Network design project

Workplace delivery of ICA50405 – Diploma of Information Technology (Networking)
Network design
Assessment cover sheet
Network design project
Student’s name
Student’s ID
ICA50405 – Diploma of Information Technology (Networking)
Network design
Units of
National ID
State ID
Determine best-fit topology for a local
Identify best-fit topology for a wide
area network
Assessment description
This assessment covers the performance criteria for the above units of competency.
Due date
Date submitted
Student’s declaration
I/We have read and understood the details of the assessment.
I/We have been informed of the conditions of the assessment and the appeals
I/We agree to participate in this assessment.
I/We certify that the attached is my/our own work.
Student’s signature
Assessment results
Not yet competent
Comments/Feedback from assessor to student
Comments/Feedback from student to assessor
Assessor’s name
Assessor’s signature
Student’s name
Student’s signature
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© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010
Version 1, June 2010
Workplace delivery of ICA50405 – Diploma of Information Technology (Networking)
Network design
Instructions for students
In order to meet the criteria, you will need to complete all parts of this assessment.
This assessment can be done during class time or outside of class time.
Discussion with other team members is encouraged however all work submitted must be
substantially your own.
You may be required to explain or demonstrate your understanding of any component of
this assessment.
If you are quoting work that is not your own it must be appropriately referenced.
Submitted work must meet presentation standards appropriate to the workplace or your
registered training organisation, eg header/footer, consistent formatting, spelling, grammar.
All work must be submitted by the due date.
If you have any questions please see your trainer.
Performance measurement
You will need to complete all components without errors.
All files are to be correctly saved with appropriate names or as instructed.
Failure to do either of these tasks will result in a non-submission of assessment.
<RTO to enter date>
Network design project
Assessment tasks
Multiple tasks
Submission checklist
Please make sure that you have the following documentation ready for submission.
Description of each functional segment
LAN functional matrix
First topology map
Bandwidth requirements
Email to trainer
Second topology map
Costing sheet
VPN segment description
WAN functional matrix
WAN bandwidth requirements
Email to trainer – WAN
ISP business plans
© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010
Version 1, June 2010
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Workplace delivery of ICA50405 – Diploma of Information Technology (Networking)
Network design
Network design project
Fremantle Consulting Services is a company that provides IT services to local businesses. It
employs 75 people. At its main site (HQ) it has a small server room with five servers which provide
authentication and directory services, resource sharing, printing and hosts two large database
systems. The company wishes to upgrade the network to support a new IP telephony and video
training system for users.
At a recent review of IT security it was identified that some users have the opportunity to access
information that is not appropriate to their job role. The company would like to implement security
zones for the service desk users, technical support staff and the administration staff. The business
is also concerned that the performance of servers has noticeably declined as more users have
been added to the network. The service desk which has 45 staff is located on the third floor of the
office while technical and administration staff are located on the second floor.
All staff are authenticated to the network and find resources using Active Directory. All staff use
email and calendaring which is provided by Microsoft® Exchange Server in the server room.
The service desk and technical support personnel enter all job requests into the ManageEngine®
ServiceDesk Plus software package. This uses a database backend installed on the database
server. Support personnel also use a knowledge base that is accessed on the same server and the
internet for issue research. In quiet times, both service desk staff and technical support staff learn
new technology by accessing the video training system which is located on the ‘Training server’ in
the server room.
Technical support personnel use remote desktop, http and SSH to remotely access servers and
devices for configuration changes, troubleshooting and monitoring.
Administration staff only use accounting system software. The backend of this system is located on
the ‘Accounting server’ in the server room. Administration staff use the internet occasionally.
Fremantle Consulting Services will implement a 25-connection VPN service to enable
authenticated staff to access company resources when offsite. Continuous internet connectivity
has been identified as a priority goal.
Unit of competency
ICAA5144B Determine best-fit topology for a local network
1. Determine user needs
1.1 Identify the different segments of the proposed network based on business requirements.
Identify and describe each functional segment of the network. Describe the user communities that
will user the segment and describe the services and applications that they will require. Don’t forget
about supporting services such as DNS.
Unit of competency
ICAA5144B Determine best-fit topology for a local network
1. Determine user needs
1.2 Determine segment needs, using network functional analysis.
Create a functional matrix to map applications and services to user communities and network
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© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010
Version 1, June 2010
Workplace delivery of ICA50405 – Diploma of Information Technology (Networking)
Network design
Unit of competency
ICAA5144B Determine best-fit topology for a local network
1. Determine user needs
1.3 Estimate traffic content and volumes based on business requirements.
Create a topology map showing the traffic flows in the network design.
Research the size of content transferred over the links for the applications and services required in
the network segments. Simulate the transfer and measure the flow using Wireshark® software.
