
DRAFT Model Assignment
Issued April 2010
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information technology
Unit G088: Effective communications
Please note:
This OCR model assignment may be used to provide evidence for the unit identified above.
Alternatively, centres may ‘tailor’ the assignment within permitted parameters (see ‘Notes
for Teachers’). It is the centre’s responsibility to ensure that any adaptations made to this
assignment allow learners to meet all the assessment criteria and provide sufficient
opportunity for learners to demonstrate achievement across the full range of marks.
The OCR administrative codes associated with this unit are:
Unit entry code
Certification code
The QCA accreditation numbers associated with this unit are:
Unit accreditation number
Qualification accreditation number (QAN)
This OCR model assignment remains live for the life of this qualification.
ALL OF THIS MATERIAL MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED. Any photocopying will be done under the
terms of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 solely for the purposes of assessment.
This example assignment has been developed by OCR as part of
a QCDA funded project and has been reviewed by practitioners,
representatives of sector and awarding organisations and QCDA.
© OCR 2010
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Page Number(s)
Model Assignment
This section contains the assignment background which learners will need to
be familiar with in order to complete the tasks.
This section contains all the tasks learners must complete before submission
for assessment.
General guidance on using this model assignment
This section provides general guidance to centre staff on the preparation
and completion of the assignment.
9 - 10
Instructions for controlled assessment of this model assignment
This section provides information on how the controls for the unit are applied
to this model assignment. It is not intended for use by learners.
11 – 14
Additional guidance on managing the assessment
This section provides additional guidance on managing the assessment. It
is not intended for use by learners.
Evidence summary
This section provides a summary of the evidence it is expected the learner
will produce for this model assignment.
DRAFT Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit G088 – Effective communications
Model Assignment: Learner Information
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information technology
Unit G088: Effective communications
DRAFT Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit G088 – Effective communications
Model Assignment brief for the learner:
Effective communications
Classic Badges Company Brief
Classic Badges Company is in the early stages of setting up as a new mini enterprise which will
sell custom made badges to local companies. They are hoping to target the local authority,
schools, youth organisations, health service and local dental surgeries. They plan to sell badges
which can be tailored to individual needs.
The owner, Charles Gillbeck wants to be sure the company uses effective communication media
with the suppliers and potential customers such as the local authority, school etc who may be
interested in buying the badges. Charles needs a team to take responsibility for the setting up of
the company and the communication media to be used to promote the badges.
You have been selected as one of the team members to work on this project. You are to
collaborate with team members to set up Classic Badges Company. Once the project is underway,
the team will be required to attend a meeting with Charles to report on the effectiveness of
communication media used with the suppliers and potential customers and to review the team’s
Read through all of the tasks carefully so that you know what you will
need to do to complete this assignment.
DRAFT Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit G088 – Effective communications
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Task 1: Setting up Classic Badges Company
Assessment criteria 1.1 and 3.3
Your task is to:
Working in teams, set up Classic Badges Company and organise effective communication
media to promote the company..
You need to:
Allocate roles and responsibilities within the team
Set team goals
Set up Classic Badges Company. This should consider:
1. Contact with suppliers for raw materials pricing etc including the badge maker
2. Designs for the images to go onto the badges to be used to promote the company
3. Finance - work out the costs of setting up and how much the badges will be sold for.
This could include a simple break-even chart and other forecasting techniques such as
a cash flow
4. Marketing - being able to communicate with potential customers and use appropriate
media to promote the badges
5. Research - establish current market leaders, pricing, availability and examples of
communication media used by the suppliers and potential organisations including when
and how they are used.
Plan and use communication media to promote the company.
Your evidence must include:
Copies of any media communication used e.g. created a blog, formal meeting, twitter etc
The results of your investigation
Team minutes
Witness testimony.
DRAFT Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit G088 – Effective communications
Task 2: Using different communication methods to set up and promote
Classic Badges Company
Assessment criteria 1.2, 1.3, 2.2 (part)
Your task is to:
Working in teams use communication media to set up and promote Classic Badges Company.
You will need to:
Experiment in the use of a variety of communication media e.g. emails, blogs, telephone
calls, presentations, SMS messages
Assess the appropriateness of and implications associated with the communication media
used with the suppliers and potential organisations e.g. misunderstanding the language in a
text message when communicating with the badge company suppliers so the team used a
formal letter.
