The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 Final Report Of The PGSS 2013 Autumn By-election Referendums Contents: Introduction & Purpose (2) Finance (2) Budget (2) Referendum Expenses (3) Analysis and Suggestions (3) Outcome (5) Wording (5) Raw Results (8) Participation by Time and Emails Sent (10) Participation by Department (10) Election Oversight (14) Proposed Reforms (15) Introduction & Purpose This document seeks to offer PGSS council members an inside glimpse of the workings of the referendum processes, including proposals for change, as well as to offer any future Chief Returning Officer with advice as to run these campaigns in the most effective and efficient manner possible. Unlike the General Elections Report, this document contains recommendations for change. Readers are also invited to review the bylaws, the SAM and various electoral documents on the PGSS website along with this document. Members are further requested to look to the proposed reforms section, at the end of this document. This section addresses the concerns raised in other parts of this document. 1 The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 Finance Budget Item Estimate Cost Paid Breakdown Posters (print Byelection) Distribution (byelection) 75 35 71.28 35 P P R = Requested I = Internal Posters (byelection Graphic) Translation (Documents) Translation (Blurbs) 80 10 60 90 20 60 P EST - I EST - I N = No P = Paid EST = Estimated Posters (print hustings) Distribution (Hustings) Posters (Husting Graphic) Printing (internal) Hustings (transport) Hustings (catering) 70 35 60 10 55 100 51.3 35 30 2 0 137.35 P I P EST - I NA I (Internal expenses Are not provided) Chair Expenses Facebook adverts PGSA Incentive Total Total remaining annual budget 500 100 120 1310 294.06 122.22 100 1048.21 P P I $3,029.56 3291.35 Shuttle 148.23 + 145.83 Referendum Expenses1 Type Writing Centre - YES McGill Tribune - YES Postdoc Service Fee - YES 1 Website, Print materials Gift for speaker, Print materials All expenses are borne by PGSS 2 Total Expenses None incurred 148.23 145.83 The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 Analysis & Suggestions The allocated budget is more than sufficient to cover the expenses this office needs to occur, barring any extreme circumstances; though, it is worth nothing that certain internal expenses may not have ever been deducted from the original budget as these expenses are often billed to general budgets, rather than a specific line. It is further worth noting that the salary of the Chief Returning Officer is also billed to a separate billing line. While the reforms proposed to PSAC in the spring have only recently begun to go to council, it is clear that they shall prove to be effective at reducing electoral expenses. Notably, when one looks to the budget, one sees that the hustings garner a massive expenses relative to their turnout (at one such event expenses, including the CRO’s salary, amounted to 80 dollars a participant [note that only one person showed up for the hustings]). Furthermore, the complexity of PGSS’s occasionally incongruent bylaws results in excess time spent working with members and candidates. Of note in this election, was the need to explain to several voters on the ballot method (PGSS requires that one use STV – a voting system which would oblige one to assign a number to an option, which is a seemingly bizarre concept for yes/no questions). Lastly, in that which concerns the previously proposed changes, this election could have potentially cost the society more than a thousand dollars more due to the SAM article allocating three hundred dollars to referendum committees (limited by an annual maximum). It seems reasonable to limit campaigns to a lower budget – indeed, in this case no chairperson exceeded one hundred fifty dollars. The turnout and success of the sponsored campaigns (including the campaign without any expenses) would suggest that this amount was more than sufficient to cover an ampule referendum campaign. Advertising continues to be a major part of the electoral budget, comprising over half of the incurred costs. As said previously, having paper, television, digital, website, facebook, and email based advertisements each carry a specific benefit and downside; however, the role of the latter four items seems to impart a greater effect on voter turnout than the former two. While only a layman’s estimation, it seems the paper advertisements, that is posters, are limited in their reach; conversely, listserv and ‘prodding’ emails (sent to those members who have not yet voted) seem to be the most effective, whilst being free to distribute. Facebook publicity also seems to be an extremely effective possibility, in terms of increasing voter turnout. The problem with this method continues to be the limited reach of PGSS’s facebook page, as well as its exclusive management by the helpful and accommodating Internal