GENI Global Environment for Network Innovations Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog (DRAFT) Document ID: GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 February 22, 2009 Prepared by: The GENI Project Office BBN Technologies 10 Moulton Street Cambridge, MA 02138 USA Issued under NSF Cooperative Agreement CNS-0737890 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 DOCUMENT SCOPE ...................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT ........................................................................................................... 6 CONTEXT FOR THIS DOCUMENT ........................................................................................................ 7 RELATED DOCUMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 8 1.3.1 National Science Foundation (NSF) Documents ................................................................. 8 1.3.2 GENI Documents ................................................................................................................ 8 1.3.3 Standards Documents .......................................................................................................... 8 1.3.4 Other Documents ................................................................................................................. 8 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ........................................................................................................ 8 2 GENI OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................... 9 3 MID ATLANTIC NETWORK........................................................................................................10 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4 SUBSTRATE OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................10 GENI RESOURCES ...........................................................................................................................12 AGGREGATE PHYSICAL NETWORK CONNECTIONS (HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION) ............................13 AGGREGATE MANAGER INTEGRATION (VERTICAL INTEGRATION) ..................................................13 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION.........................................................................................14 AGGREGATE SPECIFIC TOOLS AND SERVICES ..................................................................................15 GPENI .............................................................................................................................................15 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 SUBSTRATE OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................15 GENI RESOURCES ...........................................................................................................................18 AGGREGATE PHYSICAL NETWORK CONNECTIONS (HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION) ............................19 AGGREGATE MANAGER INTEGRATION (VERTICAL INTEGRATION) ..................................................20 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION.........................................................................................21 AGGREGATE SPECIFIC TOOLS AND SERVICES ..................................................................................21 BEN .................................................................................................................................................21 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6 SUBSTRATE OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................21 GENI RESOURCES ...........................................................................................................................27 AGGREGATE PHYSICAL NETWORK CONNECTIONS (HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION) ............................27 AGGREGATE MANAGER INTEGRATION (VERTICAL INTEGRATION) ..................................................29 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION.........................................................................................30 AGGREGATE SPECIFIC TOOLS AND SERVICES ..................................................................................30 CMU TESTBEDS ...........................................................................................................................31 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 SUBSTRATE OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................31 GENI RESOURCES ...........................................................................................................................31 AGGREGATE PHYSICAL NETWORK CONNECTIONS (HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION) ............................31 AGGREGATE MANAGER INTEGRATION (VERTICAL INTEGRATION) ..................................................32 Page 2 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog 6.5 6.6 7 January 20, 2009 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION.........................................................................................32 AGGREGATE SPECIFIC TOOLS AND SERVICES ..................................................................................32 DOME .............................................................................................................................................32 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 8 SUBSTRATE OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................32 GENI RESOURCES ...........................................................................................................................33 AGGREGATE PHYSICAL NETWORK CONNECTIONS (HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION) ............................34 AGGREGATE MANAGER INTEGRATION (VERTICAL INTEGRATION) ..................................................35 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION.........................................................................................35 AGGREGATE SPECIFIC TOOLS AND SERVICES ..................................................................................36 ENTERPRISE GENI .......................................................................................................................36 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 9 SUBSTRATE OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................36 GENI RESOURCES ...........................................................................................................................37 AGGREGATE PHYSICAL NETWORK CONNECTIONS (HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION) ............................37 AGGREGATE MANAGER INTEGRATION (VERTICAL INTEGRATION) ..................................................37 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION.........................................................................................37 AGGREGATE SPECIFIC TOOLS AND SERVICES ..................................................................................37 SPP OVERLAY ..............................................................................................................................37 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 10 SUBSTRATE OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................38 GENI RESOURCES ...........................................................................................................................39 AGGREGATE PHYSICAL NETWORK CONNECTIONS (HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION) ............................40 AGGREGATE MANAGER INTEGRATION (VERTICAL INTEGRATION) ..................................................41 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION.........................................................................................41 AGGREGATE SPECIFIC TOOLS AND SERVICES ..................................................................................41 PROTO-GENI .................................................................................................................................41 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 11 SUBSTRATE OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................42 GENI RESOURCES ...........................................................................................................................43 AGGREGATE PHYSICAL NETWORK CONNECTIONS (HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION) ............................44 AGGREGATE MANAGER INTEGRATION (VERTICAL INTEGRATION) ..................................................44 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION.........................................................................................44 AGGREGATE SPECIFIC TOOLS AND SERVICES ..................................................................................44 PROGRAMMABLE EDGE NODE ................................................................................................45 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 12 GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 SUBSTRATE OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................45 GENI RESOURCES ...........................................................................................................................46 AGGREGATE PHYSICAL NETWORK CONNECTIONS (HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION) ............................46 AGGREGATE MANAGER INTEGRATION (VERTICAL INTEGRATION) ..................................................47 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION.........................................................................................47 AGGREGATE SPECIFIC TOOLS AND SERVICES ..................................................................................48 MEASUREMENT SYSTEM ..........................................................................................................48 12.1 SUBSTRATE OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................48 12.2 GENI RESOURCES ...........................................................................................................................48 12.3 AGGREGATE PHYSICAL NETWORK CONNECTIONS (HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION) ............................49 Page 3 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 12.4 AGGREGATE MANAGER INTEGRATION (VERTICAL INTEGRATION) ..................................................49 12.5 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION.........................................................................................50 12.6 AGGREGATE SPECIFIC TOOLS AND SERVICES ..................................................................................50 13 VISE ................................................................................................................................................50 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 14 WIMAX...........................................................................................................................................57 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 15 SUBSTRATE OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................57 GENI RESOURCES ...........................................................................................................................59 AGGREGATE PHYSICAL NETWORK CONNECTIONS (HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION) ............................60 AGGREGATE MANAGER INTEGRATION (VERTICAL INTEGRATION) ..................................................60 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION.........................................................................................62 AGGREGATE SPECIFIC TOOLS AND SERVICES ..................................................................................62 TIED ................................................................................................................................................62 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 16 SUBSTRATE OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................62 GENI RESOURCES ...........................................................................................................................62 AGGREGATE PHYSICAL NETWORK CONNECTIONS (HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION) ............................62 AGGREGATE MANAGER INTEGRATION (VERTICAL INTEGRATION) ..................................................62 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION.........................................................................................63 AGGREGATE SPECIFIC TOOLS AND SERVICES ..................................................................................63 PLANETLAB ..................................................................................................................................63 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 17 SUBSTRATE OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................63 GENI RESOURCES ...........................................................................................................................63 AGGREGATE PHYSICAL NETWORK CONNECTIONS (HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION) ............................63 AGGREGATE MANAGER INTEGRATION (VERTICAL INTEGRATION) ..................................................63 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION.........................................................................................63 AGGREGATE SPECIFIC TOOLS AND SERVICES ..................................................................................64 KANSEI SENSOR NETWORKS ...................................................................................................64 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 18 SUBSTRATE OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................50 GENI RESOURCES ...........................................................................................................................53 AGGREGATE PHYSICAL NETWORK CONNECTIONS (HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION) ............................54 AGGREGATE MANAGER INTEGRATION (VERTICAL INTEGRATION) ..................................................54 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION.........................................................................................55 AGGREGATE SPECIFIC TOOLS AND SERVICES ..................................................................................56 SUBSTRATE OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................64 GENI RESOURCES ...........................................................................................................................66 AGGREGATE PHYSICAL NETWORK CONNECTIONS (HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION) ............................68 AGGREGATE MANAGER INTEGRATION (VERTICAL INTEGRATION) ..................................................68 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION.........................................................................................69 AGGREGATE SPECIFIC TOOLS AND SERVICES ..................................................................................69 ORBIT .............................................................................................................................................70 18.1 SUBSTRATE OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................70 18.2 GENI RESOURCES ...........................................................................................................................70 Page 4 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 19 GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 AGGREGATE PHYSICAL NETWORK CONNECTIONS (HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION) ............................70 AGGREGATE MANAGER INTEGRATION (VERTICAL INTEGRATION) ..................................................70 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION.........................................................................................70 AGGREGATE SPECIFIC TOOLS AND SERVICES ..................................................................................70 ACRONYMS ..................................................................................................................................71 2 Page 5 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog 1 GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Document Scope This section describes this document’s purpose, its context within the overall GENI document tree, the set of related documents, and this document’s revision history. 1.1 Purpose of this Document Spiral-1 of GENI prototyping activities will provide a diverse set of substrate technologies in the form of components or aggregates, with resources that can be discovered, shared, reserved and manipulated by GENI researchers. It is the purpose of this document to catalog substrate technologies in reference to a set of topic areas regarding the capabilities and integration of the spiral-1 prototype aggregates and components. These topic areas1 were sent to the PI’s of projects providing substrate technologies. Together with subsequent discussions with the GPO, this document presents the information gathered in these areas. Information in some of the topic areas will be determined over the duration of the spiral-1 integration activities, and thus this document will evolve with time. There are several reasons for requesting the information forming this document. A detailed description of substrate technologies and the relevance to GENI will assist in the analysis of spiral-1 capabilities to support early research experiments and to identify substrate technology gaps. Presently in spiral-1, two small projects are funded to provide this type of analysis to the GPO. Data Plane Measurements GENI at Four Year Colleges In addition, having a well documented set of aggregate integration solutions, as expected for the diverse set of substrate technologies in spiral-1, will provide a valuable resource as GENI system, operations and management requirements are developed. 