M/s Gammon India Ltd.
Gammon House
Veer Sarvarkar Marg
P.O. Box No.9129
Prabha Devi
MUMBAI – 400 025 (INDIA)
Name of work: Development of Commonwealth Games Village for Commonwealth Games-2010.
Sub Head: Construction of Flyover at intersection of NH-24 & Bund Road near Commonwealth
Games Vilage-2010.
Reference: 1.
Performance Security submitted by you in shape of B.G. No. 01348/09/IPG/000011 dt.
20.2.2009 for Rs.4,49,49,563/-. vide your letter No.WSS/G/1293/134 dated 21.02.2009
received in this office on 26.2.2009.
This office letter of intent/acceptance of tender No. F.5 (86)2008-09/EE/CGD1/A/DDA/89 dated 10.02.2009.
Dear Sir,
Your item rate tender for the above mentioned work has been accepted on behalf of Delhi
Development Authority at your negotiated rates as per detail given below:1.
Estimated cost
Quoted Tendered Amount
Negotiated & Accepted rebate
Negotiated & accepted tendered
Rate in %age
Rs.68,79,26,190/- (Rupees sixty eight crore seventy
nine lac twenty six thousand one hundred ninety
Item Rate
Rs. 99,55,60,643/- (Rupees ninety nine crore fifty five
lac sixty thousand six hundred forty three only).
Rebate @9.70% (Nine point Seven zero percent) on all Quoted
Rs.89,89,91,260/- (Rupees eighty nine crore eighty
nine lac ninety one thousand two hundred sixty
30.68% above (Thirty point six eight percent above the
Estimated cost.
You are requested to attend this office along with a non judicial stamp paper worth Rs.50/- (Rupees
fifty only) to complete formal Agreement within 15 days from stipulated date of start.
You are requested to contact Assistant Engineer-III & Asstt. Engineer-IV of this Division and to start
the work at once. Please note that the time allowed for carrying out the work as entered in the tender
shall be reckoned after 22 days from the date of issue of letter of intent/acceptance dt. 10.02.2009.
Your negotiation letter No. P 9434 A dated 7th Jan. 2009, P 9434-B dated 9th Jan. 2009, P 9434-C dt.
Jan. 2009, P 9434-D dt. 27.01.09, letter No. MKTG/G/08 dated 9th Feb., 2009 and minutes of pre bid
meeting held on 11.11.2008 shall also form part of the Agreement.
The time allowed for execution of the work will be 18 (Eighteen) months only.
Thanking You,
Encl.: Annexure.
Yours faithfully
Copy to:
Chief Engineer (CWG), DDA.
Director (PR),DDA through E-mail i.e. ( for necessary action.
Chief Engineer(QC)/DDA.
Chief Engineer(Elect.)CWG/DDA.
CTE, Jam Nagar House, New Delhi.
CVO/DDA/Vikas Sadan, New Delhi.
Director (System), DDA through E-Mail ( & for posting
on DDA’s website .
All Executive Engineer, Commonwealth Games Division No.2,3,4,5 & 6/DDA.
Labour Commissioner, 15, Rajpura Road, Delhi-54.
Income Tax Officer (Contractor Circle), I.T.O., New Delhi.
Sales Tax Officer (Work Contract Cell), Ward No.4, Bikri Kar Bhawan, ITO, New Delhi.
Sr. A.O.(Works)CWG/DDA.
F.O. to C.E.(CWG),D.D.A.
A.E.-III and A.E.-IV, CGD.1, D.D.A. along with a copy of Annexure with the following direction.
To get relevant register from CB/CGD-1/DDA
under the signature of undersigned.
Test check/record of measurement on all important/hidden items are to be done by AE to the
extent of 100%
There should be no material change without the approval of Competent Authority.
A.E. (P)/CGD.1/DDA.
Head Clerk, C.G.D.1, D.D.A.
Copy to agreement and all concerned files.
C.G. DIVN.1, D.D.A
Name of work: Development of Commonwealth Games Village for Commonwealth Games – 2010.
Sub Head :
Construction of Flyover at the intersection of NH-24 and bund road near Commonwealth Games Village.
Estimated cost
Rs.68,79,26,190/Quoted amount
Rs.99,55,60,643/Negotiated & accepted rebate
@9.70% on all quoted rates.
Accepted Negotiated Tendered Amount:
Rs.89,89,91,260/Rate in %age
30.68% above the estimated cost.
Time allowed
18 months
Descritpion of item
Rate quoted
Boring, providing and installing cast-in-situ bored vertical piles of 1500mm diameter with M35
grade reinforced cement concrete using Portland Slag Cement (conforming to strength
requirements of IS: 8112 ) all complete including temporary liner as per the specifications and
drawings. Reinforcement shall be measured and paid separately as per item 4.1.
NOTES :(A) The scope of work in the above item includes:
a) All initial layout of piles after site clearance by dismantling existing structures as per
instructions of Engineer-in-Charge and setting out of piles using total station survey including
initial excavation (if any).
b) Boring through all type of soils, existing road/pavement including 100mm dia empty boring
for 5m depth to identify the utility services at all pile locations, removal of all obstruction like
boulders etc. by chiselling or any other method as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. If a
bore is abandoned for any reasons no payment shall be made for such incomplete boring and
shifting of the equipments.
c) Providing, driving/placing and withdrawl of 6mm thickness or as per design, whichever is
more, temporary Mild Steel liner for each pile upto a depth beyond which the bore hole can be
stabilised using Bentonite slurry or 5 m depth, whichever is more, below adjoining Ground
Level and as directed by engineer-in-charge.
d) Providing, preparation, circulation and handling of bentonite slurry including cleaning of
bore bottom after completion of boring.
e) Stacking of usable earth coming out of boring or any other activity (which can be used as
random fill) at location as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
f) Disposal of all spoils, bentonite waste, dismantled material, surplus unusable earth for all
leads and lifts and keep the work area neat and tidy during the work and thereafter, as per
direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
g) Providing and mixing all ingredients of cement concrete including admixture if required,
with weigh batching plant installed at site, transportation, placement of concrete by tremie pipe
for the required lengths of pile including pile heads at all locations.
h) Placement of reinforcement cage including cost of any stiffeners, lapping and welding of
bars, etc. with cover blocks of approved quality and thickness to maintain the cage in its
designed shape and spacing of bars as per directions of engineer-in-charge.
i) Breaking of pile head (manual chipping) after a minimum of 3 days and to remove and
dispose spoiled concrete to bring the pile head to the cut off level including cleaning and
arranging the extended reinforcement bars as per drawings.
j) Working for all leads, lifts, pumping/bailing out of water, labour, material and equipments,
k) Mobilizing to site, installation at different locations transferring/ dismantling, shifting,
reinstalling and removal from site of the piling rigs and /or other equipments and all
accessories including working platforms from site.
l) Identification, protection and maintenance of existing services, if any, which in the opinion of
Engineer-in-Charge are likely to be affected by piling activity or any related activities including
temporary shifting of such services to facilitate construction of piling job shall also have to be
done. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account .
m) Safety measures including barricading around the bore hole during and after boring.
n) All incidentals, labour, material and testing , equipment and works required to execute and
complete the job.
o) Filling up of the abandoned empty bore with M15 grade cement concrete.
p) The quoted rate will be applicable for all length of piles.
B) Measurement: The average length of piles is estimated to be between 20m to 40m. This shall
be taken as a guidance only and there will be no change in rate of pile in case of increase or
decrease of the pile length. Length of pile shall be measured from cut off level to the founding
level/tip of the pile correct to a cm.
C) Reinforcement shall be measured and paid separately as per item 4.1
Initial vertical load testing of a single pile as per the specified diameter as per the
specifications duly supplemented with IS:2911 (Part IV) 1985 with latest amendments there to
all complete as per drawings and directions of Engineer- in-Charge.
i) 1500mm diameter pile for 1000 tonnes vertical load
A) The scope of work in the item includes
a) All similar operations as described under sub paras (a) to (p) of notes for item no. 1.1 'A'.
b) Making of pile head ready for testing as per specifications at the desired level.
c) Mobilising, fabrication/making of test set up, its dismantling, removal and making good the
surroundings, if any, after the test is over.
d) supplying all labour, materials, equipment, instrumentation etc. including its transportation
complete required for testing.
e) Recording and presentation of data as required by the Engineer-in-Charge. (refer Appendix
D IS:2911 (Part I/Sec I)-1979 for sample Data Sheet).
f) Cost of supporting arrangement for the kentledge load/ cost of reaction piles if any.
(kentledge load/reaction piles shall be designed for 1.25 times the test load).
g) All incidental work required to execute and complete the job.
h) No working pile shall be used as a reaction pile.
B) Measurement shall be made for each complete set of testing and reporting of test results.
Cost of test pile shall be paid separately under item 1.1above and cost of reinforcement for the
test pile shall be paid separately under item 4.1.
3 Nos.
Routine vertical load testing of single working pile of specified diameter as per the
specifications duly supplemented with IS: 2911 (Part IV) with latest amendments thereto all
i) 1500mm diameter pile for 600 tonnes vertical load
3 Nos.
1 No.
1 No.
164 Nos.
A) Item shall include all elements as described in sub paras (b) to (g) of item no 1.1(A) above.
B) Measurement shall be made for each complete test and reporting of test results thereof.
