Situational Assessment Occupational skills and work behaviors can be assessed in situational work assessments and include capacities and competencies to perform essential job duties of specific competitive employment positions. For example, the measurement of the youth’s keyboarding proficiency may be predictive of her/his abilities to succeed in a job where duties require minimum standards of speed for data entry or word processing. Situational assessments offer a student the opportunity to perform job tasks in real work environments under real work conditions. Participation in a variety of situational assessment situations across work settings may provide insight for the student into her or his employment preferences as well as skills and abilities. A variety of job types should be explored, and the student's reaction to each recorded to compare which may be her or his most preferred job type. Students performing real work in multiple work environments can also provide school personnel information about the student's work characteristics, interests, skills, and abilities, learning style and workplace support needs. A situational assessment can be utilized for: Transition age IEP development of employment /education/training post-secondary goals Progress monitoring of annual goals Information for ACCES VR and community agency referral Situational Vocational Assessment - Real work settings are used to enable the student to explore vocational aptitudes, to demonstrate the types of support services needed to enhance optimal performance, or to assist the student to acquire specific skills and abilities. This on-the-job assessment considers what has been learned and how; what aptitudes are demonstrated; and what training and support strategies are necessary for developing competencies. Functional Vocational Assessment –an assessment to determine a student’s strengths, abilits and needs in an actual or simulated work setting or in real work sample experiences. Situational Assessment Form revised by Capital Region/North Country RSE-TASC Sept. 2011 Situational Assessment Name: date: Worksite____________________________ Job Title:_____________________________ Entry Employment Standard Signif. Below EES (<50%) Skill Refuses to complete Accountability, reliability task given Responsibility Never demonstrates a Attitude positive attitude about work Does not Self-advocacy communicate Communication needs/wants Social Behavior Does not follow Dress/Attire worksite dress code Visibly dirty, needs Hygiene major grooming &/or has an offensive odor Honesty Flexibility Cooperation Team player Initiative Problem solving Respect Attendance: Not honest in many situations – cannot be trusted Never willing to switch tasks & does not make transitions Never cooperates & does not work well with others Never starts a task independently Does not attempt to come to a solution independently Does not demonstrate respect for self or others # days attended____________ Below EES (50-65%) Level of support provided: _______% Approaches EES (65-80%) Meets EES (80-100%) Completes less than ½ of the tasks proficiently Rarely demonstrates a positive attitude about work Communicates needs/ wants, but not in an appropriate manner Follows dress code inconsistently Visibly dirty, needs minor grooming &/or has an offensive odor Completes majority of Completes all tasks the tasks proficiently given with proficiency Demonstrates a Demonstrates a positive attitude about positive attitude about all work in some situations work situations Only honest when closely monitored and prompted Switches tasks and only makes transitions with repeated prompts Seldom cooperates & rarely works well with others Rarely starts a task independently Attempts to come to a solution independently when prompted Demonstrates respect for self or others with repeated prompts Honest in all situations – can be trusted Is inconsistent communicating needs/wants in an appropriate manner Consistently communicates all needs/wants in an appropriate manner Follows dress code with prompting With prompting, visibly clean, needs minor grooming & has no odor Generally honest but may need prompting Follows dress code consistently Clean, well-groomed & has no odor Willing to switch tasks when asked and transitions wit minimal prompts Willing to switch tasks when asked and transitions without prompts Cooperates & works well with others when prompted Most often starts a task independently Always cooperates & works well with others Attempts to come to a solution independently, but may require assistance Demonstrates respect for self and others with few prompts # Days Scheduled_______________ Always starts a task independently Comes to a solution independently Independently demonstrates respect for self and others Identify assessment results under both skill level and productivity Tasks Assigned work done accurately to company standards Asks for help appropriately Uses equipment properly/safely Understands, follows work policies Follows health/safety guidelines Monitors own work Accepts constructive criticism Works as part of team Works thru conflict Learns new skills related to job Accepts new job assignment Completes Completes Completes Above Average Low Poor 95% -100% 85% - 95% 85% - 50% required productivity productivity productivity independently independently independently productivity 1. ACCESSVR status: Other Community Agency Referral [ ] Open/active [ ] Open/active [ ] not yet referred [ ] not yet referred 2. Student’s Post-secondary employment goal: 3. Level of support necessary for employment: [ ] Supported Employment [ ] Independent Placement 4. What instructional techniques were effective for directing and re-directing the student? [ ] Verbal [ ] Model/gesture all that apply [ ] Physical 5. In which skill areas will additional training be necessary – barriers to employment? all that apply [ ] Responsibility [ ] Attitude [ ] Communication [ ] Attire [ ] Hygiene [ ] Polices [ ] Honesty [ ] Flexibility [ ] Cooperation [ ] Initiative [ ] Problem solving [ ] Respect [ ] Self-advocacy [ ] Attendance 6. Indicate strategies to develop competencies: ( 1.) ( 2.) ( 3. )