Ethan Frome - St. John United Church of Christ

ST JOHN UCC – October 2015 / page 1
Pastor Mark's Thoughts
October 2015
From across the desk…
I couldn’t find a good place to write this so I chose my office.  As I begin to write this
newsletter article, the weather is warm and sunny. Nothing like a beautiful September day in which to
reflect on the many things that are going on here at St. John’s. And although this weather is not fall
like at the moment, we are beginning one of my favorite seasons of the year, of course with some
snow mixed in! This time of year also marks one of my favorite past times, football!  As my
excitement about the coming months and season is growing, we at St. John’s are celebrating!
Last month at St. John we celebrated together on Rally Day, bringing new members into our
faith family, starting another Sunday school year and adding, yes adding, a Junior and Senior High
class. We also had a great turnout at the Trenton-Fest parade with a VBS themed float. I wish to
thank all those who helped make it a success and also to thank Tim and Darci Materkowski for their
time, truck and trailer! It was a great time and a very exciting September for all involved!
And now as we move into October we do so with our annual, Wurstmarkt, which is on Oct 4 th
from 11 am to 6 pm. I am very excited to see the amount of fellowship that will go on and if it is
anything close to our spaghetti dinner in August, you do not want to miss out on the fun, fellowship
and great food that will be served! As a reminder, please wear your red St John shirts that day!
Moving from celebration into reflection, we enter this time of year considering our upcoming
budget for 2016. It is a time that we are all called to prayerfully look at and seriously reflect on.
Specifically, what missions and events are important to all of us and how do we support and continue
these missions going forward? The Christian Education, the VBS program, the full time ministry and
so many more only exist here at St. John because faithful people like yourselves and previous
generations before you considered them to be important in their lives and the lives of their children.
In reflecting about our lives as God-given opportunities in which to grow and believing that we
are the change, we are at a crucial time when we are writing the history of what St. John’s in Trenton
will be. This is a wonderful opportunity to thank God for the blessings that are bestowed upon us and
it is our challenge to find a way to continue on. As we all journey together to continue to be the
church, a welcoming, friendly and mission oriented place for all, may we do so knowing that through
Christ, all things are possible!
It is with these words from Philippians 4:13: “I can do all this through him who gives me
strength” in which to reflect on that I will end my piece this month. Believing that we all have the ability
through Christ to be the service and sacrifice that God needs to make His world better. Changes that
we prayerfully make today in our lives will help shape the future for St John to celebrate many more
May the peace of Christ be with all of you.
Pastor Mark
ST JOHN UCC – October 2015 / page 2
St. John Prayer List
Countryside Manor – 450 West First Street – Aviston IL 62216: Marty Isler, Ann Lauer
Trenton Village – 980 E. Broadway – Trenton IL 62293: Betty Becker, Jack Milligan, Joyce Schmitt,
Joellen Kimmle
Breese Nursing Home - 1155 N. 1st Street - Breese IL 62230: Red Kuhn
Clinton Manor – 111 E. Illinois Ave. – New Baden IL 62265: Marge Yohe, Bob Schmitt
Faith Countryside - 100 Faith Drive - Highland, IL 62249: Marge Goble
Magnolia Terrace - 623 Hamacher St. - Waterloo, IL 62298: Velva McGavock
Summit Place NMB - 491 Hwy 17N, Apt. # 306 - Little River, SC 29566: Miriam Huelsmann
At Home: Hal Wehrle, Deb Athmer
Worship Participants
Thank you for your service to the church!!
October 4: Tim & Cheryl Bair
October 11: Shan & Rylee Toennies
October 18: Mike & Mickey Williamson
October 25: Olin & Eileen Hoffmann
October 4: Youth member
October 11: Youth member
October 18: Youth member
October 25: Youth member
October 4: Lisa Groennert
October 11: Maddie Henderson
October 18: Hank Henderson
October 25: TBA
October 4:
October 11:
October 18:
October 25:
If you can be a liturgist for a Sunday or a series of
Sundays, there is a sign-up sheet on the table in
the narthex. Thank you!
