Governing Body Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 9th July 2015 at 6pm Parent/Carer Governors (2) Co-opted Governors (5) LA Governors (1) Samantha Welsh Vacancy Bridget Methuen (Chair) *Tomas Dryburgh (Vice-Chair) Diana Roy Adrian Smith Vacancy *Andreas Adamides Staff Governors (2) Associate Members Others Present Kathy O’Sullivan (Headteacher) Vacancy Rehana Ali (Assistant Head) Samantha Edwards (EYFS Coordinator) Wendy Futerman (Inclusion Manager) Lineth Hypolite-Lett (Clerk) * Denotes apologies received + Denotes absent ITEM 1. ACTION WELCOME AND APOLOGIES a) The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting. In particular, Wendy Futerman (Inclusion Manager) and Samantha Edwards (EYFS Coordinator). Introductions were made. b) An apology for absence was received from Andreas Adamides and Tomas Dryburgh. Governors noted those apologies. c) AA had sent an email to inform governors that he was attending governor training on Safeguarding and Hearings and Appeals this evening. d) Apologies for lateness was received from Adrian Smith and Samantha Welsh 2. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS IN RESPECT OF ITEMS ON THE AGENDA There were no such declarations of interests. 3. MEMBERSHIP OF GOVERNING BODY / COMMITTEES AND LINK GOVERNORS Governors noted the following vacancies: Co opted x 1 Parent x 1 Staff x 1 1 4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 4th JUNE 2015 & MATTERS ARISING Minutes of the previous meeting held on 4th June 2015 were approved as a true and accurate and were duly signed and dated by the Chair. Matters arising a) [3. c)]: The Chair suggested advertising the co opted governor vacancy on the School’s website. She indicated that required skills would be explored and included in the advert. It was noted that to fully assess where there were any gaps in skills, all governor audit skills needed to be completed. b) As it was uncertain which governors had not yet sent their forms to the Vice Chair, The Chair indicated that she would ask TD to email those governors concerned as he was keeping a record. BM / TD c) In terms of the parent vacancy, the HT reiterated plans to target a parent with a child in the Two Year Old provision. KO d) [4. Matters arising c)]: The HT reported that she had met with Andrew Wickham who advised her to work further on the SEF. Therefore, it was deferred to the next GB meeting in September. KO e) [5. b), 8.]: The Headteacher confirmed that the works to be carried out would total £6.689K of which £4K was to cover part of the corridor. She further explained that the LA had indicated that they would pay for the works although the GB would be required to commission the work in the first instance as it was over £5K. In addition to that, the LA is expected to assign their own contractor to carry out the works during the school holidays. The GB endorsed this proposal. f) [7. Resources b)]: The Chair indicated that she was yet to complete a summary of the last Standards Committee meeting. It was uncertain whether the Vice Chair had done one for the last Resources meeting. BM / TD BM / TD g) [8. a)]: The governing body ratified the Child Protection policy. h) [8. b)]: The Chair said that she had been unable to locate the information on childminding that she had promised to send to the HT. She said that she would attempt to locate it and send it on. 5. HEADTEACHER’S REPORT / PUPIL PREMIUM a) The HT spoke to her July 2015 report that was circulated prior to the meeting. In addition, the HT provided the following information: Haringey catering department will be closing in 2016. The LA was currently investigating a cook and an agency staff head cook to join the School in September 2015. This arrangement will be reviewed in April 2016. The School signed up for 7 hours of support from the LA to assist on how best to proceed with managing the kitchen and lunches. Staff are to be trained on all the new kitchen equipment. As a standard measure, an environmental officer is required to visit the School to assess the new kitchen and equipment. b) DR asked for an update on the issue with the fire exit? HT responded by saying that although the LA had advised the School to have two fire exits, she investigated the matter and confirmed that this advice was desirable but not essential. 2 BM c) Both WF and SE updated the governors on their subject areas. In addition, SE circulated a picture depicting a plan of the Two Year Old provision that included furniture for the GB to get an idea of what it is expected to look like when completed. d) The Chair thanked the HT, WF and SE for their reports. Pupil Premium update Governors noted the following update on Pupil Premium (PP): 1. PP will continue to be used for learning mentor support as they have been making a significant impact on the children’s behaviour and learning. 2. Money had been used to release SE and RA from class. 3. Some money is intended to subsidize Art workshops and theatre trips. 4. Enabling Enterprise will continue to be funded by PP as it was having a good impact on the children. 5. A Saturday school for 12 pupils is being funded via Gladesmore School. 