Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority Request for Tenders Information Memorandum: BRIEF FOR APPOINTMENT OF CONSULTANTS TO REVIEW MID WEST RETAIL STRATEGY October 2008 Mid West Regional Authority Limerick City Council Limerick County Council Clare County Council Open Procedure Administrative Officer Planning & Economic Development Limerick City Council City Hall Merchants Quay Limerick October 2008 Request for Tenders 1 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority INFORMATION MEMORANDUM Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Specification of Requirements 3.0 Format of Tender 4.0 Examination and Evaluation of Tenders 5.0 Conditions of Appointment 6.0 General Conditions of Tender Appendix: A Request for Tender Form B DECLARATION (as per Article 45 of Directive 2004/18/EC) Request for Tenders 2 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority Review of Mid West Retail Strategy 1.0 Introduction Limerick City Council as lead Local Authority wishes to advertise for the appointment of consultants to undertake a review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Mid West Regional Authority and the administrative areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council. Tenders are invited from suitably qualified and experienced consultants to undertake this review. The current Mid-West Retail Strategy that is the subject of this review is for the period 2003 – 2011. The Strategy was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Retail Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities (RPG). The review of the retail strategy for the Mid-West Region will be for the period 2008-2016. Background The Mid West Region has experienced a significant increase in retail and allied development throughout the region, but more particularly in the greater Limerick City and its immediate hinterland. Significant increases in consumer activity, population growth, investment opportunities in retail development, improved transport and infrastructural links have had a significant effect on retail development throughout the region. This has resulted in the pace and extent of such development far exceeding the planned retail development envisaged for the region in terms of the joint retail strategy adopted by the constituent Planning authorities of the region in February 2003. It is considered essential therefore that the existing strategy should be reviewed as a matter of urgency to identify the existing and future potential for the sustainable development of retail offer in the region, in accordance with changing demographics, spatial development and consumer and investor demands. In addition the strategy is required to incorporate and take cognisance of the requirements of existing and new National and Regional planning and development strategies including the National Retail Planning Guidelines 2000, Mid- West Regional Planning and Economic Development Guidelines 2004, NSS, Limerick - Shannon Gateway designation, and the Hub policies for Ennis Town as they affect the Mid West region and the Mid West Area Strategic Plan (MWASP). Relevant documentary review The following documents, including retail studies, retail strategies, Development and Local Area plans are of interest to this study: Limerick Corporation/Limerick County – Caherdavin, Castletroy, Dooradoyle Retail Study 1983 Brady Shipman and Martin Retail Study 1998 DTZ Mid West Retail Planning Study and Report 2003- 2011 Request for Tenders 3 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority Limerick City/ Limerick County and Clare County Development and Local Area Plans Limerick and Clare County Retail Strategies NSS 2002 Atlantic Corridor reports and publications, including Atlantic Gateway Perspective and Draft Atlantic Gateway Corridor Frameworks John Fitzgerald Report 2007 City Centre Strategy Review of City Centre and Suburban Rents for Limerick City Council Review Strategy It is considered important in reviewing the Strategy that a plan-led approach, supported by all the constituent Planning Authorities in the Mid West Region, should identify with, and adopt a common approach to the sustainable development of future retail opportunities in the region. There is a clear need to have clarity (on scale, type and location) in the planning and development of retail opportunities in the region and promote a greater plan led and co-ordinated approach to the future planning and development of retail opportunities in the region. In order to achieve this objective this study must review past development trends, update the current quantum and range of retail offer in the region, and make recommendations that any new developments are appropriate in scale, location and character so as to promote the sustainable economic development and employment objectives identified in the strategy. Key Issues for the Review DTZ Pieda Consulting was appointed in November 2001 to prepare a Mid West Retail Strategy for the period 2001 – 2011. The Strategy was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Retail Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities (RPG). For the first time there were national