email: and commerce to create self sustaining Website: enterprises to achieve social causes. Focal Person: Saima Tabassum To contribute towards Address: 427, Gulshen Block, making this world more Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore comfortable for children. Telephone: 042-5415568; Fax: 042-5415568 Email: Focal Person: In a world that Address: House # 97, Main continues to deny Double Road , F-10/1, children their basic Islamabad rights; we champion the Telephone: (051) 211324, Fax: right of all children to a (051) 2113317 happy, healthy and E-mail: office@scfuksecure childhood; we put the reality of Website: children’s lives at the heart of everything we do; together with children we are helping to build a better world for present and future Community Development Business, Social Entrepreneurship Children Sehar Development Foundation (SDF) Sewa Development Trust Sindh (SDTS) Shah Abdul Latif Samaji Sangat Tangwani (SALSS) Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre (SKMCH) generations. SDF mission is to Women's Development actualize the dream of and Education sectors creating a clean, well educated, healthy and model environment, so we could be called enligtened, modernized and millenariam nation Focal Person: Muhammad Ramzan Address: House # 7, Street # 1, Mohojor Colony, Near Chowk Fawara, Teh Chistian, District BWN Telephone: 0300 6988978 Email: Focal Person: Khadim H. Dahot Sewa's vision is a Address: A-3, 3rd floor, Civic country without poverty Centre, in which every person Khairpur-66020, Sindh-Pakistan can exercise their right Telephone: 0792-554082 / to a life of dignity and 552739 / 552901; Fax: 0792- having the secure life 554082 and its facilities. Email: Website: Focal Person: Abdul Ghafoor Our organization Noonari mission to empower the Address: P.O.Tangwani people through poverty (79150) Tahseel Kandh Kot reducing. Programme District Kashmore - Kandh Kot and aware the Telephone: 0722 - 703715, community about their 0300 3139148 basic needs and rights. Focal Person: Dr Faisal Sultan To act as a model CEO institution to alleviate Address: 7-A, Block R-3, Johar the suffering of patients Town, Lahore with cancer through the Telephone: 042 -518 0725 application of modern Fax: 042 -5180720 methods of curative and Email: palliative therapy irrespective of their ability to pay, the education of health care professionals and the public and perform research into the causes and treatment of cancer. Community Development Micro credit Health Sight Savers International (SSI) Focal Person: Dr Haroon R. “To eliminate main Awan, Country causes of blindness in Representative order to give all people Address: House # 2, Street # in the world, particularly 10, F –7/3, Islamabad the millions of Telephone: (051) 2651276, needlessly blind, the Fax: (051) 2651275 right to sight” E-mail: Website: Shifa Focal Person: Dr. Saira M.Zaidi The Foundation aspires Education, Health Foundation Executive Director to sponsor and to (SF) Address: House No Coroprate promote Sehatmand Office Sector H-8/4 Pakistan. For this on City: Islamabad one hand they foster, Telephone: 051-444-6801; promote and aid the Fax: 051- 444-6879 care of sick people. On Email: the other hand they are in the process of creating medical and health institutions, which can provide state of the art education to health professionals and para-professionals. Shirkat Gah Focal Person: Fauzia Rauf Women's empowerment Bio-diversity, Civil (SG) Programme Officer for social justice and Society, Democracy, Address: D - 77, Block 2, social justice for Disadvantaged Groups, Clifton women's empowerment. Economy, Enabling City: Karachi Environment, Telephone: 021-5832754, Environment/Natural 5870287; Fax: 021- 5832754 Resource Management, Email: Gender, Globalization, Good Governance, Human Rights, Legal Aid, Political Education, Rape and Violence, Reproductive Health, Sustainable Development and Women Sindh Focal Person: Masood Sustainable Community Agricultural Ahmed Mahesar Programme Communities achieving Development and Forestry Manager Soci-economic, Workers Address: C - 415, Opposite Democeatic and Cultural Coordinating Beacon house School System, Development thourgh Organization Qasimabad Phase I, Hyderabad Grass Roots Institutions. (SAFWCO) Telephone: 0221-650996; Fax: 0221- 655160 Email: Website: Sindh Focal Person: Ghaffar To uplift the living Development MalikAddress: Bunglow No A/C standard of the people Society - 5, Akhtar Cottage Main Road, living the backward (SDS) Bhittai Town, Qasimabad areas of the province of City: Hyderabad Sindh, through Telephone: 0221-656401, particepartry sustinable 616784; Fax: 0221- 656401 and integrated Email: developed activities and to promote and Advocate the Right of the valuable Section of Society. Sindh Focal Person: Altaf Hussain To empower the people Graduates Gorar to take their own Association Address: 10/7 Rimpa Plaza, MA decisions and to be the (SGA) Jinnah Road, City: Karachi partners in policy Telephone: 021-7765867; Fax: decision- making, make 021- 7724359 them aware of the Email: participatory methods, create amongst them the sense of selfesteem, prestige and hard work in pursuit of the path of sustainable development, and peaceful society in Sindh. Sindh