Affairs Officer. Noting that the reach of the account has been increasing, and that PGSS counts itself amount one of the better student societies in terms of facebook reach, we still only have, at the present moment, less than a fifth of our present membership as friends. Assuming our members follow the patterns of their peers, it is reasonable to suggest that the commanding majority of our members have such an account. Now, given the extremely good value of this form of online advertising, this office strongly suggests the continued expansion of the Society’s facebook profile. Again, some societies have done well with membership drives by way of in-person sign ups at events, contests, online ‘races’ (that is, first so many members to do 3 The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 something win a prize [ex: post a picture of themselves at Thomson House]). Looking to the second issue at hand, Facebook governance, it is requested that PGSS develop a means to extend control of the facebook page to staff as well as Executives as so the former is able to conduct administrative tasks using it, as we do for the website; nevertheless, the cooperation of the current Internal Affairs Officer is commended. Extended control to staff would have permitted the CRO to save time, and thus cost to the society, in conducting affairs on this officer’s schedule. As a concluding note, it is important to note the Elections Committee continues to be devoid of members. As a result, a PGSS staffer was obliged to carry out certain tasks which could otherwise be provided by volunteer work. Outcome Wording Question 1 – Writing Centre English Question French Question Do you agree that a non-optAcceptez-vous d’instaurer des frais outable fee of $1.50 per term obligatoires de 1,50 $ par trimestre (excluding summer) to support (sauf l'été) et par étudiant des cycles 1 - Centre de the McGill Writing Centre be supérieurs (temps plein, temps rédaction de charged to all full-time, part-time partiel, session supplémentaire) afin l’Université and additional session Graduate de contribuer au centre de rédaction McGill Students, starting in Winter 2014 de l’Université McGill pour une and up to and including Winter période de trois ans à partir de 2016? It is understood that a janvier 2014? Si les « non » majority “no” vote would result l’emportent, vous n’aurez plus accès in the termination of all one-on- aux conseils personnalisés offerts one tutorial services for graduate par le centre de rédaction. Ces frais students provided by the Writing pourraient être renouvelés par un Centre. This fee could be renewed referendum au printemps 2016. by a student fee referendum in the Spring 2016. 4 Options No / Yes Oui / Non The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 2 – McGill Tribune (Newspaper) McGill Tribune (Journal) Do you agree that, starting with Acceptez-vous de financer le McGill No / the Winter 2014 term, a non-opt- Tribune en instaurant des frais Yes outable fee of $0.75 be charged to obligatoires de 0,75 $ par trimestre every PGSS member once per (sauf le trimestre d’été) payables par Oui / semester (excluding summer) up tous les membres de l’AÉCSUM à Non to and including the Winter 2015 compter du trimestre d’hiver 2014 term, to support the operations of jusqu’au trimestre d’hiver 2015 the McGill Tribune, thereby inclusivement? Vous deviendriez making PGSS members members ainsi des membres de la Tribune of the Tribune Publications Publications Society. Si ces frais sont Society? This fee could be instaurés, un référendum aura lieu renewed following a student fee au printemps 2015 afin de referendum in the Spring 2015. déterminer s’ils seront prolongés. 3 - PostDoctorate Student Services Fee Levy Do you agree that, beginning Winter 2014 and continuing until Spring 2018, a non-opt-outable Student Services Ancillary fee of $136.46 for full time (10 weeks or more per semester) or $81.87 for part time (less than 10 weeks per Frais pour les semester) be charged to Post services Doctoral Fellows with the étudiants understanding that passing this fee will result in Post Doctoral Fellows having access to all Student Services and the creation **Only for of programming within the Post-Doctoral Student Services units specific to Fellows the needs of Post Doctoral Fellows? 