The Times They are a Changin’ The FASB and IASB put the Leasing Project on their Agendas By Bill Bosco, Principal of Leasing 101 This article appears in the October 2006 issue of the Monitor On July 19, 2006, a day that may live in infamy in the leasing industry, both the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) and the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) put the project to re-write the lease accounting rules on their agendas. The project will be a joint project so we can expect the outcome to be one leasing standard applied world wide. Will this be good news or bad news for the industry? Well, you don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows. Background This story started back in 1995 with the issuance of the first report by the G4+1, (a group made up of representatives from the accounting standards boards of the US, The UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and a representative of the IASB) on the asset and liability approach to lease accounting. Since the issuance of FAS 13 in 1976, the thinking on lease accounting in the accounting world has changed from the risk and rewards approach to the asset and liability or financial components approach. The risks and rewards approach deals with the leased asset as the asset that is either capitalized or not depending on the risks and rewards analysis. The asset and liability approach considers the financial components in the lease contract like lessee’s rights and obligations and puts them – not the leased asset – on balance sheet. The asset and liability method became known as the New Approach to lease accounting in the issuance of the second, much more detailed G4+1 report issued in 2000. Nothing of note happened with lease accounting until the Enron scandal caused off-balance sheet transactions to be put in the spotlight. In recent years the IASB and FASB advisory committees ranked leasing high on the potential projects list but they had too many other projects underway to free up time. The SEC issued its report on off-balance sheet arrangements which was highly critical of FAS 13 citing the all-ornothing capitalization method, the rules rather than principles based approach, the bright line tests, which contribute to the financial engineering of lease transactions to be off-balance sheet. All the regulatory bodies feel that material operating lease obligations (the SEC estimates an undiscounted figure of $1.25 trillion in operating lease payments reported in the footnotes of public companies, per my analysis 70% is from real estate leases) must be capitalized. This all culminated in the addition of the joint project to the two standards boards’ agendas. The Timetable The joint project will take a long time, much to the chagrin of the SEC and the FASB. This is due to the complexity of the issues, the due diligence process of the FASB and the fact that the current Board and staff were not around when the G4+1 reports were issued. They publicly announced that they will examine at all the issues and alternative accounting methods. Their action plan is as follows: Research phase – remainder of 2006 The FASB/IASB staff of five and a half people assigned to the project will research lease products, lease contracts, alternative lease accounting approaches and other issues. The staff will compare decisions made on things like conceptual framework, definitions of assets and liabilities, and on other accounting topics to the research on lease accounting alternatives. Board deliberation – 2007 The staff will present their work to the Board as they progress with their research and the Board will make decisions that will guide the work. A Working Group will be organized to help with the work by providing technical input and resources. The Working Group will made up of people from various interest groups like preparers of financials, investors, lenders, rating agencies, accounting firms, subject matter experts and industry groups like the ELA. The Boards are accepting nominations through September 30, 2006 for individuals to serve on this working group. Preliminary views document – 2008 This document will be issued for public comment. It will detail preliminary views on the new lease accounting rules. Comments will be used to help develop the final rule. Issuing final rule – 2009 An exposure draft will be issued for public comment. This is a draft of the final rule. Comments will be reviewed and processed and changes made. They may need to issue additional exposure drafts if changes are significant. When deliberations are complete the new rules will be issued The Alternative Methods The Staff and Board have mentioned several alternative lease accounting methods that they will examine and they are: The New Approach (AKA asset and liability or financial components approach) - This approach causes the lessee to capitalize all material leases at value of the lessee’s rights and obligations under the lease. The amount capitalized will typically be the PV of minimum lease payments using the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate as the discount rate as it will be difficult to figure any other value. The lessee’s costs that flow through P&L would be depreciation and imputed interest cost on the capitalized lease obligation. In my opinion this approach is the leading contender and has been fleshed out quite well in the G4+1 reports, although there points in the reports that have alternative views presented with no conclusions. This approach offers some hope in that the amount capitalized by the lessee can, in some cases, be significantly less that the economic value of the leased asset. Some key points in the asset and liability approach from a lessee perspective are: o The “TRAC” like end position in a synthetic or split-TRAC lease may be treated as an option. This means that its initial value is zero if the TRAC is set at expected fair market value. There is another view that says the TRAC amount should be treated as minimum lease payment as the lessee bears much of the risks and rewards in the leased asset. We should beware as the latter view is the UK GAAP view and Sir David Tweedie, the current IASB head, was the head of the UK Accounting Standards Board when they adopted that view. o Contingent rents based on usage will continue to be off-balance sheet. Contingent rents based on factors other that usage would be capitalized at their estimated amounts. o Material lease has not been defined and may still allow for some leases to be accounted for as operating leases. From a lessor’s perspective all leases would be direct finance leases which is good