Welfare Focal Person: Mumtaz Ali SWDO Commits to Development Leghari develop a community Organization Address: Shahmir Panhwar where all are equal and (SWDO) Coloney, enjoy Social, Political near Water Supply Tank, Economi Sanghar-68100, Sindh- Human Rights Social Mobilization Education Pakistan. Telephone: 0235-800229 Email: Sindh Youth Focal Person: Shahzado The Sindh Youth Welfare Sustainable Welfare Khaskheli Organization if Developement Organization Address: House # 109, Street professionally Sukkur # 1, competent enough to (SYWO) Shah Khalid Colony, City: conceptualize and Sukkur materialize its vision Telephone: 071 – 5631704; and focal objectives, it Fax: 071 - 5631704 is our commitment to Email: raise the quantitative and qualitiative Website: education of our country as well as mobilize the community towards clean and pollution free environment. Social Action Focal Person: Muhammad To contribute towards To work for the creation Bureau for Tariq (Chief Executive) development of the local of a society based on Assistance in Address: H. No. 230, Street 4, communities, with a the principles of social Welfare & Sector H 1, Phase 2, focus on providing justice and gender Organization Hayatabad, Peshawar enabling environment to equality”. Networking Telephone: 091 5815793 / the marginalized and (SABAWAON) 5810424 Fax: 091 5824804 deprived groups to E-mail: access and utilize social, sector services”. & Website: www.sabawon.rog Social Aid for Focal Person: Jam Muneer Sustainable Education Education and Ahmed Development through Development Address: House No D-436, Community (SAFE) Wariter Road, City: Sukkur participation. Telephone: 071-612144; Fax: 071- 22270 Email: Social Cultural Focal Person: Umar To help the helpless Education and GulAddress: SCEWA & Unique and enhance literacy Educational Academy Chowk Nishtarabad, and Vocational Skills Welfare Circular Road, Peshawar, • To eradicate Narcotics Association NWFP, City: Peshawar HIV/AIDs like other (SCEWA) Telephone: 091-2562979; Fax: 091-2572467 Email: Diseases and Poverty Social Focal Person: Akhlaq Ahmed Social Development Development Saghar Foundation is desirous Foundation Address: 244- Gulshan-e-Iqbal and determined to (SDF) Housing Colony, launch socio economic Post Box-27, Arifwala-57450, changes in Pakistan, Dirstirct: Pakpattan which can assist in City: Pakpattan providing equal Telephone: 0300-6945871 opportunities to every Email: one to foster the Human creative abilities. SDF aims for producing better result by appropriate utiilization of Human Resources at grass root level to alleviate the problems of underprivileged segment of society. Social Policy Focal Person: Dr. Kaiser Bengali To support the process and Address: 15 Maqbool of meeting basic Human Development Cooperative Housing Society, needs consistent with Centre Block 7 & 8, City: Karachi the national goal of (SPDC) Telephone: 021-111-113-113; Social Development and Fax: 021- 4534285 contribute in this Email: respect through Website: research and policy advice. Social Team Focal Person: Syed Farrukh To empower neglected for Education Raza and under priveleged and Address: 262/2, Al Murtaza communities of tehsil Environmental Khanewal Road, kabirwala with their own Prosperity Kabirwala District, City: participation for (STEP) Khanewal sustainable social Telephone: 065 – 2411512; development Fax: 065 - 2410785 Email: Rural Development Social Sector Development Education Social Youth Focal Person: M. Ismail Tahir Uplift communities to be Education Council of Seyal Chief Coordinator make them selfPatriots Address: Seyal House, Fazal dependent through (SYCOP) Nagar democratic behavior and City: Muzaffar Garh decisions. Telephone: 0661-423471; Fax: 0661-423471 Email: Society for Focal Person: Dr Rakhshinda To promote human Gender the Perveen Vice President development of the Advancement Address: Al-Babar Centre, disadvantaged of Community Park Road, City: Islamabad communities with gender Health, Telephone: 051-2254933, perspective. Education & 2851605; Fax: 051- 225053 Training Email: (SACHET) Website: Society for Focal Person: Shabaz Ahmed To provide the better Environment Education, Sabi education and Environment Address: 164-C, Marghzar environment and and Colony, Awan Town, Multan promote better facilities Population Road for the population Welfare City: Lahore (SEEP) Telephone: 0300 4100377, 042 – 7445424; Fax: 042 5712734 Email: Society for Focal Person: S. Liaqat To help and support the Human Rights Legal Aid Human Rights Banori CEO deserving people with the & Prisoners Address: 3, Rawal Arcade F.8 aim to serve the Aid (SHARP) Markaz community. City: Islamabad Telephone: 051-22513182214211; Fax: 051- 2250640 Email: Website: Society for Focal Person: Abdul Wadood and enabling Poverty Alleviation Empowering Address: 1-B, Jinnah Avenue, environment for Human Jinnah Town, Quetta prosperity Resources Telephone: 081 – 2826745; (SEHER) Society for the Advancement of Education (SAHE) Society of Collective Interests Orientation (SOCIO) Society for Community Support for Primary Education in Balochistan (SCSPEB) Fax: 081 - 2825991 Email:, Focal Person: Ahmed Raza All Pakistani children not Education Programme Officer only have the rights to go Address: 65 - C, Garden to