Initial lateral load testing of specified diameter of pile as per the specifications duly
supplemented with IS: 2911 (Part-IV) 1985 with latest amendments thereto all complete.
i) 1500mm diameter pile for 150 tonnes lateral load
A) Item shall generally include all elements as described in sub-paras (a) to (h) of item no.
1.1(A)above. For test load, reaction against adjacent working pile shall not be permitted.
B) Measurement shall be made for each complete test and reporting of test results thereof.
Cost of test pile shall be paid separately under item 1.1above and cost of reinforcement for the
test pile shall be paid separately under item 4.1.
Routine lateral load testing of specified diameter of working piles as per the specifications duly
supplemented with IS: 2911 (Part-IV) 1985 with latest amendments thereto all complete.
i) 1500mm diameter pile for 90 tonnes lateral load
A) Item shall generally include all elements as described in sub-paras (b) to (g) of item no.1.1
(A) above. For test load, reaction against adjacent installed pile shall be permitted. Item to
include all incidental work required to complete the job.
B) Measurement shall be made for each complete test and reporting of test results thereof.
Integrity Testing of all the piles by using pile driving analyser or equivalent as approved by
Engineer-in-Charge and as detailed in the specifications. Test to be carried out by a reputed
agency approved by engineer-in-charge. Item to include all incidental work to execute the job.
i) 1500mm diameter pile
A) The scope of work in the item includes
a) Making of pile head ready for testing at the desired level.
b) All incidentals , labour, materials, equipment, instrumentation etc. including its
transportation complete required for testing.
B) Measurement shall be made for each complete test and reporting of test results thereof.
Providing and laying RCC in pile caps, open foundations for buildings, electrical poles,
signages etc. and any other foundations in M35 grade reinforced cement concrete using
Portland Slag Cement (conforming to strength requirement of IS: 8112 ) including the cost of
steel centring and shuttering etc. with all leads, lifts and depths all complete. Item to include
fixing of all types of structural steel inserts and bolts as per drawings and specifications.
Reinforcement shall be measured and paid separately as per item 4.1. Structural steel items
will be paid under item 3.10.
A) The scope of work in the item includes.
a) All initial layout and setting out work using total station survey and including identification
and temporary supporting and protecting of existing services.
b) Excavation through all types of soils with stable slopes including removal of all obstructions
like boulders, rocks, cement concrete structures etc.
c) Disposal of all spoils, dismantled materials, surplus earth for all leads and lifts, and to keep
the work area neat and tidy during the work and thereafter.
d) Cost of Pumping/bailing out of water, including its labour, material and equipments
including running charges and making coffer dams and approaches etc. in the supplimentary
drain. Diversion of water in the drain and cost of dewatering during pile cap construction is all
included in the scope.
e) Cost of 100mm thick bed concrete in M15 grade cement concrete as per drawing under the
pile cap and base slabs . Projection of 100mm beyond the edge of pile caps/footing/ foundation
of starter retaining walls on all sides.
f) Cost of providing steel shuttering including its erection, dismantling and removal for all
leads and lifts with all required tools and plants.
g) Providing and mixing all ingredients of cement concrete including admixtures if required
etc. with weigh batching plant installed at site, transportation, placement, finishing and curing
of concrete.
h) All arrangements needed to keep the reinforcement bars in position with due cover blocks
of approved quality and thickness.
i) Cost of compacted backfilling with approved material around the pile cap/isolated footing.
j) Cost of maintenance and protection of existing services if any which in the opinion of
Engineer-in-charge are likely to be affected by any related activities including temporary
shifting of such services to facilitate construction of pile cap/footings shall be included in the
quoted rates.
k) Installation of any fixture into the pile cap/ isolated footing (cost of fixture to be paid
separately as per structural steel item no. 3.10 or shall be supplied by the department free of
l) All incidentals, labour, materials and testing, equipment and works required to execute and
complete the job as per drawings and specifications
B) Measurements shall be made for the finished volume of reinforced cement concrete
(excluding bed concrete) only. Quantity of concrete of piles, which has gone into the pile caps
shall not be deducted. Reinforcement shall be measured and paid separately under item no.
Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete for construction of piers at all locations
including drain, etc. with specified grade using 43/53 grade Ordinary Portland Cement, all
complete including all types of steel shuttering, staging, scaffolding, form liner finish, testing
of materials etc for casting pier in one stage, necessary tools, plants, machinery and all
related operations as required to complete the work as per drawings and specifications with all
leads, lifts and depths true to level and position. Reinforcement shall be measured and paid
separately as per item 4.1.
730 Cum.
i) M45 grade cement concrete
A) The scope of work in this item includes
a) All incidental work required including providing, placement and removal of steel shuttering,
staging, scaffolding and form liner etc for piers.
b) Casting of piers as per approved mock up pattern etc. including providing and mixing all
ingredients and admixtures (if required) etc. in weigh batching plant, transportation,
placement, finishing and curing, which shall also involve preparation of surface, placing in
position as per specification and the direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
c) Disposal of all spoils and rubbish and to keep the work area neat and tidy during the work
and thereafter.
d) All arrangements needed to keep the reinforcement bars in position with due cover blocks
of approved quality and thickness.
e) Installation of any fixtures into pier etc (cost of fixtures if any, to be paid separately as per
item 3.10 or shall be supplied by the department free of cost).
f) All incidentals, labour, material and testing, equipment and works required to execute and
complete the job as per specifications and as approved by engineer-in-charge.
g) Approval of the Mock up for the full height pier if required at designated location including
surface patterns / grooves from the Engineer-in-Charge. Only the cost of one approved mock
up of each type shall be payable as per relevant item of concrete and reinforcement.The
approved mock up shall be protected from any damage during execution of the work at site.
B) Measurement shall be made for the finished volume of concrete only. No deduction will be
made for the volume occupied by any fixture provided in the pier etc. For form finish on the
pier surface, the measurement for the concrete volume shall be based on concrete dimensions
measured at outside surface of form finish i.e. without deduction for grooves.
C ) Reinforcement shall be measured and paid separately under item no. 4.1
Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete for construction of pier caps and bearing
pedestals at all locations with M45 grade using 43/53 grade Ordinary Portland Cement, all
complete including all types of steel shuttering, staging, scaffolding etc for casting pier cap,
bearing pedestals etc. with necessary tools, plants, machinery and all related operations as
required to complete the work as per drawings and specifications with all leads, lifts, true to
level and position excluding the cost of reinforcement which shall be paid separately.
868 Cum.
A) The scope of work in this item includes
a) All incidental work required including providing, placement and removal of steel shuttering,
staging, scaffolding etc for pier caps.
b) Casting of pier cap including providing and mixing all ingredients and admixtures (if
required) etc. in weigh batching plant, transportation, placement, finishing and curing, which
shall also involve preparation of surface, placing in position over pier as per specification and
the direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
c) Disposal of all spoils and rubbish and to keep the work area neat and tidy during the work
and thereafter.
d) Installation of any fixtures into pier cap (cost of fixtures if any, to be paid separately as per
item 3.10 or shall be supplied by the department free of cost).
e) All arrangements needed to keep the reinforcement bars in position with due cover blocks of
approved quality and thickness.
f) All incidentals, labour, material and testing, equipment and works required to execute and
complete the job and as approved by engineer-in-charge.
B) Measurement shall be made for the finished volume of concrete only. No deduction will be
made for the volume occupied by any fixture provided in the pier cap.
C) Reinforcement shall be measured and paid separately under item no. 4.1
Providing and laying cocnrete of grade M45 using 20mm and down aggregates and 43/53 grade
Ordanary Portland Cement for casting precast post tensioned girders and its curing of in the
casting yard for main flyover with reinforcement projection for cast in situ diaphragms and
deck slab. Item to include lifting the beams from the mould and shifting the same to the
stacking yard. (Note : the cost shall be inclusive of the cost of casting yard, gantry, moulds,
providing cutouts where specified, curing arrangements as required, all handling etc. all
complete). Reinforcement, anchorages and sheathing shall be paid separately. Rate shall
include cost of using required dosage of admixture in concrete for obtaining required
workability and positionning of inserts, if any, as per approval of the Engineer-in-charge.
A) The scope of work for this item includes:
a) Providing and mixing all ingredients including admixtures (if required) etc. with weigh
batching plant installed at site, transportation, placement, finishing at all heights, lifts and lead
b) Providing & placing of steel formwork in position and its removal including cleaning, oiling
and maintenance during pendency of work.
c) All steel formwork including staging,etc. to be used by the contractor, casting, curing of
finished concrete etc. complete.
d) Providing casting yard, stacking yard with all necessary tools and plants necessary for
carrying our the precasting of the beams and other elements to the satisfaction of engineer-incharge.
e) Transporting & erecting precast post tensioned girders from the casting yard to the
respective span on temporary supports using mobile cranes (and /or approved launching
trusses, etc). Cost shall be inclusive of of all temporary supports, temporary bracing, mobile
cranes, launching girder, erection equipment, transporting etc,
f) All arrangements needed to keep the reinforcement bars in position with due cover blocks of
approved quality and thickness.
g) All incidentals, labour, material and testing, equipment and works required to execute and
complete the job as per specifications and as approved by engineer-in-charge.
B) Measurement
Rs. 6,58,68,000/-
Measurement shall be made for the volume of finished concrete as per drawing only. The
reinforcement shall be measured and paid under item 4.1. The prestressing steel shall be
measured and paid under item 3.2.
