Annex A
Annex B
Awards and Decorations
Annex C
Promotion Procedures
Annex D
Leave Processing
Annex E
Publications/Forms Management
Annex F
Personnel Evaluations
Annex G
Financial Inquiries
Annex H
In/Out Processing
Annex I
Family Support Group Operations
Annex J
Rear Detachment Operations
Annex K
Annex L
Mail operations
Annex A (SIDPERS 3) S1 SOP
1. References:
a. AR 600-8-6
b . DA Pam 600-8-31
d. SIDPER-3 Internet Site:
2. The Personnel Sergeant will monitor and insure that guidance, policies, and procedures as
authorized are complied with in regards to all S1 Automation. Insure that access is granted to
only those personnel required to perform personnel service support functions, so as to safeguard
sensitive or personal in nature information on soldiers assigned to the organization. Work Center
Supervisors (WCS)/System Administrators (SA) trained personnel are overall responsible for the
security of that data.
3. SIDPERS Computers: At the battalion level there should be on hand (1) Mid-Tower, (2)
Desktop workstations, and (2) Laptop workstations.
4..Configuration: SIDPERS computers will be configured to provide maximum use and
capabilities to the S1. The system is designed to work on a local network so the data may be
processed from each individual workstation. SIDPERS Systems will not be configured as a stand
alone PC while in a garrison environment.
5. Access: The Personnel Sergeants will ensure that clerks within the S1, have access to only those functions
necessary to accomplish his or her individual job requirements.
6. Maintenance: Database management will be performed as required by established local
policies and procedures. All backups will be completed when necessary and will not be bypassed
7. Personnel Sergeants will have Internet access on his or her workstation and will obtained
access for as many soldiers within the S1 as possible. All soldiers within the S1 will be familiar
with AG sites on the internet and will know how to access them.
8. The following internet sites will be marked as favorites on all workstations:
9. Upon arrival of a new soldier the SIDPERS clerk will complete the following actions to
ensure soldier is properly processed into the organization:
a. Have soldier sign-in on DA Form 647 Personnel Register.
b. Collect copies of soldier’s orders, DA Form 2-1, Officer/Enlisted Records Brief, last
NCOER, EDAS C10 printout, DD Form 93, and SGLI Form.
c. Issue soldier In-processing Checklist
d. Issue soldier a Meal Card (if single in barracks)
Ensure soldier has completed documentation to receive authorized pay entitlements. If not refer
to finance clerk.
f. Arrive soldier in SIDPERS
g. Add soldiers name to AAA-162 and adjust OSTR manually
h. Check to see if soldier is eligible for promotion by checking time in service time in grade.
If soldier is eligible for advancement to the next grade prepare 4187E and forward to promotion
authority for approval.
i. Prepare personnel file IAW AR 25-400-2, and file documentation with other similar files.
10. Upon receipt of PCS Orders SIDPERS Clerk will take the following actions to ensure
departing soldiers are removed from organizational strength:
a. Have soldier complete DA Form 31 and forward to commander for approval.
ANNEX A (Cont)
b...Maintain 2 copies of the soldiers orders, file one in soldiers personnel file and suspense
the other with the
DA Form 31, in a suspense file, to ensure soldier is departed in a timely manner
c. Check suspense folder daily to see if soldiers are due to depart the unit. (ensure all soldiers
departing on Permanent Change of Station sign out only with the S1. Soldiers due to sign out on
non-duty days may sign out with SIDPERS Clerks the duty day prior)
11. When soldier is ready to sign out SIDPERS Clerk will complete the following actions:
a. Obtain copy of soldiers clearing papers
b. Sign soldier out on PCS Leave
c. Have soldier sign DA Form 647
d. Line through soldier on AAA-162 and adjust OSTR manually
e. Depart soldier in SIDPERS
12. All Transaction Queues will be processed daily (PUSHED/PULLED)
13. SIDPERS Reports will be maintained IAW published regulatory guideline. The following
reports will be printed off and maintained by the SIDPERS Clerk:
a. Personnel Strength and Zero Balance Report (AAA-162)
b. Unit Personnel Accountability Notice (AAA-165)
c. Alpha Roster (AAA-342)
d. Unit Manning Report (AAA-161)
e. Report of AWOLs (AAA-160)
f. Suspension of Favorable Actions Report (AAA-095)
14. The Unit Personnel Strength and Zero Balance Report will be Signed/Authenticated by the
Company Commanders no later than the last day of each month
15. All discrepancies on the Unit Personnel Accountability Notice will be cleared up No Later
Than COB on the last duty day of the week.
16. The SIDPERS Clerk will meet with the PAS Analyst at least three times a week to resolve
errors and correct accountability problems.
17. PAIs will be conducted IAW table 5-2, and sent through the PAS and G1 strength
management for approval. Upon approval of the DA Form 3986-R, a copy of the form along
with supporting documentation will be forwarded to the commander and the original will be filed
IAW AR 25-400-2.
18. Strength Reporting will be accomplished by whatever means possible during deployments
and Field Training Exercises. If capability does not exist in a training area the SIDPERS Clerk
will be left behind on rear detachment or will be allowed to travel between training area and rear
area to perform SIDPERS Operations. For Battalion level training exercises coordination will be
made by the Personnel Sergeants to have strength related transactions done by the Brigade S1 or
Unit Analyst.
13. Personnel Sergeants will ensure that proper deployment codes (DPLI) are inputted from the
PBS level. Coordination will be made to ensure all necessary data is obtained by the PSB to
effective do the transaction. Failure to complete this function my result in deployed soldier
receiving PCS orders while deployed. This may also cause soldiers to show at PERSCOM level
as missing PCS movement.