Consider the number of users in the community that will be using a traffic flow.
Use sizing skills to make an accurate estimate of the traffic flow volumes on LAN trunk links, server
access links and WAN links for internet access.
Unit of competency
ICAA5144B Determine best-fit topology for a local network
1. Determine user needs
1.4 Develop a prioritised organisational network functional matrix.
Update the network functional matrix to include a priority column.
Unit of competency
ICAA5144B Determine best-fit topology for a local network
2. Develop local area network specification
2.1 Determine the resource requirements for each network segment on the basis of functional
Use the network functional matrix to determine the bandwidth requirement for the links and the
through-put requirements for switches and routers.
Unit of competency
ICAA5144B Determine best-fit topology for a local network
2. Develop local area network specification
2.2 Analyse features of the physical environment for the effect on network design.
Write an email to your trainer describing factors in the physical environment which could impact on
the performance of the network.
Unit of competency
ICAA5144B Determine best-fit topology for a local network
2. Develop local area network specification
2.4 Consider topology options with reference to available resources and network functional matrix.
2.5 Select and document appropriate network topology based on business requirements and
functional analysis.
Create a topology map based on modularised and hierarchal design principles to meet the
business and functional requirements.
Clearly show the types (not models) of infrastructure devices and indicate hosts and communities.
Clearly indicate VLANs and VLAN scope.
Create an addressing table for each LAN and WAN segment and label each segment with the
network address and gateway addresses. Indicate on the topology map the capacity of trunk and
WAN links.
© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010
Version 1, June 2010
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Workplace delivery of ICA50405 – Diploma of Information Technology (Networking)
Network design
Unit of competency
ICAA5144B Determine best-fit topology for a local network
2. Develop local area network specification
2.3 Conduct a costing process for possible topology options.
Create a costing sheet for the network topology.
Include columns for the type of switch, the switch size in rack units, the number and speed of
switchports, power supply type, feature set, capability (internal forwarding rates).
For each type of switch and its associated features list vendor switch models and IOS that meet
the requirements. Don’t forget to include extra switch modules required to support the number of
switchports. Include costs for each item.
Unit of competency
ICAA5145B Identify best-fit topology for a wide area network
1. Identify WAN needs
1.1 Identify the different local area network (LAN)/wireless local area network (WLAN) or virtual
private network (VPN) segments of the proposed wide area network (WAN).
Identify and describe the VPN segment of the network. Describe the user community that will use
the segment and describe the services and applications that they will require. Don’t forget the
supporting services such as DNS.
Unit of competency
ICAA5145B Identify best-fit topology for a wide area network
1. Identify WAN needs
1.2 Determine segment needs using functional analysis.
1.4 Develop an organisational WAN functional matrix.
Create a functional matrix to map applications and services to the VPN user community and
network segment.
Unit of competency
ICAA5145B Identify best-fit topology for a wide area network
1. Identify WAN needs
1.3 Estimate traffic content and volumes according to expected organisational usage, by
examining telecommunications infrastructure.
Create a topology map showing the traffic flows in the network design.
Research the size of content transferred over WAN links for the applications and services required
in the VPN network segments. Simulate the transfer and measure the flow using Wireshark
software. Consider the number of users in the community that will be using VPNs over the WAN
Use sizing skills to make an accurate estimate of the traffic flow volumes on WAN links for VPN
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© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010
Version 1, June 2010
Workplace delivery of ICA50405 – Diploma of Information Technology (Networking)
Network design
Unit of competency
ICAA5145B Identify best-fit topology for a wide area network
2. Create WAN specification
2.1 Determine resource requirements for each LAN/WLAN or VPN segment on the basis of
functional analysis.
Use the network functional matrix to determine the bandwidth requirement for WAN links and the
through-put requirements for the VPN server in the edge module.
Unit of competency
ICAA5145B Identify best-fit topology for a wide area network
2. Create WAN specification
2.2 Consider and report how features of the physical environment affect WAN design.
Write an email to your trainer describing factors in the physical environment which could impact on
the performance of the VPN network.
Unit of competency
ICAA5145B Identify best-fit topology for a wide area network
2. Create WAN specification
2.3 Choose a WAN service appropriate to the amount and type of traffic expected to access the
2.4 Include redundant links in the proposed WAN connectivity for link back-up purposes, in case
the main link is disrupted.
Research business plans with two different ISPs. Find a business plan that will best fit the WAN
service and capacity required by the company. Don’t forget that the business will require a static IP
for the VPN connections.
Also research a cheaper plan as a back-up service which will provide enough capacity for essential
services. (Size this service to provide enough connectivity for ten service desk personnel and two
VPN connections.)
[End of document]
© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2010
Version 1, June 2010
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