e-newsletter of the congregation of the brothersof charity

Edition N° 98/V/2007; December 15, 2007
(Please, always try to reduce the length of your reports for ‘Roma on-Line’ to
maximum 1 page.)
(We kindly ask the local superiors to print a copy for the Brothers who don’t have an email address.)
Merry Christmas
Pace be with you!
Administratio Generalis – Roma
Through Mary to Jesus
HAS THERE EVER BEEN ANYONE dearer to her children than Mary? Are we
sufficiently aware of how Mary remains close to people in their concerns, pains and
sorrows? Don’t we pray repeatedly: “Pray for us, poor sinners, now and at the hour of
our death”? The Lord shall look up to the verdict of the one who carried Him for nine
months and save all who prayed sincerely to Mary. (Servant of God Peter Joseph Triest,
Blaasveld, August 15, 1787)
The bond between Jesus and Mary was very intense and it remains so. How can it be otherwise
as we think about our personal relationship with our mother and as we review thereby the unique
bond which existed between God and Mary? The power that came into being out of this
interchanging love between the Father, Mary and Jesus must be fruitful in the endowment of the
Spirit and become a source of love for all people. It became the deep secret of Mary’s love to all
people, the strength of her motherhood that remains inexhaustible from generation to generation.
Mary is given a place in our life as “via secura” to the Lord himself or the guarantee that we shall
keep imparting His love. For Father Triest, it was this source of love which urged him loving all
those in need, that is the mentally ill, the prisoners, the orphans, the elderly and the handicapped.
Let us pray: Lord Jesus, give us more faith, like when Mary took the word from the angel
seriously. Give us more hope like Mary put all her trust in you at Cana. Give us more love, like
Mary remained present under the cross. Give us more devotion, like Mary who was in service to
her cousin Elisabeth. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us, poor sinners, now and at the hour
of our death. Amen.
News from the Superior General
On the 16th of November I was in the Netherlands to give a conference about the identity
of religious brothers on the meeting of the Conference of Religious Brothers of the
Netherlands. And after some other conferences in Belgium, I left for Rome on the 17 th of
Immediately we started to set up the exhibition in the corridor of our general house at the
occasion of our jubilee. It was a summary of the exposition that was developed in our
museum Guislain in Ghent, and some co-workers came over to help to set up the panels.
This exhibition will stay in our house until the meeting with the provincial and regional
My stay in Rome was a busy week with the meeting of the Union of the General
Superiors and also a meeting with the Council of ‘Justitia et Pax’. On Saturday we had
the possibility to be present on the installation of the new cardinals and in the evening
there was a meeting at the Belgian Embassy by the Holy See, where Cardinal Danneels
gave a conference about the creation of the cardinals and especially about the consistory
during which the cardinals met the Pope to reflect together about Ecumenism.
On the 25th we organized our jubilee in the Generalate. More or less 100 persons
participated in the Eucharist who was celebrated by Cardinal Martino, Cardinal Danneels
and Mgr. Bonny. After the celebration we opened the exhibition and had a talk with the
participants during the reception. We remembered that the jubilee was opened in the
same chapel on the 19th of January when the provincial and regional superiors received a
candle to light it on in their own province and region. Now, we were close to the 28th of
December when the 200 years will be full reality.
The 26th I left for Belgium, where I had to give a full day conference to a group of
Chinese bishops who stayed in Belgium on the invitation of the Verbiest-institute. The
28th I left for India, where we had the jubilee-celebration and the final vows of Bro.
Praween on the 1st of December. We had of course the occasion to meet all the brothers
and to visit the houses, also in the South, where the construction of our new house in
Ariykudi is progressing. We hope to inaugurate it next September.
Together with Johan Maertens and Prakash Goossens, who are both involved in the
international fundraising, I visited for one day Mumbai to meet a lot of people. On the 9th
we arrived safely in Belgium, but only for a few days. With some meetings with the
professors of our International Institute Canon Triest and also with the graduation of two
groups of brothers-students the days passed very soon and on the 13th we left for Ivory
Coast to visit our brothers and the institute in Yamoussoukro. I wish all of you a good
preparation of Christmas that we will celebrate in Nairobi.
Bro. R. Stockman, Superior general - rene.stockman.fc@fracarita.org
The General Superior’ Visit Schedule
News from the Casa – Rome - 2007.12.15
The most beautiful event in the past month was surely the feast of the official closure of
our Jubilee: 200 years of the Brothers of Charity. What was opened in Rome, January 19
in the presence of a lot of Brothers from our different regions in an enthusiastic manner
also saw its closure on 25 November. The solemn Mass of action of graces was presided
by Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Papal Council for Justice and Peace,
concelebrated by Cardinal Godfried Danneels, Archbishop of Belgium, by coincidence in
Rome for the creation of twenty-three new cardinals, and Mgr. Johan Bonny, Rector of
the Belgian College. The welcoming of the guests and the last word of thanks was for
Bro. General. The presiding celebrant in his homily treated the works of the Brothers as
concretization of our motto «God is Love», and Cardinal Danneels conveyed in a fine
humorous way the thanks of the Belgian episcopate. He offered us, on behalf of the
Belgian College in Rome, a magnificent icon showing the apostle Peter who looks
perplexed because « Christ, the son of the living God» wants to wash his feet. At the time
of the inauguration of a small exhibition in the main corridor of the Casa, Bro. General
sketched some remarkable facts of the history of our Congregation and looked into the
future that we are constructing today. A numerous public listened very attentively. The
simple but impressive celebration ended by an opportunity to meet one another during a
reception with a very well stocked buffet bearing the stamp «Da Arturo», a very well
known name for those who know Rome well.
