EDHE 5900 301: Creating a Continuous Improvement Program Overview of Leadership Excellence Academies The overall focus of the Academies is to establish a responsive, cost-effective leadership development program which utilizes a skills-based approach, grounded in sound leadership and management concepts, principles, and practices. The Academies are built upon a foundation of research, theory, professional wisdom, and best practices. The Academies were developed through a national partnership between the National Adult Education Professional Development Consortium and ProLiteracy America. Training occurs over time with opportunities for application through a series of interim activities and learning projects. Technology-based delivery mediums, including online courses, discussion boards, electronic portfolios, and webcasts, are combined with face-to-face workshops to expand access. Workshops and webcasts are facilitated by national trainers with strong backgrounds in local adult education management and leadership. National certification is available for program managers who wish to pursue national certification. The program offers a variety of options so that states can select the professional development package that best meets their needs. The Program Improvement Cluster includes a series of six courses. Completion of all six courses, along with participation in all related activities, is required for national certification and/or graduate credit. Five of the six courses combine face-to-face workshops with various web-based activities. The sixth course, The Leadership Approach to Program Improvement: How Leaders Inspire, Influence, and Achieve Results, is a stand-alone online course with a follow-up webcast and application activities. The Leadership Excellence Academies are designed to be delivered over the course of two years. Participants who are interested in pursuing national certification will complete an application at the beginning of the second year. A nominal certification fee will be charged at that time. During the two years, participants interested in national certification will be expected to: Actively participate in five six-hour face-to-face workshops, Complete two one-hour online courses and one six-hour online course, Participate in six one-hour webcasts, Complete and submit interim activities between four of the six courses, and Complete and submit a culminating learning project. 1. Need for professional development 1.1. Student learning needs Adult education programs address the following student needs: 1.1.1. Demonstrated improvements in literacy skill levels in reading, writing and speaking the English language, numeracy and problem-solving, English language acquisition, and other literacy skills. 1.1.2. Placement in, retention in, or completion of, postsecondary education, training, unsubsidized employment or career advancement. 1.1.3. Receipt of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent. 1 1.2. Approach One of the most important roles of the local program manager is to establish a structure and process for continuous improvement. By creating a regular system for identifying and prioritizing program and professional development needs, identifying promising evidence-based strategies, pilot testing those strategies, integrating practices programwide, and monitoring impact on student outcomes, the program manager can better equip teachers with the tools they need for effective instruction. The program improvement process begins with the identification of needs from three starting points: self assessment, research, and data analysis. The Academy series will focus on these starting points and will give local managers the tools and resources to develop and implement a program improvement plan based on prioritized needs. 1.3 Program manager knowledge and skills To implement the approach described in 1.2, program managers need to be able to: Identify three starting points for launching a program improvement initiative. Analyze a variety of research-based self-assessments that can be used to measure instructional and programmatic strengths and needs. Engage staff in adapting self-assessments to reflect local and state policies and procedures. Use and analyze the results of a teacher/tutor, local director, and/or program selfassessment. Implement a process for engaging staff in accessing, understanding, judging, and integrating research findings into program practice. Analyze research findings related to teaching and learning and identify implications for program improvement. Respond to critical decision points for developing a program improvement plan based on research findings. Identify a variety of data sources that can provide relevant information for program improvement. Determine appropriate indicators for flagging potential problems. Generate appropriate questions to identify possible causes of problems. Use a structure for identifying and piloting program improvement options. Examine the latest research on student persistence to determine implications on instructional practice, policies and procedures, and professional development. Explore a variety of instructional and management strategies that promote student persistence. Examine professional development options that can help teachers/tutors support student persistence. Apply research, data, and self assessment information to get new instructors/tutors off to a good start. Explore the components and available resources of an orientation model for new ABE and ESL instructional providers. Consider decision points necessary to adapt an effective orientation process to program needs. Examine strategies for maintaining a quality, engaged instructional staff. Define the term leadership and explain the dynamics of a leader-follower relationship. State key characteristics of effective leaders. Analyze their own leadership style. Differentiate between the role of manager and leader. Engage staff in developing a vision, mission, and core values to guide program operations. Apply leadership strategies to issues they face in their adult education program. 