Latin II Unit I - WL-Info

Latin II Curriculum
New Haven Public Schools
Description of the Latin II Curriculum Units
This section contains descriptions of the material covered in each unit of the Latin II
Curriculum. Numbers contained in parentheses represent the Power Standards for Latin II
addressed by the course material.
A significant number of teacher-crafted handouts, worksheets and assessments can be found
in the section labeled Materials following the description of each unit. These materials are
provided merely as examples. It is assumed that Latin teachers will exercise their
professional judgment in deciding whether to use the supplied materials or to use their own,
similar materials. Please note that if teachers wish to use these handouts, special care should
be taken before photocopying to properly put in by hand long marks over Ablative Singulars
of the first declension and infinitives of the second conjugation.
Latin II Curriculum
New Haven Public Schools
UNIT I: Review of Latin I material and completion of Perfect Active System
Students will review the endings and vocabulary learned in Latin I. This entails a full-scale
review of all noun forms (1st through 3rd declension) and verb forms (1st through 4th
conjugations, and sum). 3rd declension nouns, 2nd declension neuters, and 3rd through 4th
conjugations should represent the majority of needed review (1.1, 1.3, 2.1). The Proserpina
and Ceres myth as presented in Latin for Americans can be used to review many (but not all)
of these constructions, and opens the door to further discussion of etiological myths (those
that explain some aspect of the natural world) of the Romans and Greeks (1.2). Review of
the forms of sum and of the perfect tense will allow a seamless transition to the pluperfect
and future perfect tenses.
The review material in this unit will also serve to re-acquaint students with the
grammar terminology necessary for success in Latin (1.3). The completion of the Perfect
Active System- namely, the temporally complex Pluperfect and Future Perfect tenses with
their auxiliary verb + participle formulae in English- may be an eye-opener for some
students, who in our professional experience have been known to doubt the grammaticality of
these tenses. Mastery of these tenses in English because of their nuanced temporal meanings
is a necessity for higher order thinking and further academic pursuits (6.5).
Students will be expected to keep a section of their binder or notebook as a “reference
area” for the rest of the year. Here they will keep those significant tasks that model the
paradigms for which they are responsible for the remainder of Latin II, including the verb
synopses and noun forms which are the significant tasks for this unit.
Latin II Curriculum
New Haven Public Schools
Materials for Unit I
The following items are included as resources for teachers:
1. General Review Quiz on Vocabulary and Grammar Termninology
2. Supplemental Handout on Verb Forms, Idioms and Questions
3. Conjugation Worksheet
4. Verb forms from Latin I Assessment
5. Review verb forms Worksheet
6. Drill that includes Pluperfect and Future Perfect tenses
7. Template for verb review quiz
Latin II
Mihi nomen est_________________________________________
Datum est___________________________
Match the definition on the left to the word it matches. Put the correct Letter in the column
on the right.
A. A verb used as a command
___ Verb
B. Tells when a verb takes place
___ Adjective
C. It comes in two types, action and linking
___ Noun
D. Case used to address a noun
___ Preposition
E. Receives the direct object
___ Adverb
F. Tells how a noun is used in a sentence
___ Infinitive
G. A word that describes the subject of a sentence
___ Imperative
H. Receives the action of the verb
___ Gender
I. Usually two nouns used next to each other
___ Case
J. Describes a noun
___ Predicate Nominative
K. Case used for the subject
___ Nominative
L. Case used for the direct object
___ Accusative
M. Word that shows the relationship between two things
___ Genitive
N. A word that tells “HOW” something is done; modifies verb
___ Ablative
O. Tells whether a word is masculine, feminine or neuter
___ Dative
P. The “to” form of any verb
___ Apposition
Q. Any person, place or thing
___ Direct Object
R. Case used to show possession
___ Indirect Object
S. Case used for an indirect object
___ Vocative
T. Case used to show “means” or “instrument”
___ Tense
Give a definition for each word below.
1. silva
2. puella
3. agricola
4. nauta
5. femina
6. iniuria
7. casa
8. disciplina ______________
9. amicitia
10. mensa
11. dea
12. causa
13. carrus
14. cibus
15. dominus
16. gladius
17. ager
18. magister
19. castra
20. socius
21. medicus
22. filius
23. auxilium ______________
24. oppidum ______________
25. durus
26. altus
27. malus
28. latus
29. liber
30. meus
31. paro
32. pugno
33. libero
34. voco
35. doceo
36. teneo
37. pono
38. nunc
39. sed
40. scribo
41. munio
42. cedo
43. video
44. capio
45. facio
Latin II
Mihi nomen est _______________________________________
Datum est ________________________
Supplemental Handout
All vocabulary from Lessons 1 - 19 must be learned. I advise you to make
flashcards for yourself- you will be your own best study partner!
