Chapter 25: Networking Please send suggestions and errata to y

Chapter 25: Networking
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Section 25.2 Client/Server Computing
When creating a server on a port that is already in use,
A. occurs.
B. the server is created with no problems.
C. the server is blocked until the port is available.
D. the server encounters a fatal error and must be
The correct answer is A
Your answer is correct
When creating a client on a server port that is already
in use, __________.
A. the client can connect to the server regardless of
whether the port is in use.
B. occurs.
C. the client is blocked until the port is available.
D. the client encounters a fatal error and must be
The correct answer is A
Your answer is correct
Explanation: To connect to a client, the server creates a
client socket from the ServerSocket. You can create any
number of client sockets on the server side to connect to
a client on the Internet.
The server listens for a connection request from a client
using the following statement:
A. Socket s = new Socket(ServerName, port);
B. Socket s = serverSocket.accept()
C. Socket s = serverSocket.getSocket()
D. Socket s = new Socket(ServerName);
The correct answer is B
Your answer A is incorrect
The client requests a connection to a server using the
following statement:
A. Socket s = new Socket(ServerName, port);
B. Socket s = serverSocket.accept();
C. Socket s = serverSocket.getSocket();
D. Socket s = new Socket(ServerName);
The correct answer is A
Your answer is correct
When a client requests connection to a server that has
not yet started, __________.
A. occurs.
B. occurs.
C. the client is blocked until the server is started.
D. the client encounters a fatal error and must be
The correct answer is B
Your answer A is incorrect
To connect to a server running on the same machine with
the client, which of the following can be used for the
A. "localhost"
B. ""
C. InetAddress.getLocalHost(),
D. All of the above.
The correct answer is D
Your answer A is incorrect
To create an InputStream on a socket s, you use
A. InputStream in = new InputStream(s);
B. InputStream in = s.getInputStream();
C. InputStream in = s.obtainInputStream();
D. InputStream in = s.getStream();
The correct answer is B
Your answer A is incorrect
3 The InetAddress Class
8. ______________ models an IP address, which can be used
to find the host name and IP address of the client.
A. The ServerSocket class
B. The Socket class
C. The InetAddress class
D. The Connection interface
The correct answer is C
Your answer A is incorrect
You can invoke ______________ on a Socket object, say
socket, to obtain an InetAddress object.
A. socket.InetAddress();
B. socket.getInetAddress();
C. socket.obtainInetAddress();
D. socket.retrieveInetAddress();
The correct answer is B
Your answer A is incorrect
The ____________ method in the InetAddress class returns
the IP address.
A. getIP()
B. getIPAddress()
C. getHostAddress()
D. getAddress()
The correct answer is C
Your answer A is incorrect
Section 25.4 Serving Multiple Clients
A ServerSocket can connect to ________ clients.
A. one
B. two
C. ten
D. unlimited number of
The correct answer is D
Your answer A is incorrect
Section 25.5 Applet Clients
You can obtain the server?s hostname by invoking
_________ on an applet.
A. getCodeBase().host()
B. getCodeBase().getHost()
C. getCodeBase().hostName()
D. getCodeBase().getHostName()
The correct answer is B
Your answer A is incorrect
Section 25.6 Sending and Receiving Objects
To obtain an ObjectInputStream from a socket, use
A. socket.getInputStream()
B. socket.getObjectStream()
C. socket.getObjectInputStream()
D. socket.objectInputStream()
E. new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
The correct answer is E
Your answer A is incorrect
To obtain an ObjectOutputStream from a socket, use
A. socket.getOutputStream()
B. socket.getObjectStream()
C. socket.getObjectOutputStream()
D. socket.objectOutputStream()
E. new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream())
The correct answer is E
Your answer A is incorrect
Section 25.7 Retrieving Files from Web Servers
To create an InputStream to read from a file on a Web
server, you use the class __________.
B. Server;
C. ServerSocket;
D. ServerStream;
The correct answer is A
Your answer is correct
To create an InputStream to read from a file on a Web
server, you use the method __________ in the URL class.
A. getInputStream();
B. obtainInputStream();
C. openStream();
D. connectStream();
The correct answer is C
Your answer A is incorrect