LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034 B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION SOCIOLOGY II SEMESTER NOVEMBER 2003 SO 2500 / SOC 501 – SOCIOLOGY OF INDIAN SOCIETY 01–11–2003 1.00 – 4.00 100 Marks PART – A Answer ALL the questions in 30 words each. (10 x 2 = 20) 01. Define race. 02. Define indegenous religion with an example. 03. What do you understand by ‘Trivarga’? 04. State the meaning of Karma. 05. Differentiate caste from class. 06. Explain endogamy and exogamy. 07. Define joint family. 08. Give any two importance of marriage to a Christian. 09. State the meaning of positive discrimination. 10. What is ‘creamy layer’? PART – B Answer any FIVE questions in 300 words each. (5 x 8 = 40) 11. Describe the linguistic composition of Indian society. 12. Discuss Dharma as a cardinal principle of hindu social organization. 13. Highlight functions of caste system in Indian social system. 14. Point out the disadvantages of Indian patriarchal joint family. 15. Bring out the social philosophy underlying the reservation system practised in India. 16. Elucidate the features of hindu marriage. 17. Outline the sanctions attached to caste system. PART – C Answer any TWO questions in 1200 words each. (2 x 20 = 40) 18. Examine Ashrama and Varna as two systemic principles structuring the preIslamic society in India. 19. Evaluate the validity of various ‘theories’ related to the rise of caste system. 20. Discuss the changing trends in Indian family with the sociological implication. 21. Discuss the status of women in Post-colonial India. # # # # # #