If you can supply the Coffee Hour refreshments
for a first Sunday of the month in 2015, there is a
sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex. Thank
Karen & Ed Koch
Women’s J.O.Y. Fellowship
Worship Committee
Congregational Life
Pastor Mark can be contacted at 224-9828 (work) or 224-6009 (home) or Pastor's
general office hours are 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Tuesday through Friday with Mondays off. Meetings are by
October: Cathy Haller
ST JOHN UCC – October 2015 / page 3
October 3
Lois Klein
October 4
Jessica Schaeffer
October 6
Steve Feldmann & Lonna Patton
October 6
Tom Kuhn
October 7
Velva McGavock
October 12
John & Lisa Groennert
October 8
Chris Bates
October 11
Emily Von Bokel
October 24
Mark & Kim Stryjak
October 13
Ryan Von Bokel
October 15
Curt Wesselmann
October 18
William Koentz
John Groennert
October 20
Brandy Sells
October 19
Ed Koch
October 22
Fred Lucas, III
October 23
Abigayle Haller
October 24
Don Bair
Adam Brichler
October 25
Rod Schaeffer
October 21
Ron Bean
October 28
Dorothea Louden
Jorja Wernle
Clayton Holloway and parents Dan
and Lauren are pleased to announce
the birth of Jacob Brian on June 4th.
Jacob was born at St Joseph's in
Breese and weighed 7lbs 8 oz and
20&3/4 inches long. Maternal
grandparents are Brian and Lynn Kunz of Trenton and
paternal grandparents are Jim and Cindy Holloway of
We would like to welcome JoAnn
Turner who joined the church on
Pentecost and Heather & Jake
Johnson who joined on Rally Day.
We are glad you are here and
hope you enjoy your new church home.
October 27
Ollie & Marie Bair
Brenda Crisp, director at Kindercottage sent this
note after receiving the dental health items
collected by St. John members: "Whenever you
donate - you donate! Everyone has new
toothbrushes for now and rooms shared the
numbers of toothpaste tubes - we were blessed.
Inside a bag, I spotted animal cookies but didn't let
the little ones see them. This time the "big kids"
got your treat. Thank you! Your generosity is
definitely appreciated."
Pastor Louis Fluck, who has been a long-time
supply pastor at St. John was sent a card last
month from the congregation. He sent these
thanks: "I arrived home after vacation and found in
my stack of accumulated mail a remembrance
card from the people of St. John UCC in Trenton.
It was a delightful surprise and much appreciated."
St. John also thanks:
 Everyone who helped with the float at the
Trenton Fest parade
 All those who help with the signs, raffle,
desserts, applesauce and workers in
preparation for the Wurstmarkt
 The J.O.Y. for taking on the concession
stand at the auction at Wilma's house
 Christian Ed for organizing activities on
Rally Day
ST JOHN UCC – October 2015 / page 4
...The Council President
Your St. John Council is tackling the issue of how to plan for next year’s budget.
This is a very tough task as we are faced with questions related to what to plan for giving in
2016 versus the deficit spending that has been in place these past three years. I would like
to say that we want to present a balanced budget at the November budget meeting but at
this time that is not a clear picture at all. I think we will present a ‘stay the course’ budget
and ask that our congregation prayerfully consider whether or not we can meet that budget
with our giving.
Here are some highlights from the September 15th meeting:
 Our average Sunday service attendance did pick up in August to 65 from July’s average of 54. The
average for August 2014 was 66 folks.
 Our total expenses through August were actually under budget by $193 for the year but giving is below
budget by about $36,000. Spending versus revenue is negative $37,378 through August.
 Our cash in the bank reflects these numbers.
o St John ended the year 2014 with a total of $81,032 in the General, Money market and
CD accounts.
o As of the end of August these three accounts have $43,146 on hand.
o This drop of $37,886 corresponds to the “spending versus revenue” numbers noted
We ask that everyone prayerfully consider your giving pledge as we move into 2016.
