Online Syllabus MK 300 DL MARKETING FUNDAMENTALS 5 Credit Hours Effective: 10/07 Fall 2007 Instructor: IVAN ŽÁRY, Bratislava Room: 207 E-mail: REQUIRED RESOURCES Kerin, A. R., Berkowitz, E. N., Hartley, S. W., & Rudelius, W. (2003). Marketing (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Research Paper Guide. (2004). Trencin, Slovakia: City University. Access to a personal computer and Internet is required. All written assignments must be word-processed. Students should access the Bulletin Board ( a minimum of three times a week. Copyright 1994-2007 by CityUniversity of Seattle All rights reserved MK 300DL SYL Page 1 Eff: 10/07 MK 300 MARKETING FUNDAMENTALS This document provides an overview of the course foundation elements, assignments, schedules and activities. For information about general CityUniversity of Seattle policies, please see the CityUniversity of Seattle catalog. If you have additional questions about the course, please contact your instructor. Notification to Students with Disabilities If you are a student with a disability and you require certain help, please contact the associate dean as soon as possible. Scholastic Honesty CityUniversity of Seattle expects each student to do his/her own work. The University has "zero tolerance" for cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration on assignments and papers, using "notes" during exams, submitting someone else's work as one's own, submitting work previously submitted for another course, or facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others. The penalties are severe! A first offense can result in a zero grade for the course and suspension for one quarter; a second offense can result in a zero grade for the course and suspension for two or more quarters; a third offense can result in expulsion from the University. The Policy and Procedures may be found at In addition to providing your work to the instructor for grading, you must also submit an electronic copy for the CityUniversity of Seattle archives (unless the work is specifically exempted by the instructor). You will not receive a grade for particular work until and unless you submit this electronic copy. The procedure for submitting work to the archives is to upload it via the website Files should include the cover page of the work with the student name, instructor name, course name and number, and date. File names should indicate the type of assignment, such as “researchpaper.doc”, “casestudy.doc” or “thesis.doc” (student name should not be a part of the file name because the system adds it). All files received into the archives are submitted to for plagiarism checking. COURSE DESCRIPTION A study of marketing mix elements, the new product development process, buying behavior and markets, customer relationships and strategic planning within a dynamic environment. This course also introduces students to interactive marketing and e-commerce. LEARNING GOALS Upon the successful completion of this course, you will be able to: 1. Assess marketing’s role in discovering and satisfying consumers’ needs, wants and behaviors; 2. Evaluate factors involved in selecting target markets for various goods/services; 3. Apply knowledge of consumer behavior to predict individual and family purchases; 4. Evaluate alternative approaches to enter and compete in global markets; 5. Utilize environmental scanning to identify opportunities and threats in the marketing environment; MK 300DL SYL Page 2 Eff: 10/07 6. Understand what electronic commerce and interactive marketing are and how they create customer value; 7. Explain how companies create a presence in the electronic marketplace; 8. Develop a marketing plan to solve a marketing problem and/or capitalize on a marketing opportunity; 9. Describe how primary and secondary data are used in marketing decisions; 10. Analyze factors that contribute to a product’s success or failure; 11. Apply a marketing strategy for products representing each life-cycle stage. CORE CONCEPTS To achieve the goals of this course, you will need to master the following core concepts: 1. Developing customer relationships; 2. Marketing strategies; 3. Scanning the environment; 4. Marketing ethics and social responsibility; 5. Consumer behavior; 6. Organizational