Y AN CTAS IS SOCIET ADIAN TH YS M A L AN A L ER CANADIAN THERMAL ANALYSIS SOCIETY AN AFFILIATE OF THE NORTH AMERICAN THERMAL ANALYSIS SOCIETY www.CTAS.org C 21ST CTAS ANNUAL WORKSHOP AND EXHIBITION Canadian Thermal Analysis Society (CTAS) will be holding its 21st Annual Workshop and Exhibition on May 10-11 2011 in the New Science Complex, University of Guelph, in Guelph, Ontario Canada. Please visit the website www.ctas.org for meeting details. The two-day CTAS Workshop and Exhibition will start with a one-day training session, followed by a oneday technical session with oral and poster presentations. Instrument exhibitions will occur over both days. There will be a special issue of the Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (JTAC), dedicated to the 21st CTAS Annual Workshop and Exhibition and the full papers will be published after a positive review. CTAS invites you to present a paper and/or poster in this Workshop and submit the full papers to Subhash Mojumdar (scmojumdar@yahoo.com). The subject matter may cover any aspect of thermal analysis techniques, hyphenated techniques and applications to various materials. To recognize the contribution by students to the field of thermal analysis, there will be awards presented to the student giving the best poster ($50) and oral ($200) presentations at the Workshop. This occasion is an excellent opportunity to meet other thermal analysts and exhibitors, and to learn new applications in thermal analysis. Please show your support to the Canadian thermal analysis community by attending, presenting a paper and/or exhibiting your instrument in the Workshop and Exhibition. The deadline for abstract submission is April 15, 2011. Please submit the completed abstract form to Shanti Singh (shanti.singh@nrcan.gc.ca or fax 613-995-1230), and your registration/membership form to PierreClaver Nkinamubanzi (Pierre- Claver.Nkinamubanzi@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca or fax 613-954-5984). We look forward to receiving your contribution and to meeting you at the Workshop & Exhibition. Yours truly, Program Chair Short Course Chair Exhibit Chair Shanti Singh Yadollah Maham S. Holger Eichhorn Natural Resources Canada Canadian Explosives Research Lab Tel: 613-943-4668 Fax: 613-995-1230 E-mail: shanti.singh@nrcan.gc.ca University of Alberta Chem. & Mat. Eng. W7-062 Elec & Computer Eng. Research Facility Edmonton, AB Canada T6G 2V4 Tel: 780-492-3472 E-mail: ymaham@ualberta.ca University of Windsor Dept. of Chem. and Biochem. Windsor, ON, Canada N9B 3P4 Tel: 519-253-3000 x3990 Fax: 519-973-7098 Email: eichhorn@uwindsor.ca AN CTAS IS SOCIET ADIAN TH YS M A L AN A L ER CANADIAN THERMAL ANALYSIS SOCIETY AN AFFILIATE OF THE NORTH AMERICAN THERMAL ANALYSIS SOCIETY www.CTAS.org Y C 21ST CTAS ANNUAL WORKSHOP AND EXHIBITION May 10-11, 2011 University of Guelph, New Science Complex http://www.chemistry.uoguelph.ca/CTAS-2011 ABSTACT DEADLINE EXTENDED April 15, 2011 http://www.ctas.org Program Chair Short Course Chair Exhibits Chair Shanti Singh Yadollah Maham S. Holger Eichhorn Natural Resources Canada Canadian Explosives Research Lab Tel: 613-943-4668 Fax: 613-995-1230 E-mail: shanti.singh@nrcan.gc.ca University of Alberta Chem. & Mat. Engineering W7-062 Elec. & Computer Eng. Research Facility Edmonton, AB Canada T6G 2V4 Tel: 780-492-3472 E-mail: ymaham@ualberta.ca Dept. of Chem. and Biochem. University of Windsor Windsor, ON, Canada N9B 3P4 Tel: 519-253-3000 x3990 Fax: 519-973-7098 Email: eichhorn@uwindsor.ca Y AN CTAS IS SOCIET ADIAN TH YS M A L AN A L ER CANADIAN THERMAL ANALYSIS SOCIETY AN AFFILIATE OF THE NORTH AMERICAN THERMAL ANALYSIS SOCIETY www.CTAS.org C ABSTRACT SUBMISSION FORM Abstract Deadline: April 15, 2011 This form should be completed by the Presenting Author. Presenting authors and others who will attend the meeting should complete the Registration Form. Presenter’s Name: Address: Phone: ( ) Abstract for Poster Fax: ( ) E-mail: □ or Oral Presentation □ You may submit this Abstract Form to Shanti Singh in either of the following ways: E-mail shanti.singh@nrcan.gc.ca Fax (613-995-1230) Abstract should begin with a title in ALL CAPS, followed by a list of all authors (with the presenter’s name underlined), address(es), a blank line, and then the body of the abstract (200-250 words). ABSTRACT AN CTAS IS SOCIET ADIAN TH YS M A L AN A L ER CANADIAN THERMAL ANALYSIS SOCIETY AN AFFILIATE OF THE NORTH AMERICAN THERMAL ANALYSIS SOCIETY www.CTAS.org Y C 21st CTAS ANNUAL WORKSHOP AND EXHIBITION May 10 & 11, 2011 New Science Complex, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada Registration & Membership Form Name: Registration Fees (Membership Fee included)* Title: Prof.□ Dr.□ Mr.□ Mrs.□ Ms.□ Student Non-Student Organization: □ $130 □ $130 □ Training &Workshop (2 days) Address: □ $50 □ $50 □ $250 Training (May 10) Workshop (May 11) City: $90 (Please check) Prov.: Postal Code: Tel: Fax: *I will not attend but enclose my $10 membership fee: □ □ □ Email: Please check days vegetarian meals are required: T W Cheques payable to “Canadian Thermal Analysis Society” Please complete and return with a cheque to: “Canadian Thermal Analysis Society” c/o Dr. Pierre-Claver Nkinamubanzi NRC-Institute for Research in Construction, M-20, Rm. 176, 1200 Montreal Rd., Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6 Canada Tel: (613) 993-6560, Fax: (613) 954-5984 Email: Pierre-Claver.Nkinamubanzi@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca Accommodation: Hotels: http://www.deltahotels.com/en/hotels/ontario/delta-guelph/ http://www.bestwesternontario.com/guelph-hotels University of Guelph (Summer Hostel): http://www.housing.uoguelph.ca/page.cfm Demographics: Industrial Lab Quality Control Other □ □ Please tell us about yourself so we may better serve you Academic Lab Government Lab Private Lab Inst. Sales/Service Process Development Mfg. Production □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Your experience (please check): 0-2 3-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21+yrs Educational background (please check): BSc MSc PhD Other_____________ □ Equipment in your lab (please indicate all that apply): DEA DMA TGA DTA TGA-DTA TGA-FTIR □ □ □ Are you a member of NATAS? Are you a member of ICTAC? □ □ Yes Yes □ □ No No □ □ □ □ □ □ TMA TGA-MS □ □ DSC or MDSC Other □