On Monday, November 19 we welcomed two general superiors: Frater Broer Huitema of
the Fraters of Tilburg and Bro. Martinus Handoko of the Brothers of Maastricht.
Together with our Superior General, Bro. René Stockman, they participated in the 70th
biannual meeting of General Superiors (USG). The theme of the meeting was: «It would
not be right for us to neglect the word of God so as to give out food». (Ac 6, 2) It implies
that apostolic congregations cannot disregard what is primordial, that is what they cannot
delegate to others.
A lot of acknowledgments and of admiration went to the four guests of Belgium:
Alexander, Bart, Henk and Lieven. They succeeded in bringing with two pickups the
necessary furniture for a small exhibition about our Congregation. They set this model of
exhibition up in two days. For one month the visitors and we will be able to enjoy it.
For the amateurs of ancient Rome, we have good news. In the near future, they will be
able to visit the cave in which Romulus and Remus have been fed by the she-wolf. On 20
November, Francesco Rutelli, the minister of Culture, made it known. It is about the
sanctuary that emperor Augustus (31 b.C. - 14 a.C.) made embellish. It is situated on the
Palatine next to the Circus Massimo and, for centuries, it held in awakening the memory
of the stay of the famous twins. A contemporary of Augustus, Dionysius of
Halikarnassos, described the sanctuary and during five hundred years, scientists looked
for it, aware by the legend, to finally find it. It makes us think of the tenacious story that
Pierre's tomb had to be below the Saint Peter’s basilica. The excavations in the XXth
century confirmed the veracity of the story. During centuries, some explorers have been
attracted and have been guided by a story to make some discoveries. The consequence
was the discovery of the truth. Could we also say that of scientists, mutatis mutandis (all
differences taken into account) who let themselves to be inspired and to be guided by
faith? What they discover then will not be an indifferent and arbitrary world, but a Person
who created everything with an unbounded love and an extraordinary intellect and who
maintains it to man's service.
It is suitable that in a students’ home, every inhabitant appreciates study and scientific
research and practices it as much as possible. We pridely mention Bro. John O'Shea who
enriches his Italian through personal study and a regular course; also Rev. Dirk Smet,
Canon of the cathedral of Ghent who resides here to follow the course for postulators at
the Congregation for Beatifications. Rev. Pontien Bisimwa Kabasha of the Belgian
College found a title for his License Memory in Canonical Law and Civil Law: « Formal
conditions in international law for cooperation in the development of Africa ».
Bro. Eugeen Geysen
Provincial Administration – Yammoussoukro – Côte d’Ivoire
Région Saint-François-Xavier, Rwanda – Burundi
Région Notre Dame d’Afrique – République Démocratique du Congo
St.-Augustine – Kinshasa – Notre Dame d’Afrique Region
Bro. Jean Marie Mukonkole Buanga has come to Kinshasa from Goma, where he had
been working in the neuropsychiatry centre. In Kinshasa he will follow a further
formation in the neuropathology centre. He has already started his formation and stays in
a parish close to the formation centre. Bro. Alphonse Tshianda finished his medicine
studies in Kananga. Kinshasa is waiting for him to continue his formation in
orthopaedics. Bro. Aimé Muanza had a surgery in the Tshikaji Hospital.
Six postulants of Kananga and three from Bukavo finished their formation. They left for
Nairobi for the noviciate. On October 21st 2007, thirteen Associate Members renewed in
Kinshasa for 3 years their promises.
The nurse from Katuambi finished his formation in Kinshasa using an electroencephalograph to make an EEG.
Brothers Albert Nkoy and Bernard Ntambue finished their holidays in the family and
joint their new community, Kabinda (Bro. Albert) and Katuambi, where Bro. Bernard
will become the superior in the community. All the brothers assigned for studies arrived
already in Lubumbashi.
On October 15th, the general secretary, Bro. Aimé Peirsman, paid a visit to Kinshasa,
Kananga, Katwambi, Lusambo and Kabinda. On November 1st, Bros. Aimé Peirsman,
Jean Mbeshi et Floribert Kabindu returned from their canonical visit in the two Kasai.
During a reception for the old pupils from Kabinda, Bro. Aimé made an address that
satisfied everybody. On November 4th he returned to Belgium.
Our primary school in Lusambo has lost a teacher.
Miss Isabelle Wenk paid a visit to our CRHP that has a work agreement with “Amis de
l’Atelier” from France.
On November 11th we welcomed joyfully Bro. Paulin Kindambu coming from Nairobi
for a visit to his family.
In Goma they closed the bicentenary with a solemn Mass, followed by a big feast.