school but an equal Block, New Garden Town, right to get quality Lahore education. Telephone: 042-5868115-6; Fax: 042-5839816 Email: Website: Focal Person: Amanullah Revive collective interests Community Development Khan Kakar Executive to survive today. Director Address: Opposite New Bright Future Fellowship School, Arbab karm Khan Road, Sheikhan; City: Quetta Telephone: 081-446706; Fax: 081- 446706 Email: Website: Focal Person: Shabir Ahmed To Create Partnerships Education Address: 3 - A, Ahmed Zai between benefits, Colony, Government and Funding Sariab Road, City: Quetta Organization in all Social Telephone: 081-440732; sectors for a Sustainable Fax: 081- 440694 Development. Email : or Website: Society for Focal Person: Tanveer Arif Protection of Environment Environment/ Conservation CEO at local, national and Sustainable Development and Protection Address: D-141 Block-2 global level to implement of PECHS, Karachi certain provisions of Environment Telephone: 021-4559448global environment (SCOPE) 4522562; Fax: 021- 4557009 Agenda for the 21st Email: century, in their true spirit and words through networking, advocacy, capacity building, research, community organization, legal actions to achieve selfsustainability. Society for Focal Person: Shahnaz SDIA has a focused Community Development Development Imam Executive Director mission to improve and through Address: House No 101, provide basic health and Integrated Building 11 C, Sunset reproductive health Approach Boulevard, services to men and (SDIA) Commercial Area, Phase II, women in slums and rural DHA, City: Karachi areas. Objectives: Telephone: 021-5382958, Adolescents 5872338; Fax: 021- 5895770 development, primary Email: health care and reproductive health services, women development and mother child heath services, family planning, unmet need, HIV/AIDS awareness and elimination of gender in education Society for Focal Person: Rustum Marri SEPRS Looking forward to Education Education Address: SEPRS Office, new Society in which repsects Promotion Baloch Colony, to rights and duties and Rural Dera Allah Yar District, City: realized Support Jaffarabad Balochistan (SEPRS) Telephone: 0838 - 510232, 510156; Fax: 0838-510232 Email: Society Focal Person: Major (Retd) To undertake various Community Environmental K. Sofi Wasiuddin President projects with the aim to Development, Education, Awareness work for the welfare and Emergency Relief, (SEA) benefit of poor Environment/Natural communities living in Resource Management, Katchi Abadies slum Solid Waste dwellings so as to management, Water improve their overall supply and Sanitation living condition and quality of life Society for Focal Person: Zarina Jillani rights of children, using Children (Child Rights) the Protection Research coordinator international standards as of the Rights Address: House No 14, a yardstick, through of the Child Fourth Floor, advocacy supported by (SPARC) 109-W Sardar Begum Plaza, research, awareness Blue Area; City: Islamabad raising, service delivery Telephone: 051-2279504; and human and Fax: 051-2279256 institutional Email: development. Website: Society of Focal Person: Amanullah Revive collective interests Community Development Collective Khan Kakar Executive to survive today Interests Director Orientation Address: Opposite New (SOCIO) Bright Future Fellowship School, Arbab karm Khan Road, Sheikhan, City: Quetta Telephone: 081-446706; Fax: 081- 446706 Email: Website: SocioFocal Person: Kamran Sadiq Just Socio-economic Sustainable Development Economic and Chief Executive development in Pakistan. Business Address: 3rd Floor, ATS Consultants Centre (SEBCON) City: Islamabad Telephone: 051-28276172827643; Fax: 051- 2827644 Email: Socio Agri Focal Person: S. Ali Nawaz Working for development Agriculture/Food Development Jahania network of neglected Forum Address: P.O Shah Pur rural commnunities. (SADF) Jahania, Nawabshah Enhancing socio Telephone: 0244 - 314275, 0300 - 9259032 Email: Soofi Sachal Sarmast Welfare Association (SSSWA) Focal Person: Qutub-u-Din Khoso General Secretary Address: House No P.O Tangwani Tah: Kandhkot City: Distt: Jacobabad Telephone: 0721-560444; Fax: 0704 -71580 Email: Sofi Shah Inayat Shaheed Sangat (SSISS) Focal Person: Sikandar Ali Abbasi Address: P. O. Faridabad76350, Distt: Dadu, Sindh Telephone: 0229-730681 Email: SOS Children’s Villages Of Pakistan economic conditions, including education & health care. SSSWA aims at socio- Sustainable Development economic development of through Community the masses at grass-root Participation level. It believes in participatory development. Mission is the provision of Agriculture/ Food Arts / basic Health Care, Culture Children Civil Education income Society Community generation opportunities Development Conflict for under priviledge Resoultion Consumer communities through Rights Democracy capacity building to make Disadvantage Groups then independent Disaster Management Drug Abuse Economy Education Emergency Relief Enabling Environment Energy Environment / Nature Resource Management Political Education Rape and Violence Reproductive Health Rural Development Science & Technology Focal Person: Mrs. Ghazals Working towards the day Dedicated to providing Rehman, National Director when deserving