Checklist for Magazine Project

Checklist for Magazine Project
7 advertisements due on Feb. 2, 2007
Expository article including 2 cited sources in
MLA format due on Fe. 13, 2007 (2 pages
Feature article due on Feb. 28, 2007: can be 1 or
2 articles. (Personal narrative, fictional interview,
or a fictional story about your topic)
Table of contents due on March 2, 2007
Illustrated cover due on March 2, 2007, with my photo or
picture, magazine title, date, barcode and price, banner
headline, and titles of Expository and Feature articles.
Final magazine due on March 7, 2007
Checklist for Magazine Project
7 advertisements due on Feb. 2, 2007
Expository article including 2 cited sources in
MLA format due on Fe. 13, 2007 (2 pages
Feature article due on Feb. 28, 2007: can be 1 or
2 articles. (Personal narrative, fictional interview,
or a fictional story about your topic)
Table of contents due on March 2, 2007
Illustrated cover due on March 2, 2007, with my photo or
picture, magazine title, date, barcode and price, banner
headline, and titles of Expository and Feature articles.
Final magazine due on March 7, 2007