Bro. Richard Mukendi Tsasuma lost his father, who had been sick for a while, in
Lubumbashi. Bro. Richard did his practicum in Kinshasa. Bro. Frederic Mbayo was still
in Kananga, waiting for his new vehicle for the rehabilitation work in Lusambo. On
November 15th Bro. Jean Mbeshi, General Assistant, came from Goma on his way to
Rome. On November 17th Bro. Simon Wumba came to Kananga to arrange some
formalities for his studies in Belgium. On Nov. 27th Bro. Regional Superior paid a
canonical visit to Lusanga, in the community of St.-Monique.
Bros. Regional Superior and local superior of Kinshasa met Mgr. Mbula Matadi in order
to arrange the closure of the bicentenary on Dec. 28th when Mgr. will celebrate the H.
Mass. They prepared this with the help of the associate members and old pupils.
Br.Floribert Kabinda, regional superior NDA
Saint Dominic Region, Tanzania
- The father of Celestin Tshipip has passed away yesterday 21st November. He has been
suffering for several years. This has been a heavy burden for Celestin who had chosen to
remain at his side and therefore did not renew his vows this year. I have promised that
we keep his deceased father, and himself and his family in our daily prayers.
- Bro Marc Beetens from SV region (Belgium) will join the SD region. His first
challenge now is to learn Swahili ! We are still exploring the best of possibilities.
- On 13th November bro Eric Amin Jeje (administrative officer NISW), bro Constantino
Kaunda (academic officer NISW), mr Abubakar (former academic officer NISW) and mr
Mmbaga (consultant Brothers of Charity) have face the jury for defending the training
"bachelor degree of social work”.
Br. Stan
Saint Paul Region, South Africa
Provincial Administration – Washington – U.S.A./Brazil
November 22: Thanksgiving weekend a big affair in U.S.A. On invitation of the
Regional superior the two American communities gather in Philadelphia for prayer and a
gorgeous traditional dinner.
Our Lady of Charity Region – U.S.A. - Washington
Brother Bernard Boulay is already much advanced in the translation in Spanish of his
second book, this time: “May I call you brother?” He finds the English translation better
than the French one.
visit of bro. Bernard Houle in U.S.A. December 13, he returned to Peru. January 2:
Departure for Tanzania (Tabora) of Bro. Willbrod Frank Lukamilwa after completion of
studies in education at the Catholic University of America (3 1/2 years).
December 9-30: Annual visit of the Provincial in Peru and Brazil.
Région Saint-Martin de Porres – Perù
Brother Jacques Bellemare arrived on 22 October for the 2007 stage of the pupils of
College Saint-Bernard and he returned on 16 November. He accompanied the three
teachers who stayed in the community while the students were welcomed in the Peruvian
Brother Victor Hugo Merino is the representative of the NGO “Liliane Fonds”. From 15
to 23 November he went in the South of Peru (Arequipa) to meet the different
beneficiaries. He profited of the occasion to make our Congregation better known in this
Région Sainte-Anne – Canada
December 5: St Anne Region recollection in St Sulpice on the Eucharist and birthday of
the dean Bro. Albert Bibeau (95).
The Regional Chapter of St Ann Region is planned for January 12.
Brother Antonin Lemay having bladder problems went to the hospital. When all was in
order he came back but fell on the way home. So that he now enjoys a convalescence
period in St-Sulpice.
Brother Jean Lagarde has to undergo a surgery to the lungs on 21 December. We are with
him in prayer.
Provincial Administration – Lahore – Pakistan
Our Lady of Lourdes Community – Provincial Administration – Lahore – Pakistan
On the 4th of October we went to Gulberg Parish Church Capuchins Fathers House. They
celebrated the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. They also celebrated the 25th year jubilee of
the Friar Rev Bro Ayoob, OFM cap. From the Brothers of Charity bro. Saleem and bro.
Naeem did participate in the festive program.
Bro. Naeem and Bro. Saleem went to Islamabad on the 17th of October to the Indonesian
Embassy to become an Indonesian Visa, but due to the political situation we couldn’t get
The Sisters of Charity of St. Jeanne Antide (Maltese) sisters celebrated their 25 th year
jubilee of the community in Pakistan on the 20th of October. Many religious men and
sisters participated in the program.
On the 22nd of October we had a community meeting in the presence of our Provincial
Superior, Rev Bro. Gabriel. In the evening he went to Indonesia.
On the 26th of October we went to Kasur Parish to attend the crowning of Mother Mary’s
convent. The present parish priest has been a teacher of our postulants. Therefore we took
all the postulants and two sisters of the Holy Family with us, as one of them is a teacher
of our postulants.
On the first of November Bro. Victor invited all the local people of Yohanabad to
celebrate the Feast of all Saints. In the beginning of the program the holy rosary was
recited. A bible reading was read by bro. Ameel and bro. Noman took some pictures. At
the end of the program sweets were distributed.
The Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary celebrated their 110 year presence in Pakistan in
Yohanabad. From the Brothers of Charity bro. Saleem and bro. Naeem participated in the
celebration. After mass a cake was offered and a meal was served.
On the 4th of November bro. Naeem, bro. Saleem, bro. Amee, bro. Noman and bro
Samuel attended the parents meeting in the Superior College Kalma Chok in Lahore. The
parents were informed about the results of the first tests.