5 Acceptez-vous d’instaurer des frais No / afférents de 136,46 $ par trimestre Yes (pour les étudiants qui sont inscrits au, au moins, 10 semaines de Oui / formation par trimestre) ou $ 81.87 Non par trimestre (pour les étudiants qui sont inscrits au moins que 10 semaines de formation par trimestre) payables par les étudiants au postdoctorat seulement pour leur donner accès aux services étudiants? Ces frais s’appliqueraient à compter du trimestre d’hiver 2014 et seraient renouvelables au printemps 2018. Ils seraient automatiquement prélevés pour chaque trimestre qu’un postdoctorant est inscrit à l’université, et donneraient accès à l’ensemble des services étudiants, en plus de financer la création de programmes visant à combler les besoins particuliers des étudiants au postdoctorat. The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 Raw Results McGill Writing Centre Votes required to elect a candidate 515 No Yes Elected Yes due to highest 1st preference 310 1st preference votes 719 1st preference votes No Yes 310 1st preference votes Elected (719 votes) Ranked Ballots No Opinion TOTAL: 1029 (95.1)% 53 (4.9)% 1082 Round 1 Round 2 McGill Tribune (Newspaper) Votes required to elect a candidate 508 No Yes Elected Yes due to highest 1st preference 445 1st preference votes 569 1st preference votes No Yes 445 1st preference votes Elected (569 votes) Ranked Ballots No Opinion TOTAL: 1014 (93.7)% 68 (6.3)% 1082 Round 1 Round 2 6 The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 Post-Doctorate Student Services Fee Levy Restriction: Postdoctoral Fellows Votes required to elect a candidate 91 No Yes Elected Yes due to highest 1st preference 83 1st preference votes 98 1st preference votes No Yes 83 1st preference votes Elected (98 votes) Ranked Ballots No Opinion TOTAL: 181 (97.8)% 4 (2.2)% 185 Round 1 Round 2 7 The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 Results by Time & Emails Sent ^ Newswire (Pre-voting) ^ Vote Now email (Day 2, 9 AM) E m a i l s ^ ^ Reminder email 1 Reminder email 2 (Day 3, 10 AM) (Day 5, 2 PM) S e n t T o M e m b e r s Results by Department Parameters: Cumulative - All polls Agricultural Economics: Air and Space Law: Anaesthesia: Anatomy and Cell Biology: Animal Science: Anthropology: Architecture: Art History & Communications: Enrollment 15 (0.2%) 39 (0.5%) 2 (0.0%) 38 (0.4%) 18 (0.2%) 58 (0.7%) 109 (1.3%) 91 (1.1%) 8 Votes 1 9 0 6 1 6 15 17 Percent of Year 6.7% 23.1% 0.0% 15.8% 5.6% 10.3% 13.8% 18.7% Percent of Tot. 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences: Biochemistry: Biology: Biomedical Engineering: Bioresource Engineering: Chemical Engineering: Chemistry: Civil Engineering: Commun Sciences & Disorders: Comparative Law: Computer Science: Dentistry: Dietetics & Human Nutr: Earth & Planetary Sciences: East Asian Studies: Economics: Educational&Counselling Psych: Electrical & Computer Engr: English: Epidemiology and Biostatistics: Family Medicine: Food Science&Agr.Chemistry: French Language & Literature: Geography: History and Classical Studies: Human Genetics: Information Studies: Ingram School of Nursing: Institute for Study of Canada: Integrated Studies in Ed: Islamic Studies: Jewish Studies: Kinesiology and Physical Ed: Language & Intercultural Comm.: 59 (0.7%) 149 (1.7%) 178 (2.1%) 94 (1.1%) 128 (1.5%) 101 (1.2%) 193 (2.3%) 132 (1.5%) 84 (1.0%) 5 (0.1%) 191 (2.2%) 76 (0.9%) 87 (1.0%) 54 (0.6%) 21 (0.2%) 63 (0.7%) 350 (4.1%) 378 (4.4%) 83 (1.0%) 173 (2.0%) 1 (0.0%) 81 (0.9%) 69 (0.8%) 82 (1.0%) 109 (1.3%) 137 (1.6%) 230 (2.7%) 135 (1.6%) 1 (0.0%) 509 (5.9%) 34 (0.4%) 6 (0.1%) 50 (0.6%) 2 (0.0%) 9 10 25 29 17 24 14 37 8 10 3 21 8 11 8 7 6 13 43 8 19 0 13 8 13 22 37 41 11 1 35 3 0 1 1 16.9% 16.8% 16.3% 18.1% 18.8% 13.9% 19.2% 6.1% 11.9% 60.0% 11.0% 10.5% 12.6% 14.8% 33.3% 9.5% 3.7% 11.4% 9.6% 11.0% 0.0% 16.0% 11.6% 15.9% 20.2% 27.0% 17.8% 8.1% 100.0% 6.9% 8.8% 0.0% 2.0% 50.0% 0.1% 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% 0.3% 0.2% 0.4% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% 0.5% 0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5% 0.1% 0.0% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 Languages,Literatures,Cultures: Law: Linguistics: Management: Mathematics and Statistics: Mechanical Engineering: Medical Physics Unit: Medicine: Microbiology & Immunology: Mining & Materials Engineering: Music: Natural Resource Sciences: Neurology and Neurosurgery: Neuroscience, Integrated Pgm: Obstetrics & Gynecology: Occupational Health: Oncology: Ophthalmology: Otolaryngology Head/Neck Surg.: Parasitology: Pathology: Pediatrics: Pharmacology and Therapeutics: Philosophy: Physical and Occupatnl Therapy: Physics: Physiology: Plant Science: Political Science: Psychiatry: Psychology: Religious Studies: Social Studies of Medicine: Social Work: 44 (0.5%) 125 (1.5%) 27 (0.3%) 429 (5.0%) 95 (1.1%) 267 (3.1%) 15 (0.2%) 398 (4.6%) 75 (0.9%) 169 (2.0%) 299 (3.5%) 90 (1.1%) 73 (0.9%) 305 (3.6%) 2 (0.0%) 26 (0.3%) 23 (0.3%) 11 (0.1%) 15 (0.2%) 85 (1.0%) 13 (0.2%) 9 (0.1%) 78 (0.9%) 33 (0.4%) 390 (4.6%) 191 (2.2%) 70 (0.8%) 59 (0.7%) 86 (1.0%) 87 (1.0%) 95 (1.1%) 74 (0.9%) 3 (0.0%) 162 (1.9%) 10 4 28 5 26 10 42 2 33 14 35 32 21 19 34 0 1 5 1 1 7 1 1 14 7 20 25 11 18 17 15 15 9 1 17 9.1% 22.4% 18.5% 6.1% 10.5% 15.7% 13.3% 8.3% 18.7% 20.7% 10.7% 23.3% 26.0% 11.1% 0.0% 3.8% 21.7% 9.1% 6.7% 8.2% 7.7% 11.1% 17.9% 21.2% 5.1% 13.1% 15.7% 30.5% 19.8% 17.2% 15.8% 12.2% 33.3% 10.5% 0.0% 0.3% 0.1% 0.3% 0.1% 0.5% 0.0% 0.4% 0.2% 0.4% 0.4% 0.2% 0.2% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.2% The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 Sociology: Surgery: Urban Planning: TOTAL: 58 (0.7%) 101 (1.2%) 64 (0.7%) 8,561 (100%) 7 12.1% 10 9.9% 12 18.8% 1,082 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 12.6% **NB – Some PGSAs may be formed differently than the data which is displayed above. Parameters: Cumulative - All polls Faculty of Dentistry: Faculty of Law: Faculty of Medicine: Graduate Studies: Post Graduate Medicine: Postdoctoral Fellows: School of Continuing Studies: TOTAL: Enrollment 1 (0.0%) 1 (0.0%) 17 (0.2%) 7,775 (90.8%) 67 (0.8%) 698 (8.2%) 2 (0.0%) 8,561 (100%) 11 Votes 0 1 0 893 2 185 1 1,082 Percent of Fac. 