LEARNING INNOVATION Division HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION H-9 Islamabad Pakistan Ph: +92 51 90400817 Fax: +92 51 90400806 Proforma for Conducting Modern University Governance Program Activity Name: Complete Address: E-mail Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: TITLE OF PROPOSED WORKSHOP/SEMINAR: PROPOSED LOCATION: PROPOSED DATES: NUMBER OF WORKING DAYS: THEMES AND MAJOR OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAM Please state the principal themes, objectives and the learning outcome of the workshop. Why is it important to hold a workshop on these topics? Please give details of the program indicating how the sessions will be organized. Do you know of any ACTIVITY on the same theme held in the past year - 18 months or scheduled for the near future? Have you organized any previous Program on this or any other theme (if so please give details? PROGRAM OBJECTIVES LEARNING OUTCOMES NUMBER AND SELECTION OF RESOURCE PERSONS To be arranged by HEC YES NO Arranged By you YES NO Please list individually and indicate (together with the city, designation and where they work): SELECTION OF THE VENUE What are the particular reasons for your choice? Are special board and lodging facilities available? Will everyone be housed together? Participants need accommodation to attend this workshop OR not? CO-SPONSORSHIP Will you seek financial co-sponsors for the workshop? Yes No If yes, please give details: Have co-sponsors already agreed to provide support? Yes No If so how much? Have they any special conditions? Yes No NUMBER AND SELECTION OF PARTICIPANTS Please supply the following information where appropriate: (a) Maximum number of participants should be 30. (b) Criteria that will be used for selecting the participants PROVIDE PARTICIPANT DETAILS HERE: Participant Details S.# Name Designation Department Name Date of Appointment NIC # Email ID Contact # PREPARE THE ESTIMATED BUDGET OF THIS ACTIVITY. S# Head of Expenditure 1 TA/DA to Resource Person 2 Honorarium of Lectures to Resource person Amount in Rs. Rs. 4000/- per session if Resource person is PhD. Rs. 3500/- per session if Resource person is M-phil. Rs. 3000/- per session if Resource person is Masters. A session would be of 90 minutes. 3 Working Lunch @Rs. 250 x number of participants x number of workshop days 4 Daily Refreshment @ Rs. 70 x number of participants x number of workshop days 5 Stationary Items (Folders with writing pads, Ball pen, Banners) 6 Contingency 7 Remuneration to Supporting Staff (Host organization staff only) Maximum Rs. 5000/- 8 Remuneration to Workshop Organizer Maximum Rs. 5000/Total: Please mail/fax the complete form to Learning Innovation Division, Higher Education Commission, H-9, Islamabad, Pakistan. Tel: +92 51 90400817 Fax:+92 51 90400806, Email: satta@hec.gov.pk FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date Received Reviewed Decision