On the 10th of November we were invited to attend the final profession by the St. John of
God sisters in the parish church in Yohanabad. Also on the same day the Dar-ul-Kalam
Religious Educational Institute celebrated the Hamjoli’s Magazine birthday. Hamjoli is a
monthly published kid’s magazine of the institute. It is send to all the Christian schools.
Therefore our school teachers and our kids participated in the celebration.
Also on the 10th of November bro. Noman Gill’s birthday was celebrated. All the
brothers and postulants participated. Afterwards the postulants went home to get their
winter season clothes and an the 17th of November bro. Noman, bro. Ameel and bro.
Samuel went to the renewal centre to have their recollection.
On the 17th, 18th and 19th of November our archdiocese of Lahore was celebrating its
centenary in the Sacred Heart Cathedral. We participated of course in the celebration.
Bro. Saleem – spaschal65@yahoo.com
Father Lievens Region – India
Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu – St. John De Britto Community
We celebrated the Deepavali feast with crackers; meanwhile Bro. Yashwant and Bro.
Wilfred had a small accident due to a dog that crossed us. On 17th Bro. S. Wilfred went to
Chennai for the vocation promotion. On 25th he went to Ranchi, Jharkhand for the
celebration of 200 years Brothers of Charity and Bro. Praween’s Perpetual Profession. On
04th December Rev. Bro. Rene Stockman, the Superior General, Mr. Prakash Goosens
together with our Bro. Regional Superior, Bro. Godfried B. and Bro. Bimal Marandi
arrived with Bro. S. Wilfred. A warm welcome was given to them, and as usual they felt
at home immediately. They wanted to visit the construction of the new house and also to
view the future project in the south of India.
Bro.S.Wilfred - willy_tanasplj_iloveindia@hotmail.com
Blessed Joseph Vaz Region - Sri Lanka
Regio Rama Sandjaja – Indonesia
St. John Maria Vianney’s Community, Purwokerto
On October 29, our confrere, Bro. Eduardus Utama, has been appointed as chairperson of
the Catholic Educational Council of the Purwokerto Diocese. We congratulate and wish
him lots of success with his new function.
In line with the advance progress in technology, the computer lab of our secondary
school has been modernized with the installation of unlimited internet access facilities.
As many as twenty computers have been fitted out with the new gadget. Thus our
students could now access internet by themselves. They could learn how to use emails,
and how to set up a blog, a website, etc. Our school is also setting up its own website.
The children could use our new facilities for free every morning, but in the afternoon or
outside the school hours they have to pay about 15 cents of Euro per hour to do so. As to
our science lab, it has also been extended by combining the room used for our former
school canteen. Also, our school cooperative (economic enterprise) has got more
complete equipments recently. There is always a teacher on duty at their office every
day. For the near future development we are planning to provide more audio visual
media at our schools. Recently we have received a contribution of (VCD) karaoke player
from the Ministry of Education, which can be used especially for music and arts activities
at our schools. It has been for some time that we equipped our school with disc antenna
and education television equipment. They are still being used properly up till now.
Another good news from our school this time is that as many as 92% of the total number
of our students have passed the national exams. We also has regained our A (excellent)
accreditation status from the Ministry of Education. Thanks for your prayer supports,
and best regards from all of us in Purwokerto.
Bro. Yakobus Sawino
St. Paul’s Community, Yogyakarta
On November 17-18, the students of our junior secondary school held their leadership
basic training program. On the same date, the altar boys and girls of St. Alphonse Parish
held their recollection and training at our schools as well. Also, on November 18, a
group of young people of St. Michael’s Parish Church of Magelang paid a visit to our
community to get to know of our life as religious brothers.
On November 22, we welcomed Father Cornelis OSA (Augustinian Order) of the
Diocese of Sorong, Papua Province, who visited our community to learn about the care
for HIV/AIDS patients in Yogyakarta.
On November 26, Bro. Florentinus Siswanto went to Bandungan to follow a training
session for boarding school educators organized by the Indonesian Association of
Religious Brothers. On the same day, our first year postulant, Niko Karitasanto, bid us a
farewell as he wanted to return to his family for good.
On November 27, Bro. Joachim Widyayuwana celebrated his 70th birthday. We held a
simple celebration for him at our community by presenting him a birthday “tumpeng”
rice cone which is typical of Javanese culture here. Ad multos annos, Brother Joachim.
On November 28, the chairman of our parish council of St. Alphonse, namely Mr. Seto,
passed away at the age of 60 years. May his soul rest in the Lord’s peace.
On December 1, after having a medical check-up, Bro. Gabriel Subiyanto was admitted
to the Panti Rapih Hospital in order to lower his blood sugar level which was too high, as
well as to cure his backbone and teeth problems. On Sunday, Bros. Michael and
Honorius, together with three postulants went to visit Bro. Gabriel at the hospital. His
condition seemed to be much better after he received an insulin therapy and a regular
blood test from his doctor. Let us pray for his speedy recovery.
Bro. Yoanes Suhakto et al.
Yogyakarta - The Congregation’s Bicentenary Anniversary Celebration in Indonesia
on Sunday, November 11, 2007
A special moment for thanksgiving of the works of Father Triest
This celebration commenced at 9:00 a.m. at the central school yard of Don Bosco
Institute for the Deaf in Wonosobo with the release of special jubilee gigantic balloons
accompanied by a marching band performance of the students of our junior secondary
school of Purworejo.