Forms: Present Tense- Use the 2nd principal part to get the present stem. Add the o, s, t,
mus, tis, nt endings.
laudare: laudadocere: doceponere: pone- DROP the -e- from the stem!
laudo, laudas, laudat, etc. doceo, doces, docet, etc.
pono, ponis, ponit,ponimus, ponitis, ponunt Note the -u- in the 3rd pl!!
capere: capeLOOKS like a 4th conj. verb!
venio, venis, venit,
capio, capis, capit,
venimus, venitis, veniunt
capimus, capitis, capiunt
Note the -iu- in the 3rd plural for both!
Future Tense- Get the present stem. But be careful!
For 1 and 2, use bo, bis, bit, bimus, bitis, bunt:
laudalaudabo, laudabis, etc.
docere: docedocebo, docebis, etc.
For 3, 4, and 3rd-io, use the hAM and Eggs rule:
(Hint: Ones and twos use bo, bi, bu’s!)
(Hint: Fours and threes use A’s and E’s!)
venire: veni-
ponam, pones, ponet,
ponemus, ponetis, ponent
veniam, venies, veniet,
veniemus, venietis, venient
capiam, capies, capiet,
capiemus, capietis, capient
Remember: 3rd-io Looks like 4th!
Perfect Tense: For any verb, use the 3rd principal part and the endings:
for laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatus- praise we get
laudaviI have praised, I did praise, I praised
laudavistiyou have praised, etc.
laudavithe has praised
laudavimus- we have praised
laudavistisy’all have praised
laudaverunt- they have praised
Imperfect Tense:
The imperfect tense is built from the present stem (2nd principal
part),and is identified by the following endings:
-bam -bamus
-bas -batis
-bat -bant
Each conjugation forms the Imperfect Tense a bit differently:
laudare- stem: laudalaudabam- I was praising, I used to praise,
I kept on praising
docere- stem: docedocebam- I was teaching, I used to teach,
I kept on teaching
ponere- stem: pone4th
venire- stem: veniNote the addition of -e-!!!!
ponebam- I was putting, I used to put
veniebam - I was coming
3rd-io verbs look just like 4th-
capiebam- I was taking
In Latin, words often change meaning when they are used in certain ways.
Look at all the different translations of agere in these phrases:
equum agere -
to drive a horse
praedam agere -
to carry off loot
multum agere -
to do much
gratias agere -
to give thanks to (+ dative case)
causam agere -
to plead a case (in court)
vitam agere -
to live a life
de (+ abl. case) agere -
to talk about
Here are some others
gratiam habere -
to feel grateful
bellum gerere -
to wage war
castra ponere -
to pitch camp
viam munire -
to build a road
memoria tenere -
to remember
consilium capere -
to adopt a plan
In Latin, as in English, questions often start with a question word:
Ubi est? Where is it? Quid facis? What are you doing?
Cur cedis? Why are you going?
In both languages, we can also ask questions that do not begin with a question word. In Latin
we add -ne to the first word of such a question.
Venisne? Are you coming? Viditne magistrum? Did he see the teacher?
Similarly, we can ask questions that suggest we expect a “yes” answer. In Latin we start the
question with Nonne. (Do not try to translate nonne, though!)
Nonne venis?
Nonne magistrum vidit?
You’re coming, aren’t you?
He saw the teacher, didn’t he?
And we can ask questions that suggest we expect a “no” answer. In Latin we start the
question with Num. (Do not try to translate num, though!)
Num venis?
Num magistrum vidit?
You’re not coming, are you?
He didn’t see the teacher, did he?
Latin II
Mihi nomen est ________________________________________
Datum est __________________________
Fill in the tenses for each of the verbs below.
1st- migro, migrare,
migravi, migraturus- depart
2nd- moveo, movere,
movi, motus- move
3rd- rego, regere
rexi, rectus- rule
Present Tense:
Imperfect Tense:
Future Tense:
Perfect Tense:
3rd –io- capio, capere,
cepi, captus- take
4th- invenio, invenire,
inveni, inventus- find
Irregular: sum, esse
fui, futurus – to be
Present Tense:
Imperfect Tense:
Future Tense:
Perfect Tense:
Latin II
Mihi nomen est ______________________________________
All conjugations assessment
Datum est ____________________________________
Part I. For each verb below, fill in the missing information and identify the conjugation.
1st PP
2nd PP
3rd PP
4th PP
1. mitto
2. _________
put, place
3. _________ ___________
drive, do
4. ___________ exspectare
5. facio
make, do
6. __________ munire
7. __________ ______________
8. scribo
___________ write
9. ___________ _____________
____________ seek, ask for
10. ____________
Part II. Verb tenses. Give the requested tense for the verbs and translate the forms.