children homes for orphans and Address: SOS Children’s in every region can be abandoned children. Villages of Pakistan, National offered shelter. Provides children with a officer Ferozpur Road Lahorewarm family type 54600 environment. Telephone: 042-5854416, 5866546 & Fax 042 5852377 E-mail: Website: South Asia Focal Person: Irfan Mufti To support community Civil Society, democratic Partnership Programme Manager based and people's development (SAP-PK) Address: Haseeb Memorial organizations, especially Trust Building, Nasirabad, those formed by poor Raiwind Road, Thokar Niaz themselves in Beg, City: Lahore undertaking initiatives for Telephone: 042 - 5426470socio-economic 3; Fax: 042 - 5411637 development & political Email: & change with a purpose to Website: bring about empowerment and selfreliance in the lives of marginalized sections. To foster regional & global thinking, through programmatic cooperation. Strengthening Focal Person: Maliha To strengthen rural and Community Development Participatory Shamim Programme urban community-based Organization Coordinator organizations (CBOs) to (SPO) Address: House No 9, St 89, assist poor and G, 6/3, Islamabad disadvantaged sections of Telephone: 051the communities to 2820983/2272978; Fax: achieve their goals for 051- 2273527 sustainable development Email: through a participatory Website: approach. Sudhaar Focal Person: Fawad Usman To develop 500 top Education (Sudhaar) Khan quality professional in Address: 134 - Abu Bakr various disciplines in Block, New Garder Town, community development Lahore in Pakistan Telephone: 042 5868176/7; Fax: 042 5862685 Email: Website: Sultana Focal Person: Dr. Naeeem Social Reconstruction Human Development Foundation Ghani Through human Address: Lehtarar Road , Develoment. Farash Twon P.O .Box . 2700, Islamabad Telephone: 051-2243501-6 E-mail: Website: Sungi Focal Person: Muhammad To Bring about policy and Development Shafi Gul Principal institutional changes by Foundation Programme Coordinator mobilizing deprived and (SDF) Address: House No 880/881, marginalized community Near Radio Station with a view to creating an Manshera Road environment in which City: Abbotabad communities at the local Telephone: 0992level may be able to 336957,333414,334750; perform their lives Fax: 0992- 331726 through equitable and Email: sustainable use of Website: resources. Swabi Women Focal Person: Javed Akhtar Improve health and Welfare Address: SWWS, Karnal Sher socio-economic status of Society Khan Town (N-Killi) women and actively (SWWS) City: Swabi involve them in Telephone: 0938-310059; developmental activities Fax: 0938-310059 and in the process of Email: social change. Swiss Agency Focal Person: Gulnar To eliminate poverty and for Zumkhawalla, Head of support the pourest of Development Administration the poor by employment. and Address: House # 21, Street Cooperation 18, F –6/2, Islamabad (SDC) Telephone: (051) 2279280, Fax: (051) 2824872 E-mail: Taangh Focal Person: Fr. Sohail To create an enabled Wasaib Patrick environment for non Tanzeem Address: House # 43, St # discriminsation, equal (TWT) 1, Gulshan-e-Bashir, City: rights and access to Sargodha equal opportunities by Telephone: 0483 – 215042; raising teh awareness Good Governance Poverty Alleviation Peace and Interfaith Education Fax: 0483 - 215042 Email: Taraqee Focal Person: Amjad Rashid Foundation Address: House No 84-A, (TF) Street 6, Jinnah Avenue, Jinnah Town, Queta Cant Telephone: 021829416/836548; Fax: 021832911 Email: Website: Taaleem Focal Person: Ikram Elahi Foundation Senior Manager (TF) Address: Head Office, opp Railway Accounts Academy City: Quetta Telephone: 081-828109; Fax: 081- 828109 Email: Tanzeem Focal Person: Kishwar Khan Zalmay Kul Programme Manager Teerat (TZKT) Address: Neeroz Building Near Ranzra Bridge, City: Swat Telephone : 0936-781355 Email: Taangh Focal Person: Fr. Sohail Wasaib Patrick Tanzeem Address: House # 43, St # (TWT) 1, Gulshan-e-Bashir, City: Sargodha Telephone: 0483 – 215042; Fax: 0483 - 215042 Email: Tameer Focal Person: Nisar Ahmed Development Sooro Organization Address: U/C 01, Rasoolabad (TDO) Kandh Kot-79160, through educational means To alleviate poverty through gender sensitive people centres approaches by providing a set of social economic services by promoting linkages with stake holders Poverty Alleviation Implementing social change through quality education in under privileged areas of Pakistan. Education To Improve Unity and living standard of the community through participatory development Sustainable Development To create an enabled environment for non discriminsation, equal rights and access to equal opportunities by raising teh awareness through educational means NGO commits itself to promote sustainable development in country, through community Peace and Interfaith Education Agriculture/ Food Children Community Development Disadvantage Group District Kashmore at Kandh participation it gives Forestry Gener Health Kot, Sindh special important to Human Rights Telephone: 0722-571644; women and Philanthropy Fax: 0722-571644 disadvantaged group. Reproductive Health Email: Sustainable Developemnt Tanzeem Focal Person: Kishwar Khan To Improve Unity and Sustainable Zalmay Kul Programme Manager living standard of the