14. Wartime Personnel Strength Accounting and Reporting will be accomplished IAW the
Brigade/Battalion Field Standard Operating Procedures.
Annex B (Awards and Decorations) S1 SOP
1. Reference: AR 600-8-22
2. The Personnel Sergeant will monitor and insure that guidance, policies, and procedures as
authorized are complied with in regards to all requests for awards. Insure that the awards
recommendation is administratively correct and in proper format, so as to warrant approval at
this level. Awards requests not meeting standards as prescribed will be returned for corrective
action. All requests for awards will be staffed through the Battalion Awards Clerk, the Battalion
S1, CSM, and XO prior to it being forwarded to the Battalion Commander. Recommendations
for or information suggesting disapproval action will be routed back to the Unit Commander for
comments prior to final action on approval or disapproval. In all instances, the final authority
rests with the Battalion Commander.
3. The following awards will be requested and recommended for on a DA Form 638.
Recommendations for awards will be in strict accordance with the stated suspense.
Legion of Merit or higher
Meritorious Service Medal
90 days
Army Commendation Medal
60 days
Army Achievement Medal
30 days
Certificates of Achievement
30 days
f. Impact Awards
120 days
NLT 30 days after award
Each suspense will be computed back from the desired date of presentation as indicated in Block
9, DA form 638. The requester will, in all instances, insure that a letter of lateness is attached to
the DA Form 638 if he/she fails to meet the required suspense.
4. All ARCOM’s and higher awards will be presented at a Pay Day Muster Formation, unless a
request to do otherwise is submitted to the CSM. The CSM will coordinate the awards ceremony
and insure that it is conducted in a formal manner. The Personnel Sergeant will insure that each
recipient is notified NLT 2 days prior to the planned ceremony through the Chain-of-Command.
5. Unit Commanders will insure that all personnel are present for awards presentation. Award
recipients will be in the highest state of military appearance without exception. Personnel
Sergeant will insure that all support tasks, as required, are accomplished.
6. Commanders will ensure all soldiers are considered for ETS/PCS/Service Awards. The S1
will inform Unit Commanders 120 days prior to the expected loss date of a soldier.
7. All other awards will be submitted IAW AR 600-8-22.
Annex C (Promotion Procedures) S1 SOP
1. References: AR 600-8-19, with IC#1 and all MILPER messages
2. General. The Army promotion policies and procedures established by the references above
prescribe guidance for promotion of enlisted personnel to grades PV2 through SSG. These
procedures provide commanders with a uniform means to either promote qualified soldiers or
prevent promotion of soldiers with little or no potential or productivity. Procedures to promote
enlisted personnel vary greatly with the particular rank to which a soldier is being promoted.
3. Authority to Promote:
a. The Commanders below may promote, subject to authority and responsibility by
higher Commanders:
PFC and below
Unit commanders may promote assigned and attached soldiers to the grade
of PFC and below. See Section II, AR 600-8-19, Para 1-9.
The battalion commander is the promotion authority as established in
MILPER message 96-103, 19 Mar 96. Separate companies not supported
by a battalion is the unit commander.
HQDA. See MILPER Message 96-029, 16 NOV 95.
SFC through CSM
HQDA. See Section IV, AR 600-8-19.
4. Unit Enlisted Advancement Report (A-117 Report):
a. Reference: SIDPERS HELP.
b. Purpose. To assist commanders in the selection of personnel for promotion to PV2
through SPC.
1) For more detailed guidance for promotions to PV2 through SPC, see AR 6008-19, Sections I through III and SIDPERS HELP.
2) Table 2-3; Rule E 1-5, AR 601-210 should be used for promotions of soldiers
with a college degree or ROTC credit.
5. Promotion of Enlisted Personnel to SGT and SSG:
a. Criteria for promotion to SGT:
1) Thirty-six months time in service (TIS) for Primary Zone (PZ), waiverable to
18 months TIS in Secondary Zone (SZ).
2) Eight months time in grade (TIG) for PZ consideration, waiverable to four
months TIG for SZ.
3) Education required, High School Diploma, GED or above.
4) Mandatory board appearance.
5) Completion of PLDC.
6) Remain on a DA-approved recommended list for at least 90 days after board
b. Criteria for promotion to SSG:
1) Eighty-four months TIS in PZ, waiverable to 48 months TIS for SZ.
2) Ten months TIG in PZ, waiverable to 8 months TIG in SZ.
3) Education required is high school or above.
4) Mandatory board appearance.
5) Completion of BNCOC.
6) Remain on a DA-approved recommended list for at least 90 days after the
board appearance.
7) Have at least 12 months left on active duty from the first day of the subject
month of the Cut
Off Score letter which authorized the promotion.
c. Board announcements. At the same time that these recommendations are received
from Commanders and compiled, the BN S1will publish written notification of upcoming
promotion board proceedings and distribute them to the appropriate personnel. The
notification should list the members of the board, the recommended soldiers scheduled to
appear before the board including the date and time, and the uniform to be worn for the
board appearance.
Initiation of Promotion Packets and Records Review:
1) On or about the 3rd day of the month, the BN S1 will recover promotion
packets from PMB. The PSB Promotion Clerk will have attached a Promotion
Point Worksheet (DA Form 3355E) to the initial recommendation. The BN S1
add to each promotion packet a board recommendation (DA Form 3357) (Figure
5-2) and a Board Member Appraisal Worksheet (DA Form 3356) (Figure 5-3).
2) Soldiers to be recommended should review their ERB and MPRJ (DA Form
201) prior to submitting recommendations to S1. The soldier will go to the
Records Section, with his first line supervisor, to ensure accuracy and
completeness of the DA Form 201.
