SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 1 of 7 BUSINESS AND CREATIVE ARTS Post Diploma Marketing Management COURSE OUTLINE: MARK 2038 COURSE NAME: Database Marketing Strategies 2 PROFESSOR: Santo Ligotti PHONE: x 3462 EMAIL: EFFECTIVE DATE: COURSE CODE: CREDIT HOURS: PREREQUISITES: COREQUISITES: PLAR ELIGIBLE: May 2006 Mark 2038 42 Mark 2037 None YES X NO NOTE TO STUDENTS Academic Departments at George Brown College will NOT retain historical copies of Course Outlines. We urge you to retain this Course Outline for your future reference. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ORIGINATOR: _______/ M Taylor___________________________________________________Jan 3/05_________________________ SIGNATURE DATE CHAIR: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE DATE DATE OF REVISION: _May 2006 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ EQUITY STATEMENT George Brown College values the talents and contributions of its students, staff and community partners and seeks to create a welcoming environment where equity, diversity and safety of all groups are fundamental. Language or activities, which are inconsistent with this philosophy, violate the College policy on the Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment and will not be tolerated. The commitment and cooperation of all students and staff are required to maintain this environment. Information and assistance are available through your Chair, Student Affairs, the Student Association or the Human Rights Advisor. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES Students should obtain a copy of the Student Handbook and refer to it for additional information regarding the grading system, withdrawals, exemptions, class assignments, missed tests and exams, supplemental privileges, and academic dishonesty. Students are required to apply themselves diligently to the course of study, and to prepare class and homework assignments as given. Regular attendance, though not a requirement, is strongly advised. Past student performance shows a strong relationship between regular attendance and success. PROFESSOR: Santo Ligotti | | EMAIL: DATABASE MARKETING STRATEGIES II | MARK 2038 SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 2 of 7 BUSINESS AND CREATIVE ARTS Post Diploma Marketing Management COURSE DESCRIPTION This course builds upon Database Marketing Strategies 1 to develop the skills required to develop and manage strategic customer relationship communications campaigns. Key topics include direct response and interactive marketing principles and techniques, creative development basics, direct response media and campaign management principles including production, fulfillment and campaign metrics COURSE OUTCOMES & OBJECTIVES 1. Prepare the key components necessary to plan and execute a successful database marketing campaign. Develop or select products and/or services suitable for database marketing and develop a successful direct marketing campaign aimed at a suitable target market. Demonstrate the ability to plan, research, select and decide on a suitable list of prospective customers. Select appropriate direct marketing media to match marketing communications objectives. Demonstrate the application and fundamental principles in campaign planning that conform to industry standards and practices. 2. Explain the elements of designing effective database marketing communications. Explain the characteristics and applications for traditional media including direct mail, print advertising, direct response TV and telemarketing in direct marketing. Explain the role of integrated communications to implement an effective customer relationship management program. Demonstrate an understanding of how to conduct campaign performance analysis and make recommendations for future campaigns. 3. Demonstrate the ability to lever digital technologies for database marketing communications. Explain current practices and trends in database marketing communications using the Internet. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate Web sites from a marketer’s perspective. Explain the characteristics and applications for new media including email, wireless and location-based media in database marketing. Identify situations where customer relationship management (CRM) and campaign software will enhance customer communications. 4. Explain the database marketing industry structure. Discuss the roles and interrelationships of direct and database marketing agencies, suppliers, associations and marketers. Explain how client-side direct marketing operations are staffed and managed within a corporate marketing environment. PROFESSOR: Santo Ligotti | | EMAIL: DATABASE MARKETING STRATEGIES II | MARK 2038 SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 3 of 7 BUSINESS AND CREATIVE ARTS Post Diploma Marketing Management ESSENTIAL EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS: As mandated by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities essential employability skills (EES) will be addressed throughout all programs of study. Students will have the opportunity to learn (L) specific skills, to practice (P) these skills, and/or be evaluated (E) on the EES outcomes in a variety of courses. The EES include communication, numeracy, critical thinking & problem solving, information management, interpersonal and personal skills. The faculty for this course has indicated which of the EES are either Learned (L), Practiced (P) or Evaluated (E) in this course: L P E Skill to communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken and visual form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the audience to respond to written, spoken or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective communication to execute mathematical operations accurately to apply a systematic approach to solve problems to use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and solve