6. HENRY (Health, Exercise, Nutrition, for the Really Young) a programme for young families is being funded by PP. 6. KS1 & KS2 SATs a) Governors were pleased to note that Andrew Wickham was very satisfied with the Schools attainment results. In terms of those results, governors noted the following information: o Maths – 100% of pupils made 2 levels of progress. The School was deemed to be in a very good position. o It was necessary for RA to leave Year 2 to go into Year 5 to support that cohort moving up to Year 6. Despite that, the only dip noted for Year 2 was in level 2b in writing for some children that will be targeted next year for additional support. o There was currently a big focus on writing in line with the new curriculum. o EYFS – The result was 63% which had exceeded the target of 55% in relation to reading and writing. b) Copies of target tracker results were circulated and summarized. Governors noted significant progress made and noted that the LA had carried out moderation. The Chair requested the Coordinators to provide the GB with data on progress made. This was agreed. c) The HT agreed to include the good results in the newsletter. d) The Phonics result was noted as 54% that was not dissimilar to that of last year. The HT felt that some words were quite challenging. However, improvements had been made from last year. The HT further advised governors that Phonics was expected to be increasingly difficult next year. e) Governors acknowledged that Year 5 was a significant concern although, moving RA into that cohort was proving to have a positive impact. 3 SE / WF KO f) The Chair expressed that she was pleased with results. On behalf of the GB she conveyed her thanks to all staff for their hard work in particular, RA. g) The Chair wanted to know how the SEN pupils were progressing? WF explained that with the exception of one child, most had achieved 3 levels of progress in 1 subject. 7. CHAIR’S ITEMS a) The Chair stated that based on recommendations, Safeguarding should be an agenda item at all GB meetings. b) The Chair made enquiries in relation to producing a Radicalisation Policy? It was noted that LA Officer Leon Joseph (Senior Co-ordinator – Prevent) had advised WF that it was not a legal requirement to have a separate policy on Radicalisation as long as the information was incorporated in the School’s Safeguarding policy. c) The HT added that all staff were fully aware of the types of signs to look out for in terms of Radicalisation including who to approach with any concerns. 8. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES Resources a) Governors noted minutes of the meeting held on 21st May 2015 that was circulated in advance of the meeting. The HT made governors aware that according to recent Ofsted information, school budgets would be cut by 10% over the next few years. b) There were no other urgent matters to discuss. Standards Minutes of the meeting held on 25th June 2015 was circulated in advance of the meeting. There were no other reports to discuss. 9. REVIEW OF POLICIES It was noted that some policies would be reviewed at the full GB meeting in September 2015. 10. KO GOVERNORS’ VISITS, DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING a) The Chair confirmed that she had sent out reports of all her School visits made this term to governors. b) The Headteacher said that she had intended to attend a LA training session on Allegations against Professionals but it had unfortunately been postponed until the spring term. c) DR informed the meeting that she had attended a training session on Disciplinary Procedures. She indicated that she would complete a visit report and send it to the Headteacher for filing at the School. DR d) SW had attended the Mad Hatters party which she thoroughly enjoyed. She agreed to undertake to obtain and complete a visit report and return it to the Headteacher. SW e) It was noted that a Governors’ Conference, organized by the LA was due to be held on 26th November 2015. The Chair indicated that she was unable to attend due to another important engagement. f) AA attended two training sessions today on Safeguarding, and Hearings and 4 All Governors Appeals, thus the reason for his absence at today’s meeting. The Chair said that she would contact him for a report. 11. BM / AA ANY OTHER BUSINESS / FOCI a) It was agreed that Safeguarding would be a standing agenda item at all full GB meetings. Clerk b) It was agreed that Terms of Reference (ToR), committee Membership and areas of responsibility would be discussed at the next meeting in September. c) Governors were invited to attend the following School events: Open day for the new Two Year Old provision on Wednesday September 2nd 2015. Achievement Assembly on Thursday 16th July 2015 morning Music Performance on Thursday 16th 2015 afternoon 12. DATES OF NEXTS MEETING FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2015 - 2016 a) The Headteacher indicated that she would look at assessment dates during the next week to assist with planning GB meetings dates for the next academic year. b) It was agreed that the next GB meeting would take place on 24th September 2015 at 6pm. c) The Chair reminded governors about plans being made for the full GB to undertake Tracker training in the spring term. 13. Clerk All Governors CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS For confidential items, please refer to a separate paper. There being no further matters to discuss, the Chair thanked those present for their attendance and closed the meeting at 7.30pm. Signed: Date: Bridget Methuen, Chair of Stamford Hill Primary School Governing Body 5