3) Board proceedings and recommended list updates. After the promotion board
is held, the appropriate S1 personnel will compile a promotion packet for each
soldier appearing before the board. The packet will include DA Forms 3355
through DA Form 3357, Commander’s Promotion Recommendation, and
approval of promotion authority. All soldiers not recommended by the board will
be counseled the Bn CSM. Counseling must be conducted immediately after the
board and a record of the counseling must be given to the BN S1 for inclusion in
the non-recommended soldiers’ packet. The recommended list for promotion of
enlisted personnel (EDAS C10) should be adjusted to reflect those recommended.
Board proceedings and packets (for recommended personnel) will be forwarded to
PSB NLT the 20th day of the month. Table 3-6, AR 600-8-19, provides explicit
guidance on processing results of a promotion board.
4) An effective suspense follow-up system should be utilized to ensure that
promotion certificates are prepared for soldiers meeting published monthly cut-off
scores. The BN S1 should obtain official orders from the PSB Promotions Work
Center prior to the effective date of promotion.
Annex D (Leave Processing) S1 SOP
AR 600-8-10
Members of this organization will be authorized the opportunity to the maximum extent
possible to exercise their right for absence through periods of authorized leave. Commanders
will insure that maximum attention is given to each request for leave.
The DA Form 31 (Request and Authorization for Leave) will be used both on a request for
and, upon approval, authority for leave. Leave will begin on or after the “from” date
indicated on the DA Form 31. Request for leave will be initiated at the unit as indicated
Soldiers will fill in block number 1 of the DA Form 31 completely. Complete block 2.
Block 3 should be the soldier’s rank, i.e. PFC, CPT, etc. Block 4 and 5 are left blank.
Block 6 must have the unit phone number to include area code. Complete blocks 7
through 13. Block 13 must have complete address to include zip code, phone number,
and area code. Sign the DA Form 31 in block 14. Block 15 will be signed by the First
Sergeant area marked “SIGNATURE.” Block 16 will have the Unit Commanders
signature block. Block 30 will contain the unit phone number, and the Battalion Staff
Duty Officer’s phone number. These numbers will be listed in commercial and DSN
format. The DA Form 31 will then be turned in to the BN S1.
All DA Form 31’s will be handwritten in black ink or typed and forwarded to the S1 NLT
14 working days prior to the start date of the leave. The leave will be logged and filed in
the leave suspense file until soldier’s departure.
Personnel will sign in/out on leave through the S1 during duty hours. S1 personnel will
complete all administrative requirements for items 18-24. After duty hours, the Battalion
Staff Duty Officer/NCO will bear the responsibility for items 18-24 as well as insuring
that the DA Form 31 is turned in to the S1 the next day. The name, rank, and unit of the
soldier are to be annotated in the Duty Log.
A soldier cannot call for a fellow soldier and report him/her on or off leave, for to do so is
a violation of the trust and confidence that has been extended to everyone.
This policy in no way alleviates the requirement that every individual departing for leave
have in his possession a copy of the DA Form 31 authorizing him/her to be absent from
his place of duty.
The Battalion Commander will approve all leaves of more than 45 days. The Unit
Commander will attach a note to the DA Form 31 justifying the length of leave. In the event
that advance or excess leave is needed (more than 10 days), the Battalion Commander will be
the approving authority. DA Form 31’s will only be accepted prior to 3 working days before
the starting date of the leave. Exceptions to this policy are for Emergency Leaves only.
Excess or advance leave in excess of 30 days will be forwarded to the Battalion S1 for proper
Upon approval by the approving authority, the S1 will insure that a leave control number is
appropriately entered in block 5 and will be recorded in the Leave Control Log. In the event
that the leave is changed or canceled S1 clerks will void the leave in the Leave Control Log
and file the Original copy of the leave in the leave files. When the soldier’s departure on
leave is delayed beyond the date shown in block 8a of the DA Form 31 and the soldier’s
desired date of return, the leave will be voided by the approving authority and a new DA
Form 31 will be used.
The S1 will insure that the DA Form 31 is disposed of as follows:
Upon completion of leave, the Original copy of the DA Form 31 will be forwarded
through channels on a Unit Transmittal Letter (UTL) to the Finance Office within 24
The individual copy will be given to the requester upon signing out on leave. He will
retain it on his person during his leave.
The S1 will ensure that the processed DA Form 31’s are maintained in a suspense file
during the periods of time prior to the beginning date of the leave and during their period
of leave.
Extensions of Leave. Personnel requesting leave extensions will contact the Unit Commander
or designated representative. Request may be made in person, telephonically, or by other
convenient means. The request will be coordinated NLT 2 days in advance of the leave
termination date. The requester will be informed of approval or disapproval of the request
for extension by the most expeditious means through the Commander or his appointed
representative. Commanders will ensure that the administrative procedures related to leave
extensions are accomplished IAW Paragraph 45, AR 630-5.
Emergency Leave. Procedures are the same as for ordinary leave with the following
The “OTHER” box will be checked in block 7 and the word “EMERGENCY” will be
placed in the space provided.
After duty hours, the SDO will complete the leave form (blocks 1-20). The soldier will
only be released after approval from his Battery Commander.
The following statement will be typed or handwritten in block 30. “Soldier has been
informed of the procedures for requesting leave extensions and that Red Cross
verification is required.”
Terminal Leave:
The DA Form 31 requesting terminal leave must be submitted NLT 60 days prior to the
date of departure listed in block 8a.