1 For more information see Page 6 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog 1.2 GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Context for this Document Figure 1-1 below shows the context for this document within GENI’s overall document tree. GPO Project Management Legal & Contract Management Architecture System Engineering Infrastructure Planning Outreach Infrastructure Prototyping Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog Figure 1-1. Spiral-1 Substrate Catalog within the GENI Document Tree. Page 7 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog 1.3 GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Related Documents The following documents are related to this document, and provide background information, requirements, etc., that are important for this document. 1.3.1 National Science Foundation (NSF) Documents Document ID Document Title and Issue Date N/A 1.3.2 GENI Documents Document ID Document Title and Issue Date GENI-SE-SY-SO02.0 GENI System Overview GENI-FAC-PRO-S1OV-1.12 GENI Spiral 1 Overview GENI-SE-AS-TD01.1 GENI Aggregate Subsystem Technical Description 1.3.3 Standards Documents Document ID Document Title and Issue Date N/A 1.3.4 Other Documents Document ID Document Title and Issue Date N/A 1.4 Document Revision History The following table provides the revision history for this document, summarizing the date at which it was revised, who revised it, and a brief summary of the changes. This list is maintained in chronological order so the earliest version comes first in the list. Revision Date Revised By Summary of Changes Page 8 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 -01.0 01Oct08 J. Jacob Initial draft to set scope of document -01.1 08Dec08 J. Jacob Compiled input from substrate providers -01.2 -01.3 -01.4 10Dec08 5Jan09 20Jan09 J. Jacob J. Jacob J. Jacob Edit of sections 3,4; addition of WiMAX content Include comments from A. Falk and H. Mussman Revised PI input to reflect discussions to date. Initial editing for uniformity across projects. Addition of Kansei Sensor Networks -01.5 22Feb09 J. Jacob Incorporated additional PI input as well as SE comments and diagrams 2 GENI Overview The Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) is a novel suite of infrastructure now being designed to support experimental research in network science and engineering. This new research challenges us to understand networks broadly and at multiple layers of abstraction from the physical substrates through the architecture and protocols to networks of people, organizations, and societies. The intellectual space surrounding this challenge is highly interdisciplinary, ranging from new research in network and distributed system design to the theoretical underpinnings of network science, network policy and economics, societal values, and the dynamic interactions of the physical and social spheres with communications networks. Such research holds great promise for new knowledge about the structure, behavior, and dynamics of our most complex systems – networks of networks – with potentially huge social and economic impact. As a concurrent activity, community planning for the suite of infrastructure that will support NetSE experiments has been underway since 2005. This suite is termed the Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI). Although its specific requirements will evolve in response to the evolving NetSE research agenda, the infrastructure’s conceptual design is now clear enough to support a first spiral of planning and prototyping. The core concepts for the suite of GENI infrastructure are as follows. Programmability – researchers may download software into GENI-compatible nodes to control how those nodes behave; Virtualization and Other Forms of Resource Sharing – whenever feasible, nodes implement virtual machines, which allow multiple researchers to simultaneously share the infrastructure; and each experiment runs within its own, isolated slice created end-to-end across the experiment’s GENI resources; Federation – different parts of the GENI suite are owned and/or operated by different organizations, and the NSF portion of the GENI suite forms only a part of the overall ‘ecosystem’; and Slice-based Experimentation – GENI experiments will be an interconnected set of reserved resources on platforms in diverse locations. Researchers will remotely discover, reserve, configure, program, debug, operate, manage, and teardown distributed systems established across parts of the GENI suite. Page 9 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 As envisioned in these community plans, the GENI suite will support a wide range of experimental protocols, and data dissemination techniques running over facilities such as fiber optics with nextgeneration optical switches, novel high-speed routers, city-wide experimental urban radio networks, high-end computational clusters, and sensor grids. The GENI suite is envisioned to be shared among a large number of individual, simultaneous experiments with extensive instrumentation that makes it easy to collect, analyze, and share real measurements. The remainder of this document presents the substrate catalog descriptions covering the topic areas suggested by the GPO. In response to the initial input, the GPO has provided a list of comments and questions to the PI’s. These will be embedded within the discussion to serve as placeholders where additional information is requested, and will be updated as the information is provided. This is a public document and all within the GENI community are encouraged to contribute (when applicable) either directly within this document or through the substrate working group mailing list2. 3 Mid Atlantic Network Substrate Technologies: Regional optical network, 10Gbps DWDM optical nodes, 10 Gbps Ethernet switches, Compute servers Cluster: B Project wiki: 3.1 Substrate Overview Mid-Atlantic Crossroads owns and operates the DRAGON network deployed within the Washington, D.C. beltway, connecting ten regional participating institutions and interconnecting with both the Internet2 national backbone network and the National Lambda Rail network. This research infrastructure consists of approximately 100 miles of high-grade fiber connecting five core switching locations within the Washington metropolitan area. Each of these switching locations include optical add/drop multiplexers and state-of-the-art MEMS-based wavelength selectable switches (Adva Optical Networking). These nodes also include 10Gbps capable Ethernet switches (Raptor Networks). The network currently connects approximately a dozen research facilities within the region that are either involved in the development of control plane technologies, or are applying the light path capabilities to e-science applications (note: these are not GENI projects). Figure 5-1 depicts the network configuration at the time of this writing. 2 Page 10 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Figure 3-1 Research Infrastructure The Mid-Atlantic Network PoP locations include: University of Maryland, College Park USC ISI-East Arlington, VA Qwest Eckington Place NE, Washington, DC George Washington University Level 3 Old Meadow Rd. Mclean, VA 6 St Paul Street Baltimore 660 Redwood Street Baltimore Equinix 21715 Filigree Court Ashburn, VA The dedicated research network supporting the GENI spiral-1 prototyping project includes the following locations: University of Maryland, College Park USC ISI-East Arlington, VA Qwest Eckington Place NE, Washington, DC George Washington University Level 3 Old Meadow Rd. Mclean, VA It is possible for MAX to support connection for additional GENI prototyping projects at sites from either list of PoP locations. As shown in Figure 3-2, a typical core node includes either a three or four degree ROADM, an OADM, one or more Layer 2 Ethernet switches and several PC’s for control, virtualization and performance verification. Page 11 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 PC (AM) ? Core DRAGON Node – Typical Configuration Control Plane Switch GMPLS Stack PCs Public Internet Virtualization ? Performance Testing n GBE Raptor Ethernet SW Public Internet Data Plane Switch Inter-domain data plane connections n PC (VM) ? Control SW ? MAX Layer 3 IP Service ? ? GigE & 10GigE n 10GBE Adva Optical Add/Drop Shelf MAX Ops and Mgmt nλ ADVA DWDM nλ Dark fiber to other metro-area ROADMs or add/drop shelves Adva Optical Multi-Degree ROADM nλ Dark fiber to other metro-area ROADMs or add/drop shelves n OTN2 nl Figure 3-2 Typical core node 3.2 ? nλ ADVA ROADM nl nl GENI Resources The following resources will be offered by this aggregate: Ethernet Vlans Optical measurements These resources fall into the categories of component resources, aggregate resources, and measurement resources,3 respectively. The PC’s designated by (VM) in figure 3-2 are configured as PlanetLab servers which are have deployed across the DRAGON infrastructure. The resources available from PlaneLab servers are cpu slices and memory. Circuits can be provisioned to these PlanetLab nodes through one of the APIs discussed in section 3.4. Layer 2 Ethernet VLANs (802.1Q tagged MAC frames) provide the ability to provision or schedule circuits (based on Ethernet VLANs) across the optical network with the following restrictions and limitations: maximum of 250 VLANs in use at any one time maximum of 1 Gbps per circuit provisioned with bandwidth granularity of 0.1 Mbps VLAN ID must be in the range of 100-3965 Ethernet VLAN’s enable the physical infrastructure to be shared, but traffic is logically isolated into multiple broadcast domains. This effectively allows multiple users to share the underlying physical resources without allowing access to each other’s traffic. The DWDM optical layer will provide optical performance measurements. Measurements are made at the wavelength level, which carries multiple slice VLANS. While the DRAGON infrastructure does provide Layer 2 and Layer 1 programmable connectivity within the Washington DC metro area, and 3 See GENI Aggregate Subsystem Technical Description for a detailed discussion of these resources Page 12 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 peering points with national infrastructures such as Internet2 and NLR, the complexities associated with optical wavelength provisioning and configurations on a shared optical network infrastructure prohibit offering alien wavelengths or direct access to the photonic layer as a GENI resource. 3.3 Aggregate Physical Network Connections (Horizontal Integration) Physical connectivity within the substrate aggregate is illustrated in Figures 3-1 and 3-2. Core nodes are connected via dark fiber, which is connected to DWDM equipment. Connectivity to the network edge may either be a single wavelength at GigE, 10GigE, or in some cases a multi-wavelength DWDM connection. Connectivity to the GENI backbone (provided by Internet2 and NLR) will be accomplished via existing tie fibers between Mid Atlantic Crossroads’ suite in the Level3 co-location facility at McLean, Virginia. The DRAGON network already has existing connections to both NLR and Internet2 in McLean. The DRAGON infrastructure primarily uses Gigabit Ethernet and 10Gigabit Ethernet for physical connectivity – in particular, 1000BaseLX, 1000BaseSX, 1000baseT, 10GBase-LR, and 10GBase-SR. 3.4 Aggregate Manager Integration (Vertical Integration) The control switch provides physical interfaces (all at 1GBE) between the control framework and the aggregate resources. The GENI facing side of the aggregate manager communicates to the CF clearinghouse on a link to the public internet. The substrate facing side of the aggregate manager communicates with each substrate component over intra-node Ethernet links. A high level view of the aggregate manager and its software interfaces are illustrated in 3.3. With respect to resource discovery and resource management (reservation, manipulation), the large GENI (PlanetLab) block represents a native GENI subsystem within the aggregate manager. The arrows represent interfaces from this subsystem to specific aggregate substrate technologies. The GENI facing interfaces between the aggregate manager and the clearinghouse and/or researcher are not illustrated. Under the assumption that optical measurements are resources to be discovered an interface must exist for the ADVA DWDM equipment. The measurement GENI (PlanetLab) configuration and retrieval will be realized using TL1 over the craft (Ethernet) interface for the ADVA equipment. The VLAN resource requires an interface to the DRAGON software system. The DRAGON DRAGON software interfaces currently include a Web Services (API/CLI) (SOAP/XML) API, a binary API (based on GMPLS standards), as well as command-line interfaces (CLI) and web-based user interfaces. A GENI-compliant interface ADVA Raptor will be provided by developing a wrapper to the existing MyPLC (SNMP/TL1) (SNMP) Figure 3-3 Web Services API. VLAN configuration will be realized using SNMP over the craft (Ethernet) interface for Raptor switches. The PlanetLab hosts will use typical PLC control and management per GENI wrapper developments for these hosts. Page 13 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog 3.5 GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Measurement and Instrumentation Identify any measurement capabilities either embedded in your substrate components or as dedicated external test equipment. Layer 1 equipment (Adva Optical Networking), provides access to optical performance monitoring data, FEC counters (only for 10G transponders), and SNMP traps for alarm monitoring. Layer 2 Ethernet switches, provides access to packet counters and error counters. The DRAGON network also uses Nagios for monitoring general network health, round-trip time between nodes, etc. Cricket is used for graphing network performance (interface speeds) as well as graphing optical performance monitoring data (light levels, FEC counters, etc). Cricket and Nagios monitoring is depicted in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. The DRAGON network also has a Perfsonar active measurement point deployed at Page 14 of 71 Figure 3-4 Cricket monitoring optical receive power on a 10G transponder (last 24 hours) (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Figure 3-5 Nagios monitoring PING service for a network switch 3.6 Aggregate Specific Tools and Services Describe any tools or services which may be available to users and unique to your substrate contribution. The DRAGON software interfaces to the aggregate manager as an aggregate specific tool as well as for resource discovery and management. The latter interface was discussed in the vertical integration section above. This discussion focuses on how researchers will use DRAGON as a tool to configure the VLAN’s which have been discovered and reserved. Researchers will be able to allocate dedicated Layer 2 circuits (provisioned using Ethernet VLANs) using the DRAGON API integrated into GENI framework. Researchers must specify end points (source/destination interfaces), desired bandwidth, starting time and duration. Circuits may be scheduled in advance (book-ahead reservations) or set to signal immediately upon receiving a reservation request. 4 GpENI Substrate Technologies: Regional optical network, 10Gbps optical switches, 10 Gbps Ethernet switches, Programmable Routers, Site-specific experimental nodes Cluster: B Project wiki: 4.1 Substrate Overview Provide an overview of the hardware systems in your contribution. Page 15 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 GpENI is built upon a multi-wavelength fiber interconnection between four GpENI universities within the GPN (Great Plains Network), with direct connection to the Internet 2 backbone. At a high level, Qwest dark fiber IRUed to the state of Kansas interconnects KSU to KU through the Qwest POP to the Internet2 POP in Kansas City. UMKC is connected to the Internet2 POP over MOREnet IRU fiber, and UNL is connected to the Internet POP by its own IRU fiber. Administration of the GpENI infrastructure is performed by staff at each university, assisted by GPN, KanREN (Kansas Research and Education Network) and MOREnet (Missouri Research and Education Network). In the first year deployment, each university has a GpENI node cluster interconnected to one-another and to the rest of GENI by Ethernet VLAN’s. In later deployments, each university site will include a Ciena optical switch for layer-1 interconnections among GpENI institutions. The node cluster is designed to be as flexible as possible at every layer of the protocol stack. Each GpENI node cluster (figure 4-2) consists of several components, physically interconnected by a Gigabit Ethernet switch to allow arbitrary and flexible experiments. Multiple PC’s in the node cluster will be Figure 4-1 GpENI Participating Universities designated for use as programmable routers such as XORP or Click, or designated as PlanetLab nodes. The specific number, n, per site is to be determined. One of the PC’s in the KSU cluster will be designated as a MyPLC controller, and one of the PC’s in the KU Campus Internet cluster will be designated as a backup MyPLC controller. At each site an additional processor is reserved to host the 1 GbE GpENI management and control. The exact functions of this machine and its accessibility to GENI researchers is n PC’s n PC’s GpENI mgmt & Site-specific prog routers MyPLC control (tbd) still being determined. This is a potential processor to host the GpENI aggregate manager to provide the interface between the GpENI substrate and the PlanetLab 1 GbE 1 GbE 1 GbE 1 GbE clearinghouse. All of the PC’s in the node cluster have GbE connections to the Ethernet switch. The Ethernet ? Ethernet SW switch will enable VLAN’s between the host PC’s spanning the GpENI topology as well as VLAN’s spanning the GENI backbone and connecting to other host 1 GbE nx1 GbE PC’s within cluster B. The ethernet switch also enables the physical connections between GpENI control and Ciena Optical Switch management with all substrate components in the node cluster. Site specific nodes could include experimental OC192 nodes, including software defined radios (such as the KUAR), optical communication laboratories, and sensor testbeds, as well as nodes from other GENI Figure 4-2 GpENI Node Cluster projects. These site specific nodes will connect to the ethernet switch for control and management interfaces. Experimental plane connections could be through either the ethernet switch or the Ciena optical switch. At this time, no site-specific nodes have been committed to the GpENI aggregate. The Ciena optical switch forms the high speed optical interconnections between GpENI cluster nodes. Currently only one Ciena optical switch is deployed in GpENI and is located at UNL. This deployment is a Core director configured with a single 10GbE Ethernet Service Line Module (ELSM) on the client Page 16 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 side, and a single OC-192 module on the line side. The ELSM client side can support ten 1GbE connections or one 10GbE connection. As drawn in figure 4-2, multiple 1GbE connections are illustrated. Per site decomposition of GpENI node clusters The University of Kansas Role