Supplying, providing, threading and stressing (incl. stressing of cantilever cables as indicated
in the drawings) High Tensile Steel Wires / Strands confirming to IS 14268:1995 including
providing HDPE ducts, Anchorages and all accessories for stressing operation, sealing of
anchortage ends and grouting complete as per drawing and MORTH technical specification
clause 1800 and as per IRC:18-2000. Only the weight of final strands from permanent
anchorage to anchorage after cutting the strands shall be measured for payment of this entire
157 MT
A) The scope of work for this item includes:
a) Providing and installing currogated HDPE sheathing duct as per IRC: 18-2000.
b) All incidentals, labour, equipment and plants required to execute and complete the job from
installation to grouting at final position as per drawings, specifications and directions of
c) Cleaning and removal of all spoils, temporary arrangements for casting of deck slab, and
any other material from inside the tub girder and giving a coat of final painting as per
d) All Safety measures required to execute and complete the work.
e) Procurement of all materials from approved manufacturers and fabrication., Complete
methodology for stressing, Testing facilities and procedures etc. to be intimated for approval
of Engineer-in-charge.
B) Measurement :
Only the weight of final strands from permanent anchorage to anchorage after cutting the
strands shall be measured for payment of this entire item. All wastages, grip length required
for stressing operation , temporary works etc. are deemed to be included in the quoted rates.
The cross section area or weight of the strands per running meter will be considered as per IS
14268:1995. No allowance or increase in weight will be applicable in case of the actual cross
section area is more than as specified.
Providing and laying cast-in-situ M40 grade reinforced cement concrete using 43/53 grade
Ordinary Portland Cement for the construction of deck slab and diaphragms in superstructure
over the erected Precast Girder complete as per drawings, specifications and provisions
contained in tender documents, including all type of removable shuttering, staging, scaffolding
and necessary tools, plants and machinery, testing of materials etc. Reinforcement shall be
measured and paid separately as per item 4.1
A) The scope of work in the above item includes.
a) Providing and mixing all ingredients including admixtures (if required) etc. with weigh
batching plant, transportation, placement, finishing at all heights, lifts and lead etc.
b) Providing & placing of steel formwork in position and its removal including cleaning, oiling
and maintenance during pendency of work.
c) Designing and providing all types of shuttering for areas between different precast girders
and deck slab cantilevers.
d) Providing and fixing of rain water spouts/splasher including all accessories as per drawings
and as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. All provisions to be kept in concrete for attaching
the splasher shall be provided during casting of concrete. The cost of the splasher shall be
paid seperately as per item 9.4
e) All incidentals, labour, material and testing, equipment and works required to execute and
complete the job as per specifications and as approved by engineer-in-charge.
f) Contractor shall also install Bearings and Expansion Joints wherever required in the bridge
deck as per approved drawings and as per manufacturer specifications/ directions of Engineerin-Charge. Nothing extra shall be paid on account of any incidental expenditure/ charges
required for the fixing of Expansion Joints. Cost of expansion joints and bearings to be paid
separately under item no. 4.2 and 4.3 respectively.
g) casting of concrete projection along with deck slab for supporting electric poles/signages
including providing steel insert plates for fixing the same. Steel items shall be paid under item
h) All arrangements needed to keep the reinforcement bars in position with due cover blocks
of approved quality and thickness.
i) casting of concrete projection along with deck slab for supporting electric poles/signages
including providing steel insert plates for fixing the same. Steel items shall be paid under item
B. Measurement shall be made for the volume of finished concrete as per drawing only. The
reinforcement shall be measured and paid under item 4.1
Providing and laying M40 grade reinforced cement concrete with 43/53 grade Ordinary Portland
Cement in cast-in-situ approach slab, friction slab including railing upstand, dirt wall including
its supporting beam, column structure and footing etc. over the approaches, complete as per
drawing with making all joints and their sealing, interlocking keys at regular intervals in the
friction slab, testing of materials etc. Reinforcement shall be measured and paid separately as
per item 4.1.
Rs. 71,68,000/-
A) The scope of work in the item includes :
a) Providing and mixing cement concrete with all ingredients and admixtures (if required), etc.
with weigh batching plant installed at site, transportation, placement, finishing and curing of
b) Providing steel shuttering, staging, and scaffolding, including its modification if any ,
erection and removal in accordance with the provisions mentioned elsewhere in the tender
c) All incidentals, labour, material and testing, equipment and works required to execute and
complete the job.
d) 100mm thick bed concrete in M15 grade below friction slab, approach slab and at locations
as per drawings.
e) fixing/embedding all necessary provisions like HDPE pipes (2nos. 100mm dia) and conduits
of electrical or other fixtures in railing upstand etc.
f) All arrangements needed to keep the reinforcement bars in position with due cover blocks of
approved quality and thickness.
The measurement shall be made for the finished volume of concrete (excluding bed concrete)
only. The reinforcement shall be measured and paid under item 4.1.
Providing and fixing M40 grade reinforced cement concrete with 43/53 grade Ordinary Portland
Cement in precast panels and / or cast-in-situ part of crash barriers over the superstructure
and any other concrete structure with a form liner finish not covered in any other item on the
outer and / or inner face as shown in the drawings. Item to include installation of noise barrier
(if any) provided by the department and to the satisfaction of engineer-in-charge.
448 Cum.
Reinforcement shall be measured and paid separately as per item 4.1.
A) The scope of work in the item includes :
Providing and mixing cement concrete with all ingredients and admixtures (if required),
testing of materials etc. with batching plant, transportation, placement, finishing and curing of
Providing shuttering, staging, and scaffolding, including its modification, erection and
removal in accordance with the provisions mentioned elsewhere in the tender documents.
All incidentals, labour, material and testing , equipment and works required to execute
and complete the job.
Providing MS pipe and sleeve with approved paint and primers at the location of
expansion joints (junction of bridge and approaches) as per the drawings.
e) No deductions/extra shall be made on account of grooves, etc. on crash barrier
f) Approval of the facia patterns on crash barrier panel from the Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing
extra shall be payable for mock ups and trials of the crash barrier except payment for one
approved sample.
g) fixing/embedding all necessary provisions like HDPE pipes (2nos. 100mm dia) and conduits
of electrical or other fixtures in railing upstand etc.
h) Provision of expansion gap at every 3m c/c filled with thermocol sheet and polyurethane
sealant. The payment for thermocol and sealant shall be under item 9.7 and 9.8 respectively.
i) All arrangements needed to keep the reinforcement bars in position with due cover blocks of
approved quality and thickness.
The measurement shall be made for the finished volume of reinforced cement concrete only.
The reinforcement shall be measured and paid under item 4.1.
Providing and fixing M40 grade reinforced cement concrete with 43/53 grade Ordinary Portland
Cement in cast-in-situ / precast crash barriers over the reinforced soil wall portions with a form
liner finish on the outer and / or inner face as shown in the drawings. Item to include
installation of noise barrier (if any) provided by the department and to the satisfaction of
400 Cum.
engineer-in-charge. Reinforcement shall be measured and paid separately as per item 4.1
A) The scope of work in the item includes :
Providing and mixing cement concrete with all ingredients and admixtures (if required),
etc. with batching plant, transportation, placement, finishing and curing of concrete.
Providing shuttering, staging, and scaffolding, including its modification, erection and
removal in accordance with the provisions mentioned elsewhere in the tender documents.
All incidentals, labour, material and testing , equipment and works required to execute
and complete the job.
d) 50mm thick thermocol board above RS wall panels before casting crash barriers in the
approaches as shown in the drawings
Providing MS pipe and sleeve with approved paint and primers at the location of
expansion joints as per the drawings.
f) No deductions/extra shall be made on account of grooves,etc. on crash barrier
g) fixing/embedding all necessary provisions like HDPE pipes (2nos. 100mm dia) and conduits
of electrical or other fixtures in railing upstand etc.
h) Approval of the facia patterns on crash barrier panel from the Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing
extra shall be payable for mock ups and trials of the crash barrier except payment for one
approved sample.
i) casting of concrete projection along with deck slab for supporting electric poles/signages
including providing steel insert plates for fixing the same. Steel items shall be paid under item
j) Provision of expansion gap at every 3m c/c filled with thermocol sheet and polyurethane
sealant. The payment for thermocol and sealant shall be under item 9.7 and 9.8 respectively.
k) All arrangements needed to keep the reinforcement bars in position with due cover blocks of
approved quality and thickness.
l) Item to include fixing of soil reinforcing element in the friction slab.
The measurement shall be made for the finished volume of reinforced cement concrete only.
The reinforcement shall be measured and paid under item 4.1.
Providing, placing and fixing in position M-40 grade reinforced cement concrete with 43/53
grade Ordinary Portland Cement in cast in situ / precast crash barriers over the earth filled
embankment with a form liner finish on the outer and / or inner face as per the drawings.
Reinforcement shall be measured and paid separately as per item 4.1
640 Cum.
A) The scope of work in the item includes :
Providing and mixing cement concrete with all ingredients and admixtures (if required),
etc. with weigh batching plant installed at site, transportation, placement, finishing and curing
of concrete.
Providing shuttering, staging, and scaffolding, including its modification, erection and
removal in accordance with the provisions mentioned elsewhere in the tender documents.
All incidentals, labour, material and testing, equipment and works required to execute
and complete the job.