Development Teerat (TZKT) Address: Neeroz Building Near community through Ranzra Bridge, City: Swat participatory Telephone : 0936-781355 development. Email: Teachers' Focal Person: Lila Ram Service delivery Resource Advocacy Training Centre (TRC) Research The Asia Focal Person: Mr Julio The foundation supports Foundation Andrews, Representative programmes in Asia (TAF) Address: 8 Khayaban-e-Iqbal, F that help improve – 7/3, Islamabad governance and law, Telephone: (051) 2650523, economic reforms and Fax: (051) 2650736 development, women’s E-mail: participation and international relations. Web: The foundation gives priority to strengthening leadership and the capacity of local organizations as well as improving public policy. The Citizens Focal Person: Neelam Habib, To promote mass scale Foundation Manager - Donor Services quality education, at the (TCF) Address: 7th Floor, NIC primary and secondary Building, levels. To help build the Abbasi Shaheed Road, City: national moral on the Karachi basis of religious/ Telephone: 111-TCF-TCF (111ethical norms. 823-823); Fax: 021- 5653173 Email: Website: The Asia Focal Person: Rubina Quamber Advocacy, Capacity/ Education Education Civil Society, Foundation (TAF) Communication Officer Address: 38 Khayaban-i-Iqbal, F 7/3 City: Islamabad Telephone: 051-2650523; Fax: 051-2650736 Email: Website: The Layton Focal Person: S. M. Rahmatulla Ayoob General Manager Benevolent Address: 37 -C, Sunset Lane No Trust (LRBT) 4, Phase II, DHA, Karachi Telephone: 021-5880635, 5884587; Fax: 021- 5883487 Email: Website: The Citizens Foundation The Network for Consumer Protection (TheNetwork) Institution Building, Research Community Development, Conflict Resolution, Democracy, Economy, Education, Environment/Natural Resource Management, Gender, Girl Child, Good Governance, Health, Human Rights, Information Technology Health RBT is committed to creating a better Pakistan by preventing the suffering caused by blindness and other eye ailments. To this end it will provide state of the art comprehensive free eye care in keeping with the tradition of excellence efficiency and compassion for all. Focal Person: Neelum Habib To bring about an Establishing and Address: 7th Floor NICL enduring positive operating schools to Building Abbassi Road, Karachi. change for communities provide education to Telephone: 021-111-823-823 with greatest need less privileged children E-mail: through the power of of Pakistan. Website: quality education, enabling moral, spiritual, intellectual enlightenment & Creating opportunities to improve quality of life. Focal Person: Zafar Mirza To protect and promote Consumers Rights Address: 40-A,Ramzan Plaza, the interest of all G-9,Markaz Pakistani consumers by City: Islamabad educating them about Telephone: 051-2261085; Fax: their rights; by 051-2262495 providing them Email: independent information about goods and Website: services; and by informing them about government's performance as protector of their rights, especially the poor consumers. The National Focal Person: Address: office Strengthen peoples Educational & near DPO Office, Ward # 02, towards management of Environmental Dera Murad Jamali, District educational issues and Development Nasirabad, Balochistan – aware to get easy Society Pakistan access to the (The NEEDS) Telephone: 92-838-711170/92- decentralization process 301-3698088/92-300-3181980 to meet the challenges. E-mail: The Focal Person: Mian Ajmal Shah Enabling targeted Humanitarians Executive Director communities to plan (TH) Address: 19 A/C Gulmohar Lane and initiate sustainable University Town development process City: Peshawar leading to improve Telephone: 091-5704329; Fax: quality of life. 091-5704329 Email: The Helpline Trust (THT) Focal Person: S. Tahir Hasnain Chief Coordinator Address: 15 -C, 12, Ittehad Lane, City: Karachi Telephone: 021-5889643, 5889645; Fax: 021- 5889740 Email: Website: To create consumer awareness. . Focal Person: Dr. Col(R) Rashid To provide specialized The Kidney Iqbal KhanAddress: 197/9 effective and ethical Centre Post- Rafiqui Shaheed Road, Karachi- renal and renal related Graduate 75530, City: Karachi Heath Care services Training Telephone: 021-5661000 (10(Covering Curative, Institute Lines); Fax: 021-5661040 / Preventive, Promotive (TKCI) 5661050 and Rehabilitative Community Development Consumer Rights Health Email: Parmeters) Confoming Website: to International Standards. To create awareness in scoiety regarding Kidney & related disorders. To screen individuals totally free of cost for renal ailment through a filter clinic and advise them according to the outcome. The Prudents Focal Person: Sarmad Aman To improve the status of Women (TP) Address: 46-E/5, Tulsa Road, vulnerable and Lalazar, City: Rawalpindi neglected segment of Telephone: 0300 - 8549798 population living in subEmail: urban and urban slums The Focal Person: Aazar Ayaz To play a criticial role in Governance with cross Researchers Address: Suite # 6, 2nd Floor, developing social, cutting theme of gender (TR) Malik Complex, 80 - West, Blue economic and political Area, City: Islamabad capacities of the Telephone: 051 - 289899, community and 2850157/8; Fax: 051 increasing their 2850160, 2822238 effectiveness. Email:, Website: Thardeep Focal