The thanksgiving mass was carried out at Don Bosco’s Sports Hall accompanied by
traditional Javanese “gamelan” orchestra and dance performed by seven deaf students
and a former deaf student of Don Bosco Institute.
After the Gospel reading, a meditative play was performed by some deaf students of Don
Bosco Institute. It was really such a lively and touching performance.
At the end of the mass, all the priests together with the Provincial and Regional Superiors
as well as the Chapter Capitulars joined a closing procession accompanied by the
traditional dance leaving the site. The program was then continued with the reception.
Bro. Patricius Candra Kurniawan, FC
St. Laurentius’ Community, Boro-Purworejo
Last month our provincial superior of Asia and the members of the Asian provincial
chapter paid a visit to our school for the mentally handicapped. Our children were so
happy in welcoming them and we guided them to visit our school facilities and activities.
Afterwards we asked our special guests from India and Philippines to plant a tree at our
school garden. We also presented some arts performances for them at our unfinished
multipurpose school hall.
On November 18, we welcomed five students from the Jesuit’s De Britto Senior High
School of Yogyakarta. They came here to know more about the life of our handicapped
On November 21, our good friend and local benefactor, Mr. Hangky who is a
businessman here in Purworejo, invited all our students and staff to dine out together at a
restaurant here in Purworejo, together with many local parishioners. There they joined
together in singing and dancing with our students and staff. We thank them for their
generosity and supports for our school.
Up till now the condition of our students at our boarding school here seems to be fine,
despite of the limited space at our dormitories. We have been refusing the parents’
request to admit more children from Jakarta, Bandung, Wonosobo and Magelang, as we
are in short of accommodation here. We really look forward to overcoming this room
shortage problem at our school in the near future. Your prayers and supports are surely
and always welcome.
The government recently has promised us to give their aid in constructing an additional
classroom. However up till now this plan hasn’t been realized yet, though we have
already demolished a shed in our school yard in order to prepare a location for the
construction of the said classroom. The working system of our local government in order
to obtain their support for our school is indeed very difficult and complicated. Thus, let
us just wait and see what might happen.
After going through many efforts and a long process of waiting and hoping, finally on
December 3 at 10 a.m. we could start the construction project of the new residential
house for our students. We held a prayer service for this event. The service was led by
Bro. Mario Sunardi, our local superior. Bro. Lukas Subiyatno, as regional superior, laid
the first stone for this project. Also present during this ceremony were the brothers of our
community in Boro, our teachers, the school principal and the staff members of our
school. The new facility will be used to accommodate as many as 20 residential students
of our school. We hope that it will solve our current problem of shortage in
accommodation for our handicapped pupils. Thank God for his goodness this is realized
through the support of Lilianefonds, Netherlands, as sponsor of our project.
A few days ago, some of our staff members also joined a training workshop organized by
the Communication Forum of Children Homes) of Yogyakarta and Central Java
Province. The session took place in Kaliurang, Yogyakarta, and was divided into two
sessions. Those who took part in the said workshop were very impressed and felt much
better now in giving their guidance and accompaniment at our residential school for the
handicapped children. Our best regards to all of you.
Bro. Elias Firdus Jani
WONOSOBO – Celebrating the 200th Jubilee with children we serve
A groggy-looking boy cries out, "I feel dizzy, dizzy!" Before, he has been seen taking a
drink, injecting a substance into his hand, swallowing a pill and then falling to the
ground. Another boy appears, walking to and fro, and kicking plastic glasses and other
objects on the ground. He growls and lies on the ground too. The two boys, both deaf,
were depicting on stage some of the kinds of people served by the Brothers of Charity.
They were among 13 students from a Brothers of Charity-run school for the deaf who
presented a 45-minute drama about the congregation's mission and service. The drama
was part of a Mass marking the 200th anniversary of the congregation's founding in
Gent, Belgium, on Dec. 28, 1807. The brothers held the Mass on November 11 in
Wonosobo, 365 kilometers southeast of Jakarta.
The brothers first came to Indonesia in 1929, and the congregation now has 44 professed
members in the country. They run special schools for the hearing-impaired in Wonosobo,
for narcotics addicts in Yogyakarta, and for people with physical and mental disabilities
in Purworejo, all in the central Java region. They also run regular kindergartens and
elementary, junior high and senior high schools in the area.
Father Fransiscus Widyantardi, vicar general of Purwokerto diocese, which covers
Wonosobo, led the Mass at Don Bosco School for the Deaf in Wonosobo. Around 400
people including 50 Brothers of Charity, postulants and novices, and about 200 students,
attended. Eight of the brothers -- four from Indonesia, two from the Philippines, two from
India -- had just attended their Asia Province chapter meeting. The brothers also serve in
Japan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Vietnam, but these communities were unable to send
Children of the brothers' regular schools also performed some activities for the
anniversary celebration. Before Mass, a drum band from a Purworejo junior high school
presented eight pieces.