Providing MS pipe and sleeve with approved primers and paints at the location of
expansion joints as per the drawings.
75mm thick bed concrete in M15 grade below crash barriers complete as per the
f) fixing/embedding all necessary provisions like HDPE pipes (2nos. 100mm dia) and conduits
of electrical or other fixtures in railing upstand etc.
g) Approval of the facia patterns on crash barrier panel from the Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing
extra shall be payable for mock ups and trials of the crash barrier except payment for one
approved sample.
h) Provision of expansion gap at every 3m c/c filled with thermocol sheet and polyurethane
sealant. The payment for thermocol and sealant shall be under item 9.7 and 9.8 respectively.
i) No deductions/extra shall be made on account of grooves,etc. on crash barrier
h) All arrangements needed to keep the reinforcement bars in position with due cover blocks
of approved quality and thickness.
The measurement shall be made for the finish volume of reinforced cement concrete
(excluding bed concrete) only. The reinforcement shall be measured and paid under item 4.1
Providing and fixing hand rail over the crash barrier consisting of MS base plate, embedded
fastener and nuts, MS vertical plates and MS pipes etc. as shown in the drawings, and as per
specifications. All the railing components as mentioned above shall be painted with approved
colour shade as per Architect / Engineer-in-charge including all primers and paints as per
specifications. The thickness of plates and class & type of pipes to be as shown in the
drawings and conforming to IS:1161-1979. Item to include all incidental works required to
complete the work as per drawings and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Measurement
shall be made for the length of the pipe only correct to one cm.
Providing, fabricating and fixing MS Pipe railings including all types of hot and cold rolled
sections over the footpath, approaches and bridge deck at all levels and at all heights
consisting of MS base plate, embedded fastener and nuts, MS pipes and plates to shapes and
profiles as required including drilling, machining etc. as shown in the drawings, and as per
specifications. All the railing components as mentioned above shall be painted with approved
colour shade as per Architect / Engineer-in-charge including all approved primers and paints
as per drawing and specifications. Item to include preparation and approval of shop drawings,
samples for approval, mock up and all incidental works required to complete the work as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Measurement shall be made for the completed railing
correct to a centimeter.
Providing, fabricating and fixing in position hot dip galvanised (min. 200 gm/sqm) structural
steel insert plates/ gusset plates with lug bars for electrical poles, railings , steel boxes and
fixtures, edge protection angles with lugs, rolled angles and pipes, including fixing the hold
fasts/holding down bolts (complete with nuts and washer wherever required) for providing in
RCC structures and at all levels complete as per drawings and specifications. Rate includes
welding with approved quality welding rods, with all materials, labour, tools and plants etc as
per drawings and specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Rs. 90.00
Measurement :The weight of structural steel item shall be measured in kgs for the fabricated item as per shop
drawing and standard weight of plates, sections and pipes etc. No deduction for the holes shall
be made. All kinds of bolts (nuts, washers complete) except HSFG Bolts and not covered in
other items (but used for permanent works) will be payable in this item. Temporary bolts are
not payable.
Providing and placing in position at all depths and heights Grade Fe500, TMT reinforcement
bars including cutting, straightening, bending, binding with mild steel annealed binding wire
of 18 SWG, testing of materials complete as per detailed drawings and specifications. Item to
include all incidental work to execute the job. The cost of all laps & splices, testing, welding,
stiffeners, chairs and spacer bars, mechanical couplers for splicing 20mm and above dia bars
shall be included in the quoted rates as per specifications.
Measurement :(i) Reinforcement shall be measured in length of different diameters as per drawings nearest to
a centimeter.
(ii) The laps, splices, spacer bars, chairs, couplers etc. shall not be measured seperately.
These are deemed to be included in the quoted rates for reinforcement
(iii) The standard sectional weights referred to as in Table IV in para 5.3.3. in CPWD
specifications for works, 1996 Vol. II will be considered for conversion of length of various
sizes of TMT bars into standard weight.
(iv) Records of actual sectional weights shall be kept diawise and lotwise. The average
sectional weight for each diameter shall be arrived at from samples from each lot of steel
received at site. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final for the procedure to be
followed for determining the average sectional weight of each lot. Quantity of each diameter of
steel received at site of work each day will constitute one single lot for the purpose. The
weight of steel by conversion of length of various sizes of bars based on the actual weighted
average sectional weight shall be termed as Derived Actual Weight.
(v) (a) If the Derived Weight as in sub-para (iv) above is lesser than the standard weight as in
sub-para (iii) above then the derived actual weight shall be taken for payment.
(b) If the derived actual weight is found more than the standard weight, then the standard
weight as worked out in sub-para (iii) above shall be taken for payment. In such case nothing
extra shall be paid for the difference between the derived actual weight and the standard
Providing and installing expansion joints as per specifications detailed in IRC-SP69-2005 duly
supplemented with manufacturer's recommendations. Entire installation is to be carried out
strictly in the presence of manufacturer's representative only at all times. Item to include
prepration of design and drawing and its approval from the Engineer-in-charge, necessary
provision and filling of recess for the expansion joints at no extra cost. The seal of the
4436 MT
expansion joint shall be such as not to permit any dust collection at all times. Item to include
all incidentals required to complete the job. Measurement shall be made correct to one
a) Single strip seal joint with a total allowable movement of 80mm
32 Nos.
32 Nos.
Providing and installing to true lines levels PIN and / or POT-cum-PTFE bearings of specified
load capacity and movement / rotation as detailed here under and as per MORTH
Specifications. Item includes prepration of design and drawing and its approval from the
Engineer-in-charge, manufacturing, testing, transportation to site, storage with all handling,
lead, lift etc. and placing the permanent bearings in position, grouting holes and filling the
underside of base plates using prepacked, free flowing high strength, non-shrinkage grout
such as CONBEXTRA HF of M/s FOSROC or approved equivalent, as per manufacturers
specifications. Cost of providing temporary bearings / supports as required and other
incidental expenses (if any) shall also be included. Bearings shall be provided with a warranty
of trouble free maintenance of 15 years.
(a) Free Pot Bearing
(i) At Expansion joint Pier
V = 350 T
Movement Longitudinal = +100/-100 mm
Movement transverse = + 25/-25 mm
(ii) At Intermediate Pier
V = 560 T
Movement Longitudinal = +75/-75 mm
Movement transverse = + 25/-25 mm
Note: There may be a variation of ±15% in the above mentioned loads. The quoted rates shall
include any such variation of loads and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
The scope of work in the item includes:
1. The items includes the cost of Design and submisssion of bearing design & drawings to get
the approval from Engineer-in-charge before excution of such works.
2. The item includes the cost of placement of various types of bearings or its components in
position during casting of pier, pier cap etc., as per detailed specifications/instructions
attached, including grouting of the holes and ready mix grout underside of base plate with
approved qualityof non-shrink cementatious grout is included in the scope of the item itself.
3. The item includes the cost of all materials, labour, equipments, tools and plants, machinery
required for execution of works.
4. The item includes the cost of cleaning blocks, placing and grouting anchor bolts in position
after proper levelling etc.
5. The item includes the cost of maintenance of bearings during construction period.
6. The item includes the cost of supervision by bearing manufacturer(s) during installation.
7. The item includes the cost of testing of all materials involved in the execution of item as per
apporved design and specification.
Mode of Measurement :
Measurements for payment shall be made in number.
Elastomeric bearings
Providing , fitting and fixing in position true in line and level elastomeric bearings, complete in
all respect with all components incl. grouting with non-shrink cementitious grout as per
specification. Item includes preparation of design and drawing and its approval from the
Engineer-in-charge, manufacturing, testing, transportation to site, storage with all handling,
lead, lift etc. and placing the permanent bearings in position. Cost of providing temporary
bearings / supports as required and other incidental expenses (if any) shall also be included.
Bearings shall be provided with a warranty of trouble free maintenance of 15 years.
Providing and laying M 35 grade (using 43/53 grade Ordinary Portland Cement) precast
concrete facia wall (Area of each facia panel shall not be less than 1.5 sqm, height shall not be
less than 900mm, min 180mm thick) including design and getting the approval for reinforced
soil wall system, excavation, providing its "levelling pad" using M15 grade concrete, TMT
reinforcing steel in precast facia panels with form liner finishes as per the design
requirements, drainage pipes, precast cover facia for drainage pipes as per drawings, logo
panels, geo-textile filter fabric including filter media at base and sides behind the facia wall as
per drg., drain sleeve in lower panels as per drawings and design, supplying and laying in
position the specified and approved galvanised steel soil reinforcement as per technical
specification with proper connection detail to facia panel, including cutting in required length,
placing in position and connecting with the precast facia panels as per the design and
drawings and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge and anchoring with filled up surface of earth,
complete including
all arrangement like semi-saucer / kerb channel or drain required for drainage complete with
all materials, labour, lead & lift, plants, machinery, taxes, royalties etc. complete. Item to
include all incidental work required to complete the job as per drawing and specifications. The
coping beam is not permitted and the top panels shall be cast in the inclined profile as per
approved shop drawings. The cost of backfill between reinforced soil wall panels (except filter
media) is not included in this item and shall be paid for separately as per item 5.2. Any ground 2700
improvement works for bearing capacity enhancement of ground (if required) shall also be
included in the quoted rates.
