Electronic Reserves / UW-ACE - Information Systems & Technology

Electronic Reserves / UW-ACE
February 3, 2005
The goal of the UW-ACE/Library Ereserves group is to achieve, if possible, a number of
1. Provide access for faculty and students from a UW-ACE mounted course to
course related reserves materials.
2. To utilize the class level authorization capability of UW-ACE for Library reserves
materials requiring class level authorization.
3. To eliminate the duplication of staff effort currently required to create and
maintain ereserves records in multiple systems.
4. To provide Library users with quick, easy and single source access to all course
reserve materials clearly identifying whether an item is available electronically or
in paper format.
After a tour of UW-ACE and the various Library systems providing reserves services, a
number of functional questions arose. This document identifies those functional
requirements and proposed some quick prototyping to ensure that the systems can work
as expected. A test is listed below with assigned responsibilities to ‘make it so.’
If the test prototype works as expected we will have all the information we need to
develop an efficient workflow that will meet our above objectives.
TRELLIS: (Alex McCulloch)
1. Set up a test course in TRELLIS and add the 4 types of reserves materials
 commercial resource with a GoScript URL
 local ereserve pdf – URL pointing to the actual pdf file
 local ereserve pdf with required class level authorization – URL pointing to
the UW-ACE course set up in 2 below
 standard paper reserve title
 clearly indicate in the reserve item title if the item is accessible electronically
2. Provide a list of the items from the above course with titles and URLs for input
into UW-ACE
 commercial resource with a GoScript URL
 local ereserve pdf – URL pointing to the actual pdf file
 local ereserve pdf with required class level authorization – URL pointing to
the actual pdf file
 standard paper reserve title – URL pointing to the TRELLIS record
 clearly indicate in the reserve item title if the item is accessible electronically
UW-ACE: (Andrea Chappell)
1. Setup a dummy course for access to the items in the above list.
Setup the bypass of the Welcome page
Enter the items using the links as given on the list in a Reserves Items folder
ColdFusion System: (Chris Gray)
1. Setup access to the TRELLIS based reserve courses for Waterloo only.
 Provide course as well as professor access
2. Modify the GoScript so that if a request for a commercial resource is received
from the UW-ACE system that the user does not have to login a second time for
proxy services if coming from off campus
Test results compilation (?)
1. Compile the results from the tests, identifying the processes which were
successful, and any aspects of the set-up which failed in meeting the objectives.
2. Develop from the results a strategy for this process to be used by UW-ACE
William Oldfield
February 2005.