Optical Switch Model Ciena (4200 or CD) HW Specs TBD Ethernet Switch Netgear JGS524 24-port 10/100/1000 Enet Ethernet Switch Netgear GSM7224 24-port 10/100/1000 Enet with VLAN mgt SNMP traffic monitoring ordered Dell Precision 470 Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz, 1GB Linux installed Dell Precision 470 Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz, 1GB Linux installed Dell Precision 470 Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz, 1GB Linux installed PL node Dell Precision 470 Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz, 1GB Linux installed PL node Dell Precision 470 Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz, 1GB Linux installed prog. router Dell Precision 470 Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz, 1GB Linux installed prog. router Dell Precision 470 Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz, 1GB Linux installed spare node Dell Precision 470 Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz, 1GB Linux installed spare node Dell Precision 470 Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz, 1GB Linux installed spare node Dell Precision 470 Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz, 1GB Linux installed GpENI master control GpENI control backup MyPLC KSU backup SW Specs TBD Status Planned temporary Kansas State University Role Model HW Specs SW Specs Status Optical Switch Ciena (4200 or CD) TBD TBD future Ethernet Switch Netgear GSM7224 24-port 10/100/1000 Enet with VLAN mgt SNMP traffic monitoring planned Linux planned GpENI ? KSU control ? MyPLC Dell Precision 470 Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz, 2GB Linux installed PL node Custom 2.8 GHz Pentium 4, 1 GB Linux installed PL node Custom 2.8 GHz Pentium 4, 1 GB Linux installed PL node VMware Server 2.0 1.8 GHz Pentium Dual-Core, 1 GB Linux installed Page 17 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog PL node GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 (Dylan)? January 20, 2009 ? Linux future PL node ? ? Linux future prog. router ? ? Linux planned prog. router ? ? Linux planned University of Missouri – Kansas City Role Model HW Specs SW Specs Status Optical Switch Ciena CD TBD TBD planned Ethernet Switch Netgear GSM7224 SNMP traffic monitoring planned GpENI 24-port 10/100/1000 Enet with VLAN mgt ? ? Linux planned PL node ? ? Linux planned PL node ? ? Linux planned prog. router ? ? Linux planned prog. router ? ? Linux planned HW Specs SW Specs Status 160 Gbps cross connect Core Director version 1 STM64/OC192 optical interface 5.2.1 UMKC control University of Nebraska – Lincoln Role Model Optical Switch Ciena CDCI Ethernet Switch Netgear GSM7224 GpENI 24-port 10/100/1000 Enet with VLAN mgt installed SNMP traffic monitoring planned ? ? Linux planned PL node ? ? Linux planned PL node ? ? Linux planned prog. router ? ? Linux planned prog. router ? ? Linux planned UNL control 4.2 GENI Resources Discuss the GENI resources offered by your substrate contribution and how they are shared, programmed, and/or configured. Include in this discussion to what extent you believe the shared resources can be isolated. Page 18 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 The following is a tentative list of resources available from the GpENI aggregate. PlanetLab hosts provide cpu slices and memory. Programmable routers provide cpu cycles, memory, disk space, queue’s, addresses and ports Ethernet switches provides VLAN’s Optical switch resource is tbd. Layer 2 Ethernet VLANs (802.1Q tagged MAC frames) provide the ability to provision or schedule circuits (based on Ethernet VLANs) across the optical network with the following restrictions and limitations: maximum of 250 VLANs in use at any one time maximum of 1 Gbps per circuit provisioned with bandwidth granularity of 0.1 Mbps VLAN ID must be in the range of 100-3965 Ethernet VLAN’s enable the physical infrastructure to be shared creating researcher defined topologies. Traffic is logically isolated into multiple broadcast domains. This effectively allows multiple users to share the underlying physical resources without allowing access to each other’s traffic. x 4.3 Aggregate Physical Network Connections (Horizontal Integration) Provide an overview of the physical connections within the substrate aggregate, as well as between the aggregate and the GENI backbones. Identify to the extent possible, non-GENI equipment, services and networks involved in these connections. The GpENI Infrastructure is still in early phases of deployment. Detailed network maps will be updated on the GpENI wiki ( as the infrastructure is deployed. The physical topology consists of fiber interconnection between the four GpENI universities, and is currently being deployed, as shown in the figure 4-3 as white blocks. GpENI-specific infrastructure is depicted by blue blocks. Each of the four university node clusters will interface into the GpENI backbone via a Ciena CN4200 or CoreDirector switch. Currently only a CoreDirector switch has been deployed at UNL. The CN4200 switches shown in figure 4-3 represent the initial plans, which are being modified in response to the phased acquisition alignment with GENI funding levels. The rest of the GpENI node infrastructure (PC’s and Ethernet switch) for each site is labeled "GpENI node cluster". It should be noted that both blue boxes at each site form the GpENI node cluster illustrated in figure 4-2. The main fiber run between KSU, KU, and Kansas City is Qwest Fiber IRUed (leased) to KU, proceeding through the Qwest POP at 711 E. 19th St. in Kansas City, and continuing to the Internet2 (Level3) POP at 1100 Walnut St., which will provide access to GpENI from Internet2. A chunk of Cband spectrum is planned providing multiple wavelengths at KU and KSU. UMKC is connected over MOREnet (Missouri Research and Education Network) fiber to the Internet2 POP, with four wavelengths anticipated. UNL is also connected to the Intenet2 POP over fiber IRUed from Level3 with two wavelengths committed. Local fiber in Manhattan and Lawrence is leased from Wamego Telephone (WTC) and Sunflower Broadband (SFBB), respectively. There is abundant dark fiber already in place on the KU, KSU, UMKC, and UNL campuses to connect the GpENI nodes to the switches (existing or under deployment) on the GPN fiber backbone. For reference, the UNL link is Page 19 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 terminated by Ekinops switches, the UMKC link is terminated by ADVA switches, and the KU/KSU link is terminated by Ciena switches. Figure 4-3 GpENI Network Connections 4.4 Aggregate Manager Integration (Vertical Integration) Identify the physical connections and software interfaces for integration into your cluster's assigned control framework Vertical integration of GpENI into the PlanetLab CF is currently not understood. The following text describes a potential host for the aggregate manager and interfaces into the GpENI node cluster components (PC’s, Ethernet Switch, and Optical Switch). The GpENI control and management node seems like a logical place to consider hosting the PlanetLab aggregate manager. The physical connection from this node to the campus Internet enables connectivity to both the GENI (PlanetLab) clearinghouse and researchers. The GpENI control and management node also interfaces to all components within the node cluster via 1GbE connections through the Ethernet switch. The 1GbE connection between Ethernet switch and the optical switch is a special case where the control and management interfaces to a craft port on the optical switch, i.e. the control and experiment planes have physically separate connections. All other components share the same connection between control and experiment planes. The control and management interfaces to the GpENI node cluster components, which defines the aggregate specific interfaces to integrate into the PlanetLab CF are illustrated in figure 4-4. GpENI is currently investigating the use of DRAGON software from the Mid-Atlantic Network project for dynamic VLAN’s to be part of the GpENI resources. As such, this appears as an aggregate specific tool with interfaces between GENI and the Ethernet switch. Page 20 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 GENI (PlanetLab) MyPLC Xorp/Click DRAGON (Web Svc API) PL nodes (Linux) PL nodes (Linux) NetGear (SNMP) Ciena CD (http) Figure 4-4 Aggregate specific SW interfaces 4.5 Measurement and Instrumentation Identify any measurement capabilities either embedded in your substrate components or as dedicated external test equipment. 4.6 Aggregate Specific Tools and Services Describe any tools or services which may be available to users and unique to your substrate contribution. 5 BEN Substrate Technologies: Regional optical network, Optical fiber switch, 10Gbps Optical Transport, 10 Gbps Routers/Switches, Site-specific experimental nodes Cluster: D Project wiki: 5.1 Substrate Overview Provide an overview of the hardware systems in your contribution. BEN4 is the primary platform for RENCI network research. It’s a dark fiber-based, time-sharing research facility created for researchers and scientists in order to promote scientific discovery by 4 Breakable Experimental Network: Page 21 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 providing the three Triangle Universities with world-class infrastructure and resources. RENCI engagement sites at the three university campuses (UNC, NCSU and Duke) in RTP area as well as RENCI Europa anchor site in Chapel Hill, NC contain BEN PoPs (Points of Presence) that form a research test bed. Fig. 5-1 illustrates RENCI’s BEN dark fiber network that’s used to connect the engagement sites. Figure 5-1 The diagram illustrates the BEN fiber footprint over the NCNI ring. Its touchpoints include the Duke, NCSU and UNC Engagement Sites and RENCI’s anchor site, the Europa Center. BEN consists of two planes – management, run over a mesh of secure tunnels provisioned over commodity IP and data, run over the dark fiber infrastructure. Access to the management plane is granted over a secure VPN. Management plane address space is private non-routable. Each RENCI PoP shares the same network architecture that enables the following capabilities in support of regional network research: Reconfigurable fiber switch (layer 0) provides researcher access to fiber ports for dynamically assigning new connections, which enables different physical topologies to be generated and connect different experiments to BEN fiber Power and Space to place equipment for performing experiments on BEN RENCI additionally provides equipment to support collaborative research efforts: o Reconfigurable DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) (layer 1) which provides access to wavelengths to configure new network connections o Reconfigurable switch/router (layers 2 and 3) provide packet services o Programmable compute platforms (3-4 server blades at each PoP) Page 22 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 o Figure 5-2 Fig. (a) provides a functional diagram of a RENCI BEN PoP. The nodal architecture indicates various types of equipment and power and space for researchers to collocate their experimental equipment. Fig (b) provides a systems level network architecture perspective that illustrates network connectivity between PoPs. As shown in figure 5-2 each BEN PoP is capable of accommodating equipment for several experiments that can use the dark fiber exclusively in a time-shared fashion, or, at higher layers, run concurrently. Further details of a BEN PoP are shown in figure 5-3 with detailed equipment and per-site configuration provided in the following text. Polatis 32 fiber Reconfigurable Optical Switch The Polatis Fiber Switch enables connectivity between individual fibers in an automated fashion. The optical switch permits various scenarios for connecting the different pieces of equipment in a BEN PoP. In a traditional implementation, layer 2-3 devices will connect to layer 1 WDM equipment that connects to the optical switch. Alternatively, a layer 2-3 switch/router or experimental equipment can connect directly to the fiber switch. With the appropriate optics, it’s entirely possible to directly connect end systems into the optical fiber switch for network connectivity to end systems located in other BEN PoPs. Polatis implements beam-steering technology to collimate opposite interfaces from an input array to an output array of optical ports Voltage signals control the alignment of the optical interfaces on both sides of the array Fully reconfigurable switch allows connectivity form any port to any other port on the switch Page 23 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Optical power monitors are inserted to accurately measure the strength of optical signals through the switch 32 fibers Full non-blocking and completely reconfigurable: e.g. any fiber may be connected to another fiber without needing to reconfigure existing optical fiber connections Switch unit is optically transparent and fully bidirectional Switch uinit front panel comprising 32 LC/UPC type connectors Switch unit height 1RU Switch unit to fit into a standard 19” rack Ethernet interface and a serial RS-232 interface Support for SNMP and TL1 See fiber switch data sheet for detailed specification of optical performance o Base loss through switch core < 1.4 dB (See Performance Category H on OST data sheet – excludes additional loss from optical power monitors, OPM) o Additional loss for a single OPM in connected path < 0.2 dB (See Performance Category K-300 on fiber switch data switch) o Additional loss for two OPMs in connected path < 0.3 dB (See performance category K-500 on fiber switch data switch) o Additional loss for three OPMs in connected path < 0.5 dB o Additional loss for four OPMs in connection path < 0.6 dB Infinera Digital Transport Node (DTN) The Infinera DTN (Digital Transport Node) delivers advanced WDM infrastructure capabilities for the purpose of supporting network and application research. Dedicated to promote experimentation in BEN, the DTN is fully reconfigurable to aid investigators in advancing network science. Within a BEN node, the DTN can accept a variety of client side signals through the fiber switch to enable direct connectivity to experimental systems or other commercial network equipment to facilitate new proofof-concept demonstrations. Reconfigurability at layer 1 in a non-production, pro-research testbed facility encourages fresh looks at network architectures by incorporating dynamic signaling of the DTN in new networking paradigms and integrating it’s functionality in novel approaches to exploring network phenomena. Cisco Catalyst 6509-E The Cisco 6509 provides a well-understood platform to support the high performance networking needs and network research requirements at Renci. Its support for nearly all standardized routing and switching protocols make it advantageous for implementing different testbed scenarios and for customized experimentation over BEN. The 6509 enables collaboration between Renci’s engagement sites by integrating various computing, visualization and storage technologies. Support for Cisco’s Internetwork Operating System (IOS) Each 6509 equipped with multiple 10 gigabit and 1 gigabit Ethernet interfaces Redundant Supervisor Engine 720 (3BXL) Catalyst 6500 Distributed Forwarding Card (3BXL) Specifications URL Page 24 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 ps708_Products_Data_Sheet.html Juniper 24-port EX 3200 Series Switch The Juniper EX switch provides a programmatic API that can be used to externally communicate with and control the switch through the use of XML. The advantage of having this capability is it enables another device, that’s separate from the switch, to control its behavior for separation of the control and forwarding planes. Support for the Juniper Operating System (JUNOS) XML application to facilitate programmatic API for the switch 24-port 10/100/1000 Ethernet interfaces Specifications URL Node/Site configuration Duke (status: operational) Polatis 32 Fiber Reconfigurable Optical Switch Non-blocking, optically transparent and fully bi-directional, LC connectors Supports optical power measurement Infinera Digital Transport Node (DTN) – 23” chassis Band Multiplexing Module - C-band Only, OCG 1/3/5/7, Type 1 (Qty: 2) Digital Line Module - C-band, OCG 1, Type 2 (Qty: 2) Tributary Adaptor Module - 2-port, 10GR with Ethernet PM (Qty: 2) Tributary Optical Module - 10G SR-1/I64.1 & 10GBase-LR/LW (Qty: 3) Cisco Catalyst 6509 Enhanced 9-slot chassis, 15RU Supervisor 720 Fabric MSFC3 PFC3BXL (Qty: 2) 48-port 10/100/1000 Ethernet Module, RJ-45, DFC-3BXL (Qty: 1) 8-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet Module, X2, DFC-3BXL (Qty: 1) Juniper EX Switch, 1U 24-port 10/100/1000 Ethernet interface, RJ-45 Dell PowerEdge 860 Server (Qty: 3) 2.8GHz/256K Cache,Celeron533MHz 2GB DDR2, 533MHZ, 2x1G, Dual Ranked DIMMs 80GB, SATA, 3.5-inch 7.2K RPM Hard Drive DRAC 4 Dell Remote Management PCI Card; 8X DVD NCSU (status: under construction, due on-line 01/09) Polatis 32 Fiber Reconfigurable Optical Switch Non-blocking, optically transparent and fully bi-directional, LC connectors Supports optical power measurement Page 25 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Infinera Digital Transport Node (DTN) – 23” chassis Band Multiplexing Module - C-band Only, OCG 1/3/5/7 (Qty: 2) Digital Line Module - C-band, OCG 1 (Qty: 2) Tributary Adaptor Module - 2-port, 10GR with Ethernet PM (Qty: 2) Tributary Optical Module - 10G SR-1/I64.1 & 10GBase-LR/LW (Qty: 3) Cisco Catalyst 6509 Enhanced 9-slot chassis, 15RU Supervisor 720 Fabric MSFC3 PFC3BXL (Qty: 2) 48-port 10/100/1000 Ethernet Module, RJ-45, DFC-3BXL (Qty: 1) 8-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet Module, X2, DFC-3BXL (Qty: 1) 4-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet Module, XENPAK, DFC-3BXL (Qty:1) Juniper EX Switch, 1U 24-port 10/100/1000 Ethernet interface, RJ-45 Dell PowerEdge 860 Server (Qty: 3) 2.8GHz/256K Cache,Celeron533MHz 2GB DDR2, 533MHZ, 2x1G, Dual Ranked DIMMs 80GB, SATA, 3.5-inch 7.2K RPM Hard Drive DRAC 4 Dell Remote Management PCI Card; 8X DVD UNC (status: operational) Polatis 32 Fiber Reconfigurable Optical Switch Non-blocking, optically transparent and fully bi-directional, LC connectors Supports optical power measurement Infinera Digital Transport Node (DTN) – 23” chassis Band Multiplexing Module - C-band Only, OCG 1/3/5/7 (Qty: 2) Digital Line Module - C-band, OCG 1 (Qty: 2) Tributary Adaptor Module - 2-port, 10GR with Ethernet PM (Qty: 2) Tributary Optical Module - 10G SR-1/I64.1 & 10GBase-LR/LW (Qty: 4) Cisco Catalyst 6509 Enhanced 9-slot chassis, 15RU Supervisor 720 Fabric MSFC3 PFC3BXL (Qty: 2) 48-port 10/100/1000 Ethernet Module, RJ-45, DFC-3BXL (Qty: 2) 8-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet Module, X2, DFC-3BXL (Qty: 2) Juniper EX Switch, 1U 24-port 10/100/1000 Ethernet interface, RJ-45 Dell PowerEdge 860 Server (Qty: 3) 2.8GHz/256K Cache,Celeron533MHz 2GB DDR2, 533MHZ, 2x1G, Dual Ranked DIMMs 80GB, SATA, 3.5-inch 7.2K RPM Hard Drive DRAC 4 Dell Remote Management PCI Card; 8X DVD Renci (status: operational) Polatis 32 Fiber Reconfigurable Optical Switch Non-blocking, optically transparent and fully bi-directional, LC connectors Page 26 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Supports optical power measurement Infinera Digital Transport Node (DTN) – 23” chassis Band Multiplexing Module - C-band Only, OCG 1/3/5/7 (Qty: 2) Digital Line Module - C-band, OCG 1 (Qty: 2) Tributary Adaptor Module - 2-port, 10GR with Ethernet PM (Qty: 4) Tributary Optical Module - 10G SR-1/I64.1 & 10GBase-LR/LW (Qty: 8) Cisco Catalyst 6509 Enhanced 9-slot chassis, 15RU Supervisor 720 Fabric MSFC3 PFC3BXL (Qty: 2) 48-port 10/100/1000 Ethernet Module, RJ-45, DFC-3BXL (Qty: 2) 8-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet Module, X2, DFC-3BXL (Qty: 2) Juniper EX Switch, 1U 24-port 10/100/1000 Ethernet interface, RJ-45 Dell PowerEdge 860 Server (Qty: 3) 2.8GHz/256K Cache,Celeron533MHz 2GB DDR2, 533MHZ, 2x1G, Dual Ranked DIMMs 80GB, SATA, 3.5-inch 7.2K RPM Hard Drive DRAC 4 Dell Remote Management PCI Card; 8X DVD BEN is represented in the GENI effort by RENCI. Following the established operational model, GENI will become a project on BEN and RENCI personnel will serve as an interface between BEN and the external research community for the purposes of setup, operational support and scheduling. This will allow for the use of RENCI owned resources on BEN, such as Infinera’s DTN platforms, Cisco 6509 and Juniper routers etc. If other groups within the NC research community desire to contribute equipment to GENI, their equipment can be accommodated at BEN PoPs and connected to BEN using the interfaces described in the above list. 5.2 GENI Resources Discuss the GENI resources offered by your substrate contribution and how they are shared, programmed, and/or configured. Include in this discussion to what extent you believe the shared resources can be isolated. BEN is a regional networking resource that is shared by the NC research community. BEN operates in a time-shared fashion with individual experiments scheduling time on BEN exclusively, or, when possible, concurrently. Currently BEN scheduling is manual. Our plans for automatic scheduling and provisioning are centered on adapting Duke’s ORCA framework to BEN to become its de facto scheduling solution. Researchers are represented in BEN by their projects and allocation of time on BEN is done on a per-project basis. Each project has a representative in the BEN Experimenter Group (BEN EG), and the EG is the body that is responsible for managing BEN time allocations and resolving conflicts. 5.3 Aggregate Physical Network Connections (Horizontal Integration) Page 27 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Provide an overview of the physical connections within the substrate aggregate, as well as between the aggregate and the GENI backbones. Identify to the extent possible, non-GENI equipment, services and networks involved in these connections. BEN is an experimental testbed that is designed to allow running networking experiments in isolation. However some experiments may require external connectivity to national backbones or other resources. BEN external connectivity is achieved through an interface between BEN’s Cisco 6509 and a production Cisco 7609 router at RENCI’s Europa anchor site. This router allows interconnecting BEN’s data plane with either a regional provider (NCREN) or national backbones (NLR or, via NCREN, I2). Due to the production nature of the Cisco 7609, which also serves to support RENCI’s global connectivity, as well as due to security concerns, connections from BEN to the outside world are currently done by special arrangements. Infinera utilizes Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) implemented in Indium Phosphide as a substrate to integrate opto-electronic functions Each DTN node introduces an OEO operation, which provides signal clean-up, digital power monitoring, sub-wavelength grooming, muxing and add/drop The DTN architecture simplifies link engineering and service provisioning GMPLS control plane enables end-to-end services and topology auto-discovery across an Infinera DTN network BEN Ops and Mgmt Additional Components GbE PC Node Control (AM) n PC (VM) GbE GbE Control Switch GbE x n GbE Cisco Router (3) GbE Juniper Router (23) GbE 10 GbE 1/10GbE GbE GbE Infinera Transport (1) 10 GbE 10 GbE OTU 2 GbE Polatis Fiber Switch (0) nl Patch Panel n l Internet Figure 5-3: BEN external connectivity diagram – access to BEN occurs directly through Renci’s 10 GigE NLR FrameNet connection and through Renci’s production router that’s used for commodity Internet, Internet2 and NLR connectivity (via NCREN). Figure 5-3 and Table 7-1 summarize the possibilities for external connections to BEN data plane. Page 28 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Table 7-1: BEN External connectivity Connect Type Interf ion Purpose ace BEN IP 10 GigE Enables remote access to BEN through directly connected IP interface on Renci’s 7609 router NCREN IP/BGP 10 GigE Primary connectivity to commodity Internet and R&E networks (Internet2 and NLR PacketNet); can be used for layer 2 connectivity to Internet2’s Dynamic Circuit Network (DCN) Etherne 10 GigE Experimental connectivity to national layer 2 switch fabric - FrameNet; it can also be used to implement layer 2 point-to-point connections through NLR, as well as connectivity to C-Wave NLR FrameNe t t 5.4 Aggregate Manager Integration (Vertical Integration) Identify the physical connections and software interfaces for integration into your cluster's assigned control framework. GENI AM (ORCA) (ORCA?) Polatis (SNMP) (TL1) Infinera (SNMP) (TL1) (Prop XML) (GMPS UNI) Juniper (CLI-TL1?) (Pub XML) Cisco (CLI-TL1?) (SNMP) PC (Linux) Additional Components Polatis- TL1 and SNMP for configuration and status. Infinera - TL1, SNMP and proprietary XML for configuration and status. GMPLS UNI support for service provisioning. Cisco - CLI and SNMP for configuration and status. Juniper - CLI, published XML interface for configuration and status. Page 29 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog 5.5 GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Measurement and Instrumentation Identify any measurement capabilities either embedded in your substrate components or as dedicated external test equipment. Polatis - 20 directional optical power monitors (OPM) as specified in the table below Fiber # Input OPM? Output OPM? Fiber # Input OPM? Output OPM? 1 Yes Yes 17 Yes Yes 2 Yes Yes 18 Yes Yes 3 Yes 19 Yes 4 Yes 20 Yes 5 Yes 21 Yes 6 Yes 22 Yes 7 Yes 23 Yes 8 Yes 24 Yes 9 25 10 26 11 27 12 28 13 29 14 30 15 31 16 32 Input optical power monitors measure light entering the switch Output optical power monitors measure light exiting the switch No optical power monitors on fibers 9-16 and 25-32 5.6 Aggregate Specific Tools and Services Describe any tools or services which may be available to users and unique to your substrate contribution. Renci is developing a graphical user interface with multiple views (based on credentials) to operate the Polatis optical switch. Page 30 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog 6 GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 CMU Testbeds Substrate Technologies: Small scale Emulab testbed, Residential small form-factor machines, Wireless emulator Cluster: C Project wiki: 6.1 Substrate Overview Provide an overview of the hardware systems in your contribution. Three distinct testbeds and hardware systems: CMULab is basically a small version of the Emulab testbed. It has 10 experimental nodes, and two control nodes. Each experimental node has two ethernet ports, a control network port and an experimental network port. The machines are connected to a reconfigurable ethernet switch, just like in Emulab. Homenet is a distributed testbed of small form-factor machines. We're still in the process of negotiating the deployment, but at this point, it looks like the initial major deployment will be in a residential apartment building in Pittsburgh. The nodes will be connected to cable modem connections in individual apartments. Each node has 3 wireless network interfaces. The CMU Wireless Emulator is a DSP-based physical wireless emulator. It has a rack of laptops connected to the emulator. The emulator can provide, within a range of capabilities, arbitrary physicallayer effects (attenuation, different shape rooms for multipath, interference, etc.). The wireless emulator is physically connected to the CMULab rack over gigabit ethernet. 6.2 GENI Resources Discuss the GENI resources offered by your substrate contribution and how they are shared, programmed, and/or configured. Include in this discussion to what extent you believe the shared resources can be isolated. All nodes can be programmed by users. The Homenet nodes are like PlanetLab or RON testbed nodes: Users can get accounts and run user-level programs or interface with the raw network. They probably can NOT change the kernel. The emulator and CMULab nodes are fully controllable by experimenters, including different OS support, etc. All three testbeds can be shared using space sharing. The wireless emulator testbed also supports wireless channels that can be fully controlled by the user. For an N node experiment, the user has N*(N-1)/2 channels that can be controlled. Control is typically specified through a Java program, although control through a GUI or script are also supported. Channels belonging to different experiments are fully isolated from each other. 6.3 Aggregate Physical Network Connections (Horizontal Integration) Provide an overview of the physical connections within the substrate aggregate, as well as between the aggregate and the GENI backbones. Identify to the extent possible, non-GENI equipment, services and networks involved in these connections. Page 31 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 The homenet nodes are located in houses. They require a commodity DSL or cable connection. The CMULab and Emulator are connected to our campus network, which connects to I2, and from there to ProtoGENI. 6.4 Aggregate Manager Integration (Vertical Integration) Identify the physical connections and software interfaces for integration into your cluster's assigned control framework Resource allocation for all three testbeds is dong using CMUlab, which uses the ProtoGeni software from Utah. Users use an ns-2-like script to specify how many nodes they need. To a first order, CMUlab views the emulator as a pool of special laptops and users can specify how many they need. Some laptops have slightly different capabilities (multi-path, software radios, etc.), and users can specify these in the script they give to CMUlab. Users can also specify the OS, software, etc. that they need on the laptops. User swap in of an experiment currently requires a temporary solution. After the CMUlab swap in is completed (which means that CMUlab has set up the laptops with the right software etc.) users then log into the emulation controller and run a control program that syncs up with CMUlab and sets up the emulator hardware to be consistent with the experiment. The user can then run experiments and they need to run the control program again after the CMUlab swap out. An autonomous solution, i.e. no user intervention, is in the plans for this project. 6.5 Measurement and Instrumentation Identify any measurement capabilities either embedded in your substrate components or as dedicated external test equipment. Standard machine monitoring only - interface monitoring, tcpdump/pcap, nagios-style monitoring of machine availability, etc. 6.6 Aggregate Specific Tools and Services Describe any tools or services which may be available to users and unique to your substrate contribution. 7 DOME Substrate Technologies: Metro mobile network, compute nodes, variety of wireless interfaces, GPS devices, wireless access points Cluster: D Project wiki: 7.1 Substrate Overview Page 32 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Provide an overview of the hardware systems in your contribution. The DOME test bed consists of 40 buses, each equipped with: A computer - 1GHz Intel Celeron processor - 1GB RAM - 60GB hard drive - Linux 2.6 Mini PCI 802.11g card with an Atheros chipset 802.11 access point connect via 100Mb Ethernet port GPS device connected via USB 3G cellular modem connected via USB 900MHz Digi XTend radio connected via USB Bus Brick DOM 0 DOME Control Plane Guest Domain User defined OS/ software eth0 (172.x.x.254) ath0 (DHCP) ppp0 (DHCP) 3G modem NAT eth0 (172.x.x.254) peth0 Cellular Network Ethernet Bus Passengers Wireless AP Layer 2 Layer 4 Another Bus Amherst Mesh or Open APs Commercial Internet Aggregate Manager Internet2 UMass Bus-to-bus connections initially will be over 802.11 links. The second year of this project will add 900MHz radio links for bus-to-bus connections. The cellular link is dedicated to control plane connectivitiy. 7.2 GENI Resources Discuss the GENI resources offered by your substrate contribution and how they are shared, programmed, and/or configured. Include in this discussion to what extent you believe the shared resources can be isolated. The primary resource provided is access to the test bed. A researcher will have access to all or part of the mobile network, including the mobile environment, as opposed to slivers or slices of a specific hardware resource. Initially, the granularity of a slice will likely be access to the entire network, i.e., all Page 33 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 buses, over a period of time, such as a day or two. With respect to the specific hardware defined in item 1 above, the following applies. The computer - Researchers will run experiments within an instance of a Xen Linux virtual machine, i.e., guest domain. The user will be able to execute as root. - The host domain (dom0) is expected to be relatively inactive, so most of the CPU cycles should be available to the guest domain. - 512MB of the RAM is expected to be available to the guest domain. - Uploading of user-supplied file representing a disk image, which will be mounted as a disk partition to the guest domain, will require DOME operations involvement. The size limit of the partition is to be determined. 802.11 PCI device - The PCI address of the 802.11 card will be exposed to the guest domain. By default, the Atheros madwifi driver will load when the guest domain boots, though the user is free to replace driver modules. The guest domain will have full, unshared access to the device. 802.11 access point - The bus access points are recognizable by their SSIDs. The guest domain will have an IP address assigned to an Ethernet port on the same subnet as the access point. - Mechanism for a bus to determine the IP addresses of other buses will be provided. GPS device - The GPS device is owned by dom0. A standard gpsd daemon will run in dom0. The guest domain interfaces with gpsd via TCP to get GPS information. 3G cellular modem - This is a shared device managed by dom0. Since it is a mobile network, cellular connectivity is never assured. Dom0 will be responsible for maximizing the amount of time cellular connectivity is available. - The cellular link is the link used by the control plane. - The cellular link is not directly exposed to the guest domain, but instead traffic is routed through the guest domain's Ethernet link. 900MHz radio - This is not a shared device; it will be exclusively managed by the guest domain. - This is a Year 2 deliverable. 7.3 Aggregate Physical Network Connections (Horizontal Integration) Provide an overview of the physical connections within the substrate aggregate, as well as between the aggregate and the GENI backbones. Identify to the extent possible, non-GENI equipment, services and networks involved in these connections. Bus to bus via 802.11 There are two primary mechanisms for buses to directly communicate with each other. The first is for the Atheros PCI client to detect the access point on another bus and establish TCP/IP communication. This involves associating with the AP and joining the other bus's subnet. As mentioned above, a means to determine the IP address of each guest domain will be provided. The second method is for the guest domain to place an Atheros PCI card in server/AP mode and for PCI cards on separate buses to directly interoperate. This allows the researcher to bypass the traditional TCP/IP stack and experiment with new protocols. Page 34 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Note that the guest domain has complete control over, and responsibility for, the PCI WiFi device. This means that the guest domain can perform scans for SSIDs and BSSIDs, and it controls the policy for determining 802.11 associations. Bus to Internet via the 802.11 mesh Since the guest domain has complete control over the 802.11 association policy, experiments can also choose to connect to the Town of Amherst and UMass 802.11 meshes using TCP/IP. Once connected, traffic can be routed through the Internet (or Internet2) and be interconnected with other GENI networks. Bus to Internet via the cellular link As previously stated, the cellular link is a shared device to be used by the control plane. Dom0 uses the link for uploading log files, downloading GENI experiments, and providing status. The guest domain may also use the cellular link for similar functions while it is executing. Bus to bus via the 900MHz radios This will be available in Year 2. The 900MHz radios will provide a long-range, low-speed pointpoint link between buses. 7.4 Aggregate Manager Integration (Vertical Integration) Identify the physical connections and software interfaces for integration into your cluster's assigned control framework As stated, the 3G cellular link is used by the control plane. Since integration with the framework is a deliverable for the second half of the first year, the interfaces are TBD. Broadly, we will provide mechanisms to install experiments, reserve access to the test bed, and schedule experiments. Note that the characteristics of a mobile test bed are quite different from other test beds. The computers often are not running, and when they do run they can be abruptly powered off. Even when the computer is running, there may be no available communication lines. Furthermore, cellular links are typically fire-walled to prevent inbound connections, and the assigned IP addressees are very dynamic. Therefore, the staging of an experiment is a precondition for scheduling an experiment. The paradigm of assigning resources and then loading the experimental software is not the correct model. Furthermore, the standard operating procedure of ssh'ing into test systems does not apply (though intermittent ssh tunneling is conceivable). Experiments must be able to run unattended, and the ability to asynchronously offload experimental results is paramount. 