Person: Sono Enlarging the choices of Rural Development Rural Khangharani Executive Director people in Thar with Development Address: TRDP, Mithi,City: equity and justice. Programme Tharparkar (TRDP) Telephone: 02342-61462; Fax: 02342-61379 Email: Website: The Focal Person: Engr. Salman TRP has a focused Rural Development Reformers Arshad mission to eliminate all Pakistan Address: TRP House, Lane no. kinds of violence and to (TRP) 6, Main Boulevard, Iqbal town, East Canal Road, near Hamdard University, City: Faisalabad Telephone: 041 – 8523717; Fax: 041 - 8523717 Email: The Focal Person: Mian Ajmal Shah Humanitarians Executive Director (TH) Address: 19 A/C Gulmohar Lane University Town City: Peshawar Telephone: 091-5704329; Fax: 091-5704329 Email: The Helpline Focal Person: S. Tahir Hasnain Trust (THT) Chief Coordinator Address: 15 -C, 12, Ittehad Lane, City: Karachi Telephone: 021-5889643, 5889645; Fax: 021- 5889740 Email: Website: The Kidney Focal Person: Dr. Col(R) Rashid Centre PostIqbal Khan Graduate Address: 197/9 Rafiqui Training Shaheed Road, Karachi-75530, Institute City: Karachi (TKCI) Telephone: 021-5661000 (10Lines); Fax: 021-5661040 / 5661050 Email: Website: provide quality social services to underserved communities in the country, by using innovative and participatory approaches. Enabling targeted communities to plan and initiate sustainable development process leading to improve quality of life. Community Development To create consumer awareness. Consumer Rights To provide specialized effective and ethical renal and renal related Heath Care services (Covering Curative, Preventive, Promotive and Rehabilitative Parmeters) Confoming to International Standards. To create awareness in scoiety regarding Kidney & related disorders. To screen individuals totally free of cost for Health The Researchers (TR) renal ailment through a filter clinic and advise them according to the outcome. Focal Person: Aazar Ayaz To play a criticial role in Governance with cross Address: Suite # 6, 2nd Floor, developing social, cutting theme of gender Malik Complex, 80 - West, Blue economic and political Area, City: Islamabad capacities of the Telephone: 051 - 289899, community and 2850157/8; Fax: 051 increasing their 2850160, 2822238 effectiveness. Email:, Website: Thardeep Focal Person: Sono Rural Khangharani Executive Director Development Address: TRDP, Mithi,City: Programme Tharparkar (TRDP) Telephone: 02342-61462; Fax: 02342-61379 Email: Website: The Focal Person: Engr. Salman Reformers Arshad Pakistan Address: TRP House, Lane no. (TRP) 6, Main Boulevard, Iqbal town, East Canal Road, near Hamdard University City: Faisalabad Telephone: 041 – 8523717; Fax: 041 - 8523717 Email: The Focal Person: Habibullah Khan Development Admin and Finance Manager & Welfare Address: House No 150, Phase Agency -B, Sector 1 (DWAY) City: Bannu Telephone: 0928-633311; Fax: Enlarging the choices of people in Thar with equity and justice. TRP has a focused mission to eliminate all kinds of violence and to provide quality social services to underserved communities in the country, by using innovative and participatory approaches. Rural Development Rural Development The Development of an Children, Civil Society, enabling environment in Community which the society Development, perpetually engaged Disadvantaged Groups, itself in the pursuit of Education, Enabling knowledge, Environment, 0928-621510 Email: understanding and skills Environment/Natural for the attainment of a Resource Management, world self contained in Gender, Girl Child, Good all respect, i.e. Governance, Health, intellectual, moral, Human Rights material and cultural where peace, harmony, mutual understanding and cooperation and tolerance will be the norm and order Trust for Focal Person: Iqbal Jafar CEO Strengthening NGOs Community Voluntary Address: 28, Embassy Road, and CBOs through Development, Organization Islamabad financial grants and Education, Health, (TVO) Telephone: 051 – 9211399; training, bringing rural Sustainable Fax: 051 - 2275803 and remote areas of the Development Email: country into focus; Website: encouraging participatory socioeconomic development; empowering marginalized segments of the society through information dissemination. Trust for Rural Focal Person: Muhammad To improve social Community Uplift and Saeed Khan indicators through good Development Community Address: 2A Park Road Scheme governance, education, Education II, CHakShahzad, Islamabad advocacy and female (TRUCE) Telephone: 051 - 2242047, entrepreneurship 2242048; Fax: 051 - 2241323 Email: Website: Trust for Rural Focal Person: Zafar Junejo TRD envisions and Development Director strives for a society (TRD) Address: C - 73, GMB Colony, governed on the Qasimabad principles of Truth, NonCity: Hyderabad violence and SelfTelephone: 0221-65521; Fax: realization and human 0221-65521 virtues: equity, sharing, Rural Development Email: sacrifice and social responsibility. It is committed to nurture individuals and institutions for sharing their potentials and resources. UMER Focal Person: Mr. S. Bilal Hasan Destitute/vulnerable WELFARE Address: Apt-2, Samra Apt , SB areas and communities TRUST -55, Block 13-C , developments and social Gulshan-e- Iqbal , Karachiadvancement. Pakistan