Postoperative instructions for an adult tooth extraction

Postoperative instructions for an adult tooth extraction
Hold the cotton gauze firm between the teeth for 10 – 20 minutes after you leave the
surgery. The bleeding should have settled by then.
The blood clot that has formed in the tooth socket is crucial for healing. Try not to
disturb this jelly-like blob of blood for at least 3 hours. This means no eating, drinking or
rinsing for 3 hours post surgery. It is normal for the socket to weep a little blood during
this time. If the bleeding is profuse, take a new gauze cotton square (or handkerchief)
and bite down for a further 30 minutes. If the blood clot comes out, try and pop it back
in and bite it into place. It is the plug.
Sit still. Even mild exercise will cause your blood to pump harder and prolong the
bleeding. Do not keep swapping the gauze cotton over for fresh ones. Just use the same
piece, for up to an hour if necessary. Any concerns, then ring the surgery on 6681 6680.
When the anaesthetic wears off you might want to take a couple of panadols or
nurofen. Do not take asprin for pain relief as this increases the bleeding time. Always
read the label, or ask you pharmacist if you are taking other medications.
Eat on the other side for a week. Soft foods are gentle on the gums. Keep your nutrition
up as you will need it for healing. Bananas are great.
For the next 5 days, after meals rinse with warm salt water (1 teaspoon per cup). This
gentle mouth bath will help float out any food gathered in the socket. Be gentle.
Vigorous rinsing may upset the blood clot. Do not suck on the socket. Do not use mouth
rinses (eg Listerine) as they will sting, and delay healing.
Still brush your teeth. Plaque is the enemy. Do not allow bacteria to gather and infect
your socket. Gently brush all your teeth as normal. You do not need to brush the socket.
It may hurt for a few days, and gradually get better. It takes many months until the
healing is complete. If you experience pain that worsens with time, it may be that your
socket has become dry or infected. Call Bytes Dental for a review appointment. Sockets
become dry or infected when the blood clot has been disrupted, and food falls into the
open hole. Poor oral health, or a dry mouth will also delay the healing. Smokers are at
higher risk of these complications. Do not smoke or drink alcohol for 24 hours.
May your healing be swift. And may the floss be with you.