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 11.5% 3.0% 26.5% 50.0% Percent of Tot. 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.4% 0.0% 2.2% 0.0% 12.6% The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 Elections Oversight Given the relatively non-contentious nature of these referendum questions, contestations or concerns of cheating were not expected. Nevertheless, this office endeavoured to maintain the regulations of the society, despite certain vague, difficult or contradictory sections of the SAM. Beyond the need to remind candidates of the obligations to attend hustings, or seek documentation of their excused absences, no real concerns presented themselves regarding comportment. The McGill Tribune assisted, to a grand extent, the work of that newspapers fee levy campaign; consequently, the chairperson and society raised several concerns of conflict of interest. The elections committee explained that, given the appeals board’s rejection of third party campaigning regulation (as seen in the April 17th decision), the McGill Tribune was at liberty to campaign without restriction or regulation; however, if its members engaged themselves to the campaign’s committee, then the members would be governed under PGSS’s rules. In the interest of journalistic integrity, and democratic ethics, the publication decided to enlist many of its administrators in the campaign committee, and thus submit to the PGSS regulations. To maintain a distance between the paper and the campaign, they avoided reporting on their aspects of the referendum, and ensured that disengaged journalists would work with referendum matters that were published. Turning to the grand public, the only notable concerns were those concerning the phrasing of questions or the style of the ballot. Turning to the first item, certain voters felt the phrasing of the postdoctoral student service fee levy ballot was confusing, and misleading. It seems reasonable to assert that the many clauses of this section could render a member confused. Perhaps a list style question or more layman’s phrasing would be a preferable avenue for future ballots. Additionally, some members felt the phrasing of this question, and the first question (Writing Centre) was designed to elicit a favourable response. Should PGSS wish to ensure referendum neutrality, it is strongly recommended that council extends assessment powers to a neutral, technocratic body or person as to propose alternative phrasing prior to voting, should a question present a bias. Turning to the second item, the ballot, thirteen voters sought out the Chief Returning Officer’s assistance or ear regarding the application of STV to the ordinal ballot. These members were frustrated, often angry, with the use of this system with a Yes / No question. The society’s SAM requires the use of rank ordered ballots for all ballots. Thusly, as an example, to the question « are you female? » female members would have to say that they vote firstly for yes, they are, and secondly for no, they are not. This is ludicrously illogical. This office implores PGSS council to adopt a more appropriate system for integral or juxtaposed question. 12 The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 Proposed Reforms 9:1:1 – Role of CRO (change) 9:1:4 – Election Definitions 9:2:1:5 - Referendum Compliance Check 9:3:2:2 – Referendum Resubmission 9:4:2 - Executive Nomination Form 9:4:3 – Executive Nomination Form 9:5:3 – Chairperson Nomination Form Section 6 – Withdrawal Section 9 – Title, Scheduled Debates 9:11:1 – Candidate Expenses 9:12:3 – Voting Period Section 16 – Election and Referendum voting method (change) As to address the concerns raised over the course of this election by the CRO and voters, this document provides even handed proposals to mitigate the standing issues. The changes proposed herein seek to better clarify the SAM, and make it operate more in line with real practise. Very few changes stray from the present SAM or from what is regularly done; however, one may wish to note the proposed changes regarding: - The reviewing of referendum questions by the Elections Committee A lower threshold for chairperson nomination forms The (partial) reimbursement of candidate expenses An extended contestation period. Please note these items have been reviewed and approved by the commanding majority of the PSAC Committee, but will not be presented to council by this body at the moment, despite their urgency. 