Faculty Syllabus

Course Information
Course Number: PHED 1100
Course Title: Beginning Weight Training
Course Description: Introduction to weight training and body building; learn the basic
techniques for strength development and cardiovascular conditioning. Various
weight machines, free weights and aerobic machines are used to establish an
individual fitness program.
Course Credit Hours:
Lab Hours:
Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students
should be able to do the following:
1. Evaluate the personal and social responsibilities of living a healthy lifestyle. (Social
2. Describe the benefits of sport and fitness related skills in promotion of a healthy
lifestyle. (Communication Skills)
3. Examine nutritional habits and the implications for sport performance, physical
fitness and wellness. (Critical Thinking)
4. Compare and contrast active and sedentary lifestyles in relation to health/wellness
of the individual and society. (Social Responsibility; Critical Thinking)
5. Demonstrate the biomechanics of fundamental movements and skills.
6. Develop the kinesthetic sense in the process of acquiring movement skills.
7. Demonstrate knowledge of the basic terminology, training principles, and safety
guidelines of weight training and conditioning.
8. Demonstrate knowledge of the anatomical muscle structure and function.
9. Develop a resistance training program based on scientific principles and apply the
desired outcomes to improve quality of life. (Empirical and Quantitative Skills)
10. Demonstrate the basic techniques of weight training and conditioning for specific
weight machines, free-weights and cardiovascular equipment.
11. Assess fitness, design, and evaluate an exercise program on the basis of data
collected during pre- and post-fitness assessment. (Empirical and Quantitative
Withdrawal Policy: See the current Collin Registration Guide for last day to withdraw.
Collin College Academic Policies: See the current Collin Student Handbook
Americans with Disabilities Act Statement: Collin College will adhere to all applicable
federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing
reasonable accommodations as required to afford equal educational opportunity. It is
the student’s responsibility to contact the ACCESS office, SCC-D140 or
972.881.5898 (V/TTD: 972.881.5950) to arrange for appropriate accommodations.
See the current Collin Student Handbook for additional information.
Instructor’s Name: Susan Evans
Office Number:
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 2:15pm – 3:15pm
Tuesday and Thursday 11:15am – 12:15pm
Phone Number: 972-548-6552
Email: sevans@collin.edu
Class Information: Beginning Weight Training
Section Number: PHED 1100C04
Meeting Times: Tuesday and Thursday 8:30am – 9:45am
Meeting Location: E123
Course Resources: Required: Airhart, T., Principles, Programs and Assessments for Training
and Exercise, Kendall-Hunt Publishing 2011
Supplies: Clothing appropriate for a variety of exercises may include t-shirts, and/or sweats - no
blue jeans or khakis. Footwear designed for aerobic conditioning activities, and a
towel. Improper attire may result in the student not being permitted to participate
due to safety and/or hygiene concerns.
Attendance Policy: Attendance and Participation*
Attendance credit in lab class will only be given when the student participates in the
activity. Only exception will be for medically documented illness, injury, or existing
condition. Please discuss this with the instructor and make note when completing the
Student Medical History Questionnaire.
2 absences
30/30 points for full participation
3 absences
20/30 points for full participation
4 absences
10/30points for full participation
5 absences
0/30 points for full participation
2 make-ups will be permitted at a designated time or a designated assignment.
Tardiness - Arriving 10 minutes or more after the start of the class will result in a
1-point deduction from the final attendance grade each time it occurs.
Attendance Policy: Once you miss MORE THAN,
6 classes in a class that meets 3 times per week, or
5 classes in a class that meets 2 times per week, or
2 classes in a class that meets 1 time per week,
With any combination of authorized and/or unauthorized absences, you will no
longer be eligible to receive credit for the course. If you do not drop in accordance
with the Collin College Academic Calendar, a grade of “F” will be assigned.
Additional Student Learning Outcomes:
Method of Evaluation:
Attendance and Participation*
Max Value 30 points
Fitness Assessment/Lab assignments (16)
Max Value 15 points
Students will complete a range of fitness and nutrition assessments and Lab assignments in
class on on-line. Points will be based on completion of the Lab assignments. All labs must
be completed to receive a lab grade.