Thirty Yogyakarta kindergarten pupils and another 30 Purwokerto primary school pupils
also entertained the brothers and guests with songs, and Brother Subiyanto played the
Bro. Yoanes
Sacred Heart Region – Philippines/Japan and Vietnam
Our Lady of Charity Formation House - Baguio City Community
As we all know that November 1st “All Saints Day” and 2nd “All Souls Day” is a very
special day for us, remembering our dear ones and our brothers & sisters who have
passed away. We remembered them through prayers and by lightning candles outside the
The 2nd of November, Brother Angelo arrived in Baguio and Brother Edcel was
transferred to Tabaco City. The Regional Superior sent them to different communities in
order to get experience and observe our apostolate.
On November 3, the Superior of the house, Brother Gary went to Manila to attend the
provincial meeting held in Indonesia. He was away from 3 till 17 of November, and on
his absence Bro. Angelo was in charge of the 3 postulants, 1 aspirant and of the tasks
given to him.
Most of the time the SCD (Special Children Dept) and H.I.D (Hearing Impaired Dept)
accept a large number of caregivers, SPED practitioners and Nursing students. From the
date of November 07, a number of 7 RSL (Rose for Life) caregivers arrived here from La
Union. They stayed here during the weekdays and went back home during the weekends.
Another batch of caregivers came, plus the SPED students and Nursing students from
SLU (Saint Luis University). We also have a group of SLRI students who are boarding
here in our school. Mr.Dong (our lay volunteer) was in charge of them.
Happy Birthday to you! A greeting that was all heard from the people who congratulates
to the birthday of Nellie Laroco on November 10. The Brothers, teachers, volunteers and
the staff, gathered for a lunch to celebrate the birthday of our secretary.
Early in the morning of November 18, Bro.Gary and the two aspirants arrived from
Manila. During lunch Bro.Gary introduced them to us. We are lucky, perhaps “blessed”
might be the right word, to have aspirants again: Elton Baja and John Brendan Balacuit
both from the Visayas Island of the Philippines. In the afternoon, Bro.Gary gave some
orientation about the schools, the formation house and around the area. The following
day, they were introduced to the teachers, students, caregivers and volunteers of SLRI
(San Lorenzo Ruiz Institute) after the flag ceremony.
In the morning of 23rd of November, the H.I.D teachers and students together with the
other practioners went to PMA (Philippine Military Academy). Our school director Bro.
Gary and our postulants and aspirants accompanied them for their eco-walk in the said
place, as part of their monthly educational and relaxing activities. They were back after
having their lunch at PMA.
The S.C.D teachers, students, volunteers, and SPED practitioners went to Camp John
Hay. It is a place where the U.S generals lived in the years 1904-09. The children found it
funny seeing that beautiful environment and discovering new things. They saw colorful
flowers, breathed fresh air far away from busy streets it was a day for them and for us to
be never forgotten.
At noontime of November 27, the central Luzon Island was struck by 6.0 magnitude
earthquake which set the building in motion. It lasted a second but it was strong enough
that many of us ran outside the school and the house, to find a safety place. Fortunately
no one was hurt or damaged. Listening to the news on the radio, the Mayor of Baguio
suspended classes on all levels to be prepared for the aftershock.
On November 29, the Postulants attended the NLAB (Northern Luzon Association for the
Blind) together with the other congregations.
No class today! November 30 is a holiday for us Filippinos, as we celebrate the Bonifacio
Day, one of our various heroes in the Philippines.
As we all joyfully waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, we merrily greet you
in advance a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
We are going to celebrate the 200 years this December 28, 2007. I would like to take this
opportunity to say, Long Live the Brothers of Charity!! Long Live Father Triest! May his
spirit guide us as we do our best to continue his mission that became our mission too!
Bro.Angelo L.Godelo= jinly03@yahoo.com
Our Lady of Fatima Formation House - Tabiguain, Tabaco City
November 26, 2007: Bro. Vincent Edcel Lacierda arrived as a new member of the
community as part of the formation plan. He was formerly assigned in Baguio
community. “Welcome back Brother. Enjoy your stay and live with us”.
November 30, 2007: The Brothers attended the 75th Wedding Anniversary of the
Barangay Catechist held in San Lorenzo Ruiz Shrine with its reception in the Gym. It was
a jubilant celebration. Living witness of God is love.
December 05, 2007: We are blest to have the presence of Mr. Dave Buemia as candidate
for the come and see program until December 15, 2007.
December 10 and 11, 2007: Bro. Aurelio and Bro. Armand Samuel will attend the
formation meeting in Manila.
December 15, 2007: The Brothers will attend the meaningful day of both center and
community based clients of the Holy Face Rehabilitation Center for mental health in the
Nazareth complex.
December 16, 2007: The Brothers of Charity – Our Lady of Fatima Formation House
community together with the San Lorenzo Guild – Tabiguian will sponsor the 1st
Morning Mass (“Aguinaldo mass” early dawn mass in San Lorenzo Ruiz Shrine as a gift
to the Barangay Tabiguian Community. Then another morning mass will be held on
December 18, 2007.
December 25, 2007: Community Christmas Party here in Fatima formation house.
December 26, 2007: The Community will attend the Closing program of the 200th years
of the Congregation of the Brothers of Charity in Pandacan, Manila together with our two
Associate Members who are from Bicol.