as the earnings pattern is attractive and easier to securitize. There is a good possibility that the after tax yield will be allowed for single investor leases, also a good thing, but it is likely that leveraged lease accounting will be lost. The Whole Asset Approach – This approach was championed by Dennis W. Monson, a KPMG partner, in a paper written in 2001 entitled The Conceptual Framework and Accounting for Leases. This approach would have the lessee record the leased asset’s fair value as the asset and records two liabilities, one being the PV of the minimum payments discounted at the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate (same as in the asset and liability method) and the other being the obligation to return the asset (a plug to make the entry balance), which is like a residual. This approach is also a leading contender. It appears to be the worst case approach for the industry as the lessee would have to capitalize the fair value of the asset (the amount the lessee would pay to buy the leased asset). Less is written on this approach, but, in my opinion, many of the concepts in the G4+1 paper would seem to apply. As above, materiality would still be a concern and may provide a benefit to the leasing industry if the FASB defines it and the materiality threshold is high enough so it encompasses a significant number of equipment types. The lessor accounting would likely be the same as with the asset and liability approach as explained above. The Risk and Rewards approach – This is the current model and I will not waste words to comment as we all know the regulators think it is not an acceptable approach. The Executory Contract approach – This method considers the legal and commercial aspects of contracts, meaning that most true leases would be operating leases. I will not analyze this as the FASB’s current thinking for leases is that although a lease may be an executory contract, the execution on the lessor’s part is completed when the asset is delivered. Also any method that would allow material leases to be off –balance sheet, as this method would, is not a serious possibility. The Variable Interest approach – This method is the method used in FIN 46 where the concepts of control and risk of loss determine who records the asset. I also chose not to analyze this approach as it would still allow off-balance sheet accounting for material leases with significant residual interest retained by the lessor. That would not fit the objective of capitalizing all material leases. Despite assurances by the FASB that they will consider all approaches to lease accounting, the FASB and SEC continue to talk only of the objective of capitalizing all leases. What Might the Numbers Look Like? Assuming a Split TRAC or open end vehicle lease with the following terms: Vehicle cost $20,000 Lease term 3 years Delivery date June TRAC amount 50% or $10,000 Pre-tax MISF Yield 7.50% Monthly rent in arrears 1.82% or $364 Lessee incremental borrowing rate 7.50% Under the asset and liability method there are 2 likely outcomes that would result in the following entries: If the TRAC is considered an option with zero value, the capitalized amount is $10,527, calculated by present valuing the rents at the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate. The entry is: Leased Asset Capitalized Lease Obligation $10,527 $10,527 If the TRAC is considered as the equivalent of putting the lessee in the ownership risks and reward position (in my opinion it will be treated as such), the capitalized amount would be the sum of the present values of the rents and the TRAC amount at the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate. The entry is as follows: Leased Asset Capitalized Lease Obligation $19,693 $19,593 Under the whole asset method the capitalized asset is the vehicle cost of $20,000 and the capitalized lease obligation is the present value of the minimum lease payments (see above) of $10,527 or $19,593 depending on the view of the TRAC amount. There is also a credit or liability for the obligation to return the leased asset that is calculated as the difference between the asset cost and the capitalized lease obligation. Assuming a zero value for the TRAC, the entry would be: Leased Asset Capitalized Lease Obligation Obligati0n to Return Asset $20,000 $10,527 $9,473 Assuming the TRAC amount is considered the equivalent of a minimum lease payment, the entry would be: Leased Asset Capitalized Lease Obligation Obligati0n to Return Asset $20,000 $19,593 $407 Assuming a closed end or fair market value option vehicle lease with the following terms: Vehicle cost $20,000 Lease term 3 years Delivery date June FMV residual assumed 40% or $8,000 Pre-tax MISF yield 7.50% Monthly rent in arrears 2.08% or $416 Lessee incremental borrowing rate 7.50% Under the asset and liability method, the capitalized amount in the FMV lease is $13,374, calculated by present valuing the rents at the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate. The entry is: Leased Asset Capitalized Lease Obligation $13,374 $13,374 Under the whole asset method the capitalized asset in the FMV lease s the vehicle cost of $20,000 and the capitalized lease obligation is the present value of the minimum lease payments (see above) of $13,374. There is also a credit or liability for the obligation to return the leased asset that is calculated as the difference between the asset cost and the capitalized lease obligation. The entry would be: Leased Asset Capitalized Lease Obligation Obligation to Return Asset $20,000 $13,374 $6,626 Business Impact I will only analyze the business impact of the asset and liability and whole asset approaches as I feel strongly that the other alternatives will be rejected. The impact on lessees and lessors will vary by business segment. There is the potential for some good news besides the expected bad news. Small Ticket – The definition of materiality is the driver for the possibility of good news under both the asset and liability and whole asset approaches. Small ticket items may be immaterial to lessees, even if the individual assets are lease schedules subject to a large master lease, as each schedule is a lease unto itself. Each schedule can have its unique rent factor. This is due to differences in lease rates based on delivery month of each asset and changes in lessee incremental borrowing rates due to general interest rate changes. As a result each leased asset can have its unique capitalized asset and liability. Also small ticket true leases would require deferred tax accounting. It sounds complex and it is. Fortunately several FASB members are sympathetic