markets; 7. Global marketing; 8. Interactive marketing and electronic commerce; 9. Marketing research; 10. Market segmentation; 11. New product development; 12. Managing products and brands; 13. Pricing products; 14. Marketing channels; 15. Integrated marketing communications. RECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENTARY RESOURCES As a City University of Seattle student, you have access to library resources regardless of where you are taking this class. To find resources for your coursework, visit the library menu in the CU portal at or the CU Slovakia library at For additional help, visit the library or submit your question in the Contact Us section of the Slovakia library’s home page. PRINT RESOURCES Reference Books at City University of Seattle Library American men & women: Demographics of the sexes. REF 317.3 AMER American generations: Who they are, how they live, what they think. REF 317.3 MITC Best customers. REF 658.834 RUSS MK 300DL SYL Page 3 Eff: 10/07 Craighead’s international business, travel, and relocation guide to countries. REF 910.202 GALE Culture grams. REF 390 CULT D & B million dollar directory. REF 338.74 DUNA Demographics of the US: Trends and projections. REF 317.3 RUSS Dun's business rankings. REF 338.74 DUNS Encyclopedia of major marketing campaigns. REF 659.109 ENCY Industry norms and key business ratios. REF 338.074 DUNA The lifestyle market analyst. REF 658.834 STAN Market share reporter. REF 380.105 MARK Sourcebook of zip code demographics. REF 658.83 CACI Standard & poor's industry surveys. REF 332.63 STAN Standard directory of advertisers. REF 659 STAN Statistical abstract of the United States. REF 310.5 UNIT Value line investment survey. REF 332.605 VALU Marketing/Advertising Books at City University of Seattle Library Blankenship, A.B., Breen, G. E., & Dutka, A. State of the art marketing research. 658.83 BLAN Duboff, R, & Spaeth, J. Market research matters: Tools and techniques for aligning your business. 658.83 DUBO Hatch, D. Method marketing: How to make a fortune by getting inside the heads of your customers. 658.84 HATC Kotler, P. Kotler on marketing : How to create, win, & dominate markets. 658.8 KOTL 1999 Mazze, E. M., & Michman, R. D. The Food industry wars: Marketing triumphs and blunders. 664.006 MICH McGonagle, J. J., & Vella, C. M. Protecting your company against competitive intelligence. 658.47 MCGO Percy, L. ed. Marketing research that pays off: Case histories of marketing research leading to success in the marketplace. 658.83 MARK Peter, J. P. & Olson, J. C. Consumer behavior and marketing strategy. 658.834 PETE 1999 Stevens, R. E. et al. The marketing research guide. 658.83 STEV ELECTRONIC RESOURCES In the library menu at you can access the City University of Seattle databases that have full text articles from newspapers, magazines, and journals. You should use these databases for research in this course. The following is a partial list of databases that may be of use to you in this course: ABI/Inform Trade and Industry: Full text articles from business magazines and newsletters with a trade or industry focus. Includes industry news, product and competitive information, and marketing trends. Business Source Complete: Abstracts and full text articles from scholarly and popular business, law, and computer systems periodicals. Global Market Information: Seven full text databases with marketing information: Country Data, Consumer Lifestyles Analysis, Consumer Lifestyles Data, Consumer Market Data, Forecasts, Companies & Brands, Information Sources, and Major Market Profiles. Mergent Online: Company and financial information for more than 25,000 U.S., Canadian, and international companies. MK 300DL SYL Page 4 Eff: 10/07 NetAdvantage: Company financial data, investment reviews and analyses (bonds, mutual funds, stocks), corporate officer biographies, and industry ratios and averages. The publisher of your textbook has provided a website that includes resources, self-tests, and other information. You can access it at In addition, the following Internet resources may be of use to you in this course. Please be aware that Web addresses may change from time to time. CityUniversity of Seattle Advertising Magazine American Demographics Magazine