IDENTIFICATION INSTRUCTOR: UNIT TOPIC: Hydrogen LESSON TITLE: Hydrogen Production and Use CLASS: Ag. Mech DATE BEST TAUGHT OBJECTIVES After completing this lesson, the student should be able to: 1. Describe several methods of hydrogen production. 2. List some barriers to hydrogen use. 3. Describe the future of hydrogen use. TEACHING MATERIALS AND RESOURCES “Hydrogen Production and Use” ppt. TEACHING PROCEDURE Preparation (including link, motivation, and overview) Key Points Link: Review main concepts of introduction lesson. Discuss the reports given by students and why hydrogen is not more readily available. Methods Question, Answer, Discussion Motivation: Discuss possibilities of future power sources. Overview: Present objectives. Presentation Key Points I. Methods of Hydrogen production. II. Barriers to Hydrogen use. III. The future of Hydrogen use. Methods Lecture, Discussion “Hydrogen Production” ppt Application Key Points Divide students into groups to brainstorm and report on suggestions for changes in infrastructure that could result in the potential widespread use of hydrogen as a fuel. Methods Cooperative Study Evaluation Key Points Review objectives to determine level of understanding. Methods Question, Answer, Discussion REFERENCES & RESOURCES U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Alternative Fuels Data Center http:/