- Everyday Leadership

Session 6 Habit 8
Total Session Time: 45 minutes
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
 Discuss the role of mentorship in inspiring staff.
 Identify 3 ways to inspire staff.
Session Overview
20 minutes Presentation
5 minutes
20 minutes
Introduction to Habit 8 (Slides 1-3)
LCD or
Supervision and Leadership Practices
(Slide 4)
LCD or
Self-Assessment (Slide 5)
The 7 Habits of
Highly Effective
LCD or
The Covey
Resources Needed
LCD or Overhead Projector
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The Covey Personal Workbook
Leaders in Health Namibia Facilitator Guide
Session 6: Habit 8
Advance Preparation
Review the entire session prior to facilitating, to familiarize yourself
with the slides, speaker’s notes, learning activities, and supporting
Refer to these materials for additional background reading, as needed.
Covey, S.R. (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Covey, S.R. (2003). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Personal Workbook. New York: Simon and
Covey, S.R. (2004) The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Leaders in Health Namibia Facilitator Guide
Session 6: Habit 8
Beginning the Session
Trainer Instructions: Step 1 (20 minutes)
Slide 1
Present Slides 1-4 using trainer notes to guide the presentation.
EXPLAIN that the 8th habit of highly effective
people is: “Find your voice and inspire others to do
likewise.” This represents another dimension of
effectiveness which will enhance the performance
of each of the other habits.
To find your voice means to engage in work that
genuinely taps your talents and fuels your passion.
It means to do something significant with your
career – to sense an unmet need and then to fully
harness all your talents and passion to meet that
need. To find your voice means to take the path to
greatness rather than settling for mediocrity.
Once you’ve found your own voice, the way you can continue to increase your feelings of
achievement is by helping others to find their own unique voices as well. Most likely, this will be
done through an organization of some kind. To inspire others means to recognize, respect and
create meaningful opportunities for others to express their voices. The word inspire is derived
from the Latin inspirare which literally means to breathe life into another. This is exactly what you
do when you encourage and positively influence others within your own organization to find their
Photo Source: Eric Hersman ,
Source: Covey, S.R. (2004) The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness. New York: Simon and
Leaders in Health Namibia Facilitator Guide
Session 6: Habit 8
Slide 2
REMIND participants of Vincent’s leadership video.
ASK participants: “Do you remember when and
how he found his voice?”
He spoke up in church about his life.
His voice was to speak his story so other
people would find comfort in it and feel
that they were not alone.
ASK participants: “How did he help other people do the same?”
 After his own disclosure he helped form support groups for men, which was a great need
he saw in the community. There were far fewer male support groups for men than women.
REMIND participants of Elisabeth Makoka.
ASK participants: “Who was she and how did she find her voice and help others find theirs?”
EXPLAIN that Elizabeth’s voice was clear. She openly stated “I have a passion for eyes.” She wants
to bring that passion out by teaching others.
EMPHASIZE the role of mentorship in Elizabeth’s life. Seeing her potential as a leader, a male
physician mentor encouraged her to display her talent so others would support and follow her.
Leaders in Health Namibia Facilitator Guide
Session 6: Habit 8
Slide 3
EXPLAIN that Covey stresses the importance of
getting rid of the old industrial age ways of
thinking about workers as “things” that need to be
controlled. By treating people as things, you will
not inspire them to volunteer their highest talents
and contributions. Covey suggests that human
beings are four dimensional—mind, body, heart,
and spirit.
These four dimensions are similar to what we
discussed in Habit 7: the physical/emotional, the
mental, the social/emotional, and the spiritual. All
human beings essentially have the following needs: to live (survival), to love (relationships), to
learn (growth and development) and to leave a legacy (meaning and contribution).
People consciously or subconsciously decide how much of themselves they will give to their work
depending on how they are treated and their opportunities to use all four parts of their nature.
ASK participants what they think they can do to inspire others using this framework.
NOTE ideas on Flip Chart.
Note to Facilitator: have participants brainstorm for each category: mind, spirit, body, and heart.
Source: Covey, S.R. (2004) The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness. New York: Simon and
Leaders in Health Namibia Facilitator Guide
Session 6: Habit 8
Trainer Instructions: Step 2 (5 minutes)
Slide 4
Present Slide 4 using trainer notes to guide the presentation and activities.
WRAP-UP the session with the following
As we have experienced over the two phases, the
8 habits of highly effective people build upon each
other. The more actively you take responsibility for
your life and work, Habit 1, the more effectively
you can identify and align your core values and
your work, Habit 2. This alignment gets traction
when you can more effectively manage your time
and your life, Habit 3. The first three habits are
about an understanding of the self, the following
habits relate to how that self interacts with those around them. The more effectively you manage
your life the more effectively you can identify Win/Win solutions, Habit 4. The more you seek first
to understand, Habit 5, the better you become at creative cooperation, Habit 6. Habit 7 is the
process of renewing all the habits by prioritizing regular time for reflection. And Habit 8, find your
voice and help others find theirs means engaging in work that genuinely taps your talents and fuels
your passion and inspiring others to do the same.
EXPLAIN that this training overview was meant to be an introduction to the 8 Habits and you
encourage all participants to read the books, complete the workbook, and seek ways to apply the
books' teachings to their workplaces.
ASK participants if they have any questions.
Photo Source: Paul Downey, http://search.creativecommons.org/?q=congratutulate
Leaders in Health Namibia Facilitator Guide
Session 6: Habit 8
Trainer Instructions: Step 3 (20 minutes)
Present Slide 4 using trainer notes and The Covey Workbook to guide the presentation and activities.
Slide 5
EXPLAIN that to close you would like the
participants to complete the self-assessment,
found on pages 15-16 of The workbook. There is
an overview handout of the 7 habits in the
participant book for easy reference.
ASK participants to take 10-15 minutes on the selfassessment and then score themselves on page 17.
EXPLAIN that this is important and they shouldn’t
be afraid of what their scores are. You cannot learn
or grow if you don’t let your teacher know at what
level you are – and in this case, your teacher is you. Admission of ignorance is often the first step
in our education!
ASK participants “Does anyone have any questions, or want to share with us if there was anything
particularly surprising, interesting, or new to you?”
EXPLAIN that you encourage them to come back to the assessment periodically. This is a tool for
them to gauge their progress and continue their learning.
Leaders in Health Namibia Facilitator Guide
Session 6: Habit 8
Leaders in Health Namibia Facilitator Guide
Session 6: Habit 8