Musings from the Church Mouse
When I tore up the top of my foot in a motorcycle/sidecar accident, I accepted that I
would not be moving about as freely as I previously did. What I was not prepared for was
how drastically my whole life was about to change. Suddenly nothing was simple. Whatever
I did involved maneuvering crutches to get me there.
The church runs smoothly in mission and ministry when we each use and share our
gifts and do our part. When we cannot or will not do our part, the entire body suffers.
Sometimes we must stretch ourselves to do more. Sometimes we must graciously accept
offered assistance. We work together as God's Servants.
What percentage of your income, your time and your talents is God calling you to
give? As we get older, it is not the things we did that we often regret, but the things we didn't
do. "For we are God's servants, working together, you are God's field, God's building." - 1
Corinthians 3:9.
Lord, help me to joyfully do my part for the good of your church. Amen.
Men's Fellowship Breakfast
For October the Men's Fellowship Breakfast will be on Tuesday, October 6
at 8:00 AM. All men of the congregation are invited to join us for good food and
great fellowship at Good Ol' Days in New Baden. If there are other men's
fellowship activities you would like to participate in, please talk to Pastor Mark.
ST JOHN UCC – October 2015 / page 5
Women’s J.O.Y. Fellowship
The monthly trip to Kindercottage was undertaken this week. Lots of things
were sent to East St. Louis. Fifty-eight tooth brushes, forty-one tubes of toothpaste,
thirty packages of floss, and one bottle of mouthwash will help with the dental health
needs of the children. In addition, five nice wooden puzzles were sent to entertain
and educate, nine pairs of socks, a new pair of PJ's, a hoodie and a fleece blanket , five sippy cups, a phone
case, and enough animal crackers to keep the kids snacking happily for weeks. There were even some Box
Tops thrown in this month. Last but not least, three large bags of school supplies that didn't get there last
month were taken along. You know, there is always some child who says, "My dog ate my ...". This should
take care of that problem.
The collection for October 11 will be diaper or pull ups, sizes 2 thru 6. Thank you for your continued
support as Kindercottage battles the ongoing financial crisis at the State level.
The next J.O.Y. meeting will be October 6 at 7:00 PM.
Wurstmarkt Information
The raffle committee is collecting items for Wurstmarkt. Please place those items
in the library, church office, or give to Margie. Please have items in by Saturday,
October 3 so your donations can be catalogued. If you need extra raffle tickets, Margie
has a supply or check the JOY mail box. Money and tickets being returned can also go to
Margie or the office.
We need two pies, or one cake, from each family. For your convenience we have
a sign-up sheet for you to purchase a pie (or two) from Berkemanns bakery in New Baden
which will be delivered to the church early Sunday morning.. Please remember we
cannot serve cream or pumpkin pies or cheesecakes. We have many requests for gooseberry and
rhubarb pies. This is the favorite part of the meal for many people so fire up your oven.
Jar Donations
During the first three weeks in October we will have three jars out for donations. One will be for
Christian Home Care Services, Inc. which is currently in a severe budget shortfall because of Illinois budget
cuts. A letter is on the bulletin board in the narthex regarding an appeal to churches.
The second jar will be to help with our budgeted obligations for Our Church's Wider Mission
(O.C.W.M.), which funds the work we do in the Associations, Conferences and in the national and global
The third will be for our delegates, Stan and Lois Clark, to take to the Illinois South
Conference annual meeting in October. This is also called the "Noisy Offering" as each
church attending is asked to bring change donated by members and is designated to go
for DuBois Center. So this jar will be for your loose change only (no bills, please) and will
be at the entrance to the sanctuary each Sunday until October 18. The change will be
taken in a metal can (so our offering will be noisy) and we can show how we support
DuBois Center! We appreciate your generosity towards these missions.