Workout Program
Max Value 5 points
Students will develop their own personal workout program. It will be based on safe
practices intended to improve strength, cardio vascular endurance, muscle endurance,
flexibility and body composition. The program will be typed and turned into the instructor.
Muscle project/report
Max Value 5 points
Students will be assigned a muscle or muscle group and are required to research the
muscle, identify three exercises to strengthen the muscle and one stretch. Exercises include
machine weight, free weight and body exercise. One page typed report presented to the
class and turned into the instructor.
Nutritional Analysis
Max Value 10 points
Students will complete a nutritional analysis. Information will be presented at a later date
on the specifics of this assignment
Muscle Quiz
Max Value
5 points
Students will identify and label 15 - 20 muscles of the human body along with an exercise
to strengthen the muscle. The specific muscles that will be on the test will be provided by
the instructor.
Midterm Exam
Max Value 15 points
Final Exam
Max Value 15 points
A = 92 - 100 points
B = 84 - 91 points
C = 75 - 83 points
D = 66 - 74 points
F = 65 points or below
The last day to withdraw is: October 18th, 2013
Course Calendar: PHED 1100 –
Weight Training
Tentative Course Calendar
Spring 2013
All students are expected to be dressed appropriately and prepared to exercise/ workout every
class period.
Week 1
Introduction, medical history form
Chapters one and two
Fitness Testing (Lab 1, page 15 and 19)
Body composition and Disease Risk (Lab 2, pages 22 -23)
Week 2
Benefits and Safety Guidelines
Introduction to Weight Training Equipment
Determining repetition max (Lab 3, p.49 – 51)
Week 3
Chapter 3, developing a fitness program
FITT formula
Energy systems
Personal Fitness program
Week 4
Chapter 4, Muscular Strength and Endurance
Muscle man review Instructors’ handout
Muscle project assignment
Week 5
Muscle Quiz
Muscular endurance (Lab 4, pgs. 57-58)
Injury Prevention
Week 6
Chapter 5, Cardio respiratory Fitness
Benefits of Aerobic fitness
Determining VO2 max, (Lab 5, pgs. 67-69)
Target Heart Rate (Lab 6, p. 71)
Week 7
FITT formula (Lab 7, pgs. 75-79)
Week 8
Chapter 6, Developing flexibility
(Lab 8, flexibility assessments, pgs 85-87)
Midterm Test
Last day to withdrawal is October 18th, 2013
Week 9
Chapter 7 Basics of Nutrition
Diet Analysis assignment
Nutrition - Six essential nutrients
Reading a food label
Food pyramid/serving sizes
(Labs 9 and 10, BMR, p. 97 and Desired body weight p. 100-101)
Week 10
Nutrition - Six essential nutrients
Carbohydrates and fats
(Fast Food Lab 11, handout on Blackboard)
Week 11
Protein, vitamins and minerals
(Lab 12, protein requirement handout on Blackboard)
Week 12
Nutritional Analysis due
Meal Planning
(Lab 13 Water calculation on blackboard)
Week 13
Coronary heart disease power point on Blackboard
Cardio Risk profile on blackboard (Lab 14)
Week 14
Diabetes and Cancer power point on Blackboard
Diabetes risk profile on Blackboard (Lab 15)
Cancer Risk profile on Blackboard (Lab 16)
Week 15
Review for final, post fitness test
Turn in completed Fitness Assessments results, Appendix p. 129 or p. 19
Week 16
Final Exam: Thursday, December 12th, 2013, 8:30am – 10:30am
Medical History Form first day of class
Fitness Data sheet p. 15 and 19
Body Mass Index p. 22
Waist to hip Ratio p. 23
Establishing Training load, pgs. 49 -51
Muscular endurance lab, pgs 57 – 58
Max VO2 lab pgs. 67 -69
Target heart rate formula, p. 71
FITT Lab p. 75 -79
Flexibility Lab pgs 85 -87
BMR p. 97
Desired body weight p. 100 - 101
Protein Requirement Lab Blackboard
Water recommendations Blackboard
Fast Food lab
Cardio risk factor lab on Blackboard
Diabetes risk factors lab on Blackboard
Cancer risk factors lab on Blackboard
Post fitness test completed and turned in to instructor