MKTG 567 Marketing Internship - San Francisco State University

MKTG 567 Marketing Internship
College of Business, San Francisco State University
Fall 2008
Instructor: Sanjit Sengupta
Office: 835 Market Street #572 (SFSU Downtown Campus)
Office hours: Mon Thu 4 – 6 or by appointment
Mandatory Class Meeting: Wed August 27, 6:30 – 7:30 PM in BUS 202.
Telephone: 415 817-4366
Instructor web page:
Course Web Page:
This undergraduate course has three learning objectives for students: (1) to provide a hands-on
opportunity to learn how marketing is practiced in a real business, (2) to apply theories,
frameworks and principles to the analysis of marketing problems, and (3) to improve business
writing skills. After completing the course a student should have a better idea of the kind of job,
company or industry they are interested in working for.
MKTG 431, appropriate employment, instructor approval. The MKTG 431 pre-requisite cannot
be waived because we must ensure you have the basic knowledge to do well in your marketing
The student is responsible for finding a marketing position with a professional organization
reporting to an executive willing to support student learning. Family members and close friends
are not eligible to be internship supervisors. Your work duties and your supervisor must be
located in the San Francisco Bay Area. A minimum of 10 hours/week of employment is required
for a minimum of 10 weeks. You can do more hours at your option. You can do less than 10 in
some weeks, but it must average out to 10 hours/week. The internship may be paid or unpaid.
Day-to-day work must involve marketing tasks that contribute to your knowledge about products
and services, pricing, advertising and promotion, distribution, marketing research or planning.
The day-to-day work must be done during the current semester. No retroactive credit can be
given for work done in the past because the internship has to be approved and monitored by the
In addition to day-to-day tasks, with the consent of the work supervisor, the student must pick a
specific, solvable, marketing problem the organization is faced with, analyze and research the
problem and recommend solutions to the problem. Problems are often diagnosed by looking at
performance of organizations or products / services in the marketplace and looking for
underlying causes. In the past students have worked on problems such as how to improve
awareness, client relationships, customer service, web sites, or implementing and testing some
new marketing process, among others. If your internship is with a consulting or marketing
services organization, you may take on a marketing problem faced by one of their clients.
By the end of the course, each student must write and submit a 5-page single-spaced, 12-point
font paper on their research problem. Research for the paper may include secondary data sources
such as web sites and trade publications as well as primary data from employees, customers,
competitors, distributors etc. All sources of data must be cited in footnotes.
There are many sources of marketing internship listings:
1. College of Business Internships web site.
2. SFSU Career Center web site.
3. Binders in Career Resources Room, BUS 137 and Career Center, Student Services Building
In addition don’t hesitate to use other web sites or personal networks to obtain a marketing
internship or cold call on an organization that is of interest to you.
You have to make contact with the organization, submit a resume, interview with them, and
show them this course syllabus. If they agree to take you on as an intern, have your supervisor
fill out the Internship Contract available on and email it to me. If you (or your
prospective employer) have questions about whether the internship meets the guidelines in this
syllabus, feel free to contact me (or have your prospective employer contact me) by email or
phone. The deadline for your supervisor to email the Internship Contract to me is September 16,
2008. If I do not receive your contract by this date, you will be dropped from the course. If you
are looking to add this course have your supervisor email me the internship contract by the
deadline. Then send me a follow-up email requesting permission to add the course. The last day
to add the course on the web with a permit number is September 23.
You will be graded on the following assignments:
1. Participate in four online discussion forums in iLearn according to guidelines provided there.
These are due September 26, October 17, November 21 and December 12 and will
constitute 20% of your course grade. You need to post two messages for each forum
assignment. The first message should be an original one addressing the posted topic and will
receive 1 point. An additional point will be awarded for responding to the post of a
2. Mid-term outline of your final paper. Prepare an outline of the final paper that you will write
for this course. The outline should be one page, single-spaced, 12-point font in Microsoft
Word with three sections: Problem Definition, Sources of Data, Benefit to Organization.
