Name: ________________________ Core: ____________ DNA Unit – Quiz on____________ Learning Target 1 - DNA structure 2 - Replication 3 - Function Activities 1. Cells & Heredity textbook p. 108-111 2. Notes from power point 3. DNA—Life’s Code handout 4. Edible and bead models 5. Coloring page 6. Building DNA Gizmo 7. Bill Nye 1. Cells & Heredity textbook p. 112-113 2. Replication notes 3. PBS website 1. Cells & Heredity textbook p. 114-117 2. DNA—Life’s Code handout 3. Protein synthesis Gizmo (extension) 4. Might Mutation online game Points Possible Total Points on Test 1. DNA structure-- Can draw and explain the structure of a DNA molecule, matching the correct base pairs. Key Terms: Deoxyribonucleic acid Nitrogen base Adenine Thymine Cytosine Guanine Phosphate Backbone Double helix Nucleotide Key Concepts: DNA is the largest macromolecule known, stretching up to 6 feet in length. DNA has a twisted ladder shape known as a double helix; the rungs are nitrogen bases, the backbone is made of sugar and phosphate. Among the bases, adenine always pairs with thymine and cytosine always pairs with guanine. 2. Replication-- Can explain replication, how DNA copies itself. Key Term: Enzyme Key Concepts: DNA makes an exact copy of itself. There are 4 steps in the process: unwind, unzip, free nucleotides fill in, and rewind. 3. Function--Can explain how sections of DNA, genes, can code for a protein. Key Terms: Gene Chromosome Protein RNA Key Concepts: A chromosome is a continuous strand of DNA. A gene is a section of DNA which has the code for one protein. RNA carries the recipe for the gene to ribosomes where the proteins are made.