May 2008 Meeting Planner

May 2008 SAT Monthly Meeting Planner
Meeting Planner for School Assistance Teams
May 2008
Final Visit of the 2007-2008 School Year
o Walkthrough: Review of Implemented Interventions
o Reflect upon the work of the SAT during 2007-2008
o Review the SAT Binder/Portfolio
Office of School Intervention and Support
May 2008 SAT Monthly Meeting Planner
Table of Contents
What to Do Before, During, and After the SAT Meeting
Page 3
The SAT Meeting Agenda
Page 4
Assessing the SAT Process
Page 5
2006-2007 SAT Binder/Portfolio Checklist
Page 6
Extended Supports
Page 7
Office of School Intervention and Support
May 2008 SAT Monthly Meeting Planner
Before, During and After the SAT Meeting
Before the SAT meeting:
 Prepare ahead! Read the agenda carefully. If there are any items that you have questions about
or do not understand, contact your Intervention Administrator (IA).
 Contact the principal to confirm time, date and location of the meeting. Remind the principal to
inform school-based SAT members.
 Modify the agenda appropriately and make copies of it to be used during the SAT meeting(s).
Make copies of pages 4, 5, and 6 of the Monthly Meeting Planner and appropriate handouts. Be
prepared to review/discuss progress from the last meeting along and to review newly provided data.
 Request that the principal have copies of the following documents (if applicable):
 Walkthrough materials: Schedule of rooms to visit, teams, debrief areas, etc.
 Relevant achievement data, including, but not limited to, monitoring tools and Reading and
Mathematics intervention data, e.g., Literacy Monitoring Tool (K-8), Read 180, DIBELS,
1st in Math, Study Island etc.
 Make a copy of the assessment tool on page 5 for each team member.
 Be prepared to review the SAT binder/portfolio for completeness.
During the SAT meeting
The purposes of this meeting are:
 To conduct a walkthrough (optional) in order to monitor the implementation of interventions
The walkthrough findings may provide the SAT with information that can be used to get a
early start on interventions in September.
 To reflect upon the work of the SAT process during this school year and glean suggestions for
how the SAT process can be improved. Follow the instructions on the agenda. The results of
the discussion will be recorded on the “Assessing the SAT Process” form and included in
your SAT Documentation. Collect all of the copies of the assessment tool once the activity has
been completed. Submit only the summary copy of the assessment document with your monthly
 Review the school SAT Binder/Portfolio with the principal and appropriate staff. Complete the
“2007-2008 SAT Binder/Portfolio Checklist” and include a copy of it in your SAT Documentation.
Be sure to indicate where the completed SAT Binder /Portfolio will be located within the school.
A completed “2007-2008 SAT Binder/Portfolio Checklist” and should be placed in the front of the
SAT Portfolio/Binder. Please make sure to sign only completed documentation.
After the SAT Meeting:
 Document all SAT activities!! Record the visit on your SAT Documentation form. All of the monthly
documentation should be included in the Binder/Portfolio
 Within four (4) days following a SAT meeting, complete the Monthly Documentation form and send an
electronic copy to your Intervention Administrator.
 Send the completed Monthly Documentation Forms electronically to:
Principal, each SAT member, the Regional Superintendent/or Designee, the Intervention
Administrator, and to OSIS, c/o Darryl Shelton <>.
 E-mail a “Thank You” to the principal and the school team for their cooperation, dedication,
and hard work on their SAT this year.
Office of School Intervention and Support
May 2008 SAT Monthly Meeting Planner
School Assistance Team (SAT) Meeting
May 2008
1. Welcome
2. Review Code of Conduct
3. Update and document status of assignments from previous SAT meeting.
4. Walkthrough and Debrief (Optional)
This walkthrough is conducted to identify implementation of the interventions used
this year and define areas of need for next year, allowing the school to prescribe their
use over the summer and to begin addressing identified concerns early in September
5. Assessing the School Assistance Team Process
Use the “Assessing the SAT Process” document on Page 5 to frame a discussion
around the work of the SAT during the 2007 – 2008 school year and what the
next steps should be for the school in September 2008, regardless of the outcome
of its AYP status, etc.
Step 1. Each team member is to complete the assessment tool individually.
Step 2. The SAT Case Manager will then lead and document the discussion on one
assessment document.
Step 3. A completed summary of the “Assessing the SAT Process” will be
included in the SAT Monthly Documentation.
