The Press Conference

The Press Conference
The press conference has certain advantages. The first advantage lies with the (1)_________
nature of the event itself; public officials’ are supposed to submit to scrutiny by responding to
various questions at a press conference.
Secondly, statements previously made at a press conference can be used as a (2) _________ in
judging following statements or policies. Moreover, in case of
Conference are an effective way to break the news to groups of reporters.
However, from the point of view of (3) _________, the press conference possesses some
disadvantages, mainly in its (4) _________ and news source.
The provider virtually determines the manner in which a press conference proceeds. This,
sometimes, puts news reporters at a (n) (5) _________, as can be seen on live broadcasts of news
Factors in getting valuable information
1)preparation: a need to keep up to date on journalistic subject matter
2) ( 6 ) _________ of the news resource
— news source’s (7) _________ to provide information
— news-gathering methods.
Conditions under which news reporters cannot trust the information provided by a news source:
—not knowing the required information;
—knowing and willing to share the information, but without (8) _________ skills;
—knowing the information, but unwilling to share;
—willing to share, but unable to recall.
3) (9) _________ of questions asked
Ways of improving the questions:
—no words with double meanings;
—no long questions;
—specific time, place, etc.
—(10) _________ questions; clear alternatives, or no alternatives in answers.
1. symbolic
5. loss
9. nature
2. criteria
3. reporters
6. nature
7. competence
10. recent/immediate
4. format
8. verbal
Press Conference is an all too familiar phenomenon around us. However, when people start
thinking about its advantages, it sometimes seems difficult to think of any that press conference
provides for the competent news reporters. Use of the press conference by public officials and
private entrepreneurs help give rise to the phrase swindle event, an event contrive d to create news
coverage where none had been considered wanted.
However, having said that, one value of the news conference by a public official is the symbolic
nature of the event. Perhaps this is reason enough to continue the practice. At a press conference a
public official supposedly submits to examination by responding to unsolicited and perhaps hostile
questions. A related advantage to the reporter is that the press conference affords an opportunity to
get the public official on a record with regard to government policies, statements from a press
conference can serve as criteria against which subsequent statements and policies are measured. In
that regard, press conference information may be used as reference points, more so than comments
reported by a single news medium. Also, when there is a single issue - a topic to address, such as a
new government, an earthquake, or the nomination of a new government minister, the press
conference offers benefits of efficiency in that officials can speak to a number reporters at once on
an issue of public concern and interest. The press conference may be at 1ts best in its almost
one-way format.
Now let’s move on to the disadvantages. Are there any serious ones? Generally speaking, the press
conference format as it stands, makes it difficult for the reporter to get worthwhile information. At
the press conference, particularly a large one, the well-prepared reporter may never get to ask a
question, and certainly it’s unlikely to have a chance to ask a follow-up question. Another
disadvantage in the press conference comes from the news source, that is the news provider. The
news source generally decides who ask the questions, determines the length of the answers and
can avoid any follow-up question and rephrase tough questions to his or her liking and sets the
time, place and duration of the interview, Press conferences televised live to the news audience
sometimes only highlight the disadvantages for the news reporters since there is little or no time to
challenge, clarify or place in context material provided by the news source.
Despite these disadvantages and others inherent in how reporters gather information, the news
reporter can help assure worthwhile information from a news source he shaved with the news
audience. One way to reduce the likely-heard of errors is to use multiple forms of interviewing, by
telephone, in person and at press conferences as well as multiple sources. Common to the success
of these approaches, however, are such inter-related ingredients as the preparation of the news
reporter, the component of the news source, and the nature of the questions asked.
Let’s look at the preparations first. The nature of much of news coverage requires reporters to be
well read on contemporary events. Like other professionals and craftsmen, the reporter must keep
up to date on journalistic subject matter, that is the human condition. Although the subject is broad,
it offers the advantage that there is little a reporter can read or witness that would not help in
covering the news at one time or another.
Next, being prepared for an interview includes giving some thought to the competence of the news
source. The relationships between news reporters and news sources would benefit the news
audience more if reporters would frequently ask themselves what is this news source competent to
talk about. What can this person tell the news audience that few others can’ t?
Two words of caution regarding the issue of competence, first, the reporter should not take for
granted that because of position or experience, the news sources he should know does know and
can provide information. Second, the Competence of the news source needs to be linked with the
news gathering methods.
Let’s just spend a minute on the first point. There are generally four conditions under which the
reporter should not give credence to a news source information. One, the source may not know the
information the reporter Wants. Two, the source may have the information and want to share it but
may lack the verbal skills or the concepts to do so. Three, the source may have the desired
information but not want to share or, worse, may lie to avoid sharing information. Last, the source
may be willing to share the information but unable to recall it.
Now, in addition to preparation of the reporter and the competence of the news source, there is one
more important ingredient in successful news coverage. That is the nature of the questions asked.
It is generally agreed that the nature of the question can shape the nature of the answer. General
questions like,” Are you for market economy” may lead to the respondent saying virtually
anything and still being rather vague. On the other hand, a too narrow question may limit the
respondent to one particular answer only.
In order to gather information from news sources as accurately as possible, reporters can improve
the questions in the following five ways. Firstly, avoid words with double meanings; secondly,
avoid long questions; thirdly, specify the time, place and context you want the respondent to
assumed and No. Four, it’s often helpful to ask questions’ in terms of the respondent’s own
immediate and recent experience rather than in generalities. Finally, either make explicit all the
alternatives the respondents should have in mind when answering the question or make none of
them explicit. Do not leave the news source by suggesting a desired answer and not mentioning
other alternatives.
OK, to sum up. Today’s lecture has covered some of the advantages and disadvantages of the press
conference and three important factors in successful news coverage. In our next lecture, we’ll
continue to discuss how to become a competent news reporter.