RUBRIC FOR MIT 2004 SEMINAR PAPERS NAME: __________________________ NOVICE __ INTRODUCTION No introduction, or content is unrelated to rest of paper. Nothing tells reader what paper is about. NOVICE __ THEMES & SUPPORT Unclear. No themes identified. Series of isolated statements. Circular statements, same idea repeated but not developed. NOVICE __ Small detail, limited significance DEVELOPING __ Tells reader what paper is about but with little connection among the sentences or ideas. DEVELOPING __ Book report summary. Support but no integration. Provides quotes but doesn't develop relationships between quotes and stated themes. DEVELOPING __ Some significance, remained unconnected. CAPABLE __ Tells reader what the paper is about and connects the ideas CAPABLE __ Themes identified. Support provided and some integration apparent. Quoted text and attempted development of relationships between quotes and some of stated themes. CAPABLE __ Significant themes, clarified meaning. SIGNIFICANCE OF THEMES PERSONAL APPLICATION SKILLED __ Clearly tells reader purpose of paper and plan for paper. Ideas in introduction are connected to each other and to the rest of the paper. SKILLED __ Unified themes and well chosen text to support. Relationships developed between quotes and stated themes. SKILLED __ Broad, very wide significance, offers historical, cultural, political or combination of contexts for its/their significance. NOVICE __ DEVELOPING __ CAPABLE __ SKILLED __ No personal perspective on idea(s) offered. Personal perspective stated, but does not seem related to the author's ideas. Connection to themes not clear. Personal perspective stated, explained, and loosely connected to authors' idea(s). Loosely connected to themes. Perspective clearly stated, explained, and directly connected to the authors' idea(s). Clearly connected to themes. NOVICE __ DEGREE OF INTEGRATION Books (articles, films, etc.) discussed as separate entities. Paper is a summary, a set of unconnected quotes or ideas, personal political statement, information limited or unclear. DEVELOPING __ CAPABLE __ SKILLED __ Separate discussion of materials with no connection to themes. Writer makes a discovery though more information and exploration is needed to "fill in the blanks." Themes supported with some integration of materials attempted. Discussion/exploration is clear but not detailed or expanded enough to show or demonstrate indepth understanding. Themes well supported through clear integration of texts (books, articles, films, etc.) Paper is clear and focused, demonstrates understanding: is relevant and includes quality details to support the discussion/ exploration. DEVELOPING __ CAPABLE __ SKILLED __ NOVICE __ USE OF WRITING CONVENTIONS No citations. Many misspelled words could have been caught with proofing or spell check. Many fragments and run-on sentences. Grammar and vocabulary unclear to reader and reader had difficulty understanding the message. "Someone said..." "An author said..." Most references cited by name. Misspelled words not easily caught by spell check. Few misspelled words. Some fragments and run-on sentences, some awkward construction. Many grammatical mistakes, but, reader could understand intent of message. Few fragments and run-on sentences. Few grammatical mistakes. Uses language appropriate for requirements of this paper; clear and concise when giving information; complex sentence structure; and abstract/rich vocabulary. All references cited by name using correct APA format. No misspelled words. Very few or no grammatical mistakes. Highly effective use of language to emphasize or enhance meaning; variety of language techniques used (vivid language, metaphor, humor, imagery, simile, etc.).