13 The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 9:1:1 Original Change There shall be a chief returning officer (CRO) There shall be a Chief Returning Officer (CRO) who is responsible for the implementation and who is responsible for the application, oversight of all PGSS petitions, elections and administration and oversight of PGSS petitions, referenda. The CRO will have discretion over elections and referendums. The CRO will have enforcing rules and regulations pertaining to discretion over enforcing rules and regulations elections, referenda and petitions contained within pertaining to elections, referendums and this Manual. The CRO shall be responsible for petitions contained within this manual and the all aspects of the administration of PGSS PGSS Constitution (bylaws), with the CRO elections and referenda. retaining the right to enforce further constraints in keeping with the spirit of these regulations in areas lacking defined rules. These constraints are intended to deal with the implementation of items mentioned in these two manuals. Rationale: In order to clear any ambiguity, this change seeks to grant the CRO retaining powers in cases of grey areas which may continue to arise as new elements come up during the elections and referendums. This proposal reflects the ruling of the Governance Committee and Appeals Board. It limits the CRO’s powers to items specifically mentioned in this manual and the Bylaws. 14 The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 9:1:4 Existing Clause Change (nothing) Change - - - - Candidate shall refer to anyone running for the position of a titled officer. Chair or Chairperson shall refer to anyone officially directing a referendum committee Election and elections shall refer to the election of a candidate. Each election may have multiple candidates running for multiple positions. Referendum, referenda and referendums shall refer to questions posed to voters to determine their will. Each question posed shall be treated independently of the other. Withdrawal shall refer to the removal of a candidate or chair from this person’s position. It may be voluntary or on the mandate of a PGSS body, including the CRO or Appeals Board within the limits of the prescribed rules. Regulations or rules include all rules applied to the elections and referendums, including those imposed by the CRO within this officer’s mandate, and those of the Bylaws and SAM. Rationale: The terms in the current regulations are confusing and vague. This gives them clear definitions. 9:2:1:5 (new) Original Change Upon the distribution of the council package for the February Council meeting; The Elections Committee will assess the referendum question for neutrality. Should this committee find them to be misleading or incompatible with McGill or Provincial Policy, this committee will propose a change to the person who drafted the question. If this individual and the committee cannot reach an agreement on the wording prior to council, the CRO will submit an alternative proposal to the Chair, which will be added to the agenda prior to 15 The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 the council meeting, and analysed by council before the original question. Should the committee and the drafter reach an agreement, the chair should be contacted to have the question revised. Rationale: Misleading or awkwardly phrased referendum questions have often resulted in issues for implementation by McGill, or issues for voting. Many members have complained of confusion or of being misled. This grants a technocratic body the opportunity to propose changes before council makes the final decision. 9:3:2:2 Original Change A referendum question shall not be reintroduced for a period of at least three (3) months, provided that the referendum was valid pursuant to this manual. A defeated referendum question shall not be reintroduced for a period of at least three (3) months, provided that the referendum was valid pursuant to this manual and the PGSS Constitution (Bylaws). Rationale: This would permit referendums which do not pass because of technicalities, rather than lack of support, to be resubmitted. It also adds bylaws to the article, which follows PGSS policy. 9:4:2 Original Change For the general elections, nominations shall be For the election of executives, candidate must submitted to the CRO by noon of the day of the submit original copies of their nomination forms February council meeting. Such nomination shall to the CRO or PGSS Administrative Coordinator be submitted in writing to the CRO and must be by noon on the day of the February council signed by at least fifty (50) regular members of meeting. Such nomination forms must be signed the PGSS. by at least fifty (50) regular members of the PGSS Rationale: This addresses the ambiguity between the Chairperson nomination process and the Candidate nomination process. 