2 All of these skills will be addressed within the two-yea Academy series. 1.4 Participants The Academies are designed to support local adult education leaders and those striving to become leaders. The Academies create a dialogue that leads to discovery, new knowledge, innovation, and ultimately, to both individual and organizational transformation. They do require, however, some extra work and willingness to engage staff in program improvement. Both new and experienced managers will benefit from participation. As many local managers are nearing retirement age, the Academies can also assist with transitional planning. The Academies offer a great opportunity to begin training some lead teachers or other program coordinators who have interest in assuming the role of program manager in the future. 2. Intended Outcomes, Indicators, and Data Sources for EDAD 5900 301 Outcome: As a result of the Leadership Excellence Academy, local program managers will be able to: Use the latest research findings related to student persistence to assess current program operations (instructional practices, policies and procedures, and professional development) that support student persistence. Transfer research findings into an action plan to address persistence deficits. Engage their staff in developing a vision, mission, and core values to guide program operations and apply leadership strategies to issues they face in their adult education program. Indicator/Data Source Data Collector Following completion of a 6-hour face-to-face workshop, participants will (1) engage their staff in assessing their current instructional practices, polices and procedures, and professional development that support student persistence; (2) respond to Program Improvement Decision Points; (3) post responses in their electronic portfolio; and (4) participate in a one-hour webcast to discuss their experiences with assessing, prioritizing and planning the integration of student persistence strategies into their program. Trainers and ProLiteracy America Credentialing Manager based on a developed scoring rubric During a six-hour online leadership course that takes a look at the characteristics of effective leaders and gives participants a chance to examine their own leadership style, participants have opportunities to assess their current skills and apply key leadership concepts to the issues they face as a program manager. Following completion of the course, participants (1) develop or refine, with input from staff, a vision, mission statement, and/or guiding principles to guide their adult education program; (2) respond to Program Improvement Decision Points; and (3) post responses in their electronic Trainers and ProLiteracy America Credentialing Manager based on a developed scoring rubric 3 Outcome: As a result of the Leadership Excellence Academy, local program managers will be able to: Indicator/Data Source Data Collector portfolio. Engage their staff in assessing, refining. and strengthening their current new instructor orientation process. Following completion of a 6-hour face-to-face workshop, participants will (1) engage their staff in assessing, refining. and strengthening their current new instructor orientation process; (2) respond to Program Improvement Decision Points; and (3) post responses in their electronic portfolio. Trainers and ProLiteracy America Credentialing Manager based on a developed scoring rubric (Culminating learning project) Develop and pilottest a program improvement project based on a prioritized need identified through self-assessments, data analysis, or research review. Following the completion of all Academy activities, participants will: select one identified need from the program self assessment, research, or data activities; develop a program improvement plan to address that need; post the plan; pilot it for a minimum of three months, and post the results in their electronic portfolio. Trainers and ProLiteracy America Credentialing Manager based on a developed scoring rubric 3. Content, Learning Activities, and Follow Up 3.1. Content: The Academy is built upon a foundation of research, theory, professional wisdom, and best practices. Training occurs over the course of two-years with opportunities for application through a series of interim activities and a culminating learning project. Technology-based mediums, such as online courses, discussion boards, electronic surveys, and webcasts, are combined with face-to-face workshops. Leadership topics and competencies build upon the research-based ProNet Management Competencies for Local Adult Education Directors. Those competencies address areas related to