American Marketing Association CEO Express Census Bureau English-Slovak Dictionary of Marketing, Communications, and Public Relations Euromonitor The Gallup Organization Hoover’s Online List of Publications covering Marketing, Communications, and Public Relations Public Relations publication (continually updated) U.S. Trade Balances by Country Vysoká škola manažmentu NOTE: This document can be downloaded from the web site for Syllabi and other course related information. MK 300DL SYL Page 5 Eff: 10/07 OVERVIEW OF COURSE ACTIVITIES AND GRADING The grade you receive for the course will be derived using City University of Seattle’s decimal grading system, based on the following: Assignment Student Introductory Assignment (SIA) Online Participation/Discussion Assignments Marketing Plan Midterm Examination Final Examination 0% 25% 35% 20% 20% TOTAL 100% Please see the current City University of Seattle catalog or consult your instructor for guidance in determining your decimal grade. EXPLANATION OF ASSIGNMENTS AND GRADING STUDENT INTRODUCTORY ASSIGNMENT City University of Seattle requires that you submit a Student Introductory Assignment (SIA). This SIA must be completed during the first week of your course. The SIA consists of introducing yourself in the Discussion Forum titled: Student Introductory Assignment. It is designed to begin the online class experience by letting us know you are in class and facilitating interaction. It is due at the end of the first week. Even though this assignment is not graded, it is required in order for you to continue your course. Your instructor will notify CU/VSM at the end of the first week as to whether or not you completed your SIA. ONLINE DISCUSSION A discussion question/topic for the current and following week will appear each Monday in the discussion forum – Bulletin Board . You are to post your answer by Thursday midnight of the given week as well as respond to one other student’s answer in the discussion forum by Sunday midnight of the given week. Additionally, you are to prepare a summary of one week’s postings (the week will be assigned to you by the instructor) and submit it under the Discussion Summary section by Sunday midnight of the following week (e.g. the summary of the Week 1 discussion needs to be posted no later than Sunday of Week 2). The forum is to help promote student-to-student discussion. The instructor will not be responding to each posting but will comment frequently. If you have a question or comment that is specifically for your instructor, email your instructor directly. If you want to talk with other students about issues unrelated to the Discussion forums, use the Chatroom forum. Online Discussion Grading Criteria (as part of final grade) 10 answers to teacher’s questions (one per week) 10 responses to students’ comments (one per week) 1 Discussion Summary TOTAL 50% 25% 25% 100% MK 300DL SYL Page 6 Eff: 10/07 Grading Criteria of Individual Postings Appropriateness and quality of response Quantity of response (optimum 10-30 lines of text) TOTAL 50% 50% 100% MARKETING PLAN Marketing plans have three primary purposes. First, they provide a systematic methodology to investigate opportunities that will lead to successful marketing ventures. Second, they are used as road maps or guidelines to help the firm accomplish specific objectives for the product, brand, or service being considered. Finally, they provide a financial overview that analyzes the competitive gains that can be realized if the venture is successful. In your Marketing Plan, you may create a company to introduce a new good/service or introduce a new or amended good/service for a company that already exists. Your Marketing Plan must include the major sections in the Sample Marketing Plan provided in APPENDIX A (pp. 58-71) of your textbook. Review the Print and Electronic Resources section of this syllabus for assistance with your research. The student’s CD-ROM is a good tool to help prepare your Marketing Plan. Grading Criteria for Marketing Plan Clear (quantified) objectives Logical development Depth of research Completeness of the plan Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation TOTAL 20% 20% 45% 10 % 5% 100% NOTE Attention: Written assignments not delivered on time will