7.5 Measurement and Instrumentation Identify any measurement capabilities either embedded in your substrate components or as dedicated external test equipment. Page 35 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 When the computers come up they do a self-check of their health and log the results to a UMass server. Once running, the computers on the buses continuously attempt to report their GPS coordinates so that we can determine a computer is running and track the bus's location. Traditionally we have recorded a wealth of information, such as SSIDs discovered, whether a bus could communicate with the mesh or other buses, throughput information, etc. The control of the devices has now been ceded to the GENI experiments, and the GENI researchers are free to measure whatever they find useful. The information for 802.11 includes available SSIDs and BSSIDs, signal strength, noise level, and type of security that may be enabled. Since both the raw PCI device and root access is available, all traffic, including beacons, can be recorded using standard tools such as tcpdump. With respect to the GPS device, both interpreted data and access to the raw sentences are available. 7.6 Aggregate Specific Tools and Services Describe any tools or services which may be available to users and unique to your substrate contribution. We have two definitions of users: a GENI researcher who runs his or her own software on our computers, and bus riders that may indirectly use our computers for services such as Internet access. With respect to the former, we offer the ability to pre-stage software on the computers. In other words, we will deal with the issues involved in distributing software to multiple, intermittently connected devices. However, we believe that the interface for this should eventually be provided by the framework, though the actual mechanism would be specific to the test bed. Another service that we provide is asynchronous logging. Due to intermittent connectivity, a GENI experiment cannot be assured that it can offload its collected data during its allocated time. Therefore, we will provide a mechanism to continue offloading data even though the experiment is no longer running. As for the second type of user, we do provide Internet access to the bus riders. This is done by bus riders connecting to the access points, and dom0 routing traffic through the shared cellular link. We are also working with the UMass Transit Authority to provide bus tracking using the GPS coordinates that we report. An opportunity for the GENI community is to run experiments that offer services to bus riders. 8 Enterprise GENI Substrate Technologies: Campus wide programmable Ethernet switches Cluster: B Project wiki: 8.1 Substrate Overview Provide an overview of the hardware systems in your contribution. A small lab test network or about 5 switches, mostly 48x 1Gb/s and the Stanford CS building network with up to 23 HP Procurve 5400 switches (48 x 1 Gb/s). Page 36 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog 8.2 GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 GENI Resources Discuss the GENI resources offered by your substrate contribution and how they are shared, programmed, and/or configured. Include in this discussion to what extent you believe the shared resources can be isolated. Full isolation for packets (at L2 and L3) and isolation of routing/switching mechanisms but n0 bandwidth isolation. 8.3 Aggregate Physical Network Connections (Horizontal Integration) Provide an overview of the physical connections within the substrate aggregate, as well as between the aggregate and the GENI backbones. Identify to the extent possible, non-GENI equipment, services and networks involved in these connections. Most links are 1Gb/s with a few 10Gb/s links. Connection to the GENI backbone is TBD, but we have connectivity (L2 or L3) to Internet2 via tunnels over Calren. 8.4 Aggregate Manager Integration (Vertical Integration) Identify the physical connections and software interfaces for integration into your cluster's assigned control framework 8.5 Measurement and Instrumentation Identify any measurement capabilities either embedded in your substrate components or as dedicated external test equipment. This is TBD. Via OpenFlow it should be generally possible to gather statistics at a per flow entry granularity on the routers/switches directly. 8.6 Aggregate Specific Tools and Services Describe any tools or services which may be available to users and unique to your substrate contribution. Users will need to operate an OpenFlow controller to control forwarding decisions in the network (we can provide the software for such a controller). This allows them complete control over L2/L3 forwarding decisions, including experimental protocols that are not IP based. 9 SPP Overlay Substrate Technologies: High performance overlay hosting nodes, netFPGA cards Page 37 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Cluster: B Project wiki: 9.1 Substrate Overview Provide an overview of the hardware systems in your contribution. In this project, we will acquire, assemble, deploy and operate five high performance overlay hosting platforms, and make them available for use by the research community, as part of the emerging GENI infrastructure. These systems will be hosted in the Internet 2 network at locations to be determined, in the course of future discussions. Our Supercharged PlanetLab Platform (SPP) has a scalable architecture, supports a flexible ratio of compute power to IO capacity and is built on power and spaceefficient, industry-standard components that will continue to scale in performance, in keeping with ongoing improvements in technology. net FPGA CP External Switch GPE GPE NPE Chassis Switch Line Card 10x1 GbE Figure 9-1 SPP Hardware components and photo of an SPP node Page 38 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Figure 11-1 shows the hardware components of an SPP node. All input and output occurs through the Line Card (LC), which is an NP subsystem with external IO interfaces. The LC forwards each arriving packet to the system component configured to process it, and queues outgoing packets for transmission. The General Purpose Processing Engines (GPE) are conventional dual processor server blades running the PlanetLab OS and hosting vServers that serve application slices. The Network Processing Engines (NPE) are NP subsystems. The NPE-IXP includes two Intel IXP 2850 NPs, with 17 internal processor cores, 3 banks of SDRAM, 3 banks of QDR SRAM and a Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM). The Control Processor (CP) is a separate server hosting the software that coordinates the operation of the system as a whole. The chassis switch is a 10 GbE switch with 20 ports and the external switch is a 1 GbE switch with 24 ports, plus four expansion slots that can be used for 10 GbE interfaces. One of these is used to connect the Figure 11-1 also includes a photograph of the SPP and Figure 11-2 lists all the parts used to assemble the SPP. Qty 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Description Dual IXP 2850 Network Processor Module with IO 10 Gb/s Fabric Interface Card 1 GE Copper SFP Modules (4 per kit) Dual IXP 2850 Network Processor Module 10 Gb/s Fabric Interface Card 18 MB IDT TCAM Module 10 GE/1GE Switch & Control Module RTM with extra IO ports 10GE Copper XFP modules 1 GE Copper SFP Modules (4 per kit) Server blade with 2 dual-core Xeon processors 37 GB Disk (SAS) 4 GB DDR2 RAM Zephyr 6 Slot ATCA Shelf Shelf Manager Alarm Board 1U Power Supply Shelf 48 Vdc/25A Power Supply 115 Vac/15A Power Cord 1U rack-mount server with dual PCI slots 24 Port Gigabit L3 Switch with 4, 10GE Uplinks 10 GE Adapter Module 10 GE Fiber Tranceiver (Short Range) netFPGA boards Supplier Radisys Radisys Radisys Radisys Radisys Radisys Radisys Radisys Radisys Radisys Radisys Maxtor Crucial Schroff Schroff Schroff Unipower Unipower Unipower Dell Netgear Netgear Netgear Digilent Model A7K-PPM10-CFG002 A7010-FIC-2X10G A2K-SFP-C A7010-BASE-2855 A7010-FIC-2X10G A7010-TCAM-01-R A2210-SWH-CFG-01 A5010-SPM-01 A2K-XFP A2K-SFP-C A4310-CPU-SAS-FE 8K036S0 CT2KIT12872AA53E ZR5ATC6TMDPEM2N 21593-375 ISAP2 TPCPR1U3B TPCP7000 364-1409-0000 Poweredge 860 GSM7228S AX741 AXM751 NETFPGA Figure 9-2 SPP Parts List 9.2 GENI Resources Discuss the GENI resources offered by your substrate contribution and how they are shared, programmed, and/or configured. Include in this discussion to what extent you believe the shared resources can be isolated. Page 39 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 The SPP nodes can be used by researchers to host overlays. They can be used in exactly the same way as existing PlanetLab nodes, but, they also offer additional capabilities. In particular, they allow users to map the performance-critical portions of their overlay nodes onto a “fast-path” that runs on an IXP 2850 network processor. We will be providing an API that users can access from within their slice to configure a fast path and to reserve bandwidth on the SPP’s external interfaces. Details of the API will be provided on the project web page when the SPP nodes are made available to users. The system will provide bandwidth isolation (through per-slice queues) and performance isolation on the NPEs. 9.3 Aggregate Physical Network Connections (Horizontal Integration) Provide an overview of the physical connections within the substrate aggregate, as well as between the aggregate and the GENI backbones. Identify to the extent possible, non-GENI equipment, services and networks involved in these connections. The SPP nodes will be located in Internet 2 POPs and will be connected by multiple gigabit links, as indicated in the diagram in Figure 11-3 (the numbers on the links in the diagram indicate the number of gigabit links). Our preferred locations are Los Angeles, Kansas City, Houston, Washington DC and Atlanta, but this is subject to negotiation with Internet 2. The SPPs have 1 GbE interfaces (copper) and will need to connect to the I2 infrastructure using those interfaces. This may require that the I2 infrastructure at certain locations be augmented to enable the mapping of 1 GbE links onto their optical backbone. Each site will also require multiple 1 GbE interfaces to the I2 router at the site. Each of these interfaces will require an Internet 2 IP address that is routable from all the connected I2 universities. In addition, the CP for each SPP node will require its own “backdoor” network connection with its own routable Internet 2 IP address. This is required to enable management access in situations where one or more of the other hardware components is not operating correctly. This can be a low bandwidth connection (e.g. 10 Mb/s or 100 Mb/s). 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 Figure 11-3 Internet2 PoP’s and Desired SPP Node Locations Page 40 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog 9.4 GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Aggregate Manager Integration (Vertical Integration) Identify the physical connections and software interfaces for integration into your cluster's assigned control framework The physical connections required for the SPP nodes have been detailed above. No other physical connections are required. Initially, the SPP nodes will implement the standard interfaces provided by Planetlab nodes. Over the course of the project, the interface will be modified to be compatible with the GENI control framework. In particular, we will implement a component interface and use rspecs and tickets to manage the use of SPP resources, in place of the local allocation mechanisms that will be used in the initial phase of the project. 9.5 Measurement and Instrumentation Identify any measurement capabilities either embedded in your substrate components or as dedicated external test equipment. The system will implement the standard PlanetLab mechanisms for auditing outgoing traffic. In addition, the core components provide a large number of low level traffic counters that will be accessible to users and can be used to generate real-time charts of traffic associated with a slice. Details of these mechanisms will be developed over the course of the project. The system will not include mechanisms for measuring fine-grained information about a slice’s operation. This can be done more effectively by the slice developer, than the substrate. The system will also not provide mechanisms for storing large quantities of measurement results for individual slices. 9.6 Aggregate Specific Tools and Services Describe any tools or services which may be available to users and unique to your substrate contribution. As already mentioned, the ability to map the performance-critical part of an application onto a fast-path that runs on an NPE is a unique capability of the SPP nodes. We also provide the ability to reserve interface bandwidth and NP processing cycles. In addition, we plan to support use of a NetFPGA in each SPP node. However this capability will become available, only towards the end of the project. 10 Proto-GENI Substrate Technologies: Backbone Sites, Programmable 10GBE Ethernet Switch, PC’s w/ NetFPGA cards Cluster: C Page 41 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Project wiki 10.1 Substrate Overview Provide an overview of the hardware systems in your contribution. The main substrate resource to be built as a part of ProtoGENI will be a nationwide backbone. This backbone will be built on top of the Internet2 wave infrastructure, will use HP switches to provide VLAN connectivity across that infrastructure, and will include PCs and NetFGPA cards (hosted in the PCs) at backbone sites. The plan for Spiral 1 is to get this hardware installed at 8 colocation sites across the country, with 10Gbps of dedicated bandwidth between sites. ProtoGENI will also integrate with a number of substrate resources in "Cluster C". It will also include, and federate with, existing Emulab-based testbeds, which have hardware such as PCs with 802.11 interfaces, network processors, software radio peripherals, Cisco routers, cluster PCs, and Ethernet switching infrastructure. (This writeup covers the backbone only.) Figure 12-1. Planned Deployment of SPP nodes in Internet 2 Nodes will consist of primarily the following equipment: HP ProCurve 5400 switches NetFPGA cards 1U Rackmount PCs, exact model TBD The switches will use the following hardware: 1x ProCurve? 5406zl chassis (6 slots) J8697A 2x 875W power supplies J8712A 1x 4-port 10-GbE X2 module J8707A 2-3x 10-GbE LR Optics J8437A 1-2x line cards with 20 10/100/1000 copper Ethernet ports + 4 mini-GBIC 1Gbps slots J8705A Page 42 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 1x Mini-GBIC SC-LC 1Gbps Ethernet optics J4858C The number of interconnects between PCs, NetFPGAs, and switches will depend on the out-degree of the Internet2 site: some are degree-3, and some are degree-2. The switch at each site will have one 10Gbps Ethernet interface per out-degree of the site, connected to Internet2's DWDM equipment. Each PC will have at least one 1Gbps Ethernet interface per out-degree of the site, which will be connected to the switch. Similarly, each NetFPGA will have one interface per degree connected to the switch. Where more ports are available, we may increase the number of interfaces in order to utilize the inter-site bandwidth as fully as possible. At sites where Internet2 has an IP router, the switch will have a single 1Gbps fiber Ethernet connection to the router. This will be used to give each PC one IP address from Internet2's IP space; this will be used to get traffic from end users into and out of the backbone. (Since Internet2 currently does not carry traffic to/from the commercial Internet, this will limit end users to Internet2-connected institutions for the time being.) Each PC will have one network interface dedicated to this external connectivity, in addition to those listed above. 10.2 GENI Resources Discuss the GENI resources offered by your substrate contribution and how they are shared, programmed, and/or configured. Include in this discussion to what extent you believe the shared resources can be isolated. The ProtoGENI backbone will have a 10GB wave on the Internet2 infrastructure. We will run Ethernet on these waves, and slice it with VLANs. Researchers will not be able to program the Ethernet switches directly, but they will be able to select the topology of VLANs to run on top of the infrastructure, and we hope to enable OpenFlow on these switches, allowing experimenters direct control over the forwarding tables in them. VLANs will prevent slices from seeing each others' traffic. They will not provide QoS-like guarantees for performance isolation; however, we will use three different techniques to prevent over-subscription of these resources. First, request RSpecs and tickets will include the bandwidth to be used by slices; we will track the bandwidth promised to slices, and not over-book it. Second, shared PCs will use hostbased traffic shaping to limit slices to the bandwidths they have been promised. Third, for components over which experimenters have full control (and thus host-based limits would not be enforceable), we will use traffic limiting technologies of our backbone switches to enforce limits on VLANs attached to those components. The PC components will be handled in two different ways: some will be sliced using in-kernel virtualization techniques adopted from PlanetLab and VINI. This allows for a large number of slivers, but provides only limited control over the network stack. In the case of PlanetLab vservers, slivers are unable to see each others' traffic, but share interfaces, and have no control over routing tables, etc. VINI adds a significant amount of network virtualization, allowing slivers to have their own virtual interfaces, which greatly aids slicing via tunnels and VLANs. It also allows slivers control over their own IP routing tables. These technologies provide a little in the way of performance isolation between slivers, but our main strategy will be to do admission control to prevent these components from being overloaded. Page 43 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Because the slicing techniques listed share a common kernel among slivers, they allow for a large number of slivers, but do not enable disruptive changes to the kernel, such as modifying the network stack. For this reason, a set of our components will be run on exclusive-access basis, in which experimenters will have the ability to replace the operating system, etc. on them. In the future, if someone comes up with a good slicing implementation using Xen, VMWare, or some other more traditional virtual machine, we may consider using that on this set of components. We do not expect NetFPGAs to be sliceable in the near future, so we intend to allocate them to once slice at a time, and to deploy a number of them (3 to 4 per backbone site) to support simultaneous slices. 