Telephone: 9221-5416432 United Focal Person: To advocate for Nations Address:90MargallaRoad,Fchildren’s rights, to help Children 8/2,Islamabad meet their basic needs Fund Tel:+92-51-2097700&Fax:+92and to expand their (UNICEF) 51-2097799 opportunities to reach E-mail: & their full potential. Website: United Focal Person: Nationa Addre4ss: UN House House No, Development 12 , Street No. 17 , F-7/2, Program Islamabad (UNDP) & Post Box No. 1051, Islamabad Tele: +92-51-8255600 & Fax: +92-51-2655014 Website: United Focal Person: UN Organization The UNDCP mission is to Nations Drug Telephone: (051) 2800051, work with the nations Control Fax: (051) 2800035 and the people of the Programme E-mail: world to tackle the global (UNDCP) drug problem and its consequences by: Alerting the world to the threats posed by drug abuse to individuals, families, communities and institutions United Focal Person: Ms Mathewos Nations Mehari, Administrative Officer Educational, United Nations Educational, Scientific & Scientific & Cultural Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Organization Address:House#17,Street#08,F(UNESCO) 7/3,Islamabad,Pakistan Tele:+92-51-111-710745&Fax:+92-51-2611175 E-mail: Website: United Focal Person: Multilateral UNFPA, the United Nations 220 East, 42nd Street NYNations Population Fund, Population 10017, New York, USA is an international Fund Address: UN House, #12, St-17, development agency that (UNFPA) F/7-2 Islamabad promotes the right of Telephone: (051) 2800133-42, every woman, man and Fax: (051) 2800055 child to enjoy a life of E-mail: health and equal Website: opportunity. UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV/AIDS, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect. United Focal Person: Mr Mark Ward, States Director Agency for Adress: USAID American International Embassy, Ramna 5, Development Diplomatic Enclave, Islamabad (USAID) Telephone: (051) 20800000 & Fax: (051) 2824785 Web: World Food Focal Person: Ms. Rashida Amir, Use of food aid to Programme Head Programme Unit support economic and (WFP) Address: House # 3, Street # 2, social development, F-8/3, Islamabad meet refugee and other Telephone: (051) 111 937 937 emergency food needs & Fax: (051) 2851870 and the associated E-mail: logistics support. Promote world food Website: & security in accordance with the recommendations of United Nations. World Health Focal Person: Dr M. Assai Organization Ardakani, Medical Officer, (WHO) PHC Address: NIH Building, Chak Shahzad, National Park Road, Islamabad Telephone: (051) 9255075-7 & Fax: (051) 9255083 E-mail: World Focal Person: Ms Anne Zeindl Enhancement of Population Cronin, Country Representative reproductive rights of Foundation Address: House # 15, Street 7, underdeveloped (WPF) F –8/3, Islamabad communities, through Telephone: (051) 2262358 & information sharing and Fax: (051) 2256973 capacity building. United Rural Focal Person: Zaheer Khattak Development Address: P.O Box 587, Rehman Organization Plaza, Opposite GPO (URDO) City: Peshawar Cantt Telephone: 091-5262704; Fax: 091-5262704 Email: URDO focuses on the poorest of the poor in the rural communities of Pakistan to organize and facilitate them to became the part of the national theme and exchange of experience for resolving their socio-economic problems through selfdevelopment intervention, using participatory approach of sustainable Community Development Urban Resource Centre (URC) Veer Development Organization (VEER) Villagers Development Organization (VDO) Village Shadabad Welfare Organization Johi (VSA) development. Focal Person: Mohammad Enable people to Younus Director participate in the Address: 3/48, Maulimabad, decision making process Khalid Bin Walid Road, Karachi of the city development Telephone: 021-4559275; Fax: with a equal capacity 021- 4384288 along with planners and Email: politicians. Website: Focal Person: Mohammad VEER will strive to create Faheem Iqbal an ideal society based on Address: HNO-2 Liaqat Ali Khan full repsect for human Road, rights in which all men Dera Ismail Khan, Cantt, City: and women especially D.I.Khan those living in poverty Telephone: 0966 - 718378 may exercise their rights Fax: 0966 - 718312 and utilize their Email: resources for sustainable human development. Focal Person: Mohammad Rafiq To work for the Address: C/O Ali Murad Talpur prosperity and Chaki Para Shahdaphur development of poor Telephone: 02232 – 43214; rural people Fax: 02232 - 43214 Email: Focal Person: Akbar Lashari Uplifting the educational Address: Village Shadabad and health facilities for Welfare Organization increasing literacy rate P.O Johi District Dadu, City: and to provide basic Dadu health facilities for Telephone: 025 – 4740168; children and women. Fax: 025 - 4740098 • Secure the rights of Email: most vulnerable and marginalized groups of society specially children and women. • Provision of safe drinking water. • Efforts to alleviate poverty and to increase living standard of people. Urbanization Education Poverty alleviation Education Voice for Poor and Needy (VOICE) Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) War Against Rape (WAR) Water Environment & Sanitation Society (WESS) Welfare Association for New Generation (WANG) Welfare Organization Focal Person: Syed