6. Conduct a thorough, final review of the School Binder/Portfolio.
Use the “2007-2008 SAT Binder/Portfolio Checklist” on Page 6 to conduct the
review. The completed Checklist will be included in the SAT Monthly
Documentation and should also be placed as the first page in the School SAT
Binder/Portfolio. The School SAT Binder/Portfolio remains at the school with the
Office of School Intervention and Support
May 2008 SAT Monthly Meeting Planner
School __________________ Region__________________
___ Elementary ___ Middle ___ High School
The Impact of the 2007-2008 SAT on Teaching and Learning
The Office of School Intervention and Support is interested in engaging a discussion among SAT Case Managers to document the
indicators of success in the schools with School Assistance Teams (SATs). Specifically, we want to know what SAT related activities
have had the greatest impact on Teaching and Learning. Please spend the next few minutes completing this page prior to the
group conversation.
The school has had a SAT for _____ years (number of years, regardless of who was the CM).
SAT members who regularly attend include: ___Principal ___AP ___Math Lead ___Reading Lead ___SGT __ELL __Spec. Ed
__Bldg Rep ___Parent ___ Central Office Rep ___ Regional Office Rep ____IA __Other (_________)
Consider the following areas as you reflect about your SAT. Check, which ones you think have had the most influence on Teaching
and Learning. (What is happening at your school that is either a result of the SAT or has been intensified by the SAT).
Provide specific evidence
__ Reviewing the school’s SIP and its action steps
__ Analyzing student data (PSSA, TerraNova, DIBELS,
Benchmarks, attendance, etc.)
__ Conducting Walkthroughs
__ Looking at student group data to change instruction
__ Building a leadership team
__ Brokering services for professional development
__ Facilitating grade group meetings
__ Supporting the leadership team in school initiatives or concerns
__ Meaningful and sustained professional development
__ Monitoring the implementation of best practices
__ Differentiation of instruction / variety of instructional strategies
__ Reading and math groups created from data analysis
__ Posting of student work scored with PSSA rubrics
__ Adherence to the Core Curriculum
SAT Case Manager:
Office of School Intervention and Support
May 2008 SAT Monthly Meeting Planner
2007-2008 SAT Binder/Portfolio Checklist
Please complete this checklist and put a completed copy of it in the front of the SAT Binder/Portfolio.
1. Is the SAT Binder/Portfolio up to date?
2. Does it contain the following sections?
A. GSS Handbook
B. School Improvement Plan
C. Documentation from SAT meetings
(i.e., agenda, reporting document)
D. Student Attainment/Achievement
E. Student Attendance
F. Other pertinent documentation that
will serve the purpose of providing
insight to how the school
implemented its school improvement
plan, i.e., professional development
agendas, grade group meeting notes,
PSSA plans, etc.
G. Are there other related data
sources/documents (i.e., Safety and
Climate, Title 1, Special Education,
etc.) that the school maintains in
other binders/files? If so, list them
and their location(s).
H. Other: Please specify.
School SAT Binder/Portfolio is: Complete
It is located:
Office of School Intervention and Support
May 2008 SAT Monthly Meeting Planner
Extended Supports
The framework for intensive support of schools in Corrective Action II (years
5, 6, and 7) calls for a minimum of one school visit per month. In many instances,
Case Managers and teams have arranged multiple visits to schools to address
specific needs. The SAT Case Manager may engage in a number of activities to
support school improvement at a designated school on an ongoing basis.
Extended supports are based on the specific needs of the school and are differentiated
accordingly. The listings below are examples of activities and strategies utilized on
an ongoing basis to provide intensive support for school improvement and increased
student achievement.
Weekly, the Case Manager’s intensive support activities may include:
 Monitoring meetings with the Principal
 Meetings with Regional staff including the Superintendent, the Director
of Instruction, and Director of Special Education.
 Informal Walkthroughs
Monthly, the Case Manager’s support activities may include:
Attendance at grade group meetings
Attendance at leadership team meetings
Focused data review
Attendance at Regional Cabinet meetings
Attendance at school CSAP meetings
Attendance at Power Hour
Every six weeks, the Case Manager’s support activities may include:
 Benchmark data analysis
 Monitoring the inclusion of eligible content and assessment anchors in the
daily curriculum and instruction
Include accounts of all extended support activities on the SAT Documentation Form.
Office of School Intervention and Support