In addition to the noisy offering noted above, each church attending the ISC
annual meeting is asked to bring items for Hoyleton Ministries for their children's home
in Hoyleton, IL. These "Wish List" items are cleaning products, personal hygiene
products and paper products. A full listing is on the Hoyleton bin out in the narthex.
Please have your items here by October 18 so our delegates can add them to the
stack at the annual meeting and show how we support Hoyleton!
ST JOHN UCC – October 2015 / page 6
Trenton Woman's Club News
After their summer break, the Trenton Woman's Club will be meeting once again
on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 PM at St. John. In addition they will be
holding their annual rummage sale on Saturday, October 24th from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
To prepare for this event the Woman's Club will be collecting items for their rummage
sale starting October 12 in the Fellowship Hall downstairs. If you have any questions
about the group or the rummage sale, please call Cathy Haller at 224-7914.
C.H.C.S., Inc.
Many, many thanks for the AWESOME support St. John and Trenton have
given to this year's Christian Home Care Services, Inc. annual FUN Fundraiser "All
Things Chocolate" which was held on September 27th. Trenton provided 45 (!)
donations/baskets and 18(!) were from St. John!! We enjoy sharing with others the
numbers of church members and friends who support CHCS, Inc. with donations for
"All Things Chocolate."
Thanks for all the help and support you, the members of St. John, always provide! For questions or
further information, contact Stan or Lois Clark at 224-7653 or Stan's cell 406-1564 or Lois' cell 406-1565.
Highlights of September 15th Council
Members: Hank Henderson-President, Dustin Atwood-Vice President, Cathy Haller-Treasurer,
Bev Rogers-Secretary, Tim Bair, Greg Erdmann, Marian Funk, Lisa Groennert, and Connie
(Official copies of the Minutes are available upon request.)
 Budget
o Financial status
o Cash and Investments
o Expenses versus Budget
 Stewardship program/pledge cards
 Financial committee/2016 budget
 St John website update progress
o Online giving
o Online sermons
 Replacing church’s garage door
 Replacing parsonage inner garage/kitchen door
 Adult Sunday School class
 October 6th Blood drive will be held here
 Council next meeting is October 20th, 7pm.
ST JOHN UCC – October 2015 / page 7
Welcome everyone to autumn. Can you believe by the time you read this, we will have
been in school for over six weeks? Every morning, as we complete the daily calendar, the
year seems to be rushing by us. I am amazed at all the students have accomplished in such
a short time span. We have made many new friends. We have practiced walking quietly in
lines. We have learned to wait somewhat patiently for all our peers to wash hands and say
grace before eating snack. We have tried many snack items such as kiwi, grapes, carrot
cake, pumpkin pie bagels, and others. We have practiced numbers, colors, letters, shapes, and many other
things. We have completed projects using brads, scissors, lacing items, tape, glue, and colored with crayons,
markers, and colored pencils. We have read many stories and learned to sing several songs. Yet, there are
many more “new” things to experience and try. Most importantly, we are having fun!
Our classes have been in continual change and growth. As of the end of September, we will have forty-six
students! We are very blessed to have so many wonderful children attending Rainbow. Ms Misty and Ms Lori
are kept very busy. The students “hit the ground running” during center time every morning, several have a
daily ritual. He/she comes in, hangs up his/her backpack, hugs mom or dad or perhaps grandma or grandpa,
then goes and gets his/her favorite puzzle or the art table, or perhaps builds with Legos or magnets. It is really
cute to watch. It is not so cute when we rotate centers. Several question change very quickly.
We recently acquired a few “new” items. The most notable is the green couch that can hold three of our
youngsters while looking at books. We also have new stools in the kitchen center. A table in the Lego area is
used to build and share, making much more fun than on the floor. I would extend a huge thank-you to Jerry
and Karz Recycling in New Baden. It is great to have such good resource in our community when budgets are
The students enjoyed the tent area. However, we recently replaced and rotated the centers. For the last
couple of weeks, the students have been fishing for alphabet fish. We have also rotated several puzzles and
other manipulatives. Although many do not like changing the room appearance, they do enjoy new toys.