Ubaidullah Address: H. No. 4/15/38 Arehu Road, Balochistan, City: Quetta Telephone: 081-820100 Email: To safeguard and ensure Quality Education the potection of poor and needy people including bringing improvment to the quality of like of oppressed communities, particularly women and children. Focal Person: Afaq Ali A world without poverty Education Address: House No. 336, Street in which people work No. 32, F-11/2, Islamabad together fulfill their 051-2875574, 2823332 potential 051- 2821250 To promote volunteering. To fight global poverty Website; and disadvantage. Focal Person: Amna Mehwish Fight for human dignity Rape and Violence Address: 102, 18-C, Pearl Crest, 4th commercial lane, zamzama, DHA phase 5, City: Karachi Telephone: 5373008; Fax: 5830903 Email: Website: Focal Person: Mr. Pervez Iqbal Our mission is to bring Community Executive Director lasting improvement in Development Address: House No 28,Athe quality of life of Chaman Housing Scheme marginalized community, Air Port Road, City: Quetta especially women & Telephone: 834065; Fax: children. 831299 Email: Focal Person: Mohammad To aware and advocate Civil society Drug abuse Azeem Roonjah the people for their Education Resource Address: Lesbela AAAT Bela rights for a fairer society management Health 90050 Balochistan, City: Lasbela Political Education Rural Telephone: 0827-620309; Fax: development Women 0827-620423 Youth Email: Focal Person: Naghmana Development and Education Human Rights Shehzadi welfare of the women Legal Aid Rape and For Women (WOW) Address: Kapoorthala House Lake Road City: Lahore Telephone: 042 – 7324429; Fax: 042 - 7228831 Email: Website: and to combat the dominance of men in social and economic divsion on the basis of gender class religion race and nationality Women Focal Person: Poverty Struggle for women/child Association Alleviation rights and socioStruggle for Address: WASFD, Mashal Nagar economic development Development Opposite MCB, Swabi through changing culture (WASFD) Telephone: 0938-312339 & Fax: of dependency to culture 0938- 312339 of responsibility by Email: organizing them. Women Focal Person: Community Organization's mission is Social Development to empower the Organization Address: House No 1, Street No community individually (WSO) 7, Saeed Avenue, and collectively through Ali Pur Road, Near Police Line, participatory City: Muzaffargarh development and to Telephone: 0661-426736; Fax: mobilize the resources at 0661-423501 grass root level. Email: World Focal Person: Anne ZeindlThe mission of World Population Cronin Representative Population Foundation is Foundation Address: House No 15, Street to work improvement in (WPF) 7,F/8-3, the quality of life of all City: Islamabad people by: Telephone: 051-2262358; Fax: 051- 225673 Email: Website: World Wide Focal Person: Ali Hassan Habib WWF-Pakistan aim to Found for Address: P.O. Box-5180, conserve nature and NatureFerozepur Road, ecological processes. Pakistan Lahore-54600 (WWF) Telephone: 042-111993725; Fax: 042-5862358 Email: Website: Violence Women Poverty Alleviation Community Development Reproductive Health Nature Conservation Young Umer Focal Person: Bilal Hasan Welfare Address: Flast 2, Samra Trust Appartment, (YUWT) Clock 13-C, SB-55, Guslhan-eIqbal, City: Karachi Telephone: 021-4961588 Email: Young Focal Person: Syed Ibrahim Generation Shah Welfare Address: A-19, Mohammad Association Nagar, (YGWA) Landhi, Near Dawood Chowrangi, City: Karachi Telephone: 5011982, 5023410 Email: Website: www.geocities/ Young Social Focal Person: Arifullah Khan Workers Marwat Society Address: office # 11,Basement Gulshan Plaza, G-10 Markaz Islamabad Telephone: 051-21006012,0300-9555213 E-mail: Zareef Khan Focal Person: Abid Zareef Khan Foundation Address: 1-Nishtarabad, City: (ZKF) Peshawar Telephone: 091 2215726/2219525; Fax: 0912215726 Email: Website: Deprived urban/rural areas development Urban/rural development Health, • Education, • Environment, • Human Rights, • Women Development,• Child Labour, • Skill Development, • Computer Center, • Self Employment, • Community Leaderhship. Community Development To support needy people in the field of education and Health, and to provide volunteer services on different occasion like earth quake, flood, landslide etc. Social and volunteer services To alleviate sufferings and improve quality of life through self sustaining projects Bio-diversity Children Community development Disabled people Education Energy Enivronment management Fisheries/ sea fishing Forestry Gender Girl child Globalization Good governance Health Housing Indigenous People Legal Aid Poverty Alleviation Religion Rural Development Tourism Zindagi Trust (ZT) Focal Person: Samra Muslim To provide basic Address: Suit # 201, Anum education & health care Empire, to under priviledge Near Baloch Colony Bridge, children of Pakistan. Shara-e-Faisal, Karachi Telephone: 21-111-111-439; Fax: 21-4390314 Email: Website: ZVMG Focal Person: Saeed A.B Mirza To help needy persons Rangoonwala Director irrespective of caste, Trust Address: Plot No 4-5, Dhoraji creed, colour and religion (RCC) Colony, Karachi especially in the fields of Telephone: 021-4938146, health and education. 4938025; Fax: 021-4930534 Email: Vocational Training Women Education Philanthropy