policy guidelines and detailed baseline data to enable the development of a Regional Retail Strategy. The baseline review and assessment for the strategy was completed in May 2002 and subsequently was reviewed to take into account, where possible, the results of the 2002 Census. In the Strategy the consultants stated that “The Mid West Retail Strategy has been founded on a sound basis of research, survey analysis and published statistics”. Nonetheless the consultants recommended that a framework for regular monitoring and review should be established and that this framework should include a review of the Strategy after 3 years. The key output of the current retail strategy is an indicative additional net floor space requirement for the Mid West area and identification of the retail hierarchy within the region. Request for Tenders October 2008 4 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority Preliminary assessments indicate that: · · · · Population per the 2006 census is below the consultant’s expectation; Population per DOEHLG 2011 projections is below the consultant’s expectation; Expenditure adjusted for inflation is below expectation; Turnover per Sq M is more or less in line with expectation. In addition to the above the study will in particular take into account the following issues in the review of the existing retail strategy, namely: Review of the existing retail strategy to prepare jointly, comprehensive retail strategies and policies for Limerick City, Limerick County and Clare County in accordance with “Retail Planning – Guidance for Planning Authorities, 2005” and in particular addressing the matters set out at paragraph 36 (i-vi) of that document. The final document shall be prepared to facilitate the three local authorities incorporating the relevant policies into their respective Development Plans and Local Area Plans. Review the existing strategy in the light of new National, Regional and Local Planning Policies and Guidelines as they affect retail development in the region. Particular attention should be given to the development of the retail offer in the designated Limerick / Shannon Gateway area. The role of Ennis as a “hub” and the appropriate retail offer for it in the context of the Strategy should be examined. Address sustainability, social inclusion and urban regeneration issues including both "Greenfield and Brownfield" development. The functioning of the retail sector in existing main city/ town centres within the region and their functional interrelationship with their hinterland areas should be examined. Undertake research into comparative retail strategies of similar size regions / Cities / Towns and evaluate their relevance and potential effectiveness for adoption in relation to the Metropolitan Area. Review all relevant retail policies in EU, National, Regional and Local Area Development / Local Area Plans and retail strategies for consistency of application and compliance with Retail Planning guidelines. Make proposals for the common implementation of the adopted strategy. The Mid West Area Strategic Plan (MWASP) is presently under tender. It is not expected to commence until September 2008 and will take 18 months to complete although a short interim document is to be prepared within three to four months. The purpose of the plan is to provide a framework for the integration of land use and transport provision for the region into the future with a particular emphasis on Request for Tenders 5 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority the Limerick “metropolitan area”. This review should have regard to the interim document. In November 2006 John Fitzgerald was requested to lead an initiative aimed at addressing social exclusion, crime and disorder issues in Limerick. His report was submitted to cabinet and approved in March 2007. The Limerick Regeneration Agencies, Southside and Northside were established in June 2007. Both agencies are charged with the task of designing and implementing Master plans for the areas of Moyross on the Northside, St. Mary’s Park in the City Centre and Southhill/Ballinacurra Weston on the Southside. The success of regeneration is dependant on support and goodwill from all Government Departments and local agencies especially Local Authorities. The aims and objectives of Limerick regeneration are 1) deal with the issue of criminality, 2) Economic and infrastructural regeneration to create employment, unlock value, improve access and create better commercial and housing mix, 3) develop coordinated responses to social and educational problems in order to break the cycle of disadvantage. The Agencies are currently preparing Master plans for each area. The review shall have regard to the master plans and make recommendations to ensure that the master plans are aligned with regional and local retail strategies. Review any significant developments in retail / market trends since 2001 (including inter alia, growth of discount stores, retail warehousing including noncapped large-scale retail, home delivery, internet purchasing) Key Outputs of the Review Verify and update the existing DTZ retail survey information of 2003 for the region. The