to the complexity and cost/benefit issue. If all small ticket leases are immaterial there should be no negative impact to lessees as immaterial leases presumably will be accounted for as operating leases. Under both likely approaches to lease accounting small ticket lessors will have all leases recorded as finance leases or sales type leases, which is favorable. Middle Market – The ticket size in this market segment is usually material. The lease type is usually either a true lease with minimum payments with a present value in the mid to high 80% range, a conditional sale that is capitalized under any accounting method or a synthetic lease with a present value of the minimum payments of about 30- 50% (depends on the treatment of and/or valuation of “TRAC” options). Those present value amounts would be capitalized under the asset and liability approach while the fair value of the asset at inception would be capitalized under the whole asset approach. As a result, under both approaches, lessees will capitalize more assets and that may reduce lease volume. Even if a lease is capitalized, there should still be a cost of capital advantage as long as the present value of the payments is less than the economic value of the asset and the imputed interest is lower than the interest paid on a debt financed purchase. Under both approaches, lessors will record all leases as finance or sales type leases, which is favorable. Big Ticket – The ticket size in this market segment would always be material. The lease type is either a true lease or synthetic lease, which will be capitalized at amounts in the 80-90% (for equipment leases) and 25-30% (for real estate leases) (assuming the TRAC is valued at zero) ranges respectively under the asset and liability approach. Under the whole asset approach the capitalization is 100% of the leased asset’s value at inception. Lessees may be indifferent, as the rating agencies capitalize leases in much the same way already and the cost of capital advantage may remain to a certain extent. If not, there will be a reduction in leasing volume except where the reason for leasing is to transfer tax benefits. Lessors may lose leveraged lease accounting benefits in true leases, causing lease rates to increase, perhaps prohibitively. Using a FAS 140 sale of the rents may be the structure that replaces the leveraged lease, but it will not produce the same beneficial earnings pattern. All leases would be accounted for as finance leases by lessors, eliminating the need for residual value insurance, which, of course, is favorable. “True” Operating Leases – In this market, material assets and leases with material lease terms will be capitalized. The amount capitalized will directly relate to the residual assumed by the lessor in the case of the asset and liability approach. For instance, a five-year rail car lease may have a present value of minimum lease payments of 50% of the value of the equipment. Lessees may be indifferent, as the driver is transfer of residual risk and the right to return equipment after a short lease term. Of course, under the whole asset approach 100% of the asset is capitalized, but the imputed interest cost is only applied to the asset cost less the residual, providing some P&L benefit. Lessors will benefit from the finance lease accounting as described above. Conclusion The overall concern of course is that the volume of lease business will decline with users of equipment switching to debt financing. The reasons for leasing that will remain are to raise capital for lesser credits, to transfer residual risk to the lessor, to reduce the after tax financing cost for lessees who are non-full taxpayers, and for services and convenience. Some reasons for leasing will be less popular or disappear for large ticket items, such as, CAPEX limits, and off-balance sheet treatment. There will continue to be a benefit in minimizing the capitalized value of the minimum lease payments under either approach to lease accounting. This can be achieved through tax benefits, making rents contingent based on usage and assuming residual risk. There may be an opportunity to supply the lessee with the accounting compliance information (book and tax entries and disclosures) to ease the compliance burden that may drive them from using the lease product. Do not think that the rules will not change or that they will be delayed beyond 2009 as the FASB is committed to seeing the changes through and feels time is of the essence. The SEC will pressure them for completion on a timely basis. My prediction is this is not the beginning of the end of the leasing industry but it will be a major blow to mid and large ticket segments. The rules will change, but there will still be business opportunities, as a matter of fact certain provisions may be beneficial. We’ve seen tax and accounting change before and the industry has more than survived, it has thrived. It is important that you recognize what will be viable under the new rules and that you start the process to adapt your business model right now. Lessees know the project is underway. On sales calls they will be asking you how your proposed new deal might be accounted for in the future. Be ready to respond. Figure 1: Comparative analysis of lease accounting alternatives The Assets and Liabilities approach Description Capitalizes all leases at value of the lessee’s rights and obligations under the lease, typically the PV of minimum lease payments. Likelihood of acceptance Synthetic and Split TRAC lease treatment The Whole Asset approach The Risk and Rewards approach The Executory Contract approach The Variable Interest approach Capitalizes the FMV of the leased asset with offsetting credits: a liability to return the asset and the PV of the minimum lease payments The economic significance of the lessor’s retained interest would determine the nature of the transaction The nature of the contract under commercial law and a substantive analysis of economic performance would determine the nature of the transaction The concepts of control and risk of loss determines who records the asset Most likely High No chance Low Low PV of minimum lease payments capitalized and TRAC will either be treated as an option or as a Fair Off balance market sheet value of the asset capitalized Lease capitalized at Fair market value of leased asset Lease capitalized at fair market value of leased asset FMV operating lease treatment minimum lease payment PV of minimum lease payments capitalized Fair Off balance Off balance market sheet sheet value of the asset capitalized Result based on analysis of lessee/lessor risks in the asset