leadership skills, instructional leadership, resource management and allocation, human resource management, program monitoring and evaluation, professional development practices, and community collaboration. The content of the Academy series has been developed by Dr. Lennox McLendon, Executive Director of the National Adult Education Professional Development Consortium, and Kathi Polis, President of Strategic Training and Resources, Inc. McLendon and Polis each have more than 30 years of experience in national, state, and local adult education management and instructional design. The content of the training series will be based on previously-developed content by McLendon and Polis, in addition to new material within the online courses and webcasts. EDHE 690 will consist of three prevalent themes: Strategies for Motivating and Retaining Adult Learners The Leadership Approach to Program Improvement: How Leaders Inspire, Influence, and Achieve Results 4 Getting Instructors Off to the Right Start and Keeping Them There. The following chart represents the research and professional wisdom base that is incorporated into the six themes. The Leadership Approach to Program Improvement Analyzing Performance Problems: Or, You Really Oughta Wanna How to Figure out Why People Aren't Doing What They Should Be, and What to do About It (3rd Edition), by Robert F. Mager and Peter Pipe - Center for Effective Performance, May 1997. Approaches to Training And Development (3rd Edition), by Dugan Laird, Elwood F. Holton III, and Sharon S. Naquin Perseus Publishing, June 17, 2003. Becoming A Manager: How New Managers Master The Challenges of Leadership, by Linda Hill, 1993. Emotional Intelligence: Science and Myth by Gerald Matthews, by Moshe Zeidner and Richard D. Roberts - The MIT Press, January 3, 2003. Human Resource Development (4th Edition), by Jon M. Werner and Randy L. DeSimone - SouthWestern College Publishing, March 14, 2005. Improving Performance: How to Manage the White Space in the Organization Chart, by Geary A. Rummler and Alan P. Brache - JosseyBass, May 12, 1995. Leadership 101: What Every Leader Needs to Strategies for Motivating and Retaining Adult Learners Persistence among Adult Basic Education Students in Pre-GED Classes (Comings, J. Parrella, A, & Soricone, L. 1999) http://www.ncsall.net/?id=663 Helping Adults Persist: Four Supports, pg. 6 (Comings, J. Parrella, A, & Soricone, L. 2000) http://www.ncsall.net/fileadmin/res ources/teach/lp_d.pdf Sponsors and Sponsorship, pg 13 (Comings, J. & Cuban, S. 2002) http://www.ncsall.net/fileadmin/res ources/teach/lp_d.pdf The K-12 School Experiences of High School Dropouts, pg. 4 (Reder, S. & Strawn, C. 2001) http://www.ncsall.net/fileadmin/res ources/teach/lp_c.pdf Stopping Out, Not Dropping Out, pg. 7 (Belzer, A. 1998) http://www.ncsall.net/fileadmin/res ources/teach/lp_c.pdf Adult Learner Retention Revisited (Kerka, S. 1995) http://www.cete.org/acve/docgen. asp?tbl=archive&ID=A002 Build Motivation by Building Learner Participation (Garner, B. 1998) http://www.ncsall.net/?id=419 Getting into Groups (Pritza, M. 1998) http://www.ncsall.net/?id=415 Getting to Class and Completing a Semester is Tough, pg. 12 (Sticht, T. et al. 1998) http://www.ncsall.net/fileadmin/res ources/teach/lp_c.pdf Improving Retention in Adult Basic Education and Recommended Strategies for Effective Instructional and Counseling Interventions (Quigley, B. 1997) http://literacy.kent.edu/Oasis/Pub s/0600-3.htm Getting Instructors Off to the Right Start and Keeping Them There Schein, Edgar, (2004). Organizational Culture and Leadership, Third Edition. New York: Wiley Publishers. Smith, Cristine, Gillespie, Marilyn (2002). Research on Professional Development and Teacher Change: Implications for Adult Basic Education Sabatini, J. P., Daniels, M., Ginsburg, L., Limeul, K., Russell, M., & Stites, R. (2000). Teacher perspectives on the adult education profession: National survey findings about an emerging profession (Tech. Rep. No. 00-02). Philadelphia: National Center on Adult Literacy. Smith, Cristine, Hofer, Judy. (2002). Pathways to Change: A Summary of Findings from NCSALL's Staff Development Study 5 Know, by John C. Maxwell - Thomas Nelson, Sept. 10, 2002. Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Through Situational Leadership, by Ken Blanchard and Patricia Zigarmi, Ed.D. - William Morrow, October 6, 1985. Leadership: Theory and Practice (4th Edition) , by Peter G. Northouse Sage Publications, Inc., Oct. 26, 2006. Management of the Absurd, by Richard Farson - Free Press, March 13, 1997. Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee - Harvard Business School Press, March 2004. The Feiner Points of Leadership: The 50 Basic Laws That Will Make People Want to Perform Better for You, by Michael Feiner Business Plus, June 14, 2004. The Leadership Challenge, by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner - Jossey Bass, 2002. Research to Practice: Increasing Retention Through Student Success (Malitz, . & NixonPonder, S. 2003) http://literacy.kent.edu/Oasis/Pub s/0200-11.htm Staying in a Literacy Program (Willard, A. 1998) http://www.ncsall.net/?id=418 Self Efficacy (Bandura, A. 1994) http://www.emory.edu/EDUCATIO N/mfp/BanEncy.html The First Three Weeks: A Critical Time for Motivation (Quigley, B. 1998) http://www.ncsall.net/?id=420 3.2 Learning activities The learning activities