"The United States of North America seem to be destined
by Providence to plague America with miseries
in the name of liberty"
One of the major successes of the world elite was, and continues to be, to have disconnected us
from our past. We are on time to reverse this situation.
The present series of articles were written with the intention of looking into our past to better
understand our present, and thus glimpse the possible tomorrow. To that end, we proceeded with the
adaptation of the best passages of two excellent and essential documentaries: "“De Bolívar a
Chávez” (From Bolívar to Chávez) and “La Revolución no será televisada” (The Revolution won't
be televised).
For better understanding and circulation in the media, we highly recommend you to watch the
powerpoint presentation video of the current work: presentación powerpoint or in pdf. (download
link at the end of this article), as well as the video of the previously mentioned documentary series
from which they emanate.
Understand the reason behind the continuous and infame, relentless, imperial and oligarchic pursuit
to stop the liberation process of the Latin American peoples. A relentless pursuit with direct
implications to the rest of the peoples of this enslaved, dehumanized, apathetic and subjugated by
the shadows planet.
Understand the reason behind the imperial control of Colombia, and how it is used by the CIA to
interfere against the "Bolivariana" Republic of Venezuela.
Understand the reason behind the media and political manipulation of the false Spanish democracy
in its intent to move the Spanish people away from their own history of struggle and from the
emancipation processes of brethren peoples.
Understand the reason behind the great gap caused by your majesty for life, the monarch Juan
Carlos I of the Kingdom of Spain, with his harmful and non-synchronous "Why don't you keep
quiet?", rude comment to Hugo Chávez during the past XVIII Iberoamerican Meeting held in
Santiago de Chile (2007).
Understand the reason behind the continuous disinformation and manipulation of the Cuban
Revolution and its heroic and exemplary resistance.
Understand the reason behind the coup d-etat against the sovereign people of Honduras and the
underlying imperial interests.
Understand the "whys" of Latin America.
Understand why the peoples' liberation won't be televised.
Let's remember and rediscover our universal history, overcoming the false, imposed appearance.
Since 1999, the "Bolivariano" movement headed by President Chávez and with the unquestionable
support of a popular mayority, moves forward in a peaceful and democratic way a process of
profound political and social changes.
The Bolivariana experience transcends Venezuela's frontiers, shakes the continent and renews at the
beginning of the XXI century the project for unity and liberation conceived by Bolívar almost 200
years ago.
"I am certain that now the time has arrived for our Peoples
and when I say now, I am thinking of this XXI century,
the century of our redemption, our Unity,
our full Independence as a Region,
as a great Peoples, as a Great Motherland."
Capitanía ("Captaincy") of Venezuela.
At the end of the XVIII century, the most important revolutionary movement of the continent
started to brew in the Capitanía de Venezuela
In a society where pronounced social differences were the norm, those called "infamous casts" Indians, Zambos, Pardos and Blacks - were the protagonists of permanent rebellions against the
colonial authority and the "Criollas" elites.
Simón Bolívar was born into a "Mantuana" (mantuana)family in the middle of social conflicts and
an environment of political effervescence.
The Mantuanos (mantuanos ) were a wealthy family of Criollos of only about 100 enslaving
families who controlled the colony's economy.
A teacher, Simón Rodríguez , one of those involved in the first rebellions against the colonial
power, schooled Bolívar on the need to create one's own reality from one's own perceptions.
Another influence on the "Libertador" (Liberator) was the "Caraqueño" (said of one from Caracas)
Francisco de Miranda , one of the first to project a continental union from the "New Spain" (Nueva
España ) to Río de la Plata.
After traveling through Europe and participating in wars and revolutions, Miranda established
himself in England.
The incipient British Empire, hungry for raw materials and new markets, had the intention of
breaking the Spanish hegemony on the continent by supporting Miranda's idea of promoting
independent governing Juntas in the colonies.
Meanwhile, the slaves of Saint Domingue (Haiti, 1803) moved ahead of the Criollo emancipating
project. The richest colony of the Caribbean gained independence from France. The Haitians
declared the end of slavery.
To try to prevent this, Napoleón sent a powerful army of over 25,000 men. But Napoleon's army
suffered a decisive defeat, and on January 1st, 1804 Haití was born, the first Black republic in the
In 1805 while in Europe, Simón Bolívar, guided by his teacher, Simón Rodríguez , decided to return
to his home country and devote himself to the cause of independence.
"I swear to you, I swear to the God my parents revere,
I swear for them, I swear on my honour, and I swear for my country,
that I won't rest my arm, nor rest my soul, until the chains
that oppress us by the will of the Spanish people
have been broken"
While Napoleon had dominion over Europe, a revolt breaks loose in Chuquisaca (1809), followed
by a wave of " cabildos abiertos "(open meetings,open councils)
In 1810, the Caracas Cabildo formed a governing Junta integrated exclusively by Mantuanos.
This Junta founded the First Republic of Venezuela, calling Francisco de Miranda to their defense,
for he was the greatest military at that time.
The Spanish power counterattacked. The First Republic, which enjoyed little popular support, was
defeated less than a year after its foundation.
Miranda was captured and ended his days in a Spanish jail.
Bolívar sought refuge in Cartagena, where the neogranadinos fighting for independence were
putting up resistance. There, he plotted a plan to recover Venezuela that would be launched from
Nueva Granada (Colombia).
After crossing the cordillera mountains, he met the "Realistas" in battle, arriving victoriously in
Caracas (Campaña Admirable).
Once the capital was liberated in 1813, the Second Republic was founded but the power was, once
again, placed in the hands of the Mantuanos.
An army of "llaneros and slaves", supported by the Spaniards, got up in arms against the new
government and took over Caracas after a bloody camaign.
The Second Republic, just like the First Republic, fell as a result of social and racial divisions.
Bolívar, defeated, sought refuge in Jamaica. Meanwhile, on the mainland, the "Realista" power
gained strength, taking complete control of New Granada.
In June 1815, Bolívar went to Haití. President Pétion gave him assistance, providing him with ships,
armaments and voluntary soldiers to launch a new expedition.
Bolívar himself set his slaves free and changed the composition of his army. This would be the basis
of Bolívar's triumph.
A great campaign is launched for the liberation of New Granada and Venezuela.
Bolívar was able to transcend racism and the narrow interests of the Mantuana class, propelling to
the last consequences the fight for unity and continental emancipation.
The Angostura Congress (1819) formed by Venezuelans, Granadinos and Ecuadorians founded the
Colombian Repulic, designating him as President.
With the triumphs of the battles of Bocayá (1819), Carabobo (1821) and Pichincha (1822), the
territorial unity of the new Republic, the Gran Colombia, a bi-oceanic state with a military and
maritime power forged in great battles and a territory superior to that of any European power, was
militarily sealed by Bolívar.
Bolívar's project started to take shape.