10.3 Aggregate Physical Network Connections (Horizontal Integration) Provide an overview of the physical connections within the substrate aggregate, as well as between the aggregate and the GENI backbones. Identify to the extent possible, non-GENI equipment, services and networks involved in these connections. Backbone switches will be connected to the Internet2 wave (DWDM) network (used for many purposes other than GENI) via 10Gbps Ethernet interfaces. The wave network provides a "virtual fiber", so that the switches appear to be directly attached to each other (over a distance of hundreds of miles). Each switch will have two or three 10Gbps interfaces, depending on the out-degree of the Internet2 site. Each switch will have a single 1Gbps copper Ethernet interface to the Internet2 IP network (non-GENI) for connectivity to the outside world. Each PC and NetFPGA will have a number of interfaces; at least 1Gbps per out-degree of the site, and possibly more (up to four). PCs will have an additional interface for the control plane (eg. remote power cycling and console access) and connectivity to the outside world. 10.4 Aggregate Manager Integration (Vertical Integration) Identify the physical connections and software interfaces for integration into your cluster's assigned control framework 10.5 Measurement and Instrumentation Identify any measurement capabilities either embedded in your substrate components or as dedicated external test equipment. Ethernet switches have basic packet counters, and can be configured to "mirror" traffic between ports for collection purposes. The PCs will be able to use standard measurement and capture tools, such as tcpdump. Due to their nature as "programmable hardware", quite a lot of measurement is possible on the NetFPGAs. 10.6 Aggregate Specific Tools and Services Describe any tools or services which may be available to users and unique to your substrate contribution. Page 44 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 ProtoGENI will leverage the Emulab tools (snmpit) for creation and manipulation of VLANs on the backbone, and some Emulab tools for sliver programming and manipulation will be available as well, e.g. frisbee an EMULAB disk imaging tool. Our slice embedding service will aid in the selection of backbone paths for researchers who are interested in using the backbone simply for connectivity, rather than having an interest in controlling specific backbone components and routers. 11 Programmable Edge Node Substrate Technologies: Intel IXP2855 network processor based programmable edge node Cluster: C Project wiki 11.1 Substrate Overview Provide an overview of the hardware systems in your contribution. The PEN hardware is a commercial rack mount server (vendor Supermicro) that consists of two quad-core Intel Xeon processors running at 3.0GHz, 8G memory, 400GB hard disk, and a Netronome NFE-i8000 network processor card. Programmable Edge Node (hardware architecture with off-the-shelf components) Programmable Edge Node (conceptual architecture) VR_0 VR_1 ….. x86 Multi-core NICs, g Virtual Instantiatin ane Tasks Control Pl Storage FSB Chipset Bridging 0 VNIC-NP 1 2 Host Memory PCI Express Bus 3 Legend VNIC-VE … N-1 En Mea forcing sure li men nk shari t and ng Diag , nosis SRAM Intel IXP 28xx NP SRAM Intel IXP 28xx NP DDR SDRAM 1Gbps x 4 DDR SDRAM 1Gbps x 4 VNIC-NP VR: Virtual Router Computer Clusters, Computer Computer Clusters Clusters Computer Clusters e.g. PlanetLab, Emulab Figure 11-1 Hardware Architecture of UML_PEN The NFE-i8000 card (shown in Figure 11-2) is equipped with an Intel IXP2855 network processor running at 1.4GHz, on-chip crypto units, 4 1Gbp Ethernet ports (copper or fiber connections), 768MB RDR DRAM, 40Mb QDR2 SRAM, and 9 Mb TCAM. Users of the system will configure the virtual network connection using Emulab interfaces which subsequently call scripts executed on UML_PEN. Page 45 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Figure 11-2 NFE-i8000 card based on Intel IXP2855 network processor 11.2 GENI Resources Discuss the GENI resources offered by your substrate contribution and how they are shared, programmed, and/or configured. Include in this discussion to what extent you believe the shared resources can be isolated. UML_PEN provides programmable routers intended to be an integral part of a GENI aggregate (e.g. ProtoGENI) framework. UML_PEN runs OpenVZ enabled Linux kernel. Users can instantiate virtual containers (i.e. virtual machines) atop of OpenVZ Linux kernel, in order to share hardware resources and provide modest isolation. Each container acts as a router with multiple virtual interfaces that are created based on user requests. Users can obtain the root access of the virtual containers to configure the router to run existing software like CLICK, or compile customized packet processing software using GNU tool chain. Measurement and diagnosis functions implemented on Network Processor (NP) can be discovered as additional resources. The link bandwidth sharing is enforced by either x86 multi-core processors or NPs. 11.3 Aggregate Physical Network Connections (Horizontal Integration) Provide an overview of the physical connections within the substrate aggregate, as well as between the aggregate and the GENI backbones. Identify to the extent possible, non-GENI equipment, services and networks involved in these connections. Page 46 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Figure 13-3 shows how a PEN fits into Emulab/ProtoGENI. The red lines represent the experiment plane and the purple lines represent the control plane. There can be multiple PENs in a GENI aggregate although only one PEN is shown in this figure. 11.4 Aggregate Manager Integration (Vertical Integration) Identify the physical connections and software interfaces for integration into your cluster's assigned control framework The physical connections are illustrated in Figure 13-3. The red lines represent the experiment plane and the purple lines represent the control plane. There can be multiple PENs in a GENI aggregate although only one PEN is shown in this figure. The connections between PENs and switches are 1Gbps Ethernet links, while other connections can be either 1Gbps or 100Mbps Ethernet links. The “boss” and “ops” nodes are control & management nodes in Emulab framework. Control Network Experiment Network Boss Ops Virtual Link Control Switch PEN VE0 VE1 ...... VNIC ... Virtual Node NFE Jail0 Regular NIC Jail1 Network Processor VNIC Physical Nodes Experiment Switch Figure 11-3 How PEN fits into Emulab/ProtoGENI 11.5 Measurement and Instrumentation Identify any measurement capabilities either embedded in your substrate components or as dedicated external test equipment. The measurement in PEN can be done on either x86 or network processor, and measurement on NP has more benefits. At the current stage, the measurement metrics we can obtain from NP are primarily flow statistics, including start-of-flow timestamp, current timestamp, packet count for each direction (host to NP and NP to host), byte count for each direction and the flow tuples. We can also offer physical NP ports statistics including number of octets, the number of unicast/multicast/broadcast packets, and the numbers of packets of different size intervals that have been sent and received by each physical port. Page 47 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 11.6 Aggregate Specific Tools and Services Describe any tools or services which may be available to users and unique to your substrate contribution. We will provide (1) setup scripts and templates for creating virtual routers; (2) measurement services that take advantage of network processors; (3) diagnosis services supported by NP. 12 Measurement System Substrate Technologies: PC based IP Packet monitors, Data Storage Systems Cluster: C Project wiki 12.1 Substrate Overview Provide an overview of the hardware systems in your contribution. The hardware systems that being developed are PC-based systems that can be attached to taps or span ports on switches/routers to collect measurements of IP packet traffic corresponding to GENI slices. These hardware systems will interface initially with the ProtoGENI control framework but can be extended to interface with other control frameworks. The systems are also closely tied to high capacity data storage systems , which will be used to archive the data that is collected. While the data storage systems are important to our design, at present we are considering utilizing third party systems such as Amazon's S3 service which will give us highly scalable, reliable and available capacity. 12.2 GENI Resources Discuss the GENI resources offered by your substrate contribution and how they are shared, programmed, and/or configured. Include in this discussion to what extent you believe the shared resources can be isolated. The measurement systems will enable flexible, privacy preserving capture of packet traffic associated with individual slices or slice aggregates. This measurement capability is critical to a broad range of experiments envisioned for GENI. While our initial focus is on IP packet capture, we are designing our systems to be able to eventually capture and archive other types of data feeds (eg. SNMP or flow data) from devices deployed in GENI. The systems will be shared/multiplexed between experiments by generating filter sets for individual slices and their associated packets. This will enable a single measurement system to gather traffic for multiple experiments at the same time. The details of what will be captured are specified by the user and justified against the privacy policy constraints for the host network. The data archival needs are also user specified and likewise will be justified against capacity and policy constraints of the GENI framework. Over the course of the project, we will develop additional capability to specify the capture of data aggregates (eg. flows) and provide analysis tools for users to facilitate the interpretation and analysis of the collected data. Page 48 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 12.3 Aggregate Physical Network Connections (Horizontal Integration) Provide an overview of the physical connections within the substrate aggregate, as well as between the aggregate and the GENI backbones. Identify to the extent possible, non-GENI equipment, services and networks involved in these connections. Physical connectivity of the measurement systems is critically important to their relevance in experiments. We envision the systems will be deployed widely on many links throughout the GENI substrate. The scope of the deployments will depend on balancing financial and managerial constraints against the utility of the systems. The first set of physical connections are best thought of as data connections. These are the connections to links over which experiments will be run and will be made through taps (either active or passive) or span ports on network devices. These connections enable packets associated with slices to be captured. The second physical connection is between the measurement systems and the control framework. These connections can be made through relatively low speed links and are best thought of as the management and control interface. The third physical connection is between the measurement systems and the data archival systems. These connections can potentially require high bandwidth and should be on separate (virtual) links so that they do not interfere with experiments. Data from the repository/archive is envisioned to be assessable to researchers through third party network connections that do not involve GENI. 12.4 Aggregate Manager Integration (Vertical Integration) Identify the physical connections and software interfaces for integration into your cluster's assigned control framework As stated above, the measurement systems will need to be accessible from the control framework (in our case ProtoGENI) via physical paths from the control systems to the distributed measurement systems. It is assumed that this can be facilitated via routable IP addresses allocated from the local networks to the measurements systems. The specification of the software interface from the control framework to the measurement system is currently under development. Essentially, it enables users to specify links on which they wish to capture packets and the filters (identifying specific fields) that they wish to apply to the packets. This results in the generation of filters on the measurement systems, which will then capture and archive the specified packets as long as a slice is active. The measurement interface will respond to the user request with a URL for the data archive for their slice on the measurement system storage infrastructure. Page 49 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 12.5 Measurement and Instrumentation Identify any measurement capabilities either embedded in your substrate components or as dedicated external test equipment. The components in this section are all about measurement. In addition to enabling users to capture packets associated with their experiments, the measurement systems will also generate a set of system utilization measurements that will be available via SNMP and activity logs that will be available via syslog. 12.6 Aggregate Specific Tools and Services Describe any tools or services which may be available to users and unique to your substrate contribution. The primary goal of our systems is to provide a basic packet measurement service for experiments in GENI. This will include tools for data aggregation (eg. packets to flows) and data analysis. While our initial focus is on packet capture, it is possible that these systems will be able to gather and archive a wide range of data generated by other systems such as SNMP measurements from other devices deployed in GENI. 13 ViSE Substrate Technologies: Multi Sensor (camera, radar, weather station) Network Cluster: D Project wiki 13.1 Substrate Overview Provide an overview of the hardware systems in your contribution. ViSE is a mult-sensor/multi-user sensor network testbed in Western Massachusetts. The testbed will consist of 3 nodes with physical connections over long-range 802.11b with directional antenna as well as a backplane connection over a commercial cellular network. Each ViSE node is custom-built and consists of a number of different hardware components, listed below. In addition to listing each component and a brief summary of its capabilities, we also list relevant external links that include more information. Where appropriate, we elide certain details of the node hardware including cabling, custom-built power boards (e.g., for the Gumstix backplane), external enclosure connectors, etc. In addition to the specific hardware components, the position of each node is an important part of our testbed's profile. We currently have one node positioned at the top of a firetower on Mount Toby in Amherst, MA. This node is roughly 10 km from one node on the UMass CS Building and one node on the MA1 Tower on the UMass Campus. The Mount Toby node is able to communicate with both the CS building node and the MA1 Tower node. The CS building node and the MA1 Tower node do not Page 50 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Figure 13-1 ViSE Network and Node diagrams have line of sight and cannot communicate directly over 802.11b. A server inside the CS building is able to connect to the CS ViSE node over 802.11b. The MA1 Tower ViSE node has a wired Ethernet connection. These two servers will be the primary entry points for GENI user network traffic to/from the ViSE nodes. Section I.A. Computational Hardware Motherboard. MSI GM965 Mini-ITX form factor. The motherboard supports Core 2 Duo Mobile processors and the Celeron M using type Socket P (478 pin) with a 800/533MHz front side bus. The chipset is an Intel GME965 northbridge and ICH8M southbridge. The board includes 2 DDR 533/667 SDRAM sockets. We use the motherboard's Wake-on-LAN feature to power the node up and down using an external microcontroller---the Gumstix---described below. More information may be found at Processor. 1.86 Ghz Intel Celeron M (Merom) CPU 540. More information may be found at Memory. 2GB of DDR2 667 RAM. Each node has a 32 gigabyte Flash card for local storage Gumstix Backplane. Each main node has a Linux Gumstix connected via serial and Ethernet to the main node to serve as a backplane, and is able to communicate with the mainboard over the Ethernet and the serial console. We are using the Gumstix Verdex Pro. The backplane connects to commercial Page 51 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 cellular. Our current plan is to initially place only one cellular-connected on Mount Toby, which is physically inaccessible during the Winter. Details of the Gumstix are at Adlink Data Acquisition Card (DAQ) PCI-9812. We use an ultra-high speed analog input card to read the high-bandwidth data produced by the radar. More information about the card may be found at Section I.B. Peripherals/Sensors Wireless NIC. The motherboard includes a Mini-PCI slot. We are using the Atheros AR5BXB63 MiniPCI card. The card uses the Madwifi driver under Linux. More information may be found at GPRS modem. The node on the CS building includes a GPRS modem connected to the Linux Gumstix to provide backplane connectivity independent of the unprivileged GENI traffic. We use a data plan from ATT. Point-to-Point Directional Antenna. Each wireless NIC connects to a directional antenna for longdistance 802.11b communication. We are using an HG242G-NF Hypergain 24dBi Grid Antenna 2.4Ghz. More information may be found at Weather Radar. We are using a RayMarine Model 7845647 and Part E52067. We have modified a standard Marine/boat radar for weather sensing. The radar sends data to the Adlink DAQ card and is controlled by a custom PIC board that connects to the main board over USB. Commands may be forwarded using libusb in Linux. More about the radar may be found at DavisPro Weather Station. The DavisPro weather station has sensors for temperature, humidity, pressure, wind, solar radiation, rainfall, rain rate, and wind chill. We are using a Vantage2 06152C weather station. The DavisPro uses the wview driver under Linux and connects via USB. More information is available at\_product.asp?pnum=06152C. Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera. We are using an Axis 212 Network IP camera on each node inside of a heated camera enclosure. The IP camera connects to one of the two available Ethernet outlets on the main board. Details of the camera may be found at\_212/. Section I.C Enclosure/Power Enclosure. Each node is housed in a Stahlin Enclosure. Each enclosure is mounted on a Campbell Scientific CM10 Tripod. More information can be found at Page 52 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Solar Panel. Each node draws power from an attached solar panel. A charge controller (the MPPT25025A12V) regulates power from the solar panel to the main board, radar, and sensors. Details of the charge controller are at Battery. Each node includes a 12V ATX power supply from\_atx and a battery charger that charges an attached car battery. Currently, all nodes have external A/C power as well; the solar panel/car battery are primarily used as backup and as a catalyst for future energy-aware work (which is not apart of the SOW for the current subcontract). More information is available at 13.2 GENI Resources Discuss the GENI resources offered by your substrate contribution and how they are shared, programmed, and/or configured. Include in this discussion to what extent you believe the shared resources can be isolated. ViSE is focused on slivering actuatable sensors and including them in GENI slices. This is the primary resource offered by the testbed in addition to access to each ViSE compute node. Each ViSE node will run an instance of the Xen virtual machine monitor and user slivers will be bound to a Xen virtual machine created at the user's request. Xen (or Linux) includes mechanisms to partition a virtual machine's memory allotment, CPU share, egress bandwidth, and storage volume size. In addition to these resources being available for a sliver, each Xen virtual machine will have one or more sensors attached to it; ViSE sensors include the PTZ camera, radar, and weather station. Initially, our focus is on offering the radar to users and (secondarily, as listed in our SOW) the PTZ camera. Importantly, each sensor will be able to be actuated by the user from within their slice. Initially, we assume that all ViSE nodes will run the same flavor of Linux. Virtual sensors will be exposed as devices through the standard Linux device driver framework as /dev/ files. Each sensor will expose a distinct interface that depends on its actuating capabilities; these interfaces will be exposed as ioctls to the relevant device driver. Initially, these interfaces will be simple and are largely TBD since their development is part of our project's description. Below we provide some initial insights into these interfaces based on the current physical interfaces exposed by the radar and comment on the degree of sharing capable of the device. The radar essentially exposes three simple functions: power, standby, and transmit. Power turns the radar on, standby warms the radar up, and transmit spins and radiates the radar to gather reflectivity and voltage data. Our current radars expose two other actuators: range and gain. The PTZ camera interface will follow a similar model, but with different ioctl calls (e.g., move, capture, etc.). The initial approach to sharing the radar will map work from WFQ/SFQ to actuators to regulate the time that each slice controls a physical sensor. Thus, each sliver will contain a share of the sensor, just as it contains a share of the CPU. The primary limitation to sharing the sensor (as opposed to the CPU or other resources) will be that a steerable actuator may only be in one position at a time. If two co-located slivers request different Page 53 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 actuations at the same time there will be a performance impact. If two slivers have similar or overlapping actuations then the physical actuator may be able to satisfy both actuations without a performance impact. With this in mind, the degree of sharing capable with the device is somewhat dependent on degree of overlap in the user's needs. Virtualization of the weather station is the least complex sensor in the testbed (i.e., it has no sophisticated actuators). The data from the weather station on the CS building will be available on the UMass Trace Repository (, and will be available to experiments. 13.3 Aggregate Physical Network Connections (Horizontal Integration) Provide an overview of the physical connections within the substrate aggregate, as well as between the aggregate and the GENI backbones. Identify to the extent possible, non-GENI equipment, services and networks involved in these connections. Node-to-Node: The internal connections are over 802.11b using directional Point-to-Point antenna. The GPRS modem that we use as a backplane leverages the commercial Internet (through ATT). Internet-to-Node: The servers that act as gateways to the nodes are connected to the UMass Department of Computer Science network. We envision a node in the CS department serving as a gateway node to the network and hosting the Orca software for a management authority. Any connection to the GENI backbone would have to go through these servers. Internet-to-Backplane via Cellular: Our Operations and Management plane will use the backplane provided by the Gumstix as a way to debug and power up/down the nodes if necessary. The Gumstix backplane has both Ethernet and Serial connections as well as Wake-on-Lan capability. Additionally, the Mount Toby node (the most inaccessible) includes a cellular-enabled power strip that is able to power, reboot, or cut power to the node via a cell phone text message. 13.4 Aggregate Manager Integration (Vertical Integration) Identify the physical connections and software interfaces for integration into your cluster's assigned control framework We will use Orca to schedule, configure, and access testbed node, and will share many of the internal and external interfaces to the Orca control framework. Internally, we will modify Orca's standard set of handlers (e.g., join, modify, leave and setup, modify, teardown) for Xen virtual machines to include directives to configure virtual sensor slivers for each requested slice; otherwise, we envision sharing much code with the current Orca framework. We will also modify Orca's standard broker/clearinghouse policy to divide control of virtual sensors across time and space. Orca exposes the options to request and configure different resources as opaque property lists. Our augmented broker/clearinghouse policy and handlers will include properties specific to our virtual sensors. These capabilities will be exposed initially through Orca's standard web interface for users to request slices. One primary difference between our testbed and Orca's software is that our nodes are disconnected (e.g., the management authority is only able to communicate with Mount Toby node through another Page 54 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 testbed node). We will make slight modifications to Orca's control plane software to enable the disconnected mode of operation. 13.5 Measurement and Instrumentation Identify any measurement capabilities either embedded in your substrate components or as dedicated external test equipment. Each sensor measures attributes of its physical surroundings. We expect this to be the most used feature of the testbed. We currently format the raw reflectivity and voltage data gathered by the radar as NetCDF files. Details of the NetCDF standard may be found at and A brief sample output from the radar is below. The DavisPro outputs *.wlk files, which are simple text files with the relevant weather data. Finally, the PTZ camera produces sequences of *.jpg images. While we currently have no plans to expose the Wireless NIC data (e.g., signal strength, bit rate, ESSID) we envision this being potentially useful for researchers of long-distance wireless communication and are exploring its possibilities. Sample NetCDF data: netcdf CS_20081118200052 { dimensions: Radial = UNLIMITED ; // (15 currently) Gate = 150 ; variables: float Azimuth(Radial) ; Azimuth:units = "Degrees" ; int Time(Radial) ; Time:units = "Seconds" ; int TimeUSec(Radial) ; TimeUSec:units = "MicroSeconds" ; float RawVoltage(Radial, Gate) ; RawVoltage:units = "Volts" ; float Reflectivity(Radial, Gate) ; Reflectivity:units = "dBz" ; // global attributes: :RadarName = "CS" ; Page 55 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 :Latitude = "49.49083" ; :Longitude = "-72.53800" ; :Height = 0.f ; :HeightUnits = "meters" ; :AntennaGain = 26.f ; :AntennaGainUnits = "dB" ; :AntennaBeamwidthEl = 25.f ; :AntennaBeamwidthAz = 4.f ; :AntennaBeamwidthUnits = "deg" ; :TxFrequency = 9.41e+09f ; :TxFrequencyUnits = "hertz" ; :TxPower = 4000 ; :TxPowerUnits = "watts" ; :GateWidth = 100.f ; :GateWidthUnits = "meters" ; :StartRange = 1.f ; :StartRangeUnits = "meters" ; data: Azimuth = 138.1354, 138.1354, 138.1354, 138.1354, 138.1354, 138.1354, 138.1354, 138.1354, 138.1354, 138.1354, 138.1354, 138.1354, 138.1354, 138.1354, 0 ; Time = 1227038452, 1227038452, 1227038452, 1227038452, 1227038452, 1227038452, 1227038452, 1227038452, 1227038452, 1227038452, 1227038452, 1227038452, 1227038452, 1227038452, 1227038452 ; TimeUSec = 145438, 742353, 742656, 768753, 769040, 778393, 780048, 801755, 802003, 802200, 833348, 834358, 852119, 852302, 852485 ; 13.6 Aggregate Specific Tools and Services Describe any tools or services which may be available to users and unique to your substrate contribution. We envision users initially loading code that interacts with the virtual sensor interfaces through standard mechanisms (e.g., ssh/scp), although we may investigate more sophisticated workflow tools as they become available. Our work will leverage Orca's web interface to provide users an interface for requesting resources and slices. Page 56 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Our focus is primarily on the interface to the virtual sensors in each sliver. To this end, we expect to develop user-level libraries (e.g., libsensor) for the sensors to allow users to program against them at application-level, rather than using system-calls and ioctl calls directly. 14 WiMAX Substrate Technologies: IEEE 802.16e WiMAX base-station Cluster: E Project wiki 14.1 Substrate Overview Provide an overview of the hardware systems in your contribution. This GENI Spiral 1 project is aimed at providing a state-of-the-art IEEE 802.16e WiMax base station as an open, programmable and virtualizable cellular base station node. This open GENI base station node (“GBSN”) device is intended to support flexible experimentation in wide-area mobile network service scenarios similar to today’s cellular systems. The GBSN will support programmability at both radio link and network routing layers via an “open API”, and will work with off-the shelf WiMax handsets and data. The overall goal is to leverage emerging carrier-class cellular wireless and access network platforms to provide a reliable, high-capacity and cost-effective solution for wide-area mobility in GENI. The emerging WiMax standard (802.16e) is a good technology base for such an open base station node because it represents the state-of-the-art in radio technology (OFDMA, dynamic TDMA with QoS, MIMO and mesh modes, etc.) and is expected to offer cost advantages relative to the cellular 3G LTE roadmap, particularly for small deployments. Also, initial WiMax products are IP-based and are typically bundled with much fewer vertical stack protocols than corresponding cellular options such as UMTS and LTE. NEC’s Release 1 802.16e base station product is viewed as an excellent starting point for the addition of GENI specific open programmability features. Although the NEC base station was designed for IP-based network applications, we have been able to determine a way to unbundle the basic layer-2 functionality of the device and make it accessible through an external control API. This makes it possible for us to develop Linux-based GENI code on an external PC controller, substantially meeting all the layer 2,3 programmability and virtualization requirements in a manner that is consistent with the approach used for wired GENI routers. Page 57 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 GENI Router (at PoP) GENI Backbone Network GENI Access Network (Ethernet SW & Routers) GENI Control Interface (initially OMF) WiMax coverage area (~3-5 Km) Base Station Controller PC (Linux OS) WiMAX Base Station (GBSN) R6+ interface RF interface GENI terminals (PC’s or PDA’s with Commercial WiMax cards Figure 14-1. High level diagram of WiMax base station and its interfaces to the GENI network Figure 16-1 shows a schematic of the WiMax base station router and its connection to the rest of the GENI network. As shown, the WiMax base station is typically connected to a GENI access network with layer 2 switched connectivity using Ethernet or optical fiber technology. The figure also indicates three distinct interfaces associated with the GENI WiMax base station. These are the GENI control interface for experimenter access to virtual networks (slices) supported by the GBSN. Initially, this project will use the ORBIT management framework (OMF) as the control interface between the outside world and the base station controller (which is a Linux PC). This is the primary external interface relevant to a GENI experimenter. The second interface internal to the GBSN is the R6+ interface by which the base station controller communicates with the base station hardware (which includes its own internal controller running a proprietary NEC operating system and control/management software). The R6+ interface exposes the hardware features such as assignment of MAC/PHY resources (i.e. OFDMA time-frequency slots, power levels, service classification, etc.) to each flow, as well as management interfaces for initial configuration, scheduler policy selection and queue management. The base station will initially be set up at a cellular collocation site at Rutgers University’s Busch campus in Piscataway, NJ. As shown, the coverage area is expected to be about 3-5 Km radius, covering the entire campus and also some parts of Highland Park, New Brunswick and Piscataway. In terms of end-user devices supported by the WiMax network, the 802.16e base station’s signal is compatible with a growing number of WiMax mobile platforms (for example, the Samsung M8000 or Nokia N800 and Motorola WiMax handsets). The NEC Release 1 WiMAX base-station hardware (photo in Fig. Figure 14-2 High level diagram of WiMax base station and its interfaces to the GENI network Page 58 of 71 Fig. 16-2 NEC’s Rel 1 802.16e BS (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 16-2) is a 5U rack based system which consists of multiple Channel Cards (CHC) and a Network Interface Card. The shelf can be populated with up to three channel cards, each supporting one sector for a maximum of three sectors. The BS operates in the 2.5 Ghz or the 3.5 Ghz bands and can be tuned to use either 5, 7 or 10 Mhz channels. At the MAC frame level, 5 msec frames are supported as per the 802.16e standard. The TDD standard for multiplexing is supported where the sub-channels for the Downlink (DL) and Uplink (UL) can be partitioned in multiple time-frequency configurations. The base-station supports standard adaptive modulation schemes based on QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM. The interface card provides one Ethernet Interface (10/100/1000) which will be used to connect to the high performance PC. The base station has been tested for radio coverage and performance in realistic urban environments and is being used in early WiMAX deployments – typical coverage radius is ~35Km, and peak service bit-rates achievable range from 15-30 Mbps depending on operating mode and terrain. Note that these service bit-rates are significantly higher than those achievable with first generation cellular technology (such as EVDO), and should be sufficient to support advanced network service concepts to be investigated over GENI. 14.2 GENI Resources Discuss the GENI resources offered by your substrate contribution and how they are shared, programmed, and/or configured. Include in this discussion to what extent you believe the shared resources can be isolated. Page 59 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 The 802.16e base station allocates time-frequency resources on the OFDMA link with a number of service classes as specified in the standard – these include unsolicited grant service (UGS), expedited real time polling service (ertPS), real-time polling service (rtPS), non-real time polling (nrtPS) and best effort (BE), as shown in Fig. 16-3. The radio module as currently implemented includes scheduler support for the above service classes in strict priority order, with round-robin, or weighted round-robin being used to serve multiple queues within each service class. These packet queuing and service scheduling features are expected to provide adequate granularity for virtualization of radio resources used by each slice in GENI. It is noted here that OFDMA in 802.16e with its dynamic allocation of time-frequency bursts provides resource management capabilities qualitatively similar to that of a wired router with multiple traffic classes and priority based queuing. The GENI slice scheduling module to be implemented in the external PC controller is responsible for mapping “Rspec” requirements (such as VM1 L3 Protocol, etc. VM2 L3 protocol VMn L3 Protocol External PC Controller GENI slice scheduling Open API interface 802.16e Common Packet Sublayer (CPS) ertPS UGS C I D C I D # 2 # 3 C I D # N (RR, WRR etc.) C I D C I D C I D # 1 # 2 # 3 # N (RR, WRR etc.) C I D C I D C I D # 1 # 2 # 3 BE nrtPS rtPS C I D C I D # N (RR, WRR etc.) C I D C I D # 1 # 2 C I D # N (RR, WRR etc.) Priority-based Scheduling C I D C I D C I D # 1 # 2 # 3 C I D # N (RR, WRR etc.) Base Station BS DL-MAC Scheduler WiMAX Frame scheduler Figure 14-3 Packet Scheduling in the 802.16e BS & Interface to GENI Slices bandwidth or delay) to the available 802.16e common packet layer services through the open API. Slices which do not require bandwidth guarantees can be allocated to the nrtPS class, while slices with specific bandwidth requirements (for quantitatively oriented experiments, for example) can be allocated to the UGS category. 14.3 Aggregate Physical Network Connections (Horizontal Integration) Provide an overview of the physical connections within the substrate aggregate, as well as between the aggregate and the GENI backbones. Identify to the extent possible, non-GENI equipment, services and networks involved in these connections. 