Draft - Huntington Beach Green Guide

Huntington Beach Green Scorecard
Pilot Program
The City invites you to participate in this Pilot Program.
The City of Huntington Beach is developing a Green Scorecard program to aid and
promote development of an environmentally friendly community. As part of this program
the City has developed a draft green scorecard for homeowners to be considered for the
Pilot Program. This Pilot Program will consider 3-5 residential projects and will last 3-6
months. The Green Scorecard is an easy and simplified way to go green in HB, in the
most convenient and efficient manner possible. This program is designed to elevate the
public’s awareness of future state and city initiatives.
Going Green is creating environmentally sensitive, energy conscious and healthy
communities. This process aims to improve Quality of Life, Economy and
Environment through:
» Energy efficiency
» Water conservation and reduction of runoff
» Indoor environmental quality
» Waste reduction
» Smart growth and sustainable development
» Environmentally friendly services, materials and products
Who may participate: The full program will be aimed at both remodel and new
construction for private homes, condominiums and apartments. This Pilot Program is
limited to private residential refurbishment or single lot new development.
What are the Benefits: Your benefits in going green are quality of life, reduced
operating costs and knowledge that you are contributing to greening Huntington Beach.
In addition, the Pilot Program incentives include recognition by the city and application
for the Huntington Beach Environmental Board annual awards. The future program is
anticipated to include additional incentives per Council decision.
How to Participate:
1) Fill out and submit an Application.
2) Complete and submit the checklist planned features column (a Pilot Program Team
member is available to assist).
3) Complete the project and submit an updated checklist indicating features
Who to Contact: Aaron Klemm, 714-536-5537 aaron.klemm@surfcity-hb.org