current retail floor space (split into trading and extant permissions as at 1 July 2008) should be quantified into (i) high order comparison, (ii) middle order comparison, (iii) low order comparison, (iv) bulky comparison and retail warehousing and (v) convenience. Each of (i) to (v) should then be quantified by area in accordance with the current Mid West Retail Hierarchy as set out in table 5.1, page 50, of the current Strategy. The current retail floor space should also be compared by category and area to the floor space in 2003. Quantify the retail floor space which should be provided to meet future demands in the period to 2016 into the following categories (i) high order comparison, (ii) middle order comparison, (iii) low order comparison, (iv) bulky comparison and retail warehousing and (v) convenience, using such local data (or proxy therefore) as will satisfy the criteria laid down in the Ministerial Guidelines. Each of (i) to (v) should then be quantified by area in accordance with the current Mid West Retail Hierarchy as set out in table 5.1, page 50, of the current Strategy. Review the performance of the retail hierarchy in the Mid West Region and in particular examine the spatial distribution of new retail development in the period Request for Tenders 6 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority 2002 to 2008 and its impact on the hierarchy. Any new strategy should confirm the efficacy of the existing retail hierarchy, confirm the role of city/ town centers and make recommendation if appropriate for the establishment of any new regional, district, neighbourhood or local centers, or retail parks subject to the robust estimate of demand for additional retail space and subject to the agreed hierarchy in the Strategy. Examine the relationship and performance of Limerick City, Shannon and Ennis Town Centers and their environs. Assess current out of centre retail outlets and their impact on town centre (include City Centre) and provide appropriate recommendations Prepare a comparison of retail rents in the metropolitan area in particular comparing the City Centre rents to rents in the suburbs. Prepare a comparison of retail rents in the City Centre of Dublin, Galway and Cork to the retail rents in the suburbs of those cities. Compare the findings for Limerick City to Dublin, Galway and Cork. Make conclusions on the information gathered with particular reference to the agreed retail hierarchy (ie. the City Centre and Designated Centres) and vitality and viability of the City Centre and advise of actions necessary arising from the review of rents. Prepare footfall surveys comparing the City Centre to Crescent Shopping Centre and a minimum of two other suburban locations. Surveys should be conducted on two separate Saturdays and twice on one other weekday and should cover at least two time periods in the day (suggested time 11.30am to 12.30pm and 3.30pm to 4.30pm). Advise of any actions necessary as a result of footfall surveys and make conclusions on the information gathered with particular reference to the agreed retail hierarchy and vitality and viability of the City Centre. Provide guidance and maps as to the location and extent of the boundaries of the major core shopping centers in the region, but also including towns assessed in the previous strategy in conjunction with the various definitions set down in the Ministerial Guidelines Viz City Centre, Edge of Centre, Out of Centre and Out of Town. Make recommendations in respect of the application of common criteria for the assessment of retail developments for common application by the constituent authorities in conformity with the Ministerial Guidelines. Submit recommendations for the variation of both the regional and local retail strategies for the respective constituent planning authorities. Make recommendations in respect of the ongoing monitoring and implementation of the regional retail planning strategy adopted by the participating planning authorities. Request for Tenders 7 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority 1.1 Provide an assessment of how the Mid West Regional Retail Strategy 2003-2011 has met its aims and if it has not met its aims make recommendations on how the aims could be achieved in the period 2008 to 2016. Assess if the necessary mechanisms for achieving the right balance between meeting needs and sustaining vital town centers are in place and if they are effective. Where appropriate make recommendations for new mechanisms. Assess if a policy is required to regulate the location of particular retailers / retail type (e.g. large department store) in accordance with the retail hierarchy. Make recommendations if appropriate. Provide clear and unambiguous guidance and context so that each Planning Authority can make consistent decisions on retail applications and also so that the retail sector and developers can prepare proposals with a degree of certainty as to the way in which any particular scheme will be judged. Procurement Process The competition is being conducted in accordance with the open procedure identified in Directive 2004/18/EC. 1.2 Financial arrangements Payment for services covered by this invitation to tender will be on foot of appropriate invoices, which will be based on agreed deliverables. Invoicing arrangements will be agreed with the successful service provider, following the award of contract. 