14.4 Aggregate Manager Integration (Vertical Integration) Identify the physical connections and software interfaces for integration into your cluster's assigned control framework As mentioned earlier, the GBSN includes an external controller that runs Linux. In the initial prototype, we will use the ORBIT Management Framework (OMF) software to interface the base station to other Page 60 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 parts of the GENI network. The Linux controller is implemented using UML virtualization, although we will later consider upgrades to other VM platforms. The OMF software is implemented via “Orbit grid services” on the control slice shown in Figure 16-4. For more information on OMF, please refer to documentation at . The controller provides support for multiple slices assigned to the GENI WiMAX node. Each slice will run within its own virtual machine (using software such as UML – User Mode Linux) as shown in Fig. 16-4. Each VM will be capable of providing multiple virtual interfaces, so that programs loaded on a slice that runs within a virtual machine can emulate its own router and perform IP routing. Virtual interfaces will be mapped to physical interfaces based on the next hop for a virtual interface. The controller will receive IP packets from the base-station on the R6+ interface mentioned earlier. When a packet is received, it will be forwarded to the appropriate slice for further processing. The outgoing IP packets from a slice will be placed on queues specific to a virtual interface. Outgoing packets on virtual interfaces mapped to the layer 2 interface of the WiMAX base station will be tagged so that they can be assigned traffic class and bandwidth parameters (BE, ertPS, rtPS etc.) as determined by the flow CID (connection ID). Experiment setup Slice Resource allocation Mapping to WiMax L2 Virtual Interfaces UML VM1 VM2 VM3 Control VM slice 1 slice 2 Slice n OMF & WiMax BS L2 Control TCP,UDP/IP stack-1 TCP,UDP/IP stack-2 TCP,UDP/IP stack TCP,UDP/IP stack-n Linux Physical Interface Physical Interface To WiMax base-station Packet Queue per physical interface To backhaul network Figure 14-4 External Base Station Controller Architecture The L2 base station control software on the external controller provides APIs to both control Layer 2 parameters and also to receive L2 specific information from the base station. An experimenter’s program within a slice (obtained through the OMF control interface) can use these APIs to modify L2 parameters as well as receive L2 specific data both at load time and also at run time. Slice scheduling and resource allocation at the external controller (Layer 3) and at the base-station (Layer 2) will be specified using mechanisms similar to the RSpec command under consideration for the GMC. The WiMax base station described will be integrated into the ORBIT management framework. An experimenter will be able to access the WiMax network through the ORBIT portal and use available Page 61 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 ORBIT scripting, experiment control, management and measurement tools to run their experiment. Of course, the experimenter will also have to set up and physically deploy necessary end-user equipment (PC’s, mobile devices, laptops) within the coverage area. OMF facilities will be extended to provide software downloads for Linux-based end-user devices. For more details on running an ORBIT experiment, refer to . 14.5 Measurement and Instrumentation Identify any measurement capabilities either embedded in your substrate components or as dedicated external test equipment. We also plan to use features of the ORBIT measurement library for collecting real-time measurements for experiments. The library will run on the GBSN controller and record per flow or per packet measurements and maintain databases for each experiment, and make it available through the ORBIT experiment control portal. The framework will handle both Layer 2 and 3 measurements. The collection library will aggregate the measurements and send them to a collection server running in the OMF management system. 14.6 Aggregate Specific Tools and Services Describe any tools or services which may be available to users and unique to your substrate contribution. 15 TIED Substrate Technologies: Cluster: A Project wiki 15.1 Substrate Overview Provide an overview of the hardware systems in your contribution. 15.2 GENI Resources Discuss the GENI resources offered by your substrate contribution and how they are shared, programmed, and/or configured. Include in this discussion to what extent you believe the shared resources can be isolated. 15.3 Aggregate Physical Network Connections (Horizontal Integration) Provide an overview of the physical connections within the substrate aggregate, as well as between the aggregate and the GENI backbones. Identify to the extent possible, non-GENI equipment, services and networks involved in these connections. 15.4 Aggregate Manager Integration (Vertical Integration) Page 62 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Identify the physical connections and software interfaces for integration into your cluster's assigned control framework 15.5 Measurement and Instrumentation Identify any measurement capabilities either embedded in your substrate components or as dedicated external test equipment. 15.6 Aggregate Specific Tools and Services Describe any tools or services which may be available to users and unique to your substrate contribution. 16 PlanetLab Substrate Technologies: GENI Users Access to PlanetLab (800 nodes/400 sites) Cluster: B Project wiki 16.1 Substrate Overview Provide an overview of the hardware systems in your contribution. 16.2 GENI Resources Discuss the GENI resources offered by your substrate contribution and how they are shared, programmed, and/or configured. Include in this discussion to what extent you believe the shared resources can be isolated. 16.3 Aggregate Physical Network Connections (Horizontal Integration) Provide an overview of the physical connections within the substrate aggregate, as well as between the aggregate and the GENI backbones. Identify to the extent possible, non-GENI equipment, services and networks involved in these connections. 16.4 Aggregate Manager Integration (Vertical Integration) Identify the physical connections and software interfaces for integration into your cluster's assigned control framework 16.5 Measurement and Instrumentation Identify any measurement capabilities either embedded in your substrate components or as dedicated external test equipment. Page 63 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 16.6 Aggregate Specific Tools and Services Describe any tools or services which may be available to users and unique to your substrate contribution. 17 Kansei Sensor Networks Substrate Technologies: Cluster: D Project wiki 17.1 Substrate Overview Provide an overview of the hardware systems in your contribution. Kansei is an infrastructure facility for wireless sensor network experimentation with high fidelity. Its hardware-software infrastructure supports convenient local and remote atscale testing on a variety of sensor platforms deployed in diverse environments. The Kansei project is headed by Professor Anish Arora. Located in the Ohio State campus, Kansei spans two deployments. One deployment is in an indoor, but open, warehouse setting with 8500 sq. ft. Here there are 4 types of sensor mote arrays: 112 Extreme Scale Motes (XSM) 432 TelosB motes 112 iMote2, and 112 Extreme Scale Stargates (XSS) that serve as micro servers. Page 64 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 All of the arrays are organized in a grid which is deployed approximately 3 feet off the ground, by using an array of wooden tables. The configuration of the grid is as follows. The Stargates are organized in a 14*8 grid. To each Stargate, one XSM is connected through a 52-pin serial port. To each XSS, 4 TelosB motes and 1 iMote2 mote are connected through a USB hub. The Stargates are connected using both 100 Mbps wired and 802.11b wireless Ethernet. Through the wired network, all Stargates are connected to a central server which provides various services and tools for users. The warehouse arrays of Kansei provide a testbed infrastructure to conduct experiments with 802.11b networking as well as different 802.15.4 radios installed on XSMs, TelosBs and iMote2s. We have access to iMote2s which .NET capable, as well as SunSPOT motes which are Java capable, but these have yet to be integrated with the testbed infrastructure. The second Kansei deployment is in the Dreese Laboratories building occupied by the Computer Science Department. In the false ceiling of each floor of this 8 storey building, 30 TelosB motes are placed. Application specific TelosB and other sensors communicate with this array of nodes. Page 65 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 The Dreese fabric also includes 35 Cellphone-Mote pairs which form a peer to peer network. Unlike the TelosB array, this array is at present not remotely programmable. As a part of the Kansei consortium, the NetEye testbed is a high fidelity testbed which provides a controlled indoor environment with a set of sensor nodes and wireless nodes deployed in Wayne State University. The physical NetEye substrate consists of an expandable collection of building block components. The set of components that will be integrated with Kansei and GENI include 130 TelosB motes with light sensors. The NetEye project is headed by Prof. Hongwei Zhang. 17.2 GENI Resources Discuss the GENI resources offered by your substrate contribution and how they are shared, programmed, and/or configured. Include in this discussion to what extent you believe the shared resources can be isolated. Kansei allows slices to be granted on one or more of the arrays —Stargates, XSM, TelosB, IMote2—that comprise its substrate. The following is a list of the resources that are available on each type of node: A Stargate is equipped with 400MHz PXA55 XScale processor capable of running Linux, 64 Mb RAM and 32MB flash. It also contains a 10/100 Ethernet NIC, 802.11b NIC, RS-232 Serial, and one USB port. An XSM has a 4 MHz, an 8 Bit CPU, 128 KB instruction memory and 4KB RAM. Page 66 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 For communication, the mote uses a 916MHz low-power single channel radio capable of delivering 10 KB/sec of raw bandwidth. The radio’s range is between 10 and 25 feet. It is thus identical to the Mica2 as a node platform, but differs in that it has a variety of sensors and actuators including a magnetometer, a microphone, four passive infrared receivers, a photocell, a sounder, and feedback LEDs. XSMs were designed specifically for the ExScal project by The Ohio State University, the University of California at Berkeley, and CrossBow Technology, and were manufactured by CrossBow Technology. A TelosB mote is an IEEE 802.15.4 compliant device that is manufactured by Crossbow Inc. It has a T1 MSP430 microcontroller, 2.4 GHz Chipcon CC2420 radio, 4 MHz 8 bit CPU, 128kB instruction memory, and 4KB RAM. An Imote2 (IPR2400) is an advanced wireless sensor node platform with a CPU and memory at a micro-level yet with a sensor mote energy footprint. It is built around the low-power PXA271 XScale processor, running at 14 to 416 MHz and integrates an802.15.4 radio (CC2420) with a built-in 2.4GHz antenna. It contains 56kB SRAM, 32MB FLASH and 32MB SDRAM. Each iMote2 is connected to a stargate individually through a USB hub connected to the USB port of the stargate. Kansei allows any OS that has been ported to the mote platforms to be loaded on that mote. In the past, a significant percentage of the experiments have chosen TinyOS for the motes. Since conventional mote operating systems do not support multi-threading efficiently, typically, each slice requests a number of “full nodes” today. (We fully expect this situation to change in the future.) Configuration and code-deployment on the slices is performed via the Ethernet network to the Stargates, and as need be though the serial port of the Stargate onto the XSM, and the USB port to the TelosB or Imote2. We note that a part of the Stargates resources are reserved for managing the XSMs and Tmotes. Kansei provides isolation to concurrent experiments through a couple of techniques. Through its scheduling service, it offers the option that no concurrent job runs on the same type of array. In terms of radio interference, users can choose different frequencies for their experiments to achieve radio band isolation. However, Kansei can only guarantees compile-time isolation of radio interference at the moment. Since radio frequencies used by sensor nodes can be changed at run-time, we need further techniques to improve radio isolation. NetEye consists of a fixed array of wireless and sensor nodes. The wireless nodes are Dell Vostro 1400 laptops with the Intel dual core processor, 1GB RAM and 80GB hard drives. These 15 laptops are placed on the top of 15 wood benches deployed in a 35 grid. Page 67 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 (Note: the laptops are supporting TelosBs, and they are not designed to run GENI experiments in Spiral 1.) NetEye has 130 TelosB motes which are connected to the aforementioned laptops through USB2.0 interface. 6-12 motes are connected to each laptop. 17.3 Aggregate Physical Network Connections (Horizontal Integration) Provide an overview of the physical connections within the substrate aggregate, as well as between the aggregate and the GENI backbones. Identify to the extent possible, non-GENI equipment, services and networks involved in these connections. The connections between the motes and the Stargates and central Kansei servers have been detailed above. The Kansei servers can be connected to the OSCnet, a state-of-art internet backbone network (with bandwidths higher than Internet2 backbones) in the state of Ohio. OSCnet ties-in in to the Internet 2. In NetEye, the motes are connected to laptops through USB interface, and the laptops are connected to the NetEye server via Ethernet. The NetEye server will be connected to the WSU campus network, via which the NetEye server (and the NetEye substrate) will be connected to the Internet2 backbone through Merit Networks. There may be a cost associated with the Internet2 connection. 17.4 Aggregate Manager Integration (Vertical Integration) Identify the physical connections and software interfaces for integration into your cluster's assigned control framework The Kansei Server acts as the interface between the Kansei substrates and GENI backbone. The Kansei Server is connected to the OSU campus network, which is part of the state-wide OSCnet. OSCnet ties-in into the Internet 2 at Cleveland, OH. The interface between NetEye and the GENI backbone is the NetEye server. The NetEye server will be connected to the WSU campus network, via which the NetEye server (and the NetEye substrate) will be connected to the Internet2 backbone through Merit Networks. Both Kansei Server and NetEye Server will expose API as web services for scheduling, deploying and interacting experiments on the substrates. Page 68 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 Previously, Kansei had implemented its own control framework. In cooperation with the GENI project, we now plan to use the ORCA control framework to integrate with rest of the GENI framework. The refactored KanseiGenie architecture is shown below. Specifically, the ClearingHouse will be accommodated into ORCA. Detailed software interfaces are available from our Kansei Genie Wiki at . 17.5 Measurement and Instrumentation Identify any measurement capabilities either embedded in your substrate components or as dedicated external test equipment. The Kansei health management service, called ‘Kansei Doctor’, is an autonomous health service, periodically measures the number of available nodes, their health, radio link quality and other networking metrics relevant for sensor networks. Kansei also provides storage space for users to log their custom experimental data, and it has user interaction services such as data/command injection. NetEye will use the Kansei health services/tools. We plan to develop a number of new tools to measure different environmental factor for sensor networks. NetEye provides storage space for users to log their experimental data, and user interaction services just as Kansei does. Any tools developed in future will be used by both NetEye and Kansei. 17.6 Aggregate Specific Tools and Services Describe any tools or services which may be available to users and unique to your substrate contribution. Kansei and NetEye provide a web portal for local or remote users to easily access the testbed. Using the current web-interface an authorized user can create slices, schedule a job on the testbed to automatically program the sensor and wireless devices on a particular slice and store the experimental data on the server. Kansei supports scripted, real time data and event injection. The Kansei health monitoring service called the ‘Kansei Doctor’ is an autonomous self-contained health monitoring system which can be requested to run along with an experiment to monitor the job in real-time. Kansei and NetEye supports scripted, real time data and event injection. The entire set of health monitoring and data injection services will be available for users. Apart from that we plan to develop online user interaction services called ‘dashboard’ services which are unique to our substrate, will be available for users. Page 69 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 The resource scheduling mechanism that we plan to implement can also ensure a fair share of resources to its users and allow a dynamic request of resources from its users. 18 Orbit Substrate Technologies: Cluster: E Project wiki 18.1 Substrate Overview Provide an overview of the hardware systems in your contribution. 18.2 GENI Resources Discuss the GENI resources offered by your substrate contribution and how they are shared, programmed, and/or configured. Include in this discussion to what extent you believe the shared resources can be isolated. 18.3 Aggregate Physical Network Connections (Horizontal Integration) Provide an overview of the physical connections within the substrate aggregate, as well as between the aggregate and the GENI backbones. Identify to the extent possible, non-GENI equipment, services and networks involved in these connections. 18.4 Aggregate Manager Integration (Vertical Integration) Identify the physical connections and software interfaces for integration into your cluster's assigned control framework 18.5 Measurement and Instrumentation Identify any measurement capabilities either embedded in your substrate components or as dedicated external test equipment. 18.6 Aggregate Specific Tools and Services Describe any tools or services which may be available to users and unique to your substrate contribution. Page 70 of 71 (DRAFT) Spiral 1 Substrate Catalog GENI-INF-PRO-S1-CAT-01.5 January 20, 2009 19 Acronyms The following table defines acronyms used within the GENI Project. GENI Global Environment for Network Innovations Page 71 of 71