Your evidence must include:
Copies of any media communication used e.g. created a blog, formal meeting, twitter etc
Notes from experiments of media used
Witness testimony.
Task 3: Review of performance
Assessment criteria 2.1, 2.2 (part), 4.1, 4.2
Your task is to:
Attend a meeting with Charles Gillbeck in which you will be asked to review team and individual
performance and suggest ways of improving
You will need to:
Evaluate own contribution to the success of the project i.e. promotion of badges
Evaluate other team members contribution to the success of the project i.e. promotion of
Give constructive suggestions for improvement if the project were repeated
Describe effective communication used
Communicate effectively with Charles Gillbeck.
Your evidence must include:
Witness testimony.
Meeting notes.
DRAFT Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit G088 – Effective communications
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Task 4: Business report
Assessment criteria 3.1, 3.2
Your task is to:
Produce a written formal report for Charles Gillbeck about what makes a good Classic
Badges Company team.
You will need to:
Describe what makes a good team and within the report describe the issues and barriers that
can prevent effective communication and the performance of teams at Classic Badges
Use a style appropriate to the organisation.
Your evidence must include:
Witness report.
A formal business report could use the following headings or similar:
Terms of reference or purpose of the report
Scope and methods of collecting data
Conclusions drawn from the report findings
DRAFT Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit G088 – Effective communications
Model Assignment: Teacher Information
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information technology
Unit G088: Effective communications
© OCR 2010
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information Technology
General guidance on using this model
OCR model assignments are available to download free of charge from our website:
OCR model assignments are intended to be used for formal summative assessment of
learners and assessment must be conducted under controlled conditions. The OCR
centre handbook for this qualification gives full information on controlled assessment.
There is also guidance on what controlled assessment means in the context of this
model assignment in the next section ‘Notes for teachers’.
This assignment has been designed to meet the full assessment requirements of the
unit. Learners will need to take part in a planned learning programme that covers the
underpinning knowledge, understanding and skills of the unit.
Before carrying out the assignment
Learners should be provided with a copy of the Learner Information section of this
assignment or the centre adapted model assignment.
It is not anticipated that learners will need to carry out any preparations prior to
undertaking the assessment tasks, such as collating resources to use in the
assessment, but if you do ask your learners to do so you please be aware that there is
no time limit for this. However, it is expected that learners will be provided with or have
access to information on the organisations use of technology that could done as part of
an organised trip. The travelling time to each organisation will not be included within
the overall GLH for this unit.
Producing evidence
Each learner must produce individual and authentic evidence for each task within the
Centre staff may give support and guidance to learners. This support and guidance
should focus on checking that learners understand what is expected of them. It is not
acceptable for presenters to provide model answers or to work through answers in
detail. For advice on giving feedback to learners on the work they have produced for
assessment consortia/centres should refer to JCQ document Instructions for
conducting controlled assessment.
Learners may use information from any relevant source to help them with producing
evidence for the tasks. See further clarification on the types of relevant resources
learners can have access to in the section ‘resources control’ on page 11.
Learners must be guided on the use of information from other sources to ensure that
confidentiality is maintained at all times.
Under each task we have specified what evidence the learner is expected to produce,
but it is important to note that if it is possible to generate the evidence in a variety of
formats (such as then the learner is free to use the format that is most appropriate for
them. The section ‘Evidence Summary’ at the back of the model assignment will guide
you on evidence and formats for evidence.
DRAFT Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit G088 – Effective communications
Presentation of work
Centres wishing to submit digital evidence in the form of an e-portfolio should refer to
the appendix in the Principal Learning centre handbook on guidance for the production
of electronic assessment.
Centres may wish to discourage learners from excessive use of plastic wallets for
presentation of their evidence as this may hinder the assessment process. Instead
centres may wish to encourage learners to present their work so that it is easily
accessible, e.g. spiral bound, stapled booklet, treasury tag.
For more guidance on production and presentation of work please refer to the section on
Internal Assessment in the OCR Principal Learning centre handbook.