16 The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 9:4:3. Original Change Members signing a nomination form must supply Candidates make use of the nomination form their name, student number, and email address. A supplied by the CRO. This form shall include member may only endorse one candidate for each that which the CRO deems appropriate to position. There shall be no limit to the number of include, as well as the name, student number, and nominees for candidacy of each office. email address of each nominator. There shall be no limit to the number of nominators for each candidacy of each office; however, nominators may only nominate one nominee per office. Rationale: This empowers the CRO to adjust nomination forms to meet the needs of members, as well as addresses lexical errors in the previous SAM. 9:5:3 Original Change For the election of referendum chairpersons, these persons must submit original copies of their nomination forms to the CRO or PGSS Administrative Coordinator before the end of the nomination period. Such nomination forms must be signed by at least fifteen regular members of the PGSS. Rationale: Based on the suggestions of the Governance Committee, the CRO has permitted chairpersons who receive less than fifty signatures to chair. It seems overly onerous to demand such a hurdle for this position. 17 The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 Section 6: Withdrawal from Elections Original Section 6: Withdrawal from Elections Change Section 6: Withdrawal and Disqualification of Candidates or Chairpersons 9:6:3 Candidates and Chairs must inform the CRO of violations in action (actions marked by a precise event) within a reasonable delay to a maximum of three days after the close of polls, and durational violations (actions marked by an extended timeframe) within three days of the close of polls. Rationale: These changes provide a better description of the section, as well as put in writing the requirement for candidates to inform the CRO of violations. Section 8: Scheduled Debates Original Section 8: Hustings Change Section 8: Scheduled Debates Rationale: No one knows what a hustings is, and if they do, they know that this word is both an archaism and a misappropriation (a hustings is usually defined as a stage from which one gives a speech). 9:11:1 Original Change 18 The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 Campaign materials used in support of the election campaign of a candidate or referendum committee, including all gifts and contributions, shall not exceed a retail market value of three hundred ($300) dollars. Candidates may purchase materials for their campaigns to a maximum retail value of $200 dollars of which the first $ 100 will be reimbursed by the PGSS upon the completion of an expense form if the candidate remains in good standing with the election office. These amounts with be indexed to inflation at $5 increments. Chairpersons may spend monies on their campaigns to a maximum set by the CRO based on 9:5:4 or $200, whichever is lower. This amount will be reimbursed by the PGSS upon the completion of an expense form if the chairperson remains in good standing with the election office. Rationale: Many Canadian student societies, as well as jurisdictions, reimburse campaign expenses in some sort to ensure finances do not impede participation. The proposed system offers reimbursement up to an amount PSAC considers sufficient to run a titled-officer campaign. The good standing requirement also gives PGSS another enforcement mechanism for good behaviour. 9:12:3 Original Change The voting period will last a minimum of both five business days and a seven calendar days to a maximum of ten business days. Council must approve the dates chosen by the CRO. Rationale: Requires council to approve dates, and sets a maximum. 9:15:1 19 The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 Original Change The CRO, in consultation with the Elections Committee shall invalidate the election, if upon investigation, it is evident that there has been a gross violation of the governing documents such as to:… The CRO, in consultation with the Elections Committee, shall invalidate the election and/or referendums, if, upon investigation, it is evident that there has been a gross violation of significant consequence of the governing documents such as to:… Rationale: Grammar, and better defines what is being disqualified. 