Prepared by: Br. Samuel Aguino
Our Lady of Rosary Community – Pandacan, Manila
The two expected aspirants from Mindanao, Elton and John have finally arrived and
stayed with us for two days before going to Baguio. Both come from the same village, at
least three days and two nights traveling by boat to Manila. On November 15, 2007, I
accompanied Bro. Tony Rodano to fetch them at Manila South Harbor Terminal.
At the same time we received an invitation from the Roman Catholic Archbishop of
Manila to join the Eucharistic Celebration to welcome the new Apostolic Nuncio, His
Excellency Most Reverend Edward Joseph Adams at the Manila Cathedral. Archbishop
Gaudencio B. Cardinal Rosales led the welcome ceremonies while Cebu Archbishop
Ricardo Cardinal Vidal gave the homily. Adams himself said the mass.
Also Bro. Gary Echane and Bro. Aurel Valdrez arrived at the same date from the
Provincial Meeting in Indonesia.
On November 19 till 23, 2007 was the week of 20th Foundation Anniversary of the
school. A lot of activities were organized such as an Art Exhibit, q Medical Mission with
Free Medicines, OPI-Olympics and the most awaited event which was the Foundation
Day on which children, teachers, brothers and volunteers spent a lot of time for its
preparation. Many guests joined us especially the representative of the Manila Mayor’s
Office, our Associate Members, other Schools and Organizations, Parents and Friends.
The Feast was given a special accent as we commemorated also the Bicentenary
Foundation Anniversary of the Congregation. It provided us the opportunity to glimpse at
the past and to reflect on what we hope to achieve in the future. Above all, the Brothers
of Charity wants to approach our fellow human with believing and loving basic attitudes
as Bro. Tony Rodano stated during his opening speech.
We CONGRATULATE the OPI-School, Teachers, Brothers, Family and Friends for
their continual support in the services of the Children with Mental Disabilities here in
Pandacan, Manila.
Novice Johnny Rey Guan
Holy Face News - Tabaco, Albay
Nationwide, the Philippines carry on the long observed tradition of All Saint’s Day where
the dead members of families, relatives and friends are remembered and people flock to
the cemeteries for remembrance and to offer prayers. This tradition is consistently held
every first day of November. During this time, the residents and staff of Holy Face all
went home to be in solidarity with this nationwide observance.
As soon as everyone was back to the Center, there were the regular meetings that are
always presided by Bro. Vic who was fresh from the trip to Jakarta where he attended the
WHO Global Forum for Community Mental Health. The director shared with the staff
and Brothers the ideas and experiences gained in the Jakarta Forum.
This month was also a month of apprehension and anxiety because of the impending
landfall of the typhoon “Mina”, which, according to the PAGASA weather bureau was
packing winds of 175 km/h a little weaker in intensity compared to the super typhoon
:Reming” that devastated the Region this same month last year but nonetheless disastrous
in its effect. Precautionary preparations were done by all the residents, staff and Brothers
in the Center. However the typhoon did not touch Tabaco at least for now at the time of
this writing. But in the news, the previous typhoon “Lando” seemed to be returning to
the country to encounter “Mina”. This made people crazier and made jokes about this two
Bro. Vic and Holy Face nurse Jectofer Cabanting would attend the WAPR (World
Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation) in Manila. This worldwide association
endeavors to ensure that Mental Health services as compassionate, comprehensive,
connected to wherever the patient may be. Upon returning, Bro. Vic shared the topics
given in that conference.
Bro. Vic
Provincial Administration – Moerzeke – België
Saint Joseph Region – Ireland and United Kingdom
Regio Sint-Maria – Nederland
Pavilion “Heihoef”-Eikenburg
As during the holiday weeks the “Zonnebloem” (Sunflower) stops the activities, we use
the holiday pavilion for some other activities. The organisation “Holiday-Elderly” has
organised some holiday works for elderly people from Eindhoven and surrounding.
Those weeks have passed very well and will surely be repeated next year.
The “Maria Meynenstichting”, where brothers and sisters help as volunteers, has
organised in the Heihoef a weekend for parents of drugs addicted children.
Family day
Within the frame of the 200 years celebration a family day for all the brothers and sisters
of the Dutch brothers was organised. Many family members came to celebrate in
Eindhoven the jubilee together with the brothers. We had seen to it that a shuttle bus went
to and fro between Eikenburg and the museum. So everyone who was interested could
visit the exhibition. Many did so. At the end of the day a meal was served and everyone
returned home satisfied.
Henri Jonas
On 9th November in the “Spanish government Museum” in Maastricht an exhibition was
opened of the works of Henri Jonas. Jonas was for a while a patient of Servaas in Venray
at the Brothers of Charity. The painting “The disciples of Emmaus”, property of the
Brothers, is presented in the exhibition.
The staff members and volunteers of the Brothers of Charity were invited to visit the
exhibition in the Kempenland museum. This was the final visit of the exhibition. During
next week the provincialate in Eindhoven underwent a metamorphose. All the paintings
and documents are back on their place in the house or in the archives.
The sale of the book goes smoothly. Many came to buy it in Eikenburg. Meanwhile it is
also at sale in many places in Eindhoven, Roermond, Etten-Leur, Venray and
Kaatsheuvel and is available in the “Achelse Kluis” and in the Abbey of Berne.