not be accepted. Please, always state references to sources used in APA style – to avoid plagiarism of any kind. Please, do not send your assignments by e-mail. Just upload them to the CU Scholastic Honesty web page - Your instructor will check if they are uploaded on time. If yes, they will be graded and sent to you by e-mail with grades and – if needed – comments and corrections. EXAMINATIONS The Midterm and Final Examinations consist of 20 questions, each having five possible answers (a, b, c, d, e). Students are required to indicate the correct answer. Each correct answer adds value 5 to the final grade 100 of this exam. You can find sample tests with similar questions on your Student’s CD-ROMs. You may practice answering them. The exam is based on the textbook – Kerin, A. R., Berkowitz, E. N., Hartley, S. W., & Rudelius, W. (2003). Marketing (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin; therefore, careful reading of the textbook is crucial for the success. The exams will cover only basic marketing terms. MK 300DL SYL Page 7 Eff: 10/07 PROCTORED EXAMINATIONS This course is offered from the Bratislava CU/VŠM site, and all exams will be given by the instructor at this site. If you are a student registered at the other CU/VŠM site and would like to take your exams there, you may use the CU/VŠM Proctor Center. However, you must inform your instructor about your interest in taking exams at the Proctor Center before Friday of Week 3. Students who do not inform their instructor on time cannot use the Proctor Center and must travel to their instructor’s site. If you cannot take the exams in either Bratislava or Trenčín, you must find a proctor (e.g. local library head, local university instructor), fill out the Proposed Proctor Approval Request Form (, and submit the form to your Associate Dean for approval (Denisa Hackett, or Jozef Simuth, before Friday, Week 3. Also notify your instructor that you have submitted a proctor form. Proctor forms submitted after the deadline will not be accepted and you will be required to take the exam with your instructor. MK 300DL SYL Page 8 Eff: 10/07 THE SCHEDULE FOR MK 300 DL – ONLINE – FALL 2007 Date 1.10. 8.10. Topic Creating Customer Relationships and Value through Marketing Developing Successful Marketing and Corporate Strategies Scanning the Marketing Environment Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing Consumer Behavior Organizational Markets and Buyer Behavior 15.10. Reaching Global Markets Marketing Research: From Information to Action Reading Assignment Kerin 2003, Ch. 1 Kerin 2003, Ch. 2, Ap. A Kerin 2003, Ch. 3, 4 WEEK 2 DISCUSSION POSTING AND RESPONSE WEEK 3 DISCUSSION POSTING AND RESPONSE PROCTORING INFORMATION DUE Kerin 2003, Ch. 5 Kerin 2003, Ch. 6, 7 Kerin 2003, Ch. 8 22.10. Identifying Market Segments and Targets Kerin 2003, Ch. 9 Developing New Products and Services Managing Products and Brands 29.10. Managing Services Kerin 2003, Ch. 10 Kerin 2003, Ch. 11, 12 31.10. 5.11. Building the Price Foundation Arriving at the Final Price Managing Marketing Channels and Wholesaling Integrating Supply Chain and Logistics Management WEEK 4 DISCUSSION POSTING AND RESPONSE WEEK 5 DISCUSSION POSTING AND RESPONSE MIDTERM EXAMINATION: Covering Kerin 2003, Ch. 1-10 Kerin 2003, Ch. 13, 14 Ap. B Kerin 2003, Ch. 15, 16 12.11. Retailing Integrated Marketing Communications and Direct Marketing Kerin 2003, Ch. 17 19.11. Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations Kerin 2003, Ch. 19 Personal Selling and Sales Management 26.11. Implementing Interactive and Multichannel Marketing Kerin 2003, Ch. 20 Kerin 2003, Ch. 21 Kerin 2003, Ch. 22 Ap. C, D Pulling It All Together: The Strategic Marketing Process WEEK 1 STUDENT INTRODUCTORY ASSIGNMENT DISCUSSION POSTING AND RESPONSE WEEK 6 DISCUSSION POSTING AND RESPONSE WEEK 7 DISCUSSION POSTING AND RESPONSE Kerin 2003, Ch. 18 WEEK 8 DISCUSSION POSTING AND RESPONSE WEEK 9 DISCUSSION POSTING AND RESPONSE DUE: Marketing Plan FINAL EXAM: Covering Kerin 2003, Ch. 11-22 3.12. 5.12. Doc. Dr. Ivan Žáry, PhD. - Founder of ProPublicum, Public Relations, the first independent Slovak PR agency e-mail; NOTE: English-Slovak Dictionary of Marketing, Communications and Public Relations: MK 300DL SYL Page 9 Eff: 10/07