9:15:2:1 Original Change All complaints, protests, or petitions for a recount must be made to the CRO not later than three (3) calendar days after the closing of the polls. They must be in written form and signed by a regular member of the PGSS. All complaints, protests, or requests to review the result in frame must be made to the CRO not later than five (5) calendar days after the closing of the polls. They must either be in written form and signed by a regular member of the PGSS or be sent digitally with a typed name acting in lieu of a signature. Rationale: Takes into account the use of an online voting system, permits online complaints, and extends the complaints period to allow sufficient time for contestations. 9:16 Election and Referenda Results Original Change 9:16 Election and Referenda Results 9:16 Election and Referendum Voting Systems 1. Election polling 1. Election Results 1. For each ballot for the position of a 1.1. All completed ballots shall be tabulated titled officer, voters must be presented according to a preferential voting system, as with a single-transferable vote (STV) follows: ballot that grants voters the option to 1.1.1. For each position or referendum question rank order their preferences or to state option (hereafter both shall be referred to as, no opinion. Voters may also state their “options”), a single list of options, shall be disapproval of a candidate. presented. The electorate shall, for each option, 20 The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 choose a ranking in comparison to other options, disapprove of, or state no opinion. 1.1.2. The counting of the votes shall follow the following procedures: a) On the first round of counting, each option shall receive a first preference vote for each ballot indicating a first preference. b) Unless only a single option remains, the option with the fewest number of first preference votes shall be eliminated from the election. Should there be a tie for the fewest number of first preference votes, then among these, the options with the fewest number of second preference votes shall be eliminated. Should a tie persist, the procedure shall continue with third preference votes, etcetera. Should a tie still persist, the option with the fewest number of ballots displaying original first preference votes, the following item notwithstanding, shall be eliminated. Should a tie still persist, the procedures shall continue with second preference votes et cetera. Should a tie still persist, an option shall be eliminated by random draw. c) When an option is eliminated from an election, all preference votes for that candidate shall be replaced by the ballot's first preferred option that has not yet been eliminated from the election. All second preference votes for that option shall be replaced by the ballot's next preferred option that has not yet eliminated from the election, and so on. If a ballot no longer has any options candidates remaining, it is set aside until the validation step described below. d) This procedure of eliminating candidate(s) and redistributing first preference votes shall continue until one option remains. This option is the potential winner. e) The following validation step is then 21 2. The counting of votes shall follow the full preferential system (STV). 3. No opinion votes shall be regarded as abstentions. 4. Disapproval votes cannot exceed the number of votes cast in support of the winning candidate. If this is the case, the candidate with the greatest number of votes will be considered defeated, with the winner being the next most popular candidate. 2. Referendum polling 1. For yes / no questions, juxtaposed questions, or for questions with two options, voters must be presented with a First Past the Post style ballot that also gives the voter the option to abstain. Voters may also state their disapproval of an option. 2. Otherwise, for questions not envisioned by the previous clause (2.1), voters will make use of the Full Preferential System (STV). 3. No opinion responses will count as abstentions. 4. The question with the greatest support will be declared the winning option. 5. If the number of disapproval votes exceeds the number of votes cast in favour of an option, the response to the referendum question will be considered undetermined. It may be presented at a subsequent referendum for reconsideration by PGSS members. The Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Inc. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de l’Université McGill inc. Maison David Thomson House, 3650 rue McTavish, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1Y2 Tél.: (514) 398-3756 Fax: (514) 398-1862 performed: from all the ballots case, if the potential winner garners more final votes of preference than votes of disapproval, the potential winner shall be selected. Otherwise, the election shall be deemed not to have produced an acceptable representative; no candidate shall be elected as a result of this election. Rationale: This eliminates the dreaded voting system which requires voters to rank order yes and no; a system which has confused Brain Surgeons and Rocket Scientists. Otherwise, it puts into writing existing policy, with a better explanation. The section name change better explains its contents. 22