Globalisation and Fashion Learning Objectives Key Questions -Understand what globalisation means; -be aware of role of trans-national corporations (TNCs) and marketing; -explore idea of globalisation and recognise its implications for people, places and environments, and for their own lives; -be able to plan and carry out an enquiry; -present findings graphically and in writing; -reach conclusions based on evidence What is interdependence ? What’s the difference between a brand and a product? Learning Activities Week 1 Lesson 1 Suggested Homework Success Criteria (teacher indication) Cards, bk p62 Wall display STARTER Mind map – complete on ‘globalisation’ INTRODUCTION Global jeans – card exercise (Geog 3 p62) DEVELOPMENT Nike statements – True or False??? PLENARY Write down 3 things you’ve learnt about Nike – take feedback D:\533575711.doc Resources Have they grasped the main points about globalisation? Can they …? Globalisation and Fashion Learning Objectives to be able to ask questions about a picture to develop critical visual literacy skills – turn a picture into words to write a geographical description Key Questions What is interdependence? What’s the difference between a brand and a product? Learning Activities Week 1 Lesson 2 STARTER Mind map - Nike INTRODUCTION Photos of Niketown plus questions or Compass Rose activity DEVELOPMENT Draft description to write up for homework – give paragraph headings? PLENARY Condense knowledge into 5-line poem (see prompt sheet) D:\533575711.doc Resources Suggested Homework Success Criteria (teacher indication) Laminated sets of photos Write up description of Niketown Can they …? Questions/and/ or Compass Rose sheets Explain the difference between a product and a brand Understand why branding is such an important concept to the TNCs Write a description of a place Globalisation and Fashion Learning Objectives Key Questions Learning Activities Week 2 Lesson 1 To understand the conditions Nike products are made in ; To understand the reason why EPZs (Export Processing Zones) exist; To develop awareness of what is a good piecce of descriptive writing; What are conditions like in Cavite, Rosario? Why did Carmelita die? What does that make you feel about your own clothes? STARTER Read descriptions of Niketown and select what they think is their best descriptive sentence (if they have not got one they will write it now!) Swop with partner and see if they agree Have a few good ones read out and maybe one or two that there were disagreements about How can you now INTRODUCTION improve your own writing? Explain now they have written descriptions of Niketown they are going to look at descriptions of the actual production D:\533575711.doc Resources Suggested Homework 6 extracts from ‘No Logo’ by Naomi Klein Go home and look in wardrobes and write down where all their clothes / trainers are manufactured Cards in envelopes (1 per group) of features of good descriptive writing – see sheet Success Criteria (teacher indication) Can they …? Understand athe need for EPZs Relate ideas around branding to their own experiences of advertising and promotion of products Identify aspects of good geographical descriptive writing DEVELOPMENT Close reading of selected passages 1) In groups of 4-5 reading same passage looking at different features 2) In groups made up of 6 people who read different passages sharing their findings PLENARY Ask for examples of different features from groups (maybe back in original groups?) D:\533575711.doc Globalisation and Fashion Learning Objectives Key Questions Learning Activities Week 2 Lesson 2 To redraft their own descriptive writing incorporating at least 3 of the features they identified last lesson How can they improve their first draft of descriptive writing? STARTER Brainstorm features of good geographical descriptive writing from last lesson - SNOWBALL INTRODUCTION What did they discover about your own clothes??? Explain they are going to use the features they identified from ‘No Logo’ extract to improve their own work DEVELOPMENT Look at own description of Niketown and choose 3 or more features to incorporate into a redraft D:\533575711.doc Resources Suggested Homework Success Criteria (teacher indication) Redraft original description of Niketown Can they …? Add one or two paragraphs about what they have discovered about Cavite with a conclusion expressing their personal opinion about Nike Redraft their own work including aspects of good geographical descriptive writing Reach a conclusion and express an opinion based on evidence Rewrite 2 sentences in lesson using new ideas PLENARY Teacher asks a few pupils to read out redrafted sentences; get other pupils to comment on how effective they think they are D:\533575711.doc