Name _____________________ Block ____
PHE I Contract 2013 - 2014
Physical & Health Education at Shanghai American School is a health and fitness based program that aims to instill
in students a desire to pursue a lifelong wellness. The PHE course is integrated with health and physical education
and along with PHE II is a required course to graduate. Your physical education grade will count in your overall
GPA that is part of your permanent record, which will be sent to prospective colleges and universities.
Our goal is to promote healthy active living, enjoyment in regular physical activity and for students to develop:
 an understanding of the importance of physical fitness, health, and well being and the factors that
contribute to them;
 a personal commitment to daily vigorous physical activity and positive health behaviors;
 the skills and knowledge they require to participate in physical activities throughout their lives.
Physical & Health Education (PHE I)
PHE at SAS is a fitness-based program. Students will learn sports rules; develop game skills and strategy, practice
sportsmanship and cooperation. A strong emphasis is placed on daily effort and participation, which includes the
lesson requirement to achieve 35 minutes in each student’s aerobic training zone. The sports units and activities
will change every 3-4 weeks.
The health portion of the course is designed to educate students to make positive and intelligent decisions that will
enhance their quality of life. The course will help develop self-esteem, values and decision-making skills. Topics
of study include teenage sexuality, STIs, relationships and nutrition. The grade 9 sex education unit will deal
directly and openly with the issues involving sexuality. Any concerns you may have with this unit should be
brought to the department’s attention before the beginning of the unit.
Locker Room (please refer to the student handbook for additional student locker regulations)
1. All students will be assigned a locker and a Heart Rate Monitor Strap (HRM). Every student will be given
a combination lock to ensure the safety of his or her stored items. You may not share HRM straps or
lockers. You will receive a 0 out of 6 for “zone time/readiness” if you do not have the correct strap number.
You may still receive a maximum of 4 points for your participation and uniform grade that day.
2. During class, all laptops should be locked in the student’s book lockers. The rest of a student’s school bags
and valuables must be locked in the student’s own PE locker. Periodic locker checks will be made so that
students are using their own lockers and straps.
3. Sports clothing should be taken home and washed on a regular basis.
4. Food and drinks are not allowed in the locker rooms; non-breakable water bottles are encouraged.
1. Students are required to change clothing for all Physical Education classes, unless otherwise directed by the
2. An official SAS PE shirt, SAS shorts or pants, and athletic shoes and socks are mandatory for all PE
classes. It is recommended that all students have two sets of PE clothing, one for warm weather (shorts and
T-shirt) and one for colder weather (sweat top and bottom). Grade points will be lost for not being in
proper uniform.
3. Showers are encouraged and available for after class use. You must provide your own towel.
4. You will be assigned one HRM strap from the PE department. If you lose your strap, you must buy a new
one for 100 rmb from your teacher before class begins.
Missing Work and Make-Ups
1. Students who are well enough to attend school are expected to dress and participate in all PE lessons.
2. Excuse notes are only accepted from medical professionals which should be submitted to the High School
Nurse. The nurse will document the injury/illness and then issues an excuse note for the student. Please
note that parental notes are not accepted as excused. If the student is well enough to attend school, they
are well enough to participate in PE.
3. Students are allowed 2 excused misses per semester with no make-up required. After two misses the
maximum points a student may receive for the day will be 7/10 points unless they make up the missed class
during flex in another section of PE.
4. Students are allowed to make up all absences each semester. All make-ups must be done during student’s
flex, lunch, and/or during another teacher’s PE class with prior arrangement from both teachers. All
makeups must be completed each semester before the exam week.
5. All school related absences such as APAC, MUN, field trips, etc. are considered excused and do not need
to be made up. The student can choose to make them up if they wish.
Long Term Injuries or Illnesses
1. If a student misses more than 10% of the classes per semester for any reason, the student may be required
to repeat the course the following year. All efforts will be made to accommodate the student with a
modified curriculum to avoid repeating the class. Participation points in a modified curriculum case
will not be awarded and the maximum a student may receive for the full daily grade will be 7/10. A
fitness/participation based curriculum requires students to be actively engaged in the unit being taught and
no “paperwork” or research type activity will be assigned as a make-up.
2. Each incident will be reviewed on a case by case basis with the teacher, Head of the Department,
Administration and the HS nurse.
Heart Rate Monitors (see specific instructions for use at the end)
1. The PHE program is a health and fitness related based course which incorporates the use of heart rate
monitor technology. These act as objective assessment tools and allow students to take ownership of their
own health and fitness.