1.3 Further information and query handling Any and all queries should be submitted by e-mail or in writing only, not later than 4 p.m. on Wednesday, 05th November 2008 addressed to: Mary Hayes, Administrative Officer, Planning & Economic Development Section, Limerick City Council, City Hall, Merchants Quay, Limerick. E-mail: Limerick City Council does not commit to issuing replies to all or any queries. The Council retains absolute discretion as to, whether or when, replies may issue. Request for Tenders 8 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority Any reply issued in respect to a query received will issue to all applicants. 1.4 Timetable The timetable in relation to this tender process is as follows: Latest date and time for receipt of tenders 4 p.m. on Thursday, 6th November 2008 Award of contract – anticipated 05th December 2008 Contract commencement - anticipated 09th December 2008 This is Indicative only and may change. 1.5 Study Completion Period This review is to be completed within 16 weeks from the date of appointment. The consultant must be prepared to submit a draft of the review document within 14 weeks from appointment. The appointed Consultants will therefore have to commit sufficient resources to the project in order to complete the project in the time required. 2. Specification of Requirements 2.1 Required elements The required elements for the review of the Mid West Retail Strategy are set out under Key Issues for the Review and Key Outputs of the Review as specified in this document. 2.2 Operational arrangements The Consultant should liaise with a group comprising of the Mid West Directors of Service Planning and Senior Planners on all aspects of the review. The Consultant shall attend meetings of the group and any relevant follow up meetings on specific issues arising from meetings. It is anticipated that the consultant will be required to attend in Limerick for no more than six meetings of the group for the purpose of the review. It is a matter for the consultant to propose their own methodology however regard should be had to the proposal to meet this group. The consultants will be required to liaise with all relevant bodies participating in this review. The consultants shall maintain detailed records of all meetings and consultations for future reference. All the drafts/documents prepared by the appointed consultants shall be submitted to the Request for Tenders 9 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority Planning and Economic Development Department in both digital form (file formats to be agreed) and hard copy (number of hard copies to be decided according to circumstances). Limerick City Council will be responsible for the printing of all draft/final documents to be put on public display/published in their final version. All documents prepared by the consultant on foot of this appointment and submitted to the Contracting Authority will be considered the property of the Contracting Authority and may be used by the Contracting Authority at any time, including for other projects, without prior approval of the Consultant appointed. The tenderer shall nominate a person within their team who will take full charge of the delivery of the service. The nominee shall be from the lead consultancy (where an applicant comprises more than one legal entity) and shall be either the Principal of the firm or a Director. That person shall, should the applicant be awarded the contract, take responsibility and be available for all communications with Limerick City Council in respect of this brief. 3. Format of Tender Tenders must address all the requirements set down in the format of tender and must be in the format requested in subsections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 below. Only the first 60 pages of any tender submission will be taken into account, any further pages beyond the first 60 pages will not be read and will be disregarded for the purposes of this competition. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all matters are responded to, addressed fully, comprehensively and without ambiguity and contradiction. Limerick City Council reserves the right to reject any tenders that do not meet the required format. 3.1 Information to be supplied A. Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and fax number of tenderer. B. Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of any third parties, subconsultants involved in tender. C. Confirmation of acceptance by the tenderer and any third parties of the conditions of tender described in Section 5 & 6 of the invitation to tender. D. Team structure – names, qualifications and professional experience of team members, management and technical support. Request for Tenders 10 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority E. The staff who will be assigned to this project shown by level of seniority and details of the expected hours that each will contribute to the project. Please include educational and professional qualifications of the persons involved and details of their particular experience relevant to the brief. F. Portfolio of previous work, describing in a clear and concise way previous experience which would render the candidate suitable for the project – 3 recent projects to be provided of a similar scale and complexity. G. Demonstration of capacity to undertake and complete the project during the required timeframe, with specific references to similar projects together with names of referees that can testify. H. Details of availability to commence the project. I. A method statement for the preparation of the review of the Mid West Retail Strategy. This should include clearly defined milestones within the timeframe outlined in this brief and dates for the completion of the key outputs outlined in this brief (refer to subsection 3.2 below). J. A brief well written tender that clearly illustrates an understanding of the project from conception through to the work programme and deliverables K. A total price (excl. VAT), inclusive of all the costs incurred in the successful delivery of the project. Price to include consultants calculation of amount for expenses which shall be indicated. Contract is a fixed price contract and no payments can issue over and above the price tendered. Tenderers shall therefore satisfy themselves of the adequacy and correctness of their tender. L. A breakdown of the total price under suitable headings (e.g. staff, travel, meetings etc). M. Statement of overall turnover in respect of the most recent three years for which financial data is available. Should such data be based on years other than 2005 2006 and 2007 the applicant must explain adequately and in full. The statement of overall turnover above shall be supported by extracts from the applicant’s accounts, which must be supported by an auditors report. The minimum requirement is an annual turnover of at least € 100,000 (exclusive of V.A.T.) in respect of Planning and/or Retail Consultancy services in the preceding three years. N. Original and current (issued within three months of publication of Contract Notice for this competition) reference letter from applicant’s bankers. O. Evidence of relevant insurances including Employers and Professional Indemnity Insurance and compliance with tax clearing procedures. Request for Tenders 11 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority P. Evidence of current Health & Safety statement. Q. Completion (including signing) of Request for Tender Form (Appendix A). R. Completion and signing of the declaration under article 45 of 2004/18/EC (Appendix B). 3.2 Proposed methodology The proposed methodology shall include a textual response on a point by point basis outlining how the requirements specified in Section 2 will be met. As part of the proposed methodology, the candidates shall submit a timetable outlining the various project stages. 3.3 Fee proposal The consultant is required to quote a fixed price (exclude VAT) for the project in euro(€) which shall be fully inclusive of all costs such as printing (Limerick City Council will be responsible for printing all draft/final documents to be put on public display/published in their final version therefore these costs should be excluded from any printing costs), overheads and all other costs incurred in successfully delivering the brief. A breakdown of the tender sum under suitable costs headings (e.g. staff, travel, printing (excluding draft/final documents), outlays etc.) should be provided. All aspects of the tender sum calculation should be obvious, transparent and accounted for. It is anticipated that the fee will be in the region of 50,000 Euro. 3.4 Contract A contract will be concluded with the tenderer whose tender is deemed to be the most economically advantageous. [The contract will not be concluded / take effect until 14 days after unsuccessful tenderers have been notified of the result of this tendering procedure] Please note that Limerick City Council may cancel the tender process at any time prior to entering into a contract. Request for Tenders 12 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority 4. Examination and Evaluation of Tenders 4.1 Initial examination 4.1.1 Minimum qualification criteria Tenders will initially be assessed in accordance with the following criteria: Criteria Rule/Minimum level Bankers Reference Evidence of overall turnover – 3 years Must be provided Must demonstrate turnover of €100,000 p.a. (exclusive of V.A.T.) Must provide evidence of insurances in place Must provide details of organisation structure, etc. Must provide satisfactory experience of at least three recent projects/contracts of a similar scale and complexity Declaration to be completed Current Health & Safety statement Evidence of Insurances Details of organisation including manpower levels, skills base, etc. Portfolio of previous experience Details of 3 Projects Declaration – as per Appendix B Health & Safety Only those tenderers who have fully satisfied the minimum qualification criteria will be admitted for consideration under the award criteria. Failure to comply with the above requirements will result in the tender not being qualified for detailed evaluation. 