Liberty High School - Olentangy Local Schools

Olentangy High Schools
Summer School Brochure: 2008
* Speech will be offered Monday through Friday, July 7-25 from 8:00
a.m. until 12:15 p.m.
* Physical Education I and II will be held Monday through Thursday,
7/7- 7/17 from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
* OGT Intervention in Math, Science, Reading, Writing and Social
Studies will be held Monday through Friday, 6/9 to 6/27, from 8:00 a.m.
until 12:15 p.m.; the OGT will be administered Monday, 6/23, through
Thursday, 6/26 from 8:00 until 10:30 a.m.
* Lifetime Fitness I & II will meet on specified dates and times from
May through June.
Classes Available for Credit:
These courses are for students who wish to acquire credit for a required
high school course. Please review the policies described below prior to enrolling
in summer school.
Attendance: Students are permitted one excused absence from summer
school; students enrolling in Lifetime Fitness I & II are not permitted to
have any absences.
Class availability: Some classes are more popular than others and
additional sections have been made available to meet this demand.
However, we cannot allow the number of classes to exceed the number
of instructors and the teacher/student ratio (1/25). More PE (I and II)
classes are available than other required courses. Once all available
course sections are filled, NO ADDITIONAL SECTIONS WILL BE
ADDED. You are encouraged to register quickly as space becomes limited in
the more popular classes.
Field Trips: P.E.I and P.E.II students may take up to three field trips
during the summer session. School transportation for these trips is
provided and the fee for transportation is included in the summer
school tuition. A $5.00 per trip fee will be assessed for field trip facility
usage, and payment will be made at the time of the trip. This fee
should be paid to the class instructor who will provide directions for
payment and locations of the field trips on the first day of school.
Locations and Transportation: High school students and their
parent/guardians are responsible for transportation to and from
summer school. Students who go on the Physical Education I and II
trips will ride a school bus from school to those locations and back.
Certain classes are set at each of the two high schools to accommodate
busing schedules and to allow for more classes.
Minimum class size: Each class must meet a minimum enrollment of 20
students. Lower enrollment may result in the cancellation of the course.
If any specific class fails to meet the enrollment requirements, the class
will be cancelled and money will be refunded to registered students
after June 1, 2008.
Payment: All registration forms must be accompanied by a check.
Registrations will not be processed and students will not be registered
for a class or placed on a waiting list if proper payment does not
accompany the registration form.
Physical Education Building Assignment: In most circumstances,
students enrolling in P.E. I or P.E. II will be assigned to the school of
their attendance during the ’07-’08 school year.
Waiting List: A waiting list will be created for those registrations
received after the class sections are full. Registrants will be placed on
the list in the order that his or her completed registration with payment
is received. Space cannot be reserved without the tuition payment.
Parents will be notified that their students have been placed on a waiting
list by mail; the summer school principal will call parents if space
becomes available in the desired class.
March 4th Levy: All summer school offerings are contingent upon the
successful passage of the March 4th levy; if the levy does not pass, all
registrations processed prior to March 4, 2008 will be promptly
Physical Education I
Locations: Liberty and Olentangy High Schools
Tuition: $235.00
Students who take this class will complete their P.E. I
requirement but must replace P.E. I with another course in their
’08-’09 schedule. Due to space constraints, a maximum of five
classes (125 students) will be offered. We strongly encourage you
to send in your registration as soon as possible.
● Students will be assessed a fee for additional athletic activities off
 Cost of transportation to field trip included
Physical Education II
Locations: Liberty and Olentangy High Schools
Tuition: $235.00
This course is for students who have completed P.E. I;
students who complete this course will complete their P.E. II
requirement, but must replace P.E. II with another course on
their ’08-’09 schedule. Due to space constraints, a maximum of
five classes (125 students) will be offered. We strongly encourage
you to send in your registration as soon as possible.
 Students will be assessed a fee for additional athletic activities off
 Cost of transportation to field trip included
Location: Olentangy High School
Tuition: $215.00
Students who take this class will complete their Speech
requirement but must replace Speech with another course on
their ’08-’09 schedule. This class requires an enrollment of 20
Lifetime Fitness I
Location: All Classes Will Meet Off-Campus
Tuition: $345.00
Students may enroll in Lifetime Fitness I as a substitute
course for Physical Education I; students who take this class will
complete their P.E. I requirement but must replace P.E. I with
another course on their ’08-’09 schedule. Lifetime Fitness I will
introduce students to a variety of physical activities. Classes will
meet throughout the months of May and June. The schedule and
course requirements may be obtained on the web site:
more information regarding this course, please contact Ms. Elaine
Eddy at or via telephone @
● Cost of transportation to field trips included
● Tuition includes summer school and course fees
Lifetime Fitness II
Location: All Classes Will Meet Off-Campus
Tuition: $345.00
Students may enroll in Lifetime Fitness II as a substitute
course for Physical Education II; students who take this class will
complete their P.E. II requirement but must replace P.E. II with
another course in their ’08-’09 schedule. Lifetime Fitness II will
introduce students to a variety of physical activities. Classes will
meet throughout the months of May and June. The schedule and
course requirements may be obtained on the web site:
more information regarding this course, please contact Ms. Elaine
Eddy at or via telephone @
● Cost of transportation to field trips included
● Tuition includes summer school and course fees
Summer Intervention Classes
Location: Shanahan Middle School, Room 203
Directly above, and accessible via, the New Student Welcome Center
Tuition: Free to any student not passing a section or sections of
the OGT during the March 2008 administration
These classes are designed for students who have not
passed one or more sections of the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT).
Students may choose one or two sessions based upon which test
or tests they must pass. Students will be assigned to the
appropriate Intervention Session(s) for their testing needs and
will be informed of which Intervention Session(s) they will be
attending by June 3rd.
Intervention Session I: 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Intervention Session II: 10:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Ohio Graduation Test Dates
8:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Monday, June 23 through Thursday, June 26
Testing Schedule to be Determined
The testing period allows for 2 1/2 hours to complete the
test. Students will only be dismissed after 10:00 if they have
finished the test. It is suggested that students bring reading
materials to occupy time until dismissal. Parents are asked to
arrive at 10:00 a.m. to pick up their child.
High School Summer School 2008: Registration Form
DEADLINE: May 1st, 2008
Tuition payment required for enrollment
Child’s Name
Parent/Parents’ Names _______________________________________
Email Address______________________________________________
OHIO, __________
Phone (H)
__________ (W)
Attends (Circle one):
Grade Entering in the fall (Circle one):
Student’s Course Choice (Check One)
Location: Liberty High School
P.E. I____ P.E. II____ Lifetime Fitness I_____ Lifetime Fitness II____
Location: Olentangy High School
P.E. I________
P.E. II______
Location: Shanahan Middle School, Room 203
Intervention: (Deadline to Register for Intervention is June 2nd)
Math____ Social Studies_____ Reading____ Writing____ Science______
Olentangy Local Schools, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
814 Shanahan Road, Suite 100 Lewis Center, OH 43035