(A) The scope of work in the above item includes:
a) All initial layout and alignment of reinforced soil wall after site clearance and initial
excavation, for the construction of RS Wall structure including all components like reinforcing
element , selected reinforced fill etc., dismantling of footpath, planters etc. as per the
directions of the engineer-in-charge and preparing designs & shop drawings giving levels etc.
The work shall be started only after approval of the design and shop drawings by engineer-incharge.
b) Approval of the facia patterns on panels including name of clients etc. from the Engineer-inCharge. Nothing extra shall be payable for mock ups and trials of the facia panels and other
items.The approved mock up facia panel shall be protected from any damage during execution
of the work, this will form part of landscaping works.
c) Filter media with stone crushed aggregates as per drawings at the bed level of the
embankment of reinforced earth structure and behind the facia panels for proper drainage as
per approved drawings and particular specifications.
d) Providing and placing 200mm dia PVC perforated Pipe ( perforation at top half only)
wrapped in geotextile and filled with filter media, as per drawing for drainage of seepage water
from the fill between RS walls.
e) All transportation, erection in position and alignment as per approved shop drawings to the
satisfaction of Engineer in Charge
f) providing GI steel reinforcment of required strength of 40KN/m as per drawing in the friction
slab in addition to the soil reinforcement provided with the reinforced soil wall panels.
g) item to include testing of joint between the facia panel and soil reinforcing srip
The Reinforced Soil wall area shall be measured from top of concrete levelling pad at base to
top of RCC facia wall panel for payment. No separate payment for any type of reinforcement
shall be made.
Providing, placing and compacting approved backfill material in layers as per approved
methodology including testing for reinforced fill portion and random fill portion in the
approaches between the Reinforced Soil (RS) Wall panels as per approved drawings and
particular specifications. Item to include 500mm thick sub-grade construction as per
specifications with CBR under soaked conditions not less than 5%. All incidental work
required to complete the job shall be included in the quoted rates. The item shall be measured
and paid for the finished volume of backfill and sub-grade placed in position excluding the
volume of filter media at base and behind the RS walls.
Clearing and grubbing road land (including removal of appurtenances) complete as per
MORT&H Specifications Clause 201.
Excavation for roadway including shoulder, carriageway and median with disposal including
all leads and lifts all complete as per MORT&H Specifications Clause 301. Item to include
excavation in ordinary rock (not requiring blasting ) like laterites shales, sandstones, stone /
brick masonary, plain / RCC concrete, foothpath, median, WBM, WMM, lime concrete, BM,
DBM & BC etc.
Rs. 7.00
The scope of work of this item also includes:
i) all safety measures during excavation for workers / T&P against poisonous gases, leachate
etc. coming out of garbage.
ii) Cutting for excavation shall be done in stabilised slope. The contractor shall submit design
and drawings for slope stability in the given strata for approval of Engineer-in-charge.
iii) Excavation through all types of malba including removal of all obstructions like boulders,
rocks, building rubbish, city waste etc.
iv) Disposal of all spoils, dismantled materials, surplus earth for all leads and lifts, and to keep
the work area neat and tidy during the work and thereafter.
v) Cost of Pumping / bailing out of water, leachate etc. including its labour, material and
equipments including running charges.
B) Measurement : The volume of excavated material for item 6.2.1 shall be calculated by taking
measurements of length, width and height correct to one cm.The volume of excavated material
shall be calculated by taking cross sectional level at interval of 5 m in longitudinal direction
and 3m in Transverse direction and using the method of average end areas.
Construction of embankment along slip roads including earthfill in cycle track with approved
material obtained from borrow area (sources outside) or local soil with all leads and lifts
compacted in layers not exceeding 200 mm thickness including watering and mixing at OMC,
rolling with vibratory roller of 80-100 kN static weight or more to 95% dry density detemined as
per IS 2720-8 complete as per MORT&H Specifications Clause 305.
(a) Soil imported from borrow areas (good earth from sources outside)
The Scope of work in the item includes:
i) The item includes the cost of all the operations involved to complete the job as given under
section 305 of MORTH Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth Revision) 2001
including the cost of all material, machinery, Tools and Plants and labour to complete the job
as per approved drawings and as directed by the Engineer in charge.
ii) The item includes the cost of testing of all the materials involved in the execution of the
Earth Work in Embankment as per section 900 of MORTH Specifications for Road and Bridge
works (Fourth Revision) 2001 and Quality Assurance Plan prepared by the Contractor and duly
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
iii) The item includes all other incidental expenditures for completing the job as directed by
the Engineer-in-Charge.
Measurement :The volume of fill material shall be calculated by taking cross sectional level at interval of 5 m
in longitudinal direction and 3m in Transverse direction and using the method of average end
Construction of embankment with approved flyash mixed with 20% jamuna sand (mixing
uniformly both flyash and sand) in layers not exceeding 200 mm thickness including all leads
and lifts compaction at OMC with vibratory roller of 80-100 kN static weight as per MORT&H
Specifications Clause 305.3.6 to attain a density 95% of maximum dry density determined as
per IS 2720 - 8 and Specifications mentioned elsewhere in the tender document.
Measurement :The volume of fill material shall be calculated by taking cross sectional level at interval of 5 m
in longitudinal direction and 3m in Transverse direction and using the method of average end
Construction of subgrade (500 mm compacted thickness) and earthen shoulder in
embankment portion with soil having minimum soaked CBR of 5% to correct lines, grades,
camber or crossfall with all lift and leads, compacted in layers not exceeding 200 mm
thickness at OMC, with vibratory roller, of 80-100 kN static weight or more to attain a density
97% of maximum dry density determined as per IS 2720-8 and complete as per MORT&H
Specifications Clause 305. The subgrade material shall be duly tested and approved by
(a) Suitable soil from borrow area (sources outside)
Measurement :Measurements for payment shall be made for finished item on volume basis in cubic metres,
volume being calculated by taking levels before subgrade layer. The volume of sub grade only
shall be measured for payment.
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting specified graded sand, stone aggregate or any
other coarse material as per MORT&H specifications (Table 400-I) gradation-III of C.B.R. value 5672
not less than 20 in lower granular sub-base course 150 mm thick including mixing the material Cum.
to OMC, spreading with motor grader on a prepared base compacting with vibratory road roller
to achieve the desired density i/c all materials, labour, machinery, etc. complete as per clause
- 401of MORT&H specification.
The Scope of work in the item includes:
i) The item includes the preparation of subgrade and laying of lower layer of granular sub-base
of thickness 150mm.
ii) The item includes the disposal of earth/spoils of the site for all leads and lifts as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-charge
iii) The item includes the cost of all the operations involved to complete the job as per MORTH
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth Revision) 2001 including the cost of
arrangement of all material, machinery, Tools & Plants, manpower of all category as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
iv) The item includes the cost of testing of all the materials involved in the execution of the
item as well the item at subgrade level, lower sub base and upper sub base as per the
requirement of section 900 of the MORTH Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth
Revision) 2001 and Quality Assurance Plan prepared by the Contractor and duly approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge.
v) The item includes all other incidental expenditures for completing the job as directed by the
Mode of Measurement :
Measurements for payment shall be made for finished item on volume basis in cubic metres,
volume being calculated by taking levels before laying and finishing Lower Granular Sub-base
layer. The volume of granular sub-base only shall be measured for payment.
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting specified graded sand, stone aggregate or any
other coarse material as per MORT&H specifications (Table 400-I) gradation-I of C.B.R. value
not less than 30 in upper granular sub-base course 150 mm thick including mixing the material
to OMC, spreading with motor grader on a prepared base compacting with vibratory road roller
to achieve the desired density i/c all materials, labour, machinery, etc. complete as per clause
- 401of MORT&H specification. Measurement of excavated material shall be calculated by
taking cross sectional level at interval of 5 m in longitudinal direction and 3m in Transverse
direction and using the method of average end areas.
The Scope of work in the item includes:
i) The item includes the preparation of subgrade and laying of upper layer of granular sub-base
of thickness 150mm.
ii) The item includes the disposal of earth/spoils of the site for all leads and lifts as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-charge
iii) The item includes the cost of all the operations involved to complete the job as per MORTH
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth Revision) 2001 including the cost of
arrangement of all material, machinery, Tools & Plants, manpower of all category as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
iv) The item includes the cost of testing of all the materials involved in the execution of the
item as well the item at subgrade level, lower sub base and upper sub base as per the
requirement of section 900 of the MORTH Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth
Revision) 2001 and Quality Assurance Plan prepared by the Contractor and duly approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge.
v) The item includes all other incidental expenditures for completing the job as directed by the
Mode of Measurement :
Measurements for payment shall be made for finished item on volume basis in cubic metres,
volume being calculated by taking levels before laying and finishing Upper Granular Sub-base
layer. The volume of granular sub-base only shall be measured for payment.
Providing, laying, spreading (with paver finisher only) and compacting wet mix macadam
(WMM) base course (250mm thick) comprising of graded stone aggregate and granular
material conforming to MORT&H specifications ( Table 400-II) in two layers of equal compacted
thickness of 125mm each consolidated, including pre-mixing the material with water to OMC in
mechanical mixer (Pug Mill),carriage of mixed material by tippers to site, laying in uniform
layers in base course on a well prepared sub-base/base course and compacting with power
vibratory-roller to achieve the desired density including all material, labour, machinery, etc.
complete as per clause 406 of MORT&H specification. Measurement of excavated material shall 6810
be calculated by taking cross sectional level at interval of 5 m in longitudinal direction and 3m Cum.
in Transverse direction and using the method of average end areas.