The SDO ensures receipt of the soldier’s meal card (DD Form 714E), clearing papers
(DA Form 137E), MILPO departure clearance memorandum, orders, and that the soldier
completes the DA Form 647 before departing.
PCS leaves are due NLT 45 days prior to departure and consist of the same procedures as
ordinary leave with the following exceptions:
The approving authority will be the Battery Commander unless the leave is longer than
10 days advanced or more than 30 days leave total.
The SDO ensures receipt of the soldier’s meal card (DD Form 714E), clearing papers
(DA Form 137E), MILPO departure clearance memorandum, orders, and that the soldier
completes the DA Form 647 before departing.
11. Leave outside CONUS. Requests for leave outside of CONUS will be hand carried to the
Battalion S-1 NLT 45 days prior to insure proper preparation of DA Form 31/DA Form 4187
which will be completed IAW Paragraph 28, AR 630-5, and Chapter 7, ___ Airborne
Division Leave and Pass Handbook.
Passes. Passes are approved by the Company Commander using a pass form. Passes cannot
be given in conjunction with 4-day weekends and no more than 24 hours in conjunction with
a 3-day weekend. DA Form 31’s will not be used for passes.
Annex E (Publications/Forms Management) S1 SOP
AR 310-1
AR 310-2
DA Pamphlet 25-200-2
DA Pamphlet 25-30
DA Pamphlet 310-13
FORSCOM Supplement to AR 310-2
XVII Airborne Corps Regulation 310-2-1
_______ Pamphlet 310-2
___ Airborne Division Pamphlet 310-4
DA Pamphlet 25-400-2
Purpose. To establish procedures to govern the requisitioning and maintenance of
publications and blank forms. This SOP also governs the procedures involving outgoing and
incoming distribution/correspondence and information coming from higher headquarters via
General. This SOP is applicable to the operations of this headquarters and subordinate
headquarters and superseded previously published SOPs. It does not relieve, suspend, or
revoke previously published instructions or directives from higher headquarters. Effective
upon receipt of this SOP, all Commanders and applicable Section Leaders will review their
current policies to insure compliance with the policies prescribed herein.
Responsibilities. The Commander, Adjutant, PAC Supervisor, and Battalion Publication
Officer are responsible to ensure the requirements shown on the DA Form 12 series
forms/files at least twice a year and that changes or made as needed.
Publications. Batteries will coordinate the fulfilling of requirements for publications with the
Battalion Publications Officer by use of DA Form 17’s and DA Form 4569 (Figure 7-1),
blank forms, FORSCOM, and Corps (FB), will be prepared in duplicate and on separate DA
Form 17’s (Figure 7-2). Batteries/Sections will submit requirements for publications by the
15th day of each month. The DA Form 17’s will be dated and stamped when received and
initialed by the Publications Officer/Clerk after a review of Reference d. Once the
Publications Clerk receives the request for publications, the following actions will be taken
by the PAC:
All publications requests will be reviewed for correctness IAW Reference d. All incorrect
requests will be returned to the requester with an explanation. The DA Form 4569 will
only be used for publications ordered from the USAAGPSC in Baltimore Maryland, and
Saint Louis, Missouri. All other publication requests will be requested on DA Form 17
for Publications. Once the DA Form 4569’s are completed, they will be hand carried to
the XVII Airborne Corps and ___ Airborne Division Publications. Once the DA Form
4569’s are completed, they will be hand carried to the _______ Publications Center. Then
requests for publications will be forwarded to the appropriate publication installation. DA
Form 17’s will be kept in the publications suspense files and will be returned to the
requester when all publications are received. Once the publication requests reach the
publications centers, there is a mandatory waiting period, called “Requisition Processing
Time.” This should not take more than 90 days. If the requested publications are not
received within a 90-day period, then you must bring your copy of the DA Form 4569 to
the Publications Officer to be restamped. Publication requests can be held by the
publication centers for up to 9 months, so it is important that you keep your copy of the
publications request stamped every 90 days.
Replace worn or lost publications.
Order publications not received through the PINPOINT distribution system.
The DA 12 Series forms are set up IAW MTOE requirements for this Battalion. The
Battalion Publications Officer will be directly responsible for the maintenance and
inspection of the 12 Series forms.
Soldier’s Manuals and Job Books. Soldier’s Manuals and Job Books are also placed on
the DA 12 Series forms IAW MTOE requirements. Soldier’s Manuals and Job Books will
be requested through the Battalion S-3. All soldier type manuals/Job Books coming into
this office will be turned over to the Battalion SDT Officer for distribution.
Required publications for deployment will be marked IAW Division RSOP.
Battery sub-account numbers are at Fig. 3
Forms Management:
Emergency Deployments. Under emergency deployments, the Battalion, or elements
may be required to move to another location CONUS or directly to an OCONUS area.
The main thing to remember is that each Battery/Section must have an adequate supply of
blank forms to last at least 30 days. Therefore, each company/section will maintain a 30day supply of blank forms for emergency deployments only: along with a 30 day working
Analyze all forms submitted for Fort ___ or Division Overprint numbers.
Ensure each request for a new form includes a full justification.
Ensure each overprint form request is supported by a prescribed directive and
supervise the maintenance of forms functional and numerical files IAW References a,
b, and AR 340-2.
Purpose. Provides information and guidance for DA, FORSCOM, _______, and ___
Airborne Division letters, regulations, pamphlets, etc., for this headquarters.