2. Prior to the start of all lessons, using only their assigned watches, students must set their personal training
zones and start their watch. If students use the wrong personal heart rate zone, they will receive a
maximum of 4 out of 10 for the day.
3. At the end of each lesson, the students will give their data to the teacher to record.
Personal Behavior
Responsible and safe behavior is expected at all times.
No food or drink is allowed in the gymnasium and locker rooms. Gum chewing is prohibited.
Long hair should be pulled back and hats are acceptable during outside activities.
As English is the language of instruction, students are expected to speak in English.
A positive attitude and full active participation is expected.
PHE I Assessment Policy
The grade will consist of:
A. Participation and Activity (daily grade) – 75%
B. Health Topics - 15 %,
C. Aerobic Activity (Beep Test) - 10%.
No Extra Credit will be given.
Participation and Activity: The 10 point daily grading is recorded as follows:
5 Points
0.5 points
1 point
1.5 points
2 points
2.5 points
Heart Rate Zone Time
00:01 – 09:59 minutes
10:00 – 14:59 minutes
15:00 – 19:59 minutes
20:00 – 22:30 minutes
22:31 – 24:59 minutes
3 points
3.5 points
4 points
4.5 points
5 points
1 Point
Readiness: on time, zones set, strapped up and watches running
1 Point
School issued PE uniform and proper shoes
3 Points
Participation in Activity
* actively engaged in the unit being taught
* listening and following instructions
* proper use of activity development time
* cooperate with others
* participate safely
25:00 – 27:30 minutes
27:31 – 29:59 minutes
30:00 – 32:30 minutes
32:31 – 34:59 minutes
35:00 – above minutes
B. Health Topics
1. 1st Semester – Sex Education
2. 2nd Semester – Nutrition
C. Aerobic Activity (Beep Test)
1. The beep test is administered 5 times per year. The initial Beep Test is performed to establish a baseline
for individual assessment and is assessed as a daily grade.
2. A minimum requirement for each student is a maximum heart rate of 195 during the beep test. (This 195 is
well below the medically accepted formula of 220-Age= MHR.) If a student doesn’t achieve the baseline
of 195 they will be asked to retest until they can achieve the 195 minimum. If, after repeated attempts of a
maximum of three, a student cannot achieve the 195 minimum, they will receive an incomplete for the test
and their personal zones will be calculated at the medical recommendation of 220-age=MHR.
3. If a student reaches the 195 minimum and does not improve their beep test level they will receive a
maximum of 50 % on the beep test assessment.
4. Beep tests can be re-taken up to a maximum of three times per test.
5. Pace Max Tests may be used to retest students’ maximum heart rate.
Heart Rate Monitors – Instructions for use:
Starting Up
1. Put on transmitter strap (wet electrodes beforehand) - Be certain that the transmitter is damp and is
contacting the chest where the 2 electrodes are attached. The transmitter must be snug without being tight.
It must be facing up and placed directly on the skin.
2. Put on watch and make sure it is on time of day (press blue button).
3. Watch limits are set to students’ personal limits.
4. Press red button to get a HR reading (move clear of other people).
On the bottom of the watch screen you should see:
*bottom left - a heart with-in a heart beating (means transmitter has picked up your HR)
*bottom center - heart rate reading (#)
5. Press red button again to begin stopwatch (numbers at center of watch screen) - to initiate recording of
Trouble Shooting
No HR reading (ie “00”) - strap too loose/low/high
(a) tighten or readjust electrode
(b) wet electrodes
(c) start watch (blue button, then red)
No heart with-in a heart (black heart only) - not shielded
(d) restart watch (blue button then red)
(e) move away from interferences
To stop watch “beeping”- hold top left button
End of Lesson
1. Press red button (to stop watch), then blue button to get to ‘time of day’.
2. Check file on watch by top right button, and then press red button twice for TIZ.
3. SHOW TO TEACHER for zone time grade (out of 5).
4. Before returning, ensure watch is on time of day (press blue button) and wipe transmitter dry.
**Zone times will be checked daily by the teacher; students are responsible for making sure they are correct.
Deleting Files on Watch
Press top right button (= file)
Press (hold) top left (= delete files)
Press red button 2x
Press blue button to exit
Ann Gould
Kevin Hill
Michele Wrzesinski
Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understand this contract.
Student Signature………………………
Student E-mail …………………………
Parent Signature………………………..
Parent E-mail …………………………..
**Please write a letter to your son/daughter’s teacher about any of your child’s health concerns.
All of this information is available on each PE teacher’s blog.