Rs. 20.00
The Scope of work in the item includes:
i) The item includes the cost of all the operations involved to complete the job as given under
section 406 of MORTH Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth Revision) 2001
including the cost of arrangement of all material, machinery, Tools & Plants, manpower of all
categories as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
ii) The item includes the cost of testing of all the materials involved in the execution of the
WMM as well finished item as per the requirement given in section 900 of MORTH
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth Revision) 2001 and as per the
iii) The item includes all other incidental expenditures for completing the job as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
Mode of Measurement :
Measurements for payment shall be made for finished item on volume basis in cubic meters,
volume being calculated by taking levels before laying WMM and after the finishing of WMM.
Providing bituminous primer coat @ 0.75 kg/sqm over WMM using bituminous emulsion with a
Kinematic Viscosity of 30-60 Centistokes at 600C as per IS:8887-2004 complete as per Techical
Specificatios Clause 502.of MORT&H specification
Providing and applying tack coat using emulsified bitumen as per IS-8887-1995 of medium
setting grade including spraying the bitumen with mechanically operated spray unit including
cleaning and preparing the existing road surface as per specifications.Clause 503 of MORT&H
(a) On W.M.M. @ 0.25 kg/sqm/On bituminous surface @ 0.25 kg/sqm
Providing and laying bituminous macadam of 75mm thick on prepared surface using specified
graded crushed stone aggregate as per Table 500-4 grading -2 mixed with bitumin @ 3.5% (%
by wt. of total mix), binding course including loading of aggregate with F.E. loader and hot
mixing of stone aggregate and bitumen in computerised hot mix plant, transporting the mixed
material by tippers to paver and laying the mixed material with paver finisher fitted with
electronic sensing device to the required level and grade and compacting with road rollers as
per MORT&H specifications Clause 504 to achieve the desired density and compaction but
excluding cost of primer / tack coat.
75mm average compacted thickness with bitumen of 60/70 grade @ 3.5% (percentage by
weight of total mix) as per clause 504 of MORT&H specifications.
Mode of Measurement :
Measurements for payment shall be made for finished item on volume basis in cubic meters,
volume being computed by taking levels before laying BM and after the finishing of BM.
Providing and laying dense bituminous macadam of 120mm thick in two layers (60mm + 60mm)
as per Table 500-10 grading -2 as per MORT&H with bitumen @ 5% (% by wt. of Total mix) on
prepared surface with specified graded crushed stone aggregate binding course including
loading of aggregate with F.E. loader and hot mixing of stone aggregate, filler and bitumen in
computerised hot mix plant, transporting the mixed material by tippers to paver and laying the
mixed material with paver finisher fitted with electronic sensing device to the required level
and grade and compacting by road rollers as per MORT&H specifications, Clause 507 to
achieve the desired density, but excluding cost of primer/tack coat. Measurement of laid
material shall be calculated by taking cross sectional level at interval of 5 m in longitudinal
direction and 3m in Transverse direction and using the method of average end areas.
a) 60mm+60mm average compacted thickness with bitumen of 60/70 grade @ 5% (% by wt. of
Total mix) and lime filler @2% (percentage by weight of Total mix)
The Scope of work in the item includes:
i) The item includes the cost of all the operations involved to complete the job as given under
section 504, 502 and 503 of MORTH Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth
Revision) 2001 including the cost of arrangement of all material, machinery, Tools & Plants,
manpower of all categories as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
ii) The item includes the submission and approval of the Job Mix Formula from the Engineerin-charge.
iii) The item includes the cost of testing of all the materials involved in the execution of the
finished item of Dense Bituminous Macadam as per the requirement given in section 900 of
MORTH Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth Revision) 2001 and Quality
Assurance Plan mentioned elsewhere in the approved specifications.
iv) The item includes all other incidental expenditures for completing the job as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
Mode of Measurement :
Measurements for payment shall be made for finished item on volume basis in cubic meters,
volume being computed by taking levels before laying DBM and after the finishing of DBM.
Providing and laying 50 mm Bituminous Concrete (as per Table - 500-18 of MORT&H) Grading I
wearing course using modified Bitumen with SBS, PMB-40 grade as approved by the Engineer,
complying with IRC SP:53-2002 and IS 15462-2004 with modified bitumen content of 5.50% (%
by weight of Total mix) and using 3% lime (% by weight of Total mix) as filler , including
loading of aggregate with F.E. loader and hot mixing of stone aggregate and bitumen in
computerised hot mix plant, transporting the mixed material by tippers to paver and laying the
mixed material with paver finisher fitted with electronic sensing device to the required level
and grade and compacting with road rollers all complete as per Clauses 512 of MORT&H
The Scope of work in the item includes:
i) The item includes the cost of all the operations involved to complete the job as given under
section 509 and 503 of MORTH Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth Revision)
2001 including the cost of arrangement of all material, machinery tools and plants, manpower
of all categories as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
ii) The item includes the submission and approval of the Job Mix Formula from the Engineerin-charge.
iii) The item includes the cost of testing of all the materials involved in the execution of the
finished item of Bituminous Concrete as per the requirement given in section 900 of MORTH
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth Revision) 2001.
iv) The item includes all other incidental expenditures for completing the job as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
Mode of Measurement :
Measurements for payment shall be made for finished item on volume basis in cubic meters,
volume being computed by taking levels before laying BC and after the finishing of BC.
Dry Lean Cement Concrete Sub- base with machine batched machine mixed and machine
vibrated design mix concrete of M - 15 (Construction of dry lean cement concrete Sub- base
over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the size of
coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate
gradation after blending to be as per table 600-1, cement content not to be less than 150
kg/cum, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete
strength not to be less than 10 MPa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported to site,
laid with a paver with electronic sensor, compacting with 8-10 tonnes vibratory roller, finishing
and curing.) complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Clause
432 Cum.
601 of MORTH specification.
The scope of work in the item includes:
i) The item includes the cost of all the ingredients to concrete including plasticizers (if any) in
suitable doses for proper workability and also other additives for obtaining the design mix of
concrete with the limited cement contents.
ii) The item includes the cost of testing all the materials involved in the execution of the item
as per Quality Assurance Plan prepared by the Contractor and duly approved by the Engineerin-Charge.
Mode of Measurement :
Measurements for payment shall be made for finished item on the volume basis in cubic
meters of concrete and the volume shall be calculated by simple geometrical concepts and
Providing and laying in position machine batched machine mixed and machine vibrated design
mix Pavement Quality Concrete of M35 grade for cycle track using Portland slag cement of
strength equivalent to grade 43/53 OPC for unreinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete
pavement over 150 mm thick prepared subbase of dry lean cement concrete (DLC) as per
drawing and Technical specifications section 601 of MORTH and as per direction of Engineerin-charge. This shall also include transportation by transit mixers, laid, with a fixed form or slip
form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation with provision of
contraction, expansion, construction joints, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing and
Technical specifications section 602 of MORTH and complete as directed by the Engineer-incharge. Item to include laying transition slab, wax based curing compound,contraction joint,
expansion joint, longitudinal joint, construction joint, joint sealing compound, dowel & tie bars 648 Cum.
etc., complete as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 602 of MORT& H.
The scope of work in the item includes:
i) The item includes cost of providing and laying design mix M35 grade concrete from the
approved RMC / concrete batching plant including the cost of transportation by transit mixers
of suitable capacity, placement with fixed form or slip form paver, compaction, finishing and
curing of concrete or as approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
ii) The item includes the cost of all the ingredients to concrete including plasticizers (if any) in
suitable doses for proper workability and also other additives for obtaining the design mix of
concrete with the limited cement contents.
iii) The item includes the cost of 32mm dia MS dowel bars of grade Fe240, 16mm HYSD of
grade Fe500 tie rod, separation membrane, premoulded joint filler construction joints and all
other incidental expenditure for completing the job as per the direction of the Engineer-incharge.
iv) The item includes the cost of testing all the materials involved in the execution of the item
as per Quality Assurance Plan prepared by the Contractor and duly approved by the Engineerin-Charge.
Mode of Measurement :
Measurements for payment shall be made for finished item on the volume basis in cubic
meters of concrete and the volume shall be calculated by simple geometrical concepts and
Providing and placing in position M 35 grade Reinforced Cement concrete with Portland Slag
Cement (conforming to strength requirement of IS: 8112 ) in RCC drain such as foundations
rafts, side walls, including precast RCC covers with holes for ventilation and edge protection
angle etc. including all centering, shuttering etc. Item to include all incidental work required to
execute and complete the job as per drawing and directions of engineer-in-charge.
Reinforcement shall be measured and paid separately as per item 4.1
Scope of this item includes:
a) All initial layout and setting out work using total station survey and including identification
and temporary shifting of existing services.