General. Publications are distributed on a strict need-to-know basis. Normally,
publications applicable to all units assigned or attached to XVII Airborne Corps, and Fort
___ will be given “A, B, C, D, or E” distribution code. Weekly bulletins and Dragon
Pulse receive a special code of ”S.” The publications distribution codes are as follows:
All blank forms will be requisitioned through the Publications Clerks. Batteries/Sections
will coordinate requirements for blank forms with the Publication’s Clerks through a 30day functioning report. A functioning report is a listing of blank forms used by each
section of each battery within a 30-day period. By using the 30 day functioning report,
the resupplied with a 30 day supply or as close as possible at the end of each month.
Blank forms not listed on the 30 day listing deemed necessary to the mission
requirements for that section will be ordered on DA Form 17’s and will be picked up in
an emergency only. Once the 30-day listings are sent to PAC, the Publications Clerks will
consolidate them into a Battalion 30-day listing. The Battalion 30-day listing will be set
up in a manner as to have forms added or deleted if so desired. The Battalion Publications
Clerk will insure that all forms used within the Battalion have a proper form number
(DA, DD, FB, or Division Overprint.) The Battery Publications Clerk will:
“A” publications are issued to Battalion and Company level.
“B” publications are Battalion level.
Battalion-wide distribution will be set up under the distribution formula. All “B” level
publications will be maintained at the Battalion level only. All “B” level publications will
be available for sign out for a 3 working day period through the Battalion Publications
Officer/Clerks. All publications signed out will be recorded on an Optional Form 23 with
the name, date, and expected date of return of the publication. Any publications needed
for more that 3 days must have the approval of the Battalion S-1 or the PAC Supervisor.
Battalion Distribution Formula (Internal Only):
Responsibilities. The S-1/PAC Supervisor will ensure distribution is handled in a timely
Incoming distribution from the Batteries will be placed in the IN BOX. The PSNCO will
make internal Battalion distribution.
Outgoing distribution will be made utilizing the message center.
Flyers, posters, bulletins, etc.: 1 each Battery, 1 each Staff Officer.
Distribution Formula for the Battalion:
Distribution Code A: 4 each Battery, 3 each S-1
Distribution Code B: b1 each Battery, 1 each S-1
Posting and Filing Publications:
Purpose. Provide instructions in the posting and filing of Department of the Army (DA)
publications. However, this principle can also be applied to locally produced
General. Publications lose much of their value if they are not kept up to date. For this
reason, changes and revisions are issued to furnish new information to publications. In
order to be aware of this information, a publication must properly posted. Posting means
read the change and do as it directs. It may require information to be added, deleted, or
Scope. Although adequate posting is important, detailed posting wastes man-hours. The
intent is to provide a uniform and easily understood method of posting with minimum
time spent. Not all publications kept on file in an office/library need to be completely
posted. Instead, an effort should be directed to the publications which are used frequently
which warrants time expended. For example, a publication that prescribes an annual
report ordinarily should not require as much posting as a publication that is used almost
daily. It might be sufficient for seldom-used publications to have changes filed with the
basic publication. Discretion must be used as to the extent of the posting.
Terms and explanations used in posting:
Basic. An original publication without changes.
Change 1. A separate publication containing amendments in the form of
deletions, alterations, or additions to portions of a previously issued publication.
© Posting. The method of keeping publications up to date by entering the directed
changes as they
Revision. A completely new edition of publication. It replaces previous editions
in its entirety, including all changes.
Superseded. To make a substitutions, that is, to replace a publication, chapter,
paragraph, figure, or appendix with something new.
Rescinded. To do away with a publication or a portion of a publication when it
has served it’s purpose for which it was issued or when it became obsolete.
Amend. To change or correct. Any change is an amendment.
Recession. Notification that an entire publication and its changes are rescinded
usually is contained in the DA Circular 310 series, Military Publications. Check the
list or recessions against your publication files and remove those publications that are
rescinded. These rescinded publications should be destroyed unless they are required
for future references. All rescinded publications that are classified must be destroyed
IAW Paragraph 64, AR 380-5.
Suppression. An entire publication may be superseded by and updated version of the
same publication or by another publication (i.e. AR 10-41 supersedes AR 10-42, AR
10-7, and AR 10-12 along with DA Pamphlet 27-100). The suppression information
can be founded at the very bottom of each publication on the first page.
Effective dates. If a new basic publication with a future date supersedes a publication
on file, place the new publication behind the old publication until the effective date of
the new publication. The effective date is located at the top of the publication under
the title.
General Rules for Posting:
Be accurate and neat in your posting. A publication that is incorrectly posted
is as worthless as one that has not been posted.
Use only a sharp, black lead pencil. Posting can then easily be erased for
future changes or corrections.
Print the authority for changing a basic publication in the outside margin of
the page to which the change is being made (i.e. Paragraph 2 is superseded by
C1 to AR 310-1). If the change extends to more than 1 page, then make the
same notation on all pages concerned.
When making changes with 3 lines or less affected, draw a single line through
changed or deleted material.
When 3 or more lines are changed, then draw a single straight line through the
first and last lines of the changed material then connect these lines from the
top right to bottom left forming a “Z” shape.
Changes with Effective Dates. Post the changes to the basic publication. In
addition, write the changes authority and effective date of the change in the
margin of the basic publication (i.e. C1, 14 Jun 72, C3, 5 Feb 75, C4, 10 Sep 75).
(c) Changes Notifications. As each change to the publications are received and
posted, then you must post the change number and a date to the front cover or first
page if there is no cover on the basic publication. If a change supersedes a
previous change, draw a line through the superseded change number and date
shown the supersession authority (i.e. C1, 14 Jun 72, C#, 5 Feb 75, C4, 10 Sep
Filing of Publications. Publications will filed by type. All Army Regulations
together, all pamphlets, field manuals, and technical manuals filed together.