Clearly state the marketing problem that you wish to investigate, how you will go about
analyzing the problem, what sources of data you will need, and how the results of your paper
will benefit the internship organization. Avoid cryptic bullet points, use complete sentences
and paragraphs in your outline. Sources of data can include internal company data,
interviews with management personnel, competitor analysis, customer focus groups, surveys
or interviews, physical observation among others. If you need help in formulating ideas for
the paper, visit or call me during office hours. Submit the outline electronically in iLearn by
October 31. Name your file, “Lastname_Firstname_SFSUID.doc”. The outline will
constitute 20% of your course grade. You will receive instructor feedback on your outline to
see if you are on the right track for your final paper. If you are taking MKTG 567 a second
time, you should let me know this and tell me how this paper is going to be different from the
earlier one you submitted. Attach a copy of the first MKTG 567 final paper that you
submitted earlier. Remember, the second paper must be completely different from the first
paper in order to receive course credit even if they are based on internships with the same
organization. If you have multiple files you need to create one zip file not exceeding 20
megabytes for submission in iLearn. If you get less than the class average on the mid-term
outline (cick on Stats in the Grades section of iLearn), you should consult with the instructor
during office hours to get advice on how to improve.
3. Final paper will receive 40% of the course grade. This will be 5 pages, single spaced, 12point text with four sections: Company background (history, products / services,
performance), Problem Definition, Data Sources and Analysis, and Recommended Solution.
Pictures, charts or appendices should be referenced in the text but added at the end of the 5page paper, or in separate files. The problem definition, data sources and analysis should be
based on your outline after incorporating instructor feedback. Recommended solutions
should flow from your analysis but it would be helpful to get feedback on feasibility from
management before submitting your paper, All sources of research including books,
periodicals, web sites, interviews and other primary research must be referenced in the text
with superscripts and detailed in footnotes. Deadline for turning in the final paper
electronically in iLearn is December 15, 2008. Name your file,
“Lastname_Firstname_SFSUID.doc”. If you have multiple files you need to create one zip
file not exceeding 20 megabytes for submission in iLearn.
4. Have your supervisor complete the Report of Completion form available on and email it to me by December 15,
2008. Your supervisor will evaluate your performance during the internship, which will
count towards 20% of your final course grade.
5. Extra Credit Class Meetings. Based on student feedback, it appears that some students
prefer offline class meetings and direct interaction with the instructor in addition to the
ILearn course platform. With this in mind I have arranged for two additional class meetings
during the Fall semester. These will all be on Wednesdays 6:15 – 7:30 PM in BUS 202 on
October 29 and November 19. Students can get an extra credit of 2.5% for attending each of
these meetings to discuss issues and problems pertaining to the internship.
Students must enroll in the course by September 23, 2008. Under no circumstances will you be
permitted to add later than this date.
University policy is that withdrawals are permitted only for serious and compelling reasons. In
addition, College of Business policy prohibits students from withdrawing from the same course
more than once for any reason.
If, for any reason, you are unable to complete the internship, please inform me immediately.
With prior consent, you may get an incomplete grade for this course provided you have
participated substantially up to that point. You then have one year during which you can
complete the internship again at the same or a different organization to receive credit. If
neglected, after one year, an incomplete grade defaults to an F grade.
Late submissions will be penalized with a full letter grade lower than the paper merits.
Academic dishonesty is taken very seriously by your instructor. In such cases, I will
recommend expulsion from the university to the student discipline officer.
Students with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations are encouraged to contact the
instructor. The Disability Programs and Resource Center is available to facilitate the reasonable
accommodations process.
I will be using iLearn to send you important emails during the course. iLearn only sends email to
your official email account. If you would like to receive emails at a non-SFSU email
account, please fill out a form to have e-mail forwarded from your SFSU account to another
At any time if you need help with any aspect of your internship, or if you are having difficulty
defining a problem or researching it for your paper, or need specific feedback feel free to call or
visit me during office hours.