include: Large and small group presentation Online courses Webcasts for feedback and coaching Electronic surveys Discussion boards Interim application activities Culminating learning project 3.3 Follow Up 6 The Academy series involves a variety of follow up activities that allow program managers to adapt and apply what they learn to their particular programs. Following the five face-to-face workshops and online courses, the participants have designated activities to complete. The charts below show how the follow up activities (indicated as “fulfillment criteria”) relate to the outcomes and delivery methods. Module 1: Strategies for Motivating and Retaining Adult Learners Training Outcomes Blended Delivery Certification Fulfillment Criteria Workshop: This six-hour Participants will be able to: In addition to workshop will introduce the participation in latest research on student all training activities, Examine the latest persistence and the implications participants will: research on student persistence to determine of that research on instructional delivery, policies and implications on 1. Engage their staff in procedures, and professional instructional practice, assessing their policies and procedures, development. We'll examine current instructional why some students are 'here and professional practices, polices today and gone tomorrow.' We'll development; and procedures, and also look at the need to keep professional episodic learners engaged in Explore a variety of development that instruction during their instructional and support student management strategies temporary hiatus from class persistence; attendance. A variety of that promote student instructional and programmatic 2. Respond to Program persistence; strategies will be illustrated to Improvement help participants determine Examine professional Decision Points; and development options that those that would be most can help teachers/tutors appropriate for increasing 3. Post responses in student persistence in their support student their electronic individual program. persistence; and portfolio. Review a template for a student persistence learning project Webcast: During a one-hour webcast, participants will discuss their experiences with assessing, prioritizing and planning the integration of student persistence strategies into their program 7 Module 2: The Leadership Approach to Program Improvement: How Leaders Inspire, Influence, and Achieve Results Training Outcomes Online Course Certification Fulfillment Criteria Web-based: Participants will be able to: In addition to Although your position as a participation in program manager gives you the all training activities, you Define the term leadership and explain the dynamics of a leader- authority to accomplish certain will: tasks and objectives in your follower relationship. program, this power does not 1. Develop or refine, make you a leader...it simply with input from staff, § State key characteristics makes you the boss. Leadership a vision, mission of effective leaders. differs in that it makes the statement, and/or § Analyze their own followers want to achieve high guiding principles to leadership style. goals. To inspire your adult guide your adult § Differentiate between education staff into higher levels education program; their role as a manager of teamwork, there are certain 2. Respond to and a leader. things you must be, know, and, Program § Engage their staff in do. These do not come naturally Improvement developing a vision, but are acquired through Decision Points; and mission, and core values continual work and study. Good 3. Post responses in to guide program leaders are not born; they your electronic operations. develop through a never ending portfolio. § Apply leadership process of self-study, education, strategies to issues they training, and experience. This face in their adult course will help you through that education program. process. This six-hour online course takes a look at the characteristics of effective leaders and gives you a chance to examine your own leadership style. Then we’ll review some critical skills that are necessary for effective adult education leaders and ways you can transfer those skills into action. While there are many definitions of leadership, one element that all have in common is the need for a vision. We’ll look at the important role that a vision statement, mission, and core values can play in moving your staff and program to higher levels of performance. Throughout the course, you will have opportunities to assess your current skills and apply key leadership concepts to the issues you face as a program manager. 