Within each type they will be filed numerically (i.e. AR 5-1, 12-8, 13-7). In some
cases it may be desirable to file publications functionally rather than by type. All
publications on a given subject may be filed together. This procedure is not
Most publications have key punched holes for binders. When using binders,
binder label holders will be used to show its content. DO NOT MARK ON THE
SPINE COVER OF THE BINDER. Marking makes reuse of the binder difficult if
the contents change.
Publications with Expiration Dates. Publications (i.e. DA Circulars) contain
automatic expiration dates after which they are no longer in effect. These
publications should be reviewed periodically (quarterly) so that expired
publications can be removed and destroyed.
Posting with filing should be done on a regular basis to keep your publications
current. Don’t let changes accumulate for several weeks. A new publication is
worthless to the user if he doesn’t know if there are changes and changes are not
posted correctly. Look on all changes after you have completed your posting to
make sure you have done all that is required for posting.
Records Management
Purpose. To simplify the administration and management of records for this command.
Included are instructions for:
Identifying and arranging records.
Filing papers and furnishing reference service records.
Transferring, retiring, and destroying records.
This SOP will also ensure that personnel working with files are properly trained to use
the Modern Army Record Keeping System (MARKS), and if necessary, on-the-job
training will be given.
Responsibilities of the Record Manager:
Survey and appraise each record program of each office/unit at least once yearly, and
prescribe corrective action to be given.
Ensure that personnel working with files are trained to use MARKS.
Ensure that all records, regardless of location or characteristics, are identified and
Ensure that disposable records are destroyed only at the end of their retention period.
Transfer all applicable records to the records holding area.
Commonly used abbreviations for MARKS file labels:
(1) COFF. Cut off. The termination date of a file at specific periodic times.
DEST. Destroy. Instructions that specify the date that the filed are to be destroyed.
RHA. Records Holding Area. A facility on an Army installation designed for holding
cut off files pending destruction or retirement.
List of Selected File Numbers. A list of file numbers will be prepared by each
office/unit. This list will be used to aid in filing, referencing, and training new personnel.
This will be done within the first month of each calendar year. The file number list
prepared by all batteries/sections will be submitted to the PAC Records Manager. The
records Manager will forward the list to the ___ Airborne Division Records Manager for
approval. The approved lists will be signed by the ___ Airborne Division Administrative
Service Division Officer and will be returned to the requester. The selected file number
list will be kept current by making changes as file numbers are added or deleted from the
Annex F (Personnel Evaluations) S1 SOP
Personnel Evaluations, Update 6
AR 623-1, Change 4
AR 623-105, Change 12
AR 623-205, Revision
2. Purpose. To establish procedures to govern the proper guidelines to process personnel
3. General. To outline the current policy and procedures for processing NCOERs.
4. Responsibilities. The CSM, Battalion Adjutant, 1SG, Personnel Sergeant, Rater, Ratee, and
NCOER Clerk are
responsible for ensuring that NCOERs/OERs are processed in a timely
5. Procedures.
All incoming and outgoing annual and change of rater NCOERs will be
processed through the
battalion PAC.
a. The battalion PAC will suspense the NCOERs/OERs to the appropriate battery to be
returned NLT the 15th of the ending month of the NCOER/OER.
b. All personnel in the rating chain along with the CSM, 1SG, and battalion PAC will check
each NCOER for correctness. The battalion PAC will ensure the completed NCOER is hand
carried to the PSB.
Steps for processing an NCOER:
1. An NCOER/OER shell is produced at the battalion PAC and sent to the appropriate
2. A rough draft is done and returned to the battalion PAC for typing.
3. After first typing is done return to the appropriate battery for review.
4. Return to battalion PAC for CSM and Personnel Sergeant review.
5. Final corrections are made and completed NCOER/OER is returned to battery for
6. After all signatures are obtained return to battalion PAC for final processing.
7. Battalion PAC will make three copies of the NCOER/OER.
a. 1 copy to soldier
b. 1 copy to battery
c. 1 copy for personnel files
d. The original will be turned in to PSB on a DA Form 200
Annex G (Financial Inquiries) S1 SOP.
AR 37-101-1
DA Pamphlet 1-2
General. Pay inquiry procedures is a means by which soldiers may reconcile perceived
irregularities in they’re pay with the Finance and Accounting Office.
End of month procedures:
The PSNCO will receive Leave and Earning Statements (LES) 2 days prior to the end
of month payday.
The PSNCO will review each LES and make note of suspected problems.
LES’s will be distributed to the Battery First Sergeants only. The LES’s will then be
distributed to individual soldiers.
Soldiers will immediately review their LES’s. Those who have pay inquiries will see
their First Sergeant. If the First Sergeant determines that the pay inquiry is justified,
he will refer the soldier to the PSNCO. After interviewing the soldier and reviewing
his LES, the PSNCO will complete a DA Form 2142 on the pay inquiry, if justified.
On the day of PSNCO review, the PSNCO will report to Finance with the DA Form
2142 for pay inquiry resolution.
On payday, the PSNCO will pick up supplemental checks (from pay inquiry
resolution) and pay checks from the dispersing cage.
Procedures at other times:
If the soldier has a pay inquiry, he will bring his last month’s LES to his First
Sergeant and explain the problem. If the First Sergeant determines that the inquiry is
valid, he will refer the soldier to the PSNCO.
After interviewing the soldier and reviewing his LES, the PSNCO will complete a
DA Form 2142 if justified. To get the inquiry resolved, the PSNCO may either make
a finance appointment or forward the DA Form 2142 on the Unit Transmittal Letter
Annex H (In/Out Processing) S1 SOP.
Purpose: To establish guidelines and assign responsibility for in and out processing.