DRAFT Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit G088 – Effective communications
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Instructions on controlled assessment for this
model assignment
Introduction to the Tasks
This model assignment has been developed to comply with the levels of control for task setting,
taking and marking for this unit.
Centres should refer to the section on controlled assessment in the OCR Level 1 Principal
Learning in Information technology centre handbook for more information on task setting, taking
and marking.
These guidance notes should be used in conjunction with the unit specification and OCR
Principal Learning centre handbook.
Controls for Task Setting
The level of control for task setting is limited. This means that centres can use this model
assignment without adaptation or it can be adapted using the scope of permitted modification
details outlined in the scope of permitted model assignment modification section (see section
It is important that the model assignment used allows learners to work on a project. Learners will
need to work as part of a team and will need access to communication media. Centres/consortia
are advised to use local organisations for communication media so that they are able to
experiment with different options available e.g. blogs, face to face, emails, presentations etc.
Because ‘communication’ forms a key area in nearly all business sectors emphasis should be on
the accessibility of examples and personal rather than on a specific business sector, for example
using a local organisation that is already linked to the school.
Alternatively, consortia may develop their own assessment tasks and this OCR model assignment
acts as an exemplar therefore helping to establish the standard expected of a controlled
assessment activity. All consortia designed assignments must be quality assured before
being used for assessment, consortia must ensure that model assignments they design are
appropriate for their intended use and match the requirements of the unit(s).
There is further information on task setting in the OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information
Technology centre handbook.
Controls for Task Taking
Centres should refer for section 6 of the OCR Level 1 Principal Learning in Information technology
centre handbook for generic information on task taking.
Supervision control
The level of control for supervision is medium, this means that learners will complete the majority
of work for assessment under direct assessor supervision but it is acceptable for some aspects of
exploration to be outside the direct supervision of the assessor (the assessor must be able to
authenticate all work carried out by the learner). It is also acceptable for assessment to take place
outside the classroom but assessors must exercise continuing supervision to ensure essential
compliance with health and safety requirements as well as being able to authenticate the learner’s
DRAFT Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit G088 – Effective communications
For this model assignment the following aspects could be undertaken outside of the direct
supervision of the teacher:
For task 1, the collecting of research from the selected organisations.
For task 2, the experiments using communication media.
Time control
The level of control for time is limited. This means that the overall time allocated for assessment is
recommended to be 15 hours but consortia can decide how the time can be allocated between
each part or individual task in the assessment. The allocation of time is intended for the formal
summative assessment at the end of the GLH for the unit as a whole.
For this model assignment we recommend that the overall assessment time is allocated as
7 hours – Task 1: Setting up Classic Badges Company
5 hours – Task 2: Using different communication methods to set up and promote
Classic Badges Company
1 hour – Task 3: Review of performance (45 minutes preparing and 15 minutes face to
face review)
2 hours – Task 4: Business report.
The time allocation is given as a guide to centres for when the learners would be carrying out the
four tasks. Learners will gain knowledge and understanding and skills of team work and
communication skills as part of the 15 GLH. The assessment requires learners to apply the
knowledge, understanding and skills to the context given in the assessment. These are only
approximations and will vary depending on the approach to each task and the overall context of the
assignment taken by the consortium. For example, the extent of collaborative support between
centres in the consortium and the range of business organisations identified takes place. In
addition, it would be appropriate to only assess the candidate’s use of communication media within
the group project with the allocated hours rather than in the preparation and completion of the
group project.
Resource control
The level of control for gathering resources is limited. This means that consortia can determine
which physical resources and information sources are appropriate for the assessment. Learners
will need to be provided with the most appropriate materials and equipment to allow them full
access to the marking criteria.
For this model assignment learners will need to be provided access to the following
materials, resources and equipment:
ICT equipment to plan and carry out the investigation e.g. to prepare research
Access to communication media such as emails, telephones.
Customers to communicate with. This can be members of staff.
If this assignment is used without any adaption a member of staff should take on the
roles of the owner. If the assignment is adapted, learners should present the
assignment to a member of staff from the organisation used in the assignment brief.
Class notes.