8 Module 3: Getting Instructors Off to the Right Start and Keeping Them There Training Outcomes Participants will be able to: Apply research, data, and self assessment information to get new instructors/tutors off to a good start; Explore the components and available resources of an orientation model for new ABE and ESL instructional providers; Consider decision points necessary to adapt an effective new teacher orientation process to your program; Examine strategies for maintaining a quality, engaged instructional staff. Blended Delivery Workshop: This six-hour workshop will introduce key concepts related to orienting new instructional providers in addition to models and resources that can be adapted for the orientation process. The workshop will also include professional development research on maintaining a quality instructional workforce and strategies for keeping instructors motivated and engaged in continuous improvement. Webcast: During a one-hour webcast, participants will discuss their experiences with prioritizing and planning components of an effective orientation process for new instructional providers Certification Fulfillment Criteria In addition to participation in all training activities, participants will: 1. Engage their staff in assessing, refining. and strengthening their current new instructor orientation process; 2. Respond to Program Improvement Decision Points; and 3. Post responses in their electronic portfolio. Culminating Learning Project Participants will: 1. select one identified need from the program self assessment, research, or data activities; 2. develop a program improvement plan to address that need; 3. post the plan; 4. pilot it for a minimum of three months, and 5. post the results in their electronic portfolio. Participants post their interim activities and culminating learning project to an online electronic portfolio. The submissions are reviewed by the trainers using a developed rubric to ensure valid results. Scoring results of eligible participants are forwarded to the certification manager of ProLiteracy America for issuance of the national certification recognition. Participants who attend all of the workshops, complete the online courses and satisfactorily complete all of the interim activities and culminating learning project receive national certification in program improvement. During the webcasts that follow each workshop, program managers participate with colleagues from other states giving them the opportunity to discuss their interim activities, review challenges and successes they experienced, and receive feedback and resource recommendations. 3.4 Role of school leaders 9 While this professional development series is designed for local program managers, it is important to note that the adult education teachers and other staff members will play an important part in the completion of interim activities and the culminating learning project. Adult education research indicates that one of the best ways to change teacher practice is to involve them in the decision making process. Successful completion of the interim activities and culminating project will necessitate program managers to involve their staff in identifying and analyzing needs and planning and implementing pilot tests. 4. Evaluation Plan 4.1. How will the educator demonstrate achievement of the performance outcomes? Achievement of the performance outcomes will be demonstrated through the successful completion of the interim activities and culminating learning project as measured by the scoring rubric. What is the anticipated impact on student learning? It is anticipated that student learning will be impacted through improved delivery of instructional and programmatic services as a result of the identification of program and professional development needs, the selection of promising practices, and the development and implementation of a program improvement plan to address prioritized needs. Were follow up activities conducted, as described? Follow up activities, as described, are conducted and monitored by ProLiteracy America. What outcome data will be collected and what is the plan for analyzing the data? The Leadership Excellence Academy is a national professional development and certification pilot project sponsored by NAEPDC and ProLiteracy America. Formative and summative data are collected throughout the project to measure the effectiveness of the project and determine necessary changes. Program managers are actively involved in the evaluation process and provide recommendations for future revisions and development. The outcomes that are measured and evaluated include: The practicality and usefulness of interim learning activities and a culminating learning project 4.2 The evaluation of the effectiveness of a blended training model that combines faceto-face, online courses, and Webcasts. The relevancy of the training content. The ability to assist states in building and expanding their professional development system for program managers by exploring delivery options and incentives. Data analysis and reporting on the evaluation results Evaluation data will be analyzed to determine: The satisfaction level of the participants related to the practicality and usefulness of interim learning activities and the culminating learning project, the relevancy of the training content and delivery, and the effectiveness of a blended training model; The quality of the products (interim activities and culminating learning project) developed by the participants; and The usefulness of the Academy design in expanding state’s professional development systems for local program managers. 10 5. Timeline 5.1. Time for necessary participation Participation in all of the required activities for EDAD 5900 301 will total approximately 117 hours. This includes: Participation in: o Two 6-hour face-to-face workshops – 12 hours o One 6-hour online course - 6 hours o Three 1-hour Webcasts – 3 hours Completion and submission of interim activities between the face-to-face workshops – 40 hours Completion and submission of a culminating learning project – 56 hours 11