Company Commanders: Monitor companies in-processing procedures and ensures all
soldiers understand inprocessing requirements.
First Sergeants: Ensure each soldier understands his responsibility to inprocess within
five working days upon arrival to the battery. Assign a SGT or above to escort all newly
assigned E-4 and below to each inprocessing agency. Forward a copy of the completed
inprocessing checklist to the S-1 and retain one copy for battery records. The
inprocessing checklist can be found on pages 1-G-2 and 1-G-3.
Newly assigned officers will turn the checklist into the BN XO and give a copy to the
battery 1SG for battery records.
Escorts: Personally escort soldier to each inprocessing agency and ensure the agency
initials or stamps each line corresponding to their respective agency. Escort soldiers
around the battalion/division area and brief them on important Fort ___ and Fayetteville
Newly assigned soldiers: Inprocess and receive stamp or initials from each battalion and
battery inprocessing agency. Ensure a copy of the battalion inprocessing checklist is
turned into the 1SG within five working days. Ensure you are comfortable with the
surrounding Fort ___ and Fayetteville Area and consult your chain of command for
inprocessing guidance.
Inprocessing agencies: Properly inprocess each soldier quickly upon request. Ensure
each line corresponding to your agency is initialed or stamped regardless if the soldier
requires inprocessing in that area or not. Establish times that a soldier can be inprocessed
into the battalion that are mutually convenient to you and the soldiers.
Annex I (Family Support Group Operations) S1 SOP.
Family Support Group Handbook, 3d Revision, dtd 1993
_______ Abn Div RSOP, Chapter 14
Purpose: To establish responsibilities and guidance for the battalion’s family support group
(FRG) operations.
An FRG is an organization of family members, volunteers, and soldiers belonging to a unit,
that together provide information and assistance to others in the group. They provide a
network of communication between the family members, the chain of command, community
resources, and create an atmosphere of mutual support within the group.
Battalion Commander:
Appoint a battalion family support group representative who:
Is the spouse of a soldier in the grade of E-5 or higher.
Is willing and able to perform duties as the representative.
Appoint your spouse, if married, or a willing and able spouse, if not married, as
the battalion advisor.
Battalion Adjutant:
Act as the point of contact to the battalion FRG representative on all matters.
Act as Rear Detachment Commander during all major deployments.
Ensure “BN NEWSLETTER ” is released on time every two months.
Battery Commanders:
Appoint a willing and able battery FRG representative.
Submit battery portion of “BN NEWSLETTER” to the adjutant in a timely
manner every two months.
Update battery family support group rosters in conjunction with the “BN
NEWSLETTER” and turn in to the adjutant.
BN Advisor:
Chair steering committee meetings every month to ensure the FRG is given
adequate direction and guidance.
Work closely with the battalion FRG representative on all matters concerning the
In the event of an alert, notify the battalion FRG representative and ensure she
understands all alert requirements.
Battalion FRG representative:
Act as a point of contact for all battery FRG representatives.
Assist in the coordination and execution of all battalion-level fund raising events,
parties, and FRG briefings.
Assist in training all battery FRG representatives and key callers to ensure they
are prepared in the event of a deployment.
In the event of an alert, notify all battery FRG representatives and ensure they
understand their alert requirements.
Battery FRG representative:
Act as a point of contact for all key callers within the battery.
Assist in the coordination and execution of all battery-level fund raising events,
parties, and FRG briefings.
(3) In the event of an alert, notify all key callers and ensure they understand their
alert requirements.
Battery key callers:
Become familiar with the individuals you are required to alert to ensure timely
and accurate notification.
In the event of an alert, notify all individuals that have been designated by the
alert roster.
Annex J (Rear Detachment Operations) S1 SOP.
References: _______ Abn Div RSOP, Chapter 14
Purpose: To establish responsibilities and guidance for the battalion’s rear detachment
Battalion Commander:
Command Sergeant Major:
Appoint a responsible officer (normally the Adjutant) as Rear Detachment
Commander (RDC) and give guidance as necessary.
Appoint a responsible noncommissioned officer (normally the Reenlistment
NCO) as Rear Detachment NCO (RDNCO) and ensure he has an accurate list of
individuals constituting the rear detachment.
Rear Detachment Commander:
Attend the family support group portion of the division company commander/first
sergeant course.
Complete the installation Human Resources Leadership Development Course.
Have orders reflecting status as RDC.
Read _______ Abn Div RSOP, Chapter 14, and comply with all directives.
Ensure that deployed trooper’s families are properly cared for and assisted.
Upon redeployment, conduct an After Action Review to determine which rear
detachment operations should be improved and which ones should be sustained.
Annex K (Sponsorship) S1 SOP
Purpose: To establish responsibilities and guidance for the battalion’s sponsorship program.
Sincere and effective sponsorship is essential to integrating new arrivals into this battalion.
Sponsors will ensure that their new arrival’s transition into the battalion, the post, and the
surrounding community is completed as quickly and enjoyably as possible. All efforts will
be made to comply with the intent of this annex.
Responsibilities upon notification/arrival:
Battalion commander:
Determine assignments of arriving officers.
Conduct newcomer briefings as follows:
Officers/senior NCO’s individually.
Junior enlisted monthly.
Notify battery commanders of incoming officers.
Appoint sponsor within three days (from same battery).
Send battalion commander welcome letter within three days.
File copies of all welcome letters and general correspondence.
Battery commanders:
Monitor sponsors and provide feedback to battalion commander.
Conduct newcomer briefings as required.
Command Sergeant Major:
Determine assignment of arriving enlisted personnel.
Appoint sponsor for 1SG/MSG’s.