DRAFT Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit G088 – Effective communications
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Collaboration control
The level of control for collaboration is medium; this means that learners are permitted to work in a
team for the assessment. At all times the assessor must be sure each learner can produce
evidence of their own contribution to each assessment criteria but consortia can determine at
which point in an assessment task learners can work together.
For this model assignment and unit learners are required to work as part of a team.
When learners are working in teams, teachers should consider:
that all team members have equal opportunity to evidence their skills, knowledge and
team composition, for example based on learners’ preferred learning/reviewing styles
the number of team members and the management and structure of the team. Group
size should be between three to six members.
monitoring the team as work progresses i.e. observation of progress
If witness statements are used to support learners’ evidence, these should be completed
individually for each learner.
Controls for Marking
The level of control for task marking is medium. This means that learners’ evidence is assessed
and marks awarded by the centre assessor(s) using OCR marking grids provided in the unit and
moderated by an OCR appointed moderator. (When marking learners' work, centres must use the
descriptors provided within the unit.)
Centres should refer to the OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information Technology centre
handbook for further information on task marking. For a description of the key words used in the
marking criteria please see the Marking Criteria Glossary also in the OCR Level 2 Principal
Learning in Information Technology centre handbook.
When marking this assignment, teachers should start with the marking criteria within the unit and a
‘best fit’ approach should be applied to each assessment criterion.
Teachers must be confident that the work they mark is the learner’s own. Although this does not
mean that learners must be supervised throughout the completion of all work, teachers must
employ sufficient checks whilst tasks are being completed to ensure learners are producing their
own evidence.
Assessors’ decisions should be quality assured across the centre through internal moderation.
External moderation will take the form of postal moderation or e-moderation. For further
information about internal and external moderation please refer to the section on Internal
Assessment in the Principal Learning centre handbook.
In line with any submission, learners can re-submit work in a future moderation series. For advice
on the requirements of resubmitting learners work please refer to the JCQ document Instructions
for conducting controlled assessment. For fairness learners should be given a new assignment
brief e.g. this assignment could be modified to setting up an IT system for a hair and beauty salon.
DRAFT Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit G088 – Effective communications
Scope of permitted Model Assignment modification
The model assignment is self-contained in its present form. The set of tasks forms a coherent
whole addressing all the Assessment Criteria [AC].
No changes can be made to the following:
the assessment criteria
the level of control for task taking
The model assignment can be changed in terms of:
Whilst the organisation in this model assignment is fictitious, it could be based on the set up
of an IT support company run by Diploma learners. Although the organisation is fictitious it is
anticipated that this assignment will be used by either changing the organisation’s name to
make it 'real' i.e. the assignment will be used for a real situation where teams are required to
work on the project. Should consortia not wish to use the context given then this can be
changed to other team projects e.g. setting up IT systems for a small hair and beauty salon.
The scenario/brief must still be set within a sector relevant context (one that links to the world
of work) and be engaging and motivating for the learners. The business type is the project
activity and team work is key.
Who the end user/client is and what their requirements are i.e. the owner can be changed.
For example, the client may be a small hotel wishing to review its communication media.
The team project need not be the Classic Badge Company. This is merely there to allow
centres who wish to link G087, undertaking a small scale mini enterprise, they have a ready
made scenario for candidates. However, centres may not wish to link this with G087 and in
such circumstances the group project can be entirely devised by the centres.
The type of evidence required and the format it takes (providing the Assessment criteria do
not demand specific evidence or format) e.g. for Task 2 the choice of communication media
selected can be changed. Not all the types listed in the assignment have to be included.
The number of tasks although each task must be purposeful and link to the brief.
Timings given for each assessment task are only approximations and it is permissible to vary
them depending on the approach taken to each task and the overall context of the
assignment. For example, 5 hours could be given to Task 1, 7 hours to Task 2, 1.5 hours to
Task 3 and 1.5 hours to Task 4.
OCR has ensured that, in the language used and tasks and scenarios provided, we have avoided
discrimination, bias and stereotyping and support equality and diversity. In the development of
qualifications and assessments we use the guidance given in the Ofqual publication Fair access by
design, notably this includes:
using language and layout in assessment materials that does not present barriers to learners
using stimulus and source materials in assessment materials (where appropriate) that do not
present barriers to learners.