7.5 Cum.
Rs. 75,000/-
Excavating with stable slope trenches of required width and depth for drainage in all
kinds of soils including taking out excavated materials, backfilling the soil in layers as per the
specifications and disposing the spoils/mulba of the site for all leads and lifts as per the
direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
Providing and laying plain 100 mm thick M - 15 Grade cement concrete at bottom of
drain with 100mm offsets beyond the walls of the drain including the cost of centering and
d) Providing and fixing precast RCC covers with holes for ventilation including edge protection
angle for drain at location of manhole (at spacing of 7.5 m c/c ) all complete as per drawings
and approval of Engineer- in-Charge
e) Identification, protection and maintenance of existing services, if any, which in the opinion
of Engineer-in-Charge are likely to be affected by construction of drain or any related activities
including temporary shifting of such services to facilitate construction of drain shall also have
to be done. No extra cost will be admissible for the same.
f) All arrangements needed to keep the reinforcement bars in position with due cover blocks of
approved quality and thickness.
B) Measurement : The finished volume of M 35 concrete of drain shall only be measured. PCC
shall not be measured for payment. The reinforcement shall be measured and paid under item
Providing and constructing of flume / chute on the side slopes of embankment at location of
drainage spouts in RCC M-35 grade concrete with nominal reinforcement laid on bed concrete
of M-15 grade as per drawing including excavation, shuttering, complete as per MORT&H
Specification Sections 300, 1000, 1700. Measurement shall be made for 700mm wide RCC
downward sloping flume/chute correct to one cm. Cost of reinforcement to be measured and
paid separately as item 4.1
Providing and laying stone pitching with stones weighing 40-50 kg of required thickness on
slopes as per drawings and MORT&H Specifications, Section 2504.
Providing and laying non crushed stone aggregate filter material underneath stone pitching on 2160
slopes complete as per drawing and MORT&H Specifications.
Providing and laying non woven geotextile as filter media underneath stone pitching on slopes 14400
complete as per drawing and MORT&H Specifications.
Providing and laying Stone masonry (Random Rubble Uncoursed Masonry ) work in cement
mortar 1:3 for toe wall at bottom end of pitching & bands in dry stone pitching on slope
complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Clause 1405.3.
832 Cum.
500 Sqm.
Rs. 100.00
Providing, Furnishing and laying of the live sods of perennial turf forming grass of indigenous
variety on embankment slope, verges or other locations shown on the drawing or as directed
by the engineer-in-charge including preparation of ground, fetching of sods, applying manure
and watering including maintenance for one year all complete as per MORT&H Specifications
Clause 307
Making bell mouth opening / entrance of size 100cm x 50cm x 50 cm for drainage under
footpath including providing cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement :3 coarse sand :6 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) for shape of bell mouth including plastering providing and
fixing 100cm x 50 cm x 5 cm size precast RCC slab 1:2:4 (1 cement :2 coarse sand :4 graded
stone aggregate 12.5 mm nominal size) reinforced with cold twisted bars reinforcement @
100kg per cum of reinforced concrete including plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3
fine sand) of 6 mm thickness on exposed surface of the slab & bell mouth including centring,
48 Nos.
shuttering & neat cement punning inside the bell mouth etc. all complete as per the approved
drawings and instructions of the engineer in charge.
Providing and laying non-pressure 250mm diameter NP2 class (light duty) RCC pipes at chute
locations with collars jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1
cement: 2 fine sand) including testing of joints and necessary trenching etc complete.
Providing and applying 2.5mm thick road marking strips (retro-reflective) of specified
shade/colour using hot thermoplastic material by fully/semi automatic thermoplastic paint
applicator machine fitted with profile shoe, Glass beads dispenser, propane tank heater and
profile shoe heater, driven by expeienced operator on road surface including cost of material,
labour, T&P, cleaning the road surface of all dirt, scales, oil, grease and foriegn material etc.
complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge applicable specifications.The raw material
used for marking shall conform BS 3262-1989 Part - I & MORT&H Specification under section
800 clause 803 Item to include all incedental required to complete the job
Lane / centre line / edge line/ transverse marking and any other marking, continuous or broken 1596
including directional arrows, lettering etc.
618 Cum.
Providing and laying 230 th. brick masonry using brick of class designation 75 in cement
mortar 1:6 (1 cement: 6 coarse sand stone dust ) including all materials, labour, incidentals etc. 359 Cum.
below kerb stones up to any height, curing etc. complete as per DSR item
Providing and laying at or near ground factory made kerb stone, using cement concrete (M35
grade) and of approved shape and size, as per drawings, in position to the required line, level
and curvature jointed with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement:3 coarse sand) including making joints
with or without groove (thickness of joints except at sharp curve shall not be more than 5mm)
including making drainage opening wherever required, including painting with synthetic
342 Cum.
enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture in black and white or approved shade and
pattern including cleaning the stone surface etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-inCharge. Item to include cost of all materials, labour, T&P and all incidentals required to execute
and complete the job.
Providing and laying cement concrete (RMC) kerb channel along road for a width of 30cm in
required slope with 50 mm thick of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded
stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) over 75 mm thick bed of dry brick aggregate 40 mm
nominal size well rammed and consolidated and grouted with Jamuna sand including finishing Meter
the top smooth with neat cement punning etc. complete as per the direction of Engineer-inCharge.
Providing and laying M20 grade cement concrete bands in stone pitching etc. including
levelling of base level below bands with M10 grade concrete complete as per drawing and
direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Measurement : Length of finished kerb edging at top shall be measured for payment.
Providing and Laying 60mm thick factory made multi coloured cement concrete interlocking
paver block in footpaths or any other location as per drawing of M-30 grade as per IRC SP 63
made by block making machine with strong vibratory compaction and of approved size, and
design/shape including filling the joints with Jamuna Sand complete as per technical
specifications. The paver blocks shall be laid in approved colour and pattern as per drawing
over embankment, filling the joints with Jamuna Sand complete as per drawing and technical
specifications and as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
a) Over embankment with 150mm thick base of brick bat and 25mm thick compacted bed of
coarse sand
(a) Informatory signs on single or double posts
(i) Direction signs, 1200 x 700 mm
4 Nos.
Rs. 52,000/-
(ii) Advance direction / destination 1500 x 900
20 Nos.
Rs. 21,000.00
Rs. 4,20,000/-
(iii) Place identification sign 450 x 600 mm
6 Nos.
Rs. 5,000.00
Rs. 30,000/-
(b) Mandatory
(i) Octagonal 900 mm height for “STOP”
4 Nos.
Rs. 40,000/-
(ii) Circular 600 mm diameter (No parking/No stopping sign)
4 Nos.
Rs. 5,000.00
Rs. 20,000/-
(iii) Speed limit (600mm Circular)
4 Nos.
Rs. 5,000.00
Rs. 20,000/-
(c) Cautionary signs like curve ahead, one way sign, merging traffic etc as per drawing or as
directed by engineer-in-charge, Triangular 900 mm or 1200 ´ 800 rectangular
10 Nos.
Rs. 15,000.00
Rs. 1,50,000/-
Manufacturing, supplying and fixing retro reflective sign boards made up of 2mm thick
aluminium sheet, face to be fully covered with high intensity unmetallised microprismatic retro
reflective sheeting conforming to type-IV of ASTM-D-4956-01 in blue and white or other colour
combination as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge including subject matter, message (bilingual), symbols and borders etc. as per IRC:67-2001, pasted on substrate by pressure
sensitive adhesive backing conforming to class1 of ASTM-D-4956-01 and fixing the same with
suitable sized aluminium alloy rivets and/or bolts & nuts to back support frame of M.S. angle
iron of size 25x25x3 mm alongwith theft resistant measures, mounted and fixed with 2 Nos.
M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm to a vertical post made up of M.S.- Tee of section ISNT
50x50x6mm welded with base plate of size of 100x100x6mm at the bottom end and including
making holes in pipes, angles, flats, providing & fixing M.S. message plate of required size
wherever necessary. Steel work to be painted with approved shade,
primer and paints as per specifications for steel structures (Vertical post of MS-Tee to be
painted in black and white colours). Backside of aluminium sheet to be painted with two or
more coats of epoxy paint including appropriate priming coat including all leads and lifts etc.
complete as per drawing, specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
A) The Scope of work in the item includes :
a) The item includes the cost of all operations involved to complete the job as given under
Section 801 of Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth Revision) 2001 including the
cost of arrangement of all material, machinery, Tools & Plants, manpower of all categories,
earthwork and foundations in M30 grade as per drawings and the directions of the Engineer-inCharge.
b) The item includes the cost of testing of all materials involved in the execution of the item as
per the requirement given in Section 900 of Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth
Revision) 2001 and QAP mentioned elsewhere in the tender document.
c) The item includes all other incidental expenditures for completing the job as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
B) Mode of Measurement : Measurement for payment shall be made for finished item on the
basis of number of items counted.
Manufacturing, supplying and fixing retro reflective overhead signage boards made up of 2mm
thick aluminium sheet, face to be fully covered with high intensity unmetallised
microprismatic retro reflective sheeting conforming to type IV of ASTM-D-4956-01, in approved
colour combination i.e. subject matter, messages ( bilingual ), arrows, symbols per
IRC:67-2001 in silver white with blue colour background or any other colour combination as
approved, pasted on substrate by pressure sensitive adhesive backing conforming to class1 of
ASTM-D-4956-01 and fixing the same to the plate of structural frame work by means of suitable
sized aluminium alloy rivets and/or bolts & nuts @ 300 mm centre to centre all along the
periphery as well as in two vertical rows alongwith theft resistant measures including the cost
of painting with two or more coats of epoxy paint in grey colour on the back side of aluminium
sheet including appropriate priming coat. The rate includes the cost of rounding off the
corners, fixing and erecting the same in position, all complete as per drawings specifications
and directions of engineer in charge.