4.2 Award Criteria The contract will be awarded to the most economically advantageous tender of those meeting the specifications set out in Section 2, and not otherwise validly excluded, on the basis of the following award criteria (scored from 100 marks, weighted as indicated): Experience and relevant projects undertaken by the candidate during the past three years – 30 marks Proposed methodology, including the timetable demonstrating the capacity to complete the project within the review timeframe and quality of detailed submission – 30 marks Request for Tenders 13 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority Qualifications, expertise and skills of personnel assigned to the project – 20 marks Fee proposal – 20 marks Limerick City Council may shortlist qualifying applicants on the basis of submissions and may arrange subsequent interviews prior to offering the commission. 5. Conditions of Appointment 5.1 Conflict of interest Any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest must be fully disclosed to the contracting authority in making the submission. Any registerable interest involving the Consultancy with the Elected Members, of the three participating Local Authorities in the project, the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, SFADCO or their relatives, must be fully disclosed in making the firms’ submission or, in the event of this information only coming to the firms notice after the submission of a proposal, and prior to the award of contract, should be communicated to the contracting Authority immediately on such information becoming known. The terms ‘registerable interest’ shall be interpreted as per Section 2 of the Ethics in Public Office act, 1994. 5.2 Confidentiality The Freedom of Information Act 1997 (F.O.I.) came into operation for Local Authorities in Ireland on 21st October 1998. If any applicant considers that any information supplied by him/her is either commercially sensitive or confidential in nature this should be highlighted and the reasons for its sensitivity specified. In such cases the relevant material will, in response to F.O.I. requests, be examined in the light of the exemptions provided for under the F.O.I. Act. 5.3 Professional Indemnity Insurance The Consultant will be required to indemnify and keep indemnified all parties to this Agreement or their representatives against all claims, demands, proceedings, costs and expenses made against the consortium arising from or out of the performance by the Consultant in their duties under the Brief. 5.4 Terms of Appointment The appointment shall be for the duration of the preparation, and submission of this project. Where a consortium submits a proposal, a lead consultant must be nominated who shall be fully responsible for providing the services required by this brief. This brief together with the letter of appointment and Manager’s Order shall constitute a binding contract between the Contracting Authority and the Consultant who is appointed. The appointment shall be for the services described in this brief only and the Contracting Authority reserves the right to engage other consultants for additional services in Request for Tenders October 2008 14 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority connection with the Project(s) if it so wishes. All sums due to the Consultant on foot of this appointment shall be paid in accordance with the Prompt Payment of Accounts Act and any revisions or amendments thereof. 5.5 Ownership of Document and Copyright All documents prepared by the consultant on foot of this appointment and submitted to the Contracting Authority will be considered the property of the Contracting Authority and may be used by the Contracting Authority at any time, including for other projects, without prior approval of the Consultant appointed. 5.6 Termination of Appointment The Contracting Authority shall be entitled to terminate the appointment at any time without notice subject only to full payment being made for services performed up to the date of termination. 5.7 Dispute Resolution In the event of any dispute arising with regard to this services contract which the parties fail to settle, the dispute shall firstly be referred to Conciliation for resolution. Should a settlement not be reached at Conciliation, the dispute shall be referred to arbitration. Should the parties fail to agree on an Arbitrator, the President for the time being of the Institute of Arbitrators shall be requested to nominate an Arbitrator. 5.8 Tax Clearance Certificate and Withholding Tax It is a condition for the award of this contract that the consultant selected and all proposed sub-consultants must be able to produce a valid Tax Clearance of C2 certificate. The firm to whom the contract is awarded and all sub-consultants shall continue to hold valid certificates for the duration of the contract (see additional note at 6.8). 6. General Conditions of Tender The competition language is English and if another language is used a full English translation shall be included with the submission. Tenders are subject to the following: 6.1 In the event of any discrepancy and/or inconsistency between this document and the contract notice, this document shall have precedence. 