Conduct newcomer briefings as follows:
Senior NCO’s individually.
Junior enlisted monthly in conjunction with battalion commander.
PAC Supervisor:
Notification of 1SG of battery receiving soldier.
Send CSM welcome letter within three days if possible.
File copies of all welcome letters and general correspondence.
First Sergeants:
Determine assignment/appoint sponsor.
Monitor sponsors and provide feedback to the CSM.
Conduct newcomer briefings as required.
Send welcome letter and packet from ACS within three days.
Establish lines of communication.
Keep chain of command informed and provide copies of all correspondence.
Provide assistance as necessary (Be proactive).
Escort new arrival until inprocessing is complete.
Complete inprocessing within 10 days using appropriate checklist.
Orient new arrival and family to the battery, battalion, Ft. ___, and the surrounding
Sponsors will as a minimum meet the following criteria:
Be same rank, or no lower than E-5.
Have same marital status if possible.
Have a POV or access to one if needed.
Be motivated and sincere.
Be knowledgeable of the battalion, post, and surrounding community.
Sponsors and new arrivals will be exempt from all duties/details until inprocessing is
c. New spouses will be quickly incorporated in their respective family support groups and
provided a copy of
the chain of concern.
Annex L (Mail operations) S1 SOP
1. References:
a. DOD Postal Manual VOL II dtd Feb 97
b. FORSCOM Supplement 1 to DOD Postal Manual VOL II
2. Purpose. To prescribe mail handling and postal procedures that ensure 1-319th Airborne
Field Artillery Regiment postal operations are conducted in an efficient manner IAW
Applicable directives and regulations.
3. General. Commanders of all subordinate batteries will ensure that one copy of this SOP is
maintained in the battery area.
4. Responsibilities. The commander, Adjutant, Mailroom NCO, and Mail clerk will support
IAW DOD Postal Manual VOL II, Chap 3, Para B & C; one Postal Officer and one alternate
Postal Officer in writing.
a. Postal Officer.
(1) Ensure that all mail personnel are qualified, trained and that mail is being handled in
a timely manner
IAW applicable directives.
(2) Appoint a Battalion Mail Clerk with two alternates, and at least one primary and
one alternate mail
clerk per battery on DD Form 285 after they have been
qualified IAW applicable directives.
(3) Conduct daily inspections of certified, insured, and registered mail files to ensure all
pieces of
accountable mail are properly receipted for, IAW DOD Postal
Manual Vol II, Chap 3, Para 1.
(4) Conduct an irregular inspection of the unit mail room to ensure it is in compliance
with regulations.
(5) Train and appoint Battery Mail Clerks.
(6) Inspect mail service provided by the mail clerks.
(7) Ensure appropriate security measures are in effect in mail handling and storage
(8) Review the Mail Operations portion of the Battalion SOP every six months: Update
and revise as
b. Alternate Postal Officer: Performs duties of mail supervisor when he is unavailable
c. Battalion Mail Clerk.
(1) Will handle all accountable mail, official mail, and personal mail for the battalion.
(2) Will run the battalion mailroom as his primary official duty ensuring that he
maintains postal
operations IAW all applicable regulations and directives.
(3) Will inform the battalion postal officer of any discrepancies with regulations and any
required assistance to ensure the proper handling of all mail.
d. Battery Mail Clerk.
(1) A minimum of two mail clerks will be designated per battery.
(2) Appointments will be made on DD Form 285.
(3) Will attend quarterly recertification classes conducted by the battalion mail
supervisor. A record of
topics discussed and personnel in attendance will be
made and maintained in the battalion mail room.
(4) Will inform the unit mail clerk of those personnel who are AWOL, DFR, on leave,
TDY, etc. and have such individuals complete a DD Form 2258.
6. Mail Procedures in Garrison.
a. Mail will be picked up from the main post office between 0900 - 1100 hours Monday
through Friday. Outgoing and redirected mail will be delivered to the post office when
pickup is made. Battalion Mail Room hours will be 1130 - 1230 hours. If a soldier does not
have a mail box he may pick up mail during mail room hours of operation.
b. Outgoing mail. A drop box is provided for the collection of outgoing mail. This is
located on the bottom half of the mail room door in BLDG C-4428. In addition, outgoing
mail my be given to the battalion mail clerk and / or the battery mail clerk for processing. At
no time will official mail be placed in a drop box.
c. Accountable Mail.
(1) All accountable mail will be kept in the battalion mail room.
(2) Personnel and section receiving accountable mail will be notified using PS Form
3849. When this form is returned it will be kept on file, initialed by the postal officer and
signed by the unit mail clerk.
(3) The postal officer will conduct daily inspections of the accountable mail on hand.
(4) If accountable mail has not been claimed after five working days, a second or final
notice shall be
prepared on PS Form 3849. If accountable mail has not been claimed after
10 days from the first
notice, the individual’s status shall be verified
through his battery commander and the mail will be
returned to the post office.
Express mail may only be held for five working days.
(5) The postal officer will conduct daily inspections of the accountable mail on hand.
d. Non-accountable Mail. All non-accountable mail will be sorted and placed in individual
mails sacks for
subordinate units. Any mail which does not contain an identifiable
address, addressee or has been missent will be held for redirect service. Mail will be
picked up by subordinate batteries prior to 1430 hours each
duty day. Battery mail clerks
will separate mail for those personnel who have PCS’d, or ETS’d and put it aside in an
individual bundle for redirect service. Mail for personnel on leave, TDY, AWOL, etc., will
also . be set aside. This mail will also be returned to the battalion mail room for redirect
service the same day.
Any mail that is held overnight will be day-date stamped.