1. curro, currere, cucurri, cursurus
2. sum, esse, fui, futurus
to be
3. ferio, ferire, ferivi, feritus
hit, strike
4. doceo, docere, docui, doctus
5. capio, capere, cepi, captus
take, seize
6. cedo, cedere, cessi, cessurus
move, retreat, yield
Part III. Translate the following forms
1. feriebant
7. petit ________________________
2. ponebatis
8. regitis ______________________
3. mittunt
9. scribo ______________________
4. fecistis
10. egimus ______________________
5. muniunt
11. capiebat ______________________
6. exspectabo ______________________
12. eramus ______________________
Latin II
Mihi nomen est ________________________________________
All conjugations worksheet
Datum est ________________________________
For each of the following verbs:
1. Identify the Conjugation (1, 2, 3, 4, or 3 -io)
2. Identify the Tense
3. Translate
Conjugation Tense
1. feriebant
___________ ____________________________________
2. interficiam ______
___________ ____________________________________
3. movebis
___________ ____________________________________
4. portavistis ______
___________ ____________________________________
5. cedes
___________ ____________________________________
6. monstrant
___________ ____________________________________
7. venerunt
___________ ____________________________________
8. accipiebatis ______
___________ ____________________________________
9. videbo
___________ ____________________________________
10. scribo
___________ ____________________________________
11. curremus ______
___________ ____________________________________
12. pugnavisti ______
___________ ____________________________________
13. audiunt
___________ ____________________________________
14. capiebam ______
___________ ____________________________________
15. muniet
___________ ____________________________________
16. gessimus ______
___________ ____________________________________
17. auget
___________ ____________________________________
18. ponet
___________ ____________________________________
19. laudabas
___________ ____________________________________
Look at the English verb form and: 1. Identify the conjugation to which the Latin verb
2. Identify the correct tense
3. Give the correct Latin form
Conjugation Tense
Latin Form
1. We were beginning
_____________ ________________________
2. They sought
3. I will retreat
_____________ ________________________
4. She was looking at
_____________ ________________________
5. Y’all are hitting
_____________ ________________________
6. we have written
_____________ ________________________
7. You were coming
_____________ ________________________
8. They will put
_____________ ________________________
9. they teach
_____________ ________________________
10. you ran
_____________ ________________________
11. I used to love
_____________ ________________________
12. It will save
_____________ ________________________
13. You will hear
_____________ ________________________
14. They have received
_____________ ________________________
15. We were taking
_____________ ________________________
16. I will scare
_____________ ________________________
17. you find
_____________ ________________________
18. They are departing
_____________ ________________________
19. they approached
_____________ ________________________
Latin II
Mihi nomen est ___________________________________________
Template Quiz on verbs
Datum est: _________________
Questions 1-4 apply to the verb:
1. To what conjugation does the verb above belong? ________
2. Give the Present Tense and Imperfect Tense
3. What does the form _____________ mean? _________________________
4. Give the two Imperatives: s. ____________
pl. _______________
Questions 5-8 apply to the verb:
5. To what conjugation does the verb above belong? ________
6. Give the Present Tense and Future Tense
7. What does the form __________________ mean? __________________________
8. Give the two Imperatives: s. ____________
pl. _______________
Questions 9-12 apply to the verb:
9. To what conjugation does the verb above belong? ________
10. Give the IMPERFECT Tense and FUTURE Tense
11. Give the PERFECT Tense
12. Give the two Imperatives:
s. ____________
pl. ____________
Latin II
Mihi nomen est__________________________________
Datum est________________________
Drill on the Present and Perfect Indicative Active Systems
ORAL PRACTICE: Let’s read and translate aloud.
1. Romani multa bella gerunt.
16. Templa in Italia videbis.
2. Romani multa bella gerebant.
17. Templa in Italia vides.
3. Bella gerent.
18. Templa in Italia videro.
4. Bella non gesserunt.
19. Templa in Italia vidisti.
5. Bella gesserant.
20. Insulas in aqua invenies.
6. Romani bella gesserint.
21. Parvos equos habuit.
7. Oppidum muniemus.
22. Malos filios habuerat.
8. Oppidum muniveramus.
23. Pulchras filias habebunt.
9. Provinciam rexerunt.
24. Gladium tenes.
10. Provincias reges.
25. Gladium tenebis.
11. Ad silvam veniet.
26. Gladium tenueris.
12. Ab oceano venerant.
27. Castra in agro posuerunt.
13. Pecuniam nostram accipitis.
28. Castra in agro posuerant.
14. Pecuniam nostram acceperitis.
29. Castra in agro ponebant.
15. Pecuniam nostram acceperatis.
30. Castra in agro posuerint.
WRITTEN HOMEWORK: Write out translations for these!!
1. Noster magister fuerat captivus barbarorum.
2. Femina magna discipulas et discipulos ad casam vocavit.
3. Nuntius signum domini exspectaverit.
4. Populi beati multa dona in templo posuerant.
5. Barbari patriam defenderint.
6. Cum nostris viris patriam defenderatis?
On a SEPARATE SHEET- translate these sentences into Latin. Translate all the verb forms
1. They had taken the horses and women of the town. (have taken, were taking, will have
2. Will you have begun? (Will you begin? Did you begin? Were you beginning?)
3. The good teacher guides the students. (had guided, will guide, guided, will have guided,
was guiding)