problems. to analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant information from a variety of sources L P E x x Skill x x x x x x x x x x to locate, select, organize and document information using appropriate technology and information sources to show respect for the diverse opinions, values, belief systems, and contributions of others to interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals to manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects to take responsibility for my actions, decisions and consequences x PROFESSOR: Santo Ligotti | | EMAIL: DATABASE MARKETING STRATEGIES II | MARK 2038 x x x x x x SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 4 of 7 BUSINESS AND CREATIVE ARTS Post Diploma Marketing Management DELIVERY METHODS In class lectures, discussion, guest speakers, case analysis, in class assignments TEXTBOOKS AND OTHER TEACHING AIDS Recommended resource text: Principles of Direct & Database Marketing, Alan Tapp, 3 rd ed FT Prentice Hall ISBN 0-273-68355-1 Teacher handouts. Resources in Library: “Successful Direct Marketing Methods”, Bob Stone and Ron Jacobs, 7 th edition, McGraw Hill, 2001(Reserve) “The Canadian Direct Marketing Handbook II”, Marilyn Stewart, CMA 1998 (Reference section) “Direct Marketing Management” Mary Lou Roberts, Paul d. Berger, second edition, Prentice Hall 1999 TESTING & ASSIGNMENT POLICY Assignment due dates and test or exam dates are announced in class and may be published on the course outline. Students are responsible for keeping track of these dates. If a student misses a key date they must call or e-mail the professor in advance and set up an alternative plan, then they must provide appropriate support documentation immediately upon return to school. Acceptable documentation would be in the form of a doctor’s note, a court summons or funeral documentation. Late assignments will not be accepted. Success in this course is based heavily on in class participation and assignments (that may be given in class); therefore attendance and active in-class participation is essential to a student’s success. All in class assignments must be completed in-class, they cannot be made up with a take-home. Failure to attend these classes will therefore result in zero on that particular assignment. To pass this course students must pass the final test. GROUP WORK: This course has a large group work component. In some cases your groups will be assigned and in others you can select your own groups. The professor will decide. It is the individual student’s responsibility to ensure they are an active, contributing member of the group. EVALUATION SYSTEM Assignments (mix of group/individual, in-class and take-home) Self Study Assignments (2, worth 2.5% each) Group project - campaign plan Test Total PROFESSOR: Santo Ligotti | | EMAIL: DATABASE MARKETING STRATEGIES II | MARK 2038 40% 5% 30% 25% 100% SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 5 of 7 BUSINESS AND CREATIVE ARTS Post Diploma Marketing Management GRADING SYSTEM A+/A 85-100 A80-84 B+ B B- 77-79 73-76 70-72 C+ C C- 67-69 63-66 60-62 D+ D 57-59 50-56 Below 50 F Excerpt from the College Policy on Academic Dishonesty The minimal consequence for submitting a plagiarized, purchased, contracted, or in any manner inappropriately negotiated or falsified assignment, test, essay, project, or any evaluated material will be a grade of zero on that material PROFESSOR: Santo Ligotti | | EMAIL: DATABASE MARKETING STRATEGIES II | MARK 2038 SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 6 of 7 BUSINESS AND CREATIVE ARTS Post Diploma Marketing Management Weekly Schedule Week Topic Chapter/Reference Assignment/Test Week 1 Overview -Compare DM to advertising DM agencies, suppliers and associations Review customer segmentation, targeting, positioning List Management External database sources Week 2 Creative Strategy Assessing creative and offers Creative development process / Creative brief Direct Mail Types of mail packages Design basics/writing copy for high response The print production process Tapp Ch 12 Stone pp 37-44 Week 3 List Management Self Study review from Week 1 with exercise Handouts and Exercises via WEBCT SELF STUDY Week 4 Direct Mail Self Study review from Week 2 with exercise Handouts and Exercises via WEBCT SELF STUDY Week 5 Direct-response Advertising Media – Print, DRTV Costing, production plans Tapp Ch. 11 Assignment 2 due Assignment 3 (inclass) INSTRUCTOR: Frances Steciuk Week 6 Telemarketing Inbound/outbound applications “The One-to-One Fieldbook,” Ch.12 GROUP Project handed out Assignment 1 due Self Study Exercise 1 and 2 due Week 7 Digital marketing, Part 1 Overview of the Internet and three ebusiness strategies How to evaluate marketing web sites Tapp Ch 8 Handout Assignment 4 Web Brief (takehome) Handout Assignment 1 Name That Target Audience (takehome) Tapp Ch 10, 11 Handout Assignment 2 Handout Self Study Exercise 1 Handout Self Study Exercise 2 Intersession Week Week 9 Digital marketing, Part 2 Ch 10 pp 319-335 PROFESSOR: Santo Ligotti | | EMAIL: DATABASE MARKETING STRATEGIES II | MARK 2038 Assignment 4 due SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 7 of 7 BUSINESS AND CREATIVE ARTS Post Diploma Marketing Management Week Topic Chapter/Reference Assignment/Test E-marketing media used in DM Week 10 Technology Strategy The role of CRM and related technologies in DM strategies Tapp Ch 7 CIBC Case Study Week 11 Campaign automation management Testing, metrics, post analysis Assignment 5 (inclass) Week 12 Final TEST TEST Group project work Week 13 Customer Value Optimization More on LTV and segmentation strategy Assessing customer value in B2B vs. B2C marketing Group project work consultation Week 14 Guest Speaker (Tentative) Group Project Reports due Week 15 Group Project Presentations Note: Schedule is approximate and may vary as circumstances dictate. PROFESSOR: Santo Ligotti | | EMAIL: DATABASE MARKETING STRATEGIES II | MARK 2038