There are a couple of dates to be aware of in the future. October 6th , Kaskaskia College Concert and Jazz
bands will present their first “free” concert of the year. It will be awesome! October 12th is Columbus Day and
Rainbow will be closed. On October 29th and 30th, we will have our Halloween Celebrations. We will have a
Pajama Day in place of costumes. More information will be provided as we get closer to that day. In
November, we will be closed on November 11th in honor of Veterans’ Day. In conjunction with Wesclin, we will
also be closed on November 25 - 27 for Thanksgiving. Please keep December 12th blocked on your calendar
from 3:30m until about 5pm. The children have been asked to sing at the annual St. John UCC Ecumenical
Christmas Concert. We are working on the details with Pastor Mark. In past years, the children performed
towards the beginning of the evening. Then the students sit in a designated area with Rainbow Staff and
watch the remaining performances by the St. John UCC and other Trenton churches. We will provide more
information as time progresses.
Happy birthday wishes go to several students and staff. A very “Happy Birthday
wish goes to Ella Schott and Mikey Stryjak on September 3rd, Tyler Davis on
September 8th, Nash Brokering on September 13th, Emma Mueller and Ms Lori on
September 14th, and Bella Johnson on September 23rd ! We hope you all had a
wonderful day. I know we enjoyed the wonderful snack celebrations!
We had a great first “Share Day”. The students did an awesome job standing in front of the class in circle
time and telling us about his/her favorite pet! We will try to have a special day each month. Pastor Mark has
begun his special story time with the students. It is always fun to have him come into the class, read, and
share with our kids! It helps us gauge how we are doing in teaching the kids “proper” classroom etiquette.
Plus, we love the time Pastor Mark can spend with us. We also have a special “secret” visitor coming in late
October. He stopped in a couple of weeks ago to be sure our dates were available. So many exciting things
are happening. The year is progressing very positively!
On that note, in the last few weeks I have noticed some interesting events. As I have been shopping for
snacks, supplies, and other items, I have been amazed at some of the “inappropriate” behaviors by not only
drivers, but how people treat others in stores (especially clerks), restaurants, etc. Usually, it reminds me why I
dislike shopping. Today, I decided I was no longer going to become part of the entire negative. So as for my
part, I began smiling and offering a verbal greetings to people in parking lots, encouraging people to take my
turn in line, holding doors a few extra seconds for just one more person, and saying thank you and smiling with
ST JOHN UCC – October 2015 / page 8
every transaction. As for the drivers, I am still working on that frustration. My daughter
laughed and said people will think I am strange. So be it. Think how different it would be if
we each found one tiny way to make some stranger smile and realize others cared! It really
helps keep your own piece of positive energy while dealing with others around you! It reminds
me of the little smiles as Pastor Mark “high five’s” each child as the line walks in from outside
I hope each of you is enjoying the year as much as I am. If you hear your child singing Christmas carols,
refer to the paragraph above about future dates. If he/she is singing about hairy bats or ladybugs, that is
normal too. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
American Red Cross Blood Drive
Tuesday, October 6th, 2:00 to 7:00 PM
Call 1-800-RED CROSS to make an appointment or go to
Congratulations to Stan and Lois Clark for being recognized
at the Illinois State Fair by Illinois Comptroller Leslie
Geissler Munger for their many years of volunteerism and
dedication to the Boy and Girl Scouts. They have devoted
a combined 130 volunteer years to Scouting. Way to go!
The pastor will be out of town to Minnesota for continuing
education on October 5-7. He will be back in the office October 8.
The Secretary will also be out of office on 10/9 and 10/14 for
personal days.
Have a safe and fun
Halloween but don't forget that
Daylight Saving Time ends on
November 1 so set your clocks
back one hour before you go
to bed Saturday.