universitas pendidikan indonesia

Mata kuliah
Kode Mata Kuliah
Program Studi
Waktu Perkuliahan
: Introduction to English for Tourism
: 2
: Drs. Barli Sobarli Dipl. TESL
: Manajemen Industri Katering Smester 1
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah:
Nama Mata Kuliah
Nomor Kode
Bobot SKS
: Introduction to English for Tourism
: 2
1. Status mata kuliah ini adalah mata kuliah dasar dan dikelompokan pada English
For Specific Purpose (ESP).
2. Mata kuliah ini ditujukan bagi mahasiswa yang menggambil jurusan katering
karena hampir semua bahan pelajaran yang diberikan disesuaikan dengan
kebutuhan para pekerja yang bergerak dibidang restauran, bar atau café yang ingin
mempelajari bahasa Inggris dalam bidang ini. Tingkat pelajaran ini ialah
elementary level untuk bidang catering bagi mereka yang telah mempelajari bahasa
Inggris umum.
3. Setelah menyelesaikan materi perkuliahan diharapkan mahasiswa mampu
menghadapi situasi khusus yang harus mereka pahami dan dapat meresponnya
dalam bahasa Inggris baik untuk di restauran maupun di bar atau cafe.
4. Pendekatan pembelajaran communicative approach.
Pengalaman Hasil Belajar :
Selama mengikuti perkuliahan ini mahasiswa diwajibkan mengikuti kegiatan :
a. ceramah, tanya jawab dan diskusi dimkelas.
b. penyajian makalah di kelas
c. pengumpulan data di lapangan
Evaluasi Hasil Belajar :
Keberhasilan mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan ini ditentukan oleh prestasi yang
bersangkutan dalam :
a. partisipasi kegiatan kelas
b. pembuatan dan penyajian makalah
c. laporan literature (annotated bibliography)
d. UTS dan UAS
Uraian Pokok Bahasan Setiap Pertemuan :
Membahas silabus perkuliahan dan mengakomodasi berbagai masukan dari
mahasiswa untuk memberi kemungkinan revisi terhadap pokok bahasan yang
dianggap tidak penting dan memasukan bahasan yang dianggap penting.
Sesuai dengan apa yang dikemukakan dalam silabus, pada pertemuanniji
dikemukakan pula tujuan ruang lingkup, prosedur perku.iahan, penjelasan
tentang tugas yang harus dilakukan mahasiswa, ujian yang harus diikuti
termasuk jenis soal dan cara menyelesaikan/menjawab pertanyaan, dan
Unit 1. Restaurants and their services
Language Functions and skills
- Describing restaurant
- Explaining its amenities and services
- Giving opening times
- Greetings and goodbyes
- Answers to questions
- Present Simple : We accept credit cards
- Short answer : Yes, there is
- Compound noun : waitress service, a three course meals
- Types of restaurant
- Names of menu
- Amenities and services
Menyelesaikan Unit 1.
Unit 2. On a restaurant table or tray.
Language Functions and skills.
- Explaining the purpose of equipment
- Understanding complaints about equipment
- Apologizing
- Offering to do things
- For + gerund.: That knife’s for cutting cheese
- Countable and countable noun: a jug of water, some sugar, another
knife, some other knives
- “ I’ll “ for offers: I’ll bring you another knife.
- Names of cutlery, chinaware, etc,
- Describing defects ( for comprehension)
Menyelesaikan Unit 2
Unit 3. Reservations (1) Basic Exchanges
Language functions and skills
- Giving and understanding spellings
- Taking down reservations
- Questions about reservations
- Confirming reservations
- Would in polite
- Questions : Would that be for lunch?
- Could in polite
- Request : Could you spell that, please?
- Two spelling
- Alphabets : A as in Alpha, etc. A for Andrew, etc.
- Words and expressions relating to reservations.
Unit 4. Reservations ( 2 ) Specials wishes and some complications
Language functions and skills
- Understanding requests for : (a) special arrangement
(b) changes to reservations
- Meeting requests
- Not meeting requests
- Suggesting alternatives
- Could in suggestions : You could have a table at seven
- Special diets
- Special positions in a restaurant
- Premises and furniture
- Words and expressions relating to changes in reservations
- Expressions of agreement, regret, etc.
VIII. Ujian Tengah Semester ( U T S )
Unit 5. Directions for finding a restaurant
Language functions and skills
- Describing the position of a restaurant
- Explaining how to get to a restaurant
- Prepositions describing position
- Prepositions describing direction
- Ordinal numbers, first, second etc.
- Landmarks
- Street and road
- Verbs used in giving directions
Unit 6. Receiving customers and taking orders
Language functions and skills.
- Receiving and placing customers
- Asking about customer’s wishes
- Polite responses to customer’s requests
- Taking orders for starters and main courses
- Making recommendations
- Describing wines
- Would when asking about wishes : Would you like an aperitif?
- Can and would when recommending : I can recommend the salmon.
I would suggest the St. Emilion.
- Countable and uncountable : a roll, some rolls, some water.
- Comparisons : Wine A is lighter than Wine B. Wine B is more
full-bodied not as light as Wine A.
- Section of a menu
- Dishes in a menu
- Words describing wines
Menyelesaikan Unit 6.
XII. Unit 7. Explaining dishes : starters and main course
Language functions and skills
- Explaining the composition starters
- Explaining their preparation
- Compound nouns : rice stuffing
- Part participle : sliced mushrooms
- Passive : The tomatoes are stuffed with rice,
- Countable and uncountable nouns
- Expressions of quantity : no, very little, very few, a lot of, etc.
- Ingredients in starter and main courses
- Adjective s describing ingredients and dishes
- Verbs relating to preparation and cooking
- Expressions for describing dishes
Mahasiswa diminta untuk menginventarisir peralatan yang biasa digunakan di
dapur, restaurant atau café. Untuk tugas ini mereka dianjurkan untuk menggunakan
fasilitas internet.
XIV. Menyelesaikan Unit 7.
XV. Mengulang materi perkuliahan dari Unit 1 sampai dengan Unit 7 dan
mempersiapkan materi untuk ujian akhir semester.
Daftar Litetratur :
Sumber dan Dokumen
: 1. International Restaurant English. Leila Keane.
English language Teaching. Prentice Hall (UK)
Ltd. 1990.
2. English for professional Waiters. Sutasnto Leo.
PT. Gramedia ustaka Utama. Jakarta, 2000.
: www.google.com