Jan Brokx, old pupil of the Brothers of Charity, is so enthusiast about the jubilee book
that he approached the newspaper to talk about it. He gave an interview and made of his
house a sales point for the book.
Sick Brothers
Brothers Nieuwlands and Smolders moved to the Brothers House Eikenburg. There they
find the necessary professional care.
St. Nicolas feast
Many brothers were present at the St. Nicolas feast, as well as many Belgian brothers
came to Schaft, a village at the Belgian borders. In the morning pictures were showed of
the previous St. Nicolas feasts and the brothers had a query about photos to win a price.
Every year this creates hilarity and cheating when looking other answers, but in no avail.
Every brother received a gift from the saint, to be chosen from the table. After a lovely
lunch those who could went for a walk. Then St. Nicolas came himself to visit us. His
presence was, as usual, very pleasant and he entertained us as always during the bingo
game. Everybody return satisfied home at half past four.
Regio Sint-Vincentius - België/Belgique – Rumania – Ukraine
Visit to Rumania
At the end of October the regional superior, Brother Veron Raes, paid a short visit to
Brother Jan Scherpenbergh and the Associate Members in Iasi on the occasion of the
promise done by a new associate member. He also visited our two sheltered houses to see
how we could continue this project with our associate members.
Associate Members
In our Region eleven candidates started with their formation to become associate
members. Seven of them are from the Walloon region and four from the Flemish region.
They all follow the same formation in the course of eight encounters in which will be
deepened one theme. This formation leads to the pronunciation of their promises at the
end of the formation year the date of which is not yet fixed. We are very pleased with the
dynamics present in this group.
Pilgrimage to the places where Triest had been living
Last months our region organized two times a pilgrimage to the places where Triest had
been living to actualize the classic Triest tour that had been organized several times some
years ago. We invited our confreres and co-workers from the Saint Joseph Region and the
Saint Mary Region to participate. It was our aim to give them an actual vision on our
spirituality by bringing them close to the history and writings of our founder and also to
our new projects. We wish to thank very much all those who collaborated on this project
in our region. We also foresee a new serious of pilgrimages at the beginning of next year
in which also the brothers and co-workers from our region can participate.
Personal column
Bro. Mark Beetens who had always been expressing his desire to go to the missions, will
leave for Tanzania within the coming weeks. Bro. Guido Cranshoff will be moving to the
Provincialate where he will be installed as local superior and nominated as secretary of
the regional superior. Bro. Gaston Briers who had to support a serious surgery, had been
admitted in our rest house in Zelzate. Bro. Dirk Beirnaert is preparing to move to the
community of Saint Paul (Ghent). Bro. Louis Verschueren went to South Africa for some
definite time in order to give assistance by the renovation project in Pax.
Visit to Ukraine
The regional superior paid a visit to our house in Ukraine in the weekend of 8 December
in order to prepare on the place itself a formation for our co-workers there. He also would
encourage our two brothers who are developing a community in very primitive
A tour on bicycle and on foot
In the coming weeks we shall be putting on-line a new website and spreading a booklet in
which we shall present a new tour on bicycle and on foot. As part of our bicentenary we
will present the most important historical places for our Congregation in Ghent.
Bro. Veron Raes, regional superior
International Noviciate – Sint-Maria-Aalter
We started our sexuality course on 5th of December together with Sister Claudia Theinert
(s.sp.s. M.A) and Brother Johan Miujtjens (F.i.c.M.S). They will continue it until next
Tuesday (11th of December). They analyzed their lessons into four sessions. The 1st
session runs from 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. Thereafter we have a break for 15 minutes.
Then the 2nd session starts at about 10.15 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. after that we can have our
second break till 11.15 a.m. They continue their third session until 12.00 p.m. We attend
to the last session of the day at around 4.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. These lessons are really
helpful for our lives. We really appreciate the way of their teaching. Most of the time
the lessons are going with some Microsoft power point programs and with some pictures
and with back ground music etc. So that it is very easy to grasp their teaching.
….There is no such thing most awaited than the coming of Christmas…. The novices
are quiet busy planning in preparation for Christmas decoration in their respective area of
responsibility. It seems it goes forth for competition that everyone is having a thought of
how they make it nicely. Being an individual, each of us given especial area to decorate,
to make an effort to put as it is that we can feel the spirit of Christmas. The others are
making postcards for their respective communities, friends and families.
For the moment, they took the chance to relax after having an intensive course given by
Sr. Claudia and Br. Johan. But no matter how intense it is, you can still see in their faces
the joy and concern for each other as they’re laughing and teasing each other. Br. Joseph
considered the most joyous group of novices ever since. But besides, still we cannot resist
from the challenge of misunderstandings, and we all knew that this is the essence of
being living in a community. We did not choose each other.
Angelo and Nestor
Happy New Year 2008
God bless you!
Casa Generalizia dei Fratelli della Carità
Via Giambattista Pagano 35, I-00167 Roma, Italia
Phone: *39-06-660.49.01; Fax: *39-06-663.14.66
Email: aime.peirsman@tin.it or aime.peirsman.fc@fracarita.org
Web-site: www.brothersofcharity.org