ANNEX V: MODEL TECHNICAL REPORT FINAL ACTIVITY REPORT Call for Proposals EACEA 16/2014 ACTION 3: SUPPORT TO INNOVATIVE MULTIPLATFORM RELEASES BENEFICIARY: Agreement ref. n°: Name of the project: PART A – RESULTS OF THE ACTION The activity report describes the results of the action The report will focus on these following points: Description of the general design of the action; European dimension of the action; Goals achieved in comparison with the initial objectives; Outcome of the dissemination of the results; Future of the action in terms of commercial income and competitiveness in the audiovisual industry. The Final Activity Report must include at least the following information: Full details concerning the implementation of the action; Assessment of the overall impact of the action; Future development plan for the action and assessment of the potential impact of its development. Promotion and advertising material or publication produced by the beneficiary in connection with the action; Detailed and duly justified analysis of the action's compliance with the Minimum European Dimension criteria set out in section 6.2 of the Guidelines for Call for Proposals EACEA 16/2014 (see also part B below). PART B – DETAILED INFORMATION For each film released in a given country with the support of your action, please provide the following details Original Title: Nationality: Production Budget (M€): Year of production: List of distribution countries: Name and nationality of the sales agent: 1 fiche per country Distribution country: Name of the distributor: Print and Advertising budget (€): Festivals Please provide the list of festivals where the film under consideration was screened (for each festival, please indicate the name, the town/city and country of location and the date(s) of screening(s)). Cinemas Please provide the list of cinemas where the film under consideration was screened (for each cinema, please indicate the name, the town/city of location, date of release, number of running weeks, number of screenings of the considered film, number of admissions and gross-box office for the film). Video On Demand services Please provide the list of Video On Demand services where the film was made available: for each service, please mention the date of release of the film, the number of transactions concerning the film (if possible, please distinguish rentals from purchases) and the gross box-office (if possible, please distinguish rentals from purchases). TV channels Please provide the list of TV channels from country where the film was broadcasted: for each channel, please describe briefly the main characteristics of the channel (free/pay TV, public/private, generalist/thematic, mode of delivery, audience market share/number of subscribers…), the date(s) of programming of the film, the film audience for each broadcast. Others Please describe