CSci 5708: Architecture and Implementation of Database Systems Homework 4 Due date: 4/21 Maximum Points: 100 All questions carry equal points. Question 1 Consider the following GRANT statements being executed by the Database Administrator (DBA) and the group of users Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred and George. (1) DBA grants insert, update, delete, and select privileges on Employee table to Harry with GRANT option. (2) Harry grants select, delete and insert privilege on Employee table to Ron with GRANT option. (3) Harry grants delete and update privilege on Employee table to Hermione with GRANT option. (4) Hermione grants update and delete privileges to Ron with GRANT option. (5) Ron grants delete, update and insert privilege on Employee table to Fred with GRANT option. (6) Fred grants update privilege on Employee table to George. (7) Fred grants delete privilege on Employee table to Hermione with GRANT option. (8) Hermione grants update privilege to George. (9) Harry grants update privilege to George. (a) Draw the authorization grant graph of this scenario. (b) Which REVOKE statements are needed to remove delete privilege from Ron ? Write down the statements. (The permissions held by Harry must not be affected.) (c) Revoking which of the above GRANT statements would not impact the privileges held by each of the five users? (Hint: More than one grant statements may be omitted.) (d) The DBA executes revoke statement (with cascade) on the update privileges of Harry. Write down the privileges held by Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred and George after this revoke statement. Question 2 Consider the multi-level relation Employee table given below (Table 2). Here TS, S, C and U represent the four security levels with TS>S>C>U. Show the state of the table after each of the following updates are attempted. Assume that the Mandatory Access Control is implemented using the Bell-LaPadula Model. Name Peter U Mark S Scott C Table 1: Multi-level relation Employee Salary Job Performance 50000 S Good U 30000 S Fair S 400000 TS Excellent S TC S S TS (a) A user with classification level C attempts to update the job performance of Peter to ‘Excellent’. (b) A user with classification level S attempts to update the salary of Mark to 50000. (c) A user with classification level C attempts to update the Job Performance of Scott to ‘Good’. (d) Would a user with classification level S be able to compute the aggregate salary of the employees? Justify your answer. Question 3 Apply the Apriori algorithm for mining association rule to the dataset in Table 2. (I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 represent the distinct ‘Item’ types). List all the frequent itemsets with support >= 0.2. Table 2: Transactions Transaction_id 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 Items_purchased I1, I2, I5 I2, I4, I6 I2, I3 I1, I2, I4 I1, I3 I2, I3, I6 I1, I3 I1, I2, I3, I5 I1, I2, I3, I6 I1, I4, I5 I2, I6 I3, I4, I5 I1, I2, I3, I4, I5 I4, I5, I6 I1, I3, I6 I1, I2, I4, I5 Question 4 Apply the K-means algorithm for k = ‘2’ on the following set of two-dimensional records. Use records with RID 2 and 6 as the initial centroids. List the dimensions of the final centroids and the partition (i.e. list of points in each cluster). Table 3: 2- dimensional records RID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Dimension 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 Dimension 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 Question 5 Answer questions based on the following SQL Schema: Table 4: SQL Schema SQL2 schema SQL3 schema create table employee ( eid integer, name char(30), age integer, address char(30) ); create table project ( pid integer, title char(30), years integer, director_eid integer); create table work_on( eid integer, pid integer); note: 1. primary keys are underlined. 2. foreign keys are, work_on.eid and Project.director_eid. create type employee_type as ( name char(30), age integer, address char(30) ); create table employee of employee_type ( ref is employeeid system generated, primary key employeeid ); create type project_type as ( title char(30), years integer, director ref(employee_type) scope employee ); create table project of project_type ( ref is projectid system generated; primary key projectid ); create table workon ( employee ref(employee_type) scope employee, project ref(project_type) scope project ); a) Match each Sql2 queries with corresponding Sql3 queries. SQL2 Queries (1) select from employee e, work_on w where e.eid=w.eid; (2) select p.title from project p, workon w where and p.years>3; (3) select from employee e, works_on w, project p where e.eid = w.eid and = and p.director_Eid = e.eid (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) SQL3 Queries select from employee e, workon w where w.employee.employeeid=e.employeeid; select p.title from project p, workon w where p.projectid=w.project.projectid and p.years>3; select w.employee->name from workon w; select w.project->title from workon w where w.project->years>3; select w.employee->name from works_on w where w.employee->employeeid = w.project->director->employeeid select from workon w, employee e, project p where w.project.projectID=p.projectID and e.employeeID=w.employee.employeeID; Answer: SQL2 Queries (1) (2) (3) SQL3 Queries