Note: Structural frame work including painting, M.S. base plate, holding down bolts to be paid
separately in item no. 8.9. Finished Area of the sheet only shall be measured for payment.
(a) Retro-reflectorised type sign boards.
105 Sqm.
Providing and fabricating Structural steel work welded and bolted, in built up sections using
Large diameter steel pipe (heavy duty MS pipes), MS flats, Base plates, Holding down bolts,
nuts and washers for overhead signage structure etc. including cutting, hoisting, fixing in
position and applying approved primer and finishing paints approved quality as per
specifications and instruction of Engineer-in-Charge. Item to exclude earthwork, PCC,
reinforcement bars, RCC M-35 in foundation etc. and all material, labour, plants and
equipments, incidental works and all complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications,
(Clause 802 and as per IRC: 67-2001) and directions of Engineer-in-Charge. Item to also include
providing and laying 25 mm thick (average) free flow high strength non-shrink cementitious
grout like conbextra-GP2 or approved equivalent below the base plate.
(a) Overhead signages of upto 18m span length, 4.0m cantilever arm signages etc.
14 MT
Rs. 90,000/-
Rs. 400.00
Rs. 40,000/-
A) The Scope of work in the item includes :
a) The item includes the cost of all operations involved to complete the job as given under
Section 802 of Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth Revision) 2001 including the
cost of arrangement of all material, machinery, Tools & Plants, manpower of all categories as
per the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
b) The item includes the cost of testing of all materials involved in the execution of the item as
per the requirement given in Section 900 of Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth
Revision) 2001 and QAP mentioned elsewhere in the tender document.
c) The item includes all other incidental expenditures for completing the job as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
B) Mode of Measurement : Measurement for payment shall be made for total weight of steel
structure including base plate and bolts etc. as per approved shop drawing in metric tonnes.
Providing and fixing approved quality retro-reflectorised road delineators, reflectors, object
Markers, hazard Markers including all incidentals complete as per drawing and Technical
Specification Section 805 of MORTH (4th Revision).
(a) Delineator of orange coloured retro-reflective sheet fixed on vertical face of G.I. Pipe posts
of 65 mm dia x 0.7 m height above finished level installed as per drawing and instrcutions of
50 Nos.
Engineer-in-Charge including installation complete.
(b) 100 mm x100mm square or 75 mm dia orange coloured reflectors fixed with tamper proof
arrangement on medians/crash barrier railing as per drawing and approved by the Engineer in
100 Nos.
Providing & fixing (Red Uni-directional 3 nos. on top of each nosing at specified locations as
per drawings) of TAT A BP or approved equivalent Solar Powered Road Studs of selfilluminating, flashing type having 3 Nos. ultra bright LEDs of Red/ Amber colour for Unidirectional and 6 Nos. LEDs for Bi-directional studs, visibility minimum 500 meters, flashing
rate 65-75 times per min., with detachable Ni-MH battery of 1.2 V to give back-up of at least 3-4
days from fully charged condition, made of Robust aluminum die-cast housing, having
reflector strip in addition to LEDs, stud capable of withstanding load of fully loaded carriers on
the road, having tapering bottom anchor of minimum 50mm length with at least 6 Nos. external
anti-twist ribs projecting out from bottom anchor, waterproof IP65 as per IS 12063-1987
Category-2, tested to perform satisfactorily for minimum 100 hrs. under Rapid Thermal Cycling
40 Nos.
Tests as per IEC 1215 between -40 to +85 degrees centigrade, weight minimum 675gm, size 125
x 125 x 90 ±5mm, stud manufactured indigenously by reputed ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 company.
Rs. 800.00
Rs. 32,000/-
A) The Scope of work in the item includes :
a) The item includes the cost of all operations involved to complete the job as given under
Section 805 of Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth Revision) 2001 including the
cost of arrangement of all material, machinery, Tools & Plants, manpower of all categories as
per the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
b) The item includes the cost of testing of all materials involved in the execution of the item as
per the requirement given in Section 900 of Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth
Revision) 2001 and QAP mentioned elsewhere in the tender document.
c) The item includes all other incidental expenditures for completing the job as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
B) Mode of Measurement :
Measurement for payment shall be made for finished item on the basis of each item counted.
Providing temporary barricading as per the drawing enclosed with the tender document. This
shall also include arrangement for traffic diversion such as traffic signals during construction
at site for day and night, reflective signs, red colour lights,required number of traffic marshals,
markings, flags etc. as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The barricading shall be provided
continuously during the execution of the entire work till completion and shall not be removed
at any stage without prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge. Item to include all cleaning,
primers, painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacturer of required
colour to give an even shade of the barricading structure, lettering etc. as per drawing and
specifications, scope of work and directions of engineer-in-charge Item to include shifting and
re-fixing in position as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge and all incidentals, labour,
materials, equipments and works required to execute the job.
1.75m High
Rs. 2,500.00
Rs. 7,50,000/-
1.0m High
Providing and re-painting after 6th, 12th, 18th month from initial installtion of barricading or as
required by Engineer-in-Charge with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and
manufacturer of required colour to give an even shade of the barricading structure as per
specifications, special conditions, scope of work and directions of engineer-in-charge. Item to
include all cleaning, primers, painting & lettering on the barricading as per approved drawings.
1.75m High
Rs. 400.00
1.0m High
Rs. 250.00
Rs. 75,000/-
Supplying and pouring conbextra-HF Non-shrink grout of M/s FOSROC or approved equivalent
for grouting of pockets of holding down bolt of bearings, surfaces below bearings etc.
6.4 Cum
including packing plates complete job as per drawing and instruction of Engineer- in-Charge.
Rs. 55,000.00
Providing and fixing rain water splasher for drainage of deck slab superstructure as per
drawings and specifications and as directed by Engineer- in-Charge all complete including all
incidentals, labour, materials, staging/scaffolding etc to complete the job.
Rs. 5,500.00
Rs. 2,36,500/-
43 Nos.
Monthly submission of photographs (15 photos atleast) in 6 copies, video recording (min 5 to
10 minutes) and progress report as per clause 5.2.1 of scope of work and finally at the
completion of project a Video film (6copies) of at least three hour depicting salient activities of
complete duration of work. The same shall be submitted in six copies on compact discs also.
Supply of min 200 photographs (minimum size 5” x7” ) in 3 copies depicting salient activities
of complete duration of work including digital copies on CD (3 copies) .
1 Job
Construction of 6 nos. of temporary cabins (Porta cabins) of one room unit (approx. size
12ftx12ft) and 1 no. meeting / conference room for 20-25 persons fitted with white board and
projector equipment, at suitable locations as approved by engineer-in-charge, for the
department including the arrangement of light, fans, coolers / AC, furniture, cub-board and
drinking water and toilet facility etc. for better site supervision. These porta cabins shall
remain the property of contractor and will be removed after completion of the works.The
contractor will maintain these porta cabins in good conditions for the entire period of work
without charging anything extra.
1 Job.
Rs. 15,00,000/-
171 Sqm.
Rs. 300.00
Rs. 51,300/-
Rs. 3,60,000/-
Providing and fixing in position approved quality closed cell polystyrene joint filler board
(thermocole) of 24 kg/cum density of 10mm to 50mm thick sheet for joint filler in expansion
gaps for concrete structures including cutting placing in position with bitumastic adhesive as
per the detailed drawing and the instruction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
Providing and laying approved quality polyurethane sealant with a movement accomodation of
minimum ±30% of joint width, and having a minimum tensile strength of 1.0MPa suitable for
expansion joints (10mm, 25mm) in crash barrier etc. including necessary backup rod, bond
breaking tape and all other items required to execute the work.
Any DSR-2007 items
Sub Heads and Description of Items
All Miscellaneous works not covered above and mentioned in drawings shall be completed in
all respect as per instructions of Engineer-in-Charge and shall be paid as per agreement.
40% above DSR2007
40% above DSR
40% above DSR
Maintenance of grade seperator and allied works excluding bituminous work (which is covered 1 Job
with 5 year Guarantee bond) for second year (after recording of completion by Engineer-inCharge). The cost related to any repairs and maintenance shall be included in the quoted rates
Maintenance of grade seperator and allied works excluding bituminous work (which is covered 1 Job
with 5 year Guarantee bond) for Third year (after recording of completion by Engineer-inCharge). The cost related to any repairs and maintenance shall be included in the quoted rates
Maintenance of grade seperator and allied works excluding bituminous work (which is covered
1 Job
with 5 year Guarantee bond) for Fourth year (after recording of completion by Engineer-inCharge). The cost related to any repairs and maintenance shall be included in the quoted rates
Maintenance of grade seperator and allied works excluding bituminous work (which is covered 1 Job
with 5 year Guarantee bond) for Fifth year (after recording of completion by Engineer-inCharge). The cost related to any repairs and maintenance shall be included in the quoted rates.
Rs. 18,73,85,000/-
Rs. 2,16,42,000/-
Rs. 3,45,60,000/-
Rs. 2,30,00,000/-
Rs. 1,11,68,800/-
40% above on DSR-2007
Less negotiated rebate @9.7% on all quoted rates
(-) Rs. 9,65,69,383/-
Net negotiated & accepted Tendered Amount:
Rate in %age
30.68 % above the estimated cost.