If consortia wish to adapt the model assignment we strongly advise that staff responsible for
modifying the model assignment and quality assuring it refer to the publication Fair access by
It is to note that centres may wish to use the model assignment task structure but rename the
example organisation (Austen and Didier) to a local organisation to suite local needs.
If modifications are made to the model assignment it is up to the centre to ensure that all
assessment and marking criteria are adequately covered.
DRAFT Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit G088 – Effective communications
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Additional guidance on managing the
This unit is about effective communication use within business organisations and by the candidates
themselves when carrying out their group project. To help centres, this unit could be delivered in
conjunction with a number of other units, although centres can devise their own project briefs.
Examples of other units could include G087 Exploring Organisations. For this unit candidates are
required to give a description of the purpose of key business processes including supplier and
customer relationship management (2.1 and 2.2). These processes may involve the use of a
number of communication media which candidates could use when completing Task 1. Equally,
candidates are required to contribute in the running of a simulated small scale mini enterprise,
within G087, that could form the basis of the group project. G090 Technology Systems and G091
Multimedia could also form the group project. The model assignment directs candidates to a mini
enterprise that they should be able to complete for the Classic Badges Company if one is not
already provided. Equally the group project need not relate to a mini enterprise at all but may be
set in conjunction with a local organisation.
Centres must also note that this model assignment is designed specifically for G088 and is not
mapped alongside any other unit. The reference to G087 and G090 for example is only there to
help signpost how this unit could be used in conjunction with another unit.
It is important to note that for Task 1 candidates should not restrict themselves only to electronic
communications methods but may also identify other communication media e.g. formal meetings.
This is only an example and centres should use a variety of organisations that are both relevant
and local to them so candidates can experience firsthand communication media use within
organisations. Learners should use at least two different business organisations and give four
examples of the communications media used.
Task 2 should give candidates the scope and opportunity to use a variety of communication media.
It is important that centres include examples of this media which should relate to purpose rather
than a general example of candidates’ use i.e. using a blog to communicate an issue with another
team member or members.
When completing Task 4 centres may wish to include one report. It is only through Task 4 that
candidates are expected to produce a formal written business report. It is also important to note
that when using the term written report that it refers to a document that is, most probably, word
processed. Candidates undertaking the Classic Badges Company, or other mini enterprise,
should be able to comment on their contribution to the group project. There is also an opportunity
for the assessor to support the view taken by the candidate of whether they contributed or not
through a witness statement. Equally, for Task 3 where the evidence is supported through a
presentation the candidate may wish to include an evaluation form so that an assessment of their
communication skills can be done. Candidates do not need to complete a mini enterprise for their
group project as centres may wish to devise their own activity.
DRAFT Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit G088 – Effective communications
Evidence summary
When completing this model assignment it may be possible to generate evidence for completing a
task in a variety of formats. This list is not exhaustive. In some cases the task or model
assignment will require a specific format for the outcome and this will be clearly marked in the
Depending on the approach taken to the model assignments it may also be possible to
demonstrate additional PLTS coverage and some additional opportunities have been listed below.
Task activity
Evidence prescribed
for activity
Format of evidence could
include (this list is not
Possible PLTS
Task 1
Setting up
Classic Badges
Copies of any
used e.g. created
a blog, formal
meeting, twitter etc
The results of your
Team minutes
Witness testimony
Task 2
Using different
methods to set
up and promote
Classic Badges
Task 3
Review of
Task 4
Business report
Copies of any
used e.g. created
a blog, formal
meeting, twitter
Notes from
experiments of
media used.
describe what
effective between
individuals and
produce a
business report
explaining what
makes a good
Plan can be hand written
or word processed. Other
formats could include
diary, blog etc
Other copies of any
media communication
used e.g. presentation,
email etc
Research results e.g.
notes of organisations
communication media
Team minutes hand
written or word processed
Witness testimony
Other copies of any
media communication
used e.g. presentation,
email etc
Notes from experiments of
media used or annotated
documents e.g., email.
Witness testimony
Witness testimony
Meeting notes/
Witness testimony
Written report/ formal
business report
TW1, TW2, TW3,
TW4, TW5, TW6,
SM1, SM2
RL1, RL4, RL5,
DRAFT Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit G088 – Effective communications