6.2 This Request for Tender shall form part of the contract documents. 6.3 Tenderers should be aware that national legislation applies in other matters such as Official Secrets, Data Protection and Health and Safety. Request for Tenders 15 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority 6.4 Tenderers must have regard to statutory terms relating to minimum pay and to legally binding industrial or sectoral agreements in preparing tenders. 6.5 Information supplied by tenderers will be treated as contractually binding. 6. 6 Before a contract is awarded, the successful tenderer (and agent, where appropriate) will be required to promptly produce a Tax Clearance Certificate, or in the case of a non-resident tenderer, a statement from the Revenue Commissioners confirming suitability on tax grounds. Non-residents should contact the Office of the Revenue Commissioners, Revenue Residence Section, Government Offices, Nenagh Co. Tipperary. In addition, contractors must retain records of tax reference numbers for any subcontractors where payments exceed €650 (incl. VAT). Tenderers should note that the provisions of Department of Finance Circular 43/2006 apply and Limerick City Council will require sight of Tax Clearance Certificates for any subcontractor where payments exceed €2,600. Forms are attainable from the following address: Office of the Revenue Commissioners, Sarsfield House, Limerick. Where a Tax Clearance Certificate expires within the course of the contract, Limerick City Council will require a renewed certificate. All payments under the contract will be conditional on the contractor(s) being in possession of a valid certificate at all times. 6.7 In the event of a group of respondents jointly submitting an acceptable offer, the contract will be awarded by Limerick City Council to one contractor who acts as the nominated lead contractor. The lead contractor is responsible for the delivery of all services provided for under the terms of the contract and shall assume all the duties, responsibilities and costs associated with the position of contractor. (a) The successful tenderer shall be responsible for the delivery of all services provided for within the contract on the basis of a fixed price agreement set at the beginning of the contract. Prices quoted in the tender cannot be increased during the currency of the tender. Similarly, terms and conditions cannot be altered. (b) Limerick City Council retains the right to withhold payment where a contractor has failed to meet his/her contractual obligations in relation to the delivery of services to an acceptable level of quality. (c) Where a tender is submitted by a group of separate legal entities, it will be required that each has joint and several liability for the provision of the service. 6.8 Limerick City Council will not be liable in respect of any costs incurred by tenderers in the preparation of tenders or any associated work effort. Request for Tenders 16 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority 6.9 Responses to this RFT will be evaluated in their own right. No recognition will be given to information previously submitted. 6.10 Limerick City Council is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender submitted. Limerick City Council reserves the right to terminate this competition at any time and to procure these Services by alternative means other than by means of this competition. 6.11 If a Tender fails to comply in any respect with the requirements set out or is ambiguous Limerick City Council reserves the right at its absolute discretion (but will not be obliged): (a) To reject the relevant Tender as non-compliant. (b) Without prejudice to the Council’s right to reject the Tender, to seek clarification from the candidate in respect of the relevant Tender. (c) Without prejudice to the Council’s right to reject the Tender, to amend the relevant requirement and invite the other candidates to adjust their respective Tender on the basis of such revised requirement. 6.12 Tenders must be completed in accordance with the format specified herein. Incomplete tenders will not be evaluated. 6.13 Four (4) copies of the tender in a sealed envelope, marked “Tender for Review of The Mid-West Retail Strategy 2003 – 2011” and addressed to: Senior Executive Officer, Corporate Services Department, Limerick City Council, City Hall, Merchants Quay, Limerick. should be delivered to the above address not later than 4 p.m. on Thursday, 06th November 2008. No tenders will be accepted after the time stated above or such later date as may be notified in writing. The sole responsibility for the safe and timely delivery of submissions rests with the applicants. Faxed or emailed submissions will not be accepted in any circumstances. Request for Tenders APPENDIX A 17 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority REQUESTS FOR TENDER FORM LIMERICK CITY COUNCIL (The Contracting Authority) TENDER FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR APPOINTMENT OF CONSULTANTS TO REVIEW MID WEST RETAIL STRATEGY I/We the undersigned have examined and understand the Request for Tenders for the engagement of consultants for the review of the Mid West Retail Strategy and the Works Requirements for the above contract. I/We do hereby propose to execute the service and do all work incidental and necessary and as is in the interest of Limerick City Council and in accordance with the requirements of the documents relating to and or forming part of this tender process for the fixed price lump sum fee (excl. of VAT) of: Amount in Words ……………………………………………………….Euro...……….. €……………………………………………………………………… AND do hereby agree should this Tender be accepted to observe and be bound by the said Terms and Conditions 1. This Tender is open for acceptance by you for a period of 60 calendar days from the latest date for receipt of Tender submissions and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted by you at any time before the expiration of that period or such other period as may be agreed with us. 2. We acknowledge that a binding contract between us shall not take place unless and until we have received written acceptance by you of our offer and the Form of Agreement has been duly executed by you. 3. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may receive. Dated this ……………day of……………….200… Signature..…………………………………………………………….. (duly authorised to sign tenders) Name in Block Capitals………………………………………………. On behalf of……..……..….………………………………………….. (Company Name in Full) Postal Address………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… Request for Tenders 18 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority COMPANY NAME ………………………………………………………………….. ADDRESS ………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….. CONTRACT REVIEW OF MID WEST RETAIL STRATEGY FEES & EXPENSES Fixed Price Lump Sum Fee €……………….. VAT @ 21% €……………….. Expenses (excl. of VAT) (To provide for all disbursements howsoever arising €……………….. e.g. printing (excluding draft/final documents) , reproduction of documents, drawings, maps, travelling, subsistence, accommodation etc.) ………………………………………………………………….. Request for Tenders 19 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority APPENDIX B DECLARATION (as per Article 45 of Directive 2004/18/EC) THIS DECLARATION, DULY COMPLETED, MUST BE SUBMITTED BY ALL APPLICANTS Name of Applicant: ____________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Country: ____________________________________________ Please tick Yes or No as appropriate to the following statements relating to the current status of your organisation. 1. The Applicant is bankrupt or is being wound up or its affairs are being administered by the court or has entered into an arrangement with creditors or has suspended business activities or is in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulations. Yes [ ] 2. No [ ] The Applicant is the subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for an order for compulsory winding up or administration by the court or for an arrangement with creditors or of any other similar proceedings under national laws and regulations. Yes [ ] 3. No [ ] The Applicant, a Director or Partner, has been convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct by a judgement which has the force of res judicata or been guilty of grave professional misconduct in the course of their business. Yes [ ] 4. No [ ] The Applicant has not fulfilled its obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions in Ireland or any other State in which the Applicant is located. Yes [ ] 5. No [ ] The Applicant, a Director or Partner has been found guilty of fraud. Yes [ ] Request for Tenders No [ ] 20 October 2008 Review of the Mid West Retail Strategy for the Administrative Areas of Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and Clare County Council and for the Mid West Regional Authority 6. The Applicant, a Director or Partner has been found guilty of money laundering. Yes [ ] 7. No [ ] The Applicant, a Director or Partner has been found guilty of corruption. Yes [ ] 8. No [ ] The Applicant, a Director or Partner has been convicted of being a member of a criminal organisation. Yes [ ] 9. No [ ] The Applicant has been guilty of serious misrepresentation in providing information to a public buying agency. Yes [ ] 10. No [ ] The Applicant has contrived to misrepresent its Health and Safety Information, Quality Assurance information, or any other information relevant to this application. Yes [ ] No [ ] THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED BY A DULY AUTHORISED OFFICER OF THE APPLICANT’S ORGANISATION. I certify that the information provided above is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that the provision of inaccurate or misleading information in this declaration may lead to my organisation being excluded from participation in this and future tenders. SIGNATURE _________________________ DATE: __________________ NAME _________________________ TEL: __________________ POSITION _________________________ FAX: __________________ Applicants may be required